Design space under the staircase: stylish and functional solutions (95 photos). Ways to design a staircase in a private house Using space under the stairs in a private house

Decor elements 30.08.2019
Decor elements

The staircase is a pretty bulky design. And if you live in a cottage, whose area with hectare, it is she who takes the precious meters of useful space. But this little trouble can be wrapped in favor of themselves - the main thing, to show a little imagination.

We offer interesting projects that really implement themselves. Also in our publication will find a hint how to make a storage room under the stairs in apartment house.

Storeroom under the staircase in a private house is a luxury that not everyone may afford.

  • In fact, the pantry is a small room, with an organized place to store various things. But the attic space is not in every house can afford to go, and even turn on such a tiny platform.
  • Therefore, often instead of the storeroom, cabinets and shelves for storing various baubles are organized.

Note: On how to organize an independently similar design, we told in our publication "".

  • As in the cabinets, and in the storerooms under the staircase, you can store anything. In essence, it is more a matter of convenience. But there is one big plus pantry in front of the cabinets: it is universal.
  • Namely, it can be hiding a simple shellf to which you can put shoes, and handbags, and dishes, and products. When "insides" such cabinets need to be thought out in advance for content. What if the plans change? Then the cabinets will have to be replaced.

Consider the very popular ideas Organization of stairs with storage rooms, and the degree of their convenience in one way or another:

  • If near the kitchen - In this situation, various edible supplies and dishes are logical in the storage room. This is especially convenient if you are a fan of home preservation. Such close space is most convenient as possible, and will place forever interfere with the necessary flask banks.

Another option is storing vegetables. It will fit, even in a small storage room, at least a few bags with roots. The only minus is if the heating pipes are held nearby, it is not profitable to store vegetables in such a room, since they are very quickly ruined.

  • If near the corridorMore convenient to locate in the storeroom mini-dressing room. Here the seasonal outerwear and a bunch of handbags will fit perfectly. Also an interesting option There will be an arrangement under the ladder of the shoes, especially if fashionista lives in the house.

  • If near the living room. If the staircase is near common room, dining room or guest, it is best to organize space under it with taste and delight. Let such a storeroom become a centering element of the design, and at the same time will keep the units of useful area. Excellent example It is the wine burner behind the glass door. And aesthetically, and the hottest is always at hand, which is very convenient when guests. Yes, and make racks for bottles with your own hands is not so difficult.

  • If in the house children, There will always be extra and bored toys that roll around the rooms. It seems to be a pity, because the kids sometimes play in them. But also tolerate this chaos is neither forces nor nerves. Why not make a warehouse of such toys under the stairs? From time to time they can be taken, and after back to the shelf, when the kid played. Yes, and collect them much more convenient to put them, which is constantly wearing on the second floor, where the game and children's game are located as usual.

  • If the owner of needlewomanThe storage room under the stairs to the second floor can be a real "refuge". The one who is passionate about, in any kind of creativity, know that it is always uncomfortable to put their hot belongings. After all, the longer you do the needlework, the more items appear for him. And in the storage room you can arrange everything.

By the way, not only avid needlewomen can be fully claimed on the pretentious space. Here, with the same convenience, you can arrange fishing gear, an inflatable boat, a tent, guns or all the same tools. Such a male corner is simply needed in the house - especially if there is no garage or workshop yet.

  • Convenient and practical staircase with storage room for organizing a small room of modern Cinderella. Here you can comfortably accommodate and vacuum cleaner, and mops, and ironing the board, and a bunch of any household chemicals, and the sea of \u200b\u200ba variety of rags and sponges. What is not a dream for those who like to keep all the general items in one and easily accessible place?

As you can see, the storage room under the staircase is a universal storage location of any things and products. It remains only to penetrate the shelves, and determine the main "subject" of things that will be stored here.

Space under the stairs in the entrance

Storeroom under the stairs in a private house thing is good when in an apartment building is just a real apple of discord between neighbors. Someone keeps the carriages there, which are always not accomplished, someone leaves bicycles, and some are still, and the real chaos reigns there.


Want to "stick" this space, but do not know how to make a storage room under the stairs?

  • The first one you need to work - take permission in writing for each neighbor, that it is not against your construction.
  • If this fails, you can offer to make public household, where everyone can store their belongings.
  • Also need to contact the local hob with this question. There will be prompted whether it is necessary to document such a building.
  • All "hit"? Then you can proceed to the implementation of the plan.

Someone makes metal partitions - it is reliable, although the price of such material "bites" by order. Plywood for the walls of the household is also a good option, but it is very easy to break and carry a loot.

Where the blocks or second-rate brick will cost more savory. You only need to build one small wall, and put a door that can be purchased on the sale, or domestic from a neighbor doing repairs. And all - your hotel is ready.

Phased design of the settlement under the stairs

Our small I. detailed instructions Tell about how to make a storage room under the stairs for the most necessary. Although it is small in size, but the principle of arrangement is similar to large spaces.


We prepare everything you need:

  • level, roulette, pencil;
  • material for wall decoration under the staircase, if necessary. In our case, this is plaster, but you can take the panels;
  • bars to create the base of the shelves;
  • for the shelves themselves, you can take a polished board or paneur;
  • facades - in our case glued wood, but can be ordered already ready solutions in accordance with the common interior;
  • expendable fastening materialYou can also accommodate hooks on the doors, for example, as in our case.

The process will consider in stages:

  • Stage 1. Preparation

You can make a storage room in advance, at the stage of finishing at home, then you will not need to clean the facade, which masks the space under the stairs. If it is not, then wonderful, you can begin to step 2. Otherwise, we offer a small photo report, how quickly and gently remove the plasterboard panel.

  • Stage 2. Finishing

We bring our storekeck to a neat state. You can simply cover the walls of the plaster, paint, or leave wallpaper remnants.

  • Stage 3. We make racks

It's time to organize space. From BRUSEV, we make a suitable frame and hang the shelves. The main thing, do not overdo it. If a place in the storeroom is not enough, and the shelves are big and often packed, then something will be uncomfortable in it.

  • Stage 4. Turn the door

For a more aesthetic look, and for the reliability of fasteners, you first need to make a small edge. In our case, simple blackboard Cuts off nails to the wall.

Now you can safely hang facades. In our case, they non-standard size and asymmetric. If you do not know how to make measurements correctly, to order doors, it is better to call the designer or the measizer.

If necessary, hang hooks - and we can enjoy a full new pantry.

We looked at a few options: how to make a storage room under the stairs. Do you organize a lot common use, or wine cellar in the living room - know that in creative approach, we can competently place a lot of things in such bins. The main thing is to correctly plan the layout of the shelves.

Due to the inclination, the staircase occupies a significant part of the area, to ignore which it would be unreasonable. After all, space under the stairs in country house It can become a fully functional and self-sufficient part of the dwelling.

Underproof rooms under the stairs

An empty space under the staircase, which takes a significant part of the free area, can be turned out of a lack of dignity. Moreover, interesting design and thoughtful execution will make this part country house or giving a wint of the entire interior. We offer you original use options for this room: from a place to store products to equipment of a full kitchen, a bathroom, a library, or a working office.

Toilet or bathroom

Under great staircase The places are quite enough to arrange the toilet with the wage, shower or bath. As a rule, they are equipped as additional premises for guests.

The room will be needed for the toilet:

  • width from 1.2 m;
  • 2.3 m long;
  • height from 2.6 m (closer to the angles the smallest height of up to 1 m).

Indoors where tenants or guests can fully wash out, it will take a little more places - One of its walls should have a size sufficient to install at least a seating bath or shower. Do not forget only that such premises require not only high-quality ventilation, but also waterproofing floors and vaporizolation of walls and ceiling. Subject to all the above requirements, it is possible to equip a miniature bath or sauna here.

Bathroom will seem visually spacious if used decoration Materials light tones and mirrors. With dim light, a part of the space is being built, so it will take care of sufficient lighting.

In every country house there are many things: skis, bike, stroller, stewing, ironing board, vacuum cleaner and other bulky items whose placement sometimes becomes a real problem.

Free space under the stairs to the second floor in this case will be as impossible by the way. Especially since it is close to the entrance door. But it will be possible to use it as a storeroom in the absence of batteries or heating pipes here.

The space under the staircase is also suitable for storing seasonal things: coat, coats, down jackets, raincoats, jackets, shoes, etc. The options for the location of cabinets there is a lot - it all depends only on the free square and your desire.

Retractable structures, closed bulk part, not only original, but also very comfortable. A small space under the staircase is not necessarily hiding behind the door. If you pick up cabinets in the same style as the other furniture items, they will look harmonious and stylish.

Storage of products

In the absence of a celler, a part of the blanks that do not require to store the reduced temperature are stacked on the shelves under the staircase. Here are stored and rarely used kitchen utensils. It is possible to equip in such a room and the repository for ready-made, already closed wines (for their excerpts still need a cooler room).

To light as small as possible on the bottles, it will be necessary to take care of dark or tinted doors. For real winemakers, it is also the opportunity once again Demonstrate the benefits of the fruits of their work.

Functional zones

Depending on the size, configuration and location in the house, the premium space can be used as independent functional zones or parts of them.


In most cases, the staircase is near the entrance door, so under it there is a part of furniture from the hallway - a wardrobe or hanger and a shelf for shoes. It will be relevant to a small banquette or even a sofa, which will be possible to sit down, shooting or putting on shoes.

If you pick up the furniture to the tone of the main hallway, the room can be not closed by a door. Here you can accommodate the coffee table and a couple of chairs.

In this case, the guests waiting for the owners will be able, not in a hurry, to extract fresh press. Mirror, stand under umbrellas and bedside table for seasonal things or bags enthusiastically interior.


It is placed under the staircase mainly with a lack of area, when to save each meter. But with a reasonable approach, even from the premium space, you can make a full kitchen.

Standard furniture here is not suitable - due to the specifics of the architecture, it will have to be made to order or collect it with your own hands. First of all, it is necessary to consider the gasket of communication and exhaust. Otherwise, passing from the plate and car wash will quickly lead wooden designs. To often not bend, in the place of a small lift of the staircase, it is better to equip cabinets, which will have to be used less frequently.

Use another option - for washing, plates and cabinets, the room is located nearby, and only a fridge, freezer, washing and dishwashers are placed under the staircase.

Heated firewood or coal fireplace under a wooden or log staircase - not the most best idea. But if the staircase has a concrete base, this option is quite possible. It is only necessary to consider the place to remove the burnt fuel - chimney.

Depending on the overall style, such a center can be separated by tiles, brick, stone or wood.

Equipment electrical fireplace Under the stairs B. wooden house Much easier and safer. Especially since modern models Electrocamines externally differ little from ordinary, heated wood.


A small home library with favorite publications can be located in a niche under the stairs. Shelves or wardrobe are installed most often under the staircase itself, and a small table and a couple of comfortable chairs are located nearby.

Shelves with books can be combined with a sleeping place - a small sofa or sofa. Pretty spacious top part Niche in this case will not be empty.


If the house does not have the opportunity to allocate a significant area for the working office, the space under the staircase can be used for these purposes. It can be like a full-fledged room with a computer table, a comfortable chair, bookcaseAnd a small corner with a pair of chairs, one or two shelves and a coffee table.

Part of the furniture can be reached out of the stairs. For instance, computer desk Install in a niche, and the shelves with office equipment and books place nearby.

Note that the workbook should be well lit. It will be better if the lighting is not only local, but also point. To do this, you can use both several fixtures built into the ceiling and floor lamps, which will give the room a special comfort and harmony.

Rest zone

Depending on the size of the pop-up space, you can equip a full-fledged bed or a small corner for relaxation.

A comfortable couch, a sofa or even one-sole chair really install even in a small niche. If you do a small window in this place, your households will be able to enjoy the surrounding landscape in the evenings or simply dream in a half.

Children's play area

The space under the stairs is a ready-made house, in which the younger family members will spend free time with interest. A small room is not better consistent with the ideas of children about comfort. It remains only to make the door for him and equip children's game furniture. Depending on the tendencies of the child, the room can be issued as puppet Domika, sports corner or art workshop.

Be sure to take care of high-quality lighting. The twilight in the children's room is unacceptable. So that the room seemed more spacious, try to use more light, pastel shades in the trim. Revive the corner will help bright figures of favorite cartoon characters on walls or furniture housings.

You can equip the baby bedroom in this place, installing a small sofa bed in a niche or a full-fledged one-or bunk bed. Bright pillows, soft, fluffy blanket will make this corner unusually cozy.


Under the stairs there is enough space and for the arrangement of a full-fledged bar. The rack and chairs are located in the highest part of the span.

When equipping such a room, it is left open or equipped with a light door. Here you can place the shelf for glasses and a small refrigerator for drinks.

Placement of furniture

Standard furniture in space under the staircase will not be able to install. But experts offer today individual projects Any kinds of cabinets, racks and other furniture of any, even the most unexpected form and sizes.


Design open room under the stairs, including cabinets, must coincide with color decision and the style of the rest of the interior.

You can order any number of shelves and shelves for the cabinet, deaf or glass doors, which can be both sliding and swinging.


Replace a full cabinet whole system Shelves or racks - in some cases it will even be more convenient. They look less cumbersome, but things are not less in them. Here you can accommodate a TV, family photos, children's toys, put aquarium, equipment, etc.

If there is an additional backlight or window on the shelves, you can arrange design flower pots.

If you have a little joinery experience, then an unusual rack can be collected with your own hands.


A sleeping place under the staircase is a cozy corner for recreation residents at home or guests. Here you can use a bed or a sofa in the form of a transformer so that for the day it could be collected, freeing free space.

Bright pillows and a cozy soft plaid will help such a sleeping place. For children, you can order an unusual bunk bed.


A soft corner under the staircase can be a continuation of the living room or be a separate interior item designed to leisure tenants or reception of visitors.

The walls on the side of the sofa can be equipped with shelves on which not too heavy items will be stored.

Original idea - boxes in steps

The device of the staircase with drawers in the steps looks very unusual. In a closed form, it forms an original design that can become a very attractive detail of the interior. You can store in them anything - from children's things to books or home utensils.

Retractable boxes under the staircase are obtained accommodated, because their size is limited only to the height of the ladder itself and the width of the steps. In order for them easily put forward, they are equipped with special mechanisms.

We listed only the basic ideas of rational use of space under the stairs. But you can embody your own idea - to establish a large aquarium here, equip a real garden from plants or even a cozy place for homemade PSA in the form of a roomy original booth. Any unusual and non-standard ideas will only give home individuality, make it a special cozy place where you want to come back again and again.

A properly involved space under the staircase will help not only use this zone using this zone, but also to create a unique design. A variety of variations are suitable for housekeeping of any area and planning.

Placing storage systems

Cup or wardrobe

To arrange the cabinet use classic doors or sliding system. Swing doors can be made of wood, they will look elegant. Depending on the presence of relief and material, they correspond to the classical and modern interior. The wardrobe allows you to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room due to the mirror rate. Shelves are set depending on personal preferences.

On the picture wooden cabinet Under the staircase with swing doors.


You can arrange with a side or back side of the staircase, this method is convenient for any part of the house. The width between the shelves may be equal, as a rule, they are fixed through one or two steps, or have completely different distance.

Unlike the shelves, the rack is a full-fledged open storage system. For convenience, the racks are drowning deep into the stairs on only a third or half.

Retractable cabinets and boxes

Retractable cabinets and boxes are convenient to use in the hallways for storing shoes, hats and other items. The location is performed by two types, in the side and in front of the steps.


Bookcases are performed on the principle of racks. Can be supplemented with doors or have an open storage system. Convenient option for office, library and living room. Shelves tend to have an equal size.

On photo storage used books open system Storage.

What room can be placed under the stairs?

If the space allows, then under the stairs you can place a toilet for a guest or a small bathroom with a shower. It is necessary to take into account the need for supplying electricity, water supply and ventilation at the stage of repair.

Based on modest sizes, it is better to use a bright palette for finishing. The height of the room must be comfortable, the perfect version will be human growth.


Under the staircase, you can organize a compact office. The depths are enough for the computer table, over which the shelves are located. If the area allows, the space can be made closed. This option is suitable for small rooms and in the event that the workplace is not constant. For a long stay, it is better to equip a full-fledged office.


In conditions small apartments or home space under the stairs is convenient to use for compact cuisine. The refrigerator is installed in the highest point, the rest takes the work surface and low technique. In case of installation hobs It is necessary to take into account the need for an exhaust, it will help to avoid deformation from moisture and temperatures of the staircase material.

On the picture


Using the entire length of the stairs, you can equip a full-fledged hallway, at the top of which the cabinet or hangers are for outerwear, then the shelves for shoes and trifles. Such a way saves space and does not grind the area in a narrow hallway.

From the space under the stairs, you can equip a full-fledged dressing room with sliding doors and storage system or place cabinets and couches.

It can also be retractable drawers, divided into segments to twice the height, in most of which the dresses are stored, and in lesser underwear and useful little things.

In the storage room it is convenient to store items for cleaning at home and garden or things that do not require frequent use. Storeroom can be equipped with two types. As a full room, with entrance door and internal lighting or in the form of retractable or swing cabinets.

In the photo a spacious closet closet with decorative shelves for a washing machine and cleaning equipment.

Boiler room

The space under the staircase will help hide the heating equipment, such as an electric and gas boiler or electrical. Without them, it is impossible to imagine life in the cottage, and an aesthetic look can only be achieved in a separate room.

Photo of furniture under a staircase


Little sofa recessed into the space under the stairs will give extra cozy place for relax. A full-fledged large sofa is difficult to accommodate into this space, optimal option It will be placed along the staircase wall.

On the picture


A small table under the staircase will perform the function of the working area or serve to place the interior items on it. Same good option It will be a mobile table on wheels, if necessary, it can be easily moved to any part of the room.


A roomy wall equipped in a niche under the staircase will be convenient for any room. You can build a TV and other technique, in the children's decoration elements, toys and books, and in the tableware and towels.


In a compact room good option Will be the placement of the bed under the stairs. Sleeping, fenced from all sides, will create a feeling of comfort.

On the photo under the staircase, a single bed with drawers is located.

It has a decorative and functional part. On the upper shelf you can put a vase and decorative elementsAnd the lockers give a useful space. It is also convenient to use roll-out courses made to order under the size of the stairs.


The cozy chair will harmoniously fit into this part of the room. Additional recreation area can be used as a place for reading and privacy. A cozy corner is formed in the company with flyer.

In the photo under the staircase, a wicker chair reading, actoker and bookshelves.


With the help of a mirror, you can visually "push the walls of the room. Under the stairs, it will not look intrusive, while adding light and more space.

Beat with a fireplace or oven

When choosing a fireplace, it is necessary to take into account the presence of chimney and comply with all safety regulations. Surfaces must be non-flammable and treated with special compositions. For the stove you need to provide a place under firewood. Such options are suitable for a country or country house.

Under the conditions of the urban apartment, the optimal option will be electric or biocamine. They do not produce harmful substances and are safer. However, biocamine does not differ in high performance and is larger than the decorative function.

Storage of products

Space can be equipped under the cellar. At room temperature, the room is suitable for non-perishable products, such as preservatives, spices, dry bulk mixes, cereals, oils and vegetables. For the category of products that require a lower temperature, it is better to use basement Or create the necessary temperature regime.

This option is suitable for a private house or cottage. Space can be equipped with racks and make swing doors. Thus, it will be effectively used, while have aesthetic appearance.

On the photo a closed space with a separate input for storing products.

The original and stylish interior solution will be a wine wardrobe under the staircase. This requires special air conditioning equipment. average temperature Wine storage 10-12 degrees and a sharp temperature difference can harm the drink. The racks need to be located horizontally, and the doors must pass a special processing that prevents the ingress of ultraviolet rays.

On the picture

Leisure and other ideas


Built-in TV allows you to fully use the space under the stairs. It can be attached to the wall and be installed on the end or rack. An interesting decision will be a contrast background of the wallpaper, he will focus on this wall.

Bar or bar

The bar under the stairs does not take much space, but will perfectly perform its functions. Several racks for drinks and glasses will create an atmosphere of a cozy bar. If the staircase is located in the corner of the room, then the bar counter successfully will fit and will not overload the space.

The Lounge Zone is a place where you can completely relax and distract from problems. Color decoration Depends on personal preferences. As a rule, these are calm bright shades. The lounge zone can be made a beautiful chair or a cozy sofa. Soft lighting will emphasize the hoody atmosphere.

In a photo in a niche, a cozy lounge zone was arranged in a niche under a staircase.

Children's house or children's corner

Children's house or corner will become a real treasure for children. The space can be disappeared by the doors, having received an isolated room or leave an angle open.

The interior can be originated by any subject, it all depends on the interests of the child and the imagination of the adult.

A compact place for sewing and creativity is successfully fitted into the space under the staircase. The table is installed in the corner and sewing machine. On the wall there may be numerous boxes for useful little things. It is worth providing bright lighting.

Dog or Cat House

Part or the entire area under the stairs can be given to your pets. A similar solution allows you to retakes to pets, as well as will not take place in the central part of the house.

On the photo, the staircase beat with a dog booth.

Photo of decorative ideas


Plants under high open stairs will give the garden atmosphere atmosphere. The garden can represent a group of pots, and the floor decorate the composition of the stones. In space you need to create lighting, it can be a natural light or artificially created.

Unusual and spectacular use of space, it is desirable it should be well visible. In this case, the aquarium will become the main "highlight" of the room. It is necessary to remember the necessary lighting and purchase of equipment for filtering and aeration of water.

In the photo aquarium built into the staircase span.

Vases, sculptures, figurines

Perfectly suitable for decorating deaf corners. The space will not look empty, but will be filled with elegant details.

Another unusual way Decoring space. A variety of technologies allow you to choose the most prominent option for the area and style of the house.

Useful and functional options

A comfortable solution will be a small laundry equipment under the stairs, except for the car there you can arrange a shelon for household chemicals. The room can be closed by doors.

On the photo under the staircase, there was a compact wardrobe with a washing machine.


With a shortage of space in the kitchen, the refrigerator can be taken under the staircase. Thus, he will not occupy a lot of place, but will imperceptibly hide in the opening.

Bicycles and strollers

Bicycles and strollers will not interfere, if they store them under the stairs. The space may be open or fenced with doors in the form of chulane or camork.

Door design under the stairs

Doors can merge with the general color gamut Or become a distinctive feature.

  • With minimalist design or small square Smooth glossy doors with miniature handles are suitable.
  • Wooden doors with beautiful relief correspond to the classic interior.
  • The doors of the cabinet compartment can have any image or a mirror insert, which will support the overall stylist.

On the picture

Applying a little fantasy is not only useful, but also beautifully use the space under the transition to the second floor. It can be a full room, rack or decor element.

Aug 14/11

Interesting ideas for using space under the stairs inside the house

Often there is a staircase in private houses or cottages leading to the second floor or in the attic room (under the attic). The design of the stairs is so diverse that the space of different sizes and forms is formed under each of them. So that such places are not empty, they can be equipped in several scenarios.

One of the most common options for using the population space is the location of the built-in closet there. It can be a completely spacious wardrobe under a staircase, in which you can hide a lot of things and at the same time, add a new note in the interior design of the room with a staircase.

This is the most practical option Use spaces under the staircase. You can put a children's bike, skiing, sleds, fishing tackles, folding, winter overweight and more. In principle, an analogue of a balcony, which is often used in the same way, but on the balcony or loggia, it turns out, and in Chulana under the staircase, everything that is currently at the moment is neatly hidden.

The chunnel can be arranged so that he impressed or approached the decoration of the walls of the room. Ideally, if the Chulana door is invisible. The inner part of Chulana can be equipped with various shelves, and then it will turn into a storage room. Even the blanks for the winter can be hidden in this small room under the staircase.

If you have a small house, in which it is difficult to warm up when designing the interior design, use space under the staircase To create another room. If there is a lot of space under the stairs, there can be even a double bed or an angular sofa, and so you will have an extra bed. Particularly suitable will be a cabinet bed, which, in the absence of need, you can simply push into the wall.

It is quite ideafully laundry or walk-in closet Under the stairs.

There is even a small kitchen or built-in home appliances under the staircase, and so on. And the compact mini-kitchen is ready.

You can also make a guest toilet under a staircase or a small extra bathroom with sink. You will not need to get up so often to the second floor in the bathroom.

Very often, household owners are equipping a children's room under a staircase or a gaming area for children.

In spacious houses in the room under the staircase are equipped with a living room.

Workplace under the stairs

If the staircase in the house leads simultaneously and up, and down - in the basement, then the space remains small. You can build there.

In the presence of large SquareTry to set up under the stairs. Place a computer desk with an armchair and built-in bookshelves there.

If the room in which the staircase is located is the living room, then one of original options The use of space under the stairs will be placed there of television, DVD player, shelves for disks. In short, under the stairs you can organize excellent, and you no longer have to miss the guests.

How to use space under the stairs original

Unusual creative ideas They can come to mind when you design the arrangement of space under the stairs. You can deliver there, greenhouse from flowers in large outdoor vases or pots, wine cellar.

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Wine cellar under the staircase photo

Put under the staircase, and in the walls, make recesses, or windows for drinks and glasses. Such a small home minibar will delight you and your friends who will come to your party or just to visit.

Modern ladder shelves look fashionable and original.

Beautifully and originally issued an impositionable space, you will make the interior of this part of the house quite comfortable.

November 2016.

The staircase in a private house and its landscaping presents a real problem. This is due to the fact that it takes a relatively large space.

Practically takes it at housing, leaving nothing in return. The size of the stairs cannot be cut. Because saving on the steps is reflected on the safety of living. One possibility remains - to try to turn the problem in dignity. Your helper will be ideas for using space under the stairs in a private house.

Rational use of space under the stairs

The space under the staircase marches can be used almost under all goals. There would be a desire. But still, before proceeding with the works, you need to evaluate real dimensions and think about what is needed and conveniently available in this zone.

So, as always, take a pencil in your hands and see what is still there.

Room under the stairs: Evaluation of space

Of course, if the staircase is immediately at the entrance, the bedroom does not equip here. Inspect the niche and pay attention to the following points:

  • Rate the size of the room. As far as the height allows you to put a shelf or wardrobe. The depth of the niche is important, all that the staircase does not fit, it will look out of it.
  • Often in space under the stairs pass communications from the second floor. In this case, they will need to close the design and provide sound insulation, otherwise the water movement along the pipe will be distributed throughout the house.
  • It is important before starting work to evaluate the quality and design of the ceiling of the niche.

Determine the size of the free space under the stairs

Where is the staircase and the appointment of the premises you know. This is considered to be an important criterion When choosing an idea of \u200b\u200busing space under the staircase in a private house.

Use of space under the staircase for utility rooms

Most often, the staircase is in the hallway, somewhere at the entrance. Therefore, the space under the staircase is customary to use for utility or auxiliary premises.

Storeroom equipment

Storeroom refers to the premises, most often located under the staircase march. It is easy to explain its small volume. When applying a storage room, you can consider the following design options:

  • Make a full-fledged storage room under the staircase. Cover a beautifully decorated door. At the same time, it should be envisaged that the door outside of its design corresponds to the style of the premises. Did not stand out, but on the contrary, it was veiled, merged with the walls, or was framed as other indoor doors.

Storeroom in free spaces under the stairs

  • If the storage room is placed at the entrance, it is possible to put a business inventory into it. Conveniently located here scooters, strollers. IN summer time Put the lounge chairs and portable umbrellas. In winter, use for skews, skis and skates.

Under the stairs you can store bikes

  • No need to hide the storage room. You can do without a door. It is enough to close only a small space of a staircase march. In the resulting niche put a sports and economic inventory.

Open pantry under the stairs

  • A good solution to the space under the staircase to place household appliances. It can be mounted in an improvised wall and installed on the shelf. Located here freezer and washing machine We will help unload the space of the kitchen and the bathroom.

Accommodation household appliances Under the staircase

The main requirement for the design of the room is to provide the necessary temperature, humidity and provide for ventilation. Another plus towards the organization of the storage room under the staircase is that things that are very often required for recreation will be stored together and not far from the entrance.


Not big sizes Premises allow space to use as a wardrobe. The inclined ceiling does not prevent conveniently placing fasteners, on which things will later be hung. Shelves are suitable for storing umbrellas. Since the space under the staircase is deep, it can be used under a full wardrobe, in which it is customary to periodically go, change clothes.

Use of space under the ladder under the dressing room

You can give the room to the hallway. There are several options for organizing a niche:

  • In a free space under the stairs, install furniture set, in style inscribed in the style of the design of the main premises. The place is free to use for storing shoes, install basket for umbrellas.

Furniture set under the staircase under the style of the room

  • All the room is divided into several shelves. Cheat on a freeze hanger under the upper clothes. Bottom shelves use for storing shoes. In the boxes pack the desired trifles and place them on the room. All this wealth close the door.

Wardrobe under the stairs

  • Under the stairs, you can independently organize a closet or order the Master design. In this case, it turns out to do without doors. The inclined ceiling allows you to beautifully on different level Place fasteners for things. At the bottom of the shelves, you can put the same boxes designed for shoes, rave umbrellas and bags. Open construction absolutely will not spoil the interior

Open storage system under the stairs

  • Beautiful and modern looks large in the entire space boxes, which after extension become shelves. Unusual design looks great, the use of boxes can be the most diverse.

Product storage space

Immediately, the idea is to store under the staircase product stocks seem unsuccessful. But this place is perfect for storing stocks, which usually winter in the cellar. There are several arguments in favor of this choice:

  • Under the stairs, you can not install heating appliances. In this case, the niche will not heat up, and after installing the door it will be a little protected from the heat of the room. As a result, this room will be created excellent conditions For storing winter food reserves.

Under the stairs, you can organize a place to store products.

  • You can not close the space, but try to equip a real showcase with food productsShootped with transparent glass panels.

Open product showcase under the stairs

  • An interesting idea to turn an excess space in a beautifully decorated place for storing wine bottles. Of course, if you have something to fill this improvised wine cellar or you are a fan of homemade winemaking.

Organization of the wine library under the stairs

  • Outdoor bar - Beautiful unusual and stylish option Registration. A couple of nearby chairs will only decorate the situation and make it more homely.

Open bar under the stairs


Equipped under the staircase toilet or bathroom - a frequent use of a niche. This is facilitated by the fact that on the second floor in the same place can be equipped with the second bathroom. Thereby communications for service will remain common.

The following tips will help to equip the premises:

  • In space under the staircase, a small room with a toilet and sink is placed. It will be convenient for the case when guests came. Here will be all the convenience necessary for them. The main thing is that it was where to turn around. To do this, try to carve out a 2.3 per 1.2 sections for the bathroom. And height try to create from 2.5 m, but not less than one and a half meters.

Sizes of comfortable bathroom

  • If there is a lot of space under the stairs, you can try to place here a bathroom. It is worth paying attention to such features of the room as high humidity and temperature differences. To eliminate dampness and the appearance of fungus, it is necessary to provide good heating, a room to provide good ventilation. Worry about creating thermal insulation. Provide waterproofing of the room. As you can see, the requirements and problems that need to solve a lot.

If the space under the stairs can be placed

  • When placing a full-fledged bathroom, most often installing the real bath will not work. Selection Stay on the shower.

Small bathroom under the stairs

  • Camping under the ladder bathroom, be prepared that commercially available furniture headsetsMost likely, the room will not fit. Furniture will have to be made under the order.

The equipment of the zone under the staircase for auxiliary premises is a good idea, but not new. No one will not surprise such a layout. More interesting to try it small place turn into a residential premises in which residents at home will conduct most time.

A variant of such use of space was shown in classical cinema. The legendary bagels from the "service novel" whole two series instead of working, watched the female legs, we run on the stairs running on the stairs.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing space under the staircase for the office

The space under the stairs sometimes has large sizes, in this case it can be given it under the office, even foreseen the door or sliding wall For partial sound insulation and privacy. But even small sizes of niche under the office open type Suitable:

  • In a small space, a computer table, computer, wardrobe, shelves or boxes for placement of office equipment will fit. In the event that the table is a bit not suitable for dimensions, it will partially take the place of the main room. It is worth it or not to cover the space of the door - to solve the owner of the cabinet. The more niche try to bring closer to the execution of the present office, the better the result will be.

Small workplace under the stairs

  • Full office Cabinet It turns out from the large room. It will be necessary specially made under small apartment furniture, but the result is worth it.

Full workplace in free space under the stairs

The main problem with which you have to face like a variant of design - it is bothering about the presence of a sufficient number of light sources and dots for office equipment.

Kitchen equipment

As a rule, the kitchen is rarely placed under the staircase spans. This is due to the features of the room. But under the stairs, you can install household appliances: refrigerator, dishwasher. Place the desktop. Be sure to pay attention to and foresee where the pairs will leave, take care of the waterproofing. Electricity should be connected to each element of household appliances. For some equipment, pride the water supply and drainage of wastewater.

Kitchen in space under the staircase

The kitchen placed under the stairs is not locked in the closet and does not hide behind the door. It is organically constitute with the main room. In this case, the style of the design of the premises is the same. It is necessary to take into account the fact that for non-standard premises the furniture will not be available in the trading network. It will be necessary to make an order.

Furniture for the kitchen under the staircase is made to order

Station in the bedroom

Use a small space to accommodate the bed - this interesting ideawhich will make your home unique and unusual. Of course, to highlight a niche in a separate room and install the wall with the door. In this case, the room will simply turn into a cool.

Organization of a bedroom in space under the stairs

But it is unusual and stylish, if the bed deepen due to a staircase and create a cozy corner for daytime sleep, organize a small sleeping place for the guests remaining overnight. To accommodate better suitable Furniture - a transformer that will decrease in the daytime in the sizes and coolently puts all used to sleep affiliation. If there is no such possibility, additionally install lockers.

Baby sleeping place in staircase

The idea of \u200b\u200bliving space for recreation

The most interesting and useful idea in terms of health is to organize a place to rest and restore forces under flight spans. There are several arguments in favor of such a decision:

  • This place will not be limited to walls and floors. You can relax at any time and from different works: harvesting in the garden, caring for flower beds, cooking or room cleaning. Small, specially organized place It will help to restore forces for a short period of time.

Place for recreation in space under the stairs

  • If you have the opportunity to make a window under the staircase - I will definitely use it. In this cozy place, you can lie on the clock and admire the landscape.

Place of relaxation with a window under the stairs

  • The place under the staircase does not interfere with anyone, it does not limit the movement of family members. If you have small kids who still can not move independently, sick family members, limited in the possibilities of movement - organize this place for them. Family member will be in the center of family life, despite health problems.

Children's gaming house Under the staircase

All sorts of illumination, pads, lockers and dressers will only make a variety and decorate the interior. Boldly apply new ideas for using space under the staircase in a private house.

Creating a small library

If the house is revered by books and their reading refers to popular classes, you can organize a library in a niche. This decision will not allocate a whole room for books. But those located on the shelves and recessed in the wall, they will not interfere with anyone, they will fit beautifully in the interior and even decorate it. Convenient when books are always at hand.

Placing a home library in free space under the stairs

Next to the library you can prudently place several comfortable chairs, a table for magazines. All this will contribute to creating a coziness and a cute family setting.

Children's room under the staircase marches

Most often, children allocate individual rooms and try to find an individual area for each child. But in the free place under the stairs, you can put furniture for children and create a real children's room. Several tips will help you decide to implement ideas in life:

  • If a place under the stairs is distinguished by a significant height, it will be well in it bunk bed for kids.

Cozy bed for children in space under the stairs

  • Another option to use space for children. On the second tier to lay the baby's bed. At the bottom comfortably, you can put the corner for the game, drawers for things.
  • When placed bedroom For a child, you can try rationally organize space through the use of beds - transformers.

The sofa transformer under the stairs turns into a full-fledged bed

  • Niche can be equipped with a gaming room for a child. Small sizes as it should not be better consistent with the ideas of the baby about the comfort. Little space is perfect for him small house. A little comfort, insignificant backlight, your child will be under your constant control satisfied and happy.

Space under the staircase perfect place For a small summer house

Beautiful ideas for using space under the stairs in a private house

Optionally, the superior space is specifically loaded to load furniture or close the door. You can try and make the most beautiful place in the house, which will be not far from the entrance available for the Ferris of all family members and guests. A number of armchairs, chairs and sofas will help the family to unite and spend together most of the time. Here you can just meet guests.

Options for organizing space:

  • If there are lovers in the house aquarium fish - The specified place is perfect for a hobby. The recessed design will help the aquarium hide from fast baby legs and wheels of cyclics. But the results of labor will be a worthy decoration of the space of the house.

Big Panoramic Aquarium under the stairs

  • Use free space for colors and plants. There are many places, flower pots will not interfere with anyone. Greens fits perfectly in the interior and decorates it. The influx of oxygen on which the generies of the plant, there will be no superfluous.

Under the stairs you can place a small winter garden

  • Try just beautifully organize this space. Put low furniture. Collect paintings. Install the shelves with decor elements. Place a TV on the wall. All this will give the charm to your housing. Fill it with comfort.

In beautiful organized space I want to live. It's happy to come back here. The housing filled with coolest and comfort positively affect health, soothe, relax. The ideas of using space under the staircase in a private house will give home individuality, will help you become the best housing for you in the world.

Photo Gallery - ideas for using space under the stairs


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