Kitchen furniture in a small apartment. Interior design of a small kitchen: photo examples of a compact kitchen

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

For the kitchen, there are currently many different household appliances, a technique that allows you to quickly and tasty create culinary masterpieces. A variety of finishing materials and design options allows you to bring any ideas to life. However, the dimensions of the kitchen do not always allow you to fit everything you want. Owners of small spaces are faced with the problem of organizing space.

It is important to think over the design of a small-sized kitchen and take into account all the nuances.

The most common for small kitchens is a rectangular or corner set.

Finishing materials used for the kitchen must be well resistant to elevated temperature and humidity.

The features of each are reflected in the table.

What design style is possible in a small kitchen?

Among the most popular destinations small kitchen design the following can be noted.

  • Minimalism. Differs in the minimum number of details, objects in the room. It is worth placing the most necessary, preferably multifunctional. Recommended to do bright accents and all forms should be concise.

The thoughtful simplicity of minimalism is perfect for the design of a small or narrow kitchen.

  • Provence. Maximum use of pastel colors, floral print curtains and trim, shelves open type. The style is distinguished by tenderness, airiness, spaciousness.

Create a delightful atmosphere in a small kitchen French Provence much easier than you might think.

  • High tech. It is necessary to combine plastic, metal and shiny parts. Modern style with a minimum amount of decor and maximum practicality.

High-tech style is great for a small kitchen and a small studio apartment: it has a lot of light, air and free space.

  • Oriental. It is necessary to place low furniture, simple models, modern equipment. Roller blinds are suitable for windows. Use decor in oriental style. Get a calm, stylish atmosphere.

Oriental-style kitchens are an opportunity to place everything you need in small-sized rooms.

Design tricks for a small kitchen

Designers suggest using simple tips, helping to profitably beat the limited dimensions.

In the kitchen, we often drop cups, plates, knives or forks, so it is very important to take care of the sufficient strength of the kitchen floor.

It is worth using the most appropriateMinimum items, high functionality. An excellent option is minimalism or hi-tech. Both allow you to abandon everything unnecessary, using only important, more practical things.

Styles allow you to use all the available space, and make the room visually freer and more spacious.

choose Decoration Materials plain, or with a faded pattern. This design reflects light well, making the space freer. Headset buy light shades. To dilute the monochrome gamut, it is recommended to add bright detail in the form of a picture, a clock.

Today you will not surprise anyone with a workplace on the windowsill, smoothly turning into a countertop, next to which there is a sink and hob.

For small space are impractical standard doors. They will only take limited meters. Therefore, you can completely remove the door and make an arch or install sliding structure reminiscent of a closet. There are folding options that resemble an accordion.

These models help you save space.

Corner layout in small kitchens

Choosing the interior of a small kitchen it is important to choose the right layout.

The corner layout is popular.

There are some rules for the design of the premises.

  • Install a compact sink equipped with a lid. This will give you an extra surface to work with.
  • The stove with 2 burners can be replaced hob equipped with a lid.
  • Organize a work surface between the stove and sink.
  • Upper wall cabinets should be used to the maximum. You can build in them some items of equipment.
  • Complete the dining area with a special folding table. It can be removed when not in use to free up space.

In the design of a small kitchen, use neutral calm colors - they visually expand the boundaries of the room, reflecting the light well.

Advantages and disadvantages of the corner kitchen layout

Corner layout has a number of advantages.

This placement also has its downsides.

  1. May have problems. They touch various ledges, pedestals, which become an obstacle. This may not be the most good option for those owners who have a large complexion.
  2. High cost in some cases. Customization can add significantly to the price. Therefore, it is worth considering what you have to spend.
  3. The intersection of the lines of opening parts of the structure. There may be inconvenience when pulling out drawers, doors. This is especially true if several people are cooking in the kitchen at the same time.

The disadvantages are much less than the advantages. Therefore, this design is very convenient for a small kitchen.

General design techniques for a small kitchen

Exist general tricks, using which you can create a beautiful small kitchen interior design.

Cream tones are best suited for walls.

It is worth considering the nuances of the arrangement:

  • Choice color palette;
  • Placement of headset parts;
  • Arrangement of household appliances;
  • Possibility of redevelopment.

If there is too little space, you should think about buying a small refrigerator model.

This is not convenient, but it will save free meters. The main elements, including the sink and stove, should be placed close to each other so that they form a kind of triangle. First, you should determine the places for large equipment, then for the rest of the elements.

Color and lighting design

It is recommended to use more bright hues. Such a palette visually helps to increase the space. Warm gamma helps to add freedom and air. You can add liveliness to the design with the help of bright accents.

If the room has a good daylight, you can arrange dark shades.

The light has great importance. Proper organization of lighting will create the desired effect. Additional lights are required. Place them in different areas. Add table lighting in the dining segment to the central lamp. This will divide the room into zones.

The shape and filling of cabinets

Consider the configuration of the room when choosing cabinets. A narrow room is suitable for products installed linearly near one wall.

For square room place cabinets in the form of the letter G.

It is recommended to slightly reduce the depth of the lower products. This will not affect the capacity, but will free up some space. Fill all lockers with things completely. This will fit everything you need.

Choose surfaces with mirror or glass elements.

This will help create an additional visual expansion of dimensions and give depth.

Specificity of household appliances

For small room you should carefully choose household appliances. It is better if it is built-in and multifunctional. Then you will get models of compact dimensions, convenient for placement.

The oven can be built into furniture, which will increase the area.

The refrigerator can be covered with kitchen facade or prepare a separate niche for it. Ditch the standard hood and buy a built-in telescopic model.

The minimum set of furniture required for the kitchen

  1. Appliances. An integral part of any kitchen is the presence of a refrigerator, stove, microwave.
  2. Table and chairs. An oval model of the product or a round one will do. A sliding table would be ideal. This will save a lot of space.
  3. Organization of storage. You can replace standard lockers with railing systems. They allow you to conveniently and practically use the available space.

For a small kitchen, lacquered smooth facades that perfectly reflect light are best suited.

Furniture in the corner kitchen

Furniture should be functional and comfortable. For a small kitchen, you can choose corner sofa. It allows you to usefully use the free corner in the room. No need to purchase additional chairs.

The sofa is comfortable and large quantity places.

The table should be practical and take up minimal space. Avoid square or rectangular patterns.

Bar counter in the design of the corner kitchen

You can abandon the table and place a bar counter, which will become a place for eating, meeting guests. It can carry several functions at once:

  1. Becomes a dining area;
  2. Work area for family members;
  3. A surface where food can be prepared.

The height of the bar counter can be the same as the countertops.

The key disadvantage of the design is the inability to use it for several functions at once.

Refrigerator in the design of the corner kitchen

The refrigerator should be as compact as possible and be combined with the overall interior. Matte metallic becomes standard, suitable for almost any design. If you want a complete combination with both styles, it is recommended to build a refrigerator and sheathe it with suitable panels.

Do not be afraid original solutions boldly implement interesting ideas, but do not forget about what was said above.

VIDEO: Design of a small kitchen - 95 ideas with real photos.

50 Stylish Design Ideas for a Small Kitchen:

A small kitchen often becomes a source big problems for their owners. How to equip small area to accommodate everything you need, and at the same time not turn the room into a closet clogged with trash? This task is not easy, and without the advice of a designer, it cannot be done. However, professionals are sure that even the smallest kitchen can be made comfortable, beautiful, rational and practical.

The main thing is to take into account all its features and competently use every square meter.

Features of the interior of a small kitchen

In order for the kitchen to be not only beautiful, but also functional, it is necessary to follow the basic design rules when arranging it.

One of important points- decor colors premises. It is better to refuse dark tones in favor of light shades. The owners of small-sized kitchens should choose a laconic and strict design, light shades, thoughtful ergonomics.

The stove, sink and refrigerator should create the so-called "working triangle", in other words, they should be placed as close to each other as possible.

It is also important to think over the lighting - be sure to equip spotlights under the cabinets, create a good backlight working area, do not curtain the window with heavy and dark curtains so that daylight freely penetrates the room.

When choosing household appliances, you should focus on the most necessary items. You should not buy massive equipment, which the owners will definitely not use regularly.

The doorway will help to visually increase the space - for this it is necessary to expand it, or remove the door completely, equipping an arched opening in its place.

Another option is to equip sliding system doors.

The dining area should be as compact as possible.

Ideally, it is better to take it out of the kitchen altogether, and equip the dining room in the living room.

In a small kitchen, every corner should be used effectively.

For example, right under the windowsill, you can equip a cabinet for storing dishes and other kitchen utensils.

The sink should be small and comfortable.

If the owners do not use the oven, it can be abandoned by installing only the hob of the stove.

Hooks for dishes should be placed above the working area, which should always be at hand.

When choosing wallpaper for walls, it is important to remember that a vertical pattern will help to make the room taller, and a horizontal pattern will help to visually expand it.

Ideally, the walls are best just painted, choosing a light paint for this.

How to choose a headset

When choosing a set for a small kitchen, you should pay attention to such parameters as ergonomics, practicality, functionality and spaciousness.

First you need to carefully consider the location of all the modules in the room.

A headset that is equipped with:

  • Roll-out and drawers, thanks to which all kitchen cabinets will be used wisely and to the fullest;
  • Planks with hooks and rails;
  • Fittings with swivel, sliding and sliding mechanisms, allowing you to use every corner of the cabinet;
  • Retractable tables and countertops, allowing you to significantly save kitchen space;
  • Folding, lifting and sliding doors.

Thanks to this configuration, even the smallest room will be comfortable and functional. At the same time, the kitchen does not have to be cluttered with unnecessary interior items and additional furniture.

When choosing a headset, you should give preference to L-shaped or straight models, abandoning U-shaped sets.

To increase the “useful” area of ​​​​lockers, it is best to choose high headsets that rest against the ceiling.

They should not be too bulky and massive, perfect option- a modern set in the style of "minimalism" with built-in appliances.

What furniture is suitable

When choosing furniture for a small kitchen, first of all, you should pay attention to models made of light modern materials. All pieces of furniture should be compact so as not to take up much space in the room.

Some of them can be completely abandoned. For example, the role of a dining table may well be performed by a folding tabletop - it can be attached to a window sill or to a wall.

Chairs should also be small - best if they are compact stools that can be easily pushed under the table.

If there is a free corner, it will be reasonable to install a soft corner in it and a round or oval table- such a solution will significantly save space, while without compromising the convenience of the owners of the kitchen.

Buying new furniture, it is important to remember that you need to choose only the most necessary, and completely abandon the frills.

Proper organization of space

One of the main rules for arranging space in small room- the use of retractable and sliding elements, which, if unnecessary, hide in niches, behind the facades of the headset, etc.

To enlarge a small room, you can connect it to a balcony by completely removing the wall connecting them. In this case, the balcony will have to be insulated.

If this is not possible, you just need to dismantle the window and the door to the balcony, equipping in their place a kind of bar counter that will serve as a dining table.

Another solution to the problem is to bring some interior elements and household appliances to the balcony. For example, you can install a refrigerator there, which takes up quite a lot of space in the kitchen (and the refrigerator can also be taken out into the corridor).

There is also a dining table on the balcony.

Equipping a small kitchen, you should try to force it as little as possible with pieces of furniture.

It is best to visually divide the room into separate zones - working and dining. In the working area there will be a headset with a built-in household appliances, the dining area can be in the corner or against the wall. It is impossible to install a table in the center, as it will simply make it difficult to move around the kitchen.

In a small kitchen, a good powerful hood must be installed, which will not allow foreign odors to penetrate into living rooms apartments.

How to make a small kitchen more spacious and roomy

Even the tiniest kitchen can be adequately equipped if you follow the tips professional designers. Some tricks will help to make the room more spacious, comfortable and functional.

A dining table with chairs takes up a lot of space in the kitchen. It is not always possible to completely abandon it, but there is a way to solve this problem - instead of a table, you can use a bar counter, which, due to its compact size, will easily fit into any space. Such a rack can be retractable or stationary.

Tall cabinets will do kitchen set more roomy. Inside, you can equip shelves, drawers and storage compartments for all used kitchen utensils.

Metal roof rails also help solve the problem of a small kitchen. You can install them directly on the kitchen apron. Railings are highly functional, they practically do not take up space and help to keep all the necessary kitchen accessories at hand - potholders, ladles, spatulas, paper towels, jars of spices, and much more.

A compact refrigerator instead of a heavy and bulky unit. It can be built-in, making the space savings in the kitchen even more significant. Modern manufacturers have long launched the production of such refrigerators, which are ideal for installation in small apartments Oh.

Household appliances in a small kitchen should be built-in. This means that all devices that can be hidden behind facades must be hidden behind them. Microwave oven, electric stove with oven, refrigerator, Dishwasher, food processor- all this should be correctly built into the headset. You may have to give up some household appliances - for example, install either an oven or a microwave in the kitchen.

The color scheme of the kitchen is of great importance. Every designer will confirm that light colors help to visually enlarge even the smallest room, while dark shades make it even cramped and gloomy.

In a small kitchen, light colors should prevail in everything - this applies to furniture, ceilings, walls, and even floors.

Textiles on the windows should be light, or you can completely refuse to use it by installing light blinds. All elements of the situation should be kept in the same tone.

To make the kitchen look bigger, there should always be enough light in it.

You can hang a large chandelier over the dining table, you can’t do without a small room spotlights installed above the work surface.

AT small kitchen daylight must always penetrate freely.

To make the kitchen seem larger, you should not use ceramic tiles in its decoration, as given material creates an effect in small spaces closed box. It is best to use washable wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Mirror, glass and glossy surfaces used in the facades of the headset, when arranging a kitchen apron and even countertops, will visually help to increase the space.

If family members like to watch TV at dinner, you should choose a small model with a flat screen. It is best to hang this TV on the wall.

All "architectural excesses" (for example, geyser), should be disguised as wall cabinet, not forgetting to carefully isolate the walls inside it before that.

Equipping a small kitchen, the main thing is not to overdo it, and not turn a compact room into a sterile and snow-white doctor's office, in which there is no place for beauty and decor. Decorate this kitchen with decorative elements you can and should, you just have to do it right.

To revive the kitchen and give it personality, some accessories that do not take up much space will help - a ceramic candlestick and a porcelain napkin holder on the table, small photos of family members on the walls, pots of greenery on the windowsill, cute curtains on the windows.

The main thing is that all this should correspond to the chosen style of the room and emphasize it.

Small kitchens real photos

Not all apartments can boast large area, and even more spacious kitchen - even more so. The cramped kitchenettes are located in the "Khrushchev" - a maximum of 5-7 square meters. Less only in the old brick houses for servants of the times tsarist Russia where people still live. It is small in many private houses. About how it is most convenient to plan the design of a small-sized kitchen, selecting it color design, the interior of individual zones, details in the text of the article.

corner layout

The most commonly used corner, L-shaped layout - the headset is located along two walls. There is enough space for a small dining area, and all necessary equipment, equipment is placed as ergonomically as possible. There is a corner module that can be used to the maximum by equipping it with a special pull-out section, a basket. From above, if there is no sink in the corner, gas stove, washing machine, equip open shelves on which they put a microwave oven, dishes.

  • little storage space;
  • lack of working surfaces;
  • inconvenient to work in tandem with someone;
  • lack of normal permeability.

Opposite the headset is a dining area, a refrigerator. The table is needed not too voluminous - it is imperative to leave room for normal movement.

U-shaped layout

U-shaped arrangement of furniture is suitable square kitchen. In order to leave enough workplace, they acquire a narrow set, the window sill is turned into another working plane. It is very convenient to cook here, lay out food, arrange dishes, but there is not enough space for the dining area, so it is transferred to the living room or you have to dine at the bar counter - a logical continuation of the headset.

The equipment may vary slightly if space permits, the kitchen is complemented by a dryer, a drawer for dishes, a built-in trash can, a mini-bar, a compact bar counter, etc. The rustic kitchenette, among other things, is equipped with a gas water heater and a water boiler. AT standard version a refrigerator is mounted below, above it is a hob with an extractor hood, on the side is a dishwasher, above it is a sink. Individual project it is completed with any equipment, proceeding from the wishes of the customer.

Location, kitchenette shape:

For a kitchen-living room, kitchen-dining room, kitchen-hallway, such furniture will be an ideal solution in a limited area.

Kitchen style

In the stylistic design of a small kitchen, it is difficult to reveal such trends as baroque - suggesting the presence of many voluminous details, loft - requiring space, art deco - wanting luxury and brilliance.

The following styles work well:

  • classic - a dark or light wooden set, decorated with carvings, good-quality finishing materials, a large chandelier, a comfortable dining area;
  • minimalism - a minimum of furniture, lack of decor, clean, bright colors, built-in household appliances;
  • ethnic - a simple set, decor made from natural materials, wicker rattan furniture in the dining area;
  • high-tech - an abundance of light, glass, metals, modern household appliances;
  • ecological - used only natural materials, natural decor, the simplest furniture;
  • Provence - light furniture from wood "antique", decoupage decoration, rustic, floral ornaments;
  • country - the most suitable for giving, natural colors, there are floral prints;
  • futurism - a set of "cosmic" colors, asymmetry in everything;
  • modern - a minimum of decor, simple multifunctional furniture, the latest finishing materials.

When choosing kitchen interior you should be guided by your preferences, that is, "like - do not like."

Color design

The kitchen is, first of all, a place for cooking, eating it, therefore “appetizing” colors are often chosen, such as:

  • red-orange;
  • sunny yellow;
  • light green;
  • pastel green;
  • strawberry;
  • honey.

They are reminiscent of juicy fruits, fresh pastries, stimulating the appetite, helping digestion. For those who are going to lose weight or simply do not consider it necessary to eat a lot, blue, gray, purple-black, dirty green are preferable.
The color scheme directly depends on the illumination: if the windows face north, northwest, it is better to give preference to warm tones - after all, such a kitchen rarely “sees” the sun. For southern, southeastern rooms, cold, darker colors are acceptable.
The fewer "squares" the kitchen occupies, the lighter its design is selected. If the facades are the same color as the walls, the suite seems to “dissolve”, creating the effect of a large space. If the whole room is monochrome, then the furniture is chosen two or three tones darker than the walls, and the floor is darker than the furniture.

The presence of mirrors will expand the space, multiplying the available light several times.

Work area design

The working area is the main one in the kitchen. The floor here should be comfortable for frequent washing, so it is designed ceramic tiles, stone, linoleum, waterproof laminate, floor board. It is important that the coating is not too slippery. The walls are decorated with tiles, washable wallpaper, covered with paint, decorative plaster. The kitchen apron is lined with plastic, glass panels. Different elements must be combined with each other - flooring with kitchen apron, facades with window curtains, etc.
The backlight is selected adjustable - during operation it is turned on “to the full”, after it is slightly muffled. LED Strip Light under the cabinets or the lamps inside them are more of a decorative purpose.

If the working area is located near the window, you can save a lot on lighting, but you will have to wash the window quite often.

Dining area design

The dining area is often distinguished by a carpet - it must be well cleaned of dirt, fit into overall design. The lamp should be placed directly above the table - it is good if its height above the floor level can be adjusted. When the chandelier hangs in the center of the room, a sconce is hung over a table located against the wall, where you can also place:

  • a picture in a frame;
  • large 3D sticker;
  • photo wallpaper, combined with the size of the table;
  • decorative plates or clocks;
  • souvenir cutting boards.

To add coziness, pillows are placed on the chairs, stools are decorated with covers. If there is a corner sofa, it is decorated with drapery, combined with other kitchen textiles. Table linen, a homemade cover for a teapot, in harmony with an openwork knitted ceiling, will create unique interior. The window sill is often decorated with indoor potted flowers, if the dining area is located by the window, then it is easy to create the effect of a meal in the "jungle".

Furniture for a small kitchen

All furniture for a cramped kitchenette is selected small-sized - a narrow set, a compact straight or corner sofa, a miniature dining table or a folding bar counter.
What you need in the kitchen:

  • kitchen appliances - stove, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, etc.;
  • dining group - a table with chairs, stools or a corner sofa;
  • storage spaces - hanging cabinets, open shelves, drawers, cabinets, pencil cases.

Production materials, colors, furniture design are selected individually in accordance with stylistic design interior.

Small-sized kitchens remain the lot of the old housing stock and, unfortunately, there is not always the opportunity to increase them. But this has never stopped us from making them cozy and functional, although you have to think carefully about the design. Today we are studying sets for small-sized kitchens up to 6 meters - let's go!

Scroll through:

  • Real kitchens in the square and

Corner layout in small kitchens

Much more direct options are common, as they allow you to use the available space more efficiently.

A popular location for the sink is the corner, the countertop near which is beveled. To make the most of the space, some homeowners make a small shelf behind the sink that is easier to reach for.

The design of a small-sized kitchen can be made similar to the interiors of larger premises, while the costs will be incomparably lower. Good example to that - in the photo. The apron and walls are finished with special wood-like panels, so the design looks more harmonious.

But curtains in a small-sized kitchen can interfere: too lush specimens run the risk of getting in the way during work and getting dirty pretty quickly. When installing a corner kitchen from an area of ​​​​6 sq.m. nothing at all remains.

Unlike the previous headset, the example in the photo is installed on legs. Be prepared for the fact that the basement space will constantly require cleaning.

If the length of the kitchen wall is at least 240 cm - consider yourself lucky. There is enough space for the work area, and for household appliances.

Kitchen 5 sq.m. with a headset from Ikea. Yes, the place is not very much, but it is cheap and cheerful.

With such a layout, there is absolutely no space for cooking. Moreover, headsets cannot be unambiguously attributed to the economy class, since the same pencil case is not cheap.

Kitchen for a small apartment may include minimum set modules - 2-3 tables and hanging boxes. The cost of such a set is lower than standard models. If the area allows, you can buy corner kitchen for a small apartment inexpensively and use it with maximum benefit. AT corner cabinet you can store dishes, plates and other utensils.

We cooperate with leading Russian factories that make furniture from solid wood, laminated chipboard, MDF, and plastic. Some samples have strained glass, characterized by durability and reliability.

in cabinets and drawers used foreign fittings Hettich and Blum with long term trouble-free operation. It provides silent, smooth opening and closing of doors and drawers.

Depending on the model name, the facades can be glossy or imitate wood. They are designed taking into account the characteristics of the room, withstand sudden changes in temperature, resistant to humidity and household chemicals.

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen is not difficult. Consider:

  • The size. One of important criteria. Visually divide the space to understand where you put the refrigerator, dining table, stove, etc. If there is not enough space, move the refrigerator to the corridor or choose a model with a minimum number of modules.
  • Material. natural wood- durable, but furniture made of chipboard or MDF is in no way inferior to it in terms of performance characteristics. And the cost of products from chipboard is lower.
  • Style and color solution. The design and shade of the headset is influenced by the interior of the room. Choose options that are close in performance. Provence will perfectly complement the bright kitchen.
  • Functionality. Includes installation of small household appliances, convenient storage kitchen utensils and so on.

In the product card, the color of the body, facade and countertop is selected. When ordering, you can add or remove modules to assemble a suitable kit. Production within 7-10 calendar days.

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