Fabric wall decoration. Wall decoration with fabric: we make a unique interior

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

In search of inspiration, both designers and mere mortals often turn to interior decoration technologies that faithfully served our ancestors. is one of those traditional ideas that could very well be implemented with the help of modern materials and technologies.

Why decorate the walls with fabric?

The fashion of the past is returning not so much for aesthetic reasons, but also for purely practical reasons. Why, with the abundance of modern materials, wall cladding trend does not lose its positions at all?

  1. The fabric has many positive physical properties, which determine useful consumer characteristics. The material, even with synthetic threads, has good vapor permeability, creating a favorable microclimate in the room. Matter has a certain heat saving coefficient, therefore it can act as an element of a heat preservation system in an apartment or house. The fabric is elastic, has a high stretch coefficient, so it is not afraid of wall shrinkage, as well as accidental mechanical or shock effects.
  2. Aesthetically attractive appearance, and the wealth of options that fabric trim allows is literally unmatched. Using a variety of materials, you can create, without exaggeration, any interior, from luxurious baroque to cute country, from strict minimalism to complex ethnic patchwork.
  3. From the point of view of the practicality of use, the fabric is criticized by many. They say that dust sticks to it, it is difficult to care for it. But to overcome the problem of electrostatics, there is a simple remedy - antistatic. You can clean the fabric with conventional vacuum cleaner. On the other hand, the fabric perfectly masks the shortcomings of the base surface, and the abundance of ways in which you can fix the selected option on the wall allows anyone home master try your hand at textile finishing. And not just experiment with it, but achieve complete success.
  4. Other bonuses include the cleanliness of work, the absence of construction debris, dirt and dust.
  5. Deserves attention and the opportunity to create a sense of solid, seamless space, which is very much appreciated by many aesthetes.

After all, even modern fabric, which is created with the addition of a large number synthetic threads, has the ecological cleanliness that is necessary to create a high quality of life.

What kind of fabric can be used to decorate the walls?

The choice of finishing material depends entirely on your design preferences and the allocated budget.

  • Natural fabrics - cotton, linen, jute, sisal - have many advantages. They are of absolutely natural origin, keep their shape perfectly, are easy to clean, have reduced static, as a result of which they attract dust less, provide air exchange in the room and retain heat well. Among the shortcomings, a high degree of creasing, instability to ultraviolet radiation can be noted. Some of the natural fabrics are quite expensive. However, they allow you to create magnificent interiors in ethnic or natural designs. Especially often they are used in country interiors, Provence, Californian and mediterranean style. Traditionally, for example, jute and sisal adorn ethnic interior fantasies, while linen and cotton are actively used even in capricious modern styles.
  • Silk and satin are also exclusively of natural origin. However, neither the price nor the practical characteristics of the fabrics meet the requirements for finishing materials: These fabrics are too slippery, soft and difficult to work with. Artificial satin and silk, on the other hand, cost quite reasonable money, are well molded, and although they slip, nevertheless, they are much more suitable for use as wall decoration. They give the room an expensive, and at the same time, romantic, aerial view, real charm. Often used in girls' rooms, when decorating bedrooms and boudoirs, as well as to give a special, solemn and festive mood in the rooms of the general gathering of the family - living rooms or dining rooms.
  • Heavy fabrics with a base of natural threads - jacquard, tapestry, brocade, and so on - perfectly help to keep warm, reduce noise in the room. They keep their shape excellently, and although they have quite big weight, but they are quite comfortable to work with. All these materials can make the room very cozy, homey, warm, or solemn, even somewhat pretentious, especially if shiny threads were used in the manufacture of the fabric. The cost of these materials is quite high.
  • Light and airy batiste, taffeta, tulle, veil are perfect for wall decoration of part of the walls, it is not recommended to use them for massive decoration, as they are too susceptible to various negative influences: they easily get dirty, tear, melt. However, they cope with creating accents in the form of flowing flounces, canopies. They make very interesting compositions in combination with denser and more reliable fabrics. Especially successful will be the use of light and airy fabrics in creating transparent marine interiors, as well as for decorating rooms in romantic styles.

How to decorate the walls with fabric

Like any other finish, fabric has its own nuances, features and properties. What is the correct wall upholstery algorithm?

  1. Before work, the prepared fabric must be wetted and dried, and then ironed. This is done in order to avoid possible shrinkage of the coating under the influence of changes in air humidity. If the fabric is not prone to shrinkage, a simple ironing is sufficient.
  2. Wall finishing work must be done starting from the corner. Moreover, the initial angle must be strictly 90 °, or at least as close as possible to such an indicator so that at the end of the work the edges converge evenly.

Exists several methods of attaching fabric to walls.

  • The simplest of these is gluing. The fabric is glued to a dry and clean wall. The material is cut into strips that resemble wallpaper, then the strips are sewn together. At the same time, it is better if a separate panel is sewn for each wall, this will facilitate the work. The finished fabric is rolled into a vertical roll. The fabric is glued along the edges, lubricating the strips 10-15 cm wide with glue and sequentially gluing the fabric to them. For additional fixation of thick fabrics, you can use temporary overhead rails, which are removed after the panels have dried.
  • Fastening with the help of special frame structures, in which the fabric is fixed with clips, has the advantage that to replace the interior, you just need to remove the fabric from the frame and pull on another one. The downside can be considered additional costs for the purchase of such fasteners and their installation along the perimeters of the walls.
  • The fabric can simply arrive with nails. The main thing in this technology is a good stretch. It's a good idea to practice on furniture first.
  • Installation of fabric with the help of special fastening strips will give a very special charm to the room. After all, this is how the walls were decorated many years ago. True, this method is good only for dense fabrics or leather. In addition, you will need beautiful decorative rivet nails.
  • The fabric can be attached to a flexible profile. This option opens up new design perspectives, because with the help of such a mount you can create amazing and unusual shapes by combining different fabrics or finishing materials. You can create a real masterpiece of impressionism or modernism.
  • Fastening the fabric to the rail consists in the fact that a rail is stuffed around the perimeter of the room, and the fabric is superimposed on it. The advantage of this option is that you can additionally use insulation - foam rubber, isoplen, even mineral plates that are laid between the fabric and the wall.
  • The most modern and fast way trim the walls with fabric - use textile Velcro for this. The looped strip is attached to the wall with glue, nails, screws, and the strip with grips is sewn to the fabric. It remains just to fasten the two parts of the tape, and the coating is ready. The advantage of this method is the easy replacement or transformation of the design.

Decorating the walls with fabric is not only an original interior idea, but also a fairly simple and practical way to update the design of a room or adequately complete the repair and finishing work in an apartment.

» it was about textile wallpaper: what are the advantages and disadvantages textile wallpaper, for which rooms they are most suitable, how to stick them. In the second part, we will talk about other ways of textile wall decoration. That is, about the use of fabrics. Walls can be pasted over with fabric, fitted or draped. Each of these methods has its own advantages, the main of which is a special atmosphere of comfort.

Wall covering with fabric

Instead of wallpaper, you can use real fabric, pasting it over the walls. Basically wall covering with cloth was popular at all times. What is good about this option compared to finishing with textile wallpaper is the ability to use one fabric for walls (parts of walls), and for window decoration, and for sewing various textile decorative elements. For example, to create a country-style kitchen interior, you can paste over with a floral fabric kitchen apron, and to make it waterproof, it can be varnished in several layers or covered with glass. From the same fabric, you can sew curtains with ruffles, tablecloths, decorative napkins and chair covers. It will turn out very comfortable, original and stylish.

Of course, the work of pasting walls with fabric requires a certain skill. Not everyone will be able to do such repairs on their own. The walls are carefully prepared - they are cleaned, puttied, primed. The surface must be absolutely smooth and dry.

The fabric should also be prepared. First you need to cut off a small piece of fabric and measure it, then wet it and dry it in a warm place. After that, a piece of fabric must be measured again. If there is a noticeable shrinkage, the fabric must be decoated before finishing the walls - that is, the entire canvas that will be glued to the wall should be completely wetted, dried, and then ironed. If the fabric did not shrink or the shrinkage was small, then decotting can be omitted, but you still have to iron the fabric.

The fabric, of course, needs to be wide so that there are fewer seams. It is cut into strips with a length equal to the height of the wall from floor to ceiling, plus a few centimeters of margin. Then the strips are sewn in width into one large canvas, equal to the length of the wall (plus a margin of 10-20 centimeters). For each wall it is better to sew a separate canvas. Although, of course, you can paste over the entire room with one large canvas, but it will be more difficult. After stitching, the fabric can be ironed again, especially at the seams, to make them smoother. After that, the canvas must be rolled up along the height of the wall.

There are several ways to stick fabric. You will need at least two pairs of hands to work. As a rule, only four edges of the canvas are glued, pulling it. To begin with, one edge of the wall (left) is coated with glue (for example, Bustilat), applying glue with a strip of about 10 cm. ceiling and directly from the edge). One person holds the roll, while the other smoothes the fabric by rolling the roller. If the fabric is heavy, then it is advisable to use it to strengthen wooden slats, temporarily fixing the fabric with them on the wall at the place of gluing. Reiki can be fixed with nails by lightly driving them into the wall at a distance of 10-30 cm from each other. When the fabric at the edge is fixed with glue or with glue and a rail, the upper edge of the wall is coated with glue (glue strip - 10 cm). One person unwinds the roll, and the other smoothes the upper edge of the panel, gluing it and, if necessary, additionally securing it with slats.

After that, you need to let the glue dry. When the fabric is well fixed, you can glue the remaining two edges - the right and bottom. First, a strip of glue is applied to the right edge of the wall, the fabric is pulled up and smoothed with a roller, fixed with a rail. After that, the lower edge of the wall above the floor is coated with glue, the fabric is again pulled up and fixed. However, you can do the work in a slightly different sequence - first the fabric is glued at the top edge, then the side edges, and then the bottom. Reiki, if used, are removed only after the glue has completely dried. Reiki must be removed carefully, holding the fabric. Pliers should be used to remove the nails. The left stock of fabric is carefully trimmed, then the edges are trimmed plastic skirting boards, polyurethane moldings or wooden planks - depends on the chosen style of room design.

Cloth overlay used for decoration , as a rule, not all the walls of the room, but one or two or even part of the wall. Often materials are combined - for example, three walls are finished with wooden wall panels, and one with fabric, the same one used in curtains and other textiles. Paintings, mirrors or a TV are hung on a wall trimmed with fabric. That is, this wall becomes central, attracting the main attention.

One fabric for both wall and curtains (from ballardstylestudio.com)

Wall upholstery with fabric

Today it is even more not upholstery, but upholstery. The technology is similar to that used for mounting stretch ceilings. Doing it yourself is unlikely to succeed, but many companies offer such a service. However, you can also buy special mounting systems from them - a frame made of guides (rubber, metal, plastic or wooden), into which the canvas is pulled. By the way, by contacting a company specializing in wall decoration with fabric, you can order a seamless fabric, as well as a substrate, thanks to which the wall will be soft. This will increase its soundproofing.

Thus, if desired, if you have the skills, you can cover the walls with fabric by purchasing everything you need from a company specializing in this type of finish. However, you can also make a frame of wooden planks yourself, to which the fabric is simply nailed or glued. However, ready-made mounting systems are much more convenient, since the fabric is not nailed, but simply pushed into the gap on the bar and secured with a clip.

This option of finishing the walls with fabric is preferable, as it allows you to easily and quickly change the design of the walls, just by changing the fabric, pulling it on the same frame.

One of the walls is covered with fabric (the Clipso system used for mounting stretch ceilings was used). The fabric is seamless, with a photo print.

This is one of the easiest ways. Several layers of light fabric with a width much greater than the width of the wall are fixed on a thin curtain with a decorative strip nailed to the ceiling. The fabric is draped in waves.

There is another option - fixing draped fabrics from the four edges of the wall - this is also used wooden frame or plastic/metal guides. Previously, folds are laid on a wide canvas and fixed with a seam. It is important not to make a mistake with the width of the canvas.

Draperies are ideal for wall decoration in living rooms and bedrooms. Drapery looks great in the bedroom on the wall behind the matrimonial bed. In addition, draperies are used in decorating nightclubs, bars, hookahs. Draperies are indispensable if you want to bring the spirit of the East into the room.

The wall behind the bed is draped in the same fabric as the windows.

What fabrics to use for wall decoration?

In principle, you can use any fabric - even chintz, even silk, even tapestry. However, it is better if the fabric for the wall is sufficiently dense and elastic. In order not to be mistaken, you can choose upholstery fabric for furniture - it, as a rule, meets all the necessary parameters. upholstery fabric often specially processed to make it reliable, resistant to damage, not afraid of moisture. Yes, and it will be easier to work with such a fabric. Suede, velor, velvet are often simply glued. Cotton fabrics and cotton-viscose blends are suitable for stretching. For drapery, you can use light, thin fabrics, but they should be as dense as possible. Experts say that it is easier to work with synthetic fabrics than with natural ones.

Textile wall decoration will cost more than pasting walls with paper or vinyl wallpaper. Both textile wallpaper and fabric for gluing or stretching have a higher cost. But the work of craftsmen specializing in textile wall decoration will cost no more, and maybe even cheaper (if we are talking, for example, about stretching fabric on walls).

To make the interior exclusive and unique, use a variety of. One of the most interesting options- wall decoration with fabric. different ways and options to realize its mass, since the fabric can be attached in different ways, use canvases different colors and patterns, combined with other materials, resulting in a truly original solution. What should be considered when choosing a fabric for wall decoration and what are the methods of its fastening?

No. 1. Advantages and disadvantages of wall decoration with fabric

The steadily growing popularity of fabric wall decoration is explained by a number of advantages of this decor:

The fabric has significant disadvantages:

  • the material is able to absorb odors, so it is better to use such a finish as far as possible from the kitchen;
  • the fabric attracts dust, so it will need regular care;
  • It is somewhat more difficult to cope with the installation of fabric on your own, although the process cannot be called too complicated.

Modern manufacturers offer fabrics that are treated with special compounds, so I absorb moisture less, do not fade, do not attract dust, and can even resist, therefore the disadvantages of such a finish are gradually reduced to a minimum.

No. 2. What is the best fabric for walls?

For wall decoration, you can use almost any fabric:

  • natural. Jacquard, brocade, linen are often used, less often cotton, silk, satin are used;
  • artificial. The most striking example is viscose;
  • synthetic: polyester, polyamide, polypropylene.

Of course, synthetic and artificial fabrics behave much better in operation, they do not wrinkle, do not accumulate static electricity, do not attract dust, they almost do not fade, but they are not natural. The best option– mixed fabrics made partly from natural fibers, partly from synthetic fibers, which allows them to perform wonderfully in use and remain breathable.

It is better to buy a fabric that undergone special treatment to be more impact resistant sun rays, dust, moisture.

Drawing is better to choose such that he does not tire and does not irritate his eyesight with variegation. Some fabrics have a foam backing, which gives them improved strength characteristics.

Number 3. Where is the best place to use fabric trim?

Given the properties of the fabric, it will not work to call it a universal finish for any room. This material is best used in areas such as:

No. 4. Fabric fastening methods

Today, there are several ways to decorate walls with fabric. The main ones are:

  • pasting- the most common option, which is somewhat reminiscent, so the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not decrease. AT this case it is better to use light fabrics (muslin or tulle, for example), so the surface of the walls should be leveled and smooth.
  • upholstery. This method requires the construction of a frame, so the space of the room will decrease by a few centimeters, and Additional materials required, but the main surface can be practically not prepared for finishing, and the wires can be safely placed behind the fabric;
  • drapery. In this case, the textiles will resemble those familiar to us, only they will not cover the window, but a blank wall or partition. Cornices can be both decorative and hidden. Sometimes, instead of hidden cornices, adhesive tape is used, which subsequently simplifies the process of washing the fabric. Thus, it is possible to perform both light draperies and lush multi-tiered ones and even decorate walls according to the principle Japanese curtains, so this finish option is great for any type of interior;
  • decoration of a part of a wall, a niche, creation of an appliqué. In this case, the fabric can be attached using one of the methods listed above, but only on part of the wall. Such a decoration looks impressive above, especially when the same fabric is used for both wall decoration and curtains. Thus, you can zone the space of the room, emphasize interesting elements, such as niches.

No. 5. How to wrap walls with fabric?

Of course, the process of mounting fabric on the walls is not the easiest and cannot be done alone, but together with the proper level of accuracy, pasting the walls with fabric is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow simple tips:

  • choose the widest possible fabric, ideally the width of the roll should be greater than the height of the room - then the finish will be completely seamless. If the width is not enough, then you need to sew several pieces of fabric in advance to get a canvas of the required size;
  • important attention must be paid to the preparation of the walls: they should be smooth, even and dry;
  • if the material shrinks slightly, then it is enough just to iron it, but if the shrinkage is strong, then, first of all, it must be wetted, dried and ironed, and only then proceed to stitching the canvases;
  • glue the finished canvas only at the edges, glue is applied to the wall. It is easier to start from the extreme left side, the width of the adhesive strip is about 10 cm. If the fabric is heavy, then it is better to use additional temporary fastening - wooden slats;
  • next glue the top edge of the fabric and wait until the glue is completely dry so that you can properly stretch the fabric and glue it first on the right side, and then on the bottom;
  • it is better to take fabric with a margin, and after installation, the extra parts can simply be cut;
  • you can start gluing from above, then fasten the fabric on the sides, and then on the bottom.

At the edges where the fabric was glued to the wall, air bubbles may form the next day. In this case, it is enough to make punctures and iron with an iron.

After mounting and drying the fabric, the wall can be decorated with moldings, baguettes - this is already a matter of taste and the chosen interior style.

No. 6. How to upholster walls with fabric?

Upholstery or even covering the walls with fabric will require the construction of a frame, which can be made of wooden, plastic or even rubber slats. Usually wooden planks are used, and the installation process looks like this:

  • need prepare wooden planks of the desired length, 10 mm thick and 50-70 mm wide;
  • all horizontal strips are attached first: under the ceiling, above the floor, above the door and window openings;
  • then vertical strips are mounted, starting from the corner with a step of 0.5-0.6 m;
  • it is necessary to start fastening the ironed canvas from the corner near the ceiling, for fasteners use a stapler or, the distance between which should be at the level of 5-10 cm;
  • the fabric is stretched with great force, the verticality of the panel is checked with a plumb line, while making sure that wrinkles do not form on the fabric;
  • fabric allowances after installation, tucked under wooden planks.

Instead of wooden planks, you can use a ready-made PVC profile, thanks to which you can get the most bizarre shapes, however, it is quite expensive and is used to fasten polyester.

No. 7. How else can you attach the fabric to the wall?

Not so often, but still the method of attaching the fabric is used with nails. In this case, the matter is simply against the wall - easily and reliably. You can along the edges, in the center - with decorative hats.

Wall draping with fabric performed to the maximum in a simple way. In this case, it is enough to stick a tape with loops on the wall, and sew the second part of the tape with hooks to the canvas. Thus, you can get any kind of drapery and the most interesting effects. Moreover, the fabric can be removed and washed at any moment.

Bekaert Textiles is a Belgian textile manufacturer. Its fabrics for wall decoration require a minimum of maintenance, are distinguished by a tight weave and the presence of a Teflon coating, which makes the surface as resistant to mechanical damage as possible. The manufacturer claims that its fabrics are resistant to high humidity and even may be. The range of patterns and patterns is more than decent;

  • Creation Baumann- Swiss-made fabrics, which are distinguished by increased strength and mass of a variety of shades and patterns, there is even a fabric with the effect of a starry sky;
  • - a well-known Italian company for the production of jacquard fabrics. The production has been operating for more than 40 years, and all this time the traditions and principles remain unchanged: the highest quality and the constant expansion of the range. Wall fabrics are presented in several collections, so finding the most suitable canvas for design is not so difficult;
  • Lesura- French-made fabrics, which are made on the basis of cotton, polyester and foam or cotton and viscose. Rolls have a width of 2.6-2.95 m, so in the vast majority of rooms it is possible to mount the coating seamlessly. All fabrics in the range have an anti-dust and anti-stain coating, do not fade in the sun, so the company is not afraid to give a guarantee on its products for 10 years. There are 21 textures and 170 colors in the assortment;
  • is a French fabric manufacturer that has been on the market since 1981. Today, its products are used by designers around the world for homes, offices, hotels, restaurants and television studios. The range of colors is impressive: from plain canvases in soothing shades to fabrics imitating the colors of animal skins. All of the company's fabrics are anti-static, waterproof, treated with anti-mold and antibacterial compounds. Surface stains are easy to remove, standard and fire retardant products are available. It is better to attach these fabrics to the wall using a frame;
  • Bruvatex is a well-known Belgian manufacturer of quality fabrics for wall decoration. Fabrics 2.8 m wide are made of cotton or a mixture of cotton and viscose, all fabrics are treated with antistatic and anti-fading compounds, so their service life is quite long. They are attached to the wall on a profile, in the assortment there are a lot of colors and patterns for every taste. Stains from such a coating are easily removed - the main thing is not to leave them to dry.
  • We continue the "series" about ways to decorate walls. There are already quite a lot of them, and now they are all placed

    And this is a new gallery about a fairly well-known in history, and now fashionable way - decor with fabric. We will talk a little about history, modern fashion and suggest ways original solutions without ruining the budget.

    By the way, do you know that it was the fabric that was the great-grandmother modern wallpaper? After all, it was with it that the walls in the houses of the nobility were covered, while ordinary citizens simply whitewashed the walls. Well now the real ones fabric wallpaper- one of the most expensive lines, and it is found only in suppliers who have been producing wallpaper for at least 100 years, and environmentally friendly processing technologies are kept secret. But the high price does not scare off true connoisseurs who have sufficient funds: decorating walls with fabric is an indicator of good taste and the ability to appreciate natural materials.

    However, the high price of fabric compared to economical wallpaper is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of seeing this beauty on your walls. We (once again) prefer creative solutions that are economical, but at the same time look very original. We act locally - we create “pictures”, collages, panels and draperies from fabric, and then decorate the walls in our house with them.

    There are two situations and several solutions to each of them:

    Situation 1: you like the pattern and / or texture of the fabric, and you want to see it as a wall decor.

    Original Solutions:

    • stretch the fabric on a special frame (sold in Ikea) (photo 1, 11, 32, 33);
    • create a beautiful drapery or hang a small piece pre-cut along the edges on a short cornice (photo 8 and 16);
    • insert a fabric rectangle into the picture frame, attaching it to a rigid base (the fabric should be relatively thin!) (photo 2, 18, 19);
    • strengthen a whole even canvas on a part of the wall and beat around the edges with molding (photo 3, 10, 15, 20);
    • fasten a long, even canvas to the top of the wall and leave it hanging freely, like Japanese panels(photo 4 and 5);
    • you can see ideas using an embroidery hoop (photo 13).

    Situation 2: you are interested in getting a certain combination of fabrics of different colors (shades of the same color) or you are attracted by a fashionable needlework technique.

    Original Solutions:

    • fabric collage (flat - something like an applique (photo 30) or a three-dimensional version (photo 31, 34) or drapery, reinforced on a rigid base (photo 29);
    • quilting technique (quilt), a modern revival of patchwork, but more elegant drawing up of a pattern from polygonal details - as a result, a real carpet picture is born (photo 6, 7, 9, 14, 17, 21, 28, 35);
    • use any of the solutions to situation 1, combining different fabrics.

    And a couple of tips before viewing the pictures:

    • the color of the fabric should be clearly different from the color of the rest of the wall space, even when viewed at a distance of 3-4 meters, choose harmonious combinations and do not be afraid to use contrasts;
    • the more diverse the fabric pattern, the more uniform the surrounding wall should be;
    • fabric decor can be an excellent color accent or “support” other interior items in the same colors;
    • if you need to combine several pieces of furniture with different upholstery, look for these (or similar) fabrics on sale, create a collage of them, and then place it above the largest piece of furniture (for example, above the sofa).


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    Conducting redecorating apartment, one of the rooms, Alexander Zaitsev finished with fabric, and not only the walls, but also partially the furniture. What he did, read in this article.

    When choosing a fabric, I settled on an inexpensive plain cotton fabric resembling a canvas. This so-called twin thread.

    Previously, the wallpaper was completely removed from the walls, wetting them with warm water and scraping with a spatula. In order not to mess around with putty and leveling the walls, I first glued the fabric on HDF panels 3 mm thick (hard fiberboard can be used), and already them on the walls, which I previously primed with diluted PVA.

    I used liquid nails to glue the plates. This method is, of course, more expensive, but more convenient. And the walls as a result are smooth. The method was tested on a small piece of panel (600 x 400 mm). I glued the fabric first in a “raw” way - on PVA and soaking the fabric on top with it. But, as it turned out, the double thread does not shrink - and as it dries, the fabric began to wrinkle and gather into folds.

    Therefore, the further sticker was made in a “dry” way: the panel was primed with PVA, after drying it was smeared with glue again, covered with a cloth, which I smoothed with light hand movements (small wetting is not terrible, since the PVA glue does not leave marks when it dries), after which it was ironed with a hot iron before polymerization of the adhesive. The fabric was glued to the non-laminated side of the HDF. The color of the lamination does not play any role, so I used the cheapest white-coated panels. I glued the fabric with an allowance of 15-20 mm, which I then cut with a clerical knife.

    Here it is necessary to dwell on PVA glue. It is issued three types- carpentry (the most durable, but also the most expensive), universal and construction. The latter in our business can be used for a primer, but it is necessary to glue or universal - this best option, or a mixture of carpentry (30-50%) and universal.

    After gluing the panels on the walls, the joints between them were decorated with a wooden layout 30 mm wide, carefully gluing it with the Transparent Gel glue produced under the Moment brand. As a plinth and upper curb, I used a 50 mm wide layout, putting it on “liquid nails”.

    Using the same technology, I pasted over two visible planes of a cabinet with a mezzanine - doors and right side surfaces. Only glued not on HDF, but on the prepared surfaces of the cabinet and mezzanines. Doors and sides for this dismantled. I have a wardrobe of a classic design of the sixties of the last century with polished doors (the mezzanine is homemade, from veneered carpentry boards).

    Tape grinder with a rough skin ruthlessly tore off the polish from the doors and sidewalls, getting an excellent rough surface for pasting. All decorated with fabric trimmed the perimeter plane with a PVC corner 25 x 25 and 20 x 25 mm, cutting off a 5 mm corner at one of the shelves. I did the same for the edges of the doors. The edge of the doors on the side of the piano hinges was trimmed with a 25 mm strip, which I got by cutting off one of the shelves at the corner.

    Finishing walls and furniture with fabrics - the price of the issue

    The cost per square meter of HDF-panel is 60-80 rubles, used fabric - 70-100 rubles. And the cost of industrial textile wallpaper (on a non-woven basis) is about 1,000 rubles. per square meter. Feel the difference, as they say!

    The door to the room (of mass Soviet design - fiberboard on a frame, pasted over with a film), dismantled it before finishing, removed the film without great difficulties, but - with top layer hardboard.

    The result was a porous, rough surface, which I primed twice with diluted PVA and, after drying, pasted over with a double thread using an already proven technology. The perimeter is also trimmed with 25*25mm PVC corner. In the same style, I designed a panel that closes the sliding mechanism above the door.

    He completed the work by making a screen for a heating radiator, into which he introduced decorative panel covered with double thread.

    One of the walls large quantity bookshelves and once paneled under a light tree - did not touch: it fit well into the updated interior of the room.

    Wooden interior details - layouts, cornices, skirting boards, as well as elements of the radiator screen covered with two layers water stain under mahogany and - after good drying - with three layers of colorless "Senezh Akvadecor".

    The plane of the window sill was also decorated under mahogany - there was a back wall from the old one in stock bookcase, I cut it to size and glued it to the "liquid nails".

    Do-it-yourself wall decoration with fabric - progress of work

    One of the walls is occupied by a large one, which was not touched during the repair; when gluing the panels, cutouts were made in them to bypass the showcase

    1. Room decoration materials - beige double-thread fabric and HDF panel (reverse side).

    2. Wardrobe with mezzanine united by decoration into an ensemble. Color solution based on the contrast of light planes and darker stripes along their borders.

    3. Sliding door. The upper suspension mechanism is covered by a screen.

    4. A fragment of the door trim. In the open position, the door protrudes into the opening by 80 mm, so I installed ordinary handles, not recessed.

    5. Screen of the heating battery. The grating is made from waste slats, the lower part is a HDF-panel, covered with fabric, on a wooden frame.

    6. Wall decoration with bookshelves during the repair, it was decided not to change: it fit well into the new interior.

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