Facing the base with decorative panels with their own hands. Finishing base panels - how not to spend money for builders services and conduct work yourself

Gardening 03.03.2020

The outer finish of the house can be made of various materials. The facade panels among them occupy one of the first places due to the simplicity of installation, high operational and decorative properties.

The quality of the surface being created is so highly that it is capable of radically change the appearance of the usual building, turning it into an elegant, good mansion.

The list of types of facade panels for the base is quite wide and is constantly updated with new developments, creating a better, stylish coating for the house.

The base is the continuation of the foundation located above the ground. It directly takes the load from the walls, protects the rooms at home from the effects of groundwater, and also - from heat leakage. If there is a basement, then the base partially plays the role of the outer wall.

The features of the location are such that the base is constantly subjected to various influences:

  • Mechanical impacts associated with an affordable position on the ground.
  • Contacts with soil and atmospheric waters, rain or capillary water drains.

Mechanical impacts of one or another genus can somehow control or limit. Contact with water can only be excluded only by the competent device of the foundation as a whole, high-quality waterproofing, as well as equipment efficiently acting.

The base plays a purely utilitarian role, but it is necessary to draw it in the same way as the entire facade.

Features of facade base panels

The base panels are the trimming material specifically designed to finish the base part of the house.


Specialization of the base panels is not exceptional. Such material is successfully shed completely facades of houses, and the result in terms of the effect of the effect exceeds other types of sheathing.

As a material for the manufacture of facade base panels, uses:

  • Cink Steel.
  • Plastic (polypropylene, vinyl, etc.).
  • Fibrocement.
  • Porcelain stoneware (artificial stone), etc.

The most common polypropylene samples, which have the best combination of prices with operational qualities.

The main feature of the base panels is imitation of stone or brickwork, made with high realistic. For the manufacture of forms, casts from natural sections of walls, isolated from different types of stone or bricks are used.

Panels, cast in such forms, very accurately repeat the natural materials, they can hardly be distinguished from real masonry.

Types of base panels

Complete front panels are available in two types:

  • Uniform.
  • Combined (insulated) consisting of insulation and decorative layers connected into a single block.

Combined panels may have clinker tiles as a decorative layer, creating extremely durable and stable protective layer.

The installation of such panels is quite simple - they are attached to a dowel-nail. The lamp for them is required only in the event of a significant irregularity of the base.

In addition, the base panels repeat the following text types:

  • Stone masonry.
  • Brick masonry (under the brick).

Both types have many varieties. So, the panels under the stone can imitate:

  • Bound stone.
  • Slate.
  • Granite blocks of coarse processing.
  • Rocky stone.
  • Tuf, etc.

Without less diversity have panels for bricks:

  • Smooth brick.
  • Fluted.
  • Loose.
  • Burned, etc.

All kinds of material can be made in different color versions, which further increases the possibility of selecting the most suitable type of panels.

What is the difference between the facade basebars from ordinary

The base panels differ from the usual in the following parameters:

  • Thickness. The base area of \u200b\u200bthe house is subject to all possible mechanical loads, which requires the enhanced strength. The thickness of the most common polypropylene panels is 3 times the usual.
  • Dimensions. Unlike the usual types of sheat, the base panels have a form close to rectangular. Side parties are not straight, but circumcised according to the outlines of the patterns of the pattern and when assembling, create a web with imperceptible joints.
  • Ground panels mimic stone or brickwork, whereas ordinary species specialize in creating various types of wooden surfaces - a bar, a log, etc.
  • The composition of components for the base panels is significantly reduced compared to other types.


Given the large number of varieties of baseline siding, only the general parameters relating to most of the samples of the material are given:

  • Length - 1100-1250 mm.
  • Width - 440-460 mm.
  • Thickness - 2-3 mm.
  • Temperature range - from -50 ° to + 60 °.
  • Duration of service life - 30 years and more.
  • Panel area - 0.4-0.6 m2.

For some varieties of panels, the parameters will be different, for example, insulated clinker panels have a thickness of about 60 mm with a tile thickness of 10-12 mm. All differences in parameters are due to the design features and properties of materials.

Main manufacturers firms

The most famous manufacturers of basebars are firms:

  • Nordside.
  • Alta-profile.
  • Holzplast.
  • Finbir.
  • Vox.
  • Grandline.
  • Yu-Plast.
  • Technosta, etc.

The full list of manufacturers is very large and in little informative. When choosing a material, you should be guided not only by the name of the brand, but also by technical specifications.

Preparation of base to install panels

The start of installation should be thorough preparation of the surface of the base. This procedure is no less responsible than the actual installation of the panels, since the base is the carrier system to which all loads from the walls and roof are transmitted, so the condition of the base must be as close as possible to the ideal one. To allow for flares, cracks or other problem areas is impossible.

The procedure for preparatory work is:

  • View of the surface, evaluation of its quality, determining the number and degree of complexity of flaws.
  • Cracks and potholes to blame putty. Detachable or squeezing should be removed as much as possible until a completely strong monolithic surface is obtained.
  • With multiple and deep potholes, the surface of the base must be placed. In the same way, it should be done in the presence of the curvature of the surface.
  • In some cases, you can do the installation of the carrier subsystem - crates. It will help compensate for the curvature of the walls, but only to a certain limit. Large height differences will significantly weaken the crate.
  • A plastered or covered surface withstands the necessary time and covered with two layers of primer. The optimal choice will be the primer of deep penetration, which will strengthen the structure of the surface layers of the base and improve adhesion with glue for.
  • Installing the insulation can be made directly on the wall or under the crate. Both options provide for the markup and installation of direct suspensions for guide GKC. Then, it is also installed, with a step equal to the width of the insulation slabs, or the insulation is stacked with a dense blade, in which the slots are made for the passage of the suspension petals.
  • As a heater, it is recommended to use steamproof materials.Since the basement is usually strongly ventilated and has no such high partial pressure as residential floors at home. Materials - - completely impenetrable for water, which is important for the base, exposed to the constant impact of moisture from the outside.
  • If the Ministry of Service is used or another vapor-permeable material, then the solid layer of waterproofing must be laid on top. It should cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe base and wrapping the wall at least 15-20 cm.
  • The lamp for mounting panels must match their size. Material for the crate - wooden planks or metal guides. It is recommended to choose metal, since the operating conditions are extremely negative for wooden parts.


The care of the surface preparation is due to the importance of the design and the inability to subsequently control its condition, so all operations should be made as high quality and carefully.

Detailed installation instructions

Installation of panels is carried out by a specific plan.


  • Installation of the starting or j-strip. It is attached to the crate or wall (if there is no insulation) strictly horizontally, for which a line indicates the edge of the starting plank for the construction level is applied to the surface. The mount is made using self-tapping screws in a step of about 40 cm. Self-tapping screws tightly in the middle of oval holes. They are not tightened until it stops, leaving a small move for possible temperature extensions.


With an uneven line of the base with respect to the earth's surface, the material needs a trimming from the bottom edge. In this case, the mount is made directly to the crate, without the participation of the starting plank.

  • The installation of the material is conducted by horizontal rows from left to right and bottom up. The first panel on the left is cut to obtain an even angular edge. It is inserted into the starting rail and is attached to self-drawing on top.
  • The next panel is inserted into the starting bar and starts to the left until complete contact with the lock system., after which, on the upper edge is fixed with self-draws.
  • Similarly, all other panels are installed..
  • Corner profiles design outer corners and protruding parts. They are installed over the finished canvase, close the angular joints, protecting them from the penetration of water, from the wind, etc.
  • The top edge of the panels is drawn up either the finish plank, or J-plank. There are other options, using cornice planks or similar items. The choice is due to the size of the lope of the wall and base.

The base panels for the outer finish of the house are stronger and more resistant to different impacts than the usual types of sheathing. With the highest operational qualities, they have an impressive decorative effect that allows them to use them for the full design of the walls of the house.

Easy installation makes it possible to independently trim the house, which means significant savings on the payment of hired workers. A wide selection of color and patterns of panels makes it possible to create a stylish and solid appearance of the home, testifying to the good taste of the owner.

Useful video

Installation of base panels on the example of the Facing of the company Dek:

In contact with

The quality finish of the foundation by plastic panels is responsible, they not only delated the appearance of the frame structure, but also protect the foundation from the negative impact of rain, snow, other atmospheric phenomena.

Plastic panels for finishing the base

To correctly implement the installation of the base panels, you need to decide: which material is more suitable for the objective of the foundation, consider finishing options, learn the process of preparing for facing and select the necessary tools.

What is the base, how it happens

Scheme that such a base

An intermediate design separating the bearing walls from the foundation is called the basement. Its main purpose is to protect the walls of the house and finishing materials from the effects of atmospheric factors. If there is no base, the walls can pull moisture accumulating on the basis after the rains or melting of snow, which can lead to loss of frost resistance, rotting or appearance on their mold surface. This is relevant when a belt foundation is used for apply. With its pile (column) version, the base, on the contrary, protects the upper elements of the foundation from moisture falling on them from the walls.

Types of soccer

Three types of base are used:

  1. While loud with a wall. It is rarely used.
  2. Speaker. This type is applicable to the house, with the ground floor for which additional insulation is necessary. Such a base should be equipped with a protective drain, and when it is finished, only high-quality panels for the foundation are applied, since it is most exposed to atmospheric factors.
  3. Wood. The most acceptable option for the skeleton house. Flowing along the walls of moisture will not fall on the wall between the wall and the basement, which allows you to protect the waterproofing layer.

Types of panels and materials used in their manufacture

With all the variety of facing materials for the foundation, they can be divided into three types.

All of the above types of base panels have a variety of color solutions and a rich texture - under stone, brick, and so on.

Options for finishing the base

Options for finishing base frame house

The choice of option facing the foundation panel depends mainly on individual preferences, financial capabilities and individual moments. More this may affect the type of foundation.

There are three types under the frame house depending on the soil on which it is built and built a building. Slab - used when building on unstable soils. Ribbon is an analogue of the foundation for a regular house, but less illuminated, since the weight of a frame building is much less. Syano-screw - used for single-storey houses, built on clay and weak soils. The last two types are of interest for our topic, as they differ in the way to fasten the crate when finishing with frame panels.

Insulation base in a frame house expanded polystyrene

Plus, the use of the insulation is played by the use of the insulation, which one is preferable for this: the rolled rolled basement, a slab material or, falling asleep for this to the empty space of clay and sand.

Not the last factor when choosing a material for cladding the foundation and its insulation are natural phenomena. With predominant humidity, preference should be preferred by polymer finishes and insulate the base. If the climate is dry and there is a possibility of fires, it is necessary to apply fibro-cement or metal panels for this and do without insulation.

Process preparation

Adjunation to the base

After the type of cover of the foundation was chosen, in our case, let's proceed from the democratic option - plastic. It is necessary to calculate how much the crates of the selected type is required, based on its step, especially the outer angles, starting and J-slats, the number of entire segments (based on their size and area area), the number of angular, starting and fasteners, the necessary tool.

In carrying out calculations, it is necessary to add about 10% of materials, marriage, facing sizes and other replacement of damaged parts.

If there is no need to use the crate on the ribbon base to install the panels on the tape base, its material is suitable for frameless mount, then it should align all the protrusions that interfere with the work.

When choosing a crate, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the wooden elements have a smaller service life than the galvanized profile and are not suitable for fastening fibro-cement panels due to their significant weight. Mounting in both cases expedient a horizontal framework. If it is wooden, then it is better to choose the suspension for its attachment, when installing a metal frame for fastening the optimal element will be corners.

Example of wood crates

If it is planned to use a slab or rolled insulation, then when installing the crate to adhere to the distance to the walls, which will be sufficient for its placement.

When used for insulation of mineral wool, it must remain sufficient for it to ventilating and removing condensate a clearance.

When choosing a frame step, you should proceed from the fact that the number of vertical edges should be such that the fastening of the base panels was made in four places: two in the middle and the same on the edges. On average, it is equal to 30 centimeters.

Example of insulation and crate of the base of the pile foundation

The lower edge of the crates where the starting plank is mounted, it is necessary to have no lower than 3-5 centimeters from the scene or soil. And with significant frosts in which the soil is deeply freezed by this clearance, it is necessary to increase to 5-7 cm. This will ensure the ventilation of the structure and its integrity when the earth is frozen and the freezing of the Earth.


What are needed for cladding tile

After selecting the type of panels, calculating the number of all materials, all the necessary tools should be prepared. For installation, you will need:

  • marker (chalk) for the necessary markup;
  • roulette;
  • drill or perforator;
  • scissors for metal or hacksaw for cutting panels;
  • corolon, level, screwdriver.

When leveling irregularities, you need the necessary tools for this:

Tools for mounting siding panels

  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

Basic Rules of Montaja

Facade Panel Installation Scheme

Installation of panels for finishing the foundation is necessary after its shrinkage, regardless of its type. It may take from half a year to 12 months.

Self-tapping screws when fastening the crates should be screwed up smoothly without distortion in the middle of the slots, leaving a heat gap of about 2 millimeters.

Mounting border and starting planks should be incremented with 30 centimeters, not close to each other, and at least 5 mm at a distance.

Start the mounting panels on the base must be left right and bottom up, starting facing the next side of the base, only after the complete end of the coating of the previous one.

Installation of the next base panel, you need to produce, fixing its centimeters to 5 below the previous one, so that it turns out to push into the locks of the lock. After that, raise it on the required level and fluttering the end to connect the lock.

The base panels considered in this article are perfectly suitable for finishing any type of foundation of frame structures. A rich texture, a variety of color palette, ease of installation and other advantages make them an optimal solution for such works.

The decoration of the base with plastic panels is the final stage of the facade facing. This event will require compliance with all rules and nuances, because it is the foundation that is exposed to the greatest environmental impact. It is not recommended to leave this section of the wall without facing, since the coating will begin to gradually collapse, which threatens with numerous problems.

The use of the foundation panels has a number of features that allocate this material among other options. It should be borne in mind that a special type of plastic products developed for this work is applied for work. Compared to conventional facade products, the base variety has a greater thickness, which makes it more reliable.

Other advantages are allocated:

On a note! The selection of panels is a responsible process. It is worth abandoning the acquisition of a material that is made by unknown manufacturers and has a very low price.

Cheap base siding fresters in the sun for 3 to 4 years, in addition, there is a probability of cracking when the temperature differences in winter

Montaja technology

Facing the foundation by plastic panels is a fairly simple process, but there are a number of nuances that cannot be left unattended. First of all, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions that must be attached, there are main recommendations and norms.

The process is divided into steps, and only the correct execution of all actions makes it possible to get the desired result.


Preparation is required, since it avoids problems in the future. It is as follows:

Before starting work, the presence of all necessary is checked.

Plastic cladding for the base is good and the fact that it does not need an expensive tool for work

Installation of carcass

Mounting the frame can be carried out in different ways. The most reliable is the method using a metal profile. Also, in advance should be declared whether insulation will be. A foam or penplex may be used as thermal insulation material. Mineral wool is not very suitable, because it absorbs moisture well, after which it loses properties.

Mineral wool is more suitable for wooden buildings, in block houses a budget option is a foam, and more high-quality extruded expanded polystyrene foam.

The installation process of the crate:

  1. To ensure the necessary ventilation, the insulation layer is placed on special glue, a plate dowel is used for fixing. The joints are wetted by mounting foam.
  2. Marking is carried out. According to the drawn lines, the suspensions are attached to the surface, and they are profile.
  3. Separately set spacers that provide the necessary reliability.
  4. If a starting plank is included with the panels, it is fixed at some distance from the ground.

When installing the insulation on the base under the metal crate, put the plates on the glue preferably, but not necessarily

The base may have different holes, their locations are marked. Window openings are strengthened around the perimeter with a metal profile.

Installation of panels

To finish the foundation, it turned out reliable, the quality of the created framework is checked, the details should not be fused or have deformation. The total plane is determined by the level.

Finishing the foundation with plastic panels is a very effective event that allows you to achieve the desired result with your own hands.

It is possible to separate the base of the house with various materials that can reliably protect the upper part of the foundation from wetting, solar ultraviolet, mechanical damage. Typically used brick, clinker, stone masonry or siding - polymer panels or composite, high-quality masonry imitating.

In the construction markets there is a facing of any species. Before determining which material is better suitable for the architectural style of the cottage, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the protruding base will have to additionally protect themselves;
  • the minimum layer thickness has a flexible tile, which can be caught a concrete surface;
  • maximum expanding the design of the base brickwork;
  • inside the frames that are attached panels, siding or professional flooring, you can lay the insulation to eliminate heat loss through the floors, the floors of the lower floor;
  • the default frame systems have a greater maintainability, can be updated at any time of operation.

Tip! To decorate the protruding base is better before facing facades, so that, if necessary, hide the top fastening shelf of the molding under the wall material.


To put the base brick, you need to make a separate base for laying. On bunched soils, it is necessary to replace 40 cm soil with rubble and / or sand, rammed layers.

Unlike concrete foundation, this facing material has a twice as smaller resource upon contact with the Earth. Over the underlying layer requires rolled waterproofing in 2-3 layers. To completely eliminate the seating of brickwork, a rigid bunch with a basement is used:

  • after laying 2 - 3 rows, the deaf holes at a depth of 4 - 6 cm are drilled in the bearing design;
  • 6-10 mm reinforcement connecting the main wall with facing are inserted into them;

It is recommended to use ceramic brick, slit, hollow stone or hyperpressed modifications. The laying is carried out exclusively with spoonful rows in Polkirpich. To eliminate the wool's bridge, which is essentially the construction of the base, basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam can be laid between facing brick and carrier design.

Important! The insulation must be docked with the thermal insulation of the facade or start at the top of the base inside under the layer of wall cladding in the absence of thermal insulation.


You can separate the ground part of the foundation of the house with clinker tiles. The budget will be approximately equal to brick facing masonry. However, this material has some benefits:

  • the maximum possible operational resource from all known cladding;
  • the presence of finished angular (external / internal) elements;
  • fastening to walls, no need for its own foundation;
  • slight loading of the power frame due to the small weight of the clinker;
  • high artistic value of decorative coating.

There are different types of clinker tiles that mimic the masonry, torn, rock, polished stone. Therefore, you can choose an option for designing the base in full accordance with the architectural style of a private cottage.

The clinker tile is mounted with glue solution, the panels from this material are attached to the frame. The first option does not allow you to warm up the ground part of the foundation, the second allows you to install polystyrene foam inside the crate.

Tip! There is a clinker tile for steps, allowing it when finished with the same base the base to achieve maximum aesthetics of the perception of facades.

Polymerpess tile

The inexpensive embodiment of the base of the house is the polymer-sand composite, from which the tile of different formats is manufactured. This material is very lightweight, practically does not load the design of the foundation, is attached either on a frame crate, or on tile glue.

The texture usually simulates a natural stone or brickwork. Material moisture resistant, with a minimal expansion coefficient, sustainable solar ultraviolet, aggressive media and mechanical damage. The tile is cut by manual hacksaw in any direction, you can pick up any format to reduce cut waste.

Important! Doblyo elements for this cladding do not exist, therefore, an accurate fit in the corners and pairing is required.

A natural stone

If there is a cheap natural stone in the region, it is possible to separate the base of the house by this material. This option is more suitable for seasonal accommodation buildings, in which the outer insulation of the underground and the above-ground part of the foundation is not required. The heavy material is planting a solution or tile glue, significantly loads the power frame of the cottage, does not hold on the insulation.

Granite, gravel, dolomite stone has high strength and moisture resistance. However, with a cladding, many dissolved seams are obtained, which indicated characteristics do not have initially. Therefore, finishing costs increase on the purchase of a wapse, which ensures the waterproofing of the joints.

Important! The stone cannot be fastened on the frames, so the maintainability of the cladding is zero.

Fake diamond

Of all the modifications of the artificial stone for trimming the base of the house, concrete slabs with a decorative outer layer are usually used. To improve the characteristics, the material is modified by moisture-resistant additives, painted by mass to increase the wear resistance of the face surface.

Fastening an artificial stone standard - adhesive layer after processing the basement of the primer. This cladding can be used with any facade coatings. Integration into the exterior and the architectural style by default is high.

Tile, Ceramographic Tile

To separate the cafeter or porcelain book the base of the house, you will have to first align the surfaces. The thickness of the adhesive layer should not exceed 1 cm, modifications can be used only for external work.

Porcelain stoneware is much stronger, the tile has a wider range, richer selection of textures, colors and formats. Therefore, when using tiles, it is possible to reduce the flow consumption. The material slightly loads the foundation, the seams are maintained by special moisture-resistant compositions.

Important! Tile is not a full-fledged waterproofing material. Therefore, the surface of the base before facing can and need to be treated with a primer, to deceive with bitumen mastics. On the glass hydroimol, the tile does not hold.


The budget option for finishing the base of the house traditionally is the leveling of surfaces with plastering, spacion solutions. However, these materials require protection against moisture, additional decoration. Therefore, they are painted with water-emulsion, dispersed, acrylic, acrylate and oil compositions.

The same materials are used in wet facades, as they are quite firmly held on polystyrene foam or basalt wat when using reinforcement grids. Therefore, the base of seasonal operations can be simply attached and painted, the base house of permanent residence is better to warm and twist and cover the decorative plaster.

Ground Siding

With a limited budget for the building, a facing of vinyl basement siding is better fit. Despite the name, the facades outside the whole are often separated by this material. For example, a budget "carcass" can be completely seen by the base siding, giving the brick cottage architecture.

Photo of the vinyl base siding panel, imitating brick.

Unlike standard linear panels, the base siding is produced in the form of modules with dimensions of about 1.2 x 0.5 m 18 - 30 mm thickness. The texture usually simulates a stone or masonry, the panels have locks to connect to each other. Inside the frame of the frame, you can lay the insulation, reducing the heat loss of the building.

Important! The widespread range of good siding is. In addition to these and corners, manufacturers produce start-up, finish planks and beammers for securing panels.


Facing the ground part of the foundation of the professional flooring is a budget option. The facades at the same time are obtained low artistic value, so it is better to use this cladding for the surplus buildings. Installation is carried out on a frame from a bar or a galvanized profile, fixed on the base outside.

Sheets can be recorded on run rivets or self-drawers. For the professional foot there are good elements that allow efficiently decorated with external and internal angles, set over the cells of the scenes.

Important! When choosing a professional flooring, there is practically no waste of cut, as you can order the sheets of the necessary height mounted without fitting.

Flexible tile

This method of facing the ground part of the foundation in principle is not the target use of roofing facing. The flexible tile is very thin, there can not even hide minor defects of flatness, so requires perfectly even base.

This decoration technology is more suitable for the bandwidth of the columnar or pile-woodworking foundations. Over the supporting vertical elements, the lamp is stuffed or fastened, the asbetic sheets are hung on them, their surface can be flown with flexible bitumen tiles, additionally consolidated by self-draws. Usually choose the types of tiles as similar to the stone.

The use of composite materials composite materials from fiber cement to finish the house of composite materials makes it possible to provide 20-30-year-old resources. The panel is created from a mixture of cement and wood fibers with hot pressing, the outer surface is laminated or covered with a protective layer. Made under the simulation of various materials - wood, brick, stone.

In addition to the weather resistance and self-sufficient design of the facial part, fibro-cement panels have self-cleaning properties. Dust and dirt are washed off with rains or water from the hose. Panel locks are supplemented with sealing elements that ensure high tightness of the facing layer.

Stock Foto Cool from fibric panels

Thus, the base can be decorated with a multitude of ways depending on the existing construction budget, the architectural style of the building and the preferences of the owner. It is necessary to navigate on the coating resource, the weight of the facing, the thickness and price of materials.

The foundation finish panels is a reliable and effective way to protect the base of the residential building from adverse external factors: water, wind, sunlight and mechanical damage. Facing work can be performed independently - detailed instructions will help to cope with the task even a non-professional.

Finishing materials for foundation: species and advantages

All designed to cover the house of the moisture resistant house are capable of making sharp temperature differences, withstand mechanical effects. However, their properties depend on the material - some types in addition to protective and decorative functions have good thermal insulation qualities.


The panels made from polyvinyl chloride are available at a price, have a small weight and are able to serve about 30 years. They are not susceptible to rotting, mold or fungus is not formed on the surface. Light in care - you can wash with water.

Mounted for all rules, such panels securely protect the foundation from moisture and wind. It is easy to install them yourself, and damaged items are easy to replace with new ones.

However, there are also serious disadvantages in such products - they are inferior to other materials in strength.

Strong frosts make them fragile, they also cannot withstand mechanical exposure and can crack.


Facade panels can be made of anodized aluminum or galvanized steel. Steel sheets are harder, and therefore the construction erected will create a greater load on the foundation.

The edge of the panels is perforated and solid, the lack of the latter is the need to independently do holes for fasteners.


Consisting of wood fibers elements have a moisture-repellent coating, have good sound and thermal insulation properties. They are available at a price, easy to work, resistant to temperature difference.

However, such a facing is not too durable - it can serve about 10-15 years.


Three-layer structures consisting of PVC sheet, from two sides protected by plastic coating. Durable, lightweight and resistant to external influences, which is easy to install.

Among the advantages:

  • long service life;
  • affordable price;
  • fire resistance;
  • large selection of textures and colors: Plastic panels can imitate almost any material: brick, stone masonry.


Cement-chip panels are durable and durable material, a qualitatively protecting the foundation from external influences. Mold is not formed on them, they are fire-resistant, low-toxic. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the CSP, which lined with them, the foundation does not need additional insulation.

Saintwich panel

Such structures consist of a layer of insulation and facing material, and therefore they have good protective properties.

They protect the foundation from moisture, the loss of heat, external influences. There may be different coating: metal, moisture-resistant faeer (plywood: types, sheet size, how to cut with their own hands), ceramic tiles or OSB.

Ground Siding

The siding made from polypropylene has the same qualities as the vinyl panels (resistant to the formation of mold, does not destroy when contact with moisture, protects against winds, a variety of texture), but exceeds them by strength.

Disadvantage - high cost.

Required tools and materials

For the facing of the foundation of the house will be required:

  • base panels;
  • wooden timber sizes from 40 * 40 mm or metal profile to create a frame;
  • start and top planks - the first is set at the bottom of the future cladding and serves as a support for the panels, the second closes the profile from above;
  • corners to close the corner connections of the panels;
  • fasteners (dowels for frame, selflessness with press washer or galvanized nails with a wide hat for fixing panels);
  • hacksaw or electrolovka for cutting panels;
  • screwdriver and hammer;
  • the level of construction length is 80 cm or more;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • perforator for creating holes under the dowel;
  • roulette;
  • cord chopping;
  • corolnic

Simultaneously with the facade facing, its insulation can be carried out, then heat and waterproofing materials will be required.

Foundation Finishing Panels: Step-by-step instructions

Facade panels for the base are installed on the frame.

Work on the construction of the crate should be carried out particularly carefully - on how exactly it is and firmly mounted, the durability and reliability of the entire design depends.

Frame elements - profile or timber (description, types, properties) - can be installed horizontally or vertically, for plastic panels are more suitable horizontal.

Order of work:

  1. The starting bar is installed at an altitude of 4-5 cm above the ground level. Determine the starting point, using a level, twin cord or marker conducted a line throughout the perimeter of the foundation. According to the planned line, the bar is mounted, fixing it with a dowel.
  2. If the facade insulation will be performed together with the facing, the framework must be located at a distance from the walls sufficient for laying thermal insulation. The insulation is placed closely, without leaving the joints, fasten with plastic dowel-umbrellas. The waterproofing material is fixed on top. How to insulate the house with foam can be found in this article.
  3. At the corners, near the doorways, the output or entry of communications to the house is the corner bar and J-profile.
  4. Go to the mount panels. The first element is installed on the starting bar, fixed with self-stairs on two edges and 2 places in the middle of the panel.

    It is important not to twist fasteners until it stops, but leave a millimeter clearance so that during the temperature oscillations the expanding or compressive panel did not crack.

  5. Similarly, set the remaining panels of the first row.
  6. If the height of the elements is not enough, and it is required to perform the second or more rows, then they are made with a displacement, like brickwork.
  7. When the foundation is completely trimmed, the last row of panels are closed with a plastic sampling.
  8. If, after work, small gaps between the elements were seen, they are sealed using silicone sealant of suitable color.

In order for the built-in design to fully perform its functions and served a long time, before starting work, it is worth studying several recommendations from plastic panel installation professionals:

  1. All the place of entry and the release of communications to the house before the start of the facing is mounted sealing.
  2. Plastic panels must be installed at a short distance from the soil level, and not close to the ground.
  3. Work on the trim is always starting from the left corner, go to the right.
  4. Facing fasteners must have an anti-corrosion coating.
  5. All gaps and joints of the joints after the end of work must be thoroughly wrapped with a sealant.

It is advisable to choose the day for the facing work when the air temperature is higher than 0 ° C and precipitation is not expected.

Decorative casing of the foundation basement siding

Siding panels have a lock connection, due to which individual elements are tight and securely fixed into a single design. However, so that the work has been done efficiently, it is important to establish a durable and even metal frame to which the base siding will be attached.

Materials and tools

To work will be required:

  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws and dowel-nails;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • building level;
  • bulgarian;
  • marker and roulette;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • metallic profile;
  • corners, flow and starting plank.

Order of work

Profiles are fixed in 3 places: downstairs in the middle and above. A similar scheme is used to clamp a foundation with 1 row of panels with a height of about 46 cm. Stand pitch must match the width of the panel.

Before installing the profile, the lines on which it will be laid using the level and marker is pre-noted.

The profile is fixed with a dowel. On the lower profile, the starting bar is installed, fixing it with self-buildings at a distance of every 30 cm. At the corners and the protrusions of the foundation, the corners are fixed.

Siding installation work starts from the corner from left to right. The first element is attached to the starting bar, inserting into special holes for fasteners of the self-tapping screw, fix it. Install the following panel so that its protrusions go to the grooves of the first element.

Having reached the opposite corner, cut off the last panel of the surplus using the grinder. Go to the next wall.

From above, the facing is closed with a tump, gaps and gaps fill in harmony in color with a sealant siding.

Getting Started with independent installation of baseline siding, it is worth remembering several rules:

  1. The fasteners must be installed in the center of the special hole, without twisting it to the end by 1 mm - it is necessary that the panel changes are not cracking under the influence of the environment.
  2. For reliable fixation of the design, fasteners are used so that it enters the base at least 11 mm.
  3. If simultaneously with the cladding of the foundation, it is insulation, not foil materials use breathing.

Having learned how to independently finish the foundation of the panels, you can proceed to operation - the installation process is quite simple, and the recommendations of the specialists and viewing video with a detailed description of the work will help to avoid common errors.

Video instructions for installing baseline siding: materials for work, order of work and installation process.

The video shows typical errors when installing base panels and the consequences of non-compliance with installation work technology.

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