How to make a wooden plinth yourself. Correct laying of the plinth on the floor (plastic and wood)

Plant encyclopedia 04.03.2020
Plant encyclopedia

Wood is rightfully considered a classic material for interior decoration. First of all, it is appreciated for its environmental friendliness and high mechanical strength. Wooden skirting boards perfectly complement the parquet floor, in harmony with it. There are a large number of commercially available wooden skirting boards. Self-production of the skirting board will not only save money, but also open up the possibility of choosing the optimal shape and color of the skirting board. We will learn more about how to make a wooden plinth on our own.

Wooden skirting board: advantages, features and characteristics

The white wooden skirting board is preferably installed in dry rooms such as a bedroom, living room, nursery. They are installed on wood or parquet floors. Among the advantages of such skirting boards are:

environmental safety;


attractive appearance;

high strength.

There are two main options for wooden skirting boards:



The first option is more expensive. For its manufacture, valuable species of wood are used in the form of oak, beech, cherry, alder. Cheaper models are made from pine or spruce massifs. This skirting board is suitable for expensive flooring. It is distinguished by a long service life, resistance to mechanical damage, laborious installation, and high cost.

The veneered version of the skirting board is a cheaper option. Pine or spruce wood is used for its manufacture. Valuable wood species are placed on top of the base. In appearance, the skirting board is identical to the solid one, however, the performance characteristics are at a lower level.

Another option for wooden skirting boards is a flexible skirting board. Ash, oak, beech and other hard types of wood are used as the basis for the construction of the plinth. The special technology of wood processing allows obtaining elasticity properties. To store such a skirting board, special packaging is required, the interaction of the skirting board with air leads to its solidification in a certain shape.

The pricing policy of wooden skirting boards is determined by the type of wood used in the process of their manufacture. The cheapest options are pine skirting boards, and the most expensive ones are oak skirting boards. The best option is larch, wood has excellent performance characteristics, almost the same as oak, however, the cost of such a plinth is not much higher than that of pine.

After installing wooden skirting boards, they must be varnished, which provides additional protection for the coating from moisture, temperature changes and other factors.

In addition, there are a huge number of types of skirting boards in relation to their shape. The most popular skirting boards have a triangular cut. With the help of modern woodworking equipment, it is possible to create skirting board models with a variety of cutouts and patterns.

Standard skirting boards have a base height of 1–2.5 cm. The height of the skirting boards themselves is not limited and ranges from 4 to 30 cm. When choosing the size of the skirting board, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling in the room. High skirting boards are suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

The classic solution is to make a plinth from the same type of wood from which the floor is built. However, with the help of modern devices, it is possible to successfully combine several types of wood with each other.

Conifers are used to make cheap skirting boards. Most often, pine is used as a material. Soft solid wood is easy to handle and cut. Due to its light texture, the skirting board easily accepts any coloring composition. Spruce skirting boards are rare, as this material is difficult to process.

Skirting boards, for the manufacture of which larch is used, are the most popular, thanks to the successful combination of pricing policy and quality characteristics. This material resists moisture well, does not rot and is used even in the kitchen and bathroom.

Wooden skirting boards made of oak are elite options. They have unique strength and the highest durability. The use of a skirting board made of bleached or artificially aged oak species can add sophistication and solidity to the room.

Beech has the same performance characteristics as oak, but differs from it in color. The beech skirting board has a pinkish texture that may not suit every interior.

If you want a nice brown color, we recommend making your own walnut skirting board. This type of wood has a special elasticity, suitable for the manufacture of flexible skirting boards. It is such a plinth that will allow you to design walls that are extraordinary in shape. The nut contains iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the room, making it healthy.

Light olive color can be obtained from ash. This type of wood, like walnut, has a high plasticity, the texture of the wood is clear and has veins.

The original color of mahogany makes it popular for skirting boards. In addition, the array is durable and lightweight. Although the cost of such wood is quite high, compared to all of the above options.

Linden is best suited for the manufacture of skirting boards for a bath, since it is distinguished by good plasticity, resistance to moisture. Cherries are also very popular. However, its only advantage is the gradual color change during use.

Please note that when choosing a skirting board without varnish, after processing it with a varnish composition, it will change color. This fact should be taken into account. If you are going to open the skirting board with a colorless varnish, then in order to find out what color the skirting board will acquire, wet it with water.


Well, now we have rested and again it's time to get down to business. It's time to get started with skirting boards. Skirting boards are, of course, a trifle, but you cannot do without it, they make the interior more harmonious and complete. Now more and more a high painted plinth is becoming a trend, so we wanted the same

What we wanted

Having monitored the market, disappointing moments became clear: firstly, such a plinth is difficult to buy, and secondly, its price per meter depends on the height and starts from 400 rubles. For me, this is very expensive for such a seemingly simple thing, so we decided on an experiment - to do it yourself

Maybe it will seem wild to someone to make a skirting board themselves, but on the other hand, it is just a board of the required height and width, well, and a decorative element. The inspiration was these pictures from the network:

Another example

Well, really, nothing complicated ?! Let's try ...

... And we tried it almost 2 years ago, when we were doing repairs in the nursery, the result suited us, therefore, we already knew how to implement this in the kitchen, we will tell you too))

We are going to the construction market

For the manufacture of a high plinth, as mentioned above, boards and corners are needed. We will surround only the visible parts of the wall with a plinth (we are so lazy, or economical), our "perimeter" was 7.5 meters, so we get in total:

  • Boards 24x120x2000 - 4 pieces, you need to choose carefully, because they are not all perfectly flat and smooth;
  • Corner decorative rail 20x20x2200 - 4 pcs;

You will also need:

  • White acrylic enamel;
  • Brush;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Countersunk nails
  • Plastic dowels;
  • Saw for miter box
  • Stuslo, Sasha decided to please himself and bought the most expensive model;
  • Wood putty;
  • Skin;

Preparatory work

To begin with, all the boards should lie indoors and "acclimatize", ideally for a week. But we have safely forgotten about this rule)))


We wanted white skirting boards, for this they need to be painted. You can paint after installation, but it's more convenient for me to do it before.

The first coat was a primer - diluted the paint 1: 1

Water in the paint raises the pile of wood, so we grind

When the board is smooth, you can start painting. I need to overlap the wood texture as much as possible, but keep the relief. The basic rule of painting works here - several thin layers instead of one thick one. For the desired result, I needed 3 layers.

I start from the ends

At the junction of layers

Another layer

Difficulties arose with painting the corners, and in general they were not successful - a lot of knots and burrs. When priming, the paint clogged the relief, so after drying it took a long time to pick it out of the recesses. I decided to finish painting them after editing.


The next day, when the paint was dry, we started editing.

First, we decided where the joints would be. Because our wall is 4.2 meters, and the boards are 2m, we decided to make a solid board in the center of the wall, and 1.1m on the sides of the board.

I really, really regretted it - the saw was dull, or the board was very thick, in general, one saw cut took about 15-20 minutes. But he did! It's good that we have only 2 corners))

Angle at 45 0

Fitting to the wall

Sasha fixed the boards with self-tapping screws: he marked out where to insert 4-5 points on the board, then he drilled thin guide holes. Having attached the board to the wall, through the holes in the board, he marked the places for the holes on the wall. He drilled holes in the wall with a puncher, hammered in the dowels and screwed the boards to the wall.

Pilot hole

Dowel hole

Fix to the wall


Due to irregularities in the corner, the board did not want to adhere to the wall, so I had to cut the board a little along the contour of the roughness. All the same, the gap remains, but nothing, we put putty.

Hewn plinth for wall relief

The gap is almost invisible

we attach to the GK wall immediately on self-tapping screws without dowels

Working mess

When Sasha finished, I putty all the cracks, irregularities and caps of the screws, and then sanded the excess and irregularities. Now it was the turn of the corners, we attach them to the finishing nails.

The corner is nailed to the board, you cannot nail to the floor!

If a few decades ago, skirting boards were made of wood and fastened to the floor, now there is much more choice. For example, you can purchase plastic ones, which are quite simple to mount on the floor with your own hands.

They are chosen depending on the color of the floor, and also take into account the presence of a cable channel.

Calculation of the required material

Before going to the hardware store, calculate the required amount of materials. This can be done as follows:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the perimeter of the floor - excluding the width of the openings.
  2. We calculate the number of planks: the number obtained as a result of the previous steps must be divided by the estimated length of the plinth. The number must be rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, if the calculation results in 7, 5, then we buy 8 slats.
  3. In addition, the calculation includes external and internal corners, connecting elements, plugs, right and left.

Back to the table of contents

How to mount?

You will need in your work:

  • nails, screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • glue for plastic.

For installation on the floor of skirting boards with cable channels, you will need nails or self-tapping screws:

  1. First, the cable channel strip is removed from the plinth - holes must be drilled in it. They are drilled in 50 cm increments, and about 10 cm recede from the corner, the diameter of the drill used in this case will be 6 mm.
  2. An inner corner is attached to the plinth and glued with glue to fix it as securely as possible. A plinth is applied from the corner, after which points are marked on the wall, in which shallow holes are then made with a drill.
  3. Plastic dowels are inserted into the holes. The entire length of the plinth is fixed with screws (the latter can be replaced with dowel-nails).
  4. The end of the skirting board is closed with a joint.
  5. Measure the length before joining, then cut the bar. Follow in the further installation according to the above scheme. Don't forget about the markup.
  6. A cable is laid in the channel and covered with a lid.
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Many people around the world have faced such happiness as renovation))). Someone, this word scares to horror, but someone quite on the contrary really likes to do this business, learns and creates. Renovation of an apartment, or a country house, takes a huge amount of time, precious physical labor, and, of course, not a small amount of money from your family budget. Some people, in order not to do this long, tedious, and tedious task, hire a team of construction workers, and they do the job assigned to them in a short time. But, accordingly, the hiring of this brigade is, again, wasting your money.

Not every person has the opportunity to hire a repair team to help. So ordinary people have to do all the hard and not easy work themselves, without anyone's help. But this circumstance is only for the benefit of a person, his development, and labor hardening. Carrying out repairs on their own, a person additionally learns a lot for himself, develops creatively, and as a creator.

Do-it-yourself repairs will be more appreciated than those performed by a team of hired workers, because you will involuntarily respect your work.

The author, who conceived repairs in his country house, decided not to hire a team, and to cope with this problem on his own in order to save money for the safety of family money. Because in addition to the costs of repairmen, money is needed, and for building materials.

Building materials, on which the author also decided to save money, and make some materials on his own, with the help of an electric tool available on the farm of our owner of a country house. He decides that he will make the skirting boards himself, and will not buy this material in the store. If you look at it in detail, this is not so much, and it is difficult if you have the appropriate tool. He takes the boards he has 25 mm thick and 2000 mm long, cuts them longitudinally, cutting them into slats 50 mm wide. Then it is traversed with a cutter, and a loop-machine.

And so now let's take a closer look at what the author needed to make a homemade skirting board, and how he did it.

Materials: board 2000 mm long and 25 mm thick, paint.
Tools: electric plane, milling cutter, loop-machine, circular saw, brush.

First, I collected the instrument so that everything was at hand, and then I didn't have to look for anything.

Gives a blueprint for the future skirting board.

Next, he takes a circular saw.

The ruler sets the width for cutting the workpiece, and also sets the tilt angle of the saw to 10 degrees to make a bevel.

And dissolves the boards into slats.

Further, the resulting workpieces are processed with an electric plane.

The edges of the workpieces are cut by a cutter.

And accordingly, it works with a loop-type machine in order to remove all roughness and irregularities.

And so he got such a wonderful skirting board.

Then I painted my product, and that's what happened.

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