A cozy family house in the "chalet" style - layout options, subtleties of stylistic design. Chalet-style house - design design and description of options for applying style to the interior (80 photos) Chalet house project with a garage

Site arrangement 26.06.2020
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As mentioned above, the word chalet denoted lonely huts in the mountains, usually they served as a haven for shepherds or lumberjacks. In such houses, they took refuge from snow and rain, cooked food right there - in a stone hearth, the prototype of a modern fireplace. The house did not have a specific owner, so the furnishings were extremely simple and uncomplicated. A style was formed - simple, using natural materials. The first floor was made of stones, sometimes whitewashed with lime for beauty. The second floor was assembled from logs, which were prepared right there from nearby trees. They made a simple gable, low-set roof to protect against cold mountain winds and snow avalanches. The chalet style gained wide popularity as the Alpine ski resorts developed. Skiing was usually done by wealthy people, and many people liked this style. A lot has changed over a long, centuries-old history, but simplicity and natural materials remain unchanged - everything that made chalet house designs so popular.

Advantages of chalet-style houses

The advantage is that thanks to the combination of stone and wood, this characteristic and recognizable appearance is created. The first floor in the projects of chalet houses is built of stone, building blocks or bricks are mainly used. The second floor is made of wood, timber, profiled timber, double timber, round logs are used. The main advantage is the combination of an enlarged plinth and a low, spreading roof. Projects are getting more comfortable and bigger than the first solitary chalets in the French Alps. However, you can be sure that when ordering the design of a chalet house in our company, you will get all the advantages of this technology!

Features in design

When designing chalet houses, it is necessary to take into account their features:

  • high stone plinth (if the chalet project is one-story)
  • stone ground floor (if with an attic)
  • the roof is squat, gable, with large overhangs
  • a feature is the obligatory use of a fireplace
  • use of exclusively natural materials in construction
  • natural colors in decoration
  • rough plaster on the outside, usually white
  • provide open terraces under long roof overhangs
  • balconies and loggias in the chalet are larger than usual

Chalet layouts

In our company, the layout of chalet houses depends on the wishes of the customer and the advice of an experienced architect. There are standard room layout options, the basic principles are as follows:

  1. The following rooms are usually located on the stone ground floor - a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, a workshop, a living room with a fireplace.
  2. The layout of the second, wooden floor should contain sleeping rooms, possibly an office for work.

All layouts are carried out individually, often one-story chalet projects are ordered, sometimes they are asked to include a garage, or a bathhouse with a sauna on the ground floor.

Finishing and interior in the style of a chalet

During the construction and exterior decoration of the chalet, natural stone and wood are usually used in the form of a bar or log. The walls of the first floor, both from the inside and outside, are most often plastered in light shades, for example, just white. Wooden surfaces are usually painted dark brown for the effect of old, darkened wood. In the interior decoration, the flooring is an artificially aged floorboard, or painted with a patinated effect, or varnished. To decorate the ceilings in the interior, ceiling beams are left, painted in dark color in contrast with the light ceiling, can be stretched. By the way, it will look very stylish, but quite natural.

Chalet in Russia

Chalet house projects are well suited to the Russian climate due to their solid construction, autumn dampness and winter frosts are not terrible for them! These are no longer traditional alpine houses, but the main recognizable features have remained unchanged due to their characteristic features. The style of the chalet has been tested by time and the harsh mountain climate, so it is perfect for designing houses in Russia. An example of comfort and simplicity, a combination of reliability and coziness, it is ideal for the hearth. Our design organization successfully designs chalet-style houses, and offers to get acquainted with ready-made projects, or make an individual one.

Starting the construction of a country house on your site, everyone already has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end result. Someone wants to see a traditional Russian izba, for someone ultra-modern designs are relevant, and some dream of an exotic Chinese pagoda. However, many prefer cozy and comfortable chalet-style houses.

A chalet-style country house attracts many for several understandable reasons:

  • reliable durable construction;
  • attractive unique appearance.

Translating the name "chalet" we get "shepherd's hut". The first buildings of this type were typical of the province of Savoy. It was here that shepherds settled on the alpine slopes, building their cozy little houses from improvised materials in the form of wood and stones. The main purpose of these houses was to hide from bad weather and wild animals.

In Russia, houses in a chalet are loved by many thanks to the development of skiing. It is difficult to build a chalet into a special type of architecture, but this style still occupied its niche in the construction of country apartments.

Distinctive features of the style

In the chalet style, this is a completely eco-friendly building. Among all other types of buildings of this type, it is given out by such features:

Unusual roof

The roof is the most recognizable feature of the chalet style. The roof is chosen massive and sloping, the ledges are left large. The shape of the roof is due to the natural conditions in which the first chalet houses were built.

Many windows, mostly panoramic. This is done so that inside the living atmosphere is fully connected with the landscape.

Terraces and spacious balconies

Outdoor terraces and balconies are also built in order to merge with the surrounding nature as much as possible. The balconies are under an overhanging roof that protects them from rain.

Using only natural building materials.

A solid foundation and the basement are built of stone, and the attic and the second level are made of wood. The stone, due to its strength, serves as a solid foundation, and the tree perfectly retains heat in winter, but coolness in the sultry heat.

Floors of the building

Buildings have never been tall chalets. As a rule, the first basement is made of stone, the second - of wood. If there is a need to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then this was carried out by horizontal building. In modern buildings there is also an attic floor.

Designing chalet houses

In order for the country building to really correspond to the chosen style direction, projects of houses in the chalet style are being developed.

The first thing to start with is the roof, which is a style-forming element. The main characteristic of the chalet roof is its angle of inclination, which must be very large. With such a slope, a drain is not needed, since water and snow will roll off themselves.

The indentation of the roof from the wall should be at least 1 meter, so that it can protect not only the walls from precipitation, but also a little land around the house.

When choosing the optimal roofing angle, the amount of precipitation in a particular climatic zone should be taken into account. When the angle is 45 degrees, then such a base is not strong and you will have to build a reinforced rafter system. Therefore, it is advisable to make a sharper angle at which the snow itself rolls off.

When choosing a roof covering, preference can be given to corrugated board, which is distinguished by its flexibility and lightness. If you want to follow the style exactly, you should choose a shingle - a tile made of oak, spruce or larch. It is also permissible to use tiles made of ceramic, composite or bituminous. Actual ondulin. But what is strictly prohibited is the metal tile.

Projects of one-story houses also consider the construction of balconies and terraces. They, as a rule, line up from the south or east, so that sunlight can penetrate there. Decorate them with figured boards or balustrades. The perimeter is sheathed with wooden elements.

Now you can do the first (ground) floor. They build it cold, from strong stone. Then the wall surfaces are plastered and whitewashed. On the basement there is a kitchen, a guest room, a bathroom, a corridor-entrance hall and other utility rooms.

The second (warm) floor is built of wood. Bedrooms filled with warmth and comfort are equipped here.

The attic includes rooms for accommodation and reception of guests and utility rooms. There may be a balcony area. It is also made from wood.

As for the windows, besides the fact that they should be large, it is not permissible to use plastic here. It is better to replace it with a tree, and complement it with beautiful shutters.


Living room

The interior of a chalet-style house begins with the arrangement of the living room, because this is the largest room, which has high ceilings and large windows throughout the wall. The main thing here is to use only natural finishing materials without replacing them with analogues.

The atmosphere of unprecedented warmth and comfort is created by soft carpets on the floor and chic fur coverings, chic lamps and graceful large chandeliers. Furniture items are massive, made of wood. The upholstered furniture group has a natural noble upholstery with wool, leather, velor or linen. The environment is soft and calm.

The lighting in the room is calm, slightly muffled. To do this, they build a multi-level lighting system, represented by wall sconces, floor and table lamps.

Mandatory in the house of the chalet is the hearth. The whole family will gather here. Decorate it with stonework and decorate around with stuffed animals.

sleeping area

The main role in the bedroom is given to the bed, which should be made of polished wood, it is massive, with carved decorations. Textile inclusions made of cotton and linen will complement the cozy atmosphere. Bright pillows and bedspreads will revive the design.

It is appropriate to spread a soft skin or carpet on the floor. As for the color palette, preference is given to natural shades: terracotta, beige, wood and the entire brown palette.

Kitchen and dining area

The kitchen equipment of the chalet is environmentally friendly and natural materials. Finishing and kitchen sets made of noble wood are colorful features of the style. All built-in appliances are hidden under wooden facades or cute textile curtains.

Finishing wall surfaces provides for the original appearance of the tree. The maximum is permissible to plaster surfaces or veneer them with natural stone elements.

The ceiling is plastered in a light shade, beams are erected on it in a dark tone. The floor surfaces remain wooden, only slightly varnished with antique imitation.

From the photo of a house in the style of a chalet it breathes with unprecedented warmth and comfort, which is why this style is so often chosen for the construction of country apartments.

Photo of a house in the Chalet style

Once upon a time there was a summer cottage. Big and beautiful. All houses knew each other on the roofs, lived in friendship. Everything is as it should be. Straight roads. Beautiful fences. Gate, house, trees and flowers. In the morning the sun woke everyone up, in the evening grasshoppers and frogs sang their ringing songs.

In one day, all peace disappeared and everything changed at once. Big cars, walking excavators ran up. And they began to chase around the village from morning to evening, carrying something back and forth. Carry large loads. And all this for a small area in the middle. Something big and formidable suddenly began to grow.

Such an event could not pass by the houses, houses and cottages of the village. Every morning they stood on tiptoe and pulled out the roofs in surprise: what is there, how are you? The first to notice the high stone basement. Large beautiful prickly bricks lined up in rows and surprised the neighbors.

Before we had time to argue and groan over beautiful pebbles, a wooden wall peeked out over the fence. A tree for a summer residence is not a new material. Wooden relatives were immediately found. Only this one rushed up very powerfully and confidently, as if she needed to go straight to the sky.

But most of all I was surprised and struck by the roof. Big, wide, she hung like eyebrows over the building. She immediately made him serious, and outlined it, respectable and solid people will live here. The houses in the dacha settlement immediately became agitated, startled. It can be seen that serious overseas guests have come. How do they like it here? Will a small settlement be to your liking? Will everything be as great as before?

We barely waited for nightfall to disperse all these automobile aliens. Everything calmed down, and it was possible to ask the new tenant who they were and where they came from.

Chalet-style house project: important benefits

Here is what the overseas guest said. They build according to the projects of houses in the style of a chalet far in the mountainous Alps. What's the Difference? In space. He is everywhere. In the presentability and solidity of the building, which confidently stands on the walls, like a real solid stump, standing solidly and for a long time in the mountains.

Projects of houses in the style of a chalet surprise with their attunement to nature. Here they respect her and adjust their lives to her laws. Houses repeat the expanse of mountain freedom. Wide windows let the sun stream in, the sun's rays feel confident among the natural furniture.

The overseas guest, as it turned out, did not boast at all of his mountainous origin. Respected the laws of the plains. For which he immediately received the entire village of houses-friends, salute of butterflies and bird a cappella. Good neighbors are welcome here.

If you want to build a turnkey chalet-style house, contact the Vitoslavitsa company, where you will be offered a variety of projects for every taste. The price of such cottages, which are also called "alpine houses", will pleasantly surprise you, as well as the high quality of finished buildings. The construction of chalet houses involves the use of not only glued beams and other wooden elements, but also natural stone, which is a characteristic material for this style. Thanks to this combined technology, truly attractive country houses are obtained, pleasing with their uniqueness and comfort.

Chalet style house projects

In our company, you can order a house with any area and the required number of floors. Regardless of which chalet-style cottage project you choose, it will have the following advantages:

  • reliable and solid foundation;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • simple and functional roofing;
  • original appearance;
  • no need for expensive finishing work.

Features of Alpine cottages

Today you can buy a chalet house with a brick or stone foundation, which ensures the reliability of the structure and a long service life. The foundation can withstand floods, heavy rains, soil freezing, so you can be completely sure of the safety of your home.

Chalet cottage projects involve the construction of walls made of wood, which perfectly retains heat and is an environmentally friendly material that creates a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house. As a rule, flat roofs are installed in buildings that can withstand heavy snow masses. The large extension of the roof wings is an excellent protection of the territory and wooden elements from the effects of precipitation. In addition, under the roof you can build a veranda or terrace.

Today, many seek to build a chalet house, since such housing is original and stylish, looks aesthetically pleasing and is perfect for living outside the city against the backdrop of natural landscapes. Another important feature of the projects is that the use of natural materials in construction saves on interior decoration, since wooden walls do not need it and look attractive on their own.

Vitoslavitsa is pleased to offer customers original projects and low prices. Among our other advantages we note:

  • the use of selected wood and other high-quality materials in the construction;
  • a wide variety of projects;
  • mandatory guarantee for finished houses from 3 to 5 years;
  • a wide range of services (from developing a chalet house project to equipping it with engineering systems);
  • All work is carried out by experienced craftsmen with high qualifications.

Among the numerous trends in world architecture and interior design, eco-style is one of the main trends. Modern man wants to be close to nature, so he increasingly chooses the comfort of a country house, such as an alpine chalet.

The design of the chalet-style house, inside and out, is distinguished by original details that retain the main features of European medieval rural life. The centuries-old tradition of buildings is organically combined with modern technologies.

The classic building of the chalet - shutters and a carved balcony Source yandex.ru

Excursion into history

Chalet literally means "shepherd's hut". This was originally the name of the seasonal dairy farms that existed in the Alps, on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland. With the onset of cold weather, people and herds descended into the valleys, and the huts-chalets were empty all winter.

Already in the 18th century, the French appreciated the romanticism of mountain huts and began to decorate parks with garden pavilions, made in a recognizable rural style. With the advent of alpine tourism, chalets have slowly turned into holiday homes for enthusiasts of steep mountain trails and ski slopes.

The living conditions and the harsh nature of the mountainous areas influenced both the choice of material and the architecture of the chalet houses. Contemporary projects follow the old recipe, using traditional building and design techniques.

Chalet-style houses: modern realities

The chalet-style house is reminiscent of mountain peaks, sparkling snow and intoxicatingly clean air. For a person who is tired of everyday worries, such a house will become a refuge from the modern rhythm of life, a place where you can put on a warm sweater and spend the evening near the fireplace, watching the cheerful flames.

The house is also suitable for people who are accustomed to energetic recreation - hunters, travelers, photographers, lovers of skiing, snowboarding and just nature.

Alpine house - a modern interpretation Source pinterest.ca

Distinctive style features

Chalet houses or, as they are often called, Alpine (Swiss) houses were originally built on mountain slopes; they had to be built taking into account nervousness and elevation changes. Shepherds who lived in the Alps several centuries ago used only materials that could be found nearby in their construction. The harsh climatic conditions of the highlands forced the construction of reliable, massive and warm houses that could last for decades.


A chalet-style house refers to buildings of a combined type, connecting several types of material. The union of stone and wood helps to create a practical dwelling that can protect against bad weather and rockfall. Initially, a solid stone went to the foundation, basement and first floor; the roof and attic floor were erected only from logs, later they began to use massive timber. Over time, the wood darkened, which gave the building a special, unique look.

Such a house was not afraid of either gusty winds, or snowstorms, or pouring rain. In modern alpine buildings, stone is replaced with brick or cellular concrete; the attic floor is built from profiled or glued beams, often using frame technology. There are buildings made of round logs or unplaned timber.

Chalet house - facing with artificial stone and clapboard Source samstroy.com

Advantages of a combined alpine house

There is little forest in the mountains of Europe, but plenty of stone. To build an entirely stone house is long and expensive, to build a completely wooden and at the same time durable housing is difficult. The compromise was the combination of materials.

The combination of a stone first floor and a wooden second floor allows you to reduce construction costs, and then heating costs. But chalet-style houses are loved not only because of the opportunity to save money; they also have other advantages:

    Construction speed. A chalet house is built faster than a completely stone building. On the first, stone floor, you can live without waiting for the completion of the construction of the second.

    Durability. The stone bottom protects the premises from moisture; a tree, being high from the ground, retains its properties for a long time. A sloping roof with large overhangs protects the entire structure from the sun and precipitation; a layer of snow helps to keep the internal heat.

    Environmental friendliness. A house built from natural materials does not affect health.

Recognizable style adapted to the conditions of a fast-paced life Source: chicagoblackhawksjersey.org

    Design versatility. The chalet-style house is easily recognizable by its main feature: a stone “bottom” and a wooden “top”. Further elaboration of style details depends on the fantasies of the future owner and their skillful interpretation by the designer. Most often, they try to preserve the naturalness of the exterior and interior decoration, diluting it with features of other styles (from country to high-tech).

Alpine-style house exterior: distinctive features of exterior design

The first chalet houses were strikingly different from their current counterparts. The buildings were as simplified as possible, without spacious verandas and, of course, without large windows that increase heat loss. In the cold season, shepherds hid young animals and weakened animals in the building.

Modern technologies have made the Swiss house more spectacular in appearance, while maintaining the tradition of building placement. They are trying to turn the facade of the chalet-style house to the east; this allows the rooms to be evenly lit. The main design features of the style remain unchanged and are visible from afar:

    Roof. Gable (as a rule), gently sloping, with large offsets. It perfectly protects the walls from weather disasters (wetting or snow drifts). The roof is covered with traditional wooden shingles or modern materials - soft roofing or metal tiles.

    Floors. Most often, two-story buildings are erected, the second floor is necessarily attic.

Multi-storey chalets are typical of the Alps Source makemone.ru

    Window. The largest, panoramic. Ancient shepherds sought to keep warm, the modern occupant of the chalet wants to enjoy the natural scenery. Modern technologies allow you to combine the beauty of the landscape and the interior in an economical way.

    Terrace or veranda(often glazed). As well as a spacious balcony, one of the indispensable architectural details. In warm weather, it is used as a summer patio.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

About the project: house layout in chalet style

Classic chalet houses were built on the mountain slopes; there was often little space for construction. This affected the internal structure. Architects have long studied the main features of the chalet layout, interior and exterior, and successfully use them in construction. Modern chalet-style house designs basically have a standard approach to construction:

    Ground floor. Here they no longer hide livestock, do not store a supply of provisions and household equipment. On the first floor there is a living room, a kitchen, an office, on the second floor there are bedrooms.

    The absence of an entrance vestibule. If there is no veranda, the outer door sometimes opens directly into the living space, as in classic alpine buildings. In modern versions, the entrance hall is provided at the request of the owner of the house.

Interior of the entrance area of ​​the chalet house Source archrevue.ru

    Combination. So that the walls do not reduce the internal area, it is practiced (on the 1st floor) to combine two or three zones into one space - a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. This layout of the space provides space and communication.

    Facade elements. Terraces for summer holidays are made spacious, often encircling the building.

    Facade details. The shutters that protect the Alpine house from the piercing wind have turned into an original decor with the advent of double-glazed windows. But the tradition of decorating the roof, doors, railings of terraces and balconies with carvings has been preserved.

    Interior details. Fireplace - an indispensable component of the project of the Alpine house.

Video description

About the secrets of the chalet style on the video:

Modern chalet house designs do not aim to compete with ancient mansions. They are built with an emphasis on durability, coziness and comfort. Modern technologies allow the construction of three-story buildings, with a basement, a sauna, a garage and modern communications.

Features of building a chalet house

Modern chalet houses continue the traditions of medieval masters. Construction companies offer modern and comfortable turnkey chalet houses, both standard and custom-designed. High-class architects and designers, experienced engineers and builders take part in their creation.

The project of a country house in the style of a chalet Source emupauto.ru

Since natural stone (slate or pebbles) is an expensive material, when building a basement floor, it is replaced with brick or foam concrete. Stone (natural or its artificial counterpart) is used for cladding. Exterior decoration of the house in the style of a chalet allows the use of textured plaster in pastel colors. As for the attic, the tradition of making it from timber or logs has been preserved.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Interior: features and details

The chalet style, originally masculine and rough, has long adapted to today's realities and is divided into two directions. One is filled with rural comfort, peace and tranquility, the other is filled with hunting romance. The first is dominated by earthenware and paintings in wooden frames, the second - tapestries and hunting trophies.

In the interior of both directions there are no random elements, just as there is no ostentatious luxury. The living room of the chalet in any case will comply with the canons:

Living room interior in an Alpine house

For the interior of the chalet, a spacious room with high ceilings and panoramic windows is suitable. Animal skins, massive furniture and warm carpets emphasize the charm of the style. Lighting can be multi-level. The antique central chandelier (with imitation of candles) will create coziness together with sconces, table or floor lamps with lampshades made of natural fabric. An example of a chalet-style house interior, a photo of a spacious living room:

Natural materials in the interior decoration of the living room Source pinterest.com

Colors and decor

All shades of natural wood are held in high esteem, the style does not accept bright accents. If there is not enough color, you can add beige, black, wine, gray, cream or navy blue. Terracotta, marsh and wenge are allowed.

Details determine the design of a chalet home, inside they are as important as in other styles. Alpine motifs can be traced in the design. The necessary color is created by paintings and photographs in solid frames, with views of mountains, forests and valleys. In such an interior, ceramics look good, but without glaze, soft, matte. Metal and plastic will seem like foreign parts; luxury, gilding and mother-of-pearl are signs of bad taste.

Video description

About the project of a house in a natural style in the video:

Ceiling and walls

The ceilings are high, wooden. Ceiling beams wonderfully convey the atmosphere of an alpine house, although in the modern version they are part of the decor (in the attic, open beams are part of the roof truss system).

Stone and wood are timeless classics, but today walls covered with decorative plaster or paint are quite acceptable. Tapestries are used as decoration. Hunting motifs - horns, heads and skins of animals, hunting rifles give the atmosphere a touch of adventurism.

Hunting motifs are a common detail in the living room of the chalet. Source houzz.es

Doors and floors

Chalet projects involve the use of heavy wooden doors. They are decorated with carvings, wreaths of dried fragrant herbs. The floor is unpainted massive boards, varnished (or stained). Sometimes a tree is artificially aged. It is customary to decorate the floors with carpets and animal skins.

Fireplace and furniture

The fireplace is a calling card of style, a focal point for the interior. It is installed in the living room, and even in the bedroom, lined with stone. There are electric fireplaces, over which plasma TVs look quite natural.

The furniture is wooden, solid, comfortable. Objects of an impressive appearance, soft, but having a rough look, with scuffs, will fit into the style. The decoration of the living room will be a large leather sofa with pillows and blankets.

Textiles and household appliances

Natural (can be undyed) cotton, linen or wool (but not silk or synthetics) is welcome. Rough fabrics harmoniously support the natural, eco-friendly style of a country house.

Plasma panel above the gas fireplace Source pinterest.es

They try to hide household and digital appliances, security systems under wall wooden panels, screens or furniture facades. This disguise preserves the ancient atmosphere of the home.

What can be a modern chalet house, photos of interesting projects:

Chalet house in the native element Source hu.aviarydecor.com

Facade decoration: carved ornaments of the cornice and balcony Source shmidt.by

Modern reading of style does not contradict traditions Source archdaily.com

The use of modern materials does not spoil the classics. Source houzz.fr

A cozy combination of chalet and country styles in the design of the living room Source paydaydcr.com

The true style of the chalet - discreet, strict and warm. Source houzz.com

The fireplace gives the bedroom an elegant rustic feel. Source houzz.com

The bedroom and the balcony surrounding it Source medium.com

The kitchen and living areas are combined into a whole space Source kbkuhni.ru

High-tech interior in an alpine house Source aviarydecor.com


All styles are evolving, and the style of the chalet will not escape change. Many designers experiment with furniture, lighting and accessories, keeping elements of the folk tradition unchanged. Thanks to this careful attitude, chalet-style houses will always look modern and natural.

A solid and comfortable capital building, despite its simple origin, will appeal to both romantics and quite pragmatic people. All of them are attracted by the harmonious combination of natural comfort and the conveniences of the modern world, embodied in the chalet house.

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