Design of small kitchen. Design ideas for small cuisine

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An integral characteristic modern kitchen - abundance of household appliances and kitchen utensils. Indoors C. large square It does not arise difficulties with the placement of all these items. But those who can not boast great roomWe recommend familiarizing yourself with our advice. We will tell what is proper design small kitchens for small-sized apartments, Photo examples are placed at the end of the article.


Basic rules for design of small kitchens in small-sized apartments

Modern design in principle requires availability free space sufficiently. In the kitchen area it should be even more. Or to seem like a lot of it. For this, it is important correct location Each element in the kitchen. Comfortable movement depends on this, the compactness of all necessary for ergonomic operation and the functionality of the entire kitchen area.

Creating a similar interior of small-sized cuisine, you need to take into account the following aspects:

  • color solution;
  • distribution order kitchen headset and its filling;
  • how many appliances and where to place it;
  • possible redevelopment options.

Regarding the location, I want to immediately say that the main rule is the rule of the work triangle. This is the most optimal option for a small room. Concept - When connecting 3 points (refrigerator, washing, stove), a triangle should form. So it will be easier to move from one functional zone to another.

First of all, large items (refrigerator) are installed, then small (microwave).

How to choose the right design for a small kitchen

  1. Avoid clear contours. It is impossible to denote where the window is located, the door, the floor. All borders are blurred, form a "indefinite" space.
  2. Excessive hints on stylistic affiliation - not for the kitchenette. Use them at a minimum or refuse to include in the design, forming neutral interior Kitchens of a small apartment.
  3. All mounts are small and invisible.
  4. All small elements of the decor can immediately be taken out, they only create the effect of litters.

Let us turn to the methods of registration of individual parts of the interior.




Little kitchen color

To visually push the space, traditionally give preference to light shades. However, it is impossible to do with one white or beige color. The kitchen should be "alive", so be sure to add some warm shades, natural: light green, yellow, blue, sandy.


The highlight in the design of the kitchenette will make a contrast created by bright accents. So, if your windows come to the side of the south (that is, the room is well lit), the contrast is created using cold shades, for example, blue. On the contrary, when the windows are released on the northern direction (insufficient lighting), it is necessary to add a little heat and light into the kitchen. Make it will help warm shades - red, yellow, orange.


Do not forget about additional sources of light. Not enough lighting ceiling lamp When working on the tabletop. You can solve this problem by setting fluorescent light bulbs in the apron area. Also a good solution will be the arrangement of small cuisine wall lampsdirected down. To lightly light the dining table, it is enough to hang right above it lamp at a distance of about 70 cm.



The first thing you can use in the wall decoration to expand the space is a ceramic tile all over. Useful receptions:

  1. The walls of the same color will look deeper. Do not make "white top, dark bottom" - on a small kitchen is a losing option.
  2. The vertical tile will add space, and the tile in the form of a square or an elongated rectangle - the walls will extend.
  3. Acquisition of the finished collection of tiles will save you from thoughts than to supplement or decorate the walls of the walls. For you, everything is thought out, patterns and inserts (for example, mirrored) are harmoniously combined with each other.


Maybe you want to punish the wallpaper? They must certainly correspond to the characteristics:

  1. Resistance to moisture. Naturally, the walls in the kitchen need washing for obvious reasons.
  2. Light resistance. To prevent burnout from sun ray.
  3. Parry permeability. Need for fast drying. If the wallpaper is raw, fungus will appear.
  4. Strength. So that mechanical impacts leave no traces on the surface.

No less important is the possibility to clean the wallpaper. On the package, look for the "Three Waves and Brush" icon. All these characteristics are suitable vinyl wallpapers. They are made at high temperatures, so they differ in their strength, resistance to moisture and fire.


Gender of small kitchen

Repair in small-sized kitchen should touch the floor. Here, it is identical to the decoration of the walls, intensive operation is taken into account. It should be as durable, moisture-proof and washing. Another nuance - choose not a slippery coating to avoid injuries. These criteria are peculiar to:

  • linoleum;
  • ceramic granite;
  • ceramic tile;
  • industrial floor based polymer resin.

Do not buy multicolored tiles. Your choice: one-photon glossy coating with large elements. Multicolored elements will even more crush the already small room.



Little kitchen ceiling

Of course, if you have too small kitchen, then the only option is to paint the ceiling of white or other light paint. In other cases, you can try to embody something more stylish. For example, perfectly fit plastic panels. Instead of several centimeters you will receive an elegant ceiling. The lining and pattern are not welcome on the lining. Advantages: price availability, easy installation and care, the ability to hide all communications.

Stretch I. dropped ceilings Do not fit, they take too much space over themselves.



Choice of mini-kitchen layout

It is necessary to immediately determine which functional zone to give an advantage, a working or dining room. If a large dining table is very important for you, then for all the rest you have to save space.

  1. Corner layout.
    It looks better in square kitchens. For wall lockers Only one wall can be selected, the second is placed on the second. On the contrary, put the table. In the corner most often mounted washing. And it is possible easier. Install the letter "r" the headsets in the form of lockers and a tumb, place on the corner tube electrical appliance, And on the contrary, put the table. The middle is completely released for movement.


  1. "P" -nya layout.
    Here the dining room is made on the loggia or in the living room combined with the kitchen. It is advisable to make a refrigerator and, for example, to embed it into furniture. So you can compactly place all the facilities in the cabinets and bedside tables. Sink it is better to install under the window. Use the maximum free space: incomplete shelves, retractable systems, multi-tiered shelves, etc.


    It is a versatile and economical option. Suitable for the kitchen of any parameters, is always on sale in finished video. A huge advantage: enough space is released to install a dining table of normal sizes.


Use of space - Furnishing

Think about the manufacture of furniture to order. Then the headsets perfectly fit into the compact kitchen design. The key is the material from which furniture is made. For working area Suitable:

  1. Natural wood. Tree is always comfort, comfort, presentability. But do not use overloading parts - gilding, carving, stucco.
  2. Lacked chipboard.

Give the upper airiness tier will help: glass doors, mirrored inserts, open hinged shelves (instead of cabinets).

You can make a "distracting maneuver" - add a bright element: a catchy lamp, a colorful shelf.

Pay attention to the glass furniture (it is transparent, as if it is not) and folding (saves the place, while maintaining functionality).


Forms of lockers

Best of all - folding or on the lifts. Do not buy large lockers. It's not even in saving space. They are very difficult to find something, things most often randomly scattered. Therefore, look for or make to order models with divinical on the sector separation. It is so much more convenient to organize everything you need.

Almost every mistress dreams of a functional and not too cluttered kitchen. However, a small room area often does not allow to apply all the fantasy of the owner in the interior of a small kitchen. Move the size-limited room in the stylish and functional room is quite difficult.

But do not despair. It is important to understand that the design of small cuisine answers all the requirements and pleased the hostess, it is necessary to take into account all the features. The right approach and carefully thought out plan will create a cozy and practical interior.

For most professionals in the field of interior design, the kitchen of modest sizes is no longer a sentence. They, on the contrary, can turn it into a cozy and pleasant room.

In addition modern technologies In the field of ergonomic and technology allow it to do without special losses for practicality and functionality.

Before starting repair, it will not be superfluous to see the photo of a small kitchen on the Internet. From there you can learn a lot of ideas.

Choice of household appliances

Modern technique can greatly facilitate women's work. But at the same time she takes a lot of space. In the conditions of a small room a large number of Equipment is just a non-disabilities.

It is necessary to initially decide on the necessary technical personnel. It is not recommended to buy an excess yogurney or a sandwicker if it will be used at best a couple of times a month.

Instead, you can pay attention to the multifunctional technique. Food processors Combine a lot of functions and significantly save space in a small kitchen. Some things will have to donate in favor of space and an additional place for the working area and dining area.

In addition, manufacturers of technology are now offered. This is a real salvation for modern small cuisine. It looks quite stylish and practical. A wide range of models allows you to pick up necessary option. Additional space can be saved if the technique is mounted directly into the wall. It may be somewhat less than usual, but for a small family it is pretty relevant.

No need to choose huge warm panelsIf there is no particular need for this. Two burners will be enough, and places will free a lot. This applies to the choice of the refrigerator. You can choose a small but quite practical model.

Recently, the relevance is gaining a technique that is installed on the brackets. It frees a lot of space and creates the effect of lightness, which is so necessary in the face of a small space.

Furniture for small kitchen

In the interior of a small kitchen, it is preferable to use furniture of light pastel shades. They do not lose the situation, and the room looks more spacious. Pay attention to transparent furniture made of glass and plastic. It concerns the shelves, tables and chairs. Sometimes designers use headsets with transparent doors, which also favorably affects the overall atmosphere.

No less important functionality and practicality. The kitchen set must meet these requirements. It is better not to use too many objects. They can be small, but together to form chaos.

Rounded table tables will visually look less. It is recommended to look at folding tables. They do not occupy a lot of space, and if necessary, can save the situation.

Storage systems

The storage system of kitchen utensils and products is one of the most important tasks when designing a small kitchen design. This part should be thought out in advance.

High cabinets, preferably to ceilings, not only help you comfortably post the necessary things, but also visually expand the space. You can safely use the windowsill. It can accommodate a working surface, additional decorative boxes.


Room lighting should be maximum. This will make it lighter and easy. In addition to the main lighting, you can use spotlights and built-in LEDs in niches or furniture.

Refuse dense dark curtains. For small kitchen Perfect or light tulle.

Little Kitchen Design Options Depending on its type

There are several main types of small-sized kitchens. They are divided depending on the location of the door, windows and gas column. For each of them, designers offer their solution.

Six-meter rectangular kitchen

This is the most common type of kitchen planning. In this case, it is advisable to optimally use an internal straight angle. Specialists advise placing a work surface and a kitchen set in this part for a small kitchen. If the table top headset or the table is located near the door, then you can slightly round up its angle. So the room increases slightly, and the entrance to the room becomes much safer. This is especially important in the presence of small children.

For this type of planning, it is important to choose furniture with rounded lines, and the sink itself is better to embed into a radius or corner table. Appearance It will be harmonious, and practicality does not suffer. In addition, if short Wall Rooms are slightly eager, this technique will allow on the long side to place household appliances and cook surface. Do not forget about the doors of the cabinet over the sink. They must also be radical for convenience.

Lack of refrigerator

This item of technology occupies a significant part of the space in the interior of a small kitchen. If possible, it is better to transfer the refrigerator into the corridor, the balcony. In other rooms you can make a special niche. Such a solution will retain part of the space and allow you to place more multifunctional furniture.

Refrigerator and column right at the entrance to the room

Designers offer to create a special niche for kitchen appliances at the entrance to the kitchen. So you can place not only the technique, but also get an extra place. For example, in an empty space above the refrigerator, there is an extra dishes or other things. True, in this case, the premises of the corridor can slightly decrease. Some may interfere sharp corners at the entrance.

Kitchen set for small kitchens along the wall

This embodiment of furniture is considered one of the most popular and practical. It will fit perfectly in modern styles, be it high-tech or minimalism. In addition, practicality does not suffer.

Modern small kitchens may look stylish and unusual. Main, follow certain rules and use the potential of the room to the maximum.

110 photo interior small kitchen

The area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is the main criterion from which you need to be repel when it is planned. For small premises the most the best option Always an angular placement of furniture, which allows you to free the space, without depriving it with the functionality.

From the point of view of style and aesthetics, such a kitchen is also able to satisfy the recovers of the most demanding designers - that is why such a planning enjoys well-deserved popularity in modern apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages of the corner layout of the kitchen

To undoubted advantages corner kitchen relate:

  • This headset takes little spaceWhat is especially important for apartment houses Old sample with miniature kitchen zones. Also, the size will become a plus for studio apartments that are more peculiar to modern construction.
  • Convenience when used: Due to the fact that all functional links of placing are in the maximum proximity, an ergonomic effect is created, which will appreciate any hostess.
  • For corner planning The headset usually includes a large number of lockers and drawers. (including hinged), which are able to accommodate all the necessary kitchen utensils And accessories - therefore, even in a miniature room there will be the opportunity to find each thing its place.
  • Often the angular cuisine has a M-figurative layout, which allows to divide the room into two areas - the working and dining area. You can read more.
  • Most often, the corner kitchen headset is created under individual measurements, so that it appears the ability to maximize the space and choose only those modules that best satisfy your needs.

In addition to the advantages described, the angular layout also has disadvantages:

  • Difficulties may arise directly with the corner element headset, especially if there are protrusions, pipes and other "obstacles". Usually placed in it, however, practice shows that it is not the most convenient optionespecially for people with a large complex.
  • Individual design often significantly increases the cost of furniture.So you need to be ready for big spent than when buying an ordinary headset.
  • A small drawback is also that often door opening lines and retractable boxes CrossAnd it can create certain inconveniences if several people operate in the kitchen.

Despite the inconvenience described, the advantages of the angular layout with interest are overlap, which is why such a kitchen does not leave fashion for many years.

Tip! Small kitchen premises are most common in Russia, so it is russian manufacturers Offer a large assortment angular kitchen furniture - This fact should be borne in mind when choosing interior details.

How to choose the right color for a small corner kitchen

As you know, the color plays an important role in the perception of the interior. Since most often is part of a small room, when choosing it is better to give preference to light tones. Beige, gray and milk colors have the greatest popularity.

If you want bright colors, they can be used when decorating such parts, like napkins, tablecloths, etc. - That is, correctly building the interaction of the primary color and accents in the interior.

Natural "wooden" colors will look good in the kitchens of the corner layout. However, it is also better to give preference to bright shades that visually expand and facilitate the room.

Do not forget that the lighting is very important for the right perception of color: here the best option will be not a big chandelier in the middle, but scattered outdoor dot lamps.

Tip! When planning lighting, pay attention to the ability to embed lED bulbs in hinged cabinets - This is a very convenient option for the working area.

Bar stand

Very often, part of the angular kitchen is, and it can have a different location and functional purpose. The most popular option is to use a narrow bar counter as a continuation of the headset, which is converted from the M-shaped into the P-shaped.

Sometimes the bar is placed in the middle, but this is justified only in the case of a rather large-scale room, otherwise the rack will create only inconvenience.

In addition, you can accommodate a wide bar counter separately from - in this case, it completely replaces the usual dining area with a table and chairs.

This interior element is a sign of a good taste and sense of style, but do not forget that in a small kitchen the most important thing is functionality, so you need to think in advance how compactly fit the bar counter in the design, and whether it will create inconvenience when using the room in direct appointment.


Where to place a refrigerator at an angular layout? Often this question puts in a dead end, because in a small room for a large equipment place is quite difficult to find.

There are several options for solving this problem:

  • A small built-in refrigerator in a mounted or outdoor position. Of course, such a technique is not very roomy, but it is perfect for the smallest premises.
  • Angular refrigerator - it will not often meet him in practice, but in terms of functionality and style such a built-in technology will give odds to many other options, including from the point of view of the style. The only minus is such a refrigerator, most likely, it will have to be ordered by individual standards, which can significantly increase its cost.
  • The most common option is a standard refrigerator in one of the ends of the kitchen headset: Suitable in all cases, the main thing is that it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

When the refrigerator is placed, it is always necessary to consider the rule of the triangle: the sink should be between the refrigerator and the stove, and there should be at least one between each of the three elements - this location is the most convenient and functional.


The choice of small-sized kitchen furniture today is very wide. It should be borne in mind that the dimensions of the furniture must correspond to the overall dimensions of the room: it is better to give preference to small or medium modules rectangular shapeOtherwise, there is a risk of unnecessary spacing.

As for the door, folding and folding options will fit in this kitchen.

In addition, you can pay attention to open shelves that are not inferior in convenience closed, but the originality is added design.

When choosing furniture worth paying attention to the reception, which is capable of visually increase the ceilings and expand the space is the use of narrow cabinets-penaltles.

For the same purposes, drawers and cabinets on high legs are well suited, which are also comfortable when cleaning the room.

As for the arrangement of the dining area, it is best for little cuisine. round table and stools that will also contribute to visual expansion of the kitchen.

If the room has very small sizes, you can pay attention to folding tables and chairs - good, today there is a wide variety of such furniture, and even this option can look stylish and expensive.

Corner kitchen: Nuances planning

When planning a small-sized kitchen, you need to pay attention to the following important nuances:

  • The angular kitchen can be of any style, and at the same time will not lose beauty and functionality. However, in practice the simplest, elegant and convenient option is a classic style.
  • Savings should not be the main criterion when choosing a kitchen headset - cheap materials under the influence of moisture and changes in temperature will be unusable after a couple of years. If extra care and overpays do not attract you, it is better to immediately take seriously to the question of the choice of furniture, including from the point of view of finance.
  • In a small kitchen, ergonomic parts acquire a special value: folding countertops, rolling boxes and other "miracles" of modern furniture art will significantly simplify the life of the owners.
  • An indispensable element of small-sized kitchen premises is Reheling. It is a pipe or rack that is attached to the wall and allows you to suspend numerous. kitchenware (for example, a half, noise, etc.). Undoubted advantage This device is that it can be built on its own.

In general, when planning a small-sized corner kitchen, you need to pay special attention to the combination of individual elements and the ability to supply the room with useful details, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.

Summing up, you can draw the following conclusion: Even a small kitchen room is able to become a full-fledged functional workstation for the hostess, and at the same time not to lose beauty and style, if you use small-sized corner furniture, the choice of which is still practically limited.

Corner small kitchen photo

Spacious kitchens are far from all owners. Most often in old soviet apartments They are sufficiently small sizes, and sometimes tiny at all. However, in such a situation you can find a way out, resorting to designer tricks. Color, original modern style, spacious lockers and much more will help solve this issue. How to maximize the use of a small space in the kitchen will be told further.

Layout for small kitchen

Small premises most often even when proper layout and designer decision It can continue to press the four walls, as a feeling of compression remains.

To avoid this, you can get rid of the door, equipping an arch instead. It will be able to visually expand the space and remove the feeling of tightness. In case the doors are necessary, one of the options can become sliding modelswhich in addition looks very stylish and modern.

The radical decision will be combining the kitchen and the living room, having received an apartment-studio at the same time. Such layout is especially popular among young people. The kitchen is expanding and the shortcomings of a small area are no longer so noticeable. In addition, the dining area may affect part of the living room, due to which the place for the kitchen headset and furniture will be won, which will give the kitchen greater functionality and comfort.

Planning a kitchen headset depending on the form of the room

The correct location of the headset in the kitchen is the key to the comfort, saving space and as a result of saving time for cooking.

First of all, it is worth remembering about the rule of the triangle, which consists in placing the refrigerator, washing and plates. It is it that contributes to the improvement of ergonomics in the kitchen, since it is based on the principle of acceleration of cooking dishes, that is, first the products come from the refrigerator, then wash, they cut and are thermally processed.

The choice of planning the headset should be based depending on the form of the room, the location of windows, doors, communications. If the kitchen is square, then the best option is considered a P-shaped headset. If the dining area is necessary to select separately, then the M-shape is suitable.

For rectangular kitchen, a linear location is suitable or parallel when only one wall is used, which is longer, for the placement of furniture, or outside the parallel walls.

For non-standard form, including an apartment-studio planning can be any, including island, oval. Also, in this case, it may be necessary to apply the furniture order.

What style to choose for a small kitchen

In a small room, bulky details are unacceptable, a large number of accessories, various details, especially small. Therefore, the style must be chosen on the basis of the features that each of them represents. Consequently, for small cuisine, suitable styles are the following:


This style is suitable as it is impossible. It is characterized by functionality, practicality and minimum of details. The area in this case is used as efficiently as possible. Clear expressive lines are welcome here, strict colors, while the decor is almost absent.

High tech

In this style, smooth glossy surfaces are dominated, glass inserts, metal elements, sharp lines, Cold tones. High-tech furniture and technique, innovative design at the same time. Furious parts in this style will not meet. Everything is made as comfortable as possible and tastefully.


One of the modern styles for which non-traditional materials are relevant, original accessories, the presence of glossy surfaces, metal, mirrors. In this case, the colors can be the most diverse, including sufficiently bold contrasting combinations.


Characteristic of strict lines, natural materials, simple forms. Tone in this case combines dark with light. Patterns are also present in the form of flowers, while textile texture is as simple as possible.

Color and drawing

With the help of color, you can not only expand, but on the contrary, it is necessary to narrow the space, so the choice color Gamma. Plays a huge role. For a small kitchen, it is better to abandon the dark tones, otherwise the room will seem even less, and the situation will be dull and unagnressing. Therefore, the choice should be stopped on such colors as white, beige, cream, peach, olive, gray.

Brighter tones are also possible on the type of green, yellow, pink, and it is important not to overdo it with brightness. Contrast is not always appropriate. If we are talking about bright colors, For example, a red spot on a white background will suggest space.

Visually add an additional area smooth monochrome surface. Also, the winning option will be gloss, since it perfectly reflects the light, thereby removing the walls from each other. Figure can only be used fine. Large ornaments and pattern are absolutely invalid in this case.


Huge overall curtains are not recommended for the kitchen regardless of its size. This is due to the fact that they not only absorb odors and are rapidly contaminated, but also fire hazard. Especially moderate use of them concerns small kitchens.

To protect against sunlight, you can use short tulle in the form of a curtain or a dense canvas, woven with a narrow strip along the type of visor. A universal solution will be blinds, rolled products from bamboo. Also popular and comfortable are Roman curtains resembling a harmonic.

Tip! If still the choice fell on the tissue curtains, then it is better to use synthetic materialsthan natural fabrics, since they are easier to care and have refractory and water-repellent impregnation.

Table and Bar Stand

A full-fledged dining area for a small kitchen often becomes a huge luxury. In this case, it is relevant to ask how to save space and accommodate the table, or which other options are possible.

There is always a way out. The first option is to use the windowsill, which can be continued to be continued. Thus, an additional operating surface appears, which can be used functionally. At the same time, you can order a worktop that will replace the windowsill, and you can also install the surface on the other level.

The second option is to use the folding or retractable table. Again, it can be attached to the windowsill. It is also possible to establish small table And to attach a drawn tracktress. In addition, near the free wall, you can install a folding table and distinguish it only if necessary, for example, during meals.

Finally, an excellent replacement with a dining table will be a bar counter that can be various size and forms. It can be a continuation of the windowsill or become part of the P-shaped headset, continuing it. Bar racks are more compact and therefore occupy less place. In addition, for the studio apartment, this is a wonderful way to zonate space.

Paul and ceiling

In a small kitchen, the ceiling is important to perform in bright colors, and best in white color. SAME simple options It is considered the usual staining either sticking with wallpaper. Another inexpensive solution and at the same time more practical and durable is the use of plastic panels.

More expensive I. modern option are stretch ceiling. Heights they will take only 2-3 cm, the effect of this choice is worth it. The main thing in this case is to use a glossy film that visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For sex, it is necessary to use strong materials that are not afraid of moisture and can be soothing. Therefore, it is recommended to choose linoleum, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or bulk sex. Patterns to use is unacceptable, it is better to look at a monophonic surface.


For walls it is recommended to choose light monophonic tones that will increase the space. It can be both painting and wallpaper. The pattern or pattern can only be unobtrusive small, decorated plaster is allowed.

Wall mural look original, but you need to use them carefully, so as not to overload the kitchen even more. It may be sea landscapes, photos of street cafes.

Apron is preferable to make from ceramic tiles, stone or tempered glass. Again, large patterns and landscapes are not recommended.


Small kitchen should be as light as possible. This contributes including good lighting that requires special attention. Bulky chandeliers are inappropriate here. They must be small, not strongly remarkable, restrained colors, simple form.

For the working area it is worth installing separate lighting. Dot lamps or LED ribbons are suitable for this. The window must also be as disclosed as possible so that natural light flows into the room.

Secrets and tricks

On bright colors, smooth glossy surfaces and good lighting Already mentioned. All these subtleties will be able to significantly increase the space visually. It is important to know certain secrets that allow the maximum use of the useful area.

The headset itself is desirable to choose a narrow and high to accommodate more items. The more suspended lockers, the greater the storage space for kitchen utensils will appear.

Railings in the kitchen are often simply indispensable. They hang over the tabletop in the form of a tube or a plank with metal hooks. It is convenient to place mylovki, noise, buckets and many other necessary items.

Organizers not only help make cabinets are more and more convenient, but in some cases it makes it easy to get items located near the long wall. There are also moving boxes, dividers for dishes, which are also becoming excellent assistants in the small kitchen.

Thus, each cuisine centimeter can be used with benefit by setting comfortable modern elementsSaving a place. Even the space under the windowsill or bar counter has the ability to reasonably apply, setting additional boxes, niches or retractable designs.

Little kitchen real photos

Small kitchen can be a big problem for apartment owners. The lack of space often does not allow to equip the miniature room in accordance with the taste and requests of the hostess.

However, the competent design of small-sized cuisine will help solve this issue, allowing rationalizing the existing small space to accommodate furniture and the necessary trifles.

Thanks proper approach The room will not look overloaded, because the shortcomings can always be paid in advantage - thus the kitchen will become a cozy, functional and very comfortable.

Optimization of space

When developing the design of small kitchens, experts widely use the basics of ergonomics, which is the science of optimizing labor and household Conditions. After all, limited space requires the use of each centimeter with maximum functionality. Any kitchen room, even if the most modest sizes, you can mentally divide into three main zones:

  • Storage area food productswhere the shelves, cabinets and refrigerators are placed, which is the main element of this area.
  • The cooking area includes installed or built-in household appliances for food cooking; Plate protrudes as the main element.
  • The dishwashing zone consists of washing, equipment for drying and places where dishwasher is installed.

To ensure the comfort and functionality of the room, it is necessary to competently place the main zones relative to each other. For kitchens there are several of them, but for premises with small square Optimal is the triangular and linear design.

  • Triangular - active zones are located in the vertices of a mentally drawn triangle. Ideal will be the placement of the washing at a distance of 100 cm to 120 cm from the refrigerator and 120 cm -180 cm from the stove.
  • Linear - assumes the location of all elements of the main zones in the line.

Color solutions

Successful small kitchen design involves not only accounting for the planning, but also the ability to use specialists developed by experts and tested color schemes. For interior decoration the walls are better to use neutral or bright hues And beige shades that will ensure the missing volume and will allow a little smooth the geometry of space.

  • The kitchen with windows coming to the north requires compensation for insufficient lighting with the help of the arrangement of bright accents: orange, yellow or bright red. It is better to use creamy-beige, light yellow or other warm shades as the main colors. This will make the atmosphere of the kitchen more cozy, at the same time expanding the space.
  • For the interior of the kitchen, located on the sunny, south side, do not use bright tones, as an excess of bright, saturated colors acts on vision and psyche annoyingly, which goes against the room with the concept of the room. Better decision There will be a cold spectrum - from pale blue to light green.

Choice of furniture

The kitchen design in a small-sized apartment requires expanding the existing space. One of the techniques, well-proven indoors with a small area, is the selection of furniture in a color tonality that is harmony with the walls.

Do not worry that beautiful new furniture It is lost on a general background - today many designers successfully apply this reception of visual simplifications in order to "push the space of a small room.

Transparent furniture is an excellent alternative to the arrangement of a small kitchen. However, even in this case, it should be borne in mind that several large elements of the furniture will be more interesting in a small room, rather than the journey of many small lockers, who will give all the interior with a shade of slurry and chaoticness.

Well, the best, according to specialists, a reception to arrange a small kitchen is its union with the living room, which is achieved by using harmony finishing materials and additional accessories. For this purpose, background prints or textiles of pastel tones are widely applied.

Small tricks from designer

Creating high-quality design kitchens for small apartments, experts apply proven receptions that are directed to visual increase space. The necessary effect can be achieved by the skillful placement of additional light sources, the choice of color scheme, the type of surface and materials.

Using ready-made designer developments, you can find a wide variety of ideas of the kitchen interior, save space, improve the functionality of all elements of the situation and with the maximum convenience to organize space.

  • Give preference to light colors of furniture and kitchen finishing.
  • Glossy or chrome surfaces will give conciseness and integrity general design premises.
  • Decorative dishes and ceramics will add diversity and exotic.
  • Lamps installed on different levels, "Zonyat" the room, thereby "blurring" his borders.
  • Do not use the wallpaper.
  • A table with a glass or folder will help to visually increase the size of a small kitchen.

Based on the advice of professionals, you can independently develop a design of a comfortable, ergonomic, stylish and modern kitchen, which will inspire the hostess for the preparation of a variety of dishes, and where the whole family will be able to spend time.


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