What sliding doors are better to put. Types of sliding doors

garden equipment 03.03.2020
garden equipment

Interior doors can be the most unusual! But the main trend of our time is sliding. How to make interior design stylish, original, special with the help of this element - look at our photos.

Advantages and disadvantages of using sliding doors

The door system in which the canvas (that is, the main part) opens along the wall is called sliding.

The sliding door system was borrowed by designers from the Japanese. This is not surprising, because in Japan, where an incredibly small territory and high density population, each square meter- worth its weight in gold.

Despite the originality and unusualness, sliding doors have firmly entered our everyday life. There are a number of good reasons for this, which are the key benefits of using sliding doors:

  • Unlike hinged doors that occupy at least one square meter usable space, sliding doors do not need additional space. Thanks to this, even the smallest apartment will become as comfortable and spacious as possible.
  • The number of canvases in a sliding door system can vary from one to several, which can not only become an unusual interior design element, but also an excellent option in terms of functionality, because it is much easier to control and adjust the width of the doorway with such a door system than in the case of hinged doors.
  • Sliding doors can serve not only as doors, but also as a multifunctional partition between rooms or zones. Sliding interior partitions are very relevant for owners or one-room apartments, where, on the one hand, you don’t want to reduce and divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and on the other, one way or another, there is a need for each family member to have personal space. At least for a while.

However, like every medal, sliding door systems have some disadvantages:

  • Sliding doors save space near the doorway itself (forward or backward), but it is critical to have space on the sides of the doors so that the leaves have somewhere to move. This space is called "parking". Without a place to "park" the door leaf (for example, at the end of the corridor), the sliding system simply cannot be installed. Even if parking spaces are hidden in the wall, it is not recommended to install such structures in load-bearing and adjacent walls with neighbors.
  • Sliding doors move on rails and rollers, so it is almost impossible to open them without accompanying sounds and noise. Therefore, it is better not to install such doors in the bedrooms of the owners of sensitive sleep and, especially, in children's rooms.
  • Prices for sliding door systems are an order of magnitude higher than for standard swing structures due to the cost of the sliding mechanism (especially if it is of high quality).

Types of designs of sliding door systems


Standard sliding doors are a design that is installed in the door reception. At the same time, the door leaf does not swing open, but moves aside and is fixed near one of the walls.

Standard sliding doors come in two basic types:

  • Single-leaf (with one movable canvas)
  • Double-leaf (with two movable canvases)

The first option will be convenient for small rooms with tiny doorways.

If you need to install a door between two small rooms or a room in which every square meter counts, then single-leaf sliding door systems will be the ideal option for you.

The second option is more suitable for spacious spaces with wide doorways. Thanks to this design, you will be able to independently adjust the size of your doorway (which is very important not only in terms of functionality, but also the visual perception of the room as a whole).


The radial design of sliding door systems assumes that the door leaf is moved not in a straight line, but in a circle. This option will perfectly fit into the non-standard layout of the room, in which there are round or curved walls.

It is good to use radial structures as stylish sliding partitions for zoning space in a room. This will be especially appropriate when creating an interior in high-tech, minimalism, fusion styles.


Accordions (or as they are also called - folding interior doors) are a design of several relatively narrow canvases that do not move away, but fold (see photo below). The beauty of this design lies in the fact that the width of the doorway when using it varies from a narrow gap (for example, so that a cat can slip into it) to a full-fledged spacious passage.


Sliding compartment doors differ from standard ones in that the design occupies not only the doorway, but completely replaces the wall. On the one hand, depending on the materials used, this allows you to divide the room into two independent functional areas without strong visual concealment of space, and on the other hand, create two or more cozy personal spaces for each family member in a studio apartment or one-room dwelling.

The separation in the studio apartment with the help of sliding compartment doors will prevent the spread of odors and steam from the cooking zone throughout the room.

Sliding door materials

The most popular materials for the manufacture of sliding door systems today are:

  • Wood
  • Fiberboard or MDF
  • Glass


The traditional material for the manufacture of not only doors, but also furniture in general, is wood. At the same time, both the entire leaf (s) of the sliding door system and the frame for combination with other materials can be made of wood:

  • Glass
  • Plastic
  • Paper
  • Textile
  • Mirror

The easy pliability of wood processing allows it to be used for interior decoration in almost any style. Want a charming country room? Use rough wooden planks! Do you like the interior classical style? Choose a wooden door leaf of strict forms. Looking for a shabby chic or art deco interior? Give preference carved wood with forged elements or inlay. Are you a follower of the East? Use canvases with a wooden frame and rice paper inserts.


Since wood is not the cheapest material, it may well be replaced by materials such as fiberboard or MDF. In appearance, they are almost impossible to distinguish from natural wood, but the cost is an order of magnitude lower than that of similar products made of natural wood.


Glass sliding doors are a great option for creating an interior in minimalist, futuristic or high-tech styles. Due to the property of glass to transmit light, glass interior sliding doors do not create a feeling of total isolation of space. Moreover, by choosing the degree of coloration and cloudiness of the glass for the door leaf, you can choose the degree of transparency (and, as a result, integration with the adjacent room) of interior doors.

Sliding room dividers

The versatility of sliding door systems allows them to be used not only as doors in doorways, but also as an element of space zoning. The most common use of zoning in the interior is the zoning of studio apartments and one-room apartments. AT this case it's more of an obvious need than a design decision. However, sliding partitions can be used in other cases:

  • If children of different sexes or fly of different ages live in one, then with the help of a sliding partition you can make two smaller ones out of one large children's bedroom.
  • If you want to organize in your apartment or house, and there is no special room for this, then with the help of a sliding partition you can separate part of the bedroom for these purposes.
  • A large kitchen can be not only functional working area for cooking, but also a full-fledged dining room. The use of sliding partitions will prevent the spread of odors in the kitchen from the cooking zone, and will also hide from prying eyes "production costs" in the form of dirty dishes, garbage and other things.
  • It would be appropriate to use sliding partitions not only in residential premises, but also in offices to separate workspace different employees or the manager's office and, for example, a meeting room.

Thanks to a wide range of products from manufacturers of building (and not only) materials, almost all stages of repair and future interior elements can be created and installed with your own hands. And the Leroy Merlin online store will help with this, in which you can get acquainted not only with the range of materials available, but also with their main characteristics.

First of all, decide what type of installation you will be using. There are two types of them:

Overhead. In this case, the guides and rollers are installed on the wall, outside the doorway. This option is easier to install, but remember that the door panels in this case will always be in sight.

built-in. In this case, the sliding mechanism is mounted inside the doorway, and the canvas slides into niches in the walls. This option is more compact, however, a beginner will most likely not be able to cope with it.

Having decided on the type of installation, you can think about the type of design of the sliding door system and the material from which it will be made. As mentioned above, the main types of sliding door designs include standard, radius, cascade (accordion) and coupe.

After the appearance of the future door is thought out and selected, it is necessary to measure the height and width of the structure to be installed and make markings for the overlay mechanism.

Marking should only be done with a water level, otherwise your doors may be skewed!

Some designs involve the installation of a guide not only from above, but from below. In this case, the door leaf will completely occupy the space from floor to ceiling and the ability of the door to isolate noise and extraneous sounds will increase significantly.

After the guides are securely fixed, rollers are installed in them. For each canvas, depending on its width, you will need from one to three rollers. The edges of the guides are blocked with a bracket (so that the rollers do not fly out).

The next step is to screw the door panels to the rollers and install the door hardware. All! The door is ready for use.

Sliding interior doors: design features and a variety of options

Sliding interior doors have firmly taken their place in the market and enjoy consistently high popularity. In addition to practicality, ergonomics and high functionality, they also have an elegant and elegant appearance. With the help of such doors, you can not only separate rooms from each other, but also zone the space in the room with virtually no loss of square meters.

Interior doors: folding or sliding?

Before diving into the characteristics, features and benefits of sliding doors, let's make a clear distinction between the concepts, eliminating the existing confusion. Today, in the descriptions of doors, you can find several designations - sliding, folding and sliding-folding, and for some reason the last two names very often imply the same designs - a book and an accordion.

To be precise, real folding doors are rarely used as interior doors. The mechanism of their work is based on the movement of several panels with the help of special springs, which allow the doors to fold quite compactly. Most often, this option can be seen in public transport - for residential premises it is too cumbersome and inconvenient.

Parallel-sliding and sliding-folding models are used as interior doors. It is sliding-folding doors that are most often confused with folding doors, but their design feature lies in the fact that the door sections are simultaneously folded and shifted on rollers along the guides. The design of parallel-sliding doors is one or more wings that move parallel to the floor, also along guides.

It is interesting
Traditionally, the progenitors of sliding doors are Japanese sliding interior partitions made of wood and rice paper - shoji. But there is evidence that similar doors made of wood, stone and even bronze were also used in interiors. Ancient Greece and Rome.

Sliding doors, regardless of the type of construction, have a practically common set of elements, which consists of leaves, a decorative framing frame, fittings and a driving mechanism - guide rails, roller carriages and clamps. In our article, we will talk in detail about all the differences, design features and advantages of each specific type of sliding doors.

Types of sliding doors

All sliding doors can be divided into several large groups, based on design features, material of manufacture and degree of automation. Each group, in turn, includes several subgroups. So the family of sliding doors is very numerous, and in order to figure out who is who, you need to know the representative of each group and subgroup well.

So, by design doors are divided, as we have already mentioned, into sliding-folding and parallel-sliding.

Sliding folding doors. The main advantage of this group is its compactness - the doors do not require a free area for opening, so that the space along the walls can be fully used. Doors can be opened in one or both directions. Sliding-folding doors are not difficult to arrange: they consist of several strips movably connected to each other, with one of the extreme strips rigidly fixed in the opening. All strips are equipped with rollers, they are usually placed at the top, but there are models with rollers located both above and below. In order to increase the service life of the door, it is equipped with a locking device that prevents strong blows of the door panels against walls or furniture in the event of a sudden opening. Depending on the number of strips and the fastening of the rollers, the doors are divided into two types - a book and an accordion.

  • Accordion door consists of several narrow strips - lamellas, while the rollers are fixed in the middle of each lamella. The folds of the door in this case are quite small, approximately the thickness of the wall in the doorway. Accordion doors are most often made of plastic, since their very design does not allow the use of wood or other dense materials. Because of this, harmonicas have very poor sound insulation - it is advisable to install them in utility rooms or as a partition for zoning space. They are not suitable for those places where intensive and frequent operation of the door is expected.
  • book door consists of larger elements - usually two or four parts go to a standard doorway. The rollers in this case are attached at the junction of the canvases through one joint. The door leaf is folded according to the principle of a book, and the part that does not have rollers extends into the room, occupying part of the wall. Book doors, unlike accordions, can be made of solid wood or veneer, glass, metal-plastic, since such doors use stronger rollers and there are no restrictions on the thickness of the panels.

Parallel sliding doors. Designs of this type differ in the number of wings and the method of opening. Such doors are distinguished by good sound insulation, reliability and long service life.

  • Coupe: single and double doors. The compartment door is one of the most popular door structures. It can be either completely suspended, that is, move only along the upper rail, or have two rails at the same time - upper and lower. Single-leaf compartment doors move both in one and in both directions. Double doors also have two types of movement - in the direction from each other or by entering one leaf behind another. In the first case, the roller mechanisms are located in a common trough of the guide, and in the second case, they have different troughs.
  • Cassette doors. They can also be single-leaf and double-leaf, the principle of their operation is similar to the principle of the compartment door. However, their main feature is that the canvases themselves, when opened, are completely hidden in special niches in the wall. Niches are built from drywall or other building materials, some models are sold immediately with ready-made niches. This option is convenient because it allows you to rationally use the space along the walls near the doorway.
  • Radius doors . The main difference of this type is the rounded shape of the door itself and the arched shape of the profile system. In most cases, radius doors are glazed, and tempered or organic glass, as well as transparent materials based on acrylic or polycarbonate, are used as decorative inserts. Frames and rails are made of aluminum alloys with decorative spraying or veneering with natural wood. Radius doors are made only to order, since each specific case requires accurate measurements.
  • Cascading doors. The second name of such doors is telescopic. They are a complex structure of several door panels, one of which is stationary, and the rest are moving. The essence of the mechanism of the cascading door is that the extreme fixed leaf is able to pull the rest when closing or opening the door, somewhat reminiscent of the principle of operation of a fan. Each door leaf has a separate chute for the movement of the roller mechanism, while the guides can only be top or located both above and below. The main material for the manufacture of a cascading door is most often tempered glass. The use of wooden elements makes the doors visually heavy and suitable only for classic interiors.
  • Interior doors are a double-leaf sliding structure built directly into the doorway. When opening the door leaves, they move towards each other along the opposite guide, only half of the doorway remains free for entry and exit. The location of this opening can be changed at will. When using interior doors, the space along the walls also remains free.

Another important criterion by which sliding doors can be divided into groups is production material .

  • Wood. Classic variant. Sliding doors made of solid wood are most often made from wood. valuable breeds, they differ in the big weight and high price. For mounting doors of this type, reinforced fasteners are used, as well as two guides - upper and lower.
  • impact resistant glass. Used in many types of sliding doors both as decorative element, and as the main material for manufacturing. In the latter case, it is possible to use framing elements in the form of aluminum or plastic profile with decorative coating. In some cases, doors are made from a single sheet of glass, but in this case, the installation of doors requires a special approach.
  • MDF- one of the most commonly used materials, because it is quite light and easy to decorate with walnut, oak, Karelian birch veneer or even carving and painting.
  • Material combination. One of the options for combined type doors is doors made of wood and decorated with glass inserts. In addition, a combination of MDF and natural wood, glass and metal, glass and plastic, etc. is possible.

Sliding doors, in addition, can be divided into groups according to the degree of their automation . Manual doors open in the usual way - by physical impact.

Automatic doors are driven by a special infrared sensor reacting to the appearance of a person. The design of such doors includes an automatic drive, a guide mechanism and a battery. Most often, automatic doors are installed in places with high traffic - shopping centers, airports, train stations. This is quite an expensive pleasure, therefore, in home use, such doors are not particularly in demand.

Installation options for interior doors

Certain types of door structures require the use of a specific mounting option and a specific fitting variant. The shape and number of guides, the method of fastening, the number of rollers and gutters are dictated by the design, weight and size of the door.

  • Option 1. With one guide at the top. Such a door movement mechanism provides for its movement along only one guide located above the door. To ensure the operability and safety of the structure, the installation of the mechanism should be carried out only to strong and reliable surfaces. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the door, since for light canvases up to 70 kg one set of rollers will be enough, but for heavy ones this number needs to be increased. To prevent the door from coming off the top rail, a stopper is required.
  • Option 2. With two guides located above and below. In this case, the main load falls on the lower rail, and the upper one mainly plays the role of supporting the door in a vertical position. To install such a system, it is necessary to remove the threshold in the doorway, if any, since the lower rail will be in its place.

Another mounting option is used for sliding-folding doors such as an accordion or a book. The canvas in this case is mounted along the vertical edge to the side profile attached to the wall. At the top of the door sections are carriages with rollers that move along a guide located at the top of the doorway.

On a note
When installing compartment doors, almost any door can be used as a door leaf, it is enough to install a special mechanism for sliding structures.

Installing a door in a standard doorway is not particularly difficult, since most manufacturers produce doors in a certain size range that matches the size of the openings.

Installation of non-standard doors differs in some features. So, even before installation, it will be necessary to carry out individual measurements of the opening, on the basis of which the door structure is made. When ordering and installing wide doors, it is necessary to provide space for free opening of the door. The width of the side wall should not be less, but preferably slightly more than the width of the door leaf. When installing doors that are too high, sometimes there is a problem with how to hide the top rail. In this case, it is either built into the ceiling, or a part painted in the desired color is used. In any case, the installation of non-standard doors should be carried out only by specialists, since it is quite difficult to foresee all the nuances of installation on your own.

Advantages and disadvantages

As practice shows, the advantages of sliding doors over conventional swing doors great amount.

  • Space saving. Everyone is familiar with the situation when the door opening into the room simply “eats up” part of the room and the wall or corner behind the door becomes completely useless. Sliding doors allow you to use all the space in the room.
  • Safety. If there is a small child in the family, then with a high degree of probability he is protected from hitting the door jamb.
  • The possibility of automatic opening and closing of the door in the event that an automatic design is installed.
  • Aesthetic appeal and originality. Sliding doors can be customized various styles interior design.

But, like any item, sliding doors are not without some drawbacks.

  • Poor sound insulation - especially for accordion doors and books, since they are made of thin plastic. Other types of structures do not have a vestibule, which also negatively affects the soundproofing properties.
  • The complexity of caring for niches in the wall cavity - if necessary minor repairs part of the wall will have to be dismantled.
  • Lack of possibility of use as entrance doors.

AT modern interior the interior door plays not so much an insulating function as it is a design detail. Sliding doors are great for this. They are able to act as accents or harmonize with furniture and flooring, maintaining the overall style of the room and at the same time zoning the space, highlighting one and hiding another part of it.

Where can I buy sliding interior doors?

Sliding interior doors today can be bought almost without problems - there are many companies selling them on the market. However, it should be noted that not all outlets can find doors of proper quality. Some of the sellers offer their customers Chinese-made products that have low price, but characterized by insufficient performance properties. Others, trying to attract buyers, put up a door leaf at a low price, compensating for this by a high price for the entire set.

In order to purchase sliding doors made to last, experts recommend contacting manufacturers. In this case, it is possible to buy doors without cheating and intermediaries.

In the domestic market, the doors of the Bravo factory have proven themselves very well. More than 370 door models are presented in the factory's branded stores today. It is possible to buy doors directly from the warehouse of the factory, having previously studied the assortment at a special exhibition, where almost all of the company's products are presented. Other benefits include no prepayment, choice between pickup and delivery, product returns and exchanges, and door installation services. Delivery is carried out to all cities of Russia. The company bears full responsibility for both products and services provided. All products are guaranteed for 12 months.

Renovation of premises and the creation of a unique design in them often require a change in the configuration of the living space, the delimitation of internal zones, the adoption of original technical solutions, and the transformation of building structures.

This article describes one of these methods. It provides advice home master on the choice and installation of sliding interior doors inside the apartment with your own hands. The text is explained along the way with pictures, diagrams and a video.

Overview of interior door designs

According to the opening methods, door leaves are divided into two categories:

  1. Swing curtains moving in loops along a certain sector;
  2. Sliding or compartments moved on linear skids:
    • along the wall;
    • in a leaning cassette;
    • inside a wall pocket.

swing systems

This type of construction has already been discussed on the site.

After some time, we do not dwell on it in detail, we consider the second scheme.

Sliding doors

The work is based on the design of the mechanism, which provides for the movement of the door leaf along the skids located along the wall and at a short distance from it.

Distance from the wall

The sliding door is made using one of two technologies:

  1. Cloth with a vestibule;
  2. Door with decorative elements.

The first type provides the tightest fit between the door and the frame to increase sound insulation and reduce heat loss.

In the second case, various overlays such as a baguette or other decorations are hung on the canvas to cover construction gaps. They give the structure an attractive appearance, but do not provide sound insulation and heat retention.

The door leaf is located from the wall at a distance of 2÷3 mm. When the sash moves, the set distance is always maintained. If there is some foreign object in this gap, then the door will rest against it or jam. Therefore, increased requirements are placed on the cleanliness of the opening.


The width of the door leaf is selected according to the dimensions of the building opening. It should overlap it by at least 2 ÷ 3 cm. The optimal value is 5 ÷ 8 centimeters.

3 types of sliding door kit

Manufacturers use three compositions of components:

  1. The simplest or minimal set;
  2. Traditional scheme with decorating elements of the opening;
  3. With mortise lock mechanism.
Minimum configuration scheme

The technology includes the sequence of operations:

  • on top of the construction opening, an upper guide rail is installed;
  • on her through suspension system with rollers, the door leaf is mounted;
  • the rail is closed with a decorative additional element about 15 cm wide or remains open when using the barn mechanism technology.

The building opening is ennobled with the same materials as the walls (putty, painting or wallpaper). There are no other items included with this set.

Traditional scheme

Additions and platbands to the construction opening are added to the previous configuration. To do this, you need to carefully measure the thickness of the wall and the dimensions of the closing elements.

In this case, the appearance of the sliding interior door and opening is improved.

door with lock

Such a scheme is used if the owner of the apartment is interested in restricting people's access to the premises.

A special lock with a locking bolt in the shape of a hook cuts into the frame of the door leaf, and the feigned beam is reinforced with an additional element with a recess that ensures the bolt enters and is retained after turning the control handle.

Features of heavy structures

Door leaves with solid glass or weighing from 80 kilograms per without fail must move along an additional lower roller, which is usually installed discreetly.

Top rail attachment methods

Manufacturers of sliding interior doors develop special mounting fixtures. However, they all work in the same way as an ordinary wooden block with cross-sectional dimensions of 70 by 60 mm.

In addition, it provides:

  • tighter adjoining of the door structure;
  • the ability to adjust the distance of the door from the wall;
  • convenient installation of the mechanism for smooth operation of the sash.

Number of door panels

Depending on the width of the construction opening, sliding interior doors are made:

  • single-leaf;
  • or double-leaf with the movement of the wings to open and close in opposite directions.

In the second case, it is convenient to use the mechanism of synchronous operation of the doors, which allows, when controlling one door, to make the same movement of the second. It provides a more comfortable load on the hands of a person.

This question explains the video of the owner dver1.ru "Which sliding interior doors to choose"

Building opening requirements

To install a sliding interior door, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of its operation strictly in one plane. It is important to ensure the same indentation from the wall for its smooth movement.

If the doorway is made unevenly or with deviations from the vertical, then before installing the sliding structure, you will either need to mount it at a considerable distance.

How to install a sliding interior door

Preparatory work

These include:

  • selection of one of the mechanism designs described above;
  • preparation of the building opening for installation;
  • measurements of required dimensions sliding system.

The design of the mechanism affects the dimensions of the door:

  • overhead installation requires overlapping the doorway by about 7 ÷ 10 cm;
  • cassette fastening requires a wall size of at least twice the web width.

It is also necessary:

  • analyze the need to install platbands, additional slats and a lock;
  • pay attention to the width of the wall, which ensures the full opening of the door and the plan for arranging furniture to eliminate interference with its movement.

The floor covering must be completely laid before the installation of the sliding mechanism. Its upper level can critically affect the installation conditions of the door.

Assembly steps

Manufacturers produce sets of equipment for sliding mechanisms, prepared for installation, but requiring adjustment of certain dimensions at the installation site.

The work is carried out in three successive stages:

  1. Registration of a doorway with additional elements and platbands;
  2. Assembling the mechanism for moving the door leaf and setting it up;
  3. Final decoration.

Here you will need in turn:

  • assemble the structure of the additional beam and install it in the doorway;
  • fill inner space between the dobor and the opening with mounting foam;
  • install platbands according to the size of the opening.

Installation and adjustment of the mechanism for moving the door leaf

Initially, it is required to fix the upper guide over the building opening using factory elements or with the help of a stop beam. To do this, pre-drill holes in it for self-tapping screws.

Then the rollers are inserted inside the guide rail, their free movement is checked.

Clamps for rollers are fixed to the upper end of the web with self-tapping screws.

The prepared door leaf is hung on rollers.

To do this, protruding screw clips of the rollers are inserted into the grooves of the fastening latches, with the help of which the position of the leaf is adjusted in the plane of movement of the door.

After tightening the fixing nuts, the rollers are securely fixed to the door leaf. It is removed by shifting towards the opening. This is necessary for marking on the floor the installation site of a plastic flag or a support roller, which are also fixed with self-tapping screws.

Then the door with rollers is again hung on the guide rail, and is inserted into the plastic flag with the lower groove. It eliminates the displacement of the web in the perpendicular direction.

Check the smoothness of the sash in both directions and its position in the vertical plane. Identified violations are eliminated by adjustments. It remains to limit the course of the door tight with locking plugs that are screwed into the upper guide.

In some cases, the stroke limiter can be installed on the floor, but this excludes its disguise.


It usually includes:

  • installation of decorative timber;
  • handle installation.

It remains to check the operation of the door in all directions, to evaluate its appearance.

Design features


Swing doors need additional space inside the room to open the wings to one side of the building opening.

Retractable door leaves, moving along the wall, significantly save living space. This allows designers to use them to create an original interior of rooms in the same style.

Disadvantages of sliding structures

These should include:

  1. the difficulty of reducing the gap between the door leaf and the wall, through which noise, heat and odors penetrate;
  2. a sliding sash requires more careful handling than a hinged design. If it is not used carefully, then it is possible to leave the guides, and this is due to the dismantling of the wall or cassette;
  3. dust and small accumulations of debris penetrate inside the pocket, which are difficult to remove even with special nozzles of a vacuum cleaner. When the door moves, it will penetrate into the room, will cause the development of allergies;
  4. small pieces of solid objects accidentally trapped inside the mechanism sliding door, can jam the door leaf or disrupt the operation of the rollers.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

It is believed that sliding doors are a novelty among door designs. But this is not true. Many centuries ago, sliding doors were first invented in Japan, which were used as interior partitions in large rooms. That is, it is a very ancient, but still relevant invention. Sliding doors are a very convenient and practical design, which is very popular. Now manufacturers offer a wide selection of such products, so it is important to know how to choose the option that suits you best.

Design features

Sliding doors can have two types of construction, depending on their device:

  • parallel-sliding;
  • sliding folding.

They are completely different in their way of movement and mechanism. In addition, they are installed completely differently.

So, parallel-sliding models consist of several small wings. They move on rails and rollers. These are very reliable designs that can last a very long time.

Sliding folding systems have a different device. They always consist of a large number of sections and fold like an accordion. They have a different principle of operation and are completely assembled against one wall during opening. They are great for delimiting different functional areas and for decorating rooms.

Also, all designs include certain components that are an integral element of such a door system.

  • So, there are profile guides. Its average length is 1.5-2 m. There is also always a lower guide profile and a set of fasteners.
  • For models that move on rollers, wheels are provided. Usually there are quite a lot of them, but the specific number will depend on the length of such a door.
  • Highly important element sliding door designs are stoppers. They are necessary in order to limit movement during the movement of the valves. So you can conveniently fix the sash in the desired position.

  • The design also includes sashes or door panels, which are the main part of sliding doors. The design has a suspension, a cassette, skids, platbands, extensions, clamps. No door functions without these elements. Most sliding doors have a special bar.

It is necessary in order to hide the entire mobile mechanism, or rather, the rollers. It also closes the profile guides and makes the appearance of the door more presentable. Such strips are called decorating.

Types of mechanisms

The system of sliding partitions consists of several shutters. Most often they are made of an aluminum profile that acts as a frame, and other material for the door leaf. In this case, glass, plastic or other lightweight material is additionally used. The interior partition has a certain mechanism. Such doorway can be moved to the right or left.

A feature of the mechanism of room partitions is that it is very functional and at the same time the doors move completely silently. Such a mechanism is suitable for installation in any room.

Parallel-sliding partitions have several leaves, but can be presented as one wide sliding canvas. The choice of model will depend on your personal preferences. Single-leaf partitions move parallel to the wall or hide inside the wall space. Wall-mounted models are considered the most compact.

Multi-leaf parallel structures have a more complex device. They are also parallel to the wall when opened, but, as a rule, they are presented in the form of three or four door panels. But all these canvases can move independently of each other, separately.

Folding sliding partitions are several panels of the same width. Moreover, designs usually include more than three canvases. In some cases, their number can even reach ten. When you open the door, all the leaves fold on one side of the opening, evenly adjacent to each other. In this position, they can be conveniently fixed.

Manufacturers also present suspended, built-in, hinged, roll-out, drive-in, in-hole, overhead sliding structures.


Folding accordion doors are very stylish and functional. They are perfect for those who have cramped and small apartments. They are very compact and take up very little space and move along rails on special rollers.

Door panels are called slats. They gather on the side and fold like blinds. Moreover, it can be not only soft models, but also more dense and reliable wooden and aluminum ones. Accordion doors can be presented in the form of "books". These are slightly different designs with larger door panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of screens.

Usually books have 2 or more large canvases.

"Accordions" allow you to select several different functional areas in the room. Moreover, they can be installed both in rooms decorated in modern styles - Hi-Tech, minimalism, and more classic for decorating rooms. So, there are models for the kitchen, bedroom, nursery. They also equip the entrance to the study, and in this case, glass models are often preferred.

"Accordions" are one of the most inexpensive among all sliding doors. Their cost will vary depending on the design, material of manufacture, as well as their size. Usually they are used for wider doorways, since these structures themselves are quite long.


Sliding sliding doors are gaining popularity every year. They look more strictly and sustained, compared with accordion doors. They are installed both in the office and at home. Compartment doors also take up very little space, so they are perfect for installation at the exit to a corridor or a small kitchen.

Compartment doors have better sound insulation compared to accordions. That is why they are often installed in the office. Thus, extraneous sounds will not distract you during work. They perfectly save the area in any room. They can be easily assembled by hand. The door leaf can be hidden in the wall after you open the door.

There are also models that are superimposed on the surface of the wall like a panel. This option looks very fashionable and unusual. These structures have two options. possible use. So, they can completely replace any swing doors.

In addition, some use sliding doors as wall panels.Their installation does not require the installation of a door frame and thresholds. Therefore, the process will take very little time and effort. It will also make it much easier for you to find the right flooring.

Sliding doors belong to the middle price category. Their cost varies depending on the features of the design and design. The average cost is 8000-10000 rubles.

Pencil case

They got their name due to the fact that outwardly they are very similar to an ordinary school pencil case. They are very compact, so they also save space in the room. Manufacturers offer a huge number of models of different designs and configurations, so they can be selected for any type of room and doorway.

They are very dense and completely do not let in noise, extraneous sounds, so they can also be installed in office premises. This is due to the peculiarity of the method of their fastening, which distinguishes them from other similar sliding models. In addition, they move a little differently along the wall.

As a rule, sliding pencil cases have glass inserts and unusual patterns and interesting design, so they use in high demand. They move completely silently and therefore do not distract people in the room. The design feature is the obligatory presence of a closer, which also ensures smooth movements. They are the most compact among all sliding models.


Portal structures are most often made of plastic. This is a very stylish and unusual design solution. It allows you to play with the light in the room and skillfully save space by visually expanding it. These are quite original and unusual solutions that can diversify any interior. Most often they are used to fill doorways of great height and wide in size.

door leaves hung on hinges. The frame inside has slats along which the panels move. When you open the door, the hinges unfold and the sash goes inside the room. The hinges, together with the sash, move along the rails along the wall.

Such doors can be fixed in any position, which is an undoubted advantage of this design. When you close such a door, the hinges are folded, and the door leaf returns to its original place.

Canvas types

All door leafs differ depending on the number of leaves. The dimensions of the door leaf also play an important role. The most common and classic are single-leaf sliding models. As a rule, they are purchased for narrow spaces. These are quite compact models that move sideways and take up very little space in any room.

To install single-leaf sliding doors, there is no need to install a door frame. But for this you need to make a high-quality doorway. Single-leaf canvases are fixed to the bottom of the doorway. There are also models with a top rail.

Another common option is double-leaf interior doors. They are suitable for fairly large in width doorways. These are very stylish and functional designs that perfectly perform decorative functions. As a rule, double-leaf models are installed in large rooms.

They consist of two identical canvases. You can fix one canvas and use the other, or simultaneously push both canvases when entering and leaving the room.

There are even tricuspid models, which are often installed as an interior partition. They can also be presented in the form of a screen. They look more massive than double models.

How more quantity canvases in the sliding door, the smaller size door leaf. But there are also quite large models with a wide door leaf. These include radius structures, in which the canvases are arranged in a circle and move along rails. It can be accordion models, and ordinary sliding folding doors. Also popular are semicircular and telescopic canvases, as well as cascading models with a lattice.

The doors that are installed at the entrance to the room have different size. The average door leaf is 1 m wide, wider entrance structures can be up to 2 m in size. The standard height is also 2 m. But in case you have higher or lower ceilings, as well as wider or narrower door aisles, you can make a custom sliding door based on certain parameters.

Manufacturing materials

Sliding doors are made from a wide variety of materials:

  • Such models can have wood frames or be completely made of wood. Solid door products are very reliable and quite large. This material is also reflected in their price.
  • Models from fiberboard, chipboard are considered cheaper. Such doors include wood and other synthetic connecting components. They are also completely eco-friendly, but have a lighter weight compared to wood. This design is easier and quieter to move along the guides.
  • Veneer products are also very popular. Outwardly, they completely repeat models from solid wood. Inside, they have a different, lighter unnatural filling.
  • Plywood models are quite light and durable. They are very often installed in doorways at the entrance to the room. Models from MDF serve for quite a long time.

  • The most unreliable are sliding doors made of drywall. They are light in weight, but very short-lived. Most often they serve as decorative partitions or screens.
  • Reliable are aluminum structures that have glass or mirror inserts. As a rule, the role of the basis in them is played by aluminum profile. It securely holds such, at first glance, a fragile structure.
  • Glass doors look very luxurious and elegant. They fill the room with lightness and light. To create such structures, tempered glass. They are quite heavy and large, but they are very difficult to break. This is due to their thickness and quality of such products.

Also, glass doors can have a wooden door frame. It is these models that are the most reliable. They are able to create excellent sound insulation. Sliding doors are also made of polycarbonate.

  • Iron sliding doors are considered quite reliable and massive. They are installed most often at the entrance to the room. Accessories for sliding doors are also very often made of iron.
  • On wooden models can be installed wooden handles. All furniture fittings in this case must be of high quality. It must be securely fastened to the door structure.


Interior sliding doors should perform not only the function of limiting the entrance to the room, but also solve many other problems. So, models with sound insulation are very popular. They allow you to close in the room and get rid of extraneous sounds. Such structures are often installed in office rooms or workrooms, since extraneous sounds in this case may interfere with work.

In this plan good option are sealed doors. They not only create sound insulation, but also do not let smells through at all. Such structures are often installed in the kitchen in order to prevent the impregnation of the upholstery of upholstered furniture with odors that can penetrate from the kitchen.

Insulated doors do not release air from the room. They are often installed in bathrooms and toilets. They are great for taking baths and other water treatments and perfectly retain heat inside the room.

In addition to installation at the entrance to the room, sliding models are also used for space zoning. It can be sliding partitions or radius structures. This feature is very important for owners of studio apartments. Sliding partitions allow you to divide the room into several functional areas and limit them from each other.

Pros and cons

Sliding doors are rather controversial designs, as they have both disadvantages and advantages:

  • The main advantage is their versatility. They can be installed in absolutely any room, regardless of its purpose. They can be mounted not only at home, but also on the street and even in shopping centers.
  • The big advantage is the presence of the function of automatic opening and closing of doors. This is an innovative technology that makes life easier. Such doors, as you know, have a side-sliding design. That is why they do not react in any way to drafts or gusts of wind. They won't close on their own and won't move. There is also a convenient latch for this, which allows you to fix the door in a convenient position.
  • Another advantage is no noise when closing and opening the door, which cannot be said about flapping swing models. They are also light in weight, so they move easily on rails. Even a small child can cope with such a door. The big advantage is that such doors can save space. You will not need to provide a place for plowing when you make repairs.

Some swing structures spoil the adjacent walls with furniture fittings, but there are no such problems with sliding models.

These doors are completely safe and very convenient. So, during the opening, you will not hit anyone by unexpectedly entering the room. So you protect your children and pets, because the sash opens not backwards, but sideways.

But despite all these advantages, the design has a number of disadvantages:

  • So, by themselves, these doors do not provide for the installation of mortise locks. Therefore, if you want the door to be locked, you will need to use a different design.
  • Another disadvantage is that these doors cannot provide a high level of thermal insulation comparable to classic models. That is why such products are more often installed indoors than at the entrance to the house from the street. They also provide less sound insulation.
  • For housewives, a significant disadvantage is that the niche into which the sliding structure is recessed collects a lot of dust. Moreover, these are rather inaccessible places, cleaning here is difficult.
  • There is also the possibility that at one point the sliding door will jam. Especially this probability increases if the rollers squint. That is why it is necessary to select a model only with the highest quality mechanism and periodically check its serviceability.

How to put?

Sliding doors are quite easy to assemble yourself. Assembly will not take much time. This can be done using a simple scheme, but initially you need to prepare:

  • First of all, you need to take all the necessary measurements to determine the size of the leaf of such a door. Moreover, to all measurements you need to add about 5-7 cm.
  • You can buy ready-made canvases for your measurements, this will greatly simplify the work.
  • When you have made all the necessary measurements, you need to draw lines that will mark the future door.
  • A wooden beam must be attached to the top line, and its lower part should be slightly higher. The length of such a beam will be equal to twice the width of the opening. It must be fixed with a self-tapping screw.
  • After that, you need to fix the profile. He will act as guides. This must be done in such a way that the sash and wall together form free space. This is necessary so that subsequently the door slides quietly along the wall. The profile should be perfectly straight and located in a straight line.
  • Then you should come to the collection of carriages. Once they are assembled, you will need to test how smoothly the canvas moves. When assembling, the carriages are separately inserted into a pre-assembled profile and moved.

  • Don't forget to install movement limiters and a sealant. They need to be placed along the edges of the profile.
  • Then in the door leaf you need to make a mount for the carriage. It should be located in the center. After you install all the fasteners, you can install the door leaf. It needs to be tightly put in profile and slightly raised.
  • After that, it is necessary to fix the brackets to the bolts with nuts. But try not to overtighten them.
  • Then you should insert the door leaf into the lower rails. But before that, you need to loosen the bolts on the carriage.
  • After that, it is necessary to hide the profile with decorative platbands. Don't fasten them too tight. After that, you can proceed to the installation of accessories.

How to install a sliding interior door, see the following video.

When choosing sliding doors, you should pay attention not only to their appearance, but also to the characteristics:

  • Plays a very important role soundproofing, since it is this quality that is lagging behind in this type of door. Worst of all, pine models are saved from extraneous noise.
  • Pay attention to the material. It's better to buy only natural products that meet all standards, as they are the most environmentally friendly. Try not to save money on such products, because in this way you can shorten their life.

  • The door must harmoniously fit into the interior the room where you plan to install it. Doors at the entrance to the living room should be the most luxurious and massive. Sliding doors to the hall can be purchased from solid wood, especially larch and ash products should be paid attention. In the hallway, in the corridor and in the pantry, it is better to install denser opaque models.
  • But if you want to fill the corridor with light, then you can choose glass model. It can visually expand a narrow corridor. Glass door great for the kitchen and goes well with small household appliances. When choosing such doors, also consider wall coverings.

If you want to install sliding doors in one-room apartment, try to get the same designs so that they create a harmonious ensemble. Also in the kit for such a door you need to choose the most suitable and reliable fittings.

Design options in the interior

The door in any room is one of the most basic elements. It should complement the interior of the room:

  • In some small apartments, doors are even installed instead of a wall. This option is also suitable for zoning, so this door will play the main role.
  • If you are installing the design in a room decorated in a classic style, it is better to purchase elite matte models. Gloss is unacceptable for halls and living rooms. For such rooms are best suited large white internal doors with luxurious decor.

  • If you want to install a door on a loggia, then panoramic models are perfect for you. In this case, you can give preference to designs in the form of a mosquito net. They are perfect for the warm season of the year. You can also use lattice doors.
  • In the bedroom it is better to install beautiful elegant models. It can be glass opaque products that reflect the classics. For wide and spacious rooms, issued in modern style, you can purchase frameless transparent doors. This is a great solution for a minimalist style.
  • Soft sliding screen doors are suitable for the dressing room. You can also use models with a mirror. Reviews show that they are very comfortable in such a room. The description of such options in the interior is always enthusiastic.

In the design of sliding models, framing plays an important role. Frameless models look more simple and modern. And products with frames are more luxurious. In this case, you can give preference to models with a wooden frame in the color of wenge.

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