How to choose a kitchen set important recommendations for choosing. Kitchen furniture set - how to choose and not regret What cabinets should be in the kitchen

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

The kitchen is one of the most functional rooms in any home. They not only cook and eat there, but also often meet guests, spend family holidays and just arrange gatherings with loved ones.

Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the interior of the kitchen - it must be not only practical, but also as comfortable and cozy as possible. In many ways, it depends on the right furniture, namely the kitchen set.

What is included in the kitchen set

A kitchen set is a ready-made furniture complex that includes all the elements for a comfortable kitchen arrangement.

The first kitchen sets appeared in the 20s of the XIX century in America. The hostesses liked this option for arranging the kitchen and furniture factories around the world quickly adopted this idea.

Modern kitchen set consists of the following elements:

  • floor structures - cabinets, cabinets and shelves. This is the main component of the furniture complex, it is from it that the assembly of the headset begins;
  • hanging elements - mounted on walls and can have a very different design: from closed opaque cabinets to open shelves;
  • pencil cases - cabinet furniture, the height of which significantly exceeds the width. They are used for storing kitchen utensils and embedding household appliances;
  • mobile furniture - it can be sliding partitions, transforming tables, sideboards on wheels and other interior items. They are indispensable in cramped kitchens;
  • free-standing elements - tables, chairs, kitchen sofas.

Buying a kitchen set is cheaper than buying all of its elements separately. In addition, its components are ideally combined in size and design.

How to plan a kitchen set - rules for identifying needs

Before choosing a kitchen set, you need to carefully consider what tasks it will perform. The more attentive you are to the details of the future furniture complex, the less likely you are to make mistakes and miss opportunities.

To make it easier to plan your needs, follow these simple guidelines:

  • evaluate the size of the kitchen. It is best to take accurate measurements. If it is cramped, then the interior design should be aimed at expanding and saving space. This can be the use of cases for embedding equipment, various options for transformable elements - for example, folding tables, as well as mobile structures;
  • make a list of household appliances and other dimensional items - dishes, cookbooks, brooms. This will allow you to understand what capacity the headset should have;
  • focus on the needs of the chief cook in the house - after all, it is he who spends more time in the kitchen. If this is a left-hander, you must definitely take this into account in terms of the interior. Also, the dimensions of the furniture should correspond to his height.

Kitchen layouts - options for placing a kitchen set

Depending on the layout, kitchen sets can be of the following types:

  • linear - the simplest and best option for a cramped kitchen. In this case, the furniture is located along one wall;

  • two-line - well suited for elongated rooms, especially if the doors in them are located opposite the window. A two-line set involves placing its elements along two parallel walls;

  • L-shaped - can be used in both spacious and medium-sized kitchens. With this layout, furniture is installed along two walls located perpendicular to each other. Usually, one wall is longer than the other (with the exception of square rooms). Cabinets and canisters are installed on it;

  • U-shaped - this layout combines visual appeal and convenience. But it is not suitable for cramped kitchens. In a U-shaped headset, each wall performs its own function - storage, cooking or washing;

  • island - is a way of organizing space, in which part of the furniture is taken out to the center of the kitchen. The island can be made in the form of a cutting or dining table, buffet, bar. However, an island set can only be installed if two requirements are met: the area of ​​​​the room must be at least 15 square meters. meters, and the shape of the overall layout should be square or rectangular. Otherwise, the island kitchen will be cramped and not practical.

Work triangle - what is it? Planning rules

To organically plan the interior of the kitchen, it is best to use the rule of the working triangle.

The work triangle in the kitchen is a space connected by three points: a sink, a stove and a refrigerator.

Proper planning of the working triangle allows you to make the process of cooking easier, significantly reducing the movement of the cook around the room.

The concept of the work triangle was first put forward in the 1940s and remains relevant to this day.

The work triangle connects three zones:

  • storage (refrigerator);
  • sinks (sink);
  • cooking (stove).

The distance between these zones should be from 1 to 3 meters, and the sum of the sides of the triangle should be from 4 to 8 meters. If it is too small, then it will not be convenient to move around the kitchen. And if it is too large, then you will have to make a lot of unnecessary movements.

Therefore, before choosing a kitchen, it is advisable to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis triangle. If it does not fit into the indicated limits, it is worth reconsidering the location of the moving points - the refrigerator and the stove.

There are special computer programs that will help you find the optimal position of the working triangle according to the given parameters. They are easy to use, so anyone can design their own kitchen interior.

Which kitchen set to choose - types and selection rules

When you have decided on the layout and location of the furniture complex, you can start choosing a specific model.

To do this, evaluate the following characteristics:

  • types of cabinets used;
  • headset filling;
  • method of opening and fixing doors;
  • facades and their design;
  • arrangement of the tabletop;
  • furniture legs.

Types of cabinets included in the kitchen furniture set

Depending on the location, kitchen cabinets can be:

  • hinged - mounted on the wall;
  • floor - located on the floor.

It is preferable to use both of these types at once in a kitchen set.

Depending on the shape, they can be straight or angular. The latter fit perfectly into the interior of cramped rooms and save space.

The body of kitchen cabinets can be made of the following materials:

  • Chipboard - the cheapest and short-lived option;
  • MDF - combines reliability, durability and affordable cost;
  • multiplex - a material consisting of thin strips of wood. Durable, resistant to moisture and high temperatures;
  • natural wood is the most expensive option for creating a luxurious interior.

The standard size of floor cabinets is 850 mm, and wall cabinets are from 700 to 1000 mm.

Interior fittings for kitchen cabinets

When buying furniture, it is important not only to consider what is included in the kitchen set, but also how it is arranged inside.

Filling the kitchen set is its internal arrangement. Please note that most furniture manufacturers in the basic configuration offer the minimum filling of kitchen cabinets - most often, these are simple shelves. However, you can always buy additional items yourself.

It is good if the headset is equipped with drawers, for which you can use special dividers and liners to organize the storage of small things.

Dryers, coasters for dishes, sections with hooks for towels, ladles and spices, bottles, containers for detergents and any other elements that simplify the storage of kitchen utensils should also be present.

What are door opening systems?

Pay attention to the way the doors open. Depending on it, they can be:

  • swing - the simplest and cheapest. However, they take up a lot of space, they are not safe in the upper cabinets - they can cause head injury;
  • folding - a horizontal version of swing doors, open up or down;
  • lifting - rise or gather up with the help of special gas lifts. This is the best option for the kitchen;
  • sliding - move out to the side. Such doors require guides, so they are rarely used in kitchen sets.

There are also hybrid versions of lift-sliding and lift-and-fold doors. But they are not popular because of the high price.

Facades - materials and decor

The facade is the front panel of the furniture. It is he who determines her external attractiveness.

For the manufacture of facades of kitchen sets use:

  • Chipboard (laminated or veneered) is the most economical option, but such a facade will quickly lose its appearance;
  • MDF (laminated or veneered, varnished or painted) - the best combination of price and quality, this material is practical and reliable;
  • solid wood is a very expensive material, it is rarely used for the production of kitchen furniture.

To finish the front panels of the headset, glass is most often used - in the form of inserts or overlays and metal.

Veneered facades look very nice, but are not practical. If you want your furniture to last longer, consider other finishes.

Countertops for the kitchen - what are

The countertop is the main workplace in the kitchen. There is only one requirement for a high-quality countertop - wear resistance. It is good if the product is solid - that is, without seams. They can accumulate water and dirt.

For the manufacture of countertops, various materials are used:

  • Chipboard (laminated);
  • Chipboard with wood coating;
  • natural wood;
  • porcelain stoneware and lithoceramics;
  • fake diamond;
  • natural stones - marble, basalt, granite.

The most practical countertops made of artificial stone - they are light, reliable, do not absorb moisture and are not whimsical in care. But products made of natural stone and wood will have to be carefully monitored to maintain their attractiveness.

Chipboard countertops will cost less, but their quality is lower. They are afraid of scratches, require immediate removal of stains and do not last long.

Bottom row cabinet legs

Legs are the most durable and practical base for furniture. It is better that they are adjustable: in this case, you can easily set the headset evenly even on curved floors.

Legs can be:

  • plastic - they are affordable, easy to clean;
  • chrome-plated - have a spectacular appearance, unpretentious in care.

Photo of kitchen sets in the interior

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If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected] website
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what happens and navigate in the choice.

Perhaps everyone will agree that the kitchen is the most versatile and frequently used room in the house. Therefore, the purchase of a headset, which is the main component of this room, must be approached thoroughly. Think it over well, discuss with the whole family and count. In this article, we will try to answer the question of how to choose the right kitchen set as clearly as possible.

Measurement of kitchen space

To correctly select a set of furniture you need to know the exact dimensions of your kitchen. Therefore, do not be lazy and explore with a tape measure every corner of it.

You will have to measure everything with your own hands:

  • The length of the walls;
  • Distance between walls;
  • ceiling height;
  • Distance from the floor to the window sill;
  • Dimensions of door and window openings;
  • Dimensions of protruding kitchen elements (for example, pipes, heating systems, switches and sockets).

It’s good if you put all these parameters on paper, drawing up a detailed plan for your kitchen.

Choosing a layout

Before finally deciding which kitchen set to choose, sit down as a family and discuss the following questions:

  1. How much kitchen furniture do you need;
  2. How it will be located - along one or two walls, with the letter "P" or an angle;
  3. What household appliances need to be built into the headset (stove, washing machine, refrigerator, sink, and so on);
  4. How much are you willing to spend on the purchase of a kitchen set.

Note! Almost all kitchen sets are designed according to the modular principle. And this means that you can easily compose any composition from parts, while rationally using every corner, ledge or niche in the kitchen. One more tip! In the kitchen, it is recommended to follow a triangular pattern: refrigerator-sink-stove, with work surfaces between them. This option is considered the most convenient in practical and aesthetic terms.

We draw up a project

To do this, you need a piece of paper in a cage. On it, draw your kitchen on a scale, indicate all the measurements made, the location of sockets, switches, and try to at least roughly position the furniture, stove, sink, etc. In the event that your kitchen does not differ in chic sizes, it is necessary, if possible, to use all its corners. Be sure to also leave enough free space for the passage, opening the doors of cabinets and household appliances.

We decide on the size, manufacturer, style and color scheme

Choosing a kitchen set is a difficult task. We have to solve many questions, among which four main ones can be distinguished: bulky or compact, domestic or imported, classic or modern, dark or light? Let's take them in order.

Kitchen set size

First, you need to choose the optimal height of the working surface. It should be convenient for the hostess, since it is she who uses it more often than other family members. Fortunately, the All-Russian Design and Technological Institute of Furniture took care of this nuance and introduced the standard height of kitchen worktops - 85 centimeters. This figure is chosen taking into account the average height of a modern person, so it is suitable for most European women. In addition, this height corresponds to the dimensions of typical household appliances. But it is important to note that there is another allowable height - this is 90 centimeters.

As for the generally accepted sizes of wall cabinets, they can be as follows: height - 36, 72 or 92 centimeters, depth - 30 centimeters. Regardless of what size you choose a headset, when installing it, it is important to observe the distance between the upper and lower cabinets: the minimum is 50 cm, the optimal is 90 cm (so you definitely won’t get bumps on your forehead).

Note! According to some experts, choosing a kitchen set in which all work surfaces (stove, sink, food cutting area) are at the same height is a big mistake. The multi-level height of the countertop greatly facilitates the cooking process, since you can change the position of the back (the load in this case is distributed evenly throughout the body). But the price of furniture with custom sizes to order is quite high.

domestic or imported

  • Kitchens of Russian manufacturers. These models are cheaper than imported ones, but every year the difference in cost is getting smaller. Of course, it is impossible to find a very cheap and at the same time high-quality headset today. Amounts from 50 to 100 and even 150 thousand rubles no longer seem prohibitive.

The quality of even average-priced domestic headsets is, in principle, on top. But one should not be surprised, because most of the furniture is produced either on imported equipment, or the parts themselves are purchased in Europe.

Another important nuance: Russian furniture is also suitable for small kitchens. In the assortment of many factories there are modules of small sizes, which allows you to create a compact set of any layout (corner, linear, U-shaped), which will perfectly fit into a small kitchen footage.

  • Imported kitchen sets very popular (especially Italian-made), but only a few can afford such a luxury. The price of a set of furniture can be 500 thousand rubles, and a whole million - there is no limit here. And to speak about the author's models of the leading brands is not at all necessary. Imported kitchens are usually created with the expectation of spacious rooms. In a small kitchen, the elegance of such a headset will simply be lost.

Of course, there are also relatively inexpensive foreign headsets from less well-known factories. But to be sure that they are really of high quality, you need to be able to understand the intricacies of furniture production.

Classic or modern - headset design

How to choose a kitchen that suits all family members? For example, the wife and children like the “classic” with all its abundance of curlicues and gilding, and the husband likes a solid “modern” or “hi-tech” without frills. In this case, you will have to look for a middle ground: purchase a strict suite in a modern style, but with a small painting on the facades. Or make a choice in favor of the classics, but without decorations, as in the photo below.

In fact, classic and modern kitchen sets are almost the same (we are talking about economy class and mid-range kitchens). The difference lies only in the ability to choose facades and fittings: ornate gilded handles and carved doors are signs of “classics”, laconic design handles and smooth doors without decorations are signs of “modern”, “minimalism” and “hi-tech”. And the frames of kitchen modules and countertops themselves can be the same, regardless of style.

As for premium-class kitchens, made to order, they will certainly highlight the features of a particular style or direction. And when you look at two headsets in the premium category, you can't find the same details in them. However, there is one “but” here - in order to acquire luxurious furniture, you need to have a fairly large kitchen space. But in a room with a small footage, the frills look too clumsy.

The choice of a suitable color scheme for a kitchen set, in principle, is not limited to anything. Here I would like to note only one simple rule: for small kitchens it is better to choose light furniture, and in spacious ones, furniture of dark or saturated colors will look harmonious.


Before making a final decision in favor of a particular kitchen set, go through several outlets to compare the quality and price of a similar range. Friendly sales consultants will certainly help you and provide all the necessary information about a particular model.

Also, you will probably be offered not only the cabinets and shelves themselves, but also a convenient “stuffing” for them. For example, carousel baskets, pull-out sections, and so on and so forth. Think carefully about whether you need any of this, and try not to add too much, as the cost of your headset will increase significantly.


Here we have analyzed the main points that must be considered when choosing furniture for the kitchen. We hope our article-instruction has become useful for you. And if you still have questions on this topic, then we suggest watching a video that tells in detail and even shows how to choose the right kitchen set.

The material for the kitchen should fundamentally be of high quality: this is the place where we spend the most time, and the furniture is most often exposed to the adverse effects of moisture, temperatures and other factors.

To date, a huge number of variations of kitchens have been invented that differ in performance characteristics.

It is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the material, but also other factors:

  1. room dimensions,
  2. style and interior design,
  3. available budget,
  4. manufacturer.

In the question of what material the kitchen is best, you should always be guided by the "price-quality" rule. It works for any budget. Here are some valuable tips for choosing.

  • If you are not limited in funds, you have a classic kitchen of a large area, then give preference to solid wood furniture. You can’t confuse natural wood with anything: environmental friendliness, sophistication will immediately come out the material.

White solid oak kitchen with painted fronts

Painted (enamelled) facades look more expensive than film ones and last longer. The only thing that can spoil their appearance is chips, but they are easier to disguise than if the film was damaged. To match such a kitchen there will be only a countertop made of natural stone or solid wood. This choice of materials also applies to frame facades. Expensive materials - they are also more reliable.

  • If it is in your interests to equip the kitchen as cheaply as possible, then look at the chipboard material. These plates are not uncommon on the furniture market today. Every second kitchen is made of them, but the difference is in the technology of chipboard production, in environmental friendliness. All these parameters may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

If you are looking for a budget kitchen, then be sure to follow the reputation and rating of the manufacturers. If you buy cheap, then only from trusted companies.

IKEA kitchen. The case, a table-top - from a chipboard. Facades with melamine foil.

For example, it has earned its popularity by the fact that despite the use of fairly cheap raw materials, the service life of its products is quite decent (up to 15 years) at a low price. It uses high-tech processing methods. Therefore, on the Web you can find so many positive reviews about Dutch production.

  • Do you want to receive best value for money and are ready to pay 20-30% more for the kitchen? Then your choice is MDF. Painted MDF facades(or enamel) look more attractive, but if you want to save money, then plastic ones are also quite suitable. Moreover, their service life is up to 25 years.

Kitchen with painted MDF facades (enamel).

In more detail, the properties of materials, their pros and cons, we will analyze in the next paragraph.

Facades and buildings

We list the most common materials for the kitchen, which are used in the production of the body and facade:

  • Chipboard- this is a sheet wood chipboard made by pressing.

Kitchen with facades made of chipboard
  • MDF- This is a compressed wood fiber sheet.

Kitchen with MDF facades
  • solid wood- natural raw materials undergoing processing.

Kitchen set with solid wood facades

Each of the above has its own dignity and limitations.


Being the most budget option, it has the main drawback - low moisture resistance. For the kitchen, this is a huge minus. From the point of view of ecology and safety for health, furniture after some time begins to emit formaldehydes - substances harmful to the environment. Therefore, the material must be certified according to sanitary standards.

Sectional chipboard

The sheets are very fragile, and therefore, the mechanisms and fittings are not held firmly, and the same holes cannot be used during the next assembly of the kitchen.


The boards are easy to process due to their uniform surface. It is durable, waterproof and environmentally friendly. Has a lot of finishing options.

Sectional MDF material

Compared to chipboard, MDF sheets are more durable, but also more expensive.

Comparison of two types of material: chipboard and MDF in the context

The photo above shows that the raw materials of the first plate are pressed more tightly, which improves the quality of the product. Chipboard has a loose structure, which is why quality suffers.

solid wood

Suitable for connoisseurs of everything natural and natural. When providing reliable protection by applying various coatings, the tree becomes suitable for use in conditions of high humidity, high heat. Ecologicaly clean. The furniture is durable and does not deform over time. The only negative is the high cost.

Shield made of solid walnut

For the manufacture of kitchen facades, combinations with glass and metal can also be used.

More information about which material is best for the kitchen in the video:

Processing methods

To give a finished look to frame or deaf (solid_ facades), a variety of coatings are applied to the surface of the base. This can be:

  • acrylic plastic,
  • melamine film,
  • enamel,
  • polymer film (PVC),
  • veneer.

Scratch resistance, the ability to diversify colors and the degree of difficulty in care depend on the coating. The characteristics of plastic, film, veneer and other materials in the table below will help determine the coating of kitchen facades.



Plastic facades

Pros: practicality, long service life (up to 25 years), a large selection of textures (including those imitating natural wood), are not afraid of moisture, temperatures, retain their shape, do not deform.

Film facades

PVC coatings are durable, fade resistant and yet very affordable. There are many films of all colors, with different textures, which allows you to choose the right option for any design.

Their disadvantage: compared to plastic ones, they are less resistant to negative influences. sudden changes in humidity and temperature lead to peeling, damage to the film.


The advantage of enameled facades: richness of the color palette to choose from, ease of care with ordinary household products (except for abrasives), the ability to create curved shapes.

Disadvantages: high price compared to PVC and plastic, UV instability and fast fading, fading.


Veneered surface - natural, near it is very noticeable. The veneer looks noble both in appearance and to the touch. Facades made of veneer are durable, reliable, resistant to scratches and temperatures. Even with the appearance of minor damage, you can mask them with the help of grinding. What can not be said about films and plastic. Even if the set is made of inexpensive chipboard or MDF (in comparison with an array), then veneer veneer already makes the furniture look more solid. The naturalness and environmental friendliness of this material will always be relevant.

The disadvantage of veneer is the high price and the possibility of loss of appearance due to exposure to moisture. Therefore, pay special attention to the presence of a special water-repellent impregnation and treatment.

When choosing a kitchen from laminated chipboard, give preference to plastic facades. They tolerate moisture better, do not deform when heated.

table top

No less serious should be approached. Since it is this part that takes the main blow. Therefore, it must be especially durable and as resistant to various influences as possible.

For the manufacture of countertops, the same materials can be used as for the body and facades.

Solid wood tabletop

Other suitable options:

  • strained glass;
  • natural and artificial stone,
  • metal surface.

Glass gives a special elegance to the kitchen, you can choose different colors, it is not afraid of water and temperature. Difficulty cleaning and low impact resistance make it less attractive.

Natural stone is beautiful and solid. They are durable and resistant to various influences, therefore they are durable. Needs constant special care. Require reliable support due to the large mass. Chips may form.

Artificial stone is stronger than natural and unpretentious in care. Afraid of high temperatures and abrasive cleaning.

Stainless steel is a less attractive option for the kitchen. It has significant drawbacks: it creates noise, an unpleasant cold surface, fades, is unstable to scratches, and requires careful maintenance.

Which kitchens are better: reliable manufacturers

It is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the material, but also other factors:

  • room dimensions,
  • style and interior design,
  • available budget,
  • manufacturer.

For a large private, country house, a solid wood kitchen is well suited (if you are not on a budget), and for a small apartment, it is better to choose more practical and lightweight materials.

The kitchen should match in style and create integrity and unity.

Preference should be given to well-known manufacturers such as:

  • IKEA,
  • Maria,
  • Announcement,
  • Harmony,
  • Antarctic.

In order for the kitchen to be cozy and functional, it is necessary not only to think over the interior design and select the necessary accessories, but also to choose the right kitchen set.

Choosing furniture for the kitchen is not such an easy task as it seems at first glance.

Even before buying a kitchen set, you will have to perform several actions:

  • take measurements of the kitchen;
  • choose a layout;
  • draw up a project;
  • select a headset model.

Before you start choosing a kitchen set, you need to find out the exact dimensions of the kitchen room.

To do this, use a tape measure to measure:

  • door and window openings;
  • the length of the walls and the distance between them;
  • the distance between the floor and the window sill;
  • ceiling height;
  • dimensions of other kitchen elements that protrude: pipes, sockets, switches, heating systems, etc.

It is advisable to put all the data on paper and draw up a detailed kitchen plan.

Choice of layout

Before deciding which kitchen set to choose, answer a few questions:

  • what kitchen furniture do you need;
  • how it will be located: at an angle, along the walls or with the letter P;
  • what household appliances should be built into the headset;
  • purchase budget.

Almost all kitchen sets are designed according to the principle of modules. This allows you to use every corner of the kitchen space.

When arranging the headset, the following schemes are used:

  • single row linear;
  • angular L-shaped;
  • double row or parallel;
  • U-shaped;
  • island;
  • peninsular.

The choice of scheme depends on the area and shape of the room. For example, for a narrow kitchen, an arrangement in one row or a corner is suitable, other options for arranging the headset will further narrow the room.

Experts advise when equipping the kitchen to observe the following sequence:

  1. fridge;
  2. a place for pre-treatment of products;
  3. sink and trash can;
  4. a place for the final cutting of products;
  5. stove for cooking;
  6. place for serving.

In short, the ideal kitchen should be arranged as follows: refrigerator-sink-countertop-stove-countertop. Unfortunately, not all kitchens are suitable in size, but with good planning it is possible to find acceptable solutions.

Drafting a project

To complete this item, you need a sheet of paper in a box. It is necessary to make a scale drawing of the kitchen on it, indicate all measurements, the location of switches and sockets, as well as the intended location of the refrigerator, stove, sink, kitchen furniture, etc.

If the kitchen is small, try to use every corner of it to good use. At the same time, you need to leave enough space for passages, opening the doors of household appliances and cabinets.

Video: the secrets of the interior of the right kitchen

Choosing a kitchen set

If you have successfully completed the previous points, it's time to start solving the main task - choosing kitchen furniture.

When choosing a headset, you should consider the following nuances:

  • dimensions;
  • manufacturer;
  • materials;
  • convenience and functionality;
  • design.

Headset dimensions

First of all, you need to choose the right height of the working surface. She, as a rule, is selected taking into account the growth of the hostess. There is a standard that corresponds to the size of typical household appliances and fits most European women - 85–90 cm.

Whatever size of furniture you choose, be sure to observe the distance between the lower and upper cabinets during installation - at least 50 cm. The easiest way to calculate the height is that the upper edge of the wall cabinet is located at the height of the hostess plus 20-25 cm.

Another nuance - some experts are sure that it is better not to buy a kitchen set with work surfaces of the same height (food cutting area, sink, stove). Thanks to the multi-level height of the tabletop, the cooking process is facilitated, as this allows you to change the position of the back and the load is more evenly distributed over the body. But such furniture must be ordered and it costs much more.


Domestic kitchens are cheaper than imported ones, but not by much. Naturally, you will not find very cheap and at the same time high-quality kitchen furniture.

But even average-priced domestic headsets are quite high quality and this is not surprising. The furniture is produced on imported equipment, and the parts themselves are often bought in Europe.

Another advantage of domestic furniture is that it is great even for small kitchens. Many factories have mini modules in their assortment, with which you can make a small kitchen set of any layout - U-shaped, angular or linear, which will perfectly fit into a compact kitchen space.

Imported kitchen sets, especially Italian ones, are especially popular. There is no limit to the cost of such products, especially if it is a model from a well-known brand.

Such sets are designed for a large kitchen space. In a small room, they lose all their elegance.

Among foreign headsets, you can find inexpensive options from lesser-known manufacturers. But in order to choose among them really high-quality, you need to be well aware of all the features of the production of this furniture.

Manufacturing materials

When choosing a kitchen set, you should pay attention to the materials from which it is made. First of all, you need to remember that wooden furniture does not tolerate high humidity in the room. It is also desirable to select a headset that is well washed.

Consider the most popular materials.

Most headsets are made from this material. They are inexpensive, made from particle board covered with laminate or other resistant material. When choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that all parts of the product are protected by the edge from moisture.


It is an environmentally friendly, hygienic and safe material, resistant to fungus and well tolerated by steam. In appearance, it is almost indistinguishable from wood, while it costs much less. MDF kitchen sets are distinguished by a huge variety of colors and textures.

The most expensive material for the production of kitchens. The following types of wood are most often used: oak, ash, pine, walnut, cherry, chestnut, alder, etc. Solid wooden bars are glued and treated with special compounds.

Convenience and functionality

To make the kitchen as comfortable and functional as possible, it is necessary to take into account several nuances when choosing furniture:

  • Choose a kitchen set with bottom cabinets that have legs - they provide perfect adjustment and protect kitchen furniture from water intrusion.
  • It is important to choose the right countertop, as it is the most contacting surface of the kitchen. If possible, take a whole one for the entire length of the kitchen.

For the production of countertops, the following materials are used:

  1. laminated chipboard or MDF;
  2. artificial or natural stone;
  3. typesetting board;
  4. stainless steel;
  5. tempered glass (very expensive);
  6. ceramic dust pressed with rubber.

A popular material for making kitchen countertops is Corian, which is created using high-tech equipment from mineral filler, acrylic resin and pigment. It is distinguished by its special strength and durability, non-toxicity and resistance to chemical attack.

But the marble countertop is an unfortunate choice. This material reacts to acid, besides it is quite fragile - it is damaged not only from impacts, but also from boiling water.

A granite countertop can be a good purchase - it is practically not susceptible to acids, very durable and wear-resistant.

Countertops are often made from artificial materials:

  • crystallite;
  • axilana;
  • varicor.

They are no worse, and sometimes even better than their natural counterparts. Among their advantages are lightness (lighter than natural ones), ease of processing, hygiene and heat resistance (they tolerate temperatures well even at 230 ° C).

A good kitchen should be functional. To do this, many devices have been invented that significantly reduce labor costs and make the cooking process convenient and comfortable.

These are all kinds of containers, drawers, overhead and mortise sinks, lamps, grids, built-in appliances, etc. All this is important to place according to the requirements of modern ergonomics.

Extremely comfortable and fashionable are racks with revolving shelves, as well as special hanging tubes (crossbars) around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, on which you can place various kitchen utensils. Instead of ordinary furniture, you can pick up products on wheels.

The most important thing is to properly use every centimeter of space. For example, between the oven and the corner cabinet, you can place a narrow cabinet with ladles and glasses. And do not forget about the backlight in the most necessary places - above the countertop, sink and stove.

Kitchen set design

An important criterion for choosing a headset is its design. This is primarily the style and color of the kitchen.

Kitchen style

The style of the kitchen is a matter of taste of its owner. The most popular kitchens in the style of classic, techno, modern, hi-tech and country.

As a rule, a classic or country style set is made of natural materials. Classic kitchens look very conservative. Their surface is made of wood or wood-like material, and the fittings are made of metal. All appliances are usually built-in and hidden behind facades, which are decorated with carved cornices and balustrades.

Country-style kitchen - a flight of fantasy on the theme of nature and village life. In it, wood is sometimes combined with artificial materials. Here you can see the details of glass, steel and stone.

High-tech and techno kitchen sets, on the contrary, are closer to everything artificial. Techno usually uses glass, stone and metal. Here you can often find dials and scales of various devices, as well as knobs and switches.

High-tech kitchens mostly consist of artificial materials. The main emphasis is on the combination of different shades and materials. Particular attention is paid to light - hidden lighting, directional light and light curtains are used.

Modern style is something between extreme hi-tech and traditional classics. In furniture, classic rectangular shapes go well with the curved and rounded lines of the facades. This style combines various elements and materials: wood, plastic, glass, metal and stone.

As for color, designers give the following tips:

  • In the kitchen, it is not recommended to use more than 2 colors.
  • If the kitchen is decorated in several colors, then the shade of the upper cabinets should be lighter than the lower ones.
  • A solid wood set looks very nice.
  • For furniture made of acrylic and painted MDF, juicy, bright shades are well suited - blue, purple, pink, yellow and light green.
  • Different shades of the kitchen should be in harmony with each other.
  • A combination of contrasting shades looks good: black and orange, black and white, black and red, white and gray, black and pink, white and blue.
  • For a small kitchen, it is better not to buy a dark-colored set. Do not forget that light shades can visually enlarge the space.
  • A large kitchen looks more comfortable with a light suite and bright details.
  • Too dark set can make even a large kitchen gloomy.
  • Natural shades look best on kitchen furniture.

Video: how to choose a kitchen

We hope our article was useful for you. Happy shopping!

A modern kitchen allows you to create a space that meets the individual requirements of the owner. Before you start looking for the right kitchen unit, consider a few important questions:

  • Does the room need? If yes, then it should end before buying a kitchen set.
  • Think in detail about the configuration and dimensions of future furniture, which should not occupy more than 20% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • What appliances (including built-in and small household appliances) do you need and where will it be located? Do pipes and sockets need to be moved?
  • How much storage space do you need for dishes, groceries, household items? Think about how you can functionally use the available space through corner cabinets, pull-out modules, additional shelves, additional mesh baskets.
  • Consider where the dining area will be located and what furniture is suitable for it. If the area allows, you can put a large round table and stationary chairs. In a small kitchen, you can use a folding or pull-out table, bar counter, stylish folding chairs.
  • Are there non-standard corners, ledges, niches in the kitchen? How are you going to use them?

After the budget has been calculated and the general wishes for the future kitchen have been determined, you can proceed to a detailed study of the layout and the choice of materials.

Features of the kitchen layout

The L-shaped layout is convenient for the functional division of the kitchen space, maintaining the possibility of free movement and simultaneous placement of two cooks at once in the working triangle (storage area, washing area, cooking area).

This is a classic option for rooms whose shape is close to a square. It is possible to optimally use hard-to-reach areas in corner cabinets using retractable multi-level systems.

Suitable for rooms of sufficient size square or rectangular shape, where you need to place a large number of storage systems and kitchen appliances.

For comfortable operation, the optimal length of the parallel lines of the kitchen should be at least one and a half and no more than two meters, and the connecting zone between them should exceed 2.5 meters.

Ideal for narrow spaces less than two meters wide and with a total area of ​​6-12 square meters. To effectively use the space under the countertop of the kitchen set, you can place built-in appliances, define pull-out systems for dishes, and upper cabinets for them.

For dogs or cats, order a special feeder that slides out of the lower plinth of the headset.

It is best to arrange the objects in this order: refrigerator, work table, sink, second work table and stove. In small kitchens, a folding dining table is mounted on the opposite wall, thereby freeing up usable space.

Such a layout can be considered for premises of at least 20 square meters. In traditional island kitchens, a table with a sink or stove is placed in the middle, and in the peninsular kitchens, a bar counter acts as the center. But, of course, each owner decides for himself what functions to give his island or peninsula.

The optimal size of a free-standing work area is a square with a side of 120 cm. The standard length of the peninsula is 120–180 cm. Usually these are two or three kitchen modules 60 cm wide.

This is the only way to use the elongated room as efficiently as possible. Suitable for kitchens with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters and a width of at least 2.5 meters. After installing the kitchen set, the width of the passage should not be less than 120 cm.

If you are tired of handles, choose the Push to open system. The doors will respond to light touches and open silently and smoothly.

A convenient option is to place the stove and sink on one side of the kitchen, and the refrigerator on the opposite side. Or, for example, a refrigerator with a sink can be installed against the left wall, and a stove with a cutting table against the right wall.

The only drawback of the two-row layout is the lack of a clearly defined dining area.

How to choose material for a kitchen set

Case and facade of the kitchen

The most popular and budget materials for the kitchen today are MDF (fine fraction) and chipboard (chipboard). Both options allow you to produce a quality product that meets environmental standards.

A special seal for the plinth will prevent moisture and dust from getting under the kitchen furniture. It can be ordered together with the headset or purchased separately.

And yet, for facades and cases, it is recommended to use MDF, which can be covered with plastic, veneer, enamel, acrylic or PVC film. This material is relatively inexpensive, its structure is as similar as possible to natural wood. And due to a variety of impregnations and components, MDF has properties that are important for an aggressive kitchen environment: good resistance to fungi and moisture resistance, excellent tolerance to high temperatures.

By the way, about temperatures. Be sure to leave 2.5 cm gaps between the stove (does not apply to built-in appliances that are equipped with a special cooling system) and adjacent kitchen modules. This will improve ventilation and protect the headset. The resulting gap can be closed with special overlays.

Glossy facades look very impressive, but quickly become covered with fingerprints and require daily care. Give preference to matte surfaces.

If you have chosen a kitchen with non-standard or expensive facades, then when you receive an order, play it safe and be sure to check their number, size and curvature. Even if the representatives of the company will assure that everything is in order. After you sign the documents for the receipt of the kitchen, it will be problematic to prove the existence of a marriage.

table top

For work surfaces, it is better to choose a countertop with a thickness of 6–10 cm, and for dining tables, 4 cm is enough.

Remember that the load on the countertop should not exceed 23 kg.

The most practical material will be artificial stone. It is much lighter and more economical than natural counterparts, but no less durable. Artificial stone allows you to imitate any breed and create smooth countertops of a wide variety of shapes without visible joints and seams.

kitchen apron

The apron protects the walls of the working area from moisture, splashes of grease, burning and other types of pollution. The average height of an apron is 48–60 cm. The ideal material in terms of price, quality and durability is ceramics, which will serve you for several decades.

If the budget is limited, you can buy an inexpensive kitchen set in pastel colors, and choose the most spectacular premium apron as a design accent. It will add zest to the interior.

How to rationally use the kitchen space

The most appropriate option for the kitchen is a spacious wall cabinet with a folding door that opens up. In this model, you can place a dryer, shelves for storing food and utensils.

If the kitchen has plasterboard interior partitions, they are unlikely to support the weight of the cabinets. But railings with hooks, mesh shelves, holders for glasses and paper towels - quite.

Use drawers and baskets that can be completed with a clever system of accessories for neat storage and small items.

An excellent solution are corner drawers that run diagonally to the far corner of the wall. They hold three times more items than regular boxes due to their unique design.

Your headset will last much longer if the drawers of the tables are made using metaboxes (metal sides). Chipboard boxes will quickly become unusable due to moisture and the weight of the dishes.

Install in the corner cabinet systems with a carousel - shelves that rotate around a rigidly fixed vertical rod. This will save usable space and greatly facilitate the storage of dishes in a hard-to-reach place.

How to save money when buying a kitchen

  • Kitchens in modern style with smooth, laconic facades are much cheaper than classics with complex finishes, grilles and stained glass inserts.
  • A standard non-custom kitchen is 25-30% cheaper.
  • Carefully calculate the width of the cabinets you need. For example, an 80 cm wide kitchen module will be 5–10% cheaper than two 40 cm cabinets. Use free interactive programs to create a kitchen design and calculate the cost of furniture.
  • Modules with one hinged door are cheaper than those with two.
  • Cabinets with a standard height of 60 cm are 10-20% cheaper than modules with a height of 72 or 92 cm.
  • Refuse some of the expensive hanging cabinets, diluting them with shelves and comfortable and roomy tables.
  • Follow the promotions of major manufacturers of kitchen furniture. Sites often feature headsets that can be purchased at a special price. Sometimes the discount can reach 60-70%. By the way, inexpensive kitchen from the stand can also be bought at furniture exhibitions.
  • Put high-quality, reliable and convenient fittings on those lockers that you will use most often. Expensive rails can be placed on the heaviest and deepest drawers for pots, pans and groceries. For everything else, you can choose cheaper options.
  • It is not necessary to buy expensive handles for kitchen furniture. The main thing is that they are galvanized.
  • It is not necessary to purchase a kitchen with all the appliances at once. Separately purchased devices will cost an average of 30% cheaper. In addition, you can choose the desired package.
  • Have you thought through all the details of the future kitchen set? Don't rush to order it. To get started, ask several companies to calculate the cost and draw up a detailed specification of the kitchen. Take your time and look for reviews of manufacturers of kitchen sets. Carefully read the contract in a calm home environment, find out all the nuances.

Things to keep in mind when signing a contract

  • The contract must be accompanied by a specification indicating the articles, sizes and cost of all elements of the kitchen.
  • A sketch of a kitchen set with the signature of the manager who made the design project is also an integral part of the contract.
  • When buying a kitchen, ask for the sales receipt and keep it for the entire warranty period (usually two years).
  • The contract must specify the terms for the manufacture of furniture and the amount of penalties in case of delay.
  • Enter into a separate legal document for the installation and installation of a kitchen set in order to be able to hold the company (shop) liable. Be sure to specify whether the connection of the sink, mixer, hood is included in the installation price. Ask if the company has a service department to fulfill warranty and post-warranty obligations.
  • If the company (shop) hires individuals, find out who will bear the warranty obligations if the assembler does not get in touch or damage was caused during the installation of the kitchen (for example, neighbors were flooded due to a pipe break).

Did everything suit you? Then congratulations in advance on the acquisition of a new one that will serve you for many years!

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