Theory and methodology of massage. Classical massage - a description of the technique and techniques of general, medical or recreational

garden equipment 30.06.2020
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Today, massage is one of the most popular methods of disease prevention. Doctors all over the world prescribe courses of therapeutic massage to their patients, since classical massage can not only improve muscle tone, but also become a good tool in the fight against pathological diseases.

1 hour - 1500 rubles.

The variety of massages is really amazing - about 500 techniques and hundreds of different techniques for working with muscles throughout the body.

Each of the techniques is certainly useful, but doctors and massage therapists often use the most practical and popular technique of classical massage. It is the classical massage that does not require hundreds of different movements, but uses only techniques honed over decades, allowing you to feel a surge of fresh energy in your whole body.

The essence of the procedure is simple: during the massage, all the tissue muscles of the body are involved, transmitting signals to the central nervous system. The central nervous system, being one of the most important organs, is the vital support of the whole organism. The impulse flow gives a useful shake-up to the nervous system, bringing it into tone, which gives a relaxing effect.

General massage

It should be noted right away that different massage therapists can use different, but very similar massage techniques. Carrying out the procedure, the main thing is the direction and slight pressure in the direction of the lymphatic tract.

The first massage option:

  1. To begin with, the tissues are heated up, which takes up to 50% of the entire procedure.
  2. Massage starts from the neck, moving to the back, then to the arms, games and shins.
  3. Next, the patient rolls over on his back, after which the chest massage begins, passing to the arms, forearms and hands.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the abdominal area is gently massaged.

Second massage option:

  1. As in the first case, up to 50% of the time is spent on warming up muscle tissue.
  2. Massage begins with the neck, smoothly moving to the back and chest.
  3. Next, the pelvic part, sacrum, gluteal muscles and lower limbs are massaged.
  4. At the end of the procedure, as in the first version, the abdominal area is gently massaged.

Note that the head area is not massaged. Also, for hygiene reasons, massage therapists massage the feet last.

Massage is not in vain compared with a full-fledged physical activity. In addition to a direct improvement in metabolism, there is an increased functioning of capillaries. Studies have shown that blood circulation during the height of the massage procedure increases tenfold. But at the same time, unlike conventional physical activity, the production of muscle lactic acid is minimized.

The most effective result is considered to be the passage of the entire course of procedures, which may vary depending on the age of the patient, the presence of motor and movement diseases and simply preventive tasks. Basically, the procedure takes about one hour, but often the doctor individually prescribes the time.

An important nuance.

Tell your massage therapist all your personal preferences or show your outpatient card. Doctors will definitely take an interest in your state of health before the procedures. Quality massage directly depends on the state of health.

In some cases, you have to go through a special diagnostic session, which reveals reflex contracting muscles and sore spots. In areas with particular discomfort, massage is done with measured force. In the case of the prevention of certain diseases, the distribution of time and emphasis on areas in need changes.

In total, massage techniques include about three hundred special techniques. Fortunately, all the tricks are not required at all. In the arsenal of a massage therapist doing a general classical massage, there is a range of the most significant and useful techniques.

If we assume that your massage session will last 60 minutes, then the time is broken down like this: vibration movements and stroking - 15% 10 minutes; rub and squeeze muscles - 25%, 15 minutes; kneading - 60% 35 minutes.

You should also be aware of the presence of contraindications. There are quite a few of them, so we will list only the main ones. Masseurs will not work with a cold, flu or SARS, inflammation in the body and relapses of diseases of the subcutaneous tissue. Massage is strictly prohibited in the presence of enlargement or inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as pain in the abdomen.

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Hello, in this article we will talk about the features of general classical massage as a way to strengthen and improve the body. Consider in what cases it is indicated and whether it has contraindications. You will also learn about the differences in the technique of massage procedures for men and women.

General classical massage - what is it?

Massage is a unique technique of influencing the body by stimulating nerve and muscle fibers. Such stimulation during classical massage is carried out directly by the hands of the massage therapist, but modern methods involve exposure to special devices.

Depending on the purpose and methods of influence of massage, the following are distinguished:

  • general hygiene or wellness

A complex of massage techniques to strengthen the body, increase muscle tone, improve well-being.

  • general restorative

It is carried out during the course of rehabilitation after injuries, long-term treatment, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its task is to normalize the work of muscle fibers, prevent and combat muscle atrophy, restore motor functions, and alleviate the patient's condition.

  • general tonic and soothing

The purpose of this type of massage is to influence the lymph nodes and improve the speed of lymph outflow. Thanks to this, decay products and toxins are removed from the body, tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. It is recommended for slow metabolism, edema tendencies, decreased skin tone, cellulite, circulatory disorders, stretch marks and postoperative scars.

  • hardware massage

It is produced according to the principles of classical massage, but with the use of special devices for a deeper and more intense effect.

  • self-massage

It is useful as a treatment-and-prophylactic procedure for daily self-fulfillment. It is recommended to master the technique and techniques of massage under the supervision of the attending physician.

In any case, massage is performed by a specialist or under his control (self-massage), so often a general massage can be found under the term "general medical massage".

The benefits and healing properties of massage

The purpose of the general classical massage- Strengthening and healing of the body. In the process of massage procedures, there is a beneficial effect on the nerve endings located on the surface of the skin. As a result, tension is relieved, relaxation is felt and endorphin production increases. The end of the massage session is accompanied by a feeling of peace and a surge of positive emotions.

The benefits of massage are not only in the effect on the skin, accompanied by pleasant sensations, but also in the stimulation of muscle tissue. General wellness massage helps to relieve tension, increase muscle tone. Massage is especially useful for a sedentary lifestyle, as it is able to activate atrophied muscles, increasing their strength and elasticity. Often, sports are also accompanied by a subsequent massage session. This is necessary to relieve excessive stress, reduce the concentration of lactic acid. During the procedures, the elasticity of muscle tissue increases.

Massage also has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, which stimulates the work of the lymph and the removal of toxins from the body.

Massage is also useful for its rejuvenating effect on the body. During the procedure, tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, blood circulation improves and regeneration processes are stimulated. This improves skin elasticity and firmness.

How to do a general body massage? Techniques and techniques of general massage

When conducting a general massage, all parts of the body are involved. Massage is carried out in a certain sequence.

When performing a classic general massage, five basic techniques are used:

  • stroking;
  • kneading;
  • trituration;
  • vibration;
  • percussion tricks.

The choice of one method or another to be applied depends on many factors. As a rule, during the session, the massage therapist uses a combination of them. The process combines basic techniques with auxiliary ones. The masseur's hands are a key tool in the massage. The process involves the fingers and ridges of the fingers, bent into a fist, the palm and its back.

Step 1.

Massage begins with strokes is a preparatory procedure during which the massage therapist works to improve blood circulation and warm up the surface of the body. Movements are smooth, produced in different directions and accompanied by pressure of varying degrees of intensity. Superficial flat stroking has a calming effect, deep intermittent stroking has a tonic effect.

Also, the masseur can apply additional techniques related to the stroking technique: tong-shaped, comb-shaped, rake-shaped, concentric stroking and ironing. Each technique is recommended for specific body parts and muscle groups. For example, forceps-like stroking is used to massage small joints (fingers and feet), tendons and individual muscles (face, auricles, nose), palms, lower back, back of the leg.

The end of the session is also accompanied by stroking. In this case, it can alternate with other methods. The technique implies slow but rhythmic execution, soft and smooth impact, the masseur's hands should glide over the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles.

Step 2

After the preparatory stage, the masseur can proceed to the direct study of certain areas by rubbing.

Rubbing- this is a deeper and more intense effect on the surface of the skin and muscle tissue, during which their tone increases, nervous excitability decreases. During execution, the skin moves along with the masseur's hands in various directions.

Step 3

One of the most effective massage techniques, during which there is an active effect on muscle tissue, is kneading. It is considered the most difficult in technical implementation. When it is applied, the massaged area is fixed and warmed up, due to which the muscles receive additional nutrition due to increased blood circulation, lymph outflow, their elasticity and tone increase. This technique is especially relevant for various kinds of injuries, muscle atrophy.

Kneading is carried out both with one hand and with two, depending on the area of ​​​​impact. It is a combination of techniques (squeezing, felting, pressing, rolling, shifting).

The application of this technique must be carried out on a warm and prepared body of the patient, whose muscles must be relaxed. This will avoid unpleasant and painful sensations, in addition, the intensity should increase gradually with each session. To move on to deep kneading, the muscles must be well developed and prepared.

Vibration is a technique during which the patient's body is transmitted oscillatory movements, evenly produced with the fingers or palms of the massage therapist. Such movements affect the change in the lumen of blood vessels (their narrowing / expansion), lower blood pressure, and reduce the heart rate.

Video instruction. General classic full body massage. Technique and methodology of general massage

Rules for classic body massage

Despite all the positive properties of massage for the body, before it is necessary to consult directly with a specialist. In the presence of chronic diseases - at the attending physician.

  • Massage is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day, the morning hours are the most suitable time. Before the session, the last meal is taken 1.5 hours before the session. It is also better to refrain from eating in the next 1.5-2 hours.
  • During the massage, aromatic oils, therapeutic creams and gels can be used. One or another remedy should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the skin or the presence of allergies, which must be warned in advance by the massage therapist.
  • The number of sessions and duration is selected individually. It is most effective and beneficial to massage every other day, giving the body time to rest and recover. The procedure can last from 30 to 90 minutes.
  • Massage should bring pleasure and pleasant sensations, so you should carefully listen to your body during the session and immediately warn the massage therapist about feeling unwell and discomfort.
  • Massage is performed in a certain sequence and starts from the back of the body. At the beginning, a general back massage is performed from the sacrum to the neck, then along the side surfaces to the armpits. Then the masseur proceeds to the impact on the forearms towards the armpits. The lower back and upper buttocks are worked out towards the lymph nodes in the groin. Lastly, the back of the legs and feet are massaged. Next, the patient rolls over on his back, a roller can be placed under his legs. The abdomen, front surface of the legs and chest are massaged.

Follow the doctor's instructions, and if massage is contraindicated, you should not experiment on your health. There are also a number of contraindications in which it is recommended to abandon the session, otherwise, it is fraught with a deterioration in well-being.


Massage not only promotes relaxation and enjoyment, but also plays an important role in therapeutic and restorative purposes.

  • Effectively affects the musculoskeletal system, so massage is indispensable for relieving muscle pain, during the rehabilitation period after injuries and fractures, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis, with curvature of the spine of varying severity.
  • It is also recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract. With nervous stress, overwork, insomnia, loss of strength, regular headaches, massage will alleviate the general condition and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  • For cosmetic purposes, massage procedures are recommended to improve skin tone and elasticity, promote more active weight loss by activating metabolic processes.

General wellness massage is indicated at any age. For infants, massage is recommended, as a rule, to reduce hypertonicity, this contributes to proper development, reducing nervous excitability, improving sleep and appetite, as well as normalizing the digestive process. Massage for a child can be performed both by a specialist and independently in the form of light strokes and kneading. At an older age, massage procedures are often prescribed for children to prevent kyphosis and scoliosis.


Certain health problems do not allow a course of massage procedures in order to avoid complications and harm to the body.

You should refuse massage:

  • during a cold
  • in the presence of a fungal infection,
  • swollen lymph nodes,
  • diseases of the urogenital area,
  • varicose veins,
  • oncological diseases,
  • dermatitis of various origins, as well as with any skin damage.

If you have diabetes, you need to get a doctor's referral.

Women should not contact a massage therapist during menstruation, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, massage procedures are allowed by agreement with the doctor and are limited.

Technique for men

The technique of general massage for men is not fundamentally different from massage for women. The course of massage procedures also begins with a diagnostic session, during which the massage therapist determines the degree of reflex changes in muscle and connective tissues, as well as skin. For an effective course, it is necessary to identify pain areas, their localization and severity.

The scheme of further procedures is built taking into account the individual characteristics of the body: total body weight, distribution of fat and muscle mass, skin condition, joint mobility, reactions to mechanical influences. With the combination of these factors, the duration of the massage and the intensity of the impact during it are calculated.

When conducting a general massage for men, all the basic techniques are used, as well as additional ones: percussion, patting, grasping intermittent and continuous movements.

Technique for women

Massage for women is carried out according to the same scheme as for men. Important for determining the massage scheme are: general well-being, weight, the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue. These indicators are taken into account regardless of gender.

Important! There are certain restrictions for women. Do not contact a massage therapist during menstruation. Also, absolute contraindications for massage are early pregnancy (1 trimester). During this period, you should refrain from any type of massage, since exposure to the lumbar region can lead to a violation of the course of pregnancy, up to a miscarriage. In the future, massage is allowed, but only after consultation with a gynecologist.

The technique of massage during pregnancy will have certain differences. During a session of a general relaxing massage, a woman is sitting or lying on her side. For convenience, a soft cushion or pillow is located between the abdomen and hips. At the beginning of the massage, there is a warm-up and preparation of the back muscles with the help of strokes, without affecting the spinal column. Then move on to the neck and shoulders. After that, the woman takes a position lying on her side. Foot massage is carried out according to the classical method. Hand and shoulder massage takes place in a sitting position. The abdominal area is excluded from their massage schemes, it is only possible to influence it in the form of strokes, and it is best to entrust this process to the expectant mother.

The duration of the session during this period reaches no more than 30-40 minutes. Movements during the session should be soft, without excessive pressure, not causing discomfort and discomfort.

Massage is a useful and necessary procedure for well-being, especially with excessive stress, but also with a lack of physical activity. Properly selected, taking into account individual characteristics, the technique will accelerate the process of recovery and recovery. Therefore, massage should be carried out in courses, with a frequency of up to several times a year.

Today, more and more doctors began to prescribe to their patients such an effective method of treatment as massage. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to eliminate painful and unpleasant sensations, but also to prevent the development of pathology. There are many types of massage. Each of them has its own positive effect on the body. Often in medical practice they use classical medical equipment, which has already gained popularity among the population.

Description of classical massage technique

When performing a massage, all muscles and tissues are involved in the process. During therapy, skin and muscle receptors transmit a signal to the central nervous system. The flow of impulses helps to increase the tone of the nervous system or have a relaxing effect. It's about the method used. Such changes positively affect the performance of vital systems. During the massage, the specialist uses aromatic oils. They contain a large number of active substances of natural origin. It is they who allow you to achieve the desired effect. You will find a video with the technique of performing a classic back massage at.

Wellness benefits

The benefits of classical massage are as follows:

  • the keratinized layer of the skin is removed;
  • a normal level of moisture of the epidermis is achieved;
  • the skin becomes young;
  • the movement of lymph is stimulated, metabolism is accelerated, as a result of which toxins and toxins leave the body;
  • the feeling of tension in the muscle structures disappears;
  • the tone of the walls of blood vessels increases;
  • return to work;
  • the activity of the nervous system returns to normal;
  • it is possible to regulate the performance of internal organs;
  • increased efficiency;
  • the pain syndrome goes away;
  • tissue regeneration after injuries and increased physical exertion is accelerated.

On the video - a description of the classic back massage:

What does a full body massage include?

Each organ and system of the human body works according to its well-established mechanism. In case of violations, various methods are used. One of which is a classic massage. How does this type of therapy work? The fact is that the effect obtained during the session immediately comes into contact with the nervous system. When performing massaging movements, there is an active production of tissue hormones. They take part in the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system, help to move blood, tissue fluid, and recovery processes. You can watch a video of a general classic full body massage.

The nervous system can be both in a state of increased and decreased excitability. The technique of classical massage shows a significant effect on the excitability of the nervous system, contributes to the emergence of responses from various systems of the human body.

A full course of classical massage allows you to remove keratinized tissues of the skin epithelium from the skin. Instead, young cells of their rough skin layers move here. The positive effect of classical massage cannot bypass the capillaries and blood vessels. During the session, they will expand and begin to work actively. This helps to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​the body that can be massaged. Types of classical massage are described by.

On the video - a description of the procedure for a classic full body massage:

Classical massage is very useful for improving external respiration in people. Another massage increases the saturation of venous blood with oxygen. Mainly, such therapy has a restorative effect on tired muscles, increases their functioning. Under the influence of massage techniques, the indicators of muscle tone in athletes improve.

Massage performed according to classical technology has a healing effect on the joints, ligaments and muscles. This is due to the warming of the treated area, increased blood circulation, and the active production of synovial fluid. The result of therapy will be protein, mineral and gas exchange.

Only an experienced and qualified specialist can perform massage according to the classical scheme. He must know the structure of each joint.

How are healing techniques different?

The rating of the most effective massages includes classical and therapeutic. At first glance, it may seem that there are no special differences between them, but not everything is so simple.
If you want to perform a massage in order to prevent various ailments, then you should turn your attention to the classic one. It is actively used for health purposes, to improve overall well-being. Read more about honey facial massage at home at.

If we talk about the positive impact on the body, then classical massage does not differ from therapeutic. Both of them have a relaxing effect on the muscles, improve the movement of lymph in the tissues, stimulate the functioning of internal organs, have a rejuvenating effect, give the body vigor.

Despite the large number of similarities, therapeutic massage involves the treatment of only problem areas. It is advisable to use it only in case of an already existing problem. In other words, therapeutic massage is a type of therapy during which the painful and unpleasant symptoms of the disease and the cause of its formation are eliminated. Classical massage has a general strengthening effect, that is, it helps to prevent the onset of the disease. Ointments, balms, oils can be used here.


Another no less effective is sports. Its purpose is to prepare the athlete for excessive physical activity and to overcome great fatigue after training. In addition, this type of massage allows you to:

  • overcome pain, warming up and bleeding;
  • eliminate overwork;
  • forget about muscle tension;
  • heal injuries.


Classically, massage is a pleasant procedure, but sports massage can even cause tears in the eyes of athletes. And the last difference involves the use of aromatic oils in the classical technique, which is unacceptable in sports.

What to do massage movements

This type of massage involves the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • shaking.


The first movement is stroking, during which it is possible to relax the body. In this case, special attention is paid to unhealthy areas of the body. The masseur performs sliding and smooth movements with his hands. Strokes not only open the session, but also end it. Such an element is considered very important when performed in children and adults. After all, it is not in vain that small children are prescribed to do light ironing every day from the first day of life. Thus, it is possible to form a full-fledged muscular system, make breathing even, and blood circulation complete.


The specialist uses this technique already in the middle of the session. Apply the method of "shifting" the skin. The massage therapist sets the hands with an edge or palm and processes the necessary area. After that, translational manipulations with two hands in one and the other direction are involved in the process. Rubbing is very useful for small children aged 3-4 months. But here you already have to make circular movements softer and use your fingertips.


This technique is characterized by the use of stretching, squeezing, squeezing and lifting tissues. All movements must be clear and fast. Kneading is necessary to activate the work of muscle tissue. For the patient, this technique is relaxing, since the muscle tissue should only feel a touch. Kneading is also recommended for children from the first year of life. But all movement should not be fast and abrupt. The duration of one classic massage session will be 60-80 minutes. Each of the presented elements must be performed at least 5 times. For those who went for a massage for the first time, all actions should not be lengthy. The reason is that the skin must adapt to such a warm-up. If this is not observed, the patient may experience discomfort and pain.

On the video - the goals and objectives of classical massage:


The cost of a classic massage is determined taking into account the type of manipulation, its duration and the treated area:

  1. The total duration of 1.5 hours will cost you 1500 rubles.
  2. To massage the back for 20-30 minutes, you need 1000 rubles.
  3. Head and neck-collar area lasting 20-30 minutes will cost 600 rubles.
  4. Hands and neck-collar zone lasting 30-40 minutes costs 900 rubles.
  5. The lumbosacral region and legs for 30-45 minutes costs 900 rubles.

Classical massage is more of a pleasant procedure than a medical one. During the session, the patient feels relaxation and pleasure. It makes no sense to use it for therapeutic purposes, because its main task is relaxation and prevention. In order for the patient to achieve maximum relaxation, the massage therapist uses aromatic oils and creams in the process. Much more popular procedure.

Stroking- a technique in which the massaged hand only glides over the skin without shifting it into folds. This technique is performed with varying degrees of pressure. Stroking is usually performed at the very beginning of the massage lightly, without tension, in the middle of the session (after hard techniques) and at the end of the massage as a calming effect.

Stroking :

  • cleanses the skin of horny scales, the rest of the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, which cleanses skin respiration, activates the excretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • improves skin trophism, as microcirculation improves due to the opening of reserve capillaries (hyperemia), metabolic processes increase; tones and trains blood vessels, facilitates the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps to reduce swelling;
  • increases the temperature and tone of the skin, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, elastic;
  • promotes muscle relaxation;
  • renders

Basic massage techniques - Kneading

kneading- the main and most difficult technique for any massage. More than half of the time of the entire session is allotted for its implementation. Kneading is intended mainly to affect the muscles (increases their tone, contractility, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle fatigue). It consists in continuous or intermittent grasping (phase I), pulling, squeezing (phase II), squeezing, “rubbing” of tissues (phase III).

Basic stretching techniques:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

Longitudinal kneading performed with one or two hands along the muscle fibers, starting from the junction of the muscle to the tendon. Rectified fingers with the thumb retracted are located on the massaged surface so that the thumb lies on one side, and the remaining fingers on the other side of the massaged area. This is the first phase


Basic massage techniques - Rubbing

Trituration consists in shearing and stretching tissues in different directions. In this case, the skin moves. Rubbing has a deeper effect on tissues: lymph flow increases, pathological formations soften and dissolve, edema is eliminated, pain in injuries, neuritis, and neuralgia decreases, the contractile function of muscles improves, and the range of motion in the joints increases. Vigorous rubbing in the area of ​​nerve trunks and endings reduces the excitability of the nervous system. Rubbing prepares tissues for kneading, is performed slowly, carried out along the massage lines.

Basic rubbing techniques carried out in rectilinear, circular and spiral directions, these are:

  1. rubbing with fingers;
  2. palms;
  3. the base of the palm.

Finger rubbing used for massage of the face, scalp, intercostal spaces, back,


General information about massage, therapeutic massage

Massage- this is a set of methods of mechanical dosed impact on the surface of the human body with hands or special devices (vibration, vacuum vibratory massager, ultrasonic, etc.).

The effect of massage on the body

Mechanisms of action:

  1. neuro-reflex. Mechanical stimuli excite mechanoreceptors of the skin, muscles, joints, tendons. Mechanical energy is converted into a nerve impulse. Nervous excitation is sent along sensory pathways to the central nervous system, from where it is sent along efferent pathways to various organs and tissues, changing their functions;
  2. humoral. Biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine) are formed in the skin, which are carried throughout the body with blood flow and participate in vasodilation and transmission of nerve impulses;
  3. mechanical action at the point of direct impact: increased flow of blood, lymph and tissue fluid (which facilitates

Basic massage techniques - Vibration

Basic techniques of classical massage

Types of massage

What does massage mean?

"Massage" comes from the Greek word "Massain" ("kneading").

The profession of masseur is the second oldest profession in the world. Already about 5,000 years before our era, first among the Persians, Greeks and Romans, later among the Chinese and Japanese, massage was recognized as a therapeutic method of treatment. Today's massage originated from lymphatic drainage, which is still used today.

Modern classical massage has developed from the "Swedish massage", registered by a resident of Stockholm, P. H. Ling in 1800.

However, massage became truly famous in Western industrial countries only in the second half of the 19th century. The Dutch physician J. Georg Metzger did his best to emphasize its importance in numerous reports and articles.

Massage is not only a combination of various techniques. When it comes to prevention, we also talk about massage.


Classical massage techniques include: stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading, shock techniques (vibration), shaking techniques, movements (Table 1). Each method of classical massage has its own varieties. A rational combination of these techniques, combined with the duration and intensity of their implementation, makes it possible to solve the problems of preventive, health-improving and curative medicine in sports, cosmetic and other practices.

Table 1

Varieties of classical massage techniques





1. Straight line. 2. Alternate. 3. Zigzag. 4. Combined. 5.One hand. 6. Two hands. 7. Embracing. 8. Concentric. 9. Rake-shaped. 10. Comb-like. 11. Forceps. 12. Ironing.

The hand slides over the surface of the massaged body without exerting special mechanical pressure on the subcutaneous fat. The predominant effect of the reception is carried out on the surface of the skin.


1. The edge of the palm. 2. Hillock of the thumb. 3. Rake-like. 4. Forearm 5. With the pad of the thumb. 6. With one hand. 7. With two hands. 8. The base of the palm. 9.Girthing, wrapping with twisting.

Squeezing is done with effort, weighting. The hand exerts pressure on the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles. As a result, blood, lymph in the vessels, tissue fluid, exudate, transudate are squeezed out.


1. Forceps. 2. With fingertips (4 to one and 1 to four). 3. Mounds of the thumbs. 4. The base of the palm. 5. Thumb pad. 6. Sawing. 7. Crossing. 8.Comb-like.

9. The edge of the palm

When rubbing, the hand should not slide over the surface. The hand moves the skin in different directions or is screwed inward. It affects joints, ligaments, tendons, scars, adhesions, muscles.


1.One hand. 2. Pads and phalanges of bent fingers. 3 base of the palm. 4. Fist. 5. Longitudinal.6. Forcep-shaped. 7. Shift. 8. Move in. 9. Ordinary, double ordinary. 10. Double ring.11. Double neck. 12. Felting. 13. Stretch

Reception is directed to the muscles. Technique options. The muscle can, pressed down, shifted, stretched. And also to grab and rise with its displacement towards the little finger, then return to its original position. Then the cycle repeats


1.Papping. 2. Patting. 3. Chopping. 4. Punctuation. 5. Quilting

Techniques are made with relaxed hands on the palmar surface or the ulnar edge of the hand (palm edge)


1.Stable. 2. Labile. Both one and the other, can be intermittent and not intermittent

Small, frequent oscillatory movements are performed with pressure on the underlying tissues with one or two fingers, the base of the palm, the entire palm, fist, etc. Techniques have a versatile effect on various tissues and organs.


1. Shaking. 2. Shaking.

3. Felting

A separate muscle is shaken locally. She is captured by the thumb and little finger, not releasing the muscle, shaking it all over. Shaking is done on the limbs. The masseur shakes the straightened limb with both hands in a horizontal plane

The noted techniques are aimed at reducing the tone of muscles and blood vessels.


1. Active.

3. With resistance.


Passive movements should be preceded by rubbing and kneading techniques, as well as determining the amount of active movement. To stop passive movement, you should focus on the appearance of pain.

Movements are aimed at developing joints, preventing stiffness in the joints, muscle atrophy, improving functions, etc.

There are some general rules for performing both individual techniques and the entire massage procedure.

For example, stroking usually begins and ends a massage session. In addition, other massage techniques (rubbing, kneading) are well combined with stroking. After stroking, if they are performed on the muscles, it is advisable to perform the squeeze technique.

Then, techniques, kneading are performed, the latter are well combined with shaking. This is followed by shock techniques, vibration, passive movements. The massage ends with stroking and shaking the muscles.

During the massage of the joints, after stroking, rubbing techniques follow, then kneading the muscles surrounding the joint. At the end of the session, passive movements and manual therapy techniques are performed.

When performing a massage, the patient should be in a position that would contribute to the maximum relaxation of his muscles and, at the same time, would be convenient for the massage therapist. During the massage procedure, the masseur stands in relation to the massaged area transversely or longitudinally, massages on the far or near side, near or far hand, forward or backward. In this case, the hand can move in a straight line, zigzag, spiral, circular, dashed, etc. (Fig. 3).

The mechanisms of action of massage are manifested:

 in mechanical action (pressure, displacement, tension, friction, etc.),

 in neuro-reflex action (stimulation of receptors, afferent and efferent stimulation of the central nervous system),

 in neuro-humoral influence (penetration of biologically active agents into the liquid medium).

A - rectilinear

B - Zigzag

B - Spiral

G - Circular

D - Dashed

When mastering massage techniques, students inevitably encounter specific terminology. It includes the concepts: transverse and longitudinal position, near and far side, front and back, procedure and session, massage and massage.

Transverse and longitudinal position . We are talking about the location of the masseur and, mainly, his working hand in relation to the subject, to his massaged surface.

Transverse position, rice. 4. The masseur's working hand is located across the massaged surface of the subject and performs a reception in this direction.

Rice. 4 The transverse location of the massage therapist in relation to the subject or massaged area (shoulder).

Rice. 5 Longitudinal position of the massage therapist in relation to the subject or massaged area (shoulder)

Longitudinal position. The working hand or hands of the massage therapist are placed along the massaged area. Usually a massage procedure, a session begins from a transverse position.

The near and far side of the massaged area . If you conditionally draw a line on a subject lying on his stomach, along the sagittal groove, along the spine, and the intergluteal fold, then everything that is located behind this line will be called the far side for the massage therapist. And, conversely, everything that is next to it is designated as the near side. Based on these positions, the near limbs are always massaged, and all other parts of the body are distant (half of the neck with shoulder girdle, torso, gluteal region).

forward and reverse, (Fig. 6.7) Forward stroke - the brush moves along the massaged area with the thumb in front. Reverse stroke - the brush moves forward on the massaged surface with the little finger.

Rice. 6 Forward stroke of the arm. Rice. 7. Reverse arm.

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