Ideas for the desktop are their. How to decorate the desktop do it yourself

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

In the modern world, more and more people work without leaving the house, for example, on the NEOTEXT copywriting exchange. Many novice entrepreneurs arrange a reduced version of the office in their own apartment, which helps to save on the rental of the room. And those people who work through the Internet do not even need an office. But it's not so easy to work at home. First, the interior of most apartments does not imply the presence of a workplace, and work at the dinner table or sitting on the sofa is very difficult. Secondly, there are a lot of distracting factors that interfere with focus on work, as a result, labor productivity falls.

How to avoid mistakes and competently arrange a workplace at home? There are several options for the location of the workplace, its planning and organization. Thus, you can create appropriate and comfortable conditions for work without violating the comfort and atmosphere of your home. Previously, we wrote about, and a special emphasis was done on. Consider now new ideas of the organization of the workplace at home.

Workplace at home in a separate room

This option is of course the best. If your apartment has a separate room, which can be highlighted under the office, then you are very lucky. Another option is suitable for premises with a free layout - exhaust your work area with a wall or rack, highlight this place with color. You can use screen or curtains to create comfortable conditions for work.

Best of all, if there will be a door in your office, which will not only protect you from the temptations of home comfort and regular travels to the refrigerator or a sofa, but also protects from foreign sounds that often distract from workflows.

The office must be equipped with everything necessary so that you do not need to go to other rooms and search for the necessary items. Thus, you can save time and perform work quickly and fruitfully.

Workplace at home on the balcony

If you do not have a very large apartment, but there is, then you can organize a workplace exactly there. To begin with, you will need to get rid of all things stored there (usually the balcony performs the structure of the pantry) and thoroughly insulate the balcony. Choose materials that do not occupy a lot of space to save valuable square meters.

It is best to bring the battery a battery or make a warm floor. But you can use mobile heating devices that run from electricity.

Special attention is paid to the wiring, lighting and required number of outlets. To create a workplace at home on the balcony you will need a small table that you can fit along a small wall. We also advise you to purchase a small closet or several roomy shelves, where you can store important documents, reports or necessary benefits.

Workplace at home in storeroom

No balcony? No problem. Many apartments have small storage rooms that different owners are used in different ways. If you have a small dressing room or storage of workpieces in the storage room, then it is also possible to use it and how the workplace will not work. But in most cases, the storage room is a room with a very strange functionality. Usually there are stored things that people do not use. You can continue to store anyone who does not need the trash or clean the storage room and use it. Create a mini-office in this room is not easy, but it is quite possible. Try to maximize the entire height of the pantry to unload your work surface. Do you often use the printer? Do not put it on the table, but lift it on the shelf. Thus, you will save space, but also leave the printer within access.

An excellent use of the space of the pantry is the hanging fasteners on which you can locate the things you need.

Try to use bright colors in the workplace finish of the house in the pantry, as they visually expand and increase the space. Avoid bright colors, patterns and a large number of different materials.

Special attention in the design of such a workplace should be given. There are no windows in the storeroom, so natural light will also not be. Try to place the lamp over the working area, and not on the ceiling. In order not to take the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop, attach the lamp to the wall or build it in the shelf above the table. The light source must be either directly over the workplace or in the left side. Select a light bulb with a suitable brightness. Remember that the cold white light adjusts more to the working way, but stronger tires.

Workplace at home on the windowsill

This version of the workplace is found very often, since it is easy to implement. If in your house, you just just buy a suitable office chair and place a rack or a wardrobe near the workplace. If a battery is located under the windowsill, it is best to transfer it, because it will interfere with you comfortably.

In many modern houses, the windowsills are narrow and do not allow them to use them as a work surface. From this situation there is a simple way out - visually extend the windowsill, replacing it with a worktop. Consign the countertop you can at the side walls. If the windowsill is very long, then you will need another attachment point in the middle. This role can take on the cabinet. Thus, you will receive not one, but as many as two jobs. Over the window and next to it can be placed several shelves for storing documents. Plus such a workplace in natural light and pleasant view outside the window.

Workplace at home: ideas

You can arrange a workplace at home, nor having a balcony nor storage room. Excel from your apartment features. If you have a niche in the wall, then use it. If the room is disproportionately narrow, then turn one of the sides to get a small room-office and give the second room the correct shape.

In the spacious and wide room you can independently create a niche, placing your workstation between two cabinets. If you like the appearance of the cabinet, then you can make your workplace even in it! Your working day will begin not with a long transport trip, but from turning the key. And it will end in it.

It is worth noting that for fruitful work at home you will need an excerpt and self-organization. Therefore, try to equip the workplace at home with everything necessary so that you do not need to leave it.

Workplace at home - Photo

It is necessary to come up with the mind to design in the house not only to everything that concerns housing, but also work. In today's review, the design of the workplace will be considered. You can use these tips to organize a workplace at home

1. Free artist

A large M-shaped table is an excellent solution for those who need a lot of working space. On one part of the table, you can put a computer, and the second to use for creativity or working with papers. The light tones of the walls and the rack look quite elegantly and ensure the maximum concentration, and the blue countertop will add space of lightness and tenderness.

2. Natural materials

The compact desktop, located in a niche with a wooden finish and several shelves on the walls - a great solution for people who are not able to allocate a full room for building a cabinet.

3. Inspirational colors

Experts argue that bright colors great stimulate brain activity. The combination of orange and green will give a feeling of cheerfulness and activate creative energy, and open racks and a small white desktop will benefit the bright design and will allow you to place all the necessary things.

4. Laconic solution

A row of wooden shelves, one of which serves as a written table, and the rest are used as space for book storage and important securities. Such a workplace is perfectly suitable for rationalists who are accustomed to discipline and order.

5. Aggressive design

A workplace of a creative person should please look, inspire and charge energy. A stylish wooden table has a dark blue wall, lighter with paintings and pictures in the white and gold framework, the abundance of intricate items of the decor, for sure, will satisfy the needs of any aesthet.

6. Exotic

A large white-green rack with two separate working surfaces looks fairly exotic and becomes an excellent solution for the house where several people coexist. You can place such a rack on the site at the stairs if it is about a private house, or any free wall of the apartment.

7. Wicker details

A charming example of a workplace in a limited space (on the balcony, in the pantry, in the closet). The small M-shaped shelf table will provide sufficient space for work or creativity, several attached lockers under the ceiling will provide a place to store all sorts of things, and the woven chair and decor items will make a home-cozy workplace.

8. Abode of writer

The ancient desktop at the window, with accessories inscribed in the subject of the working area, is an atmospheric space that will inspire a novice writer.

9. Cork Wall

Any empty niche or free angle in the apartment can be used to arrange a workplace. The compact shelf table, a comfortable chair and a tube stacked on the wall will provide you with a cozy space for work, study or creativity.

10. Contrast combination

The combination of black and white color always looks relevant and stylish. Each element of this working corner behind the curtain, was carefully thought out and set aside in the designated color palette. Due to what, this tiny corner looks like a fashionable office of a famous designer.

11. Noble combination

Geometric lamps, a snow-white desktop with a glossy surface, a comfortable leather chair on a light wallpaper background with a golden ornament - a stunning office design idea in a modern house.

12. At the window

The space at the window is perhaps the best place to arrange the workplace there. Hardware and bookcases, on both sides of the window, create a kind of niche, and a wide windowsill will perfectly cope with the function of the table.

13. Last room

Usually, the empty space under the staircase can be used to create their own cabinet. Compact desktop, good lighting and a few shelves will make a full-fledged office in a niche under the staircase.

14. Mysterious forest

Wallpaper with images of trees, unusual shelves made of old stairs, and a soft carpet will make it possible to create a favorable atmosphere for work and creativity.

15. Pleasant with useful

A small workplace in a niche, the highlight of which the chalk wallpapers were made on which you can make important notes, write your thoughts and just draw to spill steam.

16. Trees and birds

Excellent example of a creative approach to the design of the working area. Written vintage table, original bamboo chair, an unusual chandelier and shelves made from wireboxes look stylish and originally against the background of wallpapers with the image of trees and peacocks.

17. Inspirational space

The combination of white and woody colors calm, contribute to the concentration and create a coziness atmosphere, and unusual lamps, accessories and posters on the wall make a workplace with interesting and stylish. It does not matter if you will write here, learns, draw or think, in any case you will feel comfortable.

Work from the house has many advantages. One of them is an opportunity to work in a setting that delivers aesthetic pleasure and adjusts to the desired way. In this article, we have collected for you advice and ideas on how to create a room in an apartment, awakening your creative starts: about organizing a workplace at home.

1. Creating background

For the design of the cabinet, the neutral colors of the walls are best suitable - beige, gray. Such a choice will allow to supplement the interior with bright accessories, without overloading the overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for work at home

Create a large surface to which you can fix motivating, inspirational or necessary pictures and leaflets. There are many options for this: Magnetic Wallpaper; paint, creating a surface of a chalk board; textile wall covering; Cork layer on the wall. Materials placed on this surface will serve "combustible" for your creative thinking.

3. Proper lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your workplace is well lit. First, it has to actively work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use both the usual desktop lamp and stylish LED ribbons and lamps.

4. "Revival" of the workplace

Art objects (including photos) will help you create a workspace in which you will be comfortable. By the way, art should not be expensive. While it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it performs its function.

5. Storage space

Pick up the furniture so that in your office there was a place for all things and trifles, because chaos can distract from the case and interrupt the creative course of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then buy inexpensive furniture in Kiev in the Furniture Salon Expertmebel.

6. Personalization of the workplace

Pass your own individuality to your workplace, at least plausing your press papier on the table, indoor plant or your favorite mug. And the photos of happy moments from your life will always be a smile.

Writing table often have at the window

Desktop located in the corner of the living room

Corner writing tables create more workspace

Cretaceous and Magnetic Boards - Practical Idea for Cabinet

Diary right on the wall

Wall clearance with books

Industrial workplace

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED ribbons installed under mounted cabinets

Digid color gamma

Regardless, whether you will work on research or use the workplace to complete the work of the house, it is necessary to approach its design, taking into account the rules of office design. The perfect workspace is functionally and comfortable. In addition to creating a business environment, it should be beautiful, meet the possibilities and taste of the owner, to be modern. Consider 20 options for organizing a workplace in the modern style of the house.

Neatly, pure, right up to sterility

Despite the seeming simplicity of finishing, the interior has the pronounced characteristics of the Scandinavian style with a harmonious combination of elements, using natural materials. Singly white color of walls and furniture, bright yellow shelves, ethnic pattern of facades, the naturalness of the ceiling and floor complement and balance each other. A stylish solution made it possible to abandon the abundance of furniture and accessories, creating a minimalist design, in which there is everything that is necessary for fruitful work.

How to organize a workplace at home. Photo

Unusual design of the usual cabinet

In the photo of the workplace in the modern style there is a familiar cabinet style. A large comfortable table is equipped with a spacious paper table and stationery. The unusual and originality of the design is created using elements inherent Loft style.

Stock Foto Modern workplace at home

Gray color of uneven concrete, ceiling floors, cabinets in the entire wall, production clocks, elements of chrome-plated pipes, a table lamp of stainless steel, a cabinet chest with small drawers, all this is characteristic features of a popular style. In such an office, work is performed faster, important decisions are made, because nothing distracts attention from the employment process.

Nothing personal, only work

This design is used to be used in open offices with a large number of jobs, but is suitable for home - only the working atmosphere, around all the most necessary and nothing more diverting attention. For fruitful work there is everything you need - an ergonomic armchair, a spacious stand, modern gadgets and a fairly spacious desktop desk.

Home Office organization. Photo

To work there is a place in the living room

It is not always possible to allocate a separate room for the office. The original modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe workplace at home will allow you to have a comfortable corner for productive work even in the living room.

Place for reading books at home. Photo

The cold of the black and white interior is neutralized by a warm shade of natural wood table top and floor. Neat clear lines of items are adjusted to the working way, and upholstered furniture helps to relax at the right time to find the right solution to a difficult question.

Big office in the house? Nothing difficult

Those who prefer to have a spacious workplace at home can take a stylish black and white cabinet with a spacious and decorative cabinet for books on the background of a striped wall. A writing desk is equipped with an expensive glossy countertop, has a size of the entire length of a soft sofa with comfortable armrests. To give a stylish chic, the accent stains of golden color in the form of expensive accessories, an outdoor vase, a futuristic chair are used too accurate interior.

Cabinet living room in the apartment. Photo

Bedroom and workplace - Things are quite compatible

Properly embodied in the design The modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe workplace of the house allows you to combine a chic room with a comfortable bedroom. Contrast color concept of the interior includes combinations of white with black, clear lines of which are diluted with the details of the shades of beige and bitter chocolate. The lack of extra objects does not distract from work, and the presence of warm tones creates comfort, makes it possible to fully restore the forces after a saturated working day.

Workplace for a schoolboy. Photo

Cabinet for extraordinary personalities

Artistic Natures should like the art office with modular furniture. The photo of the working place in the modern style presents an extraordinary project, which uses minimalist black and white design, supplemented with elements with a noble shade of bitter chocolate.

Modern workplace at home. Photo

In it, unusual forms of a comfortable chair and spacious table are continued in the original sculptural compositions. Protected Bar Stand with High Touring Tubes makes it possible to relax to, thinking, take the right solution.

Loft style - Good choice for Studio apartment

A huge space with high ceilings is perfect for finishing in the popular Loft direction. The cozy workplace at home is quite simple to get by island placement of upholstered furniture, the use of different materials, color and textured combinations. Unusual photos, pictures in simple black frames, the wall in the form of uneven brickwork will help create the desired attitude.

Workplace at home in Loft style. Photo

Bright, stylish, comfortable - perfect for youth!

Young extraordinary personalities will probably have to taste bright, juicy design, displayed in the photo of the workplace in a modern style, allowing you to use even a small space with maximum efficiency. The traditional writing desk has an updated form and combines open shelves. Black and white workspace helps to focus, and a bright environment, if you wish to relax from hard work, makes it possible to liberate.

Stock Foto Designer jobs

Work or learn - still it should be convenient

The youth room must have a comfortable workplace. Fresh and cheerful design allows you to combine a large window in a single solution, a sleeping place, open shelves with drawers and writing desk. All elements are interconnected by a form, color, are a continuation of each other. As a result, a lightweight, cute interior is created, in which every centimeter of a small space is effectively used.

Workplace for a schoolboy. Photo

Favorite Loft even in a small room

Despite the fact that the Loft style interior requires spacious apartments, its individual elements can also be used in compact premises. The proposed modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe workplace of the house includes an inextentive concrete ceiling, simple form furniture, metal production handles for mounting shelves, chandelier with abstract lines. However, simplicity and rough details of the interior items do not interfere with the owners have the necessary level of comfort due to a convenient sofa, expensive technique, elite accessories.

Photo of the workplace in modern style

Everything you need at hand

The room without excesses offers its owner a functional space for fruitful work. A corner table with a spacious table of an unusual form forms an ergonomic workplace, and open shelves on the wall and in the closet will place a huge amount of reference and educational literature. The Spectacular Jielde Desk Lamp is a sign accessory and continues to be relevant since its appearance in 1950.

Cabinet in industrial style

Cool black and white production interior is mitigated with shades of gray concrete on the walls and sex. In a harmonious color combination, copyright frameworks are made with texture of a tree - a tabletop of a written table, a table with a table, the facades of drawers. The design uses the theme of old aviation - in the photo, in the form of a designer armchair, a table lamp lines. Chrome metal parts emphasize the selected industrial direction.

Stylish interior form details

In the home studio, it is not without professional equipment, a translucent shirma that transmits the required amount of light. But the central place in the interior is rightfully belongs to the desktop. A little more and he seemed bulky, but the designer was able to catch the desired face in combining the contrasting smooth surface of the table top and coarse legs made in the form of scissors. The warm texture of elements from wood neutralizes the cold of concrete wall and ceiling.

Just chic minimalism

The minimalist design is emphasized, characterizes the workplace of the house, in which the impeccable decoration of the few elements indicates the taste and supply of the owner. White floors pay attention to the texture of high quality natural wood, as well as another wonderful authors of the Jielde lamp, now in the outdoor performance. She not only adorns the office, but also is always at hand to highlight any task, whether work on a project before dawn or viewing the magazine in the evening.

Little area? Anyway to issue stylish!

Using professional ideas, even a small workplace in the corner of the dining area can be issued gorgeous. Shelf for documents allows you to carefully place all the sets of documents, but, while, does not occupy space, as it is located in niche. The working corner seems cozy and imperceptible due to the color range used - a combination of white color with gentle shades of marble and concrete. The original chair from the transparent acrylic performs its functions without cluttering the compact volume.

Toning ideas for boring office

Even a faceless office space, intended for fruitful work, it is not difficult to revive. In a strict minimalist office, you can also relax and raise yourself mood. To do this, there are several useful ideas - place on the table Vase with a pleasant greenery of the room plant, and on the wall - a photo of a loved one.

Bedroom and workplace? Completely compatible!

Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for work or privacy. If the overloaded living room no longer holds the desktop, it can be placed in the bedroom. The mirror facade of the cabinet double visually will increase the length of the room, the spacious shelves will hide behind the sliding doors under the color of the walls, and the neat surface of the countertop will not take much space.

Nearby interior for extraordinary personalities

Significant solutions are required to meet the needs of creative personalities. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the modern studio is the unusual location of the desktop. Instead of installation next to the wall, it is in the middle of the room. This allows you to observe the alignment in search of inspiration, instead of constantly studying the section of the wall in front of me.

Black and white interior can be mischievous

Choosing a black and white design for the workspace, you can make it joyful and energetic. For this, an unusual chair with geometric lines, forming a beautiful tandem with a striped carpet. A bright photo in a large frame, an exclusive wall lamp will pleasantly dilute a strict interior, make a heat particle, fill with positive emotions after a long work.

If you have a home office, or you need to accommodate your items in the cell, in this article you will find useful tips that will make this work less difficult.

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1. Keep small things in a rack for spices.

Just do not forget to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will always smell with Tmin.

3. Keep the paper and handles in a neat organizer made from the old frames.

4. Turn the frame to the list of things you need to do.

5. Make these colorful organizers from canning cans

6. Place them on each other to save space.

7. Cover their paint for school boards for the convenience of marking.

8. I was lucky to have an excessive Sling Spring? Use it for storing written accessories.

9. Keep the cables in order with this organizer, which is mounted on the table.

It costs only $ 9.99, and you will no longer be treated on the floor in search of the cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to remove the cords from under the feet.

11. Mark cords with labels from bread. True, first you need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice.

12. With the help of the clips, you can make a large holder for cords.

13. Purlee the card files with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or paper for creativity is also suitable.

14. Create a shelf with a place to store paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use the packaging from the morning coffee to protect your headphones from confusion. And your morning will become more kind.

16. Store paper on the wall, attaching them to the tablets with the clips.

17. Use one for the list of cases. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Update your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will learn about it.

19. Make a compact charging station from a bottle from lotion. No one knows what it was before.

20. Never spill the liquid using this beverage holder. It is attached to the edge of the table and prevents terrible disasters, such as Soy-Latte-S- MacBook-Pro.

21. Purley the inner panels of the shelves with paper for creativity to give them paints.

22. Create your own book regiment using boxes. You can make it more or less, depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf is made from IKEA boxes with clips. You can nail or fasten it to the wall if you are worried about its stability.

24. Perforated boards retain a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos that you like, eye level.

25. Attach the baskets to the perforated board to store the paper. They are easy to move.

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