Eight interior life hacks, or How to create a designer interior without a designer! Good interior design without a designer. A great example of an apartment design without a designer

garden equipment 29.08.2019
garden equipment

Infinitely many weak, tired interiors today are pulling their hands to designersbegging for help, hoarsely whispering kill update me. And at the same time, thousands of square kilometers of new and new premises are being built - there are simply not enough good interior designers and even bad ones for all the orders.

Therefore, for a long time one of the goals of my blog is to help those people who cannot afford the services good designer. So that anyone, starting only from , it would turn out, at least, just a clean interior design. Unique design braces.You don't have to have perfect taste, it's enough to avoid bad decisions to get a good result.

I recently had experience with clients in Budapest who were not financially able to take advantage of complete list our services, and they didn't want to hire a cheap designer. We spent several hours in planning decisions, design consultations, and then Max and Yana did everything themselves.

Explaining in detail what to do and what to avoid, I calmly let these people go into the world of pain, suffering and violence - into the world of repairs.

The result could serve as a background in a foreign series, and some photos could even get into the pages of magazines.

The interior, by the way, is made on a budget, a lot of furniture is taken from Ikea.

Although I am only partially involved in the interior, I am very pleased that the world has become one nice interior more.

It is better to use free articles and consultations and do everything yourself with a small budget than to hire an inexpensive designer, because in this case the result could be different:

(Author unknown)

So rule number one is don't look for the cheapest designers on the market. With them, it will turn out even worse than you do everything yourself.

Of course, for medium and even large fees it is not at all necessary to find responsible designers, but for small ones there are practically none.

Rule number two - don't try to do "bahat".

The marbled laminate will not look natural and expensive, no one will believe it, and this is not the point of the interior.

Abroad, it is almost no secret to anyone that for the last ten years one wonderful trend has been growing - not to show your big (if any) wealth. Now a new time in the interiors and almost everyone celebrates it. Leaving for the popular and previously incomprehensible loft and concrete is just one of the examples of new customers, tastes and the arrival of this fashion for lack of showiness.

Of course, the love for heavyweight classics with its exclusive carpets woven from the wool of sheep, the descendants of the sheep that Jesus herded, will not go anywhere. But even the most ardent lovers of gold pendants, sensing a change in public mood, now order less marble interiors from designers.

Customers from Budapest, as an example of this, made their interior to enjoy their life, so the interior came out real, alive.

Photos of the owners themselves.
Max and Yana from Budapest.

By the way, the game continues to fill up, as soon as I create all the questions, there will be a separate post.

Today we will share with you "life hacks" for creating harmonious interior without a designer who will look very dignified, stylish and professional.

We want to draw your attention to the details, which, unfortunately, are given secondary importance, while they together create the big picture.

Oddly enough, eliminating typical errors is almost 80% of success.

So, the first mistake that we will exclude is the wrong approach to choosing floor covering and plinth. In most cases, people choose enough expensive coverage and cheap plastic plinth in the color of laminate or linoleum. While doing exactly the opposite.

1. If you do not walk around the house in stilettos and your room is not damp, then you will practically not be able to distinguish expensive laminate from cheap when it lies on your floor. But a cheap plinth with plastic connecting elements will negate the effect of the most expensive laminate or parquet. Therefore, it is better to choose the cover itself a little cheaper, and the frame a little more expensive!

2. The fewer connecting elements, the cleaner your interior looks in the literal and figurative sense. It also makes it much easier to clean! When washing the floor, you can not be afraid that the plastic corner element will simply fall off.

3. Another "law of the baseboard" that may work for you (but most often works against you) is color! Choosing a skirting board in the color of the floor, you steal the height of the ceiling in visual perception by the height of the skirting board. That is, if the ceiling height, for example, is 250 cm, but you chose a 4 cm plinth to match the color of the floor, then visually your ceiling will appear 246! Believe me, this significantly worsens the perception of the interior with a low ceiling! Pay attention to the following illustration how the interior is perceived if the skirting board has a greater color contrast with the floor than with the wall! Plinth in the color of the wall returns her visual perception of height! Making the room more spacious!

Armed with this knowledge, it remains to use it correctly! A little more about color, height and shape.

If you want to make a contrasting skirting board, but your ceiling is not higher than 260 cm, then the skirting board should not be high (from 4 to 6 cm), otherwise the ceiling will appear lower again. It is also better not to complicate its form. If the plinth is close in color to the color of the wall or painted in the color of the wall, then its height can be 6-10 cm or more, and some experiments with the form will also be appropriate here. If you choose classic profile, keep in mind that it will need to be supported in style: it is not necessary to make the entire interior in the classics, it will be enough, for example, external curtain rods in scandinavian style, also a classic profile is suitable for ethno, boho and more.

4. Another very important thing: do not combine different types flooring in small spaces, it will fragment the space, interfere with the overall perception, force you to use connectors that do not add beauty! Even if you have done this, it is better to refrain from arcs and curvilinearity!

5. Another one typical mistake, eliminating which, you will be able to create a more interesting space! All you need to do is get rid of related combinations of three colors: brown, brown and brown ... In fact, related combinations are much more difficult to correctly make than contrasting ones. But people are afraid of color experiments, they are afraid that they will get tired of the color, and therefore they all buy everything beige and brown as one. In fact, this fear is not unfounded! The fact is that there is also a secret in tinting and choosing a color! The color must be intricate! In other words, its formula should be complex (there should be three or more pigments), it should contain black pigment, this will make the color calm, natural, even if it is dark and saturated. In any hardware store you can see a fan of such complex colors, they will look like a shade of gray, but do not be afraid, they will not look “dirty” on the wall, on the contrary, such a color in the interior will look noble.

For many, this will be a real find and a way to realize the dream of an extraordinary and bold interior that will not look pretentious! By the way, right choice colors will make painted walls more interesting than walls with wallpaper (especially if expensive wallpapers are chosen incorrectly), which will also allow you to save a lot and reduce the risk of falling into a hole and throwing money away!

6. To brown consciously! If you still decide to stop at brown, then it is worth remembering that this color does not like cheap materials, if the tree is a tree, and not "under the tree"!

7. And in conclusion, we will share one more little secret, but we will not dwell on it in detail. The fact is that a similar rule (as for skirting boards) exists for ceiling cornices (which are popularly called ceiling plinths). If we paint the cornice the same color as the walls, we visually give the walls extra height. Only the cornice needs to be painted before installation, and not after it, like the baseboard!

8. If it is possible to order laminated windows and wooden window sills, it is better to allocate a budget for this than for expensive wallpapers. If possible, you should completely exclude all plastic, all kinds of corner plates and connectors, you should not diversify too much with the finish, it is better to make the “box” concise, and introduce contrasts of textures through curtains and furniture, especially since it will be easier to change it later!

Of course, this is far from all the information, but it will help to eliminate errors on initial stage(regardless of the chosen style), those that would not be fixed later without repair. As well as lay the right foundation for your interior! We wish inspiration to everyone and everyone! As well as simple solutions difficult problems!

An interior designer should be not just a well-trained specialist, but also a talented person with good taste. Only then can he work miracles. Alas, not each of us can afford the services of such a professional. But the good news is that everyone can learn to think like an interior designer. The main thing is to know a couple of secrets of the pros - our article is devoted to them. And try, try, try!

1. Goal setting Anyone who has even a remote idea about the design project of an apartment knows how rapidly the initial plan changes as it is completed: more and more details appear and the concept becomes more and more expensive. Look at your interior objectively: you just want to freshen it up a bit, change color scheme, add a couple of accents, or completely change the picture? Can you really afford overhaul? Answer these questions honestly to yourself, and in the future you will be able to avoid headaches.

2. Fresh look Usually we get so used to our living environment that we don’t even wonder if such a decor meets all the functional and aesthetic requirements. For example, if you're renovating your kitchen, think about the things you use most when cooking and where it makes sense to put them. Always consider what mood and purpose the room should have. Rely on your previous experience - it will help you understand what you want and, most importantly, do not want.

3. One hundred percent practicality Plan specific details based on your tasks. Do you dream about the living room becoming cozy place to meet with loved ones and friends? Then decide how much seats it should be how to arrange them, what will be the focal point. Want to be more productive at home and get more done? Think about how you can design your home office to better serve this purpose. Always plan the decor of the room in accordance with your needs - then you will not have to regret the investment made in repairs.

4. Pangs of creativity Remember that 90 percent of all design is inspiration and that is the key to success. You are lucky, because you are creating an interior for a person you know very well - yourself! So just sit down and think about what mood you want to give the room, what it should mean to you. Create your own "cloud of inspiration" - it can be a drawing on a computer or a regular board with pictures and sticky pieces of paper on which you write down your ideas. Follow your muse!

5. Search and find Yes, we've talked about inspiration before, but it's worth reiterating to get it in your head as tightly as possible: there are so many places to get ideas. Showrooms, interior galleries, numerous sites (the same Pinterest will do). Look for ideas in the details. Let's say you like a pillow in a store. Answer yourself what exactly you liked about it - after all, you can build a whole concept around such a trifle! And, of course, do not forget that a genius does not steal, but borrows.

6. The importance of scale Even if you are a huge fan soft sofas and armchairs, you will have to give up this passion - provided that you live in a small city apartment, and the size of the living room is not the most optimistic. On the other hand, being the happy owner of a huge bedroom, you should not hang a small picture there - it will simply get lost. Professional designers The interior must take into account the scale of the room, so take note of this.

7. Rule of three We all know that rules are made to be broken, but there are exceptions. For example, the so-called rule of three: three accessories on a shelf look much better than two; three shades in a room's color scheme will be more interesting than two. Symmetry is good, but interior designers usually think in terms of odd numbers: let's say a group of five paintings looks more effective than four - and this is true.

8. Mix but don't shake A room, all elements of which strictly meet the requirements of one style, is a terrible boredom. Antique clock in the living room with a modern sofa, an avant-garde headboard in the bedroom with a traditional bedspread all add visual energy and variety to the space. Things that complement each other do not have to belong to the same style.

The work of talented interior designers deserves great respect. It takes a lot of effort and time to make a space fabulously beautiful and functional at the same time. However, not everyone can afford to hire an interior designer. If so, then in any case, no one forbids getting inspiration from finished projects, partially copy them and make your own changes to your liking.

Let's look at a couple useful tips, which will allow even the layman to design the space the way a professional would do it. Follow these rules, and soon your friends will start asking you for your designer's phone number, even though you designed your house yourself.

Design magazines and websites are full of inspiration

Start by collecting ideas. On popular resources dedicated to the interior, as well as in printed publications published a variety of finishes in different styles.

We recommend that you first collect your own folder of projects that are interesting to you, which you can then study in more detail and choose one of them as a basis. You can transfer some details from one design project to another - this way you can make it unique.

Color Schemes: Use Three Colors or Shades

Now that you've got your own idea of ​​your preferred style, you need to choose a color scheme. This is a fairly strict requirement for your project, since the color will create a certain mood in the room. Look at the projects that inspired you - what colors dominate them? This is your subconscious choice.

We will not recommend any particular range, but we recommend using a mixture of 3 colors or 3 shades of the same color. One is the main color for the walls, the other is suitable to focus on upholstered furniture, the third will become dominant in small accessories like pillows, lamps, dishes.

Remember that color and lightness are closely related to each other. To better bring out all the shades in a room, allow yourself to let more natural light into your home. This can be achieved by installing windows that occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling.

Let's say you chose a combination of brown, turquoise and tangerine. The walls will probably be brown turquoise shades suitable for chairs and decor on the walls, and tangerine will play its part in soft textiles and small things for decor. By the way, this three-color formula works not only in such a strict sequence - you can change it at your discretion. Agree, three shades are always more fun than the monotony of one or two.

Oh, by the way, you can make the room white, but still use the three whites.

Add texture to your home

Texture is just as important, especially if you've chosen a one-color scheme. So the space will remain intact color scheme, and at the same time there will be noticeable diversity, manifested through different surfaces and fabrics.

A white room can host linen draperies, plush velvet chairs, shiny silk cushions, painted natural rattan chairs, original or traditional baskets, and a textured cotton sofa with a faux fur throw casually thrown over the back. All these elements will please the eye, creating a warm and varied environment in the interior. So you can achieve individuality and turn a simple project into a luxurious one.

Consider textiles that suit your pace of life. If you have growing children and active pets, then it is undesirable to have light cotton upholstery on the sofa, and even more so dark leather or mohair. If you crave luxury, silk draperies and pillows should be considered.

Whatever style you choose, try adding a wide variety of textures by shopping for a variety of interior textiles.

A common mistake of the majority is the abundance of many items on high legs in one room. This will only clutter up the room and create dissonance. Instead, try mixing different variants furniture.

For example, a massive sofa, coupled with a pair of low chairs and a few more “long-legged” bar stools, will look good. This is just one example of how mixing furniture styles and sizes works. So the room looks balanced - not too bulky and not cluttered with tall objects.

Use decorative bowls, trays and baskets

For compact and organized storage of small things, design pros like to use decorative dishes, stylish trays, and often baskets. For a hint of glamour, try placing a sumptuous golden tray on coffee table, ottoman or nightstand. For fireplace or wall shelf place an original carved candle, several volumes of reading material, and a small bowl full of colored stones. This will make the design complete, thoughtful.

If you like country style, do not be shy, use a variety of wicker baskets - such decorative tools can not only decorate the room, but also hide many flaws. And don't be afraid to use decor in different parts at home. A sufficiently large decorative container will allow you to create a beautiful composition from ordinary items (for example, perfumes, cosmetics and other toiletries).

Add flowers to every room

At the end of the interior design, look around and look at your home - do you see enough plants in it? We hope so.

Addendum flower bouquets, potted plants and others natural elements, for example, will add beautiful stone vases finishing touch to your interior. It is this technique that makes the interior design, complete. However, avoid artificial products that mimic vegetation. After all, today there are many devices for convenient care of fresh flowers. Or use dry twigs, ears, stems, flowers and feathers in large containers. By the way, they do not require any manipulation at all, except for periodic disposal of dust.

How do you know if you were able to take into account all the details or not? A photograph will help in this matter. Take a few pictures and look at them closely. So you can see where you missed something important, and where you need to unload the space. We hope these little tips will help you find your dream home.

Comparison article on how to make repairs more calmly - with the participation of pros or on your own

They wanted, as in the picture, but it turns out not that. Because as in the picture - expensive and difficult, but no alternative was found. It’s not a fact that everything will be like clockwork with the designer, but it’s definitely better. Why? Let's compare.

Renovation of a two-room apartment with a fine finish

So, given: a family of 3 people (wife with husband and a child of twelve years old) bought two-room apartment with universal finishing. White ceilings, cheap laminate flooring, neutral wallpaper. We lived in it, decided on the things that are needed for life, and decided to make repairs with the reorganization of the space without drastic measures. Budget - 1 million rubles. Second in their life.

What need to do:
  • cut the corner of the nursery
  • dismantle the entrance to the living room to put another closet in the hallway
  • refurbish bathroom with fixtures
  • re-lay the floor
  • add outlets
  • make a kitchen and separate it from the living room
  • zone the living room with a bed for parents
  • make cosmetic repairs

Let's consider two scenarios.

Apartment renovation without a designer

1. Choice of finishing materials and furniture

It all starts with a discussion of ideas and who wants to see what. Here the first bickering appears: the wife wants to put a shower in order to fit washing machine and a closet, but my daughter is against it, because she likes to lie in the bathroom. The daughter is in favor of laying parquet, because it’s beautiful, the father is against it, it’s expensive, and it’s not easy to lay, laminate is more convenient. And there are many such disputes, not everyone will find compromises, and someone will always be dissatisfied. You can read forums, look at photos on the Internet, discuss it every day at dinner and come to a common denominator. But it will take a lot of time. Finally family council comes to a consensus. Let's go shopping to look. Found beautiful wallpaper, a sofa approached them. In the same way, everything you need was found. It is good if the family has spatial thinking and a sense of style. Then everything will fit together. After purchasing materials, you need to look for workers.

2. The cost of the work of the brigade

We figured out the finishing and hired a team or found craftsmen for each stage of work (this is more expensive, but sometimes more effective). Here's how much it costs on the Internet.

    dismantling of walls from GKL 300 r / sq. m. * 8 sq.m = 2,400 r. metal frame 800r/sq. m. * 5.5 sq.m = 4,400 r. putty 500 r / sq. m.* 5.5 sq. m. = 2,750 rubles installation of a sink, shower cabin, toilet bowl and heated towel rail 10,000 rubles. m.* 40.5 sq. m. = 12 150 rub. masonry ceramic tiles 500 r / sq.m. * 40.5 sq.m. m. = 20 250 r. (excluding the apron in the kitchen) linoleum flooring 350 r / sq. m.* 38.6 sq. m. = 13 500 r. gating for wiring 150 r / p.m * 10 p.m. \u003d 1,500 rubles. purchase of plumbing fixtures (shower, toilet, sink) 17,000 rubles installation of sockets 120 rubles/pc * 10 pcs. = 1200 R. materials. Most of the money will be eaten by linoleum and tiles. A good and beautiful linoleum will cost at least 350 rubles per square meter. average price floor tiles- 400 rubles, for walls - 300. Total: 26,000. But there is also putty, grout, tile glue, wallpaper glue, the wallpaper itself. In general, feel free to set aside 60,000 rubles for materials

Total: 143,950 rubles. We took average prices. And they did not take into account the transfer of communication nodes. For example, if the shower drain has to be moved. The service costs from 10,000 rubles. We did not take into account the cost of bathroom cabinets and other little things that create comfort in the house: pillows, rugs, vases, etc. They can be purchased gradually, but for now we only consider what is necessary. Often, during repairs, many nuances come up that require extra costs. The glue is not suitable for tiles, universal wallpaper glue is not suitable for vinyl, the developer did not make a floor screed, etc. Therefore, we advise you to set aside at least 60,000 rubles for unforeseen expenses.

3. Cost of furniture

From furniture, we need a kitchen and a podium under sleeping place with a partition, a partition for the kitchen. The podium will have to order. It will cost at least 20,000-30,000 rubles. Sliding doors for the kitchen - from 15,000 rubles. See which one to choose. As a result, furniture costs from 100,000 rubles. Now it is easy to find a six-square-square kitchen set. Previously, it could only be made to order. In the studio, the kitchen will cost from 50-60,000 rubles. You can find a master who will make the kitchen cheaper. Maybe even quality. But it will take more time. You can also buy it at IKEA for 30,000 rubles, but will it fit into the interior and will it not duplicate the kitchens of all the neighbors?

4. Bottom line

To summarize: the approximate budget is 300,000 rubles. Most likely, it will be longer, because we did not take into account many little things: the delivery of materials, the cost of the road, etc. In terms of time, the repair will last two or three months. With the condition of an organized brigade, someone's presence most time and your constant employment with repairs. In reality, the repair will take about six months.

Apartment renovation with a designer

1. Work with the designer in stages

In most cases, the work of designers with customers is built according to a certain scheme.

  1. Receiving an order and discussing it with the customer. At this stage, the designer examines and measures the room, finds out what your preferences are, your lifestyle, what result you want to get in the end, etc. After the technical task is created
  2. Creation of a sketch and its coordination with the customer
  3. Carrying out calculations by the designer and creating layout drawings that are necessary for builders. They include the layout of sockets, the placement of electricians, the lighting scheme of a house or apartment, etc.
  4. Next, the designer selects furniture and decor, taking into account prices, firms, and sometimes indicating stores.
  5. Project implementation. If you do not want to control the progress of work yourself, you can order additional service- Design supervision. In this case, the designer will control the process of finishing the premises and advise on controversial issues.

Working with online interior design services is built a little differently. This is an option for those who want to save time and energy. For example, here is what the workflow looks like in .

  1. Passing the test and filling out the questionnaire. This stage helps to understand how the customer sees the future home
  2. Finding the right designer online
  3. Development and discussion with the customer of the main idea of ​​the project
  4. The designer offers two zoning options and makes drawings for builders
  5. The designer offers the customer two options for a design project in the form of a collage
  6. The final version of the design project is created in the form of a photo collage
  7. Selection of goods for the project with prices and links

2. Choice of finishing materials and furniture

The designer will find compromise solutions based on experience. He will give some tips on the selection of textiles and materials, talk about small problems that can take you by surprise. Forewarned is forearmed.
Stylistic collages will give a certain direction to the search in stores. A clearer picture will form in your head, and you will not wander aimlessly through hypermarkets, looking for everything. In addition, some designers share the addresses of shops and craftsmen. Having plans in hand, you can more accurately calculate the cost of purchasing materials and plan repairs. Conversations with workers will be more constructive.

3. The cost of designer services

The average cost of a designer's services varies from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles per square meter. This means that the project will cost about 60,000 rubles. If it is expensive or long, you can order a consultation and several assistant plans from the designer: a measurement plan with the areas of the rooms, a plan with the proposed arrangement of furniture, and an electrical equipment plan. This service will cost about 15,000 rubles.

4. Bottom line

The approximate budget is still 300,000 rubles, but the risk of spending more is reduced. Contacting a designer will not greatly reduce the payment for the work of the team and materials. But a specialist can give you information that will save you from unnecessary services imposed by workers. If you come across conscientious workers, you will know how to talk to them and coordinate their work. And this is important if you do not want to hate the word "repair" and everything connected with it. The repair will take about three months, because from the very beginning you will have a certain vision of the final result and auxiliary plans in hand.

Bonus: how to choose a good designer?

As a bonus, we have prepared a small checklist on how to choose a designer for your project and not regret it.

  • Every professional should have a portfolio with examples completed projects. Be sure to check it out in advance! We advise you to choose a designer who has already worked on projects similar to yours
  • A high-quality specialist should be able to justify his decisions in an accessible way and honestly talk about all the details, features and possible problems project
  • A professional designer is interested in meeting the client's needs as much as possible. If you immediately have problems with communication and the specialist does not seek to hear and understand you, it is better to refuse such a designer
With a designer, you save your nerves, time and sometimes even money. Worth considering!

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