Otsb classic or Finnish profile which is better. Finnish cutting technology - features of the lock and groove, layout of the log house

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

How and with what to caulk a log house, or rather the gaps between the logs of a wooden house.

This is the work of filling and sealing grooves, crevices and gaps between the crowns of the log house and in places of corner cuts with tow, dry moss, and hemp. This is very labor intensive handmade which requires special skill and endurance from its performers.

In Russia, this work was carried out by masters - caulkers, whose art was passed down from generation to generation. The quality of their work could be fully appreciated in winter, when frosts set in.

Stages of caulking chopped walls.

Unfortunately, insulation layer, laid during the construction of a log house, does not give a full guarantee against blowing through its walls. Besides, during operation, the walls give serious shrinkage, thermal insulation characteristics insulation are reduced, as a result of which cracks and gaps appear between the logs and the crowns of the log house.

To reduce heat loss and improve sound insulation wooden houses caulk. Typically, this procedure perform several times. First time caulk a log house required immediately after construction. The second in a year or two after its partial shrinkage. The third one is four to five years after the complete shrinkage of the log house.

Basic requirements for caulking chopped walls.

Caulking work must be done sequentially along the perimeter of the log house, starting from the lower crown, while sealing the corner joints must be given Special attention. When caulking chopped walls, the materials are spread with fibers across the groove and driven into the slots so that the fibers protrude from both sides of the log house by at least 4-6 cm. This work is performed using special fixtures, which are also called caulks. During the sealing of the gaps, periodic addition of fiber is allowed until the joints between the surface of the upper and lower logs are completely filled. When laying fiber material, remember that caulk can raise the height of the log house by as much as 15 cm, therefore, starting from the lowest groove, it is important to carry out caulking exactly along the perimeter of the entire log house (and not separate wall), otherwise the caulking of one separate wall can lead to the distortion of the entire log house.

Types of caulking chopped walls

There are two types of sealing and insulation of the walls of the log house - "in a set" and "in a stretch":

Caulking "stretched" is used in grooves and crevices. Having made a strand of tow, put it against the slot (groove) and drive it in with a special spatula. This operation is repeated until the entire groove is filled. The stacked tow is carefully compacted. Then they make a roller out of tow, insert it into the groove and, grabbing the fibers protruding from there (otherwise it may fall out), drive it in with force.

In wide grooves and crevices, caulking is carried out "in a set"- strands are twisted from tow or hemp and wound into a ball. Then, loops are “picked up” from the ball and hammered into the groove. The width of the strands depends on the depth and width of the groove between the logs.

Advantages and disadvantages of caulking.

Undoubtedly, caulk wooden walls is in a good way insulation. First of all, it is worth noting the environmental friendliness of traditionally used materials: tow, moss, hemp.

However, this work also has its drawbacks.

First of all, given the laboriousness of its implementation, caulking is a rather laborious and expensive pleasure. It should be understood, however, that in order to achieve maximum efficiency, the log house must be qualitatively caulked more than once. It is not difficult to calculate the value financial costs for this job.

Caulked seams do not look very aesthetically pleasing and often require additional decorative finishes cords or other materials, which naturally entails additional costs.

It should also be mentioned that birds (our feathered friends) are very fond of pulling out and pulling tow and moss from the seams between the log crowns. At the same time, this pulling apart takes on rampant proportions in the spring.

Besides, as wonderful as this natural material, but under the influence of the weight of the log, moisture, sun, it is crushed, and the next year, as a rule, in the spring (or early summer) it simply falls out of the cracks. And it is required to caulk in places or caulk all over again wooden house or bath.

And do not forget, before using the moss collected in the swamp, it must be dried! When drying, the moss loses part of its volume, so it needs to be harvested with some margin.

You can choose the method of processing logs for building a house, taking into account your taste preferences or evaluating appearance buildings made of chopped logs and rounded timber from neighbors. The main difference between these materials is the processing method. Chopped products are processed manually, and rounded elements are machined and have the correct geometric shape. Focusing on your preferences and the experience of friends, you may not get the result you expected at all. The thing is that the behavior of wood natural humidity almost impossible to predict. To make the right and informed choice, it is necessary to compare the accumulated knowledge about the properties of these materials with your preferences.

Material Features

Each log house is built using different technologies, so it would be wrong to compare the cost of construction from different materials. To calculate the volume of lumber, you need to start with a cubic meter of the finished log house. In this case, the number of crowns up to a certain height and the volume of materials are considered differently:

  • So, for a rounded log, the working height is determined by the height of the log minus the actual height of the row in the wall structure.
  • And for a manual log house, the length of the log must be taken into account. In the end, anyway log house will require more cubic capacity of material. At the same time, such a house, in comparison with buildings from the Central Bank, will have thicker walls.
  • When making corner joints into a bowl, the groove for a rounded log will be half the diameter, and for chopped material this size is 1/3-2/3 of the diameter.

During the machine processing of rounded logs, an extensive removal of upper layers wood. As a rule, round timber is fed into the machine with a standard run, which is 1 cm for each running meter. In this case, the cutter will remove the top layer of wood so that the product has the same diameter along the entire length. But in order to choose the material that suits you, namely rounded or chopped logs, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Pros and cons of the OCB

Logs after rounding have the following advantages:

  1. It is much faster and cheaper to prepare a house kit on the machine according to the developed log house project.
  2. You will receive equal and neat walls, which have the same gaps in the laying grooves and bowls. But this is true only until the moment of shrinkage.
  3. Since the products have the correct geometric shape and the same diameter along the entire length, the laying process is faster, because there is no need to adjust the elements.
  4. Assembly of a house from a ready-made house kit can be performed even by a person who does not have special qualifications.
  5. Kiln-dried logs have minimal shrinkage and are practically not subject to cracking.

Among the disadvantages of rounded logs, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. The natural strength of wood is significantly weakened due to the removal of the strongest sapwood part, which is located immediately under the bark, during cylindering. The sapwood is removed unevenly along the entire length due to the natural thickening of the round timber. Due to the curvature of the logs in the finished log, the center may shift towards the edge.
  2. In the process of drying the material of natural moisture, a strong torsion of the element occurs.

Tip: to prevent torsion of the workpiece, it is worth using as many dowels as possible during the installation process.

  1. When dried in the sun, the products quickly turn black, and when damaged by a fungus, they turn blue.
  2. Manual cutting allows you to remove layers along the fibers, while the cutter does it across. For this reason, WCB absorbs moisture faster. To get rid of this problem, the logs need to be sanded.
  3. When laying a rounded product, do not use useful technologies: wind lock, self-locking bowl, which helps to do without expensive caulking, etc.
  4. On the release of logs for balconies, consoles, verandas, skates, a laying groove is visible, which is sawn in the entire batch of material. As a result, it looks ugly and strange.
  5. After rounding, only small-diameter products are obtained. If you need material with a diameter of more than 30 cm, which has passed the cylinder, then it is almost impossible to find it at reasonable prices.
  6. On the machine, only pine and spruce wood can be processed; not every machine can prepare a denser larch for a mortgage crown.

Advantages and disadvantages of chopped material

Cutting lumber by hand is beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. The log can last quite a while long term without the use of special chemical treatment.
  2. A small frame can be assembled by hand without the use of dowels.
  3. The laying groove is easy to make with an adze.
  4. You can use several types of corner joints - a paw, a Canadian and a Russian bowl, a special triple cutting, which is ideal for houses of complex configuration.
  5. Chopped building can be made in any style. There are many options for thematic decor, and the log house itself can be made from planed logs, debarked products.
  6. The diameter of the logs can be very different and reach up to 52 cm.
  7. The lower crowns can and preferably be made of larch wood.

Among the shortcomings of chopped products, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. To build a quality log house, you will have to seek help from specialists, and this is not cheap.
  2. It is quite difficult to stack logs that have a discrepancy in diameter from the butt to the top. The installation process takes longer.
  3. The quality and beauty of the building as a whole largely depend on the experience of the carpenter and the skills of the assembly team.

Features of the Finnish groove

To date, the rounded log with a Finnish profile and products after rounding with a moon groove are most often used. The principle of manufacturing both types of logs is the same:

  • the workpiece is passed through the machine, on which it is given the correct cylindrical shape;
  • during the passage of the machine, the cutter selects a groove of a certain configuration. If the groove has the shape of a part of a circle, then it is called lunar, and if there are special grooves in the groove, then this is a Finnish profile.

Round log Finnish groove has the following advantages:

  1. The thermal lock in a log with a Finnish profile is much wider than in products with a moon groove. If the lunar groove has a thermal lock for logs with a diameter of 22-28 cm in the range of 110-140 mm, then for the Finnish profile it is 131-167 mm for the same diameter of the elements. As a result, in order to obtain walls of equal thermal conductivity, you can take thinner logs with a Finnish lock and thereby save on the volume of material.
  2. Products with a Finnish profile are much easier and faster to mount. The whole point here is in the longitudinal support grooves, thanks to which, when laying, it is not necessary to check the verticality of the wall with a plumb line. Also, additional fixation of elements from longitudinal displacement is not needed, which is performed using nails.
  3. Mezhventsovy insulation is completely invisible from the outside. Walls made of blanks with a Finnish profile look much more aesthetically pleasing due to the fact that the jute tape insulation does not stick out. When performing further finishing, the consumption of seam sealing material will be significantly lower due to a decrease in the gap.
  4. Thanks to the longitudinal belts, blowing through the house is reduced. Four toothed belts tightly press the insulation along the entire length of the log, which is the most protective interlock connection from blowing.
  5. The Finnish profile does not need to be caulked, which will save you money during construction.
  6. It is recommended to collect logs with a Finnish profile exclusively on studs. As a result, during the operation of the house, you will be able to tighten the studs, reducing the gap between the logs, which is formed in the process of uniform shrinkage.

Appointment of a longitudinal cut

On logs with any lock, a longitudinal cut is often made. It is believed that it will allow you to relieve the stresses that arise in the material. However, for this cut to be effective enough, its depth must be at least 2/3 of the radius of the product. In fact, this propyl is made much smaller. Thus, its presence for stress relief is a myth that has gone because of the features of the broaching variety of machines. On such a machine, a cut is made to prevent the log from turning during processing.

Air can easily pass through this gap in the log. If you carefully consider the well-established frame, you can see that most of the cracks do not start from a longitudinal cut, but from a profile groove cut in the element.

Important: in this regard, we can conclude that if the technological features of the machine do not require the manufacture of a cut, it is better not to do it at all.

  • It is best to choose raw materials harvested in winter. The thing is that winter round timber is more durable, less saturated with moisture and is not subject to biological deterioration.
  • Be sure to check the certificates, conditions of storage and delivery of lumber.
  • It is better to build a house for year-round use from logs with a cross section of at least 24 cm. northern regions in our country, it is better to use blanks with a diameter of at least 26 cm for building a house. For a seasonal residence, you can take blanks of a smaller diameter.
  • Choose only high-quality, properly processed wood for construction.

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Canadian, Norwegian and Finnish manual cutting technologies. Finnish groove in rounded logs If you look at the history of wooden housing construction, it becomes clear that the Russian felling technology "came" to the Scandinavian countries from Russia. But it was the Scandinavians who were able to improve the Russian technique. Their log houses became warmer and more durable. If you look at the history of wooden housing construction, it becomes clear that the Russian felling technology "came" to the Scandinavian countries from Russia. But it was the Scandinavians who were able to improve the Russian technique. Their log houses became warmer and more durable.
scandinavian houses devoid of the main "minus" of the creations of Russian architects - they do not have open seams, because of which the huts were blown through and it was necessary to make caulking almost every year after the seasonal drying of the log. By the way, in some cities of Norway today there are old log cabins that have excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

We have Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish technologies are divided among themselves. But in America and in the Scandinavian region, these techniques are combined, and they are known as "Scandinavian cutting". Western masters of connecting logs call the "Scandinavian saddle", which is known to our compatriots as the "Canadian bowl".

Canadian felling

Canadian bowl does not have the traditional oval shape. Its appearance resembles a trapezoid. This geometric shape ensures a snug fit of the crowns, the tightness of the walls and the absence of blowing.

The gaps between the crowns almost invisible, the wall looks like a solid array, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the house. In such a chopped house, you will not see interventional insulation that sticks out ugly between the logs, and much less energy is needed to heat it.

Houses cut down according to the Canadian method, do not need re-caulking, because the interventional insulation is reliably protected - it is located inside the wall.

He doesn't rot it is not pulled apart by tiles and is not blown out by the wind, which increases its service life almost to infinity.

Norwegian log cabins

In Russia, it is considered that Norwegian log cabins are made from a gun carriage (oval half-beam), but in fact a more obvious sign of this method of joining logs is the turning of the ends at the joints in the form of a hexagon. The same feature was noticed in the log house made in Sweden.

Norwegian "castle" made according to the principle of self-jamming, in the presence of additional strobes, an ideally rigid structure is created, which completely eliminates blowing and “shifting” of the crowns. The bowl has a spike and an opening sawn under this spike, which, when connected, completely exclude moisture and air from entering this place.

In the Norwegian cabin make stitches in corner connections, thanks to which, even with a strong drying out of the log, the gaps between the bowls self-destruct under the weight of the log structure.

Finnish felling

Finnish masters ends leave round shape, as in the traditional Russian technique. The castle has many similarities with the creation of Russian masters, but at the bottom of the logs they always make a longitudinal groove. The Swedes and Norwegians also process their crowns, because this allows you to increase the tightness of the joints and minimize blowing through the walls.

Common in the Scandinavian methodology

Masters from the Scandinavian countries make their “castles” in a special way. Blowing is excluded due to the internal spike, and the triangular shape of the groove contributes to a snug fit of the log during shrinkage. It is also interesting to look at the Canadian "lock" - it is complemented by an upper or side spike located along the grooves ("cheeks"). Such designs guarantee tight jamming of the crowns and the absence of gaps in the corners of the house.

Such ways of connecting logs are very complex, the art of their creation comes with experience. Naturally, they can only be made manually, in this case we are not talking about any machines.

But the traditional Russian bowl is easier to manufacture, it can be made on an automatic machine in the production of logs.

Finnish groove in the construction of logs

Russian bowl in cottages made of rounded logs it can be with a traditional moon groove in the form of a semicircle, or it can have a Finnish profile. What is the difference between these technologies?

Real wall thickness when using a beam groove, it is half the diameter of the log. When it comes to Finnish technology, then the thermal "lock" in this case is increased by two numbers.

So, Finnish rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm has a thermal "lock" of 140 mm, which corresponds to a conventional log with a diameter of 280 mm.

Finnish groove do along the entire length of the log, place it from below. The lower element of the Finnish lock has the form of a spike, and two longitudinal grooves are cut in the upper part of the workpiece, which ensure a snug fit of the crowns and reduce the blowing of the walls.

Logs with Finnish "castle" they are more expensive than usual, but this is not wasted money, since in this case you can save on caulking. But more expensive than cottages and cylindering, of course, log houses, because manual work is always valued higher!

In the Nordic countries, for hundreds of years, their own ways of building energy-efficient houses have been formed. The technology of Finnish logging has some similarities with Russian logging. In particular, the ends of the logs remain round, but the shape of the lower longitudinal groove is different. The castle has common features with Norwegian and Swedish methods.

What are the features of Finnish technology

Scandinavians build wooden houses from northern coniferous wood. It has a denser structure and a low percentage of knots. best choice Finns consider Lapland dead pine, known as KELO. There is no doubt about its environmental friendliness and quality, since each trunk is carefully selected. Such a forest dries out naturally, starting from a certain age of the tree. root system ceases to work normally, as a result of which the needles fall off, the branches fall off, and then irreversible processes appear that turn the pine tree into a dead wood. In this form, it can stand for several years until it is pulled out along with the root system by procurement services. This technique helps to preserve the thickest part of the tree.

Lapland pine is characterized by the lowest possible moisture content, so the frame from it practically does not shrink. For insects, it is of no interest, as well as for various kinds of fungus and mold. This type Finnish wood is good for everyone, except for being too expensive. It is she who determines the VIP affiliation of the log cabin from KELO. Its construction can afford only wealthy citizens. Future middle-income homeowners choose high-quality winter forest with a smooth, dense trunk.

The technology of the Finnish felling lies in the peculiarities of manufacturing both the lock and the longitudinal groove. Its main difference from similar methods is outwardly determined not immediately, although a specialist is unlikely to be mistaken in this matter.

So, according to Finnish technology, a bowl is cut down in a trapezoidal shape. It has a spike, which ensures reliable jamming of the crowns. Moreover, compaction occurs in the process of shrinkage. The tightness of the corners depends on the careful fit of the connecting nodes of the mating elements.

A special role in the Finnish felling is played by longitudinal grooves, which have their own characteristics. They are cut from the underside of a round log with such a concavity shape that could ensure that the overlying element touches the underlying crown only with the edges of the groove, and not with the entire surface of the cut recess. In other words, the upper log should not hang on the lower one, resting on it with the deepest part of the groove and, at the same time, forming slots on both sides of the crown. An open groove with visible moss, tow or jute is a feature of Russian felling technology. In interventsovye joints Finnish house after it shrinks, it is unlikely that even the blade of a knife can be inserted. The insulation is completely hidden between the rows of logs, so the log house looks neat and does not require further caulking.

Finnish felling technology provides maximum protection against the penetration of cold, wind blowing and moisture infiltration into the interventional space.

Finnish log house classics

Inhabitants northern country never showed haste in building their family homes. A careful approach to the choice of wood and the fitting of logs has always yielded a positive result. The log cabins turned out to be reliable and durable, therefore they were inherited from generation to generation not in a destroyed, but in a residential state. The Finns know what cold is, and they treat the issue of saving heat in the house responsibly. The layout of their housing has some features that you should familiarize yourself with:

  • windows are made large - long-awaited Sun rays and daylight must be in abundance;
  • attic - it can always be used as an additional living space, and full-fledged heating of the space will cost much less than heating the whole floor;
  • entrance group - the vestibule saves from direct penetration into the residential area of ​​cold air from the street;
  • a roof with a large slope - will relieve the accumulation of snow on the roof in the winter.

The construction of a log house using Finnish cutting technology should be entrusted to professional carpenters. There is a complex shape of locks and strict requirements for precise fitting of mating elements. It is unlikely that an amateur or an inexperienced master will be able to cope with such work.

The rounded log with the Finnish profile, in comparison with the rounded log with the classic moon groove, has a number of advantages:

  • Due to the increased, complex groove, it has less heat loss, the house from such a log is warmer. As you know, the main heat losses occur precisely at the points of contact between the logs (in the grooves), and it is the width of the groove that affects the thermal capacity of the house, and not the diameter of the log. By itself, the tree is a low conductor of cold and heat, for example, a wall 10 cm wide is equal in thermal conductivity to a wall of two bricks !!! The width of the thermal lock (groove) on a rounded log with a Finnish profile with a diameter of 220 mm is 140 mm, which is equal to the width of the groove of a rounded log with a moon groove with a diameter of 280 mm. Face difference. With a smaller volume of logs, you get a house equal in thermal conductivity!
  • Due complex shape groove access of moisture and ultraviolet rays to interventional insulation is impossible, which improves the quality of the house.
  • A log house with a Finnish profile needs caulking only in bowls (in cuts). The walls of the log house do not need caulking. Saving time and money is obvious, since the cost of caulking is from 60 rubles per 1 p / m of the wall. And the house is being caulked both outside and inside. small house, size 8x8 meters savings can be from 100,000.00 rubles
  • A house made of round logs with a Finnish profile, due to a deeper groove, outwardly looks better, more reliable. Due to the absence of visible interventional insulation in the wall, the house looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Round logs with Finnish profiles are produced exclusively on lathes, which guarantees the perfect geometry of the log and the excellent appearance of the house.

It is worth paying attention to the features of installing a log house with a Finnish profile:

A rounded log with a Finnish profile must be mounted using a hairpin system. It is not mounted on a dowel, unlike a log with a classic moon groove. This is the main difference in installation between these types of log profiles.

The need to install a hairpin system is due to the geometry of the groove and the characteristics of the wood. Forced, timely screeding of the crowns of the log house with a hairpin system prevents the divergence of the groove, does not allow the appearance of a crack in it, which is formed during the drying of the log. The so-called "sides" do not allow the groove to open due to the fact that they are tightly pressed against the lower log. The log house does not “walk in height”, and the log does not have the opportunity to jump off the groove. In addition, the hairpin system significantly reduces the shrinkage time at home. Proceed to interior decoration can be immediately after the drying of the log

With the use of pins, the Finnish profile of the log stops working, the log walks, cracks appear in the grooves of the logs, the groove diverges, opening access to the cold.Repair of such a house is possible only with the use of "Warm seam" technology, which is also not cheap.

The use of a hairpin system slightly increases the cost of construction, but this is nothing compared to saving on caulking and heat loss at home.

When producing a log with a Finnish profile, we install a stud system into the walls of the house at the design stage, thanks to which we know exactly where and how the studs will pass. This allows in production conditions, ideally vertically, to drill holes for studs of a specific diameter in the right places. This allows you to significantly reduce construction time by improving the quality of the assembly.

Due to the increased demand for logs with a Finnish profile, more and more construction firms offer their services in this area, having no experience in working with this material. Many offer assembly on a dowel, because of ignorance they do not give an account of their actions, or they do it deliberately by reducing the cost of their offer against the background of other offers due to quality. There is nothing in common with healthy competition in these proposals, although the cost can be much lower.

Often, not realizing that the parameters of a rounded log with a Finnish profile are different than those of a rounded log with a moon groove, such unfortunate builders make mistakes at the design stage, and as a result, serious problems arise when assembling a log house, and sometimes assembly is simply impossible.

Need quality house which will delight you for many years? Please contact us. We will tell, show, advise, build!

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