Wooden ceiling in the house: the choice of high-quality cladding and the technology of arrangement. What is the best way to make a ceiling in a wooden house and what materials to use Finishing materials for a ceiling in a wooden house

Site arrangement 30.08.2019
Site arrangement

The popularity of low-rise construction is growing every year. Most of among the houses built, it belongs to wooden buildings. When in wooden house in fact, all walls are immediately ready for final finishing, ceilings in such cases require additional elaboration in order for the ceiling finish to be of high quality and beautiful.

It is possible to sheathe the ceiling both in multi-storey buildings and in wooden houses different ways... You can choose which options are better only by comparing all the factors that directly affect the finishing of the ceiling.

These factors include:

  • Level ratio natural light with the planned artificial;
  • Future layout and design of the room;
  • The expected degree of humidity in the room;
  • The functional purpose of the room;
  • Ceiling height in the room;
  • The presence of a second floor;
  • The presence of a ladder.

With all the variety of interior proposals, log ceilings can be designed in any direction. At the same time, it is possible to emphasize environmental friendliness and naturalness not only in rustic style using wood trim.

Interesting ideas for decorating a living room in a private house can be found in the article:

4 ways to make a ceiling in a wooden house

The arrangement of the ceiling covering requires a detailed study. Make quality repair always more profitable and more economical in the long term, especially in a new home. You can correctly hem the ceiling, for this it is worth knowing the basic classification of ceiling structures.

Ceilings can be:

  1. Suspended;
  2. Hemmed;
  3. Stretched;
  4. Combined.

The height of the rooms should be taken into account. To prevent the sheathing from concealing centimeters at low ceilings, you should avoid suspended ceiling systems that are attached to an additional frame.

Ceiling arrangement in a wooden country house

To correctly arrange the ceiling in a log house, you need to study in detail the device and the covering of the ceiling system. For this, it is important to have an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe design of the draft ceiling.

The ceiling system in timber structures consists of (in order from bottom to top):

  • Interior decoration;
  • Boards;
  • Beams;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Heat insulating material;
  • Waterproofing agent;
  • Wooden logs;
  • Flooring or flooring of the next floor.

Several factors affect the device of ceilings in a log house: waterproofing, thermal insulation, as well as the functionality of the room above the ceiling. The last point is conditional, if the room above the ceiling is not used, then the flooring is not spread. If the ceiling on the outside is a roof, then instead of flooring the last layer the structure will be roofing material.

The most suitable material for the ceiling in a wooden house

For inside the ceiling will fit a large number of materials. But there are also limitations. For example, it is not recommended to cover the ceiling inside with plastic material. Firstly, the natural atmosphere of the log house is lost, and secondly, the plastic can burn.

You can cover the ceiling:

  1. Natural wood material;
  2. Tensile structure with non-flammable PVC film;
  3. Plasterboard;
  4. Veneered panels;

The design of the ceiling should be consistent with the overall interior of the house. Therefore, the materials are selected taking into account the wall decoration and floor design. If the task is to make the cladding with your own hands, then the structures are selected based on the complexity of the installation.

White can increase the space and raise the height of the room. Before painting, the entire drywall must be treated with putty, so that in the future it will be possible to change the color of the coating.

Wooden materials for the ceiling in the house

The most harmonious finish for the ceiling in a felling is cladding with natural wood. Wood unites the basic structures of the house and makes the interior complete and natural.

TO wood paneling include:

  • Wooden lining (lining board);
  • Wooden panels;
  • Veneer panels and MDF boards.

Private house provides more possibilities for interior decoration of the ceiling. And the natural desire to make this finish from natural material is always welcome. And to save wood material from the possibility of fire, a protective solution is applied to it.

Plywood ceiling in a wooden modern house

Beautiful photos of ceiling decor with beams only confirm the popularity. wooden buildings... It is not in vain modern tendencies focused on eco-friendly homes.

Correct thermal insulation of the ceiling

Both in the old house and in the new one, the question of additional insulation of the ceiling can be acute, even if the house was built with stove heating... The issue of thermal insulation of the ceiling in a log house is very extensive, therefore it must be considered in detail and in detail.

There are such methods of warming the ceiling surface:

  1. Outer;
  2. From the inside.

Each of the methods will be most effective in certain conditions and with certain heaters. For example, laying vapor-proof materials is used for the outdoor method, and vapor-permeable materials for the inside.

The thermal insulation structure also depends on the way the ceiling is insulated.

Conditional thermal insulation scheme:

  • Floor beams;
  • Suitable insulation;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Lathing.

Insulation is chosen taking into account many factors. To fill the insulation tightly and without voids, you can use ecowool. The filing of such material will be quick.

I advise you to fill the ceiling with polyurethane foam in the absence of rodents that eat this insulation. Each insulation material is special. And the time it takes to learn these features is worth it, because warm house- the guarantee of comfort.

Wooden ceilings in interior design (video)

Eco-friendly construction wooden houses- this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an awareness of the benefits and values natural materials... And if such houses are built with a careful study of all the details, taking into account the rules of eco-houses, then maximum efficiency it is expressed both in financial savings and a favorable internal microclimate in the house.

Examples of how to sheathe the ceiling in a wooden house inside (photo)

The growing popularity of wooden houses, associated with their highest environmental friendliness, leads to an increasingly frequent question among developers: "What materials to use for cladding a wooden ceiling?" It can be argued with confidence that at present this issue is completely justified and this is due to a wide variety of finishing materials that can be used for cladding a wooden ceiling. In the conditions of the modern variety of finishing materials, there will be no difficulties when finishing the ceiling in log houses. Despite the fact that log cabins can be left in their natural form, with log or log walls modern homeowners prefer to resort to their finishes modern materials... And if the walls can still be preserved in their original form, the floors and ceilings, according to experts, should be finished using materials that are closest to your taste preferences. Due to the relevance of this topic, in this article we will answer the question: "How to sheathe a wooden ceiling?"

Wooden ceilings: advantages and current design options

Wood is recognized as a classic material used in interior design, and ceilings are no exception. In interiors, especially old ones, you can often find a desire to use natural materials, be it natural parquet, solid wood furniture, wooden Wall panels and interior doors, skirting boards and much more. The finishing touches in the design of eco-interiors are often wooden ceilings, giving an atmosphere of warmth, nobility and stability. The widespread use of wood is due to its indisputable advantages:

  • The ability to diffuse light and create a shaded atmosphere in the room;
  • Wood ceilings have high soundproofing properties.

The design style of the wooden ceiling depends on functional purpose of the room to be decorated. In the office, in the process of installing a wooden ceiling, you can create an atmosphere of severity and restraint, while in the bedroom, the use of natural materials will make it warm and homelike. Depending on the purpose of the room, the methods of its design and decoration also differ, which will be discussed below.

Choosing a way to design ceiling structures: important nuances

In terms of design features, ceilings in a wooden house are lightweight structures consisting of beams... Due to the fact that they create a minimum load on the residential structure, they ensure the durability and reliability of the structure. Ceiling structures of this type are characterized by the presence of space between exterior decoration and beams, which are filled with a layer of heat-insulating materials. A large number of finishing materials can be used for cladding a ceiling structure, and today we will help you choose the most suitable option among a huge assortment.

Before deciding on the choice of finishing materials, you need to know the fundamental points associated with the construction of wooden residential buildings. First of all, this is the natural shrinkage of the log house, leading to the subsequent deformation of the ceiling. Knowing this feature, an experienced specialist will not prefer every finishing method. Preference in in this case given away natural materials such as a tree providing optimal humidity air and the required level of ventilation. It should be noted that a special atmosphere has been created, ideally in harmony with the general style of such buildings.

Rack wooden ceilings: features of choice

If you plan to finish the ceiling by means of rack structures, you can buy ready-made slats for these purposes, or make to order. The choice of material for manufacturing wooden slats at present, it is quite diverse and is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. The width of the lath can also be different and vary from the width of the lining (12-12.5 cm) to the dimensions of the sheathing board.

Important! When choosing wood for slats, designers advise giving preference to traditional species: poplar, elm, aspen, which will significantly save on purchasing material. An equally attractive result can be obtained by betting on a combination of different types of wood.

Before proceeding with the installation of slatted ceilings, it is important to make sure that the wood is treated with wood stain and fire-resistant compounds, and also, in case of improper quality of the slat, to polish it in advance. The rails are fastened to the lathing by means of nails and screws, or by installing guide bars in the grooves. The installed slatted ceiling is treated with water-soluble paint or varnish.

Alfrey finish - transforming your ceiling

Despite the fact that the painting wooden ceilings or, the so-called alfrey finish, is practically not used today, designers do not advise neglecting this method of decorating the ceiling. Using this finishing method, you can radically change the appearance of your home at minimal cost. And at the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to apply painting on the entire ceiling surface - it is enough to apply a drawing even without small areas to transform the room. A plywood ceiling in a wooden house can also be decorated with an alfrey finish.

Wooden ceiling photo

Modern methods of finishing wooden ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceiling: what a developer needs to know?

The last decade is associated with the enormous popularity of stretch ceilings, and therefore, now it is difficult to imagine modern renovation without a similar finish. Significant advantages false ceiling in a wooden house fully justify all the money spent on its installation.

False ceiling advantages:

  • Compared to a slatted or plastered surface, a suspended ceiling is characterized by a perfectly flat texture;
  • The use of a false ceiling allows you to bring to life the most daring design ideas, for example, recreate multi-level ceiling structures or zoning a room;
  • Recreation of various textures is also possible with suspended ceilings. In wooden houses ideal option will be the recreation of a suspended canvas with an imitation of a wooden texture;
  • Withstands the shrinkage of the log house, and therefore, it is resistant to deformations;

Disadvantages of a false ceiling:

  • The installation of a suspended ceiling can only be carried out two years after the end construction works, which is also associated with the shrinkage of the frame;
  • Not always able to fit perfectly into the overall style of the room (ideally combined with modern interiors).

Wooden lining

Many developers in order to maintain the ideal appearance buildings give preference to finishing the ceiling wooden clapboard... Among its advantages are the following characteristics:

  • Possesses high sound and heat insulation properties;
  • Ideally combined with the overall stylistic concept of the room;
  • Allows you to hide defects that have arisen during the construction of a building;
  • If you prefer wooden lining, the ceiling structure does not need preliminary preparation, and there is no need for grinding and leveling the surface;
  • If you plan to increase the service life of the lining, treat it with modern wood impregnations;

Disadvantages of wooden lining:

  • Increased fire hazard, which can be reduced by treating the surface with fire retardant impregnations;
  • Needs complex treatment to prevent its attack by fungi and insects;
  • Low resistance to changes in temperature and humidity, which contributes to the occurrence of deformations.

In addition, the design characteristics of the ceiling depend on the method of covering the ceiling with wooden clapboard. Experts in this field believe that a surface sheathed with clapboard in one direction will seem rather boring and monotonous, and therefore, one has to recall the ceiling beams dividing the ceiling into zones. You can trim them to match the main surface or play on contrasts, which will make the ceiling no less noble.

If, in connection with design features ceiling, beams cannot be used in the design of the ceiling, but you still plan to sheathe the ceiling with wooden clapboard, rely on applying decorative hand-painted painting on the ceiling surface. It will look even more aesthetically pleasing if the tree is artificially aged. At correct selection mural, decorative ceiling lamps and additional accessories, you can create perfect interior in the gothic style.

However, if you want to decorate the room in a classic style, the lining will not be entirely appropriate. In this case, it is better to prefer wooden panels for the ceiling, with which you can decorate not only the ceiling, but also the walls. Solid wood panels can be used to decorate the ceiling in a living room, in which case to achieve even more decorative effect Internally illuminated stained glass windows can be added to wood panels, which can be matte or colored.

Plasterboard ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, the installation of drywall on a wooden ceiling has become very popular. By choosing this method of finishing the ceiling, you can realize your most daring projects: from the simplest to complex multi-level structures. The main advantages of drywall are as follows:

  • Drywall has excellent air permeability, which allows you not to worry about the formation of condensation and ensure an optimal level of humidity in the room;
  • Using drywall, you can hide all existing imperfections and deformations of the ceiling;
  • You can hide unsightly utilities under the drywall sheets.

The disadvantages of drywall include the inability to install directly on a wooden ceiling, before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to install metal carcass;

  • Needs additional finishing, for example, putty;
  • Plasterboard structures are prone to deformation.

Ceiling decoration: preparatory measures

Regardless of which method of finishing the ceiling in a wooden house is chosen, preparatory activities are universal and, first of all, imply an antiseptic surface treatment. If the basis of your future structure is made up of roof elements that have been processed in the process roofing works, you can proceed to the next step preparatory work- thermal insulation works.

The method of roof insulation directly depends on its design. If the roof structure does not provide for the presence of an attic, it is necessary to insulate the roof along the plane of the slopes, even though this has already been done outside. The sequence of installation of layers of thermal insulation is as follows: waterproofing - thermal insulation - vapor barrier. Modern construction market offers materials that imitate a ready-made "roofing pie" and require only installation in the lathing cells.

Selection thermal insulation material it is necessary to carry out, based on the conditions in which the roof will be in the process of operation. If you need insulation of roof slopes characterized by a small distance between the rafters, the width of the insulation should be slightly wider than this distance, which will allow you to easily lay the insulation between the rafters.

If the installation of the rafters was carried out with a large step, before direct insulation, it is necessary to install a wooden sheathing made of beams. First of all, a rolled membrane is glued to the base surface, and after the installation of the crate, insulation is placed in the resulting cells.

Decorating a wooden ceiling with your own hands: step by step instructions

Since often in the process of finishing the ceiling with your own hands, it becomes necessary to reduce the time spent on installation activities and the possibility of erecting complex multi-level structures. In these cases, it is necessary to resort to installing drywall on a wooden ceiling.

It may often seem that the installation of drywall is not difficult, but this is far from the case, and the installation of drywall requires a serious approach to work. This is because wooden floors characterized by mobility associated with shrinkage of wood and a change in the configuration of the structure.

Drywall fixing methods:

Construction practice is familiar with several methods of attaching drywall to wood ceilings, each with its own merits and demerits.

  • The first method involves fixing drywall directly to a wooden wall;
  • Drywall can be mounted on a pre-installed wood frame;
  • Also, drywall fastening can be carried out on a metal frame.

Method number 1: advantages and disadvantages

  • The advantages of this method are low material costs;
  • Small time expenditures;
  • Maintaining the original height of the ceilings.


  • It is quite rare to find high-quality wooden base- aligned on the base and plane, which is necessary for the installation of drywall;
  • Not every type of wood is able to reliably hold hardware;
  • Due to the shrinkage of the wood, the gypsum board deforms.

Method number 2: advantages and disadvantages

  • The advantages include the environmental friendliness and strength of the frame;
  • Possibility of using insulation during installation


  • Risk of rack deformations;
  • The need to use additional tools and materials;
  • Quite a long installation and the need for antiseptic treatment.

Method number 3: advantages and disadvantages

  • Mounting drywall on a metal frame is one of the most reliable ways;
  • The advantages also include the ability to use insulation and the strength of the structure;
  • The ability to create multi-level ceiling structures.

The negative aspects of using this method are so insignificant that we do not consider it appropriate to mention them.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a plasterboard ceiling

Despite the fact that among amateurs there is an opinion that the installation of the frame is carried out on a rough ceiling, this is relevant only for inhabited houses. This is due to the fact that in a new house it is not rational to install a rough ceiling, since the installation of a metal frame requires only preliminary installation of the lathing.

Due to the large distance between wooden beams it is difficult to install a metal frame on them, which necessitates the installation of the crate, for the manufacture of which they use wooden bar with a section of 40x30 mm. The timber is fastened in a perpendicular direction relative to the beams, the step is 30-40 cm.

Before the direct installation of the lathing, they insulate the load-bearing floor beams, while the steam and thermal insulation is strengthened to the beams using construction stapler... If the floor beams are localized between floors, or separate the first floor and the heated attic, the installation of a vapor barrier is not an obligatory component of the work.

To ensure reliability plasterboard ceiling, despite the deformation processes inherent in wooden structure, it must be firmly fixed independently of the walls. This indicates that the end profile does not need to be fixed to the walls, but only to the main profile. The gap between the wall and the frame is at least 10 mm, which makes it possible to compensate for possible deformation processes of the floor. To get rid of the unaestheticness of the resulting gaps, they are covered with decorative moldings and baseboards.

In the process of attaching drywall to the ceiling beams, the following steps must be taken:

  • Stock up on suspensions and the number of screws necessary for work;
  • Purchase a ceiling and guide profile in accordance with the calculated quantity;
  • Purchase plasterboard sheets and crab-type fasteners;
  • Install a metal frame;
  • Carry out fastening drywall sheets on a metal frame.

Often amateurs are faced with the question: β€œIs it possible to trim a wooden ceiling with plasterboard if it serves as a floor for the second floor or attic room? " The emergence of this issue is associated with the fears of inexperienced craftsmen that an insufficiently fixed structure may undergo deformation under the weight of people. Experienced specialists are sure that these fears are completely unjustified, since the laying of floor beams and their cross-section excludes excessive deflection of the structure. In turn, a slight deflection of the structure can be compensated for by filling the seams and joints of gypsum plasterboard sheets.

The ceiling of a house made of wood is usually made in two main ways: by beam filing (beams and boards between them) or by a continuous roll method (from logs). The options for decorating it will differ, and you will have to make a crate to the ceiling from logs, and in the first case supporting structures there will be rafters and beams. The main task of the ceiling decorator will be the desire to make the ceiling more aesthetic, reliable, without harming unique properties breathable wood base.

Ceiling in a wooden house - simple and complex solutions

If the base of your ceiling allows you to qualitatively insulate the ceiling in the attic, polish and varnish from the inside, then this will be the most optimal solution its finishes. But very often during the construction process, no attention is paid to the quality of ceiling boards and beams, so you have to resort to decorative coatings.

In search of the perfect solution, many stop at wood-like laminate: in this case, the ceiling will look perfect "wooden" and beautiful, especially if built into it Spotlights... The main concern of the owner of the premises will be only to prevent moisture from penetrating under the frame, to which such a material, which does not really like dampness, such as a laminate, is attached. And if the house does not sit down, the structure can crack at the places where the panels are fastened. But usually the ceilings are decorated a couple of years after the completion of the construction of a wooden house.

Wood ceiling options

If the homeowner decides to finish the ceiling with panels, then let it be solid wood panels from valuable breeds trees. Panels, consisting of a frieze, a plinth and the panel itself, are made according to individual parameters, they only need to be correctly assembled. This is not the cheapest way to decorate a room, but it's worth it! Such a ceiling should also not get wet, so if you live in a two-three-story house, do not place plumbing fixtures above a room with such a beautiful and expensive ceiling. Natural wood after getting very wet, it may crack when dry. Per panels require special care and wiping only with compounds intended for this purpose.

Rack structures have decorative functions, in which slats of different formats and structures can be used, mounted between the beams, so as not to make the ceiling surface monotonous and boring. Each strip must be coated with antibacterial and fireproof impregnations. But have slatted ceiling or a lining ceiling has a number of advantages over panel decor:

  1. The ecological component of the design is preserved.
  2. The ability to select colors and textures, taking into account the individual characteristics of the room, its style, furniture.
  3. This material not afraid of moisture.
  4. It is easy to clean even without the use of detergents.
  5. Possibility of installing communications inside the structure. When sheathing with laminate, the communication components are also hidden behind the lamellas, but if the ceiling and walls have irregularities, wires and other hidden components can be seen.

Beams, layering and other decorative elements for the ceiling in a wooden house

False beams made of polyurethane can be used when sheathing with panels of a rolling ceiling. Contrasting finishes significantly enhance the aesthetic aspect of the interior.

At installation of lining, laths on the ceiling, made by the method of beam filing, can be fantasized with carving, burning and painting on wood. If the slats are monotonous, you can always find a way to decorate (or paint!) Some fragments, and beams decorated with patterns generally look great.

Opportunity not to save at altitude and space makes available such a ceiling design as several levels or make suspended ceilings... They cannot be done over the entire space, leaving room for combinations with wood.

Speaking about the panels, we did not mention the veneered MDF panels, perfectly imitating any kind of wood. With proper waterproofing, when it comes to one-story house and there is a roof above the ceiling, such panels will not warp, and with their help you can make interesting decorative solutions.

When decorating a living room, in combination with any kind of ceiling decor, stained-glass windows can be used - from custom-made designer ones to those made independently using self-adhesive film. Interior lighting adds a touch of luxury.

Ceiling in a wooden house - old proven methods

One of the most standard solutions is a plasterboard ceiling.... This material has both pros and cons. The advantages include its ability to breathe and mask communications, the disadvantages include the need for filling and painting, as well as the tendency to deformations. For the prevention of the latter, drywall should be attached to a metal frame. And hence the question arises of whether the material of your base will withstand a metal structure?

Until recently, plastering was considered the only right solution, but if the owner of the house does not know how to plaster, he will have to hire a master. The slightest flaws are perfectly visible on the ceiling. Before applying the solution to the ceiling, a shingle set is stuffed.

Another simple and economical method is to cover with plywood with one sanded side. This type of work cannot be done alone; an assistant is required. If the plywood is of high quality, it will be enough to varnish it, picking up the slats to mask the joints. If its surface is not aesthetically pleasing, it will have to be putty and painted.

And, of course, it should be remembered that before starting work for any of the selected types of ceiling decoration, the base should be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptic impregnations, and a primer should be used before painting.

Ceiling in a wooden house - photo

Self-repair of the ceiling in a wooden house is a responsible business. Despite the fact that the structure does not carry unnecessary weight (in most one-story buildings, it acts as attic floor), repairs must be carried out very scrupulously.

For work, you will need a tape measure, a hammer, a drill, a spatula, a level, and a hand saw. Ceiling installation begins with the manufacture of high-quality timber frame, on which the load-bearing wood elements will be held.

When planning to repair the ceiling in a wooden house, it is necessary to draw up a wiring plan in advance.


It is not necessary to use paint when renovating the ceiling. Not standard, but very effective solution will become a coating with a special compound that will preserve the natural structure of the tree. Such solutions are not too expensive, but they give an excellent result - the illusion of real pine, walnut, oak or cedar.

Reconstruction of old wooden ceilings has its own characteristics. It should take place gradually. The ceiling structure must be insulated:

    1. Lay the vapor barrier material in the direction of the ceiling beams with an allowance for their height. Secure with slats or stapler.
    2. Choose insulation (polystyrene, mineral or glass wool, expanded clay, ecowool) and lay it at the level of the beams.
  1. Cover with a layer of waterproofing. If ecowool was used as a heat insulator, then waterproofing is not needed.
  2. Lay the stand out of the slab (across the beams). This design is necessary to prevent deformation of the ceiling sheet during repairs.

Insulation of the ceiling near the chimney requires special attention. Thermal insulation must be fire resistant (withstand temperatures above 200 degrees).

The thermal insulation composition can be made by hand. This will require 1 unit of sawdust, 4 units of clay, 0.3 units of cement, 2-2.5 units of water. The size of the insulation depends on the distance between the chimney and the upper beams. The composition poured into a mold is dried in a draft and in the shade. V finished form it should have a moisture content of 20%.

Having finished the insulation of the ceiling, you can start finishing it.


The modern market of finishing materials offers an extensive selection of ceiling coverings.

Ceiling decoration in a wooden house should be done in the same style as the rest of the interior. Most suitable options sheathing are considered:

  • Wooden lining;
  • Beams;
  • Wooden panels.


Ceiling beams are considered one of the features of a wooden structure. If you "beat" them correctly, the interior of the house will acquire a very unique look. In addition to natural beams, decorative structures can be created to simulate the support of a building. They can be made in various colors, have unusual shapes and carved patterns.

Decorative beams can be positioned anywhere on the ceiling, and if necessary, move them to another point.


Wooden lining is natural eco-friendly material, which is attached without prior plastering and leveling the ceiling. It is an industrially processed rail. Elements fixed to the joint form an attractive natural covering. Fast assembly racks significantly reduce the repair time.

The disadvantages of the lining include its fire hazard, which requires obligatory impregnation fire-resistant composition.

When choosing a lining for ceiling sheathing, you need to pay attention to the type of wood from which it is made:

  1. Pine lining is considered the most economical. It is characterized by ease of installation, pleasant texture and color. The main disadvantage is that it releases resinous substances when heated.
  2. Linden lining is no less popular. Its cost is slightly higher in comparison with pine, but when the temperature rises, such a ceiling does not become "tarry".
  3. Oak lining is the most expensive, but also the most reliable option.

In addition to the listed options, when self-repairing the ceiling in a wooden house, they use lining made of alder, larch, cedar and other trees.

When installing the lining, do not join the boards together too tightly. A small gap will allow the material not to deform with changes in humidity and temperature.


Cladding made of natural wood panels will last as much as the house itself. As well as lining, panels can be made from different breeds trees.

A significant disadvantage of such cladding is the high cost and complicated installation process.


In addition to natural wood materials, the top ceiling can be made of plasterboard, painted plywood, plaster.

Recently, wood plastering is practically not used. And this is quite understandable: such work is not easy, and it takes a lot of time.

Plasterboard ceiling sheathing implies pre-installation metal or wood frame. By itself, this material is characterized by good sound insulation, durability and high resistance to expansion (or shrinkage) of the wooden structure.


The modern "finishing" market offers a great variety of materials for self repair ceiling in a wooden house. However, the best option is still a tree!

So, at our disposal wooden walls and roof. Above - ceiling beams and roof structure... How to make a ceiling in a house correctly?

Our goal is to make the ceiling not only warm and durable, but also beautiful.

Let's start by looking at what the overall ceiling structure will look like.

From bottom to top will be located:

  • Cold loft does not require flooring; however, if the attic is used as an attic in the summer or is used to store household items, it is advisable to lay the floor.

Materials (edit)

Let's go through this sandwich layer by layer, examining the advantages and disadvantages of materials for each of the levels of our future ceiling.


Let's start with those ceilings that shouldn't be used.

Not due to any objective shortcomings: their application will simply be defiantly tasteless, not fitting into the aesthetics of a wooden house.

  • Plastic lining with a dedicated seam... In combination with wooden walls, it looks terrible.

Please note: this only applies if you leave the walls without decorative coating... With plasterboard lined walls stretch ceiling look great.

However, keep in mind that they get along badly with stove heating: the flow of hot air will make the ceiling sag.

  • Foam ceiling tiles absolutely not compatible with wooden walls.
  • Wallpapering a ceiling hemmed with plasterboard or OSB would be a bad idea too.

What looks the most advantageous in a wooden house?

  • Aligned whitewashed water-based paint, it will look good with a good selection of the ceiling plinth.
    Ideal - if below the ceiling, painted in dark color beams.
  • Ceiling sewn between beams with plastic wall panels also looks very advantageous. It is better to use seamless glossy panels of maximum width.
  • Wall panels from MDF with a reliable imitation of wood texture is also a good option. But it is with the reliable one.
    In addition, MDF panels are not suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as a kitchen: they are hygroscopic.

Vapor barrier

Where you choose your choice is your business; do not forget that the vapor barrier strips must overlap each other by at least 5 centimeters.

Thermal insulation

Out of competition, of course, extruded polystyrene foam... It's pretty hard material with a very long service life, physical properties which change very little over time. Moreover, it does not support combustion.

Foam is in second place... For cold regions with harsh winters, it is better to stay on 10 cm slabs, for moderate climatic zone five centimeters will suffice.

Mineral wool... Cheap and cheerful. If you have not forgotten about vapor barriers, you can not be afraid of volatile thin fibers. But it inevitably cakes somewhat over the years, deteriorating its heat-insulating qualities.

Mineral wool - inexpensive and sufficient effective method insulation

Ecowool... Easily picks up moisture, cakes quickly. Despite the advertised environmental friendliness - not our choice.

Finally, bulk insulation: sawdust, expanded clay and slag... Cheap; but it is worth pouring only on the ceiling, laid on top of the ceiling beams. We are not talking about filling with slag the wall panels hemmed to the beams from below.


Plywood, OSB and boards are used as flooring on top of the beams (for bulk insulation or as the floor of the attic).

In this case, it is worth adhering to several rules:

  • Plywood must be rolled twice on both sides before laying. Otherwise, it will lead after the first serious change in atmospheric humidity.
  • If the flooring will be laid directly on the beams, it is advisable to use a board of at least 40 millimeters thick. However, required thickness strongly depends on the distance between the beams.

  • OSB and plywood are placed on logs. The optimum distance between the lags is 40 centimeters, it allows you to get by with a 15 mm slab. With a plywood or OSB thickness of 22 millimeters, the permissible distance between the logs increases to 60 centimeters.
  • A small gap should be left from the edges of the flooring to the walls. Literally 5-10 millimeters. It will be covered with a plinth.
  • Before laying any flooring, it is advisable to drip the logs from above with molten paraffin. Then the floor will not creak.

Tip: Another way to combat squeak is to lay a special underlay between the logs and the boards, which is easy to buy in hardware stores.

Ceiling lining

Finally, there are some more useful tips for filing a ceiling.

So, how to make a ceiling in a wooden house at the stage of filing panels or lining?

  1. As already mentioned, the ideal option from the point of view of aesthetics is when the ceiling beams are visible and noticeably below the ceiling itself.
  2. Snow-white looks equally attractive against the background of protruding beams. glossy ceiling, and stylized wood (or just wood).
    However, if the ceiling is low, you should prefer White color: it will make the room look taller.

  1. Wall panels made of PVC or MDF require the simplest lathing: bars perpendicular to the panels with a step of about half a meter. However, along the perimeter of the room (or the space between the beams), the rail is launched both perpendicular to the panels and in parallel.
  2. Even if the beams have a noticeable slope, it is better to mount the ceiling strictly in level. Beams uneven relative to the ceiling look better than a ceiling with height differences.
  3. For filing, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws, not nails. Ideally - galvanized: then even with high humidity in the room, untidy rusty streaks will never appear on the ceiling.


There are no special tricks, as you can see, in the ceiling filing. A wooden house makes the task easier by the fact that you do not need to drill the walls with a perforator, as in a concrete high-rise building. Take your time before cutting - measure at least seven times and you will succeed πŸ™‚

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