How to care for parquet covered with varnish? Oil-wax boards - features of operation and care. How to clean parquet at home: natural board

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

First of all, you need to figure out what "Natural Parquet" is. There are three main types of natural parquet coating: Classic piece package, massive parquet and parquet board.

Parquet is called parquet, the size of the slats of which does not exceed 600 mm in length and 60 mm wide, the thickness ranges from 15 to 22 mm. It is made from valuable breeds Tree - oak, beech, ash, maple. On the edges of the parquet slats make special spikes and grooves, with which parquet planks are attached to each other. Small sizes of parquet powder make it possible to lay it not only by the traditional "Christmas tree", but also to create beautiful patterns on the floor.

Massive parquet is different from piece by its sizes. Boards massive parquet It can be from 600 to 3000 mm long, from 60 to 200 mm wide, but the thickness does not exceed the thickness of the piece parquet - from 15 to 22 mm. For the manufacture of a massive parquet, a tree is used both classical and exotic rocks. Big sizes The massive parquet board does not allow stacking pattern. Laying the massive parquet is different from laying piece, at the board there are no special fasteners, they are put close to each other on the adhesive basis.

Parquet board, unlike a piece and massive parquet, is glued from natural wood Three-layer design. Parquet boards are equipped with special "locks" for easy and fast laying. The size of the parquet board is greater than the piece parquet, but less than the massive: thickness - 14-15 mm, width 130-200 mm, length 2000-2500 mm. The inner and lower layer of the parquet board is made of softer coniferous rocks Woods, A. upper layer Move from valuable wood wood. And although the upper layer is not more than 4 mm, but when proper laying and operation life of such an outdoor coating will not be much smaller than massive board and piece parquet. Although, of course, it is impossible to say about such a floor - "put on the century." After all, the thin top layer will not allow to bother it more than three times.

Despite its differences in the size and methods of laying, all types of natural parquet coating require the same gentle care. It is impossible to walk on the parquet floor in street shoes - sand, small dirt will quickly lead to the loss of a beautiful appearance. Natural parquet floor can not be washed with a wet cloth or a sponge, it is only permissible to wipe a slightly wet. The use of washing vacuum cleaners is unacceptable. Be sure to make special linings for the furniture legs, from felt or felt. The natural tree does not tolerate the differences in humidity, you need to try to maintain moisture in the house from 45 to 60%. To do this, in the heating season (when the air in our apartments can be reheated) should be used by special devices - air humidifiers. In addition, this is useful not only for parquet coverage, but also for the health of people, especially young children.

Differences in care dependes not from the type of parquet, but from what the upper layer of wood is processed: varnish, natural oil or oil with UV hardening (ultraviolet hardening).

Classic protection method wooden parquet From various external influences - lacquer coating. Varnish coating gives natural parquet of special gloss and glitter, emphasizes beauty natural tree, protects against abrasion, pollution.

It is recommended to clean such a floor with a vacuum cleaner, a wet cleaning is allowed only well pressed with a cloth. You can add to water for cleaning special meansdesigned to care parquet floors with lacquer coating. So not only the dirt is removed, but also the protective film is applied to the parquet.

If the liquid shed accidentally on the floor, it must be removed very quickly.

If a stain appeared on the floor, which cannot be washed with ordinary water, then only the stain remover for cleaning the lacquered floor is permissible.

Even if they regularly apply special means for lacquer with a wet cleaning, it is still possible to apply special protective and decorative coatings on parquet, or polish. IN residential buildings Or apartments it is enough to do no more than once every two or three months.

But still, over time, varnish will be gradually braid. How quickly it will happen - depends on the load on the floor. You can update the lacquer coating using various means to restore and update varnish. And if this is not enough, you can fully update the top layer of the parquet coating: bounce, polish and re-cover with varnish.

Parquet, covered as a protective oil with oil, deprived of a shine of a lacquer coating, but the tree looks as natural as possible.

Wooden floor with genuine oil impregnation It is recommended that it is recommended to undergo a wet cleaning as possible, it is best to use vacuum cleaner or soft dry rags.

Parquet, covered with natural oil, no need to regularly process with polishing agents. But still once a year it is recommended to apply a special mastic to the care of floors covered with natural oil. For parquet of light tones, made of soft wood (ash, beech); Perhaps it is necessary to do more often - twice a year.

If in time the floor will need to be updated, then this can be done using grinding grinding machine from large quantity Oils distributed over the entire floor surface. When it is not enough, the floor will need to be bored and re-covered with oil.

Parquet floor covered with oil with UV hardening, it will not be stuck so fast, like a natural oil. And operating conditions in residential buildings and apartments will not require special care for several years. But over time, such floors will also need to process once a year to treat the field care facilities covered with oil.

Oil with UV hardening differs from natural oil by being subjected to hardened industrial method Under ultraviolet rays. This means that it will be impossible to restore such a coating with a strong worn out, but this gear can also be bored and then coat or varnished or natural oil.

Observe all the rules for the care of natural parquet, use for washing and cleaning only special funds, and your parquet will save the beautiful for a long time. appearance!

The article prepared Natalia Shipilov.

Natural wooden floor coverings require a slightly more careful care than all other floors. But the observance of non-hard rules for the care of parquet will allow you not only for many years to preserve its initial appearance, but also count on a guarantee from the manufacturer. Remember that in most cases the non-compliance with the recommended rules of care entails the cancellation of warranty obligations.

The main enemies of the parquet board - sand and water. The first risks left on your floor small scratches, speaking a peculiar abrasive substance in combination with shoes and other solid objects. Excess the second can lead to the swelling of the floor covering.

In this regard, the first thing to do for everyday care for parquet board- it is to put entrance door Rug, delaying the falling on the floor covering of dirt, sand and rainwater. To get water to the floor can also through open window During a strong thunderstorm or leaked through flower pot On the floor, which is better to put on the plastic stand. Curtains on the windows will help protect the floor from the rain and avoid direct direct sun ray, protecting the parquet board from the effects of ultraviolet and color change.

An excess of moisture is bad, but also a disadvantage of it can cause the deformation of the boards, so try to maintain the relative air humidity at the level of 40-60% and air temperature 18-24 ° C during operation of the parquet board. In the Winter Heating Season, use air humidifiers. In the summer during the operation of air conditioners, do not direct air flows to the floor. IN non-residential room Check the room at least twice a week half an hour.

Avoid scratches and dents on a parquet board will help rubber rollers on office furniture, soft vinyl floor mats under rotating armchairs, felt or felt overlays under the legs of heavy furniture and chairs, which, however, when permuting it is better not to move around the parquet, and lift. A parquet board is not intended for walking on her shoes on the hairpins.


  • Too frequent wet cleaning
  • Putting out water or a bucket of a parquet board
  • Use of abrasive drugs, including with metal engines
  • The use of chlorine for surface cleaning
  • Use of concentrated detergents without dilution with water
  • Use for cleaning for parquet washing vacuum cleaners
  • Powders, acids, solvents, ammonia and other active substances

For regular (daily), parquet board care is required only to wipe it in a timely manner from dust and flowing mud. To this end, you can use a pancake, a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for a parquet, a brush or mop with a soft pile.

Most manufacturers are recommended for dry cleaning of microfiber cloths or soft cotton fabrics, and only the Austrian manufacturer of Scheucher® parquet boards warns from care to care for a parquet of coarse microfiber tissues, giving preference x / b mop.

Dry cleaning assumes a neat cleaner of the grooves on a parquet board with a chamfer and sweeping dust by a hair brush in a scoop.

For intensive care for the parquet board, it is necessary to not only sweep it, but sometimes wipe off with a wet, well pressed rag. This will make it possible to delete prolonged pollution and fresh spots from the floor. You can use a mop with a soft microfiber web, but only with the possibility of its spin.

Detergents should be specifically designed for a particular surface of the parquet board: for lacquered, brash and washed boards, they may vary. Read the instructions for the packaging. Some detergents are designed for daily care. After breeding in water, they not only carefully clean the parquet from dirt and dust, but also form a thin dirt-repellent film on the surface.

Remember that in the process of cleaning the tissue on the jam should only be slightly moistened. Wipe the floor follows zigzag movements along the boards. The permissible amount of moisture on the floorboard on the recommendation of the Wood Bee® manufacturer: 2-3 minutes after a wet cleaning, the floor must dry completely. In order to avoid the appearance of divorces from water after a wet cleaning, it is necessary to walk on the parquet of dry cloth.

Blood stains should immediately remove moistened in cold water and well pressed x / b napkin. A slightly moistened rag is used to eliminate stains from food and drinks.

Resin, ink, glue, cosmetics, soot, wells for shoes are removed from the parquet board mineral water or White Spirit. Its, benzene or substitutes can be used to remove crayons, markers, pencils, tar, rubber, oily spots. To remove lipstick and carcasses, use alcohol in combination with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Stearin, candle wax and chewing are carefully scribified with a parquet board with a plastic spatula after their hardening or freezing with ice or aerosol.

Oil coated parquet board requires additional drying protection. A special tool will help restore the natural beauty of the tree and save the floor covering from the loss of the initial appearance.

If you do wet cleaning once a week then protective equipment It should be applied once a month if less often, then once every 2 months. For intensive care and recovery of the oil covering of the parquet board, a special transparent or white oil is intended.

Regular overnewing of the oil covering of the parquet board will save its brightness of its color, will prevent the drying of the tree and protect against the negative effects of UV rays.

In general, manufacturers recommend regular cleaning of a floorboard coated with natural oil using special cleaning products every 1-3 days in schools and other rooms with intensive load on the floor, every 3-5 days in offices and corridors with an average operation and approximately times a week in residential premises.

More intensive cleaning is required every quarter / six months / year, depending on the intensity of operation. Deep cleaning of spots with a natural oil coating parquet board is recommended as needed.

Caring for Parquet Covered UV Coated

Regular wet care for an oil-covered flooring board with ultraviolet curing is recommended depending on the intensity of operation. So, everyday cleaning in schools, shops and restaurants requires almost every day, in offices - 1-2 times for working week, in apartments - 1 time per week.

Intensive care, removal of oily spots, traces of cigarettes, layer of dirt and detergents are required in schools every six months, in offices - once a year, and at home - once every 1.5 years. Cover periodically gender oil for care and protection is needed once in 1/1.5 / 2 years, depending on the loads in the room.

A parquet board of beech and maple is particularly sensitive to moisture, so immediately after laying the Austrian manufacturer Scheucher® recommends processing its edges and the shoulder joints applied to the C / B fabric, a napkin or a skin at the rate of 250 ml per 40-50 kV. m Square floor. You can polish the surface with soft wool, after which the floor should dry ½ day. Wet cleaning up to 10 days after processing should be excluded. The rest recommended the usual dry or wet cleaning of well pressed mrop. Also, the manufacturer allows the use of disk harvesting machine.

Oak, ash, as well as some exotic wood species have large pores, and therefore can collect dirt on their surface, especially on waxed floors as a result high loads During operation, with the result that they may need intensive care and purification of the dirt. To do this, you can use a one-piece solid machine.

The special concentrate is bred with water in proportion 1 to 10. The residues of moisture should be removed with a vacuum cleaner with the possibility of suction. Next, it is necessary to re-wash the floor clean and dry. After that, a parquet board can be polished if necessary, put it off, wipe with a damp cloth, apply oil / wax, polish, re-wrap, dry the day and not wash the day. It should, however, remember that it is possible to grind it only when laying a parquet board for glue.

If you need to update the colored oil coating on the glued parquet board, follow the instructions. First, pass the surface in the direction of fibers, remove the stains and damage. Use abrasive with grain 120, gradually moving to a thinner size of 150-180. Reduce the appearance of scratches will help colorless oil during grinding. Remove sanding dust from the surface of the board, degrease and let dry.

Color oil should be diluted with solvent (up to 30%) or colorless oil. Perform the priming of porous wood with colorless oil. Apply non-ferrous oil (10-15 g / sq. M) on a parquet board with a sprayer or mohair roller, carefully cover the surface using red or green grinding Circle. Dry day.

Next, the surface purification should be cleaned, mild grinding is possible with thin grain 220. A colorless oil can be applied to the protective layer, the excess of which is removed by grinding to avoid the formation of an inesttic film. Within 10 days, moisture from entering the floor should be avoided.

The lacquered parquet board can be cleaned specially designed for this spray or concentrate diluted with water (usually at the rate of 50-100 ml per 5-10 liters of water). In the first case, the spray is sprayed directly to the floor or a rag on the swing. In the second case the right amount The concentrate is added to the bucket with water.

There are funds both for everyday moist care of a parquet case with a varnish coating and for periodic use in case of more serious contaminants. In rare cases, the use of an undeveloped concentrated detergent for a lacquered parquet board in order to remove persistent and complex spots.

To protect the lacquer coating and for masking small scratches, specially designed for this car care board are used. For example, the BarLinek® manufacturer is the Glitter Protector. It is applied directly to the coating, but not intended to polish it and for the brushed floors.

Otherwise, with wet care, the lacquered parquet board should be observed the basic rules: use a well-pressed soft cloth, to carry out with light movements along the fibers of wood, with strong contaminants, use special detergents and wipe the floor with a clean moistened cloth, after which it is not possible to wipe it dry, not Tearing traces and divorces. Polishing coating is not required. It is possible to exploit the floor after 30-120 minutes after applying care products.

Despite the precautionary measures taken, during the operation of the parquet board, it may occur its minor damage and scratches. For repair and restoration of the coating, different manufacturers have developed various care products for damaged parquet board.

So, the manufacturer Par-Ky® is special markers different colorsallowing you to remove minor scratches and damage from the surface of the board and prevent its pollution in damaged places.

The Quick-Step® manufacturer has wax pencils in a set with a brush and a spatula that will help restore the color of the damaged coating. Wax for repairing a parquet board in a set with a spatula and a melting knife is also at PAR-KY® for deeper dents and damage, including with the destruction of the lacquer layer.

Finally, the floor design of the floorboard allows you to easily replace the strongly damaged planks new even in the middle of the room, thanks to the special tool and the locking system.

One of the most beautiful and environmentally friendly floors is the floor, separated by a parquet. It looks luxurious, but unfortunately, is rather demanding of care. That is what stops many of the arrangement of such a foundation in their apartment. However, if you know how to wash the parquet floor and how to care for him, you can make sure that the material may well turn out of a capricious into practical and long delight the owners with their beauty.

This type of flooring is a large number of Little elements made of wood of such woods such as maple, beech, birch, etc. Sometimes there are also quite exotic types of coating, made of wood growing in the tropics of plants - Bamboo, Wenge, Merbau. The material has a beautiful appearance, quite durable and reliable, has excellent soundproof properties and well keeps warm in the house.

On a note! Parquet, despite the description above, is not perfect view Outdoor coating, as it does not like moisture and fluctuations in temperatures. The thing is that it is made of wood, which can change its dimensions under the influence of factors. external environment And acute responds to any of their oscillations. It is with this that all the problems that are experiencing parquet floors are connected.

Parquet is a few species - piece, mosaic or typical, shield and in the form of a parquet board. We will get acquainted with them closer.

Table. Types of parquet.


This is the usual type of parquet, which is represented in the form of separate small-sized slats, connecting between themselves using a spike-groove spike connection system. The coating is made of solid wood rocks and usually has a thickness of 15-22 mm with a length of individual elements about 50 cm. Material is distinguished by a long service life, it is easily repaired, can fit the most different patterns.

The material is represented by small panels with a size of 40x40 or 60x60 cm, for which usually multi-colored small strips having a thickness of up to 12 mm are used. It looks like a parquet looks quite effectively and creates a mosaic effect on the floor (hence the name of the species).

Two-layer square mold. The lower part of the shield is represented by a board or fiberboard on which it is located top part, assembled from a small size planks made of solid trees. Also, the base can be made from the regions. The material is very simple in the installation, since the shields are much easier to lay out than separate planks. Their sizes reach 80x80 cm, and the thickness varies from 15 to 30 mm.

The most expensive view of the parquet, as it has a pretty beautiful drawing. If the coating is fully assembled, it can be a real work of art, and not just a floor. The material is stacked, as a rule, in spacious halls - in a small room it will not look. Usually manufactured to order.

Parquet made from solid wood, because of what the price is high enough. It resembles an ordinary piece, but has other dimensions - a width of at least 8 cm and a thickness of about 15 mm.

Three-layer option of flooring parquet type. It is made of several layers of wood, laid so that their fibers are perpendicular to each other. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the strength of each board, they are less reacting to moisture fluctuations. The top layer is represented by a durable and expensive tree, lower - cheaper and simple. The length of each board varies within 120-127 cm, thickness - from 7 to 23 mm.

Basic rules of care

Whatever used for seating in the house of parquet, he requires special attention And care. This is not the coating on which you can smell your hand and wash the same way as, for example, linoleum. The material of this will not forgive and quickly lose its appearance, and money spent on laying can be said to fly into the pipe. Although, if you figure it out, care for the parquet is not as folded as it may seem at first glance. Just important to observe simple rulesconcerning its cleaning and washing.

Wash parquet needs to be infrequently, but also to leave it completely without wet cleaning. There are two types of cleaning material with water use.

  1. Currentwhich is done on a specific schedule and usually no more than two weeks (subject to a small position in the room). Twice a week washed flooring floors only in rooms with an average level of passability, and where many people walk, wash the coating will have more often - daily, which, of course, reduces the dates of the parquet.
  2. General cleaning It is necessary only when the usual wet cleaning method is already becoming ineffective. It is usually carried out no more than 1 time per year, but if the room has a high or secondary permeability, then 3-7 times throughout the year.

In addition to restrictions related to wet cleaning of parquet, care for it implies compliance with certain rules. Only in this case, the coating will last as long as possible, retaining a beautiful appearance. Rules for cleaning parquet and care:

  • lacked parquet can not be washed immediately. At least 14 days after this procedure, the material must be alone. Maximum that can be done is to collect dust with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a soft brush;
  • if there was something shedding on parquet, then the stains are important to remove immediatelyuntil they did not get into the tree;

  • on parquet in the corridor near the entrance door, a small rug is sure towhich will collect on himself the main part of the dirt penetrating the street into the house;
  • on the legs of furniture standing on the floor, it is important to wear protective caps or put substrates from felt or felt under them. This measure will allow not to scratch the delicate material;

  • indoor where such a type of flooring is lying, there must be a permanent optimal microclimate for it. The air temperature is maintained within + 18-25 degrees, and the importance is no more than 50-60%;
  • daily cleaning should be dry, using a brush or vacuum cleaner;
  • wet cleaning is made only well pressed from excess moisture rag;
  • don't forget about periodic update protective coating on the parquet (The oil is usually applied once every 6-8 months, and varnish - every 5-10 years).

Tip! For animal owners, it will be useful to know that there are special antistatics for parquet. They will allow longer to preserve the purity of the coating - wool will not accumulate on the floor.

Parquet Care Coated

For a long time, from the moment of the appearance of this type of flooring, the parquet was not treated with varnish. Its washed with ordinary water, and then rubbed with the use of special means and a clean cloth. Only so managed to give the floor glitter and chic. But rubbing parquet accounted for very often, which was tedious. Thanks to this, the producers of the parquet made a decision to cover the material with varnish so that he retains its shine to more long term. But the lacquered parquet, in addition to the pros, acquired the disadvantages - now its surface could be easily scratched, and therefore refer to his cleaning accounted for even greater attention.

The lacquered coating before wet cleaning is necessarily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner - it allows you to remove sand and small stones, which under the rag could create an abrasive effect and spoil the surface. Only after that, the parquet is wiping with a wet, well pressed cloth, and then processed with a dry cloth.

Tip! For washing of lacquered parquet, it is recommended to use specially intended means that can be purchased in the store. It is also recommended to rub it with a special polyrolon with a water and dirt-repellent effect.

LobAcare Remover - Cleaning Patent Parquet

Parquet Wash Means

For washing parquet, it is best to acquire special cleinners, which are produced in the form of concentrated solutions or aerosols. Use them only in accordance with the instructions so as not to damage the base. Usually, these clay includes substances that do not have a negative impact on wood - some can even be used daily.

Examples of clinics for parquet:

  • RUBI;
  • Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner;
  • Glutoclean Pufas;

Parquet aerosols are used on the principle of glass wipe fluids. They are applied to the cleaning surface, and then removed with a clean dry cloth or a special mop having a soft nozzle.

Attention! Formulations intended for cleaning parquet should not contain ammonia or alcohol, as well as any solvents.

Folk remedies for washing parquet

To clean the parquet can also be used homemade cookingRather, folk Methods. These include the treatment of the floor with soap solution (soap should not be excessively alkaline) or a solution of shampoo.

Brushes, mops and rags - the better wash parquet

Mop should be applied only special - soft, without rigid edges, in order to accidentally not scratch the base. It is best to use the one that has a hygroscopic nozzle and a mechanical spin.

Some hostesses expect to use the washing vacuum cleaner for washing parquet, but this unit is not suitable for such a delicate coating. It highlights too much water, which may have time to absorb themselves in the wood and spoil the floor. Exception - special vacuum cleaners for parquet board.

To sweep the parquet, they advise to apply a brush with a pile of genuine soft bristles. It can be a goat or boar hair. Synthetic brushes can only be used that are equipped with a soft and thick pile.

Fighting spots

Parquet, like any other type of coating, is not immune from the appearance of different spots on it. It is necessary to fight with them depending on what caused the stain on the material.

Fat stains advise first to freeze, but only then score with the help of a fine acute subject. Moreover, it is important to produce a procedure very carefully so as not to spoil the external protective layer material. Freezing can be made by putting any package on the spot freezing chamber. After that, a layer of pure thick tissue is stacked on the residue spots, which must be walking several times the heated iron.

Blood is well mounted with a regular sponge dipped in cold water. If the stain is old, it can be treated with a solution of ammonic alcohol. The ink from the handle can cope with a solution of a washing powder or a small amount of bleach (ratio with water 3: 1).

How to wash parquet?

Consider in more detail how with the help of a conventional soap solution to hold a wet cleaning of parquet.

Step 1. In pure bucket is recruited required amount Indicate water temperature. It divorces a small amount of detergent or dissolves a little soap.

Step 2. Before starting cleaning, it is important to remove dirty shoes with legs. This will allow you not to stain just peeled parquet.

Step 3. A rag or mops dipped into a bucket and well pressed to a wet state - the water should not flow from them. Parquet floors is rubbed by this rag. Corners and places along the walls are thoroughly washed. The rag should be periodically rushed in clean water.

Tip! If the space floor is quite extensive, then during washing it is best to replace water in a bucket to a new one.

Step 4. Plots with complex pollution are processed by special means for parquet.

Step 5. After a wet cleaning, the surface of the parquet floor is polished with a soft-graded cloth.

Video - How to wash parquet

If you figure out, the care of the parquet will be not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. However, you should not forget that the quality of cleaning will largely depend on the durability of the material, and therefore should not be neglected by these tips.

What should be care for parquet? As a rule, parquet floor is better decoration Any room, he will give completion and some chic. The tree is distinguished by its naturalness, besides, it makes the floors warm and engraves exquisite interior. Novelties of production I. color solutions Allow the product for any room. But how to care for the parquet board?

Most people whose floors are covered with parquet boards, worries main question - How to wash parquet and whether it is possible to do it? Experts advise follow the recommendations for the care of the parquet board, because the surface of this floor covering is very sensitive even to small scratches.

For this reason, contact with some substances should be protected, to the number of which include:

  1. Water, which, perhaps, the main danger to the parquet. As soon as the floor falls on such a floor, it must be removed as early as possible. Therefore, even wet cleaning should be carried out correctly. How to wash the coating in this case? Wipe the floors only once a week, do not fill the parquet with water, but use the soft well-squeezed rag. Specialists do not advise use the washing vacuum cleaner.
  2. Acute items, such as claws of pets. In this case, you need to either make a manicure, or remove partially claws.
  3. In order for it to glitter, the use of special tools that protect the floor will be required.
  4. Legs from furniture items. In stores today you can purchase various lining, such as rubberized or felt.
  5. How to clean parquet if it is badly polluted? For high-quality cleansing, special tools for parquet care are needed, and it is desirable that the brand corresponds to the brand of the lacquer used, they will allow cleaning the floor without divorce and harm.
  6. Heels, that is, it is impossible to walk in this kind of shoes. If such a floor in the corridor, then a transparent rug is needed on the threshold.
  7. Sand and other dirt that very quickly spoil the floors from the floorboard. They do not just scratch it, but also penetrate inside.

When taking into account the enemies, the climatic conditions indoors must also be taken into account. Therefore, it is so important that the care of the parquet at home is carried out qualitatively and in a timely manner.

If strong damage has already happened, it will be necessary to remove the top layer of parquet.

Parquet care depending on climatic conditions

Due to the fact that such a floor is made of natural wood, it is very sensitive to the microclimate indoors and to how to wash the parquet floor. Moreover, this fact does not depend on the fact that in the manufacture of parquet, each layer of natural wood is processed by special means. But what is the washing parquet and can it be done at all?

With increasing moisture level in the house, the tree begins to increase in the amount, as a result of which specific bumps are formed on the surface. And if the air in the room is too dry, then the product bursts, which often leads to the formation of cracks.

During the stacking, it is important to ensure that it does not lay down to the walls, that is, the gap is obliged to be a centimeter, which is subsequently filled with a sealant. It is necessary that bugs are not formed on the floor, since this material is elastic.

But is it possible to wash the parquet or he will change its properties after this procedure or is it possible to carry out wet cleaning depending on the type of tree used? Each hostess washes the floors with ordinary water and a cloth, with a parquet of business in the same way, but only a rag should be well squeezed before use, otherwise the planks wave. But the brilliant floor from this will not be, for this you can use the cleansing and safe tool.

During the selection of wood, not exotic rocks should be preferred, since they are very whimsical to use. Of course, avoid deformation will not work, as in different time The climate in the house changes. Therefore, the care for the parquet floor should be carried out accordingly.

For example, in winter, heating devices include, and the air becomes dry, so the planks decrease. But it should not be feared, since the spring situation with the sexes will change and the planks will expand again.

But in the spring and summer, due to frequent rains, the bar will expand, but this is not so critical, since the situation will change with the onset of the next season.

But if the microclimate changes greatly, the coverage utilization will be reduced. Therefore, it will be necessary to lay this coating in a different way. That is, before putting the product, you should polish the planks and coat with oil. After that, it is necessary to place the substrate and sash on top of the plank, but glue in this case is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to care for the parquet at home so that it will serve as long as possible.

In order to implement this, you need to know where it appears, because the creak, as a rule, is formed for the following reasons:

  • the planks will creak because of the friction of each other;
  • boards rub about the nails that they were fixed;
  • they rub about the laid substrate.

In addition, the creaking floor can become due to the lag or incorrectly laid substrate, which does not fit properly to the base.

In rare cases, it is possible to eliminate the creaking of parquet on its own, but it is better to take advantage of the help of specialists who either differ and partially replace the product, or fill the emptiness with a special composition.

In order for this floor covering to be operated as long as possible, it should be monitored that the humidity is not above sixty percent, and temperature mode hesitated from fifteen to twenty five degrees.

On the construction market Available great amount Diverse parquet. But how to care for him correctly, because different coverage requires a special approach?

The most common type of parquet is lacquered.

Parquet board care in this case reduces the following recommendations from specialists:
  1. The first two weeks this floor covering cannot be washed, the cleaning of the parquet should be carried out only by a dry way.
  2. Categorically impossible to use pollution detergent and gasoline.
  3. Parquet care implies another feature - under the entire furniture it is necessary to put soft rubber or other lining, as they damage the floors.
  4. After the above time, you can make a wet cleaning, but how to wash parquet? To do this, use only a soft cloth, which you need to squeeze pre-well.
  5. If the floors are badly contaminated, then cleaning the parquet is carried out only by Clean. After all, aggressive care products are destroyed by the top layer, since their cleaning makeup is dangerous for most floor coatings.

Unfortunately, the lacquer will deteriorate over time, so it must be changed every five years, but before covering, it is necessary to polish the plank.

Parquet care facilities should be selected according to the coating itself, since otherwise the surface layer may be damaged.

Parquet, covered by varnish - all the rules for caring for the floor are practically no different from the previous version, in this case the answer to the question as washing parquet is absolutely similar. Wash it with a well-squeezed cloth, but not more often than once a week. But it will be necessary to clean and update it more than once every five years, and once in eight months, as it is less wear-resistant. During care, it should be used dry cleaning and cannot be used alkali or powder, even if it is impossible to wash the parquet from dirt. But how to wash parquet if there was serious pollution on it? For cleaning, you can use the usual shopping soap.

It is important for the owners to know how to remove the creaking of parquet, although in most cases it is better to contact the help of specialists. After all, the creaking floor delivers a lot of inconvenience to the owners of an apartment or at home.

Natural parquet - the entire carpet cleaning procedure is practically no different from the previous ones, but if it has formed pollution that cannot be cleaned, then how to wash the floorboard in this case? Here it is better to seek help from specialists, because only they know how to remove the parquet if necessary.

During operation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the parquet, otherwise it is necessary to change the top layer much more often than it is necessary for the standards, for this you should know how to clean the parquet.

Parquet carcake covered with varnishes is required if there are plans to operate this floor covering the entire warranty service life. Also, with proper care of the material, make it beautiful, as when buying a product.

Parquet, although covered with varnish, still remains natural Material. Wooden surface very soft. It does not have protection against physical and mechanical impact. You can not wash parquet floors than it fell. Not every cleaning agent is suitable for cleaning the dirty floor.

Types of care for lacquered parquet

The tree from which the parquet floor is made is a very capricious building material. It is only little for him to periodically take care, i.e. Wash the floors and clean the dirt. It is necessary to create in the room such conditions so that the flooring floor is spoiled. If the room is very humid, the parquet will swell. And if it is on the contrary, it is very dry and hot, the tree will begin to dry. And this flooring will begin to creak, and other defects will appear on it.

Required parquet conditions:

  • Air humidity ranging from 50 to 60%;
  • Temperature regime within +18 to +25 degrees.

In the cold time, during the operation of the heating system, the air becomes very dry. So that the floorboard floor is deformed, the air humidifier should be installed in the room.

In the fall and in the spring, when rains are constantly going, and in the premises it still does not work heating system, it becomes very raw. And this is the reason for the occurrence of fungus and mold. To avoid education, you need to regularly air the room.

Still not chosen optimal option Parquet care. There are two main types of cleaning outdoor coverage:

  • Washing floors;
  • Dry cleaning floor covering.

Because The tree does not like water, then dry cleaning is more attractive. However, you need to have a powerful vacuum cleaner and special soft nozzles. If the brush is tough, the floor can scatter. Such cleaning can be done several times a week as preventive cleaning.

If the parquet contaminated stronger, then it can be washed. Special means for cleaning parquet from dirt are sold in stores. They allow you to maintain the shine and the color of the natural tree, and also do not leave the divorce. Wash only with a damp cloth. Before starting work, it should be squeezed well.

If a wet rag was used, then after you need to rub dry immediately. In this case, the water does not take into a tree.

Parquet cleaning agents

The stores offer a wide variety of means for cleaning the parquet from pollution. It is very difficult to choose something suitable from the first time. It is necessary to understand the better to clean the parquet floor.

Parquet can be washed with Cleanners. These are chemical concentrates that must be brewed in a certain amount of water before cleaning. As this is done, it must be indicated in the instructions for the means.

The composition of cleaning compositions for parquet floors includes different components. For lacquered floor, you need to choose a tool that contains wax. He is neutral to lacquer.

If this is a new parquet, just covered with varnish, then it can be cleaned not earlier than 2 weeks after surface treatment. Varnish must dry completely.

If on the parquet remained fat stains, For their elimination, you can use special cleaning sprays. The principle of their action is the same as the composition for washing windows. The composition is sprinkled and then removed with a soft brush.

The lacquered floor can not be washed with means, which includes ammonia, solvent or alcohol. They will spoil the lacquered surface of the floor covering.

Cleaning compositions based on wax are not just eliminated by the floor from dirt, but also covered with its protective film.

Rules for cleaning Parpet

Exist certain rules Cleaning parquet from dirt:

  • First, from the floor you need to fit all the garbage. The biggest and sharp need to be removed by hand. With the subsequent floor washing, it can scratch the surface of the parquet.
  • I don't care what to use for cleaning the parquet: brush, mop or cloth. The most important thing is that it is mild, from natural fabric or fibers. Ideally will buy a brush from natural, thick and long fibers to care for parquet. To create them, the wool of goats or pigs usually use.
  • Good vacuum cleaners in a set of different nozzles. Among them should be a soft brush. Although it is artificial, but it can be used to clean the parquet floor.
  • If a rag is used, then for the parquet you need to take a nonwoven version with an antistatic effect. For example, microfiber will fit perfect for this case.
  • Wash parquet needs along wood fibers.

If you fulfill all the advice and clean parquet according to the rules, it will last for many years and will delight the initial look.

Additional Information:

  • There are several secrets how to cover the parquet with your own hands. But before you choose construction materialWhat will need to work with. ...
  • What parquet varnish can only be said after detailed disability Each composition. Distinguish the following types of lacquers for the processing of parquet ...
  • Linoleum refer to durable and reliable outdoor coatingsBehind which it is very easy to care. It is enough to periodically wash the floor with a damp cloth. But…

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