Wooden floor board pros and cons. Massive board on the floor: pros and cons

Decor elements 29.08.2019
Decor elements

Tree is beautiful natural material. It is environmentally friendly, well keeps warm. Wooden can be given almost any color with the help of veneer. It looks especially effectively wooden surfaceCoated with two-three layers of varnish.

Some people who have decided to build new house Or repair already existing, want wooden floors in it. However, skeptics argue that such technology is complex, dear, and wooden floors will deteriorate over time. What are the advantages and cons of the wooden floor?

Advantages of wooden floors

Paul, covered wooden boards, especially if it is sprawling well and is covered with varnish, very beautiful. Perhaps, on its aesthetic qualities, only parquet floors can be compared. House with wooden floors Immediately causes a feeling of warmth, comfort, as well as harmony. And this is very important to maintain a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in the family. It should be noted that with the proper operation of the wooden floor is durable.

Tree, as already mentioned, environmentally friendly, natural material. In addition, it is good "breathing", that is, maintains gas exchange with the environment. Some species, such as spruce, larch, due to the elevated content of various resins, have bactericidal properties. Therefore, buildings from such for a long time Do not rot.

It is not surprising that an increasing number of people at the first opportunity are visited by country. It can be built from a log, timber. Popular also frame houseswhich can be built literally in the days.

About wet rooms, dry floors and vice versa

For wet rooms (bathrooms, wet) it is best to choose ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. For tiles, consider the strength class - from to PEI-1 to PEI-4 (the most durable). Outdoor ceramic coating It must be non-slip - rough or corrugated. Because Bathrooms, often small, do not choose a large tile for laying them, it will visually reduce the room. Figure and texture Pick in accordance with stylistic decision interior. In stores the choice is huge: tile under the tree, stone, paper, chocolate, rusty metal, skin, fur, lollipops; Square, round, torn ... Try to avoid excessive varnishes and colorfulness - bathrooms and so turn out all sorts of bubbles and towels.

In the bathrooms and kitchens, it was even recently taken to be limited to the same tile or as an economical version, linoleum. Modern materials So high-quality and easy to care that now we can say with confidence: in these rooms today you can use all types of flooring, based only from your taste. Is that carpet is contraindicated. Imagine how original and cozy will your kitchen with a parquet board? And the bathroom with a cork coating!

Corridors, holles and hallways are also fashionable to lay tiles. However, there is no reason to limit your choice. Nevertheless, porcelain stoneware, even with heated - a cold unlockable material, more suitable for offices or southern latitudes. Give your dwelling more comfort, let the legs be nice to spank barefoot!

Parquet under Leopard and Cell Tube

Great variety of floors for living rooms, bedrooms, children's, cabinets and canteens. Quality adherents, foundation will choose a wooden floor. It may be the most expensive - a piece set of parquet with drawings according to your sketch of precious wood, to a parquet board with simple mount Castle - in the castle stacked per day. The materials "under the tree" are widespread and the same porcelain stoneware and laminate. The latter is a good budget option.

Cork floors are more exotic. This is one of the most eco-friendly floors recommended primarily in children's. They have heat and sound insulation above wooden, durable. Their disadvantage - instability to scratches and dents. But thanks to small depreciation, there will be less broken glasses in your home!

Linoleums are inexpensive floors. The choice is so wide that it can satisfy the most non-bank and capricious taste: for example, only colors - thousands of options, from monophonic to leopard imitation, river bottom, moss, foliage. And natural linoleum - marmoleum - no praise! Durable, completely from natural components, with a drawing for the whole thickness and huge number Coloring.

Carpet - the least eco-friendly of all coatings. Soft and cozy, but collects dust. In addition, it is difficult to care - not all stains are removed from it without consequences.

On loggias and balconies, it is good to use a dirt-repellent coating - porcelain stoneware, linoleum. Add and give homemade in these premises also parquet board, cork floor. It looks very interesting terraced board - iz natural tree or

Pluses of carpet

Such a coating as carpet is distinguished by high practicality. His cleaning is no different from the usual cleaning of the carpet. Vacuum cleaner for regular cleaning, stains and other modern means To remove severe spots - for emergency cases.

Carpet is better to choose indoors with children. By this floor, the baby can crawl without a threat to catch a cold.

At the same time, the carpet itself is excellent sound insulation, especially if it is on a rubber basis.

The carpet is easily and quickly stacked, so repair does not take a long time. When hit large number Moisture surface preserves the form and is not deformed.

Important competitive advantage - relatively low price From artificial materials.

Cons Carrolina

With all the benefits and practicality, carpet can quickly lose appearanceIf it is subject to constant strong pollution. Most often, the spots from the oil, street dirt and the land are quite difficult to remove from the surface without loss of color. Knowing this quality, it is better to stag the surfaces that have low passing ability - sleeping rooms, children's.

The carpet is good for the arrangement of the home space, but where there are smooth-haired animals, it is better to give up from such an outdoor coating. For example, Tax breeders are well known how difficult it is to cope with the tough animal rigid carpet. In order not to peel the weekend out of the tweezers, plucking the wool of a pet from your favorite carpet, it is better to limit the usual linoleum.

For obvious reasons, carpet is not worth putting in the kitchen. Seeing a brave project with a plush flooring of the kitchen in the designer magazine, it is always necessary to remember how often something sticky and fat falls on the floor and how difficult it is to cope with such pollution on carpet.

Video on the topic

In case of flooring, it is important to pick up suitable finishing material, excellent solution It is a massive board. Products are made from solid wood, which allows you to create a special microclimate indoor. For right choice It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the product, its characteristics and existing varieties.

This outdoor material is an array of wood with a solid structure. In essence, this is a board, processed accordingly and having a "spike-groove" connection. To obtain a quality product, predominantly hard-rigid trees are used.

It is the integrity of the lamellae that is distinguished by this material from other parquet species. But it imposes restrictions when used: the processed product is caught only on a well-prepared base of concrete, plywood or properly exhibited lag. The unprocessed option allows small flaws in the preparation of the surface for laying, but requires subsequent cyclishing or grinding and processing with varnishes or wax compositions.

Pros and cons of a massive floorboard

The main advantages of the array:

  1. Safety. In the production of parts, harmful to human health and animal substances do not apply, and wood is natural. Facial, decorative and protective covering It is particularly carefully selected, most often it is a mixture based on natural components.
  2. Antistaticity. The surface does not accumulate electric charge And the dust does not attract, which allows minimizing the care of the floor.
  3. Decorativeness. The interior of any room will win if it will be used to create it natural View Finishing products.
  4. Heat insulation. Low thermal conductivity of the tree is the dignity that ensures the preservation of a comfortable temperature inside the apartment.
  5. Durability. This is a significant plus. The service life under compliance with the installation technology is at least 35-45 years without the restoration. The material is well amenable to cyclishing (grinding), which can be performed several times.

Natural array is considered the most durable flooring

Disadvantages of material:

  • Horregious. The price is greatly reflected on the repair budget, therefore, the alternative can be a piece parquet, a laminate or a three-layer array, which is a relatively new product in the construction market.
  • Instability to temperature differences. Stop lamellas are needed in constantly heated rooms with stable humidity.
  • The predisposition to the appearance of mold and fungus. Violation of operating conditions leads to the fact that the colony of microorganisms in the invasion of the side are settled.
  • Felicness. Even the processed material is a danger in the event of a fire.

On a note! Also, the minuses include certain difficulties that may appear when installing. In the process of laying there are some nuances and rules implying experience.

Floor arrangement with natural wood requires certain skills.

Product specifications

Specific characteristics depend on the chosen tree of the tree and the manufacturer, but general properties The material is as follows:

  • Gigroscopicity. Details are not suitable for bathrooms and shower rooms.
  • Low heat exchange that allows you to maintain a constant room temperature.
  • High density. Large breeds of trees that serve for the manufacture of such products are solid enough to withstand a serious mechanical impact. This explains the wear resistance of the material.

Each breed of wood has its own level of hardness.
  • A wide size range that ensures performance even in geometrically complex rooms.
  • Decorativeness. The color depends on the wood and the method of its processing.
  • The presence of a click system, which greatly facilitates the installation procedure.

The massive tipped board is assembled according to the principle of "Ship-Paz"

Regardless of the variety, all the details are divided into classes in the quality of the final product.

How to choose a product

When choosing products, several basic parameters are estimated: breed, size, selection and processing. Also importantly, when acquired, follow some rules.

Wood breed

From the desired breed of wood, it is necessary to determine first. This factor affects not only specifications and the decorative product, but also for the price. The more exotic or reliable the basis, the higher the cost.

The following types of wood are distinguished:

There are much more existing options, which makes it possible to manifest individuality.

On a note! It is worth abandoning pine even taking into account the attractive price. The stability of such wood is very low, and the level of warping is high, so it is more suitable for draft works.

With moisture drops, the floors of soft wood can be swallowed

Board size

The dimension range of such a floor coating depends on the manufacturer. The following options are available:

  • Thickness varies from 1.4 cm to 5.5 cm. Standard is the average value - 1.8-2.5 cm.
  • Lenamel Length has a wide range: from 40 to 300 cm, for objects with large square Can be manufactured with a strip length to 9-10 m.
  • The width varies from 60 (80) mm to 450 mm. The most demanded details up to 120 mm.

The more size, the more difficulties may occur when installing and operating.

There are several running size of natural flooring


This word denotes wood texture pattern. In addition to the main texture and shades, the details acquire a certain appearance due to the availability of bitch or other "defects". This makes the material alive and eliminates the feeling of artificiality. In addition, such features are clearly regulated by GOST 2140-81.

The following selection options are found:

  1. Rustic. Such a kind can have a small amount of crook, rare large swirls (small allowed in a variety). Perhaps the presence of spacious sections.
  2. Radial This species must have a minimum of differences in the color scheme.
  3. Natur. The bitches cannot be more than 3 cm, the swamp is minimal. Used for art styling.
  4. Select. Bounds and swamp are practically absent. It is used for plinth or dimensional molding.

Flooring from wood is classified by texture drawing

The selection affects the method of cutting. It can be radial (cut out the middle part) or tangential (plots located on the removal from the center of the log).

Factory processing

Basic processing methods:

  • Braching. Soft fibers are cleaned with a metal brush, which leads to the appearance of relief.
  • Toning. The surface is covered with thin layers of coloring material, which contributes to the selection of natural texture.
  • Sawing. Based on fine transverse inscriptions. It is extremely rare.
  • Planing. The coating acquires wavy outlines.
  • Aging. This effect uses the sefigations method creating a sense of use.
  • Processing sandblasting. The result is a combination of relief and extremely smooth coating.

Sexual massive board passes diverse processing

A lacquer, butter or wax-based compositions can be used as the upper layer.

When choosing a product, attention is paid to several main factors:

It is necessary to properly care for such a sex cover: in the room it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 18-25 degrees and humidity no more than 60%. The floors are slightly wet rag.

Natural materials are highly appreciated to this day. They are often used to finish the walls and floors, to give a noble view. In addition to beauty, a natural tree has many other positive technical characteristics. Actively gains popularity and massive board for the arrangement of floors, which is a one-piece element with castle compound. It is made of solid timber without additional layers. It is a familiar wooden floor, but created on the basis of modern technologieswho attach him practicality and ease of use.

Massive board It is made from oak, larch, maple, ash and merbau. In our country, the local material is most often applied. Many prefer wooden oak floor and do not recognize any other breed. Oak floor can not be confused with any other, it is distinguished beautiful color gamut and excellent strength. If you care for such a coating properly, it will last over 100 years. The larch is also very decent material, and very popular among buyers thanks to the available price segment. It has an attractive appearance and long service life.

Wood cut down by special machines and processed. In most cases, lock elements are cut out in the boards. Exist different methods Production, and it is they define the type of array:

  • Board-radial. It is created by radial cutting. It has a homogeneous structure, good wear resistance and a small distance between the rings. This kind of material has a high cost due to a small percentage of the output of finished products.
  • For the production of a board-cell use a tangential cut. The drawing on the surface is obtained wave-like with large quantity bitch. With a semidgenential sawing wood less resistant to high humidity and can swell.

Types of cutting and texture of the board surface
  • To the category of arrays, which look like an untreated tree, are applicable to all three methods of production. This is quite uniform color material in which a small tone drop is allowed.
  • Rustic. Here are allowed sharp drops in color, knots and even cracks are noticeable. The marriage is considered only the presence of mechanical damage that cannot be fixed with a putty or grinding. Rustic looks natural for all 100%, but the life is relatively short.

Types of treatment

The process of producing a massive board occurs as follows: After sawing the timber, processing and decorating with different approaches:

  1. Traditional grinding gives the surface smoothness, and the drawing and color remain unchanged.
  2. The form of the composition of the wood is obtained by removing the fibers from the top layer of the surface, which gives the structure of even greater naturalness, after which the board is covered with varnish or special oil.
  3. Toning. This processing method gives color depth and brightness. Tint can be absolutely any: blue, green, etc. But most often used colors to imitate wood expensive rocks.
  4. Bronze or brass coating. This decoration turns natural boards in metal coatingwhich is ideal for design solutions in modern style.
  5. Braching. Performed with a special brush to enhance the wood texture. The surface is obtained more pronounced and embossed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before using a massive board as an outdoor coating, all properties should be considered. this material. Pushing out positive and negative characteristics, You can correctly choose the method of laying the floor and the type of care. The pros will be attributed to:

  • Ecology. Due to the fact that the coating consists of a natural tree and does not contain chemical substances, it is safe for human health and ambientAlso does not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Strength and long service life. Wide board Even durable parquet. But this is true only when proper care and montage.
  • Natural warmth. You can avoid installing a warm floor system.
  • The possibility of restoration. You can refresh the surface to six times, and replace unsuitable boards to new ones.
  • Attractive appearance. Wide variety of drawings, shades and textures.

Of course, a massive board is very worthy outdoor material, but there are some minuses:

  1. Deformation with moisture drops;
  2. High price;
  3. The complexity of laying. Do it yourself installation of a massive board better not to produce, because there are many nuances, but big sizes delivered additional inconvenience;
  4. Careful care. The floor will have to protect against high humidity, scratches, etc. A varnish should be periodically updated;
  5. Low fire resistance;
  6. Weak resistance to rotting and harmful insects.

In addition to the study of the advantages and cons of the desired flooring, it should be compared with others. Most often, people make a choice between and massive floors. The main difference lies in the fact that the massive board is a solid bar, and the parquet consists of several layers.

This moment is affected by the price and service life. But if for the buyer the main thing is the appearance of the floor, then, of course, the choice should fall on a massive board.

Features of laying

The length of the massive board can reach 6 m. Due to this, the floor of the massif acquires a colonial or rural stylewhich will appreciate traditional lovers. In addition long boards Visually stretched or expand the room.

Since large panels can create difficulties in transportation and installation, specialists are recommended to stop at the size of 16x120 mm and a length of up to 1200 mm.

It is recommended to adhere to some rules for laying solids. This time-consuming process, and it is better to provide it with professionals. But if the desire to put a massive board is large, then you should thoroughly explore all the subtleties of installation:

  • For laying a massive board, the base of the floor must be absolutely smooth.
  • If the length does not exceed the meter, it is better to use glue. With longer straps it is worth applying the lock mount.
  • Mandatory waterproofing.
  • Certain requirements for temperature and humidity indoors during the entire installation process.
  • The first board should lie spike to the wall.
  • There must be a technological gap between the wall and floor covering.

After laying the massif floor polished in shallow emery paper To remove irregularities and roughness. And the damage is sweeping and cleaned. After which the surface is covered acrylic varnishwhich gives a shine tree and a chic appearance. After drying the first layer of varnish, you can apply the second one, and a week later, the furniture is allowed on the floor.

Temperature mode should be adhered after installation. Humidity should be 50-60% in order to avoid swelling and drying. Under the feet of furniture, you can put soft gaskets, and in the center of the room - the carpet. During cleaning, a vacuum cleaner and a wet rag are used, and direct contact with water is excluded.

Choosing flooringWhatever it should be listening to their preferences and take into account all the features of the room in which repairs will be carried out. Despite the fact that in most cases the massive floor is put by specialists of their case, it is possible to do it yourself. But for this, it is necessary to assess all the advantages and minuses, study the technical characteristics of the material and familiarize themselves with all the subtleties of the styling process. Do not forget about what you will need a lot of time and strength. But it's worth it. As a result, a chic floor is obtained, which can not be changed for many years.

Existing in the conditions of the "technological" world, every year people increasingly appreciate natural materials. Coatings made of array attract their natural beauty, good quality, warm on the touch surface. The floor of massive boards is ideally revealed natural wood: diverse in its texture and color, motley or monophonic, matte or with glitter. Its manufacturers use traditional for middle strip Breed (Kleon, Birosis, Oak), as well as exotic (tick, pecan, kumaru) varieties from different parts of the planet. The massive board is superbly combined not only with routine, but also with any other interiors. The most winning it looks in the living rooms, in the halls and in any spacious premises. Like other types of coatings, the massive board has obvious advantages And some minuses.

11 important advantages

The coating has a lock connection on the end and on the longitudinal parts. Calculated for dozens of flawless operation, the board refers to premium types of materials. Experts pay attention to their other benefits:

  1. Aesthetics. As a work of art, with time the coating does not age, and its unique ornament created by nature, beyond the years. Thanks to the brushing, toning, aging massive board will become not only an integral part of the "rustic" style, but is able to be immaculate in the most exquisite design solutions.
  2. Maintainability. The floor of the array for a long time does not lose its attractiveness. To give it pristine beauty, rather, after 8-10 years, renovate the surface.
  3. Ecology. Does not contain toxic components evaporating in the process of use, so it can be mounted in residential premises, including in the rooms for kids.
  4. The ability to increase the cost and improve your real estate image. Choice similar material - Long-term investment, because, observing uncomplicated rules of operation, the massive board will serve the owners of several decades.
  5. Optimal thermal insulation. IN autumn-winter period The board significantly reduces heat loss, because It has insignificant thermal conductivity.
  6. Excellent sound absorption.
  7. Products are supplied ready for installation with the front surface, which is covered with special wax or varnish.
  8. Does not accumulate static electricity. In comparison with artificial floors, the surfaces of natural raw materials do not attract a static charge and remain fresh and clean, free from dust.
  9. Minimum risk of deformation. Due to the unstable humidity, the material may be sworn. Small cuts on the bottom side of the board are eliminated in the wood internal stresses, increasing stability. Another way to increase the stability of the plank is the use of a glued (multilayer) array, indifferent to seasonal temperature fluctuations and humidity.
  10. High hardness. In the creation of a multi-layer massive board, it is achieved through the use of solid lamellas from high-strength breeds for the facial and lower layers. The average (it is made of wood of the same breed, but with bitch, with a circulation, with contrasting color transitions) gives products with anti-informational qualities in cross section.
  11. The palette of shades in which this material is available is rich enough to easily choose the best option for any apartments.

Cons coatings

Like other types of finishes, the array has a number of shortcomings. The most important is its relatively high cost. Especially if we are talking about the wood of exotic breeds. Nevertheless, similar costs, according to specialists, are 100% justified, because The service life is practically not limited. Other disasters:

  1. Careability. In order not to damage the floor, it is necessary to wash it only with the help of a soft, carefully pressed x / b canvas, do not use for cleaning agents with abrasive particles, eliminate the use of aggressive SMS. Prevent the appearance of scratches and other defects when moving furniture will allow felt soft lining, fixed on the supports of tables, legs of chairs, sofas.
  2. Gigroscopicity. Not suitable for installation in seasonal premises with unstable microclimate (veranda, winter gardens, terraces). When contacting with moisture, it is possible to warcle the planks.
  3. Combustion.
  4. Exposure to rot (as a result of incorrect care).

Today, connoisseurs of rustic, classical, ethnic styles have an excellent opportunity to create fascinating distinctive interior With durable floor from a spectacular massive board. Observing simple rules Operation, floors will serve not one decade, while retaining its flawless look.

The massive board is a wonderful option of the floor and in country cottage, and in an urban apartment. Such an outdoor coating will give the room a noble bar, unobtrusively demonstrate the material level of the owners and their good taste.

In addition, a massive board has a lot of other advantages. She is not deprived of her minuses. In the article, consider all these nuances and find out - how to choose a massive floorboard, what material characteristics must be borne in mind. optimal dimensions And other important points.


The massive board is a coating, which is treated whole pieces of wood of various decorative rocks. The material is manufactured without the use of adhesive compositions, therefore is a single design that is not consisting of scattered parts.


The massive board has excellent aesthetic characteristics, capable of giving stylish view, fits well into any interiors, perfectly harmonizes with the surrounding atmosphere and furniture.

On the photo- massive floorboard

The board serves for a long time, has increased operational properties. This is the most outdoor material, laying which once, you can forever forget about the problem of floors. Some exotic species of wood, for example, Merbau, Wenge or our oak, have so strong strength properties that, perhaps, such a floor is enough for life. A high-quality massive board is capable without losing its technical and aesthetic properties to serve at least 50 years.

The massive board is made with a lock connection, which allows you to quickly lay a coating without spending a lot of time. And even the owner of the house may even cope with the works on the day off without any need to attract additional work force. This ease of installation deserves a separate plus.

Ecology. The board does not contain toxic glue and other chemicals. This is a completely single piece of wood, therefore it is a natural natural material. When heated, the massive board does not exude formaldehyde vapors and resins.

On the video massive floorboard:

Fashion board additionally protect the house from cold as reliable thermal insulator.

Dust does not accumulate on the floor of the floor, which is especially important for urban apartments.


Speaking about the advantages of this floor covering, it is also necessary to mention some of its shortcomings.

These include:

  • The high price of a massive board. If we compare with a parquet or laminate, then at the cost of the board goes much ahead.
  • It is not recommended to use a massive plasterboard with high humidity - The coating does not have great hygroscopicity. Therefore, for a bath, kitchens and an entrance hall, this is not the most practical choice.
  • Sometimes a massive boards rot. If you don't care about the floor, you can get a bug or rot. A peculiar payroll for the naturalness of the material. Especially important care.
  • Material combustible. It is not recommended to use therefore a massive board in those rooms where there is a high likelihood of fire, the presence of open sources of fire - fireplaces, stoves.

Of course, there are minuses, but the benefits of the material are incomparably more - and these are high-quality advantages that are largely overlapped possible shortcomings. This is how most buyers think so since those who want to acquire this floor covering does not become less, but only grows.

What is the best parquet board for the apartment and how to choose it, you can see in the photo in this article:

But how to choose the color of the laminate for the apartment and what colors exist, indicated in this


Consider from which wood species most often make a massive board.


From this tree it turns out a robust board beautiful shade. Oak outdoor coating can serve a very long time without any loss of their aesthetic and performance qualities.

On the photo-massive oak floorboard


Common wood type. A massive blackboard from ash has a beautiful warm shade and good wear-resistant characteristics.

On the photo- massive floorboard for the floor from Yasin


On the photo - massive floorboarding board

Also popular wood in our latitudes. Massive is distinguished by high ecology, it is useful for patients, especially for people with heavy forms of asthma. In addition, larch has a beautiful natural texture and a pleasant bright shade of wood.

Approximately the same can be said about the pine, only a pine massive board will cost even cheaper than larch.


Very durable wood, in second place after oak - if we talk about domestic trees.


The massive board made of maple is an interesting pastel light shade, ideal for children's rooms due to its beauty and aesthetic.

On the photo - a massive floorboard for the floor from Clena

In addition to the listed tree breeds, a massive board can also be made from other types of wood, more rare and unusual. It all depends on the taste of the buyer and the borders of its budget.


What are the sizes of a massive board, consider.

Standard slat length varies from 50 cm to 300 cm. But the last option is clear, more suitable for long rooms with a significant area. In addition to these standard sizes Some manufacturers offer and individual approach, the release of the bar length is even 9 m. Usually such a coating is used when it is necessary to place the floor in the premises of a decent size - the concert hall, on the dance floor, etc. For a standard apartment, of course, so unusual for nothing.

Most buyers are ideal for the following dimensions of solid boards:

  • 34 cm x 143 cm;
  • 25 cm x 116 cm;
  • 25 cm x 136 cm;
  • 28 cm x 116 cm.

These parameters refer to those required by customers most often. These are universal sizes, and if you want to lay outdoor coverage in standard apartment Or the house, then, most likely, stop at one of the above size. For comparison, the exact number will differ significantly.

  • The width of the planks usually goes from 6 cm to 45 cm. These are extreme cases, usually buyers ask the board with a width of 10-12 cm.
  • The thickness of the array board is usually 1.8 cm, but if necessary, it can reach and 5.5 cm.

By purchasing a massive board, pay attention to the coating condition: there should be no chipping and cracks, ends should be without flaws. Any shortcomings are illicious then will affect the final result, the service life and quality of the floor covering. If there are cracks - it means that the material was poorly dried, it is not worth purchased.

Betting floor covering, then carefully care for it. Do not forget that the material does not tolerate wet cleaningEspecially with a large amount of liquid. It is only possible sometimes to vacuum and, if necessary, wipe off with a damp cloth in a particular place where the stain or dirt appeared.

On video- How to lay a massive floorboard:

We looked at all the features of a massive board. As you can see, this floor covering is worthy to decorate our homes. Taking advantage of tips from the article you can easily acquire a massive board, which will best fit into the interior of your home. And about how to choose you can read from our article.

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