Construction of a combined house of brick and wood. Combined combinations of materials for such houses

Reservoirs 13.06.2019

Anyone who thinks about construction own house, one way or another draws attention to completed projects, noting and picking up good combination Elements: "Here is such a facade I want to see at my future home," "This porch will look great with the outer decoration," "I will install similar windows", etc. Conducting such observations, it is impossible not to notice that some houses are built from two "layers" - the lower floor is stone, and the top is wooden. Is this designer reception or functional necessity? In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about construction combined houses.

Combined houses - it great way Implement original designer ideasBut the decorative component is far from the first place. First of all, the combination of two materials allows you to make a house stronger, warmer and more durable. If competently combine the physical characteristics of the stone and wood, it is possible to get a tangible advantage compared to conventional buildings.

Options for combinations of materials

Consider the main combinations that can be used in the construction of such structures. The most popular option is the house where the lower floor is built of stone, and the top is made of wood. As a result, the lower part of the house, which is subjected to great and serious loads during operation, perfectly copes with its role. Stone is not afraid of moisture, withstands big weight Constructions, ensures the strength and reliability of the dwelling. Since the lower stone floor is not afraid of dampness, in houses with a large quadrature often build pools, saunas and gym.

The second wooden floor is highly different as physical characteristicsand in reigning inside the atmosphere. The rooms reign warm and yat, wood allows the walls to "breathe", providing air microcirculation. An ideal place to leisure and rest. Based on this, on the first floors of the combined houses, shopping premises, garages, boiler rooms or even shops, and on the second there are bedrooms, children's rooms, and so on.

But a natural stone It is quite expensive, so the economical hosts replace it with alternative materials with similar characteristics - brick, aerated concrete, concrete, etc. The combined house of brick and wood looks very harmonious and practically does not inferior in the quality of the stone version.

The decoration of the facades of combined houses can be very diverse, but at the heart, one way or another lies one principle: the first floor is stone, the second is wooden. Such a combination of materials in addition to obvious advantages decides another task - reduces t.roodinity and cost of all construction.

If you do not want to spend a round sum of an external finish, it will not need it! The stone itself is very beautiful natural material, especially if its invoice emphasizes other elements of the exterior - stone tracks, a porch or fence. In the case of brick combined houses, it is still better to make a facade. It is necessary rather from practical considerations than for beauty. Unprotected brick under the influence of moisture, wind and the sun will very quickly collapse, so the outer walls of the first floor are better at least to strengthen the reinforcing mesh and cover the plaster. Construction market It offers a huge selection of wall materials: facade tiles, panels, fake diamond, Relief plaster, etc. But in order not to spoil the naturalness and naturalness of the construction, it is better to abandon synthetic options and use natural materials, for example, limestone.

If you want to get smooth walls And simplify the external finish, the first floor can be built from foam blocks. It is quite durable material and at the same time almost as warm as a tree. However, during construction combined house of celebrate concrete Take into account that it is necessary to reliably connect the elements of the first and second floor. Foam blocks, though durable, if we talk about load and pressure, but really do not like shocks. From falling to earth or strong hit They can split or crack with a hammer. Also in this material will not be able to hold anchor bolts, which usually fix the support timber.

Useful advice: the optimal solution in this case will be the fill of the monolithic reinforced concrete belt right on top of the ends of the foam block walls. So you can increase the spatial rigidity of the design and securely secure the support bar with anchors.

If you still frighten the fragility of cellular concrete, consider the version of the first floor of the combined house from arbolite blocks. They are much stronger foam concrete and are not inferior to him heat insulating characteristics. In addition, to engage in external finishing arbolite blocks Some pleasure - they possess excellent adhesion with any decorative plaster.

For the construction of the second floor, the planed timber is most often used. It protects perfectly from the cold and does not need an external finish at all. You can also often find the frame second floors. This method significantly reduces the terms and total cost of construction. Moreover, the skeleton system allows you to change the layout without much labor costs and adapt it to any needs.

The frame itself can be disguised with the finish or vice versa - to expose the deposit, turning into the original element of the facade. In this case, it is better to resort to the ancient frame system of the header with racks and beams that are leaving for the facade. You will immediately understand what we mean when you look at the image below:

If you want to build a three-storey combined house, in this case the first floor is better to build from monolithic reinforced concrete platesAs they are the most durable, the second is from the brick, and the third is from the bar. But usually reinforced concrete ground floorAnd only brick and timber remained on the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combined a private house It has a lot of advantages, most of which we have already identified earlier. It is beauty, and durability, and the ability to equip premises with a completely different functional load. But unfortunately, even in the sun there are stains. The main advantage and at the same time a disadvantage of the combined house are various physical properties Materials of the first and second floor. Positive side - the first floor is not afraid of damp and fire, very strong and durable, second wooden floor cozy and warm. The problem is that the durability of wood is much less than that of stone, brick, reinforced concrete or other similar materials. So, walls built from rocks are able to calmly unautheton 150 years, and a wooden superstructure is unlikely to endure and half of this period. And if the service life of the log may reach up to 50- 60 years without major repairs, then in the case frame houses This figure is even less. Sooner or later, the moment occurs when it is necessary if not completely, then partially redo and strengthen the walls of the second floor. I am pleased to do it much easier than if I had to work with the whole house.

Since the combined homes in Russia began to appear relatively recently, while this negative experience of different depreciation speeds touched very few. In the rest of the essential deficiencies in such designs there are no (in any case, such that ordinary private houses would have sinned). To date, the projects of combined houses in XE are more often ordered from developers from developers or choose their own hands for construction.

Construction technology

In fact, build a strong and cozy combined house of brick, concrete or stone is easy if you adhere to the basic rules and recommendations provided for by technology. However, as practice shows, some moments are still better to entrust professionals, for example, the development of drawings or construction lower floor With binding to the top. For those who decided to build a combined home personally, we offer to watch the video below:

The work consists of several main stages:

Another advantage of the combined houses from the bar is that it is possible to start finishing the first floor immediately after the construction of the second - the shrinkage will not. For the design of the facade, many use clinker tiles or artificial stone. Applying products that imitate natural wood to decorate the first floor, you can get a pretty combined chalet house, Russian horses or a straw in Scandinavian style.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the construction process. The most important thing is to ensure the right and reliable dressing of the first and second floor. Finally, we suggest to see another useful video:

Combined houses: photo

The design of the combined house is an immense platform for creativity and the implementation of the most unusual projects. Make sure, after seeing a small photo generation of the combined trim of houses:

A tree and stone has been published and there were materials for the construction of housing, not losing popularity. Houses from the bar and bricks are an example of a combined project. A stone building is distinguished by special strength and serves a few generations, wooden - will show excellent properties for heat saving. If you use with both these material when building, the maximum property is revealed, we obtain a project that deserves with additional advantages.

Pros and cons of brick and bar houses

The project of the combined house of brick and timber has many advantages, compared with buildings made of homogeneous material. However, do not forget about the minuses:

  • appearance differs from classic buildings;
  • selection of a construction team from universal workers or the use of labor of professionals in two types of raw materials;
  • mounting complexity in the transition from one material to another, the quality of their connection.

It is realistic to achieve effective use of all advantages, if you correctly comply with the materials and perform qualitatively construction works. The projects of combined brick houses and wood are indispensable for complex types of terrain, where the flooding is not uncommon: in ravines, near the reservoirs and at the foot of the hills. After all, dry the brick first floor is much simpler than the log.

A tree as a material, especially sensitive to moisture and susceptible to cracking, therefore should not be neglected with the processing with special compositions and impregnations.

Characteristics of houses from combined materials

Heated brickwork, you can solve the problem with the rapid cooling of the room.

Everyone construction material It has its advantages and disadvantages, and intelligently arms with the brick and a tree in one project, achieve the maximum result. The combined project is better protected from unfavorable weather than a wooden brick house or bar. Combined projects combine all best properties and won from using two different materials. Undoubtedly, the house of glued timber is initially warmer, but masonry warming events solve this problem.


The microclimate, created by the tree, does not comparable before placing a brick, so it is best to choose it for construction residential rooms and bedrooms. Such material is an eco-friendly, breathing, retains heat in the cold period and cool in warm. Parts of the residential area, designed for the kitchen, bathroom and corridors it is advisable to put a brick. In such an approach, the meaning of combined projects is consistent. The combination of wood for high comfort zones with masonry, for the rooms of a short stay, allows you to significantly save, not to the detriment of the coat.


If the first brusade floor is closed with brick, it will last much longer.

The increased strength of the brick floor gives the combined houses additional reliability during explusion. Brick less exposed to unfavorable weather conditions, much more resistant to moisture and does not require additional care compared to wooden walls. The brick base is unlike the wooden, minimally prone deformation during wetting, which will retain the integrity of the entire building. Even a house from glued bar is not capable for a long time Stay in a wet environment. Brusade house at the level of the first floor, covered by brick, acquires the characteristics of the combined, which extends its durability, ensures reliable protection and simplifies care.


Projects of combined houses from brick and bar have an increased fire safety level. Since the rooms are potentially carrying a threat to ignition (kitchen, boiler room), located on the ground floor and erected from stone. Such walls prevent the rapid spread of the fire, which will allow you to localize the fire on time and do not give it to spreading on wooden rooms.

Speed \u200b\u200bof construction

Houses made of brick and wood require fewer time on the construction of the box. If the foundation and brickwork require the time to set the concrete and drying the solution between bricks, then the wooden second floor allows you to finish the assembly in a few days. The wall of the timber does not require interior decoration, time on the wooden floor also leaves at least, so immediately after summing up the communications, such a room is suitable for accommodation.

Question price

Wooden floor It is heated faster and cooled slowly, which saves on its insulation.

The lion's share of the cost of construction is the materials, so the savings on this point of expenses will greatly facilitate the budget of construction. More economically beneficial to build a combined house of brick and timber than completely brick building. Lightweight Wooden second floor makes it possible to use a simplified form of the foundation that half the cost of its cost. The premises made of wood are able to quickly warm up and for a long time to maintain heat, which gives savings on insulation costs. In addition, the houses from brick and logs depend on the price of which brick is used red or silicate, the second floor is from the rounded log, rounding or glued laminated timber.

Combined houses from foam blocks and wood are buildings that combine strength, comfort and excellent thermal insulation qualities. Combining two materials in the same house gives good results. This direction in construction is becoming increasingly popular and common. Such a tendency has quite good bases.

Advantages of combined houses

Until recently, a frequent combination option different materials There were houses from brick and wood. Such buildings differed not only to durability, but also significant weight. A lot of time left for the construction of the first floor of the brick. In addition, the brick walls had to lay a powerful and severe foundation, which significantly increased construction costs. The use of foam blocks has significantly affected the technology of the construction of two-storey buildings for various purposes.

Houses made of wood and foam blocks, have such advantages:

  1. Available cost. Foam block is a relatively inexpensive material. Compared to the brick, the foam block laying will be cheaper at times. Since the stones have accurate forms, a slight amount of adhesive solution is due to the wall laying.
  2. Environmental purity. The construction of combined houses uses materials that are completely safe for human health.
  3. High erection rate. Big sizes Stones and timber contribute to the fact that the walls of them are erected very quickly. Foam blocks do not give shrinkage. For this reason, immediately after the end of the masonry, the construction of the second floor, the installation of windows and doors can be started.
  4. Air permeability. how foam concrete blocksSo the wood is perfectly passed by air. In such a house will always be supported optimum humidity Air and comfortable microclimate.
  5. Low thermal conductivity. In both materials, this characteristic is at the proper level. This helps to reduce the cost of heating and cooling the building.
  6. Ease. The structure has a relatively low weight. There is no need for the arrangement of a heavy and volumetric base. Easy enough belt Fundament.

Ready walls are distinguished by a practically perfectly smooth surface. They are not needed to align. This factor significantly reduces the costs of external and interior decoration. The use of lightweight materials removes almost all design limits and planning of combined buildings.

Design options

Combined houses consist of two floors made from different materials.

The walls of the first level make their durable stones that do not give shrinkage and are able to withstand the weight of the second level.

The first floor can be used for equipment:

  1. Shop. It is quite convenient, since there is no need to go to work and spend time for lunch breaks.
  2. Workshop. Spaces at the first level are enough to install several machines, sawmills, auto repair equipment.
  3. Residential premises. It is quite possible to plan the kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room and storage room. Given the specifics of these premises, it is advisable to put the floors in them by tiles, after installing the "warm floor" system.

Aerated concrete blocks have sufficient heat-insulating qualities so that the first floor constantly retained a comfortable microclimate. Stones non-combustible, do not spoil from high humidity and temperature drops.

As for the second floor, built of wood, here is the option one - use it to arrange residential premises. At the top level, it is advisable to place a bedroom, a children's and office. Wood has a nice view. Walls from a bar in the finish do not need. It is possible to emphasize the structure of the tree with a varnish or veil. Wooden walls will create a pleasant and easy atmosphere of rest and comfort.

For the construction of the house you can use typical projects Or realize your own ideas. Construction and sanitary rules should be taken into account, so as not to endanger their life and relatives.

Stages of construction

Despite the considerable amount of work, the construction of a combined house is a relatively simple event. First of all, it is necessary to make a choice of building material.

Foam blocks are available in different configurations. It is necessary to choose stones from which you can lay out the walls with a thickness of 30-40 cm. Such a layer is quite enough so that the house does not overheat in the summer and did not freeze in winter cold. To fasten the blocks, it is advisable to use the cement-based adhesive solution.

Special attention deserves wood that can be used in construction. Recently, at home built on the very popularity of frame technology. With obvious lightness they have low price And excellent thermal insulation qualities. When erecting the second level on the framework technology, a timber, OSP and mineral wool plates are used.

Today there is a certain selection of timing types, which can be used in construction:

  1. Normal. It is very cheap Material. It applies to its disadvantages a strong shrinkage and a large number of Slugs and cracks that appear during the operation of the building.
  2. Profiled. The use of this material allows you to avoid the formation of cracks and cracks between the crowns. The price of such a bar is higher.
  3. Glued. This material is resistant to pressure and damp. Cracks will never appear on it. But the cost of glued bar is quite high.

For finishing foam blocks, ceramic tiles, natural stone or siding are applied. If the house is built in the area with a cold climate, then the wall insulation can be carried out. For this you can use mineral Wat, Eco-eyed or polyurethane foam.

The main stages of the construction of a combined house are:

  1. Drawing up a project.
  2. Preparation of the construction site.
  3. Arrangement of the foundation of a ribbon type. The depth of its location must be lower than the level of ground freezing. The base must be raised above the ground at least 40 cm.
  4. Laying walls from foam blocks. Every 3 rows between the stones are stacked reinforcement rods.
  5. Top strapping is done. This uses steel frame and concrete solution.
  6. The ceiling beams are stacked. Purchased black floor for the second level.
  7. The walls of the second floor are made.
  8. The ceiling of the second floor is manufactured.
  9. There is a rafter system and a doom.
  10. Laying of roofing material is carried out.

The final stage is the internal and exterior decoration of the building, the arrangement of floors, ceilings and communications.

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First floor at combined houses from stone, and the second is from a tree. The combination of stone nose and wooden vertex in the same structure, shares the functions between the stone and the tree in such a way as to take advantage of these building materials and, if possible, to get around or weakened their shortcomings, that is, one strike "kill two hares."

What is the essence?

Building stone, whether ceramic brick or gas silicate, is durable, durable, does not rot, it is not so afraid of moisture, like a tree, fireproof. Stone buildings cause a feeling of solidity and reliability. On the first (stone) floor of the combined house, all potentially fire hazardous premises are usually focused, one way or another associated with fire: fireplace Hall, kitchen, boiler room, sauna.

At the same time, we are tired of the stone in the city, in the stone rooms it is often felt by the lack of comfort -
Does not heas the soul. In combined homes, residential premises are located on the second, erected from the tree, the floor. They are easier to breathe - and this is not an allegory and not an illusion: natural wood, as it is known, reacts to fluctuations in humidity, absorbing and giving out redundant or missing moisture, - as they say, "breathes" - and maintains the perfect room for human organism microclimate. In a wooden volume, there is a different, more personal and emotional perception of the dwelling, rather than in a typical tile of typical urban high-rise buildings. In this case, the tree raised to the height of the second floor and separated from wet soil three meters of stone masonry, does not suffer from water, does not rot and does not mold, saving much longer than in ordinary wooden buildings. And the wide overhangs of the roof characteristic of this type Arrangements, protect wood from rain and direct sunlight.

It arises quite natural and the separation has already become familiar: down - public areas and technical buildingsUpstairs - housing.

A bit of history

The combined floor is a very beautiful and time-tested type of construction. Such buildings were erected into the gloomy times of the Middle Ages in the Alps, in the controversial province of Savoy, which belonged to the alternately, then Italy. It was, it was clear, not villas and palaces, and the shepherd huts are simple and durable. Folded from a massive bar and natural stone, they served as reliable protection for people and livestocks from bad weather, so frequent and sudden in the mountains. The buildings were erected from different primary building materials - stone and wood, as a whitewashed lime was used. The tall ground floor has always been stone. It was dictated by the peculiarities of the local climate and geology - abundant snowfall and the proximity of the rock, serving a natural foundation. Having a roof resistant strong wind (Sometimes duranka or shingle pressed top with cobblestones so that the roof does not demolish the wind), and its large skes covered the walls from oblique rain. It is curious that the shepherds of the dwelling usually tried to orient on the sides of the world, that is, that is, the most beautiful main facade - turning to the east.

This is how the stagnaya style of the chalet was born, so common in the architecture of combined cottages.

But not only alpine shepherds learned to combine stone and tree. In Russia, it was also ancient times from a high stone cage, which served to the storage room, and to whom the trading shop. Here, among dense forests, where a stone is not such a natural material, as in the mountains, only relatively rich people could afford to be allowed to afford, most often - practical merchants. And we, building yourself combined at home, thereby continuing the centuries-old merchant tradition.

Gradually, the alpine chalet was less reminded by the wretched hives, gaining a more residential and comfortable appearance, turning into permanent shepherd dwellings. More attention was paid to convenience, warmth and comfort. Now in such a chalet, it was possible to wait not only a protracted bad weather, but also live a big shepherd or peasant family. Improved by the harsh mountain nature and centuries of folk art, traditional houses Chalet lived to this day. And now the most common architectural style of combined houses is the refined and modern style chalet.

The interiors of the chalet traditionally to the style of "Country" Folding the neighborhood of stone and wood. What is characteristic of this style? Preferably use natural materials: stone, wood, limestone plaster, woven drapery. The walls of the first floor most often lime .. Almost always the interior decorate the protruding wooden ceiling beams; Often they are painted in a contrast dark color and decorate carvings. In residential interiors, the attic love to use aged wood, dark, in a web of microscopic cracks. A large fireplace is practically required, whose winter winter evenings can get together the whole family. All this creates an atmosphere of comfort, spiritual heat, security, peace, good traditions with a touch of some patriarchalness - atmosphere at home with a capital letter.

What materials and how to build a combined house?

Modern construction technologies represent a wide selection of options, how and from what to build
Corresponding to the budget.

The stone ground floor can be folded from bricks, gas-silicate or invoked ceramic blocks. Brick in accordance with modern demands Heat engineers are preferably insulated. To do this, there are proven technologies - "ventilated facade", without which there is no urban construction building today, and "wet facade", when a special plaster is superimposed on the insulation layer. Thickness brick masonry In this case, it can be done minimal - if only fit the necessary strength characteristics residential cottage.

Walls made of gas silicate or pairing ceramics do not need to be insulated - the house and without it is warm. Usually they are plastering outside; This should use special plastering For gas silicate, possessing good vapor permeability.

Log, bar or frame?

The choice of concrete material and technology for the construction of the second floor of the combined house is even wider. The residential floor can be erected from a rounded log, profiled or glued timber, a conventional non-stroke timber, warming it outside by the "ventilated facade" method, or make a frame.

Cylindridization and glued bar are the most traditional options that are suitable for those who simply love the tree, its beauty, heat, texture, smell.

In fact, a low log house is cut on a high stone base under the slope of the roof - that's all the features.

Insulated timber - the most, perhaps, the modern version corresponding to the norms on heat in a residential building. Outdoor decorative finish The facade may be any - from imitation of a prestigious glued bar before playing the traditional appearance of authentic alpine chalets.

Thinking on the construction of a combined home, do not forget that, thanks to its stone base, the house will be very difficult that the construction of a full-brewed belt foundation will require the construction of a full-brewed belt basement or reinforced concrete slab. Whatever it was, but the design and calculation of the foundation must be made competently and responsibly.

The framework also allows mansard any appearance. But in this case, the ecology may suffer: no live wood contact with residential premises, but synthetic parosolation film. However, an interesting modern version of the construction of a mandatory attic - facrifical technology With a large glazing area. Energy-saving double-glazed windows are observed to observe the norms on heat, and the appearance is obtained simultaneously and strictly traditional, and completely unusual. We can say that panoramic glazing Mansard facades are very easy to face with a modern combined house.

The strength of the brick and the natural beauty of the tree - these are the main criteria forcing the person for centuries to make a choice in favor of these materials. And if they combine them, you can generally get the result unexpected in terms of aesthetics.

Which option to give preference: the first floor is brick, the second wooden - or simply, as shown on the above, use a tree for the manufacture of architectural elements?

And in general, what projects of combined houses from brick and wood can be used by those who decided to build a house with their own hands? About this, and many other things, you will learn from the material submitted by us.

How to combine wood and brick

And a tree and brick, with the same success can play the role and constructive, and finishing material - Therefore, they are easy to combine. If we talk about the building, as such, it can be called combined when there are no less than two technologies for the construction of walls in the construction process.

Note! So the tree has a little longer than brick strength, combine more often: 1 floor brick, 2 floor wooden - the house looks very interesting, especially if any architectural style has been settled in its design.

In addition, such combinations are very decorated with the facade, they also make it possible to actually save the construction budget. Using at the top level of a more lightweight material allows you to reduce the load on the foundation.

And then, the second floor can be erected not only from a heavy timber or log - there are other alternatives.

Frame walls for the second floor

One of them can be considered frame technology. Its essence lies in the construction of a wooden frame, which serves as the basis for creating a multilayer structure from thick insulation, protective rolled membranes, internal and outer trim.

As a result, light and very warm walls are obtained:

  • It should be said that outside wooden frame Covered with moisture-resistant plywood or OSP plates. These materials are also related to wood, as they are derivatives. In the process of finishing, they are more often painted by performing a contrast decorative extender with wooden or composite slats, which makes it possible to carry out the design "Under Fachverk", which you see in the photo below.

  • If the price has for you crucial, Keep in mind that the construction of the second floor on the framework technology gives the maximum savings. Of course, it is possible to use it for the construction of the whole house, but along with indisputable advantages, there are many flaws. The insulation, laid down in the design, has a limited service life - after a couple of dozen years, the trim has to be dismantled to replace it.
  • The bar from which the frame is assembled, too, no matter how you proceed, but with time rotates. Therefore, in terms of operation, frame houses can not compete with the durability of brick buildings. Add a high fire hazard and attractiveness for insects and rodents here - and you will understand that the first floor of the house is better to build a brick.

  • The layout in such houses is usually carried out so. Downstairs have public premises: lobby, kitchen and dining room, living room. Rooms for guests also have more often on the first floor. At the top level, planted bedrooms, children's rooms, equip working area: Cabinet or workshop. Bathrooms B. two-story house Usually do both below, and at the top.
  • By the way, in the designed low-rise buildings, the frame can be provided not from wood, but from metal, which will allow you to enter elements of brickwork not only below, but also on the second floor. In such projects, there is often panoramic glazing, which makes such combinations even more interesting.

  • Concepts of many architectural styles: High-tech, techno, minimalism - do not provide for the use of wood at all. That is why there are no such houses wooden windows and traditional frame roofs, built of wooden rafters. The basis of their design uses all sorts of combinations of materials such as concrete, metal, glass.

Brick, if present, only as a constructive material, the surface of which is facing or plastered. Wood if applied, only for partial finishes, the option of which you can see on the example proposed below.

Well, everyone is his own, and do not argue about tastes! Next you will be offered installation instructions wooden structureswithout which it is impossible to build an ordinary private house.

Wooden structures for a brick house

Brick wall is excellent sturdy base For the construction of the second floor of a tree. By and large, there is no special difference, make a full-fledged second floor, or put the attic of the attic.

The difference is only in the height of the walls, and the absence of the attic boyful overlap.

Connection of brick and wood between floors

Since everything top part The house is performed from the tree, which means it has a relatively low weight, armoomas between the floors can not be done. In general, the decision on the device of armoomas on the walls, in low-rise construction is made depending on the bearing capacity wall material and type overlap.

Note! The brick itself has the necessary strength to withstand even the weight of reinforced concrete slabs - the main thing is that the thickness of the masonry is correctly calculated. Moreover, it is a brick, along with concrete, often used for the device of armoomas on the walls of foam and gas blocks. So, on this score, you can not worry, even if the walls of the second floor will be built from a sufficient heavy bar or logs.


  • If the overlap is the beam, then an additional reinforcing row in the form of a steel grid should be provided according to the top row of the brickwork. Under plate overlappingwhich creates additional loads, it will be necessary to put a few rows of intermatory rods along the walls, as shown in the photo from above.
  • But we think that if you decide to build the second floor, it is unlikely that you want to complicate work, and mount concrete plates. In any case, in order to establish the structural elements of wooden walls on brick walls, anchor bolts must be monitored into the laying, allowing mechanical fastening.

Ruberoid strips, which will serve as a waterproof layer between the perimeter of the brick masonry and the lower crown of the brusade or log wall. If the second floor is erected by framework technology, brick wall Similarly, beams will be mounted lower strapping. Vividly understand this process will allow video in this article.

Overlapping and floors

Before talking about how to make a wooden floor in brick houseYou need to decide on the design of the overlaps. Stacking process outdoor coating frame typeWhat is the wooden floor, is simplified as much as possible on the wooden beam overlap.

IN this caseMoody flooring is part of the multilayer overlap design. But at first, of course, it needs to be installed correctly - and we will try to briefly tell about how it is done.

First of all, you need to pay close attention to the quality of the bar, which will carry considerable loads:

  • FirstlyThis should be coniferous wood that works best on bending.
  • SecondlyBetter, if it is a planed, well dried bar, the length of which should completely overlap the run - the distance between the opposite carriages.

  • Since the walls of the first floor are erected from the brick, the installation of the beams of the overlap is performed in the same way as in all brick houses. Their length depends on the selected fastening method: if it is a special metal console, it is equal to the length of the run.
  • When the laying of the ends of the beams is produced in the specially provided sockets in the wall, then the necessary reserve should be taken into account: 12-15 cm from each end. The only thing that should not be forgotten about: Wood has nothing to contact with metal or brickwork directly.
  • Therefore, the ends of the beams turn the protective material without closing the tight of the ends, and the depreciation gaskets are installed if necessary. To prevent the appearance of cold bridges, the free space of deepends in which the ends of the beams will begin, fill in the insulation.

  • Concerning metal fasteners, it should be stainless - otherwise its corrosion provokes the process of rotting in the thicker of wood. Design attic overlap Similar to the intermediate version. Only the mounting of the beams to the wooden wall is somewhat different, and the cross section may be less - in any case, if the attic is non-residential.
  • Since the space between the beams is filled with the insulation, the step of the ceiling elements is selected, based on the width of the material, but usually does not exceed 60 cm. The beams can, of course, have a square cross section, for example: 150 * 150 mm, but this size is used mainly When they want to use them in the ceiling design.
  • The most economical from the point of view of wood consumption is the option with a cross section of 50 * 150, or even 50 * 180 mm - that is, in fact, it is a thick board installed on the edge. You can see an exemplary assembly scheme of the beam overlap. Here the insulation is laid on the boards, which are laid the ceiling of the lower room.

  • But there is another version of execution. To the sides of the beams mounted the cranial bars of a small section, which are stacked wooden shields or Phaneur. This approach gives more possibilities For the design of the ceiling of the lower room - for example: there can be installed tension or suspended ceiling.
  • On top of the beams, a vapor insulation membrane is mounted, which simultaneously plays the role of amorticing interlayer. Then, as a rule, in the transverse direction, the control is stuffed - it will serve as the basis for mounting the floor covering. If you want to make not a boardwalk, but let's say rolled coating: Linoleum, carpet, or embedd in "Pie" a coolest floor system, then you first have to mount the draft floor from plywood or chipboard.

  • A very similar scenario is also filling the frame walls. If the second floor of your home will be erected by this technology, then on the upper perimeter of the walls, as well as from the bottom, the horizontal strapping of the racks will be mounted. By the way, the strapping bar here will execute the role of Mauerlat, which serves as the basis rafter system Roofs.
  • It, by the way, regardless of the design of the walls or floors, is always constructed from the tree. In addition, few people come to mind to install the plastic carcraft of the wooden walls - so, and here without wood can not do. The technology of installing wooden windows in a brick house is not particularly different from the process of mounting them on log or frame wallsAnd the instructions on this topic are easy to find.

And also, from the tree you can make a balcony, and shutters, beautifully arrange a porch, to build a terrace at the entrance, put a capital canopy or an elegant pergola.

Wood use options in the design of the house: as an outdoor, so the interior is very much - and for those who love and know how to work with it, there is a widest field for creativity. It remains only to apply your talents in practice, and then for many years to admire the fruits of your work and enjoy the energetics of the tree.

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