The best laminate on a water heated floor. Which laminate is suitable for a water "warm floor"? Marking is decisive from the manufacturer

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

The device of a water "warm floor" is a popular way to create a main or additional heating system. If earlier only ceramic and porcelain tiles were used as the finishing coating of the "warm floor", today modern laminate is quite suitable for this purpose. Laminated panels with a beautiful surface can not only decorate the room, but also transfer heat from pipes to the interior space.

Features of the water heating device

The principle of operation of this type of heating is to heat the floor surface with hot water transmitted through pipes. Pipes are usually laid in a concrete screed. Concrete is characterized by good thermal conductivity, in addition, it not only transfers heat from the pipe circuit to the surface, but also distributes it evenly.

When installing heating in private houses, pipes are connected to boilers of all types, including solid fuel ones. The necessary components of the system are a circulation pump and a device for regulating the flow rate of the coolant or its temperature, designed to maintain the temperature regime of the water.

The installation of a "warm floor" in an apartment is a more complicated procedure compared to a private house. Many regional authorities prohibit the connection of pipes to the central heating or water supply in apartments. In the absence of such a prohibition, as a rule, the need for an examination is established by law. In case of violation of these rules, the least trouble will be a fine. The worst situation is an accident in the heating network of the neighbors.

Attention! Connecting a "warm floor" to central heating or hot water supply is possible if there is a separate pumping and mixing unit. If an elevator unit is present in an apartment building, then metal-plastic pipes are not used for the movement of the coolant.

There are certain restrictions on the surface temperature in rooms for various purposes and characteristics.

Arguments of opponents of the use of laminate in water heating systems "warm floor"

Not everyone agrees that laminated panels can be used as an underfloor heating component. The following arguments are put forward:

  • Laminate is a wood-based material. Therefore, it has a low thermal conductivity, which prevents efficient heat transfer. However, thanks to the concrete screed, which evenly distributes heat from the pipes, the small thickness of the panels and the use of special products, this disadvantage is minimized.
  • The second argument is the probability of emission of harmful fumes during heating. This problem can be avoided by using a thermostat that prevents overheating of the coolant.

What types of laminate are suitable for laying on a water "warm floor"

All types of laminate are suitable for organizing a warm floor. The documentation attached to the cookers may indicate: the recommended operating temperature, usually 27 ... 29 ° C, and additional data on the optimal heating mode.

Plates are produced using several technologies:

  • With the use of formaldehyde resins. Such materials are used at temperatures not exceeding +26°C due to the possibility of evaporation of toxic formaldehydes. The products are popular due to their low price, they are used in combination with thermostats that avoid overheating.
  • based on acrylates. This is the best laminate in terms of non-toxicity.

The level of evaporation from the flooring is indicated by the letter E. Modern laminated panels have an E1 class, allowing the use of the material in an underfloor heating system.

How to choose a laminate and a substrate for a "warm floor" according to the coefficient of thermal resistance?

The coefficient of thermal resistance is a value inversely proportional to thermal conductivity. For materials used as a finishing coating for a heated floor, this characteristic is used, denoted by the letter R. The unit of measurement is m 2 * K / W. The lower this coefficient, the better the thermal conductivity of the product. European standards limit the value of R - 0.15 m 2 * K / W. It is equal to the sum of the coefficients of thermal resistance of the laminate and the substrate, indicated in the accompanying documentation for the product. The ideal option is if the amount is 0.1 m 2 * K / W. The coefficient of thermal resistance depends on the thickness of the board and the density of the structure.

If the total value of R exceeds 0.15 m 2 * K / W, then negative consequences are possible:

  • inefficient operation of heating with increased energy consumption;
  • release of toxic substances into the atmosphere;
  • overheating and destruction of the finish coating;
  • short working period of the pipeline.

In combination with a laminate, thin substrates with a low coefficient of thermal resistance are used. Moreover, the same materials can be used for water and electrical systems. One product option specifically designed for underfloor heating is XPS underlays made from dense extruded polystyrene foam. Characteristics that make this material suitable for underfloor heating are its high density and low thickness.

Which laminate is suitable for finishing the water "warm floor"

The higher the class and thickness of the products, the less the plates are subject to drying out and changes in geometric parameters due to temperature changes and other negative factors. However, on the other hand, the thicker the panels, the lower their thermal conductivity.

For premises of various functional purposes, laminated panels of different classes are used. Conditionally heated rooms are divided into several zones:

  • Bedroom - rest room, bedroom, living room. Suitable matte products with antistatic effect and noise-absorbing characteristics. The load here is low.
  • Working kitchen. For it, a material with a moisture-resistant coating is purchased. Joints between panels are sealed.
  • Hallway, corridor. Wear-resistant panels from classes 32-33 are suitable for this zone.
  • Sanitary facilities, balcony, loggia. Since the probability of water getting on the floor is very high, “aqua” laminate is used for such premises. Class - from 32.

Rules for laying and operating water "warm floors" with a laminate finish

To ensure the efficient operation of the underfloor heating system, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not cover the floor with carpets and carpets, which create conditions for overheating of the finishing panels and failure of the heating system.
  • Do not install furniture at the location of the water circuit.
  • Do not place water circuits under heating radiators.
  • Ensure floor ventilation. For this purpose, a gap of 10-12 mm is left along the walls, which is closed with a plinth at the final stage of installation work.
  • Use thermostats in the system that ensure compliance with the required temperature regime.

Preparation for laying laminated panels

After installing the underfloor heating pipes in the screed, the heating of the system is turned on, which is stopped on the day the laminated panels are delivered. The laminate does not tolerate sharp temperature fluctuations, therefore, before laying, it is left for three days in the room in which the installation will be carried out.

After completion of the installation work, the temperature in the room should be maintained at approximately the same level for three days (at least). With the beginning of the heating season, the temperature of the underfloor heating is increased gradually - from 15-18°C by about 3°C ​​per day, until the optimum temperature is reached. Finish heating by gradually lowering the temperature to 15-18°C.

Mounting order

Installation of laminated panels is carried out on a ready-made screed or flooring system.

  • If the building design allows you to mount a water heating system in a concrete screed, then this option is usually chosen.
  • In houses with wooden floors, the slabs have to be laid on a stacked structure, since they may not withstand the mass of the concrete screed.

Attention! For both mounting options, the base surface must be perfectly flat.

Before starting installation work, the concrete screed is treated with a primer to seal the top layer and remove dust. In this case, waterproofing measures are not required, the substrate is laid directly on the concrete. The substrate without a foil layer is laid on the walls with an overlap of 50 mm. The joints are glued with non-metallized adhesive tape.

Laminated panels are mounted on a substrate with a gap between them and the wall equal to 10 mm. It is recommended to start work from the far left corner of the room. To bandage the seams, the plates in rows are laid with an offset. So, if in the first row a whole panel is mounted, then in the second row it is shortened by 30-40 cm.

Panel Connection Types

The principle of laying slabs is almost the same for concrete and flooring surfaces. Connection methods can be: adhesive and castle. The first option does not apply in this case, since rigidly fixed panels deform when heated, so only “floating” locking is allowed.

  • Click locks. Snap-on products that provide high reliability of the connection. The planks are connected at an angle of 45 °, and then snapped into place. At the same time, a characteristic sound is heard, thanks to which the connection got its name. Even when heated, there are no gaps and deformations. Requirements for the quality of the base are moderate.
  • Locks "Lock" (driving). Spike-and-groove connection. A perfectly level base is required. With any deformation, the connection may be broken, which will lead to the formation of gaps.

Compliance with the rules for choosing the substrate and laminate, the technology of their laying during do-it-yourself work and subsequent operation ensures the installation of a decoratively attractive and durable floor covering.

Recently, underfloor heating manufacturers are increasingly claiming that their systems are suitable for laying under any type of floor covering, including laminate, parquet and solid wood. Is it really?

Indeed, it is possible to lay a water-heated floor under the laminate with your own hands and operate it safely, but for this you will need to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and follow the recommendations indicated by him.

Is it possible to lay water floors under laminate and parquet

There are justified concerns regarding the use of laminate, solid wood and parquet boards as flooring for underfloor heating. This is due to two features of this material:

It turns out that laying a laminate on a water-heated floor (like any other glued floor covering) is possible, but for this you will need to choose the right material and follow special recommendations regarding installation and operation.

The operating instructions separately indicate for which heating the material is intended. It is strictly forbidden to use a laminate designed for electric heating with a water-heated floor.

How efficiently do water floors under laminate flooring heat?

Initially, I would like to note that putting laminate on underfloor heating is not an ideal solution. As noted above, the wrong choice of flooring can affect not only the terms of its operation, but also affect the health of the owners of an apartment or a private house. But if you still choose a laminate, you will need to follow certain guidelines.

Otherwise, the heating system "warm water floor" laid under the laminate effectively heats the room. The material itself heats up quickly and retains heat well. The thickness of the coating cake remains minimal compared to tiles.

Another advantage is the possibility of mounting a parquet board or an array. The maximum heating temperature of the coolant up to 27-28 ° C is quite enough to maintain a normal, comfortable mode in the room.

Restrictions in the power of a water heated floor associated with the characteristics of the flooring make the operation of the heating system as the main source of heating limited.

How to install underfloor heating installation instructions

The choice of laminate for underfloor heating is extremely important and affects the life of the coating. You will also need to strictly follow the installation procedure established by the manufacturer:

Laying laminate should be entrusted exclusively to professionals. Despite the apparent simplicity of installation work, there are some nuances that beginner installers often do not take into account. As a result, over time, the floor structure shrinks, creaks appear, joints diverge, etc.

The device of a warm water floor with a laminate does not "forgive" any errors associated with the installation of the coating.

How to fill in a warm water floor system (what kind of screed)

The technology of laying parquet boards and laminate implies the preparation of a perfectly even base for the installation of the coating. Ways to level the floor, which are used in normal cases, are not suitable for underfloor heating. One of the reasons for the creak is just a poorly leveled floor before laying.

When choosing a composition for pouring floors, you should also consider some features:

- an ordinary cement mortar under the influence of a temperature difference begins to crumble, crack, loses its integrity and strength. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of the screed composition involves the use of special plasticizers. At the same time, professionals advise not to save on additives. The required amount of plasticizer is clearly indicated on the container.
  • Smooth surface– laying adhesive laminate requires a perfectly flat surface. Often, craftsmen make the mistake of trying to level the finish layer using conventional tile adhesives. As a result, after a while, such a layer simply lags behind the main screed. Lining under the laminate is also not able to eliminate all the differences.
  • Thermal conductivity- given that in order to heat the room, the heating system must first heat the screed and coating, it becomes clear that the cement composition must have increased thermal conductivity. The efficiency of heat transfer largely affects the feasibility of using laminate or parquet.

  • All three of the above aspects explain why the largest manufacturers recommend the use of ready-made mixtures in the construction of floors using laminate. It is impossible to independently produce a solution that fully meets the technical characteristics of an already finished composition.

    How to choose a laminate for a water floor

    Which laminate for a warm water floor to choose? If it is firmly decided to use this particular coating, then you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

    Breeds of natural wooden parquet, suitable for a water-heated floor, are glued directly to the base of the concrete floor. The use of a substrate is not provided.

    Errors during installation

    Installation errors are made not only by beginners, but also by professionals. Basically, the miscalculations are related to the following aspects:
    • The choice of material - cork laminate and other flooring with a thickness of more than 10 cm, is categorically not suitable for underfloor heating. The lack of heat transfer leads to the need to increase the heating temperature of the coolant and, as a result, to heat the laminate over 30 ° C, and this leads to the appearance of toxic fumes.
      There are many samples of parquet and laminate, which are recommended for use specifically for water-heated floors.
    • Use with laminated carpets is another common problem. After laying the laminate, a rug is laid on top of it, furniture is installed, etc. There should not be an additional coating in the place where the warm floors pass, as this leads to overheating.
    • Violation of laying technology- the smoother the prepared surface, the more likely it is that after a year of operation, the parquet or laminate will not make squeaks and other noises when walking.
    Laminate and parquet boards are not the best solution for underfloor heating. But subject to certain rules, their use can be effective and safe.

    Laminate has many remarkable properties: wear resistance, strength, durability. However, it is known that this coating can change its parameters under the influence of moisture or elevated temperature.

    Heated floors have become a familiar attribute of our life, this system is widely used in apartments and country houses as an additional and even main heating. So is it possible to combine the popular flooring with an underfloor heating system?


    Manufacturers and experts give a positive answer to this question. And they immediately add that not every type of laminate and not every system can be used.

    Very important! Intense heating can have a negative effect on the performance of the coating. Therefore, it is required to find out in advance whether the selected model is suitable for the system that will be installed in the room.

    Laminate cannot be compared with natural wood floor coverings, which swell and begin to “lead” from excess moisture, and shrink and dry out from elevated temperatures. However, as you know, it is also not “friendly” with water, and an elevated temperature of the base above 30 ° C is fraught with the start of the process of release of formaldehyde resins. At normal room temperature, there is no health hazard, in addition to the flooring in your room, the furniture may also contain formaldehyde resins as a binder for the manufacture of composite materials using wood.

    The compatibility of the coating with a warm floor is indicated on the packaging with pictograms:

    In addition to the pictogram, the package may have the inscription “Underfloorheating” or “Warm Wasser”, which corresponds to the permissive meaning of the pictogram.

    Important! The pictogram with the H2O water formula shows that this model is designed specifically for the water floor system, and it must be laid as intended.

    The flooring with this pictogram on the packaging can be laid on a warm floor.

    It should only be noted that the thickness of the panel should not be less than 8 mm. Thinner panels will perceive a constant change in temperature conditions poorly. Experience shows that a 31 or 32 class laminate with a panel thickness of 8-10 mm is optimally suited.

    The modern Click system is great for use with underfloor heating, so you don't have to worry about the panels coming apart and creating gaps. In addition, there are models with aluminum locks on the market, and some manufacturers offer locks with metalized reinforcement.

    When choosing a laminate, you should pay attention to the maximum heating value of the panel surface allowed by the manufacturer. As a rule, the permitted temperature does not exceed 27°C.

    Another very important indicator is the resistance of the material. It is considered that the underfloor heating system is cost-effective if the total value of all layers of the “pie” of the floor covering does not exceed 0.15 m²K / W. Taking into account the resistance of the substrate, the laminate should have an indicator in the range of 0.10 m²K / W.

    There are systems of a heat-insulated floor electric, film (infrared) and water.


    Being the most common type, electric underfloor heating using a heating cable in a screed is less suitable for laminate flooring. Unlike ceramic tiles. The fact is that the substrate and the laminate itself have low heat transfer (touch the panels - the top, protective layer will usually be cool). The cable must first warm up the screed in which it is laid, and then the screed will heat the panels through the substrate. This will take time, which means that the cost of heating the room will increase.

    In any case, the floor screed must be of high quality and even (height differences are allowed within 2 mm for the length of a 2-meter measuring rod), and the monitoring and control system is very reliable in order to ensure the required level of heating.

    Film (infrared)

    For laminate, the film floor system is optimally suited. The system is a thin film on which a conductive material in the form of strips is fixed. The film is placed under the substrate and heating of the screed is not required, which ensures cost-effectiveness in operation. The required surface temperature of the panels is reached quickly and can be accurately set within the permitted values.

    Currently, leading manufacturers have begun producing laminate with an integrated infrared floor heating system, but the cost of such models is still inaccessible.


    Let's start with the fact that laying a laminate on a water-heated floor in a city apartment will not work - a water floor is prohibited. An attempt to install it will end at best with an order to dismantle and restore the original heating.

    It is possible to lay a laminate on a water-heated floor in a country house, especially since an autonomous water heating system with media temperature control is ideal for this flooring.


    For the correct laying of a laminate on a warm floor, you need to know whether the chosen model is suitable for this purpose. The pictograms on the packaging will provide you with the necessary information.

    Creating coziness and comfortable modern environment in your own home is one of the tasks that we solve throughout our lives. Overhaul in our homes is often associated with the desire to equip new communications, to make the main structural elements of residential premises practical, beautiful and comfortable. In this regard, it will be interesting to consider a combination of new technologies and new finishing materials. Underfloor heating is a heating system, which today is considered one of the most efficient and practical interacts with floor coverings. Among all currently used floor finishing materials, laminate is in the first position.

    How do underfloor heating and laminate flooring actually fit together? Laying laminate on a warm floor is a fairly common phenomenon in private housing construction. Consumers are captivated by the fact that a water heated floor under a laminate is able to solve the problem of heating residential premises and, at the same time, is distinguished by high aesthetic data. The installation technology of underfloor heating with water heating circuits with laminated flooring is not particularly difficult. Everyone can do this work in their own home, eventually getting a beautiful floor and an efficient heating system.

    Laminated warm floor. Peculiarities

    The principle of operation of a warm floor is the ability to heat the surface of the floor due to the heat transferred by the coolant. As a result of the interaction of the heating circuit laid in the floor and surfaces, the internal space of the heated room is heated. A coolant circulates in the system, which has a certain temperature (up to 50 0 C), but on top of the pipeline lies a concrete screed and a floor covering. Concrete has excellent thermal conductivity, so the screed performs not only a constructive function in a residential building, but also has the largest heating surface. The heat from the concrete screed is evenly distributed throughout the room.

    In order for the operation of the heating system to be effective and efficient, it is important to choose a floor covering that meets the necessary requirements in this case. Here it is already necessary to take into account not only the beauty and aesthetic data of the material, but also its technological characteristics. Traditionally, a warm water floor, the contour of which is the main working tool, is hidden in a concrete screed or in a floor structure. Therefore, on the prepared surface, you can safely lay a laminate specially made for a warm water floor. Such a coating will immediately give the room a presentable look, make your contact with the floor pleasant to the touch.

    What are the features of laminate floor heating?

    Laminate is a type of wood flooring, but compared to conventional boards and parquet, it has better technological characteristics.

    On a note: despite the fact that many consider laminate to be an unsuitable material for underfloor heating, its latest modifications produced by foreign companies have qualitatively improved the overall picture.

    Here it is worth mentioning two main aspects that are put forward by opponents of the use of wood-containing materials for finishing hot water floors.

    • First aspect. The reason for this skepticism is that this material is 90% wood based. Wood, as you know, does not have a high thermal conductivity, so when working with a warm water floor, there may be problems with heat transfer. The water circuit heats the screed, which in turn gives off heat to the floor covering. At this stage, it already becomes clear whether the floor surface is heated enough or most of the heat is captured and absorbed by the laminated board.
    • Second aspect. The next point to which opponents of the use of laminate as a flooring appeal is harmful phenolic fumes. Here we can partly agree. Modifications of the material used for floor finishing contain formaldehyde. When heated, formaldehyde begins to evaporate intensively into the surrounding space, which can cause significant harm to the inhabitants of the home. However, in the case of underfloor heating, the situation does not look so critical. Especially for this heating option, a coating is produced that contains harmful substances and components in minimal quantities.

    In order to avoid trouble in the future, when purchasing a laminate, you need to look at its marking.

    Having omitted the cons and betting on this material, we can say that there will be more advantages in the future.

    The laminate has a smaller thickness compared to a wooden board, however, due to the production technology, the density of the material is quite high and, accordingly, the strength is high, at least 900 kg / m 2. Covered with a special film, the material is sufficiently resistant to moisture, both from below and from the outside, on the front side. The laminating layer gives the product a special gloss and respectability, complementing the beautiful pattern.

    Nuances in terms of selecting the optimal brand of material

    With thickness, the situation is more or less clear. It remains only to figure out which laminate is suitable for use with underfloor heating. Laying laminate on a warm floor will be successful if you purchase material with the appropriate marking.


    Today, most products that are specifically designed to interact with warm water floors are labeled "Warm wasser", which literally means "hot water". The figure shows the icons that can be found on products offered today in the distribution network.

    Underfloor heating laminate must be compatible with underfloor heating options. Usually, next to the marking icon, the value of the recommended heating temperature of the material is placed. As a rule, it is 27-28 0 C.

    When purchasing material, pay attention to the contents of the accompanying documentation. Usually, manufacturers write in the passport the desired types of heating equipment, methods and intensity of heating.

    Important! Do not use a laminate designed for lining a warm electric floor in combination with water heated floors. The same principle is valid in reverse. Electric and water floors are tiled only with tiles specially made for each type of heating.

    Thermal resistance coefficient

    Do not omit the heat-insulating properties of facing materials. Also, as an important parameter, pay attention to the thermal resistance of the material (thermal resistence). For hot water floors, laminated boards are specially produced with acceptable parameters for heat transfer. The higher the coefficient of thermal resistance, the more the laminate will retain heat. It is necessary to lay a warm floor using a substrate, which also has its own coefficient of thermal resistance.

    For example: you have purchased a laminate with a coefficient of 0.051 m 2 x K / W. The substrate has a coefficient of 0.049 m 2 xK /W. As a result, we have a total thermal resistance value of 0.1 m 2 xK / W. This value is in accordance with accepted standards. The total value of thermal resistance for a laminated coating with European standards should not exceed 0.15 m 2 xK / W.

    The thermal resistance index directly depends on the density and thickness of the material. For water heated floors, it is recommended to use tiles whose thickness does not exceed 8-10 mm. Neglect of technological parameters can lead to the fact that the lower part of the material will overheat, which will result in damage to the floor covering.

    The last aspect to pay attention to is the class of the material.

    Laminate class

    In this regard, the picture is as follows. The higher the class, the better the quality of the material, the less its surface is subject to abrasion. It should be noted that under the influence of the heating circuit, the laminate is in a complex physical state, so it would be better if the tiles on the warm water floor are made with materials of class 32 or 33.

    As a rule, all products marked accordingly for underfloor heating have the required strength class.

    There is another important detail that you should pay attention to when buying material, the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse. Not every material will be equally suitable for flooring in different premises.

    Heated premises are conditionally divided into three zones:

    • Sleeping area - rest rooms, bedrooms;
    • Working area - kitchen, pantry;
    • Transit zone - Korilo, entrance hall;
    • Recreation and relaxation area - balconies, loggias, bathroom.

    In each individual case, a certain type of material is selected, on which there are corresponding marks. The division takes place according to the class and the level of formaldehyde content.

    The proposed video tells in great detail about how to choose the right laminate and for what purposes:

    Laying laminate on the finished screed. Features and nuances

    Despite the fact that the installation of a water heating floor is already a laborious and painstaking task in itself, laying the finishing floor covering becomes important. Not only the aesthetic condition of your home and the level of comfort, but also the efficiency of the heating system depends on what material you use.

    On a note: the slightest technological violations at the time of laying the water circuit can lead to uneven heating of the floor surface. Accordingly, the "capricious" laminate will behave differently on such areas of the floor surface.

    When considering the installation of underfloor heating, it is important to determine in advance which method is right for you, under a screed or using a flooring system. In the first option, you will have to lay the finishing floor covering on the finished surface of the matured screed, in the second case, the laminate is laid on the prepared stacked structure. It's worth noting right away. Both in the first case and in the second, a perfectly flat surface is required for the normal behavior of the laminated plates.

    Laying a hot water floor under a concrete screed looks preferable and is very convenient in cases where the design of a residential building allows you to equip the heating system in this way. For wooden houses, where there is a wooden floor base and wooden floors, you will have to limit yourself to a flooring system. The load created by the concrete screed (according to calculations, this is about 3-4 tons for an average room) will be critical for wooden floors.

    Important! Laminated plates are laid only after starting the heating system. Within 2-3 days, the heating is checked in all operating modes, the condition of the screed is assessed.

    The methods of laying laminate on both surfaces are fundamentally the same. There are only a number of technological subtleties, the observance of which will provide you with a beautiful, and at the same time, warm floor. A set of plates is carried out from one corner of the room towards adjacent corners, along the entire perimeter of the heated room.

    Recall these subtleties:

    First. Laminate underfloor heating should not be covered with carpets and sticks, thereby not creating overheating of the floor covering. For the same reason, it is not recommended to install furniture on the floor in places where heating circuits pass. Try to avoid using underfloor heating with laminate flooring in areas where radiators are located close to each other.

    Second. By relying on laminate as the main flooring, try to solve the problem with the ventilation of the floor surface. For these purposes, when laying the plates at the interface with the walls, a gap of 10-12 mm is left. The gap is subsequently easily closed with a decorative plinth.

    Third. In order for your laminate to behave adequately to the environment inside the heated room, install several thermostats on the heating equipment that can prevent overheating of the water circuit and, accordingly, the entire floor surface.

    Fourth. Before installation, the floor material is placed in a heated room for adaptation. The plates in a short time will gain the necessary moisture, get used to a stable temperature. Such a procedure will certainly affect the quality and speed of assembly of the floor covering.


    In conclusion, I would like to say the following. The performance of a “warm water floor” home heating system that interacts with laminate flooring is quite successful and efficient. By observing all the rules and features of the laying technology, adhering to strict material selection criteria, you yourself can guarantee the necessary comfort and coziness inside the heated room.

    Do not experiment with laminate flooring. Overheating, flooding with water can adversely affect the quality of your floor. If you want to have beautiful and pleasant to the touch floors in the house, make sure that the indoor humidity is not lower than 50-60%.

    Laminate is the most common flooring material that is very popular in our country. In parallel with this, the technology of warm floors is also gaining popularity. Given this, some may have a question, is it possible to lay laminate on underfloor heating. The answer to this question will be yes, if you take into account several important nuances when choosing it. In this article, we will help you figure out which laminate is best for underfloor heating.

    Marking is an important selection criterion

    Floor covering for electric heating

    The ideal solution - laminate with built-in heating

    There are many people who are afraid to combine this coating with underfloor heating systems. If you belong to this category, then you will be interested to know about the new development - laminate flooring with an integrated ALLOC Heating system. Relatively recently in our country it became possible to purchase such a system. By purchasing it, you simultaneously make the flooring and its heating. The heating elements are not located under the floor, but directly in the laminate. As a result, thermal energy easily enters the air. The heating element itself is located between the sound-absorbing insulation layer and the HDF base plate. Thanks to this, heat losses are reduced by up to 30%.

    Below are a number of technical features that make this product unique in its kind:

    • The cost of the product is 30% cheaper than electric underfloor heating.
    • The power of the slats is 60 W / m 2.
    • You can lay floors, dividing into heated and unheated areas.
    • Excellent inertial parameters: 10 min at 20°C room temperature.

    The living area can be divided into several separate zones:

    • Bedroom.
    • Kitchen, office.
    • Corridor.
    • Bathroom, toilet, balcony.

    In each case, the choice of a laminate for underfloor heating by class should be done individually. Consider the features of the choice for each room.


    Several people can be present in this room at the same time. Given the constant movement, a high probability of falling of certain objects, greasy stains or water, the choice must be stopped on a moisture-resistant coating. In this case, the bar must have a special water-repellent composition, which should contain wax. Panel joints should be carefully treated with sealant, as the kitchen is a place with high humidity. Based on this, the appropriate class is 32-33. This type of product has a low level of thermal conductivity. But if you put a system based on water heating in the base and pour it with a cement screed, you can achieve the desired temperature of the floor and air, respectively.

    Bathroom, toilet and balcony

    In these rooms, the arrangement of the floor with heating is carried out very often. Here it is important to observe one requirement - maintaining a temperature of no more than 28 ° C. To control the temperature adjustment, a temperature sensor and a thermostat are installed. Such care will prevent overheating of the coating and deformation of the panels. As for the requirements for the laminate, here they are similar:

    • The presence of a moisture-repellent layer.
    • High quality laminated finish.
    • Treat joints with sealant.

    The product of class 32-33 complies with such requirements.

    Bedroom and corridor

    • The presence of sound-absorbing and antistatic effect.
    • Moisture resistance.
    • Fire protection.

    For such premises, you can safely choose the 21st and 22nd class. Electric mats or infrared foil floor can be integrated for floor heating. To implement a warm floor, you will not need to make a floor screed. As a last resort, perform a finishing screed, which will eliminate all the irregularities of the base.

    An important role is played by the method of connecting the lamellae. There are two of them: lock and glue. To lay lamellas on a warm floor, you can only use a lock connection. When using glue, the panels can float when the floor is heated and deform.

    As for the lock connections, they are divided into two types:

    1. click.
    2. lock.

    Lock lock works on the tenon-groove principle. The Click connection is more complicated. For laying on a warm floor, in principle, both of these interlocks can be used.

    The Click connection method is more often recommended for underfloor heating. This connection has high strength. Therefore, when the temperature fluctuates, the joints of the lamellas will behave calmly and will not deform. Plus, such a laminate does not require a perfectly flat surface.

    So, we learned about how to choose a laminate for laying it on a warm floor. The choice of substrate also plays an important role. This is a separate issue, but in short, its thickness should not exceed 3 mm. To do this, you can purchase a substrate made of extruded polystyrene with perforation. We would be interested in your opinion regarding the choice of laminate. Leave your comments at the end of this article.


    From the provided video, you can get additional information regarding the choice of laminate for underfloor heating:

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