Creative projects of houses. Unusual houses - a look at a different angle (26 photos)

Reservoirs 13.06.2019

The decision on the distribution of private housing is the case is responsible. At this stage, the wishes of owners at the location of residential areas are not simply laid, but it is planned to competently place communications. Excellent layout of the house will combine the competent distribution of space, convenience and practicality.

It is possible to do the process yourself, especially if the budget allows you to embody any idea. However, for the qualitative distribution of the available area, the correct assignment of the functional load and the combination of the listed with the convenience of living is better to attract a professional.

Rules for carrying out work

Under the planning of construction means the separation of space at the construction stage. All subsequent changes are redeveloped. Because to avoid spending time, forces and finance adjustments, good layout A private house should begin at the Stage Stop of the foundation. It is necessary in order to initially lay bearing walls and partitions.

The drawing should clearly take into account the size of the private house and comply with the basic requirements for the construction of residential buildings.

So, taking into account the norms by volume clean air In the room (23 m3), you need to ensure the necessary metrar, the level of ventilation. Sources of natural lighting are also important.


Kitchen sizes should be calculated based on how many furniture and household appliances It is planned to place in it.

The best option for a private building is to combine two zones: cooking and dining room. This increases the volume of the room with benefits for functionality.

The optimal indicator of the area for the kitchen is 10 m2. For a kitchen, combined with a dining room enough 15m2.

Toilet and bathroom

For private buildingwhere holding sewer system It is a real epic, it is important to competently use the space and material. For this reason, the toilet, bathroom and laundry (if this is allocated separately) are located next to the kitchen.

Such an accommodation allows you to observe the norm of hygiene, highlighting a separate economic unit. At the same time, there is a significant savings on the material and work on the laying sewer pipe and water supply systems.

If each of the rooms is planned, as a separate one, it is worth taking care of the appropriate pattern. Minimum indicator B. this case It will become 5-6 m2.

Distribution of area of \u200b\u200bhouses of different types

Build bulky mansions that require huge costs of energy and resources to ensure their functioning are now too consistent. Taking into account the cost of construction and land plot Under this building - especially.

At the same time, compact buildings placed on small sites Earth and combining everything necessary for a comfortable living area. It is in such buildings that the competent use of space acquires paramount importance.

If we talk about the classification of private houses, you can select two signs of division: the floors and size. The most common is the compact single and two-storey buildings with an area of \u200b\u200b6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 meters.

Taking into account the limited space, the popular option is the structure with an attic - residential room equipped under the roof.

Type 6x6.

Planning at home 6 by 6 meters - difficult task. After all, with small parameters, you need to place all the necessary zones and make the home comfortable for living.

It is advisable to place the kitchen / dining room on the first floor with a toilet. Attic will play the role of a rest room that can be divided into a bedroom and leisure area (or children). More than two functional zones will not be allocated due to the dimensional characteristics of the room.

In some cases, the owners of the dwellings can sacrifice the toilet inside in favor of steam equipment on firewood. And the correction of needs is transferred to the structure of the type of needle on the household site.

Type 8x8.

When it comes to an area of \u200b\u200b64 m2, the process of distribution of space becomes not so complex. So, the layout of the house 8 is 8 meters easily includes:

  • hallway - 4 m2;
  • bathroom - 8 m2;
  • kitchen dining room - 15 m2;
  • bedroom-living room - 22 m2;
  • children's - 15 m2.

This is the distribution when planning a single-storey house. If the presence of attic is implied, it will take redistribution with the ladder (about 8 m2) leading to the top. Under the roof, two bedrooms 20 m2 and 13 m2 will be free.

With such a temporary, the planning of space for a two-story building may also be discussed. In this case, it is worth an increase in the bathroom with a toilet, a dining room and an entrance hall, as well as add a storage room on the first floor. And a children's room, together with two bedrooms, will be located on the second.

Type 10x10

Area 10 10 meters sufficient to place all required premises On the same floor. The layout of such a house with an attic will increase the hallway of the rooms or, if necessary, their number.

So, in addition to standard Set (Kitchen, living room, children's, bedroom, bathroom), you can highlight a seat for a cabinet or a specialized vacation spot. If you move your nursery in the attic, on the ground floor you can equip a roomy steam room.

Planning two-storey house A similar pattern can be limited only by hygiene standards and requirements fire safety. Otherwise, the place to embody the wishes of the owner is enough.

It is advisable to stay on the first floor of the kitchen and dining room. Under the storage room in the dwelling with large quantity The inhabitants are better to immediately take 6-9 4 m2. At the same time, the toilet and the bathroom can be duplicated for greater accomfort of tenants.

Speaking of comfort, it is worth considering the needs of all the inhabitants. So, the size of the structure allows you to provide children of different sexes separate rooms. It will be a significant plus when children begin to grow up.

Placing bedrooms on lower floor It is worth planning, implying the residence of the older generation. But the working office should be in the highest possible from the most visited premises. Better, if it can be found only from the bedroom of the hosts.

Planning the initial placement of the dwelling on the plot and rooms in it, it is worth leaving the space for the construction of a wide porch or summer terrace. Such an element does not require significant investments, but will pay off repeatedly, especially in the summer.

Photo planning at home

Unusual layout bunk house

The layout of the bunk house must be thought out especially carefully. Such structures are usually not too large squareIn connection with which the location of the zones is often not very convenient. One way or another, but this is affordable and in many ways good option For people who want to acquire their own housing, but limited to the means. And with a reasonable approach to decoration, its interior can be a real design masterpiece. Especially if the house is equipped with large windows, allowing to solve most problems with lighting.

The best way to visually increase the space room is to use light materials in the finish. And the construction of compact plywood partitions between zones and glass sliding doors Create conditions for a rational organization.

Interior partitions

Bedroom apartment is presented low room With a minimum number of furniture. The bed is arranged on low podium. The built-in wardrobe is artfully disguised by sliding doors, copying wall cladding.

Sleeping area

For the bathroom, it was highlighted enough space, which made it possible to compact to the toilet and shower in it. Transparent doors make space less closed, turning the bedroom into a modern suite.


The abundance of corners and protrusions only emphasizes the uniqueness of the interior. Using natural wood It adds heat and coziness to space as the main material for the walls of the walls. The transition between tiers is decorated with low wooden steps.

Corridor and Steps

The second room tier also demonstrates dominance natural materials In decoration, especially light brick and wood. Paul posted light laminatewhich supports the idea of \u200b\u200bdesign. At such a small square By the rational organization of space, the cabinet, living room and kitchen corner were placed.

Registration of the second tier

The interior of the Cabinet is formed by a large wardrobe, which has enough space for working tools, household accessories and clothing. In niche under bookshelves A cabinet was equipped, which, if necessary, hidden behind the sliding door, so that computer equipment does not bring dissonance into the composition.

Additional storage seats provide retractable drawerswhich are disguised in steps leading to the second tier.

Additional shelves

Before proceeding with this kind of premises, it is necessary to study in detail and determine the parameters of the space available at the disposal, and then consider compact and convenient placement of zones.

Plan of the first tier

Original projects of houses that are performed in the most different styles, significantly different from each other, both internally (on the layout) and externally (by the facade). As finishing used decorative plaster, facing brick or lining.

To date, many companies are able to provide their customers with unusual projects of houses that are developed specifically people who know how to appreciate the designer fantasy and original architectural solutions. Now cottages with unusual architectural solutions From the category of dicks, gradually go to the category of elite buildings, popular among large number of people.

An example of the original country cottage project

The number of such structures is becoming more and more day by day. Original shape Windows, roofs, doors, attic, terraces and, naturally, unusually amazing landscape design - All this is capable of significantly brightening everyday reality, giving good mood both owners at home and their guests.

Recently, glazed houses are used by special demand. Their owners primarily attracts not only beautiful appearance There is such a structure, but also its practicality, because a large amount of natural day lighting makes it possible to significantly save on electricity. Despite the fact that these homes seem too fragile and vulnerable, glazed facades can fully provide the building all the necessary operational functions.

Thanks to the use of glass before designers and architects, there is a lot of opportunities. Simply do not cost without a large amount of glass in its design. Such structures are erected in the most incredible forms, as if waters in the air due to the transparency of the first floor. Glass roof is one of the most common design elements, giving the originality to everything appearance at home as well as non-standard interior interior Rooms.

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Projects of houses with a flat roof

Unusual project of a house made of glass

Metal houses

Metal - material, in modern construction Used very wide. When it comes to unusual projects country housesMore expedient to talk about such a type of metal as advanced aluminum. This material is often used in the construction of fences, stairs, fences fences, walls for summer pavilions.

Speaking about design unusual housesIt is impossible not to affect the theme of metal facades. Naturally, it is always a risk, but if a professional is taken for business - the risk is justified.

Original house Metal, located in Utah in United States

Original projects of houses and cottages in Russian style

Among such cottages are extremely popular - with an abundance of carved tips, balaasine, "lace" roof stales. As a finish of the facade, facing brick is used - very beautiful and practical solution. Thanks to the use of this material, you can significantly extend the service life of the external walls of your home.

All projects of houses, despite their small area, possess pretty convenient planning. In the design process, specialists try to take into account all the moments required for a comfortable stay. If we are talking about two-story houseThe first floor usually contain a spacious living room with a hall and a guest roomAnd on the second - several residential premises.

Original project Two-storey house in Russian style

Experts claim that a modern comfortable house does not have to be greater. In fact, a person for normal life is enough 28 m 2 . It turns out that a family of four will be comfortable to feel in the house with a slightly less than 120 m 2 . And such a house can be called small with full right.

As a rule, projects small houses - one-story. But at the request of the customer, you can count full-fledged Floor or attic.

To place everything on a relatively small area residential Rooms and provide comfortable accommodation family, sizes of technical and utility rooms decrease. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to severely save the useful area.

Draft Assessing House: Fight for each square meter

  1. Designing small, architects raise to a minimum use inland partitions. Thus, the different rooms in their functionality are combined into a single space. For example, a living room, a dining room, the kitchen is grouped into the day zone and are divided purely visually - using designer techniques. Project small house allows you to rationally use each square meter useful Square. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, dressing rooms form a night zone and are located in such a way as to protect the personal area of \u200b\u200bresidents of the houses from outside. If the house is two-storey, the night zone is taken there.
  3. The household zone consisting of bathrooms, boiler houses and other utility rooms, try to design minimal sizes.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and transitions.
  5. If the house is two-storey, the bathrooms should be two. In order to reduce costs when installing engineering networksThey are placed on each other. IN one-story house The bathroom is placed so that he had a common riser with a kitchen.

Pluses of small houses

  • Building small house It does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house, and will also cost much cheaper.
  • Small design and construction deadlines.
  • Relatively small utility costs and easy home care.

Little Homes Projects: Results

A carefully thought out project of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of useful area. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern comfortable accommodation for relatively small money. So we recommend choosing professional projects Small homes from DOM4M.

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