Beautiful projects of small houses with an attic. House with an attic: Photo, projects, layout

The buildings 14.06.2019
The buildings

House with an attic is now a very common option. People, not wanting to lose the priceless space, equip the attic. So small cottageiK Will be able to turn into a full cottage. This article will feature the benefits of the house with an attic, and tips on the planning of such a structure and presents projects of houses.

Important moments during the construction of a house with an attic

Must under the construction of the attic need to think about good thermal insulation and implement ideas in life, because top part The buildings are subjected to a constant temperature drop. Also important aspect will be waterproofing.

All materials should be light. No need to overload the walls and the foundation of heavy roofs, furniture and insulating materials.

Usually this room is a spacious one-piece room, sometimes it is necessary to equip partitions. It is possible to do this from light drywall, again, so as not to overload the design.

The windows are performed on the inclined surface. And the installation of such windows is expensive, so it is necessary to calculate the cost in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. It is difficult to do it difficult and you can spoil the whole design, so it is best to pay extra and consult professionals.

Pros and cons of the attic in the house

Everything large quantity People want to equip atmosphere in their house and there are weighty explanations:

  • Savings for construction and finishing
  • Increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house
  • Simplicity of communications on attic
  • Reducing thermal loss through the roof
  • With the arrangement of the attic no need to move on to repair, all residents can calmly be on the first floor
  • Ability to place an extra bedroom or non-residential room
  • The ability to show your creative abilities when designing such an unusual room

But, despite all the pros, such houses have a number of shortcomings:

  • If you build a attic not according to the rules, then the emergence of problems associated with the freezing and heat loss.
  • High cost of houses for attic
  • Ability to reduce lighting during a snowy winter

Planning a single-storey house with an attic

One-storey house in all its apparent simplicity is not so simple and has a lot of nuances that must be resolved at the design stage.

The main rules for designing a house with an attic

When creating a plan one-storey house With the attic one must take into account the following rules that will help in the future to get a beautiful and durable house with high functionality:

  1. Additional load is necessarily calculated. If the house is ready and decided to make a attic, then you need to calculate the load in advance, which will be produced on the walls, as if this is not considered, then the first floor can simply be able to endure what will be higher.
  2. It is necessary to design in such a way that the roof is high enough, approximately 2.5 meters, so that an adult person is comfortable in this room.
  3. Right roof. When designing the roof, it should be taken into account that the roof of a binary type can enlarge useful space Premises by 67%, but the broken roof will make space 90% more in relation to the first floor. Most. the best optionwhich will make one hundred percent increase in the area will be the rise of the roof by 1.5 meters.
  4. Heating, electricity, water and other communications should be thought out. All this is tolerated from the first floor and should be displayed in the plan initially.
  5. Be sure to, if there is a need for partitions, their places are fixed in the plan, like places under the windows.

Important! Be sure to be observed all firefire requirements And the evacuation plan is decorated with attic.

Device staircase

Projects of houses with an attic must contain a staircase planning, with which it will be possible to get on the attic. If there is no comfortable lift and descent, then accommodation in such a house will be uncomfortable for his owners.

If the attic thinks still during the construction of the house, then you need to immediately think about where to install the staircase, depending on the correctness and convenience of placement. It is worth considering the fact not only a comfortable lift and descent, as well as taking into account the cost savings on the rise.

Attic in a one-story house is, as a rule, the room in which the bedroom or a children's room are located. In such houses, you can not install a large massive staircase, and save the precious area by installing the staircase with a small width or screw type, with minimal sites between marchs.

If it is planned to build a house 6 * 6 or 8 * 8, then the output will be profitable about the roof ridge. Projects of houses 8 * 10, 9 * 9 and 9 * 12, as well as 10 * 10 less sensitive to the arrangement of the staircase structure, as it will occupy a smaller percentage of the entire ground floor area and better fit into the design and project.

When designing the stairs, it should be remembered that the space also should include approaches to it. In many projects with an attic offered now, at first glance, everything is in order, but the weak point is the stair device.

Even if the house is built on a ready-made and verified project, it is necessary to pay attention to how the design of the ladder is located, whether it prevents freely to move freely and leave other rooms at home.

Examples of projects of single-storey houses with an attic

Mansard can act as a residential or non-residential premisesBut regardless of the appointment, it is necessary to do it according to the rules and is previously designed. Below are a photo of several most common with the attic.

Projects of houses with an attic 8 * 10

This size of the houses is suitable for those whose plot is not too extensive, but there is a desire to build a full-fledged house.

Project 1.

After the construction of construction on this project, it turns out a completely full and very functional attic floor with several rooms, which, at the discretion of the owner, can be redesigned for children or guest bedrooms, a bathroom and the main bedroom. The presence of large windows helps better illuminate the attic even in winter days.

Project 2.

This is a natural-style cottage project. On the first floor of the house there is a spacious dining room. On the mansard floor There are three rooms, a bathroom, a hall and access to the balcony. Following this project will help create a full-fledged house for a large family.

Projects of houses with attic 9 * 9

If the area allows you to increase the size of the house slightly.

Project 1.

At first glance, it is - ordinary house, not different from all others. But inside his first floor there is a study and a living room - a dining room, and in the attic part three relaxation rooms and a bathroom. A distinctive feature of this design is a mansard window with a balcony over the entrance.

Project 2.

A small village house with a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet on the first floor and recreation rooms and an extra bathroom on the second. The attic is widely comfortable for descent and lifting the staircase. Perfectly fit into the landscape of a relaxed rustic village.

Projects of single-storey houses with an attic 9 * 10

These houses in their size are more and require sufficient area, but at the same time inside the functionality of the planning.

Project 1.

Laconic house with a large living room on the first floor and bedrooms with a bathroom on the second. Manzard is equipped with a balcony. Spacious windows do not interfere with the flow of light inside the premises. This option is not too expensive, but incredibly beautiful and practical.

Project 2.

Simple House S. calm designThe look stops on the presence of Erker and the balcony. The house is intended for a large family. On the first floor there is an entrance hall, smoothly turning into the hall, from where you can get into the nursery, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a wide staircase on the attic, where the bedroom is located, 2 rooms for dressing rooms and a fairly large bathroom.


There is nothing better than spacious and cozy house. In order not to disappear the useful area, you can attic room equip under the attic where can be perfectly located spacious premises Different functionality. It is enough to see projects of houses and choose a good, embody it in life and new house Will please our owners for many years.

Do you know why the house is one-storey with a mansard functional and remains decades at the peak of popularity? I will share the peculiarities that you have not already knew. I think you look at such houses in a new way.

The history of the attic of the attic and their features

For the first time, residential premises under the roof appeared in France in the XVII century. Such housing was cheap and was popular among writers, artists, poets, artists and other creative natures.

Currently, this is no longer exotic. The know-how of the architects of the past is used not so much in high-altitude housekeeping, but to a greater degree of owners of private houses. Equipment of such premises has its advantages and features.

Repair and placement of rooms can be postponed. Initially, equip the first floor, celebrate the housewarming, and then take up the upper room. However, in this case, it is necessary to immediately spend the top of communication:

  • shine;
  • water;
  • sewage;
  • the Internet.

You will not have to break the finishing of the lower floor.

How to choose projects of houses with mansard premises?

Before starting construction, you need to decide: what is better to build an additional floor or the device of the rooms in the attic. The choice depends on the planned financial investments. Owners decide whether additional rooms are needed, personal cinema or creative office.

Mansard inside are made in different ways:

How does the general planning of the house affect the organization of the attic?

Initially, we'll see what attic is. By definition, these are rooms for residential and utility rooms located under the roof. This is not a simple attic. The height in the highest point cannot be lower than human growth.

Which rooms are better place in the attic floor:

  • Cabinets.
  • Bedrooms.
  • Children's, including gaming.
  • Home cinemas.
  • Creative workshops for painting, applied art, modeling, etc.
  • Additional living room.
  • If windows are installed on the roof, you can place plants for the winter garden.
  • Wardrobe.
  • Gym.

In order to be comfortable and moving in the attic - 50% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room makes higher human growth. Otherwise, you will not feel convenience, the room will not be functional and comfortable. And some people will sense discomfort.

Is it possible to connect different styles?

It must be remembered that the attic is part of the residential space at home. Therefore, choosing finishing materials and direction can not be taken radical solutions. As an option on the first floor is decorated in one of the styles: High-tech, minimalism, Japanese, Kitch. Upper you wanted to make the original and you decided to decorate in the style of the bedroom Madame Pompadour - Blue with gold, a large number of Figure details. Result: Divorced rooms will not be harmonized among themselves.


To avoid dissonance pick the same color gamut, wallpaper, decor, furniture that repeats contours, each other style.

Otherwise, the house turns into a museum of various styles, but you will not feel comfort.

This does not mean that you need to purchase the same furniture with similar facades, paint (conditionally) all the walls in the blue color or to go striped wallpaper. Chief Principle: Basic colors and elements should be fragmented to repeat in different rooms.

The exception is hygiene rooms. In these intimate zones, it is permissible to retreat from the general direction, apply bright, juicy colors of laconic furniture. Even if they differ from the total entourage of other rooms.

Similar option for children. If the child has not achieved adolescence, more often make repairs: change wallpaper, furniture. This is necessary so that the kid is harmoniously developed, and the furniture corresponded to its age.

Open-plan lovers can apply two decoration principles:

  • Functional zones that are viewed between themselves are made in a single key. Choose the same furniture objects, design. Thus, provide a harmonious transition between the premises. The house becomes stylish and functional.
  • For different rooms choose decoration Materials With a similar pattern, texture. However, they differ in color, tone saturation. In the same room combine furniture with concise forms and classic coupling elements. In fact, the eclectic is created, which implies the connection different styles. Such an approach is often used in the design of houses for a country rest.

The advantages of the house 10 are 10 m for the organization of comfortable rooms

Square houses are most suitable for the organization on the upper floor of the attic. In this case, you can organize not only two full rooms, but also a small tambour or corridor for insulation of the premises.

Houses with attic and garage - convenience and functionality

One of the most popular options. Such buildings look compact and holistically.


  • decoration of various materials;
  • coloring;
  • stucco;
  • the roof is equal.

House up to 100 sq.m. - Which choose the shape of the box and roof?

There are a large number of houses of houses less than 100 sq.m. Such proposals help to fulfill the wishes of the owners. Have a sufficient number of rooms. Taking into account the rooms on the attic family receives an extra living area.

In the attic place bedrooms, full-fledged dressing rooms, libraries with a library, game for children, are installed simulators. You can provide storage room for household appliances.

If you often come guests or relatives in the attic arrangement guest Houserooms With baths. In this case, the furniture is more modest than in the main residential rooms. But you should not raise the top furniture on the top of the furniture. The house should be harmonious and stylish.

You have a teenager in your family and he wants to have his own living space - attic gives such an opportunity. If the family is small, then he can give the entire top "floor" and he will feel like an adult, and you can check at any time than he does.

One-story brick houses with attic

Brick is traditionally used in construction. House projects a lot. They are different in size and shape. If you like a variety, select the erection of two types of bricks. By this you will avoid banalities, and the house will acquire a highlight.

Terasse - small, cozy corner

In such a house, you can organize on the top floor to the terrace that comes out of the attic. You will be provided good place Recreation and relaxes. A good supplement will be a magnificent view of the surrounding nature.

An interesting opportunity is given window balconies Velux GDL Cabrio. They have two structural elements. The lower part is extended, forward and automatically appear railing. And the upper opens up and is installed under 45º.

The material is unique, after the construction of the first floor, the ceiling and roofing devices, and the finishing of the upper rooms can be engaged later. Thus, the family will faster can celebrate housewarming.

We list the advantages of building buildings from foam blocks:

  • Foam blocks are more bricks. The construction of frameworks is accelerated.
  • Blocks have a strict geometry. The masonry is flat, glue is saved in the masonry process, the seams are minimal.
  • Houses of foamed concrete give the effect of the thermos. At home warm winter And cool in the summer. There is no need to make additional thermal insulation.
  • Houses are operated for a long time without repair.
  • No moisture is afraid, opposes the effects of mold.
  • Does not burn.
  • There are no temperature differences and humidity on the blocks.

Houses from a bar with an attic look holistic and harmoniously. Your appearance resemble past. Such buildings are built using modern technology, Special materials for wood processing, canopate log cabins. Therefore, they serve for a long time, do not lose their attractiveness and help keep health.

Beautiful projects mansard houses: photo, catalog

The projects of mansard houses of our catalog can be erected from foam concrete, gas blocks, bricks, ceramic blocks. Project mansard House Before purchasing, we recommend adapting to your site and climatic zone - It will guarantee durability and high quality buildings!

Dersighted house project plans: Benefits

Plans of mansard houses remain relevant and in 2017 due to their rationality. If you decide what to buy a project of the house, choosing between one-story, mansard and two-storey house - House with the attic is the best and optimal option. His advantages are that:

  • The planning of mansard houses makes them the warmer of one-story and two-storey: you will not warm the attic in winter.
  • Its turnkey construction will cost cheaper than one-story and two-storey residential house of the same area (with other things being equal). Since, on the same foundation, under the same roof, the house with an attic will have a large area than one-storey. For its construction, less materials will need than for two-story cottage, significantly reduce cost estimates.
  • The length of communications in the house with the attic will be less than in one-story.
  • On the plot it will take less placethan one-storey house.

Planning of mansard houses: features

In order for a private house with an attic to be comfortable and convenient to carefully treat his features.
So, for example, changing the angle of inclination of the roof, the height of the attic wall, using falsely inside the attic, correctly choosing furniture and design of mansard houses, it is possible to make it even more cozy, turn out of the incomplete angular room into a cozy, original nest. To do this, it is better to seek help to experienced architects and designers. Our specialists of the project department for a separate cost, if necessary, will be able to make all the indicated changes in the selected house plan with the attic.
In most part, our typical projects of houses with an attic include the height of an attic wall 1 m - 1.2 m, which is quite optimal, convenient option. In order for the attic floor to be "stuffy" in it should be properly designed ventilation system. It must be remembered that mansard windows They give more light than lug-free. Although lug-free emphasizes the cozy nature of the attic floor.
Be sure to remember that not every private one-storey house can be turned into a mansard. To do this, in the project of such a house should be initially taken into account by many overlap parameters, stropil structures, roofing cake, Others designed for the future attic floor.

Projects of houses from foam blocks, which can be found in the catalog, can be implemented from ceramoblocks, aerated concrete, other stone materials.

When purchasing individual and typical architectural projects mansard houses in our company on average ward, customers get detailed project documentationwhich includes 5 sections: constructive, architectural and three engineering (water supply, power supply, ventilation and heating). We draw your attention to the one that the cost of the engineering section is 20% of the price specified on the site. Below you can see an example of a mansard house project.

Dersighted houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings and schemes of which are posted in this section, are protected by copyright and guarantee developers legal safety in the construction of houses on projects of our company. The certificate posted on the site is a confirmation that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500.

We offer you to watch a video selection of popular mansard projects:

Country real estate, drowning in greenery, fresh air Are the dream of many urban residents. To make it a reality, acquire a plot and begin to build. After examining the photo of houses with an attic, it is easy to choose a great option for your project. The private structure provides the owner of the sites the opportunity to realize the ideas in reality, building the house of his dreams.

Features of the building with an attic

In the construction, it is necessary to provide high-quality thermal insulation, since the upper part of the building is subjected to temperature differences. It is also important to perform waterproofing. Easy materials that do not have a significant burden on the design are purchased for these purposes.

Special attention is paid to the windows of the upper room, the installation of which is made on the inclined surface. Projects of houses with an attic suggest us usually placement in space under the roof bedroom.

The outer part of the room under the roof consists of such parts:

  • the vertical component is made from the main material from which the structure is erected;
  • the inclined plane consists of rafters and an inner trim.

A thoughtful project will allow much to increase the useful cottage area.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reducing costs in the arrangement of residential space under the roof is associated with the use of frame design. The task is complicated by the need to perform the roof of a complex configuration, inserting special windows. The greater the surface frameless walls An attic floor, the more profitable it is from an economic point of view.

At the stage of planning a house with an attic, it is necessary to consider that the space under the roof will require the creation of the ventilation channel with forced hood. This will ensure normal air exchange. Buildings S. complex roof Have an attractive appearance.

Main advantages:

  • savings on materials and construction services;
  • competent layout provides a significant increase in the area of \u200b\u200bresidential space;
  • ability to equip utility premises under the roof.

There are some drawbacks:

  • high cost of mansard double-glazed windows;
  • the project should be drawn up by a specialist;
  • vulnerability and complexity repair work Children's roof;
  • the need for good sound insulation and thermal insulation.

House 8 on 8 with an attic will be excellent solution For people who dream of a cozy and comfortable home. This space will allow you to equip a spacious living room, a few bedrooms, a comfortable kitchen.

Design features

To get a durable and beautiful structure, it is necessary to take into account some rules. If one-storey house with an attic is erected, then be sure to calculate the load on the walls so that the bottom of the building can withstand the design that under the roof.

A person must feel comfortable in a residential space, therefore the height of the roof is at least 2.5 m.

When creating a project, heating is thought out, carrying out all the necessary communications to the upper floor. Partitions that will be erected are indicated in the drawings. Mandatory is the observance of fire requirements.

Projects of single-storey houses with an attic suggest strong rafter system. Bearing elements are made of wood and metal. Concrete and stone does not apply in this caseSince they lead to the creation of excessive overlap.

The roof is usually covered with metallic or soft tiled, slate. Mineral wool is purchased for construction insulation.

A small space should not be broken apart by partitions. But if such a need arises, the preference is preferred by plasterboard. It does not have an additional load on the basis.

In single-storey buildings in space under the roof, a cabinet, workshop, cozy bedroom. The room offers a magnificent view of the starry sky.

Building from Bruus.

Country cottage for summer holiday It is usually performed with the minimum consumption of materials. Houses from a bar with an attic perfectly fit into the relief of any terrain. The wooden structure is highlighted by excellent technological indicators:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • ecology.

Buildings are erected different sizes. The choice of dimensions depends on the wishes of the customer and its financial capabilities. House 6 on 6 with an attic is a full housing, it is performed with a minimum number of architectural elements.

This option is chosen if the territory is limited to the development. The owner of the site can cope with its construction independently, which will provide significant economy money. For small buildings, pick a double or holm roof.

Building from foam blocks

Modern materials open up new opportunities before developers. The construction of a house with an attic of foam blocks is becoming increasingly popular. Owner country plot As a result, it gets an attractive and functional building.

The use of foam block allows you to get high-quality masonry due to a smooth surface of the elements. Their large sizes ensure the rapid construction of the construction. Material has high energy-saving characteristics.

Cottage will save coolness in summer heat And reliably protect residents from winter jellows. When operating, the material does not highlight harmful substances, It is not afraid of temperature drops, fungus. The structure of foam blocks will be for a long time serve to owners.


To get a beautiful and inexpensive country real estate, order buildings with an attic. They look beautiful, allow you to equip a cozy room under the roof. For the construction of the attic you will need less financial investments than when building a full-fledged floor.

The customer needs to decide on the size of the structure, location on the site, pick up the material. Depending on the budget, choose typical option Or ordered individual planning.

Professionals will help create a project of the future dwelling, will take into account all the nuances. The result will also depend on proper selection Materials and quality installation of all elements.

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Buildings with - practical and very attractive idea for an individual site. The cost of arrangement of a residential attic is less than on the construction of a full-fledged floor, additional square meters will appear in the house. For cottage plot The most optimal option is. Projects, photos successful interiors and recommendations of experienced builders - in our material.

Even small mansard transform the facade of the house and make it unique

Under the attic one is understood by residential space under the roof. The roof for the arrangement of a residential attic should have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space was no less human growth at the highest point.

Important!The high ceiling must take at least half of the area. Smaller sizes will cause a person's uncomfortable sensations.

The outer wall of the residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. Vertical part It is built from the main material of the house, inclined - consists of rafters of blood and internal objects.

For your information! Mansard in urban planning standards is considered a residential floor.

During the construction of a private house, many owners think about the question: give preference to the full floor or attic?

Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with full floor or residential attic?

The main argument in favor of the attic floor is always available to the cheapness of its arrangement. Is it really? Cost reduction is due to the use of the roof skeleton design. In practice, the more roofing and, accordingly, more square Framework for the skin, the more profitable attic.

But it should be remembered, no matter how spacious is the attic, it in any case takes less useful area than the real floor. It turns out to make an attic room for accommodation, it is necessary to provide such an area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor so that it exceeds the attic minimum twice.

In order to create a normal microclimate in the attic room, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will fall on an additional burden during construction. In fact, savings will not be so significant.

Supporters of mansard construction noted that at home with such "figured" roofs look attractive. And designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

The maternity owners do not like when something disappears in vain. Including - attic space. Some turn it into the landfill of unnecessary things. But in fact, a full-fledged working office can be accommodated here, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

Opponents of such an expulsion remind that active exploitation The spaces under the roof worsens the condition of the roof structure and significantly complicates its repair.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galayko

Presenter Designer and Studio Head Ecologica Interiors

Ask a Question

"Psychologists warn that low attic ceilings make a person feel in a closed space, adversely affecting his psyche. Especially impressionable nature can even feel the attacks of suffocation due to low ceilings and beveled walls. It is worth thinking about this fact, planning a children's room in the attic. "

Supporters full-fledged second Floor leads such a comparison:

AtticSecond floor
Limited in layout by inclined structuresHas full layout options
Complexity with the arrangement of full windowsLack of problems with the organization of natural lighting
The design of the walls and the ceiling of the attic does not allow to repair the roof freelyRoof maintainability and simplicity of roof design
The need to arrange a complex roofUsing the roof of a simple form
Need for forced ventilationUsing natural ventilation
Strong heating of the room on hot daysPreservation optimal temperature due to the presence of a thought space

Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects country houses With the attic and veranda or garage are greatly popular. It is not surprising, because gaining great popularity frame construction offers many options for such buildings, with big useful Square and a variety of layouts. Consider the photo projects of houses with attic Read more.

Article on the topic:

The best projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

A good project of a residential building should take into account many factors:

  • the climate of the area in which the construction will be carried out;
  • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
  • the combination of house finishes with its surrounding buildings and terrain;
  • organization maximize comfortable conditions Accommodation for all family members taking into account their age and individual queries.

The finished project of the house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialists of a narrow profile. It is important to think about not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of engineering networks.

Projects are suitable for the summer cottage small square, 36 – 40 square meters. This space is quite enough to accommodate the kitchen and a spacious living room on the first floor and two compact bedrooms or a worker in the attic. Houses with an area of \u200b\u200bover 60 square meters accommodate a spacious living room, a bedroom and a kitchen on the first floor and rooms on the second.

For large houses, it would be ideal to build a terrace on which you can get out from the attic floor. From above, a magnificent view of nature will be opened.

Idea! If the house is provided for year-round accommodation, part of the roof can be glazed and use the area for the Winter Garden.

Country house with attic: Planning 6x6

With minimal area is not easy. Project country house 6x6 with an attic - optimal choice. In this case, you do not have 36, but at least 50 square meters of useful area.

If the cottage is needed only for seasonal visits, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, the house you can make an extension if the number of family members will increase. What should be taken into account in the project at home with an attic 6x6:

  • maximum use of each centimeter area;
  • the number of people at the same time visiting the house;
  • age of family members;
  • the frequency of visiting the country area.

When planning at home 6 to 6 with a mansard, it is important to use all the space with maximum benefit. Traditionally, the center has a spacious living room having access to the bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely take the first floor. In order not to be closely, the compact furniture is selected.

The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Table serving B. summer Arbor It will be greatly simplified, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day, manifest opening out the garden.

In this embodiment, placed in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for owners and children.

For the bathroom enough four square meters. If the cottage is visited only in the summer, summer shower Can be organized in the yard. Lovers shake put on the Balca site. If you do not provide for a shower or bathroom in the house, you can leave three square meters to the toilet. Washing machine At the same time installed in the kitchen.

Frame houses with an attic (6x6 projects) do not provide internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also allows you to significantly save space. For storage of things in the house, compact mezzanine should be provided.

Here sample plan Houses with an attic 6 on 6:

Specificity planning houses 9 by 9 with attic: Photo of successful solutions

House with a total area of \u200b\u200beighty square meters - a popular project. Builders note that this project has an optimal cost ratio and accommodation. The classic layout includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom on the first floor and two more or three rooms on the attic. They can be used as an additional bedroom or organize a workbook, creative workshop and spacious wardrobe.

Another option is the location of the rooms - in the layout of the house 8 to 10 with the attic. Photo Example of such a layout:

What should be aware of the layout of the house 10 for 10 with a attic: photo of the best ideas

One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - in such a house can permanently reside a large family. There is a place for separate rooms Children, bedrooms parents, office, spacious living room and kitchen. From the side of the house does not look huge. The projects of the house 10x10 with a foam block attitudes make an impression of compactness of placement on the site. But this is exactly the case when an external impression is deceptive.

There is enough space not only to accommodate the bathrooms on each floor, but even for the organization or baths right in the house. A comfortable staircase with a wide pass will make it easily raise bulky furniture.

In such a house, it is usually provided for a separate boiler room. If there is a house from foam blocks ground floor, Laundry, heating devices, storehouse for storing inventory and home orders are accommodated here.

Sample planning:

Article on the topic:

In the article, we will consider in detail what the advantage of these designs, technologies varieties, the average construction prices, original projects, useful tips and more.

Examples of interior design of houses with attic inside: photo

Even a small attic can be furnished so that it will fit all the most necessary. The inclined planes of the ceilings partially twist the total area, but you can use them for stylish decoration Rooms.

Projects of small houses with an attic usually suggest accommodation on the second floor of the bedroom. In the gratitude, it is logical to use the finish with natural wood.

If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niche between rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - place a bed, to the other - the desktop at the window or a sofa for a rest. To the issue of the placement of the children's room on the attic floor it is necessary to approach especially carefully.

If the attitudes will be located on the attic, it is important to consider the lighting.

Another idea of \u200b\u200bthe planning of the house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of the wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient storage systems.

Tips for the construction of a single-storey house with an attic: photo of original ideas

The arrangement of a residential attic is most often concerned about the owners of small country cottages. Before deciding to such a project, ask to buy from your friends, owners of such a design. Suddenly you will suddenly feel the attack of claustrophobia or opposite will be impressed by the attic windows through which the clouds can be observed?

Here, if you wish, you can place a wardrobe, creative workshop, boiler room, gym.

Here are the options for organizing an attic space:

Special demand uses the garage and attic. This layout is extremely convenient. Especially this option will be appreciated by residents northern Regionswho know what to warm up the car in a frosty day. When the garage under one roof with the house, even if there is no central heatingThe temperature will be significantly higher than on the street. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all weather popsicles.

What do projects of houses with foam blocks look like

Projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks, whose photos are presented to you, are very popular with the developers of individual housing. The reasons for such a demand is that at home from this material are very functional and looks thoroughly and luxurious. The cost of erection of such a design is lower than the cost of building a brick house.

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