Fireproof ceilings of the second type. GOST and SNIP requirements for fire partitions

Landscaping 20.06.2020

According to STB 11.0.03-95 "Passive fire protection. Terms and definitions" under a fire ceiling is understood - a fencing structure made of non-combustible materials with a standardized fire resistance limit, preventing the spread of fire in the vertical direction.

Fireproof ceilings are provided according to SNiP 2.01.02-85 * of three types: type 1 with a fire resistance limit of at least 2.5 hours, type 2 - at least 1 hour, type 3 - at least 0.75 hours and made of non-combustible materials. According to SNB 2.02.01-98 - four types: 1st type - REI 150, 2nd type - REI 60, 3rd type - REI 45, 4th type - REI 15.

They are designed to limit the spread of fire across the floors of a building for a time equal to the required fire resistance limit. Fireproof ceilings without gaps adjoin external walls made of non-combustible materials. In buildings with external walls that spread fire, or with glazing located at the floor level, they intersect these walls and glazing (clause 3.12 of SNiP 2.01.02-85 *).

Fireproof ceilings, as a rule, provide without openings. If necessary, the device of openings is protected by fire hatches and valves of the appropriate type.

The scope of fireproof ceilings is regulated by specialized and industry chapters of SNiP. The most widespread are fireproof ceilings of the 2nd and 3rd types for the isolation of basements, basements and attics, respectively, in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance. Fireproof interfloor ceilings are also provided as horizontal enclosing structures of premises, partitions or walls of which are not less than 0.75 hours.

Interfloor ceilings of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance are used as fire protection if their design meets the requirements of fire safety standards.

Fireproof ceilings of the 1st type are arranged in warehouse and industrial buildings above the first floor, when the area of ​​fire compartments in the first floor is taken according to the norm for one-story buildings. Considering that the fireproof ceilings and walls of the 1st type have the same required fire resistance limits, the structures of the firewalls can be installed directly on the elements of the frame of the 1st type fireproof ceiling.

Tambour locks and evacuation corridors must have fireproof ceilings with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours.

The technical floors are also a fire barrier limiting the vertical spread of the fire. The presence of two ceilings is a volumetric barrier and can be recommended in all cases when it becomes necessary to reliably divide the building into compartments vertically.

Fire-fighting structures are designed for passive protection against fire, prevent the growth of fire before the arrival of the fire brigade. Fireproof ceilings do not allow the flame to spread vertically, its passage from floor to floor, localize the combustion zone.

Used to isolate processes with increased explosion and fire hazard. Contribute to minimizing damage, prompt elimination of fire, the safest and fastest evacuation.

Main characteristics

They are made of fire-resistant materials, the ceilings have no openings and meet the established standards and regulations for fire resistance. If, according to the design plan, openings are provided in the fire ceiling, they are closed with hatches, valves in compliance with fire-resistant parameters.

They withstand the effects of fire during the period of time required by SNiP 2.01.02-85, the periods of resistance to fire are prescribed in the regulations for each type of fire resistance.

To increase the operational characteristics, additional suspended ceilings are mounted on the ceiling, which are made of fire-resistant materials. The ceiling shields the thermal effect, enhancing the fire resistance parameters.

Overlappings affect the ultimate fire resistance of the entire structure. For slabs, supports and tie nodes should not differ in type.

Their fire resistance limit is established depending on the time when one or more successive boundary states for the loss of resistance occur, depending on the functional of the structure.

Overlappings are divided into 3 types of fire resistance:

  • 1st - fire resistance more than 2.5 hours.
  • 2nd - fire protection for one hour.
  • 3rd - the ultimate fire resistance is designed for 45 minutes.

Device and installation features

For the device of fireproof ceilings, frame-panel or piece elements are used, the fire hazard class is K0. The latter are produced both frame and frameless. The fire resistance of prefabricated fireproof ceilings is determined by the elements least resistant to fire.

The joints between the panels, the places of their contact with the inner walls, partitions are sealed with mineral fiber gaskets. Covered with a cement solution, the layer thickness is made 20 mm. This allows you to fill voids in the structure, to prevent the ingress of combustion products to other floors (levels).

The connection to the outer wall is performed without gaps if the fire resistance class of the wall is K0. The overlap crosses the outer wall (partition) when its fire safety class is K1 - K3 or it is made in the form of glazing.

In ceilings of the 1st type of fire resistance, hatches, openings are filled only with vestibules, which serve to limit the spread of fire along the vertical, have three types of fire resistance.

Divide the building into compartments, ensure reliable operation. Installation of fire protection structures is carried out before the start of finishing during the completion of the main construction work.

1st type of devices

Fireproof ceilings of the 1st type have the highest fire resistance class. Used to insulate basements, basements. Installed in industrial buildings, warehouses.

Partitions of exclusively 1st type of fire resistance are installed on the frame and elements of fireproof ceilings.

The outer wall is divided by a fire-proof ceiling, the projection of the ceiling should be 30 cm.It is not done if:

It is forbidden to cross overlappings of this type by mines serving for the transportation of flammable liquids, gas, dust-air mixtures.

Channels, pipelines intended for the transfer of combustible substances, materials.

2nd and 3rd device type

Ceilings of the 2nd and 3rd type are used in buildings with I and II fire resistance classes. They divide the vertical space into floors.

Ceilings of the 2nd and 3rd types are most in demand for the installation of fire protection structures in buildings. They are also used to equip transformer or battery substations.

Sometimes they are mounted as a horizontal fence of some structures. They must meet the requirements and standards of fire safety of structures.

Attic floors, attic rooms are isolated from the lower floors with type 2 ceilings.

In lobbies, elevator shafts, in the manufacture of channels and niches for laying electrical communications, type 3 fire ceilings are used. They serve as a barrier to the capture of a larger area by fire.

Through mines for various purposes, the fastest spread of fire occurs throughout the building. This limits access to the fire for its complete elimination, makes it difficult to quickly evacuate people from the building.

Application area

Fireproof ceilings are widely used in civil, industrial, military construction. They are multifunctional, have high durability, which allows limiting the spread of fire, prevents the flow of explosive mixtures from the upper level (floor) to the lower one. Good insulation and sealing of fireproof ceilings additionally fulfills sanitary and technological functions.

They are used as part of structures for insulating flammable premises, technological processes with high risk factors (fire, explosion).

Good gas tightness of ceilings prevents the outbreak of fire, or localizes it, prevents the spread of explosive dust-air mixtures and gases outside the ceilings. They are used to equip rooms for storing substances, valuables that have a certain degree of fire hazard.

They are installed together with electrical equipment for household and industrial purposes, mounted in electrical control rooms.

Overlappings are used for the manufacture of sectional structures in basements, warehouses, and various industries. Rooms with flammable liquids, materials, winches with fire curtains, ventilation chambers, and refuse chute systems are separated from the main space.

They are used for the production of reserve storage facilities, compartments for storing bulky flammable materials (decorations, mannequins). Used to create corridors for rapid evacuation in emergencies.

Requirements and standards

Requirements for norms, scope, standards for the manufacture of fireproof ceilings are clearly spelled out in SNiP and in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008, which regulates the requirements for fire safety.

table 2

Fire protection barriers

Questions to be verified


The presence of fireproof ceilings in the premises

There are 3 types of fireproof ceilings made of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs

fireproof ceilings type 3

SP 2.13130.2009

corresponds to

Fire resistance of fire floors

Required fire resistance limit for type 3 ceilings REI45

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

Fire hazard class of floors

Required class of fire hazard for floors K0

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

The need for a device and the presence of firewalls

Type 1 firewalls are provided

Parts of buildings, structures, fire compartments, as well as premises of various classes

functional fire hazard should be separated by fencing

structures with standardized fire resistance limits and structural fire classes

danger or fire barriers.

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

Fire resistance of fire partitions

Fireproof partitions of fire hazard class K0 with fire resistance EI45 are provided.

The required fire hazard class for fire partitions is K0. Required fire resistance EI45.

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

Filling openings in fire barriers

Filling of openings in fireproof partitions is provided by type 2 fire doors.

Fire resistance limits for the respective types of filling of openings in fire protection

obstacles are given in Table 24 of the Appendix to Federal Law No. 123-FZ.

Article 88, clause 3, table 24 of the Federal Law No. 123-ФЗ

corresponds to

Fire resistance limit of fire doors

Fireproof doors of the 2nd type with fire resistance EI30 are provided.

The required fire resistance limit for type 2 fire doors is EI30.

Table 24 ФЗ №123-ФЗ

corresponds to

3.3 Checking the compliance of evacuation routes

Evacuation is understood as the process of organized independent movement of people out of the premises, in which there is a possibility of exposure to hazardous factors of fire. Evacuation should also be considered the non-autonomous movement of people belonging to low-mobility groups of the population, carried out by service personnel. Evacuation is carried out along the evacuation routes through evacuation exits.

The tasks are to ensure the timely and unimpeded evacuation of people from the premises before the onset of a critical value for at least one of the types of RP.

The task is solved by standardized, constructive and space-planning solutions aimed at isolating sources of smoke, creating conditions for the unimpeded movement of people during evacuation, limiting the use of combustible finishing materials on evacuation routes.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of a solution that ensures the safety of people is the time it takes for people in the event of a fire to be able to leave the premises or the building as a whole without harm to health ( t nb, min.) The safety condition for people is considered fulfilled if :

where t R- actual time of evacuation of people, min., t nb- required evacuation time, min.

Compliance with this condition is checked ("Calculation of the time of evacuation") of the course project using the calculation.

In addition, during the examination of escape routes, compliance with the following safety conditions in the project is checked:

- respectively, the actual and required number of emergency exits.

- actual and required width of evacuation exits.

- respectively, the actual and required total width of the evacuation exits.

- respectively, the actual and required length of evacuation routes.

Evacuation routes within the premises - routes ensuring the safe evacuation of people through evacuation exits from this premises without taking into account the fire extinguishing and smoke protection equipment used in it.

Table 3

Evacuation routes

Questions to be verified


1.Number of emergency exits

Number of emergency exits from the 1st floor

There is one emergency exit to the outside


does not match

Number of emergency exits from the second and subsequent floors

There is one exit from the second floor and from the third floor of the building

Each floor of the building must have at least 2 emergency exits.


does not match

Number of emergency exits from the basement floor

There are two outputs

At least two evacuation exits must have basement and basement floors with an area of ​​more than 300 m 2 or intended for a simultaneous stay of more than 15 people.


corresponds to

2. Dispersed evacuation exits

Dispersed evacuation exits from the basement floor

Outlets are dispersed

Evacuation exits should be located scattered with 2 or more

L = 10500< 10 4 90


corresponds to

3. The length of the evacuation routes, the dimensions of the escape routes, the dimensions of the doors of the emergency exits

Staircase width

Width of the flight of stairs L1 = 1.21 m.,

The width of the staircase in buildings should be at least the width of the exit to the staircase from the most populated floor, but not less than 1.35 m.


L1-does not match;



Landing width

The width of the landings is greater than the width of the march

The width of the landings must be at least the width of the march


corresponds to

The length of the evacuation route along the corridors

Less than 60 meters

Corridors longer than 60 m should be divided by type 2 firewalls into sections, the length of which should not exceed 60 m.


corresponds to

Width of the evacuation exit from the trading floor of the 1st floor

The width of the evacuation exit (door) from sales areas should be at least 1.2 m in halls with a capacity of more than 50 people.


does not match

The width of the evacuation exit from the dining room on the 2nd floor

The width of the evacuation exit (door) from dining rooms should be taken at least 1.2 m in halls with a capacity of more than 50 people.


does not match

Width of evacuation exits from office premises and offices on the 3rd floor

From office premises - 1.0 m;

From offices - 0.8 m

Basement evacuation corridor width


corresponds to

3rd floor evacuation corridor width

The clear width of the horizontal sections of the evacuation routes must be at least 1.2 m for common corridors, along which more than 50 people can be evacuated from the premises.


corresponds to

4. Design of escape routes and exits

Finishing of escape routes

The building structures of the escape routes correspond to the fire hazard class of structures K0

Non-combustible material


corresponds to

Door opening direction:

Basement rooms;

Premises on the 1st floor;

Premises on the 2nd floor;

Premises on the 3rd floor

The doors of storage rooms, bathrooms, technical room and utility rooms open against the direction of the exit from the building, the doors of the corridor open in the direction of the exit from the room

All doors open in the direction of the exit from the building

All doors open in the direction of the exit from the building, except for the doors of the bathrooms

Doors of office premises, offices, technical premises and utility rooms open against the direction of the exit from the building

Escape doors and other doors on escape routes must open in the direction of the exit from the building.

The direction of door opening is not standardized for: premises with a simultaneous stay of no more than 15 people. (except for premises of categories A and B); storerooms with an area of ​​no more than 200 sq. m without permanent jobs;

sanitary facilities;


corresponds to

corresponds to

corresponds to

corresponds to

The presence of self-closing mechanisms for doors, the presence of seals in the doorways

There is no data

Doors of emergency exits from floor corridors, halls, foyers, lobbies and stairwells should not have locks that prevent them from being freely opened from the inside without a key. Staircases, as a rule, should have doors with a self-closing device and a seal in the vestibules.

In stairwells, it is allowed not to provide for self-closing devices and sealing in the porches for doors leading directly to the outside.

The characteristics of self-closing devices for doors located on escape routes must correspond to the force for the unhindered opening of the doors by a person belonging to the main contingent in the building.


provide data

The presence of thresholds on the escape routes

There is no data

In the floor on the escape routes, height differences of less than 45 cm and protrusions are not allowed, with the exception of thresholds in doorways. In places where there is a difference in height, stairs should be provided with at least three steps or ramps with a slope of no more than 1: 6.

If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fences with a height of at least 1.2 m with handrails should be provided.

On the escape routes, it is not allowed to arrange spiral staircases, staircases completely or partially curvilinear in plan, as well as run-in and curvilinear steps, steps with different tread widths and different heights within the staircase and staircase march.


Provide data

The presence of constrictions, protruding structures and equipment on the escape routes

There are no restrictions, protruding structures and equipment

In the corridors on the escape routes, it is not allowed to place equipment protruding from the plane of the walls at a height of less than 2 m, gas pipelines and pipelines with flammable liquids, as well as built-in cabinets, except for cabinets for communications and fire hydrants.


corresponds to

5. Structural design of stairs and staircases

The presence of natural light in the stairwells

Natural lighting is designed only in the staircase L3. The glazing area is more than 1.2 m2.

Stairwells, with the exception of type L2 and basement staircases, must have light openings with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2 in the outer walls on each floor.


L2, L3 - correspond;

L1 - does not match

Fire resistance of staircase walls

For buildings of II degree of fire resistance: REI90

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

Fire resistance of landings and flights

For buildings of II degree of fire resistance: R60

FZ No. 123-FZ

corresponds to

Staircase exits

Stairwells have access to the outside area adjacent to the building

Stairwells should have an exit to the area adjacent to the building directly or through the lobby, separated from the adjoining corridors by partitions with doors.

Fires in homes, industrial and other buildings pose a terrible threat to human life and often cause great material damage. To protect people from irreparable consequences, the state has developed a number of fire codes and regulations (SNiP), which must meet any premises.

Fire partitions are one of the important safety details of every building. They are always in demand in large office buildings, shops and factories, as they prevent the spread of fire and smoke during a fire, providing people with the opportunity to evacuate in a timely manner.

Today, many companies are engaged in their installation, but not every of their production meets the established standards. The AB-Profi company offers its customers the installation of fire partitions in accordance with all the requirements and norms of SNiP and GOST.

What is a firewall?

This is a barrier that prevents fire from spreading from one room to other rooms. Such barriers are divided into several types, depending on the indicators of fire resistance.

Types of fireproof partitions in accordance with GOST:

  • Type 1 firewall - must have a fire resistance rating of El 45;

  • Type 2 firewall - must have a fire resistance rating of El15.

These figures mean that each of these partitions can hold back fire for 45 or 15 minutes. The letters E and l are important: E is the norm for the integrity of the partition, l means the ability of the structure to isolate heat during the specified time.

You can also find additional indicators EIW30 or EIW60, where, in addition to the designations E and l, another letter W is indicated. It shows the limit of the heat flux density on the unheated side.

In addition to compliance with fire resistance standards according to GOST, there are several more rules established by law (SNiP).

Rules governing the production of firewalls:

  • Compliance with fire resistance indicators according to GOST.

  • Any partition that prevents fire must be made of materials that are resistant to fire (clause 3.2 of SNiP 2.01.02 - 85).

  • Refractory gypsum board (GKL) with a frame made of refractory materials such as steel or aluminum (GOST 6266-89). In this case, the mating angles must have a fire resistance index of at least 1.25 for the first type and 0.75 for the second;

  • Refractory plastic;

  • Fire-resistant glass - with a frame made of non-combustible materials or cast, transmitting light, or made using a special technology - a multilayer method;

  • Glass blocks are used in premises to which particularly high fire safety requirements are applied. They do not melt, do not crack, completely prevent the penetration of fire and the spread of heat;

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, brick and partitions, as well as plastic and GKL sheets with a frame, are especially popular due to their strength due to their low cost.

Glass fireproof partitions or their analogs from glass blocks are no less durable than brick, they are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, but their prices are much higher than those of analogues made of other materials.

  • The fire-resisting partition must provide free space above the suspended ceilings ( P. 3.10 SNiP 2.01.02 - 85).

  • Any room located in the basement should be separated from the others by a firewall.

Fireproof partitions have two design options:

  • Stationary - these are partitions made of hollow bricks, at least 10 cm thick.

  • Mobile - fire-prevention barriers made of refractory material with a metal frame, they can be easily dismantled and rearranged to other places.

Construction device

Each firewall has a different device depending on the type of construction. Stationary partitions are brickwork, it is distinguished from the wall by the technology of masonry - the brick is laid with an edge.

Mobile partitions are based on a metal frame, which is filled with a heat-insulating base, and the surface is decorated with any fire-resistant material.

All internal joints and seams are sealed with special compounds, which swell when strongly heated, completely fill the smallest cavities and block not only fire, but also smoke.

What is a fire barrier? A fire barrier is a building structure that separates different parts of a building from each other. The barrier serves to prevent the flame from spreading to other rooms.

The main types of fire barriers:

  • Partition (vertical enclosing structure),
  • Overlap (floor, ceiling),
  • Wall,
  • Tambour locks (space with two doors), etc.

As a rule, a fire barrier is designed for a certain time during which it can contain the flame. According to SNiP, fire walls resist the spread of flame for at least 2.5 and 0.75 hours, partitions - 0.75 and 0.25 hours, ceilings - 2.5, 1 and 0.75 hours, vestibules - 0.75 hours.

Fireproof walls of the 1st type are equipped with fireproof doors, as well as windows and gates of the 1st type, in the walls of the 2nd type of filling (doors, windows and gates) must be of the 2nd type. Partitions of the 1st type are equipped with fire-resistant doors and windows of the 2nd type, partitions of the 2nd type - doors and windows of the 3rd type. The floor and ceiling of the 1st type have hatches and valves of the 1st type, hatches and valves of the 3rd type are installed in the ceilings of the 2nd and 3rd types.

Barriers are made of refractory materials. This can be, for example, reinforced concrete or metal. For the manufacture of fire hatches and doors of the 1st and 2nd types, that is, with a fire resistance limit of 60 minutes and 30 minutes, you can use wood with a thickness of 4 mm or processed with special substances to a state of incombustibility.

Models of fire doors from STROYSTALINVEST

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