How to make a bathroom design. Registration of a small bathroom: design, layout, photo

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

The bathroom is, above all, the place where you can relax and pamper yourself with hygienic and cosmetic procedures. Therefore, a beautiful and comfortable arrangement is a matter of paramount importance! We have collected for you 31 idea to arrange a bathroom, which will not fly to you in a penny and will delight the eye for many years!

1. Curtain for the shower with your own hands

In order to create a curtain of your dream, which would ideally go to the interior of your bathroom, you will need only a simple cotton fabric, acrylic paints and a little fantasy!

2. Cold tiled floor becomes 110% cozy due to the carpet from pumps

Make your trip in the mornings to the washbasin is much more pleasant. All you need is yarn and a base in the form of a simple rug.

3. Pour all your shampoos, balsams and hair masks in the same bottle for complete harmony

Use small and cute containers. Only not bulky plastic bottles!

4. Convenient Storage Organizer Small

It will allow you to save space on the table, and you will be very easy to maintain order there.

5. The mirror in this version will look impressively in any bathroom.

6. Use the curved bar for the curtain

Such a bar will make your shower more comfortable than straight.

7. Hang two shower curtains to create a special atmosphere

The shower curtain consisting of two panels will make the view of your bathroom more luxurious. If you have a small bath, you can simply cut the curtain in half and sunmate. As easy as pie!

8. Hang towels on the decorative rustic staircase

Pleasant trifle: such an element of furniture is very mobile, and you will not need to drill holes in the walls.

9. It is possible to facilitate my life by adding the second cornice to the shower

In addition, it is very convenient, and the woven things are dried much better.

10. Get peculiar spa treatments with pebbles rug

All you need is a rubber rug (with drainage holes), waterproof sealant and smooth stones.

11. Pour your mouth rinse fluid into a carved crystal decanter

12. Make such a cheap and easy-to-style tray for wine or reading books in the bathroom.

13. Turn a cheap dresser in the dressing table

14. Brightly painted frame for the mirror will significantly change its appearance.

15. Similar supports under the sink actually destroy the mess in your jars

16. Save a place in a small bathroom using suspended jackets for storing makeup items

This is not just a convenient storage method, but also beautiful wall decoration!

17. Reliable defense against prying views is a free-sensitive paper for contact copying.


No pinching curtains.
- The bathroom gets natural light.
- Such paper can be found at any printing material store.

18. Keep screws for curling, iron and hairdryer in a tap PVC pipe

The cords are no longer confused, and everything lies in place!

19. Add a bit of a rustic charm using a pallet shelf

20. From your ordinary sink table you can make granite thanks to special paint!

21. Turn the old window to the original first-aid kit.

22. Now in the morning you will remember all your plans thanks to the board for records on the dressing table

You will need a glass frame, white paper and any stencil. All ingenious just!

23. Funny horns on the wall as a wonderful alternative to boring towel hook

24. The dressing table with a glass countertop will allow you to see all your cosmetics stocks

Brilliant solution for the original bathroom!

25. Decorate the walls of the bathroom with geometric mirror accents

Mirror decorations are ideal for a small bathroom visually seemed more. For this amazing decoration, you will need only cardboard figures for the basics made by your own hands, and pieces of the mirror.

26. Give a new life cheap glass bottles and vases

To do this, you will need a sprayer from the paint of the dairy shade.

27. Update the shelves and make them brighter using your favorite paint

Attach the labels on the shelves for the order and the organization of the highest level!

28. Add some vegetation to bring the natural freshness in the bathroom

But choose such plants that are suitable for the bathroom conditions - it is desirable those that do not need large quantities Natural light and which is suitable wet environment.

29. The flickering light of the garland will be an excellent decoration of your room in the evening and night time.

You can lay out any word or any shape you want.

30. Such extraordinary shelves can fit perfectly in any interior.

31. And finally, make a visit to the bathroom much more pleasant with a funny dino holder for toilet paper

Inspire and experiment with flowers and shape for greater comfort, order and comfort in your home!

The beginning of a new day we always spend in the bathroom, and its design, in turn, can significantly affect the formative mood, and even self-esteem. About how to create comfortable conditions In the bathroom space, we will tell, bringing the photo examples, and on the basis of the presence of the most common mistakes in the arrangement of this room.

Ill-conceived planning

The main problem causing a variety of inconvenience is an incorrectly planned bathroom space. At the same time, if in a spacious room you can still put up with the fact that the shower cabin is in the wrong place, then little room Such "defects" is unacceptable.


In order for you in a small bathroom, it is comfortable to be, you should think through its filling to the smallest detail, starting, of course, with large plumbers. You need to install the bath so that it completely filled the space along one of the walls. But if you need to place a washing machine in the room, it is better to give up the bath in favor of the shower.

Instead of a massive floor cabinet under the sink, use a compact suspension analogue, and toilet plain so that there is enough space for a free pass between it and plumbing.

Club atmosphere

If you, once adopting a bathroom in a popular public institution (nightclub, cafes, restaurant), you want to recreate a similar atmosphere in your own bathroom, "Think before you make such a mistake.

Often the bathrooms in institutions are decorated deliberately relaxed, languidly, for example, in dark colors, with large quantity Mirrors and dim lighting. In fact, a similar interior of the bathroom in an apartment or a house will coagulate, interfere with the vasculation in the morning, and will make your color not healthy.




No protective partitions

The area around the bath can be left without a protective curtain, if the room is additionally installed a shower. In the case when the bath is combined with the shower, the absence of a partition or curtains will lead to the fact that the adjacent walls and the floor will be filled with water, to clean the cleaning of which you spend over time.


The easiest I. available way Isolate a bath with a shower - this is the installation of a rod of the vest between the walls, and hanging the functional curtains on it. There are other methods of protection against splashes on the nearby surfaces, for example, static glass partitions, sliding or swinging doors installed on board the bath.


Slippery floor

Choosing a ceramic tile for floor facing, one can allow one but a very significant error, and get a smooth glossy material.

It is important to understand that in favor of beauty you neglect the rules of security, because when water gets into a slippery surface, the risk increases serious injuries during the fall.


The glossy can be a tile for facing the walls of the bathroom, but the floor here must be matte, slightly rough. If you do right choice In favor of the special, laptic tile, then in the future, save yourself from not necessary concerns to damage.

Dull work light

Do not get tired of reminding how important the quality, competently mounted light in the work area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom. And it will be a big omission, on your part, ignore the issue of installation lighting devices Near the mirror over the sink. As a result, you can get unbalanced shadows on your face, choose the wrong tone of cosmetic products and, in general, spend a lot more time in the bathroom, trying to consider your own reflection.



An excellent solution for working area The bathroom will be a mirror with integrated backlight, which will illuminate your face soft and evenly. Alternatively, you can set a pair of identical luminaires on the sides of the mirror at the same height of each other, but for this it will be necessary to mount additional wiring.

Paper wallpaper

For specific premises with high humidity This method of wall design does not fit a priori, especially if the room is small. Paper base and glue for such wallpapers quickly absorb moisture, the seams will disperse, and the canvas can completely move away from the surface of the walls.


The best material for facing the bathroom walls is a ceramic tile, laid out compliance with all editing rules. If you, for some reason, are not ready to use it in the design of the room, it is better to make a choice in favor of a combined finish. That is, if the wallpaper is certainly washable moisture resistant (vinyl), - they can be applied in the sink region, entrance door, near the bath. The bottom of the walls, nevertheless, it is better to bond with tiles, decorative brick or moisture-resistant panels, especially in the shower zone.

Lack of holder for towels

This seemingly minor item is capable of creating the best conditions for staying in the bathroom. But if it does not provide for installation of rods or hangers with simple hooks, you can get some trouble. For example, leaving the bath in order to take a towel at the other end of the room, you leave wet traces on which slip.



Ideally, hooks, rods or a multifunctional holder with a dryer, should be near each zone associated with water treatments: the bathroom, the cabin, the sink (for spacious bathrooms).

Lack of rug near bath

The foot mat is a pleasant trifle, but if it is not in the bathroom, you can catch cold, standing on the cold floor barefoot, or slip, leaving the bath or shower.



In any store plumbing, you will be offered suitable cotton mats or soft polyester: different sizes, shapes and pile values. We recommend choosing a rug with a rubberized basis, in order to avoid gliding on the floor surface.

Very small shell

Surprisingly, even in quite spacious bathrooms, quite small bowls are often installed, probably due to unusual design, Forms or Built-in Sensor. In practice, similar plumbing products are no more than decorative, few functional accessories.

Standing near a small shell, even one person will be difficult to exercise the usual hygienic procedures, not to mention the marital pair or children who are in the morning to school.


In a large bathroom, it is better to immediately install two separate sinks to make daily rituals most comfortable for everyone. For small rooms, it is recommended to choose one sink with a wide bowl, or a double version of the washbasin.


Restrained decoration

If it seems to you that in the bathroom it is enough to build surfaces and install a suitable plumbing, we will reply: it is only 70% of what should be done in this room. After all, the bathroom is separate, albeit a small one, but an independent room, which also can have his own, unique image.



The interior design of the bathroom can become an incredibly exciting occupation by which you implement your creative potential. Therefore, we advise you to go to the store in order to choose in it the original lamps for the working area, a beautiful mirror in the frame or with chamfering, textile mats, soap containers, a bright bathtub for a bath and many other, useful and beautiful things.

The bathroom is a place for relaxation, a room in which you can take water treatments and hold a weekly spa course. In no room, the functionality and design and design, which should create a cozy and relaxation to relaxation, should take into account all the necessary storage locations.

"Iuliia Bondarenko /"

For a modern bathroom, characteristic small square, Availability plumbing equipment and compact Systems Storage. Design, as they say, this is a purely individual and personal, he is given separate and special attentiondepending on individual preferences to create an intimate and comfortable situation for a particular person.

Modern bathroom design

Modern bathroom design is characterized by functionality, concise, using modern materials such as glass, chrome metal and plastic. It has already become a tradition to use ceramic tiles for cladding, which ensures the absolute stability of the walls to moisture.

"Andjeiv /"

"Yampi /"

Manufacturers offered dozens of collections that help real estate owners arrange a bathroom in a single style.

"Artazum /"
Eviled /
Navintar /

IN modern design The bathroom special place is given to the appearance of plumbing, fittings and water cranes. Shells can have various shapescan be equipped with waterfall cranes, with work-functional targets.

With the help of functional items of the interior, additional design effects can be achieved, which will make your personal room for relaxation with a small paradise where you can forget from day care.

Furniture can be chosen from the proposed range or approach this issue with a fantasy, organizing convenient storage systems for trivia, bath towels, household appliances and other home accessories.

"Elnur /"

Bathroom Design with Shower Cab

A shower cabin in the bathroom can complement the traditional bathroom or replace it. What is better - bathroom or shower depends only on personal preferences. But, as a rule, shower cabins are installed in small roomsSince the compact location of plumbing can save a lot of space.

An alternative to the shower with the average size of the plumbing room can be a bathroom with a hydromassage shower.

Maxal Tamor /

You can simulate a shower cabin with the help of special glass screens. If you like to take a bathroom, the cabin will be able to replace the hydromassage rack.

Bathroom combined with bathroom

This layout is very compact and allows you to place all the necessary plumbing devices, freeing more free space.

"Ehpoint /"

Many owners of apartments with separate bathroom and bathroom joined them in a single space, making a bathroom more spacious and comfortable. This solution makes it possible to install in the bathroom couch and additional furniturewhich are necessary for storing things and rest.

Kittirat Roekburi /
"Artazum /"

What color is most suitable


The bathroom is decorated in white, it turns out very bright and visually large. Using LED lighting and ceiling lamps Helps significantly improve this impression.

"Alexandre Zveiger /"

Light floral decoration, ceramic decor with a combination of colors in tone. Good example There will be elite collections of Rosa Portugal tiles from Ibero Ceramicas, Jacquard Ajanta from Kerama Marazzi and Melange Nephritis from Ceramics.

"Cinematographer /"

Consider that the design examples of the design rarely can rarely meet the design of the bathroom in one color, combinations of 2 or 3 colors are most often used.

"Elnur /"


The purple bathroom is very demanding in relation to the color shade. If it comes to rich color, you will need to hang mirrors in the room and make good lighting. Such techniques will expand the space. Visual expansion of the room can be achieved by white ceiling and light floor.

"Richman21 /"

Also for walls you can choose a collection ceramic tile and borrow a ready-made design of the series in violet shades. An interesting option There will be a Next tile from Ibero, azalea from Berezheramik or Domenico tile.

Purple, emerald, deep gray shades of decoration are characteristic of bathrooms in fusion style. This line of decoration implies mix styles using deep and noble shades.

When choosing dark tints, it is better to buy a supervant tile. Despite relative impracticality, such a surface will reflect the light well, which will give the room an additional volume.

Purple color contributes to the development of serotonin in the body, which significantly improves the mood and immunity. This color contributes to the normalization of the nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as high-quality rest.

"Artazum /"

Black and white bathroom

Black and white bathroom is a classic genre. Such interiors refer to expressive design, which will best look in the rooms more big Square. Nevertheless, when buying tiles of expensive brands, the problem of "narrowing space" is partially exhausted.

"Author: fotoplan /"

Manufacturers thoroughly select shades, drawings, finish so that it looks sophisticated and appropriate in any interior. Such collections include Porcelanosa Saigon tile, bolero nephritis ceramics, as well as already mentioned Ajanta from Kerama Marazzi.



The brown bathroom will suit the owners who prefer the classics. A fully brown bathroom is rare, most often in combination with light tiles. Bathrooms in brown shades can be done in wooden house, as well as in the interiors, where finishes applied with imitation under the tree.

"Artazum /"

For decoration modern interiors You can select Bali Tile from Golden Tile or Dante Chocolate and Dante Mix.

"Fotoplan /"

"Fotoplan /"


If the green bathroom is selected from all variants, most often it is performed in light green shades. It will be not only about the "light" solution, but also about the combination of tiles colors made in a white and light green shade. It can be a tile of birch ceramics style or Flora Green from Opoczno.

"Andrey_Kuzmin /"

Green color positively affects health and mood. In addition, the presented collections in the green gamma are diverse in shades, you can choose even the most unexpected combinations that will look very natural and original.

"Artazum /"


The red and white tile in the bathroom is definitely an extraordinary design of a bathroom for people who lack energy and want to immediately wake up in the morning. Red color is exciting and activates energy processes in the body.

"Alexilena /"

Beautifully looks red trim on a white background. In this case, the interior does not make an unpleasant impression.

It is interesting to look at the finish of the red wall above the bathroom or sink. The red tile successfully looks on the floor and creates the so-called composite base, as if saturating the owners of the apartment's apartment from the inside.


Exquisite red ceramics is presented in many Italian collections, the use of which in the interior design wins not only because of the color, but also the textures.

"Kalakutskiy Mikhail /"


Describe the most popular styleswhich are used for bathing. If you want to do something original, you can move away from the standard by offering an alternative vision of your bathroom.

Modern style

Modern style in the bathroom can be represented by separate artistic styles as minimalism, urbanism and industrial style or their combination. Each of these styles implies the use of various color combinations and modern forms of plumbing and furniture.

"Foamfoto /"

Modern bathrooms can be sustained in brown, deep gray tones or in all shades of beige. For this style, noble restraint and neutral colors, supplemented with ultra-modern accessories, are characteristic.



The style of Provence is also called a rustic style or the "Farmhouse" style, however, in the style of Provence often design urban apartments. For this style, it is characterized by the presence of a different cute decor and accessories with ceramic stands and an ornament, finishing with gold inserts.

"Richman21b /"

Bathroom in the style of Provence is withstanding in light Tones, more often in white color or its halftons. In some cases, especially in individual houses, such bathrooms can be partially lined with tiles, and the rest of the walls and the floor are often made up with wooden lining.

"Fiphoto /"

Provence is characterized by the use of curtains, numerous shelves, woven accessories and furniture, wood finishes.

Classic style

For classic style Often choose natural shades. Often in such bathrooms you can meet the use of tile under a natural stone. You can make the interior more modern by the author's plumbing and glass elements Design.


The classic bathroom is often performed in all shades of beige, which gives it a special flavor of an old and reliable.

"Posztos /"


In the bathroom it is impossible to do without furniture. The stores present a fairly wide variety of objects of the situation, but these are increasingly less standard solutions. Key feature These products - stability of materials to high humidity.

"Karamysh /"

It is always possible to contact the furniture workshop and order comfortable and functional systems Storage, which not only degrease the interior, but will make it more convenient.

«Omistudio /»

Hinged cabinet

The mounted cabinet is the natural object of the standard bathroom. It has several storage compartments household appliances and hygiene items. Attached cabinets and stands with a mirror and backlit, which are full-featured storage systems for standard baths.

"Ozmedia /"


Depending on the interior, the bathroom mirror can be a separate object of the situation or combined with a special cabinet and a tab. The combined option is more preferable, as it saves space.


A good idea for small baths is considered a flat cabinet shelf with a depth of 15-20 cm with a large mirror as anterior panel-door. Big mirror can be placed on the front of the foam for household accessories, washing machine and baskets for linen.

"Andjeiv /"

Basket for linen

The laundry basket is also the natural component of the interior of the bathroom. The sale presents a wide range of plastic, wooden and woven models, as well as special storage systems in which the laundry basket is built into a separate cabinet or niche. In some cases, the fan with a built-in basket for linen can be combined with ironing board.

"Africa Studio /"


Bathroom lighting is a difficult question requiring purely professional installation. All lamps should be placed in accordance with construction requirements, installation is carried out at a significant distance from water sources.

"David papazian /"

When installing the lamps, it is required to take into account the level of illumination. It is impossible to place the sources of electricity within 60 cm from the bathroom. For installation of sockets near water sources, closed sockets and low-voltage luminaires are used. The level of protection of all electrical appliances should be in the IP44-IP45 range.


The chandelier can be the subject of placing the bathroom only in rooms with a large area.

"Kuprynenko andrii /"
"Mark Breck Andrii /"

In some cases, a small LED chandelier can be installed in small bathrooms, but usually it is replaced with ceiling point lights to create upper lighting.

"Luiggi33 /"


Choose LED for the bathroom spotlights With closed wiring with IP44-IP45 hydraulic protection level. It is recommended to avoid installing light sources directly above the bathroom and in the shower zone. Excellent idea can be considered the use of crystal models that create interesting game Lights indoors.

Madhourse /


Woods are used in bathrooms usually for local illumination of the zone near the mirror. Usually used to install protected hidden wiring and low-power LED appliances. High-voltage luminaires can be installed in large rooms in a significant distance from water.

"Alabn /"
Irina Borsuchenko /

Selection and exercise of the bathroom design is complex process. The key problem lies in the fact that there are often rooms have a small size. The decor of the bathroom must combine beauty and functionality. There are many useful recommendations and ideas that help create perfect design in the bathroom.

It is recommended to think in advance what kind of bath you want to get. After all, even B. little room You can create something interesting and practical. In addition to buying everything you need, you can add a little details on the bathroom decor made by your own hands. This will make originality to the room. You need to decide in advance with some criteria:

  • Functionality. It should be solved that it must be in the bathroom, and from which you can refuse.
  • Single style. How do you want to see the room.
  • Safety. It is especially important for those who have children in the house.

Original design of Rakovin

Sink is an important detail. And if you decide to establish a non-standard model, this will affect all the design of the room. On the shelves stores many models. Different and shape of the bowl. There are standard round, square and more original, asymmetrical.

In addition to the form, you can experiment with the material. There are ceramic, metal and crystal. The main thing is that the sink is combined with a common interior.

Light bathroom design

Original bathroom decor

Mirrors and lighting

Do not give up mirrors in the bathroom. For proper use This item is capable of transforming the space and make it visually spacious and lighter. If the bathroom is often used in two people, it is worth hanging a few mirrors for convenience. The surface of this part is always the same. Therefore, experimenting is with the shape and frame of the product. You can buy a ready-made mirror or decorate it with your own hands.

Lighting is worth paying separate attention. Light intensity is key. Strong lighting creates the atmosphere of comfort in the room and emphasizes all the details of the interior. The shape and size of light sources can be any. The value of the decor in the bathroom and personal preferences.

If you need muffled lighting, it is worth using a dimmer. It allows you to adjust and adjust the intensity of light, which helps to change the surrounding mood.

Bathroom Design in Modern Style

Modern bathroom interior

Bathroom in bright colors

Nishche holders and holders of towels for walls

Hooks do not differ convenience to accommodate towels. It is better to replace them with an open rack. Alternatively, you can consider hanging baskets. They can be made personally and stored not only towels, but also other things. Many designers recommend using niches as contrast, bright details indoors. The presence of a wide range of models allows you to choose suitable holders for space of any sizes.

The organization of the decor of the bathroom is a matter problematic. Help can cope useful recommendations Designers:

  1. Think how the pipes will be located. Determine in advance where the cranes will be. If the bathroom is small, you can integrate them into the wall, it will save space.
  2. Determine the place of each large detail. Sink - in the corner or opposite the door, but not too close to the bath. The toilet should not come into contact with the sink. Placing a shower cabin, make sure the doors open.
  3. There are several types of lighting, compiled separately. Organize the brightest light next to the washbasin, so that it covers his face, and did not cut his eyes.
  4. The ventilation system is important. The heated towel rail helps to reduce the level of humidity. The ventilation system is convenient to post at the bottom of the door.
  5. If space is limited, placing mounted furniture. It will help save space.
  6. Channel should be replaced glass partition. Her functions are similar, but it looks more attractive. Care for her easier. There are models that use matte glass.

Light bathroom design

Original bathroom decor

Ideas for a small bathroom

The interior of the bathroom of small dimensions has some nuances that should be considered:

  1. Bath is recommended to replace the shower. Instead of standard toilet bowl, install the installation. This will free space for unnecessary cabinets.
  2. Fixing material Choose in bright colors. It is allowed so that on the surface there was a small pattern or rare.
  3. Mirrors and mirror surfaces. It was noted that such a nuance is capable of visually expanding the space.
  4. Competent lighting. The lighter in the room, the more spacious it seems.

Bathroom Design in Modern Style

Modern bathroom interior

Bathroom in bright colors

Little bathroom decor. Plumbing

In order not to clutter a small space of the overall plumbing, it is worth considering the use of special models represented in the table.

We remove everything too much

If space is not enough, it is necessary to use the existing area maximum. Under the bathroom there is always a place. Remove the economic inventory there. The screen will help hide it from prying eyes. Use the built-in wardrobes with walls. They can store everything you need, saving space.

Light bathroom design

Original bathroom decor

We predict the future appearance of the bathroom decor

Before proceeding with the embodiment of the decor, it is worth developing his sketch and take into account all possible problems. It is recommended to act in this order:

  1. Analyze, in what condition all the structures of the bathroom.
  2. Solve how surfaces and items require an update or replacement.
  3. Determine which techniques and techniques are necessary for work.
  4. Preparation of everything you need.

Tile as decor

Tile placed according to the standard scheme in chess order different tones. You can form colored accents on the wall. In large tiles insert a small mosaic, which significantly revives the design.

Bathroom Design in Modern Style

Modern bathroom interior

Bathroom in bright colors

There are various modifications of tiles.

  1. Insert in a specific zone with a pattern. Creates an accent stain.
  2. A subtle border having an elongated rectangle shape and convex surface.
  3. Set with drawings in the form of fragments, creating beautiful paintings.
  4. Friesayz helps create a vertical panel.

For zoning space, use narrow borders, and panels create colorful paintings.

Innovative ideas on the decor of wall surfaces

Refresh the interior of the bathroom helps the plastic panels, mirror tile And methods of decoration. One of these can be called decoupage. You can make it yourself, armed with glue, acrylic varnish, soft brushes, decappace contour and three-layer napkins. They should be chosen with a beautiful pattern, large and suitable for the interior. It is only necessary to cut the drawing and stick it on the surface of the tile. Finally, everything is covered with varnish.

Light bathroom design

Original bathroom decor

Floor decor options

Tile can be completely replaced. Or remove it part and put a solid glass into this place. Complemented lED ribbon or image. You can simply be placed in the bathroom a bright rug. New tile It is worth choosing with a pattern that will create a wonderful pattern.

Bathroom Decor - Vintage from newspaper tubes (master class)

Armed with girlfriend, you can create your own baths in the style of vintage. From the old staircase you can make a rack, repainted in white color. Glass cans worth decorate with tissue with vintage paper. This is not only an element of decor, but also the storage capacity of the toothbrushes. The bathroom is perfect for a basket made of newspaper tubes.

Bathroom Design in Modern Style

Modern bathroom interior

Bathroom in bright colors

Bath basket of newspaper tubes (master class)

To build a basket, you should stock up the tubes from a newspaper, glue, a sponge and a brush for clothes, acrylic paint And varnish, brush, cardboard box.

Take the basket is a pigtail of two tubes. By the end brought third. First the bottom is created by gluing several cards. Put the ends of the tubes inside. For weaving, use side pieces of the box, strengthening pigtails with clothespins. Having achieved the desired height, make a bevelled side. Find the center of the product and the central tube located vertically. It remains in the initial position, and the neighboring envelopes. Recreate and start weaving in another direction.

After reaching the required height, the third pigtail is entered. It is fixed to the vertical tube. The work is completed by weaving in three parts. The tubes are cut and lubricated with glue. The basket covers water mixed with PVA in equal proportions. When everything dries, acrylic paint is applied.

Selection of accessories and accessories

It is worth installing holders for towels. In the form of a ring or rod differ reliability, but not too easy to operate. With a small space, you should choose models on hinges.

No shelves in the bath can not do. Especially if there are no other furniture. Enough one model of glass or metal. You can add a design over a bath with numerous tiers.

It is worth making some brightness with curtains, better vinyl. It does not absorb water. For the shower cabin there are special beautiful appliques. You can add a bright rug.

Light bathroom design

Original bathroom decor

Bathroom color decoration

For a small space, you should not use dark tones. It is recommended to introduce light shades. If the baths are impressive, you can choose almost any color. All items must be in a single gamma and correspond to one style. Your own perception of the palette matters. It is important to take into account the lighting. If it is a bit, any dark tones are excluded. The white color in the bathroom, blue, green and other gamma is traditionally popular.

Modern people pay a lot of time to personal hygiene and spend many minutes in the bathrooms.

This is usually happening in the morning before leaving for work and in the evening after a hard day.

The decor of this room helps to create a mood at different times of the day. It is formed by a special approach to the color and freshness of the walls of the bathroom.

The decoration of this special room may be based on their own efforts. But you have to explore the foundations of this case and, of course, it is desirable to have an artistic taste or at least fantasy.

Basics of bathroom decoration

It is important to realize that this room is the same as the other components of the apartment. It is also necessary to designate with the use of a certain approach, not forgetting to create the functionality of its direct purpose.

Its main features are tidy, since the visible packaging of even the most expensive brands of washing powders will not give her the necessary decor and even spoil.

It is necessary to create certain places for storing detergents and all that is necessary for this room with the condition that it will be hidden from the eye. The room must be organized, so that it shines harmony and the integrity of the established interior.

For shampoos, creams or gels, you can install a beautiful shelf, inscribed in overall picture Design.

Usually it is successfully a bath screen based on a removable or can be a sliding door. It is easy to mount your own hands. This design will help to hide ugly places from views and ensure the necessary functionality of the room.

Another one suitable option Attached shelves are considered, created from plastic with the addition of the mirror of the built-in type.

They are comfortable for folding things used for the bath every day. And also successfully looks lockers embedded in the most accessible place with functional doors. They are easy to make their own efforts. They provide hiding places with thick jet of pipes and other communications.

Properly decorated walls will create exactly that bath dream

The walls of the bathroom can be decorated with their efforts without much costs, since it is always the first look of visitors to them.

Even the sink or the main container for washing cannot attract so much attention as the walls of this room. This is due to the fact that the walls occupy most Bath space.

For their formation, it is necessary to respond with the selection of tiles, although its size and color equipment should depend on the personal preference of the owners of the apartment. You can successfully use a small tile or the average version. An excellent choice will be panel.

If the host bath has experience, it is quite capable of independently putting the tile in his taste, since it is important to work with high quality items. Mounting work tiles are very important because it is necessary to do everything carefully to be ensured maximum time Its use.

There are cases when you want to create a decor based on old tile without her replacement. Then you can paint the walls and put your favorite image.

Although there is a simpler approach based on the use of stickers that appeared on the market in an incredible abundance. Such an approach will help form new design For walls without replacing tiles and this is considered a good option.

Basics of bathroom decoration basics

For this premises, in opinion, various floors are easily applicable. But still, the choice will have to do in favor of one of them.

Originality is achieved with wooden or parquet floors. But they have a noticeable problem, since they are subject to damage due to the effects of changing temperatures and high humidity.

You can stop your choice on carpet. However, in this case, it is best to use neutral tones of its color, because the dark one will betray the bath incredible gloom, and light will be clogged too quickly.

But still, the stone floor is considered the perfect choice for the bathroom, since it is durable, racks to humidity. Such a coating is easy to install with cement mortar. Although the tile created for the floor has the same properties.

However, for the most boldens, it is possible to embed glass to the floor, while it is possible to place a drawing with the original image - marine stones, seashells or other sea motifs. In this case, it is important to qualitatively arrange the laying of all elements.

In the process of designing the decoration of the bathroom, it is important to avoid excessive oversaturation, because even with the help of expensive elements you can destroy the interior.

If the design is done correctly, then all the elements will be in harmony, which will touch even such elements as towels.

Photo of the decor in the bathroom

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