How to remove tile from a wall without damaging it. Tips for beginners: how to carefully remove tiles from the wall How to remove old tiles without damaging them

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The complete dismantling of a decorative tile coating without taking into account the safety of each individual tile, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for most ordinary performers. In this case, you can choose any suitable impact-chopping tool (a puncher with a special nozzle, for example) and use it to “pick out” the tiles from the walls of your room, row by row.

Often there are situations when it is necessary to dismantle not the entire wall covering, but only some part of it (fragment), while keeping the elements removed from the walls intact.

In this article, we will try to tell you how to remove the tiles from the wall, provided that only a part is removed. decorative finishes, and the blanks dismantled in this case are supposed to be reused.

Dismantling methods

Reception selection partial withdrawal tile coating depends on the method of fixing the latter on the bathroom wall, as well as on the base material. The following options may be considered:

  • tile attached to concrete base using a specially prepared solution;
  • copies of the tile are attached to the base of the walls by means of a special adhesive composition;
  • the tile coating is applied (glued) to the plasterboard finish.

Let's make a reservation right away that the complexity of the upcoming work will largely depend not only on the quality of the installation of the tile itself, but also on the type of fixing composition used when laying it. It is clear that professionally laid tiles with long term service will be removed with great difficulty, so you will have to work hard to get the desired result.

Regarding the tool used in dismantling decorative coating, then, taking into account the task set before us, we should simply forget about the mechanisms of percussive action for some time. In this case, the only correct solution would be to use a classic hammer and chisel, through which you can carefully remove the tile without damaging it. And you will most likely need a puncher only at the end of the main work (when cleaning the walls from the remnants of the adhesive or mortar).

The procedure for removing tile blanks

Work on the dismantling of old tiles usually begins with the upper section of the wall, and then gradually moves to its lower edge.

On the initial stage you will have to "sacrifice" one of the top tiles by completely breaking it with a hammer. Such a technique will allow you to catch on the edge of the next tile in this row and carefully remove it with the help of a prepared tool.

In the course of work, the chisel is driven into the gap between the wall and the tile with neat but strong blows designed to separate the tile from the base without damaging it. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the "behavior" of the tile itself. In the event that it does not respond to impact when struck with a chisel, try choosing another place, otherwise the tile may simply crack.

If it is impossible to somehow pick up this element of the tiled coating by the edge, just break it with a hammer in the same way as the first tile. It is quite clear what to remove old tiles with 100% savings, it usually fails, since many specimens adhere very strongly to the base over time.

In the same way, the tiles are removed from the rest of the wall, after which it will be possible to move on to cleaning and preparing the vacated area for finishing.

Plasterboard base

The technique for removing tiles from a drywall base, in principle, does not differ from the “hammer and chisel” method we have already considered. But in this case, due to the fragility of the base, as well as due to high strength gluing drywall sheets can be damaged, so it is best to first try to remove the tile by prying it with a spatula. At the same time, it’s also good if small areas are damaged (within one or two tiles). In this case, it will be possible to simply cut out the damaged section of the drywall coating, and then replace it with a new one.

When it is necessary to replace the entire tile in the room being equipped, you can only hope for good luck and for errors in the work of the builders who laid the tiles. In this case, in the same way as in the previous case, you should try to drive a chisel between the base and the tile, trying to separate it from the drywall.

Only upon completion of the work will you be able to fully assess the amount of damage received by the drywall base and decide what to do with them. Since it is not always possible to completely remove the remnants of the adhesive composition from intact sheets, the only right decision there will be a complete update.

In the case when the tiles are laid on drywall using the "comb" method, it is not necessary to get rid of the old glue. This is explained by the fact that such walls are usually subsequently primed and additionally treated with special solutions that hide all the irregularities found on them.

If you need to remove the tiles in the bathroom in a single instance, you will have to use a technique that is fundamentally different from everything that was described above.

It is possible to dismantle a single tile without damaging all neighboring ones only on a “fresh” coating applied quite recently, at least a few days ago.

At the initial stage of work, using a flat screwdriver, it is necessary to clean the seams around the tile you have chosen to the full depth, after which you can try to carefully pick it up with the same screwdriver or chisel with working parts covered with electrical tape. Such a precaution will allow you to avoid accidental damage to adjacent tiles during the dismantling process.

In any case, when removing a single tile, you will need to take care to have several spare copies that can be installed in place of the damaged ones.


This video shows the process of dismantling the tiles:

This video demonstrates the process of removing a tile without breaking it:

Whatever the interior of the bathroom or kitchen, there comes a time when it is updated. Often this is due to the need to replace utilities. One way or another, but you need to dismantle the old tiles. For such work, it makes no sense to invite specialists and pay them money. Do-it-yourself tile dismantling is not a difficult task, but some tips will still come in handy.

First of all, you need to stock up on tools. For work you will need:

  • a rough knife, a chisel and a spatula - to release tile joints;
  • warm water and rags - for wetting the grout;
  • hammer, impact screwdriver and chisel - for dismantling small fragments;
  • grinder or multitool - for cleaning joints filled with cement mortar;
  • perforator with a drill and nozzles in the form of a chisel and a peak - for rough dismantling.

In some cases, you can try to remove the tile in such a way as to save part of it for later use. The dismantling of ceramic tiles in this case begins with the following procedure.

  1. Joints between tiles, if they are filled with grout based on gypsum mixture should be rinsed with plenty of hot water.
  2. After loosening the grout, remove it with a chisel or spatula. Clean the edges with a knife. If necessary, the grout should be moistened periodically, as its fragments are removed.
  3. After cleaning, it is recommended to rinse the seams again with warm water using a rag.

How to carefully remove tiles

Dismantling tiles can be attempted carefully. Earlier this facing material laid not on special glue, but on cement mortar which is easier to destroy. The dismantling process after cleaning the seams is as follows.

  1. When installing an impact screwdriver or chisel in the gap between the tile and the wall, you need to gently tap with a hammer, try to separate ceramic tiles entirely. You need to act around the entire perimeter of the tile, trying to pick it up with different parties.
  2. If the tile cracked when trying to remove it without damage, you can speed up the dismantling process by using a chisel.
  3. The separated whole tile is set aside: after washing with water, it can be reused (for example, for lining a toilet in the country).

Dismantling of floor tiles is carried out after cleaning the joints with the help of two pieces of hardened wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm. Their bent ends lead under the edges of the tile, and then tear off one by one.

You can clean the tiles from glue using a special nozzle in the form of a wire brush for a drill or grinder. Be careful not to damage the face of the ceramic.

Rough dismantling of ceramic tiles

Most often, the dismantling of tiles laid on a cement-containing mixture cannot be completely dismantled. If the base is a solid structure (concrete or Brick wall), you can act rudely. In this case, you need to take care of safety: protect your eyes with special glasses, hands with work gloves (mittens), respiratory organs with a mask or respirator. Boots must be with a metal insert at the toe, the head is protected by a helmet. After that, proceed to work in the following order.

  1. Turn off the electrical wiring laid along the walls. Remove or protect other communications with plywood sheets - plumbing, heated towel rail, sewer pipes.
  2. If a floor tiles it is not planned to dismantle it - it is necessary to protect it with sheets of corrugated cardboard or foam boards laid in several layers.
  3. They start from the top row: in a convenient place, they break the first tile with a hammer and chisel to make it easier to get to the edges of the remaining elements. This minimizes the risk of large fragments falling on your feet.
  4. If the tile is weak, it is enough to use a chisel and a hammer. The point of the chisel should be set at a slight angle to the wall, at the edge of the tile. Strongly glued tiles are knocked down with a perforator with a chisel-shaped nozzle.

Important: dismantling the tiles in the bathroom, separated from the bathroom by a thin concrete partition, should be done carefully: the thickness of the slab is no more than 40 mm. If careless, a crack may form.

Plastic tiles are removed without a perforator: they pry the edges with a chisel and tear them off in pieces. After that, the remaining glue is knocked down (as a rule, it is applied in dots in five places). It is impossible to remove such a tile in its entirety.

How to dismantle a single element

In some cases, it is not necessary to completely dismantle the tiles from the walls, but only individual elements. It is important not to damage adjacent tiles. Such a need arises when one or more tiles are cracked, chipped, which means that such a tile needs to be replaced. They operate as follows.

How to remove tiles from drywall

This task is the most difficult: modern adhesive mixtures for tiles have good adhesion to GKL. Therefore, you need to act according to the following rules.

  1. We clean the seams between the tiles.
  2. Gently prying the edges of the tiles from different sides, we try to tear off the tiles without breaking the drywall.
  3. Completely damaged sections of the GCR will have to be replaced with new ones.
  4. GKL sections with a violation of the top layer should be strengthened by impregnation with a deep penetration primer.
  5. In the event that the tile adhesive was applied with a notched trowel, and traces of glue on the drywall remained in the form of grooves, it is not necessary to clean it off. If the glue adheres firmly to the surface, it is leveled with a wide spatula with a smooth edge, filling the grooves with a similar composition. After that, the wall can be re-tiled with ceramic tiles.

Removing ceiling tiles

The finishing material for the ceiling is made of lightweight foam, and therefore a puncher is not required for dismantling. You need to do the following.

  1. Cover the furniture and floor with a film to protect against dust and dirt.
  2. The tile is hooked with a spatula and removed from the ceiling.
  3. The adhesive remaining on the ceiling and tile fragments are wetted with water.
  4. After the remnants of the cladding become sour, they are cleaned with a spatula. If necessary, wetting is repeated several times.

At the end of the topic, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates the process of removing old tiles.

The tile has to be removed before starting the repair or in order to restore the surface. Despite the fact that breaking is not building, not everyone knows how to remove tile from the wall, ceiling or floor so as not to damage the surface. Work sometimes, one might say, jewelry. Consider the basic methods for removing tiles.

Before removing the tiles, you need to prepare the following tools: a drill with a 6 mm drill, a hammer, a chisel, a spatula, a perforator with a chisel attachment, a grout scraper, goggles, goggles, a mask or gauze bandage.

How to remove tiles from a wall

The choice of a particular method depends largely on how exactly the tile was attached to the wall at one time. So, if it was mounted on a cement mortar, and the masters did it, fully observing the technology, it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the tile without breaking it. We'll have to work with a chisel attachment and get ready for serious work. If the tile was mounted with glue, remove it without splitting, perhaps it will work.

How to carefully remove ceramic tiles in order to restore them

  • If you need to remove a few damaged elements without hitting the rest, you will have to work very carefully. Indeed, with one careless movement, you can damage the adjacent tile, and you will have to remove it as well.

How to remove damaged tiles

First, using a special scraper, clean the seams around the tiles. If the tile was laid on cement mortar and is firmly attached to the wall, drill holes in it with an electric drill with a drill. Pry the ceramic tile with a chisel and tap it with a hammer, trying to break off the entire fragment. This must be done very carefully, trying not to damage the wall. Once the tile is removed, proceed to remove the adhesive.

  • If you want to remove the entire tile, but want to keep it intact for later use, the steps must be even more careful. The tile can be kept intact if it was laid poorly or poor-quality glue was used.

First, you should clean the inter-tile seams, then, taking a chisel with a thin blade, gently bring it under the tile and begin to carefully knock it out with a hammer. When you beat off the tile by 2/3, the most crucial moment comes. You need to try to save the far corners of the tile.

  • How to remove the old tile, if it does not require its safety? Compared to other types of tile removal, this is the easiest.

Put on goggles and a mask to protect yourself from dust, take a perforator with a chisel attachment, place it at an angle to the tile, and, turning on the tool, separate the tile from the wall. Then remove the remaining mortar with a hammer and chisel.

How to remove tiles from the floor

This is done in a similar way to removing tiles from walls if you have a hammer drill. It should be placed at an angle to the tile and beat off. But if you need to remove one tile and keep others, you need to be careful. After cleaning the seam around the tile, try to split it and pry it with a chisel. If you also want to save the removed tile (for example, when it is glued unevenly, and it catches your eye), take a chisel with the thinnest blade, a spray bottle with water. After wetting the area around the tile, remove the grout. Place a chisel against the tile and tap around the perimeter of the tile. When the sound becomes deaf in a certain place, this means that the tile has begun to move away. Then you need to carefully remove the tile, and then clean the surface of the solution.

Removing tiles from the floor

Removing tiles from drywall

Many are sure that they know how to remove old tiles from drywall wall. Actually, it's not that easy, since drywall is not that strong a material. Rather, it is almost impossible to do this if a layer of plaster was not applied to the drywall before installing the tile, and the tile is securely held good glue. The tile can only be removed together with the base. If plaster was applied to drywall, you can try picking off one tile at a time. But there is no guarantee of the safety of the drywall sheet.

How to remove ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are lightweight elements that are glued with a transparent, but very strong adhesive. So far, they have not come up with another way, except to remove the ceiling tiles with an ordinary spatula, and remove the remaining glue with a solvent or remove it with the same spatula, preheating with an industrial hair dryer. If the ceiling tile during installation was coated with glue completely, and not pointwise (which is a violation of technology), it will not work to remove it with a spatula. It is better to mount on top of a stretch ceiling.

The situations in which it becomes necessary to carefully dismantle the old tile are completely different. Sometimes you just need to remove a few fragments, for example, if you are going to mount the faucet directly from the wall. Then these tiles need to be inserted into place.

Sometimes, with total repair work- you need to dismantle the entire wall, and then use this tile somewhere else, for example, in the country. Why good to disappear?

Sometimes, of course, it happens that there is no need to keep the tiles safe and sound. In this case, we only need:

  • perforator;
  • irresistible desire to destroy.

As we understand, this method of dismantling does not provide for the further use of tiles. Yes, and the very surface of the wall can be greatly damaged. Of course, this is not critical if in the future you are going to mount new tile and you don't need the old one.

But if you still need the old tile, then you do not need special knowledge / skills / skills to remove it without damaging it. Of course, it will not work to remove the entire tile intact and intact - approximately 20% will be destroyed during operation.

And one more important nuance, which you, dear reader, should have known: the better the tile is laid, the more difficult it will be to remove it. The same goes for her age. The older it is, the higher the risk that it will burst.

And yes, you will only need a puncher if you decide that you do not need the old tile. This tool does not imply careful attitude to tiles. Even if the tile doesn't crack during the "painful" separation from the wall, it may crack when it lands. So, if you intend to carry out the work carefully, then it is better not to touch the puncher yet.

It will be needed when we remove the remnants of the mortar on which this same tile was held. In the meantime, consider the methods of dismantling. To begin with - the simplest and most primitive - with a hammer and chisel.

Starting to dismantle the tiles

To begin with, we break one of the upper (!) Plates with a hammer. Why the top one? Everything is simple. moving from top to bottom, you will have the opportunity to protect yourself from unforeseen situations. And anything can happen. Sometimes not one, not two, but five or more tiles can fall off from one blow. If you go from bottom to top, then this entire layer can collapse on you, and this is already fraught with injury (sometimes quite serious). Therefore, it is very important to follow the safety rules at work, although I suppose you already know this very well.

Now let's move on to the next careful dismantling. We need to drive the chisel between the tile and the wall, and then gently hit this chisel with a hammer. If the tile after hard hit has not moved one iota, then, most likely, you will have to say goodbye to it, since it is unlikely that you (and anyone else) will be able to dismantle it in its original form. No, well, you can, of course, try to pry it from some other side - why not try. If it didn’t work out, then it’s not fate. You read in the previous section that the entire tile will not “survive” this procedure.

When I had to do this kind of work, I was faced with the task of preserving maximum amount tiles, as the owner of the house was going to use it in the future to finish the veranda. So, in the process of work, I learned to distinguish between the tile that can be separated from the wall, from the one that tightly “clung” to the surface, and there is no other way to dismantle it, except to break it. A great many factors play a role here, listing which now is not necessary: ​​you yourself will understand what I was talking about when you get to work.

For example, if you find places where the tile itself lags behind the wall or is glued very loosely, then most likely you will be able to remove it without damaging it. Sometimes five, seven or even ten (!) tiles can be separated from the wall in this way. The main thing is that it does not fall from a height to the floor, since a soft landing is not guaranteed at all.

Concluding this section, I would like to note one important nuance: if you professionally own a puncher and are 200% sure that you will not damage the tile with it, then you can use it. This will not be as exhausting as, for example, using a chisel with a hammer.

Also, take a look at the video below. There is a way to remove tiles from the floor, which may also interest you and be useful to you:

With the question of how to remove the tile with a hammer / chisel / perforator, we, I believe, figured it out. Now let's look at another pretty case: how to remove tiles from drywall.

Removing tiles from drywall

We note right away that the task is rather difficult. We need to not only save the tiles, but also the drywall (plasterboard sheets), right? And this is quite difficult. This is because the glue adheres very strongly to the surface of the sheet, so it becomes very, very difficult to tear off the tile. If you need to remove one or two or three tiles, the task is not so difficult, because after dismantling the tile, you can cut out the damaged GKL fragment, and then “cut down” a new fragment. By the way, on our website there is a separate article about do-it-yourself repair, which will be very useful to read in this situation. Repair process plasterboard ceiling almost the same as repairing walls. So what if the action takes place in different planes? - the material is the same.

But if you need to remove tiles from the entire wall? Here the task becomes much more difficult. In this case, we have to hope for good luck and that the tiles are not laid very well.

We have to act in the same way as in the previous section: with the help of a chisel and a hammer, we peel off the tile coating from the surface, while trying not to damage the gypsum board. But be prepared for the fact that the damage to the walls will still be done, so in the future we cannot do without a primer /. The only question is how strong this damage will be.

You can try to go the other way: we need the so-called diamond cup for the grinder and, in fact, the grinder itself. These "cups" come with or without thread, and in the building supermarkets in the "Tools" section you will certainly find such an "exhibit". But it will not work with a perforator here best idea. Still, GKL, despite its relative strength, will not withstand the blows of the tool. So you have to rely on jewelry work with a chisel.

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