How to remove old parquet: expert advice. How to remove old parquet? How to restore old parquet Partial removal of parquet

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Parquet - the coating is strong and durable. It is versatile with a wide range of patterns and, with proper care, can last up to 25 years. Parquet flooring can withstand heavy loads and can be easily restored by sanding and re-varnishing.

However, in some cases (in case of flooding, mold or fungus, complex mechanical damage, fire), it may be necessary to completely or partially replace the parquet in the apartment. How to do it yourself, and what tools you need to work - you will learn about this from this article.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for dismantling parquet

The first question that arises when renovating a floor is how to dismantle parquet? The dismantling of the flooring must be done correctly so as not to damage the wall finish, the quality part of the coating.

To carry out work on the dismantling of wooden dies, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • nail puller;
  • chisel;
  • crowbar (small scrap);
  • chisel or screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • construction waste bag
Advice: it is also better to stock up on protective ammunition (respirator, goggles, headgear and overalls).

Parquet removal tools

Preparatory work

Before removing the parquet, it is necessary to clean the room - take out the furniture, carpets, and, if there is wiring on the floor, de-energize it. Also at this stage, skirting boards and sills are dismantled, prying them with a crowbar.

Dismantling skirting boards

Removal of parquet flooring

The method of dismantling the old parquet flooring depends on the installation method. The most difficult thing is to remove the dies, planted on glue.

The dismantling of the piece coating from the floor begins from the wall located opposite the window: a chisel is driven into the junction of the dies, and thus they are hooked and knocked out. Similarly, remove the remaining elements of the parquet.

On a note: old flooring rarely comes off easily. As a rule, during the dismantling process, the parquet falls into pieces, breaks, forming a lot of chips.

The sequence of removing parquet strips

Dismantling the "rough" floor

According to the technology, the plates are laid on plywood or OSB-plates. This substrate is dismantled in the same way as wooden planks.

Removing the subfloor

Room cleaning

After dismantling the parquet, a lot of construction debris remains (old dies, chips, nails, substrate remnants), which should be removed. Large chips are collected in garbage bags, and small ones are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The final stage of removing the parquet - cleaning the premises

Features of removing the shield flooring

If we have panel parquet, then its dismantling begins with the last installed panel, where an open groove remains. The shield is lifted with a chisel, and, with an effort, it is torn off the surface. Then the rest of the shields are sequentially removed. Dismantling can be done manually, or use a drill to remove the shields.

On a note: since the panel parquet begins to be laid from the window, the last shield will be located at the wall opposite the window.

An example of how to remove an old panel board

Partial removal of parquet

If you need to carry out only partial removal of wooden dice, you should cover it with cardboard, and lay the rest of the flooring on top of it so that dust and debris do not get on it. Glue the edges of the film to the floor with masking tape. Old dies should be removed very carefully so as not to catch the rest of the coating.

A good example of how to remove parquet - video:


Before installing a new flooring, or if it is necessary to partially replace it, it is necessary to remove the old dies. Work on its dismantling must be carried out carefully and accurately so as not to damage the wall finishes, as well as neighboring high-quality strips. The technology for removing the flooring is quite simple, therefore, having prepared necessary tools, you can dismantle the old wooden coating with your own hands.

Coatings have earned special respect from consumers. They are valued for their natural and attractive appearance, reliability and durability.

However, even with the most careful attitude and proper care there comes a moment when old parquet needs to be completely replaced or repaired. To perform these works, you can attract specialists, or you can save money and do all the work with your own hands.

How to independently dismantle the old coating and whether it is possible to return it to its original appearance, we will consider in this article.

We determine the scope of work

Depending on the nature and degree of damage to the old coating, the extent of the repair is determined. If the old parquet is heavily worn, the planks have a large number of cracks, blackouts and chips, it must be completely dismantled.

If defects appear only on some elements of the coating, the strips can be carefully removed and replaced with new ones.

If the boards are quite well preserved, but have ugly scratches, chips, and the floors themselves begin to creak unpleasantly, then you can do without dismantling. AT this case it is enough to restore the parquet and make minor repairs.

Also, situations often arise when the coating has not yet lost its presentability, but the owners of the premises decided to change the situation and change the flooring. In this case, you can very carefully remove expensive material and put the old parquet in another room.

How to do the job correctly in each of the above cases, we will describe further.

Preparing to remove parquet

Before proceeding with dismantling, the room should be freed from furniture. Do not forget about your own safety. It is necessary to prepare thick clothing, protective gloves and a headgear in advance. If there is wiring in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards, the room must be de-energized.

In the course of work, you will need the following tools:

A hammer;



Circular Saw;

The degree of complexity of this process will depend on the type of parquet (rack, piece, panel) and the method of its fastening at the base (using nails or glue).

Complete dismantling of piece parquet

If the old parquet is presented in the form of piece planks, which are attached to the base with glue, it will not be possible to carefully remove it. In such cases, the boards split and become completely unusable. Modular and plank decks are much easier to remove.

The process of dismantling piece parquet includes the following steps:

1. With the help of a crowbar, all skirting boards are dismantled.

2. The coating is tapped with a hammer, and from those places where the sound from the blow is more deaf, they begin to disassemble the parquet.

3. If the dies are fastened with nails, the work is done with a nail puller, and if the slats are fixed with glue, an ax and a crowbar are involved in the work.

4. Tightly glued elements can be removed using a perforator with a flat nozzle. In this case, it is necessary to protect the eyes from falling chips by wearing safety goggles.

Removal of parquet board and modular covering

Very similar to the process. The elements are fastened with special locks, so all that needs to be done to dismantle them is to carefully click out the fastening grooves.

In this case, the coating does not cause any damage, so it is quite possible to reuse it. For example, in rooms where old parquet can be laid.

Dismantling the modular flooring also does not require much effort. It is only important to determine on which side the elements with an open comb are located. Since the laying of such a coating always starts from the window, it is more logical to start dismantling from the opposite wall.

The corner module is lifted by a crowbar and detached from the base. If nails were used, they must be removed beforehand.

Many are interested in the question: how to remove the old parquet if it is fixed with resin? In this case, the reverse side of the module must be carefully cleaned of glue with a hatchet.

How to carry out a partial parquet repair

During the operation of such a coating, the planks may dry out and lag behind the base.

In such situations, you can do without complete replacement flooring by repairing the old parquet.

To do this, you need to do the following:

1. The old varnish must be completely removed to reveal all loose elements.

2. Strongly dried dies, between which the distance is more than 5 mm, are removed and replaced with new ones. To dismantle unnecessary elements, they are split into chips with a chisel.

3. To install a new die in an empty place, a protruding spike is cut off from it. The base is covered with glue, after which (at an angle) they are laid new element so that its groove is put on the spike of the adjacent plank.

4. If the cracks are small, glue is poured under the board. This area is pressed down with a heavy load and left overnight.

5. The restored flooring is sanded and varnished.

Color restoration

Under influence external factors coating of natural wood gradually loses its attractiveness, begins to fade and darken. However, this phenomenon can be easily eliminated, it is enough just to restore the old parquet a little. The coating, which does not have major mechanical damage, is easy to repair and does not require large expenses for its implementation.

To do this, do the following:

1. With the help of grinding or sanding equipment, the varnish is removed.

2. The surface is cleaned of dust, small cracks and cracks are puttied.

3. If the owners have a desire to change the shade of the coating, at this stage the floor is covered with stain of the desired color.

4. Using fine grit sandpaper, the flooring is re-sanded. This is necessary to eliminate chips and blackouts.

5. Smooth surface is cleaned and treated with 1 coat of primer. After that, the floor is re-sanded with zero sandpaper and varnished again. This treatment can be performed up to 9 times until the surface is perfectly smooth.

6. After applying the final layer of varnish, the floor is left to dry (for 3 days). There should be no drafts in the room, high humidity and sudden changes in temperature.

Scratch removal

Scratches are the most common defect in parquet floors. If they are not very deep, they can be easily removed with a parquet repair kit or special wax pencils. But what to do if the old parquet is covered with deep and numerous scratches? In this case, it is not necessary to lay a new coating, but it will take time and effort to repair the damaged one.

In order to remove deep defects, the parquet must be completely cleared of varnish and the damaged layer removed using a sanding machine. This cannot be done at once, so you need to be prepared for several treatments.

What to do if the floor began to creak strongly

Old parquet can start to creak for several reasons:

If voids have formed under the planks;

If spacer wedges sag;

If the planks are loose.

To find out the reason, first of all, the skirting boards are removed and the wedges are inspected. They can dry out, as a result of which they will cease to perform their functions. New wedges are installed in their place and the sounds of the floor are observed for a week. If the squeaks have not disappeared - it's something else.

If certain elements creak, this indicates that a void has formed under them. Then a hole is drilled in the center of the plank, through which glue is poured under the plank (until it stops being absorbed). This area is pressed down with something heavy and dries for 3 days. When the mixture has completely hardened, the hole is completely filled with putty.

If creaking is observed throughout the flooring, the above methods will not help. This defect is eliminated by a complete re-laying of the parquet.

As can be seen from all that has been said, during operation, parquet flooring gradually loses its original qualities. However, they are very repairable, so any acquired flaw can be removed and you can continue to enjoy the beauty of the natural coating.

Parquet is a very durable flooring. But still after a while it needs to be replaced. The reasons for the replacement are very diverse: either the neighbors flooded, or a fungal infection occurred, or insects made the parquet floor unusable. The dismantling of the old coating is not difficult, but it will take a relatively long time to do this. In our article, we will consider how to remove the parquet with your own hands and replace it.

Before dismantling

Before removing the old coating, it is necessary to prepare in advance the tools that are used when removing installation work Oh. It should also be done preparations, consisting in the release of the working space from furniture and other interior elements, the removal of skirting boards and the elimination of decorative thresholds.

Important! In the case of partial, and not complete, dismantling of the parquet, that part of the floor that is not subject to repair work must be covered with hardboard or thick cardboard, while securing it with plastic wrap. This procedure will help protect the floor surface from debris and dust.

When dismantling parquet with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • chisel;
  • Circular Saw;
  • crowbar;
  • hatchet;
  • hammer.

The level of complexity of the installation of parquet flooring depends on:

  • type of parquet. On the modern market there are several types this material- piece parquet, rack and panel.
  • Mounting option. The method of fastening the boards can be carried out by connecting finishing nails, by gluing or nailing.

Important! If the parquet is glued to the base, it can no longer be applied a second time.

  • Type of base under the parquet finish - use chipboard, plywood, boards or the usual version of the screed.

Important! All of the above factors have a major impact on both the complexity and duration of the parquet dismantling process, and the cost of the work performed. This is the case if you have to resort to the services of a professional specialist.

How to remove old parquet? Before removing the old parquet flooring, personal protective equipment should be prepared. AT without fail must be:

  • headwear and gloves;
  • clothing with a dust-proof structure.

When removing old parquet, a lot of garbage is generated, so it is advisable to take care of special bags and containers in advance.

Important! In the room in which the dismantling of the parquet flooring is carried out, a fire extinguisher must be present without fail.

The process of dismantling parquet

Dismantling works are carried out in several stages:

  1. First you need to remove the parquet layer.
  2. After that, the base is dismantled.
  3. The next step will be the process of cleaning the screed and then leveling it.

Important! Some craftsmen in the process of self-removal of the old parquet flooring use scraping equipment, which helps speed up the process. But experts do not advise using this unit, since the screws and nails that are in the old parquet flooring can damage this device during the scraping process.

Strip parquet dismantling

The type of parquet affects the labor intensity required to remove the parquet layer. It is very difficult to dismantle strip parquet, especially in the case of reliable gluing. The difficulty lies in the fact that parquet boards cannot be removed entirely, as they delaminate or stick out.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove piece parquet with your own hands:

  • First, preparatory measures are carried out, which consist in freeing the room space from furniture and other interior items.

Important! If the wiring passes under the floor surface or along the wall covering, the room must be de-energized without fail.

  • Next, you need to dismantle the plinth. To do this, use a crowbar, which you can simply pry off and remove the plinth, while the first die is easy to remove by cutting down the comb.

Important! It will be much easier to replace the parquet flooring if you try to tap it with a hammer. Dismantling work begins at the site where the dies leave the base. In this place, a dull and “thumping” sound will be heard from the tapping of the hammer.

  • Further dismantling work is carried out depending on the circumstances:
    1. If the dies were nailed, then a nail puller is used.
    2. If the elements were additionally glued, then a hatchet or crowbar is used to remove the dies, which should be used to pry the dies. Some dies easily move away from the base, others delaminate or need to be removed from the coating in parts.

Important! Dismantling work must be done very carefully. It is unlikely that it will be possible to save completely the old parquet flooring. But losses must be kept to a minimum.

Substrate opening

In the process of dismantling piece parquet with your own hands, it is necessary to open the substrate. Therefore, we will consider in more detail how this process can be carried out:

  • As a rule, the substrate is fixed on self-tapping screws, which are easily unscrewed by means of the reverse stroke of a screwdriver.
  • If nails are used during installation, a nail puller is used to remove them.

The puncher helps to cut down a coupler. But, as a rule, it is not subject to dismantling. The screed is simply repaired and leveled for a new coating.

Important! If the elements are tightly glued, then a perforator with a flat tip is used to remove them. In this case, the eyes must be protected with goggles from chips.

Dismantling of panel parquet

It is much easier to carry out dismantling work to replace the panel parquet in the apartment. Moreover, this process is much faster than the dismantling of other types of parquet.

How to remove the panel parquet with your own hands:

  • First of all, you should find the shield that was laid last, since it must be with an open groove.

Important! Modular coverage, as a rule, are produced from a window opening. With this method, elements with an open comb are located on the side of the opposite wall.

  • When the required shield is found, it must be lightly pry with a crowbar (from the corner) and torn off.

Important! If the shields were additionally planted on nails, then it is more expedient to first remove them with a nail puller.

  • After that, you can slowly remove the old parquet flooring. The following modules are removed in the same way.

Important! Previously, very old parquet flooring was laid not on the usual version of glue, but on resin. The reverse side of such shields is very heavily soiled. When disassembling such elements, they need to be cleaned of resin for a long time and thoroughly with a hatchet.

Dismantling of parquet board

How to remove parquet board? Removing parquet flooring is a rather painstaking job. The dismantling of the parquet board is carried out elementarily. Dies of such a coating are not fixed to the base. They are laid like a laminate, while using a special lock. Removing such a parquet board is not difficult, you just need to snap off the lock.

Important! The dismantled parquet board can be used a second time for some other room, since it is not subjected to destructive work during the removal process.

How to open the area to replace the rivets?

Before proceeding to dismantling works, you need to carefully examine the parquet flooring. It may not be necessary to remove the entire coating, but it is possible to replace one riveting or small area parquet. In this case, a very thin chisel is hammered into the joint between the dies, which is able to chop off the comb from the main bar. Thus, the first rivet is pulled out, and all subsequent ones are removed by the method described above.

In this article, we will learn how to remove parquet that is already outdated. The floor is the basis of repairs in the apartment and, perhaps, the most difficult object in the performance of work. Few want to mess with it, because it takes both experience and time. Therefore, during repairs, they are mainly limited to wallpapering and painting the ceiling, and if there is an old parquet, then it can simply be done.

How to remove parquet that could still come in handy

However, someone who decides to make the floor thoroughly and with high quality will hardly be satisfied with something old and creaky. Therefore, building a new floor from scratch will begin with the question: how to remove a parquet that is already outdated? After all, just breaking it out is a couple of trifles, but if the parquet looks pretty decent, then, for example, you can lay it somewhere in the country, where it will last for more than one year. Hence the conclusion: the old parquet can be carefully dismantled and set aside, like a good one. construction material for the future.

Tools for the job

Let's see the tools that we may need during work:

Let's start dismantling the parquet by finding a place on the floor where you can do the job without any tool. This will keep your multi-year parquet intact.

Access to the parquet under the plinth

It is more logical to start with a skirting board around the perimeter of your room. It is necessary to determine the place where it is poorly fixed.

Most often, the plinth is easier to remove near the door:

After removing the plinth, you need to evaluate the surface of the floor. It may be necessary to clean it of dirt and excess old building materials:

Access to the parquet near the door sill

In the area of ​​the doorway leading to the corridor, where the parquet ends and where a threshold is possibly installed, this threshold must be removed in order to get to the parquet:

Access to parquet in places where moisture accumulates

The next point may be a place on the floor where moisture has accumulated or the base of the screed has already been destroyed. Usually in such a place the parquet lies unevenly:

If you're lucky, you can even find a place where you can pick up a parquet block with one finger:

Removing parquet with tools

If you have read up to this point, then you are seriously considering making the floor with your own hands. The complexity of the procedure for removing the parquet layer depends on the type of parquet. It is quite difficult to dismantle piece parquet, especially if it is securely glued. As a rule, parquet floors are not completely removed, they are glued or stratified.

When removing the old coating on their own, some masters use scraper machine to speed up the process. However, experts do not recommend using this device, because it can be damaged by screws and nails that are in the old parquet. Proper dismantling is carried out one by one with a hammer, crowbar and tongs.

Removing parquet boards is both easier and faster. The first step is to find the shield that was laid last and left with an open groove. Considering that parquet laying starts from the window, then you should look for the desired shield at the door. When it is found, it must be pryed off and torn off, after which the old coating can be gradually removed.

Removing the parquet base is not challenging task, because boards, chipboard or plywood are used as it, which are fixed with screws or nails. Fasteners must be removed, and then remove the overlap itself.

This is where the article ends. Today we learned how to remove parquet, which, in principle, can still come in handy. And if you want to make a quality floor, then take a look at mine or.

Wooden parquet has always had many advantages: it is its wear resistance, long service life, soundproofing. Any parquet looks great in modern interior and in the old style.

Parquet can last for many years if it is made from natural material, as well as the laying technology and proper operation will be observed. The service life of parquet is usually ten to fifteen years.

However, someday the time will come anyway and the parquet will lose its original appearance, and then the question will be about replacing it and, accordingly, about how to remove the old parquet.

All repair work will depend on the condition of the old parquet. Therefore, if the planks of the parquet are well preserved, and at the same time the color has practically not changed, then it will be enough just to sort it out. And in the event that there are plenty of defects, then it is time to dismantle the coating.

Of course, it's easier than replacing it completely. With the constant use of the parquet floor, some planks either completely fall out or simply wear out a lot, so you have to replace them with new ones.

Dismantling parquet is a very difficult and dusty job. First you will need to free the room from the furniture. In order not to inhale construction dust, you must properly protect yourself and take care of protective clothing.

If you need to completely change the floor, then you should dismantle all the skirting boards in this room and remove the ventilation grilles, as well as decorative thresholds. If not all parquet has to be dismantled, then it is necessary to protect the rest of the area by covering it with thick cardboard, and gluing a layer on top polyethylene film tape. You also need to prepare for a large number garbage and take care of its timely removal.

How to remove the old parquet and not damage exactly the part into which the nail is hammered is the main task during dismantling. This means that the nail in the old riveting must be punched into the floor through the riveting with a dominator. And if the rivet is not glued, it will be removed easily. Otherwise, you will have to pierce the nails through the rivets, and knock out the rivet itself with a hatchet, and in this way it will be separated from the floor. Well, if there is any glued part on the underside, then it must be cleaned with an ax.

The most difficult task will be the dismantling of the coating that was laid on the resin. Such parquet does not have nails, and rivets stained with resin will be very difficult to clean. But if you still have to restore this same parquet, you will need to find the narrowest riveting and make all the rest according to its size. In fact, the rivets should be standard, but in fact they are still slightly different, namely, by one to three millimeters.

The dismantling process largely depends on the technology of laying the parquet flooring. For example, it is most difficult to dismantle parquet when piece laying. In this case, chisels, hammers, nail pullers are useful in order to remove each part of the parquet one by one.

This is due to the fact that in most cases well-glued parquet boards delaminate. But as for the panel parquet, it is much easier to remove it, the main thing is to find the last board and pry it properly, and then the rest of the coating will gradually begin to be removed.

The dismantling of the base itself involves the unscrewing and removal of nails and self-tapping screws, with which it is strengthened. The cement screed is cleaned in the usual way, preparing for a new coating.

Video seminar on the advisability of removing the old coating

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