Do-it-yourself pencil case garage repair. We make a garage pencil case with our own hands - drawings and assembly steps

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

The main part of the garage made of pipes is the frame. It is necessary that this part can withstand significant loads and serve for a long time. Buildings based on metal frame, very durable, they can be made in short time.

The feasibility of using metal pipes for the garage

The use of metal in the construction process, as the main element, has many advantages. There are the following positive aspects:
1. Low price materials.
2. No need to cultivate the foundation.
3. Erection is very simple.
4. The material for construction is as durable as possible.
5. The structure can be moved to another location if dismantled constituent parts.
There are some features that can be attributed to the disadvantages:
1. After the construction of the structure, it will be very cold, therefore thermal insulation is necessary.
2. Iron on the building can rust. The problem is solved after coating the materials with special compounds.

Building a garage with your own hands

Do-it-yourself garage pencil case is built in the following sequence:
1. Drawing up a drawing.
2. Building a foundation, if necessary.
3. Installation of the frame.
4. Metal cladding of parts.
5. Fixing the gate.
6. Additional work.
The weight of the structure will be very low when compared with concrete structures. The foundation can not be erected if there is confidence that subsidence and curvature will not begin. In other cases, a foundation is needed that will guarantee the strength of the structure. The type of foundation is selected, depending on the land on the site. If the soil is normal, not unsteady, a pile-type foundation is suitable.

Next, you need to build and sheathe the walls of the frame. To do this, you need to use corrugated board. elements will be screwed to the pipes using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to put rubber gaskets between them. The roof can also be made from profiled sheets. The gates are welded with a separate structure, after which they are also sheathed with purchased materials.

Drawing rules and materials

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a high-quality building project. It reflects not only the components of the future building, but also the methods of attaching the frame to the foundation, and other essential details. It is important to note all the joints, accurately calculate the stiffeners. After compiling detailed plan, you can figure out how much material you need to purchase, what will be needed for construction.

Pipes will also be connected to each other. The drawing must indicate the method of connection. The best option is welding, but if you plan to disassemble the garage, you can use other types of connections. As an option - the use of corners that will combine several parts into one whole.

It is best to use square professional pipes for building a garage. You can use rectangular products, but it will be somewhat more difficult to assemble them due to irregular shape. Typically, 100 mm walls are used for erection. Such parts can give strength to the structure, its independence from external weather conditions. Stiffeners are used with walls of 60 mm. According to the drawing, you should calculate how many pipes will need to be purchased.

Foundation building rules

The pipes that are located along the horizon will be the connecting parts here. They need to be welded approximately in the middle of the supporting parts installed vertically. Next, the upper piping is performed - the pipes must be fixed at the top of the vertical elements. Do not forget that a roof will be installed on the vertical parts.

The simplest version of the roof is with one slope. One side of the frame, if such a building is planned, should be longer than the other. After that, load-bearing elements are laid and welded on top of the horizontal parts. It is important to remember that they must be installed correctly so that the structure does not break. It is best to use screws rather than welding.

Other garage work

It is worth evaluating the feasibility of any improvements in the garage. For example, some do not need to insulate the structure, since the car will not stand there - the purpose of the room is to store materials. If insulation is needed, a layer of foam plates is laid down. Such products are not afraid of temperature changes.
To prevent the structure from overheating in hot weather, you can use special reflective materials that will be fixed on the outside. Under severe conditions in winter time, it is advisable to install a small oven. Do not forget about the construction of the chimney so that the smoke is completely removed from the garage. Some require soundproofing. Similar materials they will cost a lot, but they perform their function at a high level.

As for the doors, they must be installed strictly horizontally so that there is no loosening when they are in the open position.

The question of the need for a house for a car sooner or later confronts the owner with a “rib”, and everyone strives to solve it at the lowest cost. To replace the whole - welded metal garages, which received recognition a few decades ago, today came garages - pencil cases. The modern analogue was developed taking into account the solution of all the shortcomings that were inherent in its predecessor.

What is a garage shed?

The basis of the construction of the garage-pencil case is the supporting galvanized corrugated board, which is a "corrugated" sheet of cold-rolled steel with a protective anti-corrosion coating in the form of a thin film of zinc oxide. Despite the small thickness of 0.7 to 1.5 mm, the “injury resistance” index of this metal is several times higher than that of standard smooth steel. The wave profile increases the rigidity of the structure, gives it lightness and elegance.

Pencil garage successfully fits into any space without violating the general architectural solution. An additional advantage is the ability to choose desired color.

The name "garage-pencil case" is directly related to the compactness and ergonomics of the design. Due to the current shortage of free meters on land plots, the ability to order a house for a car strictly according to the size of the car is very relevant. The construction will not take extra centimeters and will fit exactly into the allotted place. When calculating the dimensions of the "box", all the wishes of the customer are taken into account. Places for storing spare parts, machine care products and tools will be provided taking into account the efficient use of usable space.

The most important arguments in favor of a garage canister are the collapsible design and the possibility of repeated assembly / disassembly of the garage without damaging its structural elements. The timing of the construction of the building, which can be assembled in just a couple of hours, is also impressive. Just think! 2 hours and the shelter for the "horse" is ready.

The light weight of the structure is also important. Under the garage - "pencil case" is not required to build an expensive massive foundation. It is enough to pave the site or arrange a platform of posts that can not be buried in the ground.

Manufacture of garages of cases.

There are several modifications of pencil garages with standard parameters on the market. At the request of the consumer, it is possible to make a “box” and a “stuffing” according to an individual order.
The simplicity of design and assembly, as well as low cost, make the production of garages - "cases" an affordable and profitable business.

Everything ingenious is simple! For the construction of the structure, you will need a steel corner, sheets of galvanized "corrugated board", rivets, a spring mechanism for tilting the gate up and a welding machine. And that's it!

First, a welded frame of the building is assembled from a steel corner, on which a “profiler” is attached with the help of rivets. In the same way, gates are made separately. Then a spring mechanism is attached to the finished “box” and the gate is installed. Garage ready!

If you take this matter seriously, then, even without seven spans in your forehead, you can understand that with the right calculation and clear planning, this can bring good income. The cost of materials is not quite high, and they are widely represented on the market. In Russia, garages - "cases" are in sufficient demand in the conditions of modern cities and their prices are about 20 - 30 thousand rubles, which significantly exceeds their cost.

The thickness of the zinc oxide coating film can be offered in several options:
. elevated - from 40 to 60 microns (the most reliable)
. 1st class - from 18 to 40 microns (medium protection)
. 2nd class - up to 18 microns

Firms involved in the manufacture of garages use high-class sheets with a double-sided application of galvanized coating. Such a coating several times increases the service life of structures and their resistance to harmful effects. various environments. IN this case the service life of the metal increases, and the products allow you to extend it for several decades.

The frame of the garage is made of a steel bent corner, and the frame for the gate is made of a steel bent channel.

In the manufacture of pencil garages, only the highest quality materials are used and the latest technology representing a single production process. These factors make it possible to ensure highest level quality and accuracy of designs.

An indicator of the strength of structures can be a guarantee that it can withstand a 2-meter layer of snow on the roof, which is not the limit.

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The purchase of a car is often accompanied not only by the joy associated with the purchase, but also by objective problems that require a quick solution.

We are talking about the fact that for the safety and long-term operation of the machine, it should be placed in an absolutely safe area. To date, there are two ways: a guarded parking lot and a garage.

Both a standard and a special project can serve as the basis for building a garage. There are no serious restrictions in terms of material for the construction of buildings: brick, metal, gas blocks, foam blocks.

The first and most significant difficulty that owners usually face Vehicle at the stage of construction of a capital structure - the need to obtain permission from the administration. Most often, at this stage, the process stops or is completely curtailed.

Garage shell: general characteristics

An alternative and a way out is a shell garage or a pencil case garage. This is a design that is a compact and convenient structure. The main advantage of a shell garage is that it can be built without official permission (if we are talking about legalized personal land).

Rigid cold-rolled materials are used for the manufacture of a garage-pencil case. In particular, we are talking about corrugated corrugated board, the “waves” of which provide the structure with unprecedented strength.

This design was extremely popular at the time. Soviet Union, but in our time its popularity has increased for many reasons, which will be described below.

Advantages of a shell garage

The advantages of a shell garage over standard garages are so numerous and obvious that they need no further explanation.

Disadvantages of a Shell Garage

In addition to numerous advantages, the following disadvantages can be distinguished, which may somewhat overshadow the joy of using the design:

Construction features

When building a compact garage, some nuances should be taken into account, which are mainly related to interaction with other car owners and the external environment.

First, the place for the shell must be carefully calibrated, because in an unfavorable location, the garage can block the passage for other cars, as well as interfere with access to hatches.

Secondly, you should consider appearance structures to protect others from aesthetic shock.

Video - Seashell Garage Authorities

Building tool kit

For self erection construction, it is necessary to arm yourself with a set of tools, including:

Components for the construction of "shells"

To build a full-fledged structure that will last a long time, you will need the following materials:

  • metal profile;
  • profiled sheets;
  • sheet metal;
  • bolts;
  • loops;
  • screws with a press washer;
  • Styrofoam;
  • liquid Nails.

As mentioned above, the light weight of the structure allows you to start construction without prior preparation of the foundation. According to experts, for construction it is enough to find even coverage, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich allows you to place the structure.

In order for the installation of the garage to take a minimum of time, you should spend preparatory work. Their essence lies in the manufacture of individual sections of the garage. It is necessary to clean each of the metal elements in advance using a grinding disc.

In addition, pre-made holes for hardware will help simplify the installation of the segments. They greatly facilitate and speed up the assembly of the necessary elements.

It is important not to forget to cover the frames with an anti-corrosion compound, which will save you from serious problems during the further operation of the garage. After that, the components are painted.

Important points when building a garage

Many garage owners set out to bring electricity to the garage. This is a real rational action, since it is quite difficult to use a room without light. It is necessary to purchase a lamp and several sockets, as well as copper wire double insulated.

Styrofoam is used to insulate the shell. The choice is due to the possibility of giving the material any shape, which greatly facilitates installation. A special adhesive is used for installation.

Each garage-pencil case must be equipped with shelves for tools.

Preparatory work

The construction of a pencil case implies a visual division of the garage into seven sections: a solid back wall, a side wall (two segments multiplied by two), a gate (two wings).

To create a back wall, take two segments metal profile and one three-meter crossbar for extra stability. It is she who becomes the basis where the profiled sheet and foam are attached.

The standard design parameters are 2.2x2.9 meters. Welding of elements is carried out on a flat surface with constant check corners using the building level. To mount the crossbar, you should step back from the top edge a little more than a meter.

The side walls of the garage consist of two autonomous structures. The first consists of the lower, upper crossbars, a vertical rack and a rack, which is mounted to the adjacent part of the frame. All elements should be connected, it is also necessary to weld an additional spacer in the central part.

The second frame consists of a vertical section of rectangular rolled products, an extreme rack, lower, upper crossbars. It is necessary to assemble the frame and weld a cross member to it. In order to calculate the mounting point, you should divide the height of the racks by two. The two sections of the structure are connected using bolts.

Video - Assembling a shell garage step by step

Construction fasteners

To ensure the strength of the shell garage, you should take care of the basic fasteners, which are the crossbars. They are installed at the top as well as at the bottom of the frame. The floor of the structure is reinforced in three places, and the ceiling in four. Rolled metal is used as crossbars.

Garage installation

Step 1. We strengthen the assembled frames with props, which should be removed after all work is completed.

Step 2 We strengthen the back wall with the help of jibs.

Step 3 We install the 1st section of the side frame. We check deviations. Holes are made through two frames. We twist the hardware.

Step 4 We do the same on the other side.

Step 5 We install the second wall frames.

Step 6 We mount three transverse logs (the step is two meters). The plates must face inward.

Step 7 We perform similar actions in the upper part of the frame.

Step 8 We tighten all the bolts.

Step 9 We begin to mount the gate. We fix the door canopies so that the gap does not exceed two and a half centimeters.

Step 10 We weld on the frames the ears intended for the lock.

Step 11 We sheathe the frame using profiled sheets that are vertically "overlapped". We carry out fastening in every 2nd deflection.

Step 12 We install additional elements at the corners to protect against moisture.

Step 13 We cover the roof, starting from the bottom. It is important to ensure that the sheet protrudes beyond the cornice line and forms an overhang.


On this, the installation work of the structure is considered completed. If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid for the result, you can turn to specialists. It is not necessary to trust them with all the work, you can agree on the project and get important recommendations, which will save you from key mistakes.

Subject to the purchase of all necessary materials and components, a new standard shell garage will cost about 30-40 thousand rubles. This is an insignificant amount compared to the construction of a standard garage.

A garage garage is not only a great opportunity to save money, but also a chance to realize your potential in the construction field.

Video - DIY shell garage

Video - Dismantling the shell garage

The problem with car storage existed twenty years ago, exists today, and is unlikely to disappear in the foreseeable future. With an increase in the number of parking lots and parking lots, the number of vehicles is growing, a place for building a garage in a cooperative can be obtained at the other end of the city, and the construction of the structure will cost a tidy sum, so motorists prefer a simpler and cheap option in the form of a compact metal garage-pencil case.

Features of the design of the garage-pencil case

At first glance, there is nothing special about the device of the garage-pencil case:

  • The box of the garage-pencil case is framed in the form of a steel frame made of a galvanized metal profile or pipe. The garage structure is assembled by welding and bolting, all seams and cut lines are processed anti-corrosion compound, after which they are painted with pentaphthalic enamels;
  • Walls and roof frame base the garage-pencil case is sheathed with sheets of corrugated board. To cover the roof, a roofing version of corrugated board with a profile height of at least 50 mm is used. The roof of the pencil case garage is laid on horizontal ceiling beams without intermediate crate;
  • Gates for a garage-pencil case are made of a hinged or lifting design, at the choice and desire of the customer, depending on the intended purpose of using the premises.

If we calculate the mass of the pencil case garage, then taking into account the mass of the frame in 110-140 kg total weight a sheet of corrugated board for a garage of 2.5x3x6 m will be 320-350 kg. The final calculation shows that the total weight of the canister garage structure, taking into account the gate and additional devices for attaching the frame to the ground, will not exceed 500 kg. Boxes of a garage-pencil case for a minibus or pickup truck can weigh up to a ton.

For your information! The dimensions of the canister garage can vary considerably, from small canisters with an area of ​​7 to 9 m2, for a motorbike or scooter, to huge parking boxes, 4.5x7.3 m in size, which can easily fit a minibus or pickup truck.

Most urban motorists who park their vehicles on adjoining territory, have long changed garages-shells to pencil cases. Moreover, the city authorities strongly disliked the small garages that saved equipment from vandals and bad weather.

Advantages and disadvantages of a garage-pencil case

Each garage design has its advantages and disadvantages, and a pencil case garage is no exception. You can look for shortcomings and problems of use light steel boxing, but the existing demand for garages-pencil cases says that motorists are ready to put up with many inconveniences if the main function of the steel box is provided - reliable storage and protection against breaking. For a garage of any design, there are skeptics and amateurs, so it is better to evaluate the effectiveness of the pencil case from your own experience.

Storage of equipment in a garage-pencil case

In fact, a garage-case for a number of reasons can be called the most effective way car storage:

  1. With a high-quality assembly of the construction of the garage-pencil case, the motorist receives a steel umbrella that can withstand strong wind and any level of precipitation in the form of rain, snow or hail. The roof of the pencil case garage, according to the manufacturers, can withstand a load of up to 100 kg per m 2. If we take into account that the garage pencil case effectively protects paintwork from bird droppings, sand carried by the wind, and the scorching sun, the price of a product of 60 thousand rubles will not seem prohibitive;
  2. Due to the fact that there is usually no insulation in the construction of a pencil case, there is no condensate and water vapor inside the box, which gives hope for high quality storage. IN summer time due to the heated roof, the ventilation of the canister only intensifies;
  3. The small weight of the pencil case allows you to install the structure with little or no foundation, so any garage-pencil case belongs to the category of temporary buildings.

Important! Respectively, documentation a garage-pencil case, as a capital building, is not required, only the permission of the owner of the land plot is necessary.

There are also enough shortcomings in the garage-pencil case. The main problems: a strong warming up of the canister design in the summer, poor resistance to breaking. In both cases, problems are solved if you connect electricity to the pencil case garage.

Assembling a garage

The cost of assembly and installation of a garage-case structure is usually estimated at 10% of the value of the object. But motorists with experience and experience in plumbing work prefer to study the drawings on their own and install a garage pencil case with their own hands.

On the initial stage you will need to prepare a place for installing the canister garage structure, remove the sod and level the site horizon using a rammer and a building level. Usually the first layer is covered with gravel and rammed with a wooden mallet. Next, a layer of sand is poured, and you can begin to assemble the garage-pencil case.

At the first stage, the base and side walls of the structure are assembled. Before assembling the garage-pencil case, it is necessary to calculate according to the drawing and prepare segments from a steel profile of a square or an inch pipe. In accordance with the installation scheme, each element is marked and signed according to its position in the canister frame. It is advisable for the ceiling, base and side walls of the pencil case garage to mark pieces of a pipe or square with paint of different colors.

First of all, we collect the lower contour of the garage-pencil case. We hammer the mounting pegs into the ground, after which we lay out the rectangle of the lower contour from the pieces, connect them with bolts and grab them with dots welding machine. If the diagonals converge to a millimeter, and there are no problems with right angles, you can weld white. Next, we weld the transverse segments of the lower contour of the garage-pencil case.

Next, you need to weld a pencil case to the lower base of the garage structure vertical racks. The position of each of the racks must be controlled by a tape measure, a vertical plumb line and building level. At the next stage of assembling the pencil case garage, you will need to bolt horizontal pipe sections connecting the middle of the vertical racks, and also grab them with welding points. If the work is done correctly, the position of the racks should not change.

At the next stage of assembling the garage structure, you will need to weld the upper contour of pipes and profiles. Initially, side sections are installed on the vertical racks and fixed after leveling their position with welding points or bolts. A similar operation is performed with the jumpers of the front and rear walls of the garage-pencil case. The largest number it takes time to align the upper tier of pipes or profile along the horizon and right angles, after which the joints of the pipes are welded with a semiautomatic device or a welding inverter.

It remains on the finished frame to fix the sheets of corrugated board and hang the garage door-pencil case. The corrugated board is fastened with self-tapping screws. Experts recommend that after the assembly of the heads of the screws is completed, weld them by welding or cut off the screwdriver groove using a grinder. It is difficult to say how much this will complicate the life of attackers, but the design of the garage-pencil case in this case becomes clearly non-separable.

It is better to order gates for a garage-pencil case in a lifting version. This design reduces and evens out the load on the light frame front wall of the garage. swing gate cheaper, but over time they have to be regularly aligned and folded on the frame, so their service life may be less than that of lifting structures.


Garage-pencil case can be insulated with a layer mineral wool This will reduce temperature fluctuations and improve room ventilation. The use of polystyrene makes sense if the structure is located in a protected area, otherwise there is a risk that "well-wishers" will try to test the fire properties of the garage walls. To prevent water and snow from accumulating inside the garage-pencil case, it is better to close the gap between the lower edge of the cladding and the soil surface with a blind area made of a sand cushion and paving slabs.

You can solve the problem of parking and storing a car in a metropolis with the help of a shell garage. But what is this design, what advantages does it have and how to make it yourself? I am ready to answer these questions and tell you how a shell garage is made with your own hands, and a photo instruction will allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the construction process.

Why the shell

The garage, as you know, protects the car not only from theft, but also from negative atmospheric influences. But, to build it near an apartment building in a metropolis is almost unrealistic. However, there is a way out - this is a shell garage, or, as it is also called, a pencil case.

The fact is that legally such a design is considered a shelter-awning, and not a garage. Therefore, it does not require paperwork, which means that you can install it in any convenient place.

The pencil case is metal structure in the form of a frame sheathed with corrugated board. As such, it does a great job with garage functions - it protects the car from the weather and can protect against theft to some extent.


So, we figured out the features and advantages of the design. Now let's look at how to make a shell garage with your own hands. This operation can be divided into three stages:

Stage 1: Project preparation

It is necessary to start work with the preparation of the project. At this stage, you need to decide on the following points:

  • Dimensions. They are selected taking into account the dimensions of the car, the size of the free area and their own wishes;
  • Design features. As I said above, the construction of a shell garage consists of a frame and sheathing. As a rule, the frame is made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped from a metal corner or profiled pipes.
    The frame design must be depicted on paper, while displaying the location of all the main parts;
  • Quantity of materials. You can calculate the amount of materials on paper after drawing up a diagram with the dimensions of the structure.

I must say that it is not necessary to create accurate drawings to scale. You can even do it by hand. The main thing is that it reflects the design features and its dimensions.

Stage 2: Building the box

After preparing the project, you can begin to manufacture the pencil case box. The instruction looks like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. To build a box, you need to prepare:
  • Metal profile or profiled pipes;
  • Wall decking;
  • Roofing corrugated board;
  • Electrodes for welding.

We create the back wall. The main element of which the pencil case will consist is rectangles from a corner or a profiled pipe, sheathed with corrugated board.

First of all, make a triangle that will serve as the back wall. It is made like this:

  • Cut two profiles along the width of the future garage and two profiles along its height;
  • From the prepared parts, weld a rectangle. At the same time, make sure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees;
  • To give strength to the structure, several crossbars can be welded;
  • You can immediately fix the profiled sheet on the frame using bolts or welding.

Manufacturing of side walls. Each side wall consists of three squares or rectangles, which are made according to the scheme described above.

Frame assembly:
  • Merge the wall rectangles to get solid side walls;
  • Connect the side walls to the rear end wall;
  • From below and from above, connect the side walls with crossbars, as shown in the diagram. From above, the transverse step should leave no more than 50 cm so that the roofing profiled sheet does not bend.

Installation of corrugated roofing:
  • Fasten the sheets of corrugated board to the roof with self-tapping screws. It is desirable that the sheets are for the entire length of the roof, i.e. so that there are no transverse joints on the roof;
  • To seal the roof, the joints of the sheets can be filled with building sealant.

It is advisable to install the pencil case on an embankment of large rubble. If possible, pour the screed and concrete the pins around the perimeter of the structure. After installing the box, the walls of the canister should be welded to these pins.

On this, a shell for a car with your own hands is practically built, it remains only to make the gate and install it.

Stage 3: Manufacture and installation of the gate

Garage doors for a pencil case are made quite simply:

Illustrations Description

Materials. For the manufacture of gates, you will need the same materials as for the manufacture of walls. In addition, you will need powerful canopies.

Gate manufacturing:
  • Weld two rectangles from the profiles. The dimensions of each should be equal to half of the end wall;
  • Additionally reinforce the rectangles with jumpers;
  • Strengthen the attachment points of the canopies by welding additional strips from the profile;
  • If a padlock will be used, weld the hinges. If the lock is built-in, you must also strengthen its location;
  • Sheathe the frame of the gate with corrugated board.

Gate installation:
  • Apply markings to the racks of the walls of the garage;
  • Weld the canopies according to the markup;
  • Align the gate with the walls and weld it to the awnings.

In the garage, the shell can be installed ready-made lifting gate which will save space. The price of such gates starts from 20,000 rubles. The price is current in spring 2017.

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