How to build a frame-panel house with your own hands? Frame panel houses. Basics of construction technology Making shields for the house

garden equipment 30.08.2019
garden equipment

Own house, reliable, comfortable - a real dream. But most people start a grandiose construction project that will take a long time and require large financial investments. So how do you become an owner? own house or cottages? There is a way out - frame- panel houses, which can be easily built with your own hands, with minimum investment funds.

This type of houses is very popular in the West, the buildings are built in a few weeks, they are durable, reliable and visually attractive. In this article, you can learn how to choose a place, start construction correctly, and what materials are needed to build your own frame-panel house.

Before construction work you need to choose the right place for the house. As applied a large number of building elements made of wood, you should not place the building on too wet and waterlogged soil. Despite the strength of the structure, all parts and elements will eventually be exposed to moisture, which will worsen their condition and appearance.

It is impossible for old and sprawling trees to grow near the house. Their roots can damage a light foundation, causing the structure to skew or shrink over time.

It is desirable to build a house on a hill. Before starting work, it is required to check the soil for the presence of ground water. They can cause destruction and deformation of the building due to the instability of the soil above them.

Types of foundation for frame-panel houses

Since the structure of the building is light, it is not necessary to fill in a large foundation. For the house, you can use three types of supports.

    Screw piles.

  1. Strip foundation, not very buried in the ground.

Screw piles

Screw support for home- This is one of the simplest types of foundation. Making screw poles with your own hands is quite difficult, so building elements are purchased in specialized stores. Finished piles look like metal hollow pipes of different diameters and lengths with a pointed screw at the end. Piles can be installed using special equipment or on your own. The number of piles depends on the size and area of ​​the house.

Piles can be driven into any soil, while seasonality does not affect the technology of work. A pile screwed in at an angle cannot be removed. Better to leave it in the ground. A twisted pile will not fulfill its functions and, after the foundation has been erected, may skew to the side.

To create a columnar foundation, asbestos-cement pillars are purchased, which are dug into the ground per meter. Cement is poured into the middle of the columns, which strengthens their structure. The more columns, the more stable the foundation of the house is.

Strip foundation

Strip foundation - the order of construction

The creation of this support requires the presence of cement and the manufacture of formwork for pouring the structure. Since the house is light, the foundation can be poured shallow.

Materials for the construction of a frame-panel box at home

    A bar measuring at least 150 by 150 mm. With its help, horizontal lintels and vertical racks are erected in the building.

    Board or plywood for sheathing the frame.

    Warming material.

    Roofing material, with the help of which waterproofing is carried out between the mortgage beam and the foundation.

    Mounting foam.

    Mounting material: nails, anchors, self-tapping screws.

First of all, the room is waterproofed. To do this, roofing material is laid on the supporting pillars of the foundation in several layers. The layers are held together with bituminous mastic. Then the lag is laid.

The beam, which will serve as a lag, is laid with its ends on the base of the foundation. The middle of the lag should lie on the fundamental supports located inside the perimeter of the building.

The surface of the beam on which the floor will be laid in the room must be flat. To do this, it is recommended to first drive the wood through the thickness gauge or smooth out the bumps with a chainsaw.

To make the structure even, you need to use a level. If the lags do not meet the desired level, you can raise them by lining a solid board.


It is desirable to make the floor in the house two-level: rough and finish. Until the walls are erected, a rough board is laid. Insulation and laying of the final floor is carried out after the construction of walls and roofs.

For the draft floor, it is required batten having a thickness of at least 35 cm. The board is laid on logs fixed on the foundation.

Construction of the frame of the house

The connection of vertical and horizontal support beams in the construction of the house is carried out not only with the use of fittings. When connecting at the ends of the supporting logs, special grooves are cut out, equal to half beam thickness. The connection of these grooves is carried out using wooden pins, which are called dowels. A hole is drilled in the grooves, having a smaller diameter than the diameter of the dowel, so that the connection of the supporting elements occurs under tightness.

The base of the frame must be made of 2 levels: the beams along the perimeter of the foundation are stacked on top of each other. The top beam is used to fasten the vertical racks of the frame. It cuts as many grooves as there are racks in the design of the house.

Racks are installed in grooves, fastened with dowels and additionally supported by special boards called jibs. The jibs will prevent warping of the frame structure. After all the racks are installed, the upper logs are tied. In the beams laid on the racks, the grooves into which the vertical racks are inserted should also be sawn. Before finally fixing the racks in the harness from the upper logs, it is advisable to make sure that the frame is built without distortions and defects.

Vertical racks are fixed in the upper trim of the beams using long nails(hundreds). The jibs are removed after the erection of the frame from the beams.

Then you need to attach horizontal jumpers from the beams between the vertical posts. Their connection is also carried out using sawn grooves and long nails. The frame is thus further strengthened.

Sheathing of vertical racks can be done with plywood or board. The material is required to be attached to vertical and horizontal posts with a solid shield, without gaps. Openings for windows and doors should remain free. They are formed in the process of building sheathing.

Most often used for frame-panel houses double slope design roofs. It looks like a triangle, is easy to install, and perfectly protects the building from precipitation.

The process of installing a roof can be divided into three stages.

To build a roof, the following material is required.

    Beams, at least 15 by 15 cm.

    Board for crates.

    Mounting accessories.

    Roofing material.

It is not recommended to use heavy materials, such as, for example, clay tiles, for mounting the roof. They noticeably make the structure of the house heavier, which is very dangerous for the frame and foundation.

Installation of the roof begins with the laying of load-bearing beams, which are laid on the wall structure after 40 - 50 cm. The edges of the beams should protrude from the outer walls by at least 40 cm. This is necessary so that precipitation does not fall on the walls and under the roof. A board is laid on the beams, which will become the floor of the attic. The board is fastened with nails or self-tapping screws to the beams.

Then mounted roof structure roofs. Triangular gables are installed on both sides of the house. They form the height of the roof. The tops of the pediments are connected by timber. Then rafters are attached to this beam and to the supporting upper strapping. They should fit snugly against the beams, not go beyond the structure. A strapping of boards is attached to the rafters, which make the structure more reliable and resistant.

Insulation is laid on the crate from the board, vapor barrier material and waterproofing are laid on it. A roof is mounted on top of the materials. After the roof is installed, it is required to carry out a drainage system around the perimeter of the house and storm sewer, which will remove moisture from the roof, from the walls and foundation of the building.

Video - How to properly mount rafters in a gable roof

Installation of doors and windows

If you plan to live in the house in the summer, then windows with one frame are enough. If the residence in the building will be year-round, then it is worth installing double-glazed windows with several glasses. This will help avoid heat loss.

In the same way is selected Entrance door to the house.

After the roof of the building is ready, windows and doors are inserted, it is required to insulate the frame of the house. Warming can be carried out both inside the house and outside. It is optimal to use two types of insulation.

Materials for external insulation

Each type of insulation has certain properties. If you plan to live in the house all year round, you can use several types of material at the same time. For example, mineral or glass wool are located between vertical bars frame. Plywood or boards are attached on top, expanded polystyrene plates are mounted on the boards and covered with isolon. Heat loss with such insulation of the building is minimal. Isolon also protects wooden elements buildings from moisture penetration.

Facade cladding is mounted on top of the insulation. It can be siding, imitation of rounded timber or other material that will decorate the facade of the house.

Materials for internal insulation of the house

Before insulating the walls inside the house, you need to cover everything wooden details special compounds that protect against decay, mold, pests. Then you need to choose the material with which the walls in the room will be lined.


The latter type of insulation is the most convenient for installation, and its surface does not require preliminary preparation for wallpapering or applying another coating. Use given material can be used not only for wall cladding, but also for the ceiling.

The last stage in the construction of a frame-panel house is the laying of internal electrical, plumbing and gas communications.

Video - Do-it-yourself frame-panel house

Construction of frame- panel houses popular in all regions of Russia. It is chosen for private housing construction for a number of reasons. Firstly, such houses can be built cheaply, and secondly, they are very reliable and designed for 100 years. The construction technology of these houses has reached perfection, they can be freely built with your own hands, thus saving on construction work.

Features of frame-panel houses

Unlike the usual frame house, frame-panel is built from large panels called shields. These panels can be ordered from a special company that will manufacture them at the factory strictly according to your individual project.

On the spot, it remains only to assemble the finished frame elements and check their reliability. Next, the builders carry out, and the house is ready. Thus, the most time-consuming part of the work takes place in the factory.

The walls are installed on the bottom strapping. It is made from wooden beams well soaked in antiseptic. The bars are installed along the basement of the building, after which they are securely fixed with anchor bolts. Then, frame shields of the walls are erected on the strapping and sewn from above with the upper strapping. In conclusion, an attic floor is installed on it.

Reviews of the owners of frame-panel houses prove that this technology is more reliable and accurate than independent construction at home. With the help of shields, both small one-story structures and houses with several floors are erected, since they are very durable.

There are several types of frame-panel panels for walls:

  • internal;
  • outdoor;
  • deaf;
  • door;
  • window.

Each shield is a solid section of the wall with a height from the floor to the ceiling and a width of 60-120 cm. It is made of timber and sheathed with special plates, between which there is a heater inside.

Shields are usually insulated with special mineral felt. At the same time, make sure that the inside contains vapor barrier layer, otherwise water vapor will condense on the insulation, which will lead to the destruction of the layer.

The shields are installed vertically and connected to each other with nails. In this case, it is very important to correctly connect the joints. They should not be blown with air, so check their tightness. After making sure that the panels are connected securely, sheathe the joints of the steam and waterproofing materials, pre-warming them with mineral felt. Then, the joint is crimped with a special lever device.

Arrangement of the basement

In order for the cornice knots not to freeze in winter, you need to properly insulate them. To do this, install a heater in the base and equip a special insulated frieze belt near the eaves. Isolate objects from moisture using vapor barrier materials.

The underground under the basement is not insulated. This part of the frame-panel house should be freely ventilated and kept cool. At the same time, everything above the underground must be well insulated, and the insulation must be protected by a vapor barrier. So that the house does not freeze from the side basement floor, it is important to make a warmed belt outside.

But wooden houses it is necessary to protect not only from cold and moisture, but also from fire and decay. Therefore, the whole wooden frame not only insulated with mineral materials, but also impregnated with antiseptics and refractory substances.

Pros and cons of panel houses

There are several significant advantages of such construction:

  • Lightweight foundation. For a frame-panel construction, it is enough strip foundation because the house is very light. This saves a lot of money during the construction phase.
  • Rapid construction. A frame house can be built in a few months, maximum for six months. And this, along with pouring the foundation and waiting for materials from the factory. This technology is considered one of the fastest in terms of construction.
  • No shrinkage. The building does not sag, so cracks do not form in the walls. In the house, you can immediately do the interior decoration.
  • Frame shields are relatively cheap.
  • There is no need to involve heavy equipment for the construction of any elements of the house.
  • All materials are environmentally friendly and safe for the health of residents.
  • Inside frame walls you can hide various communications by doing appearance rooms more attractive.

The prevalence of frame-panel technologies in the region with different climates is extremely high. But frame houses There are some downsides to be aware of as well:

  • Less service life. If stone and brick houses can stand for several hundred years, then frame buildings- 50-70 years, after which serious repairs will be required. If the construction technology is violated or untested materials are used, the service life can be halved.
  • Lack of opportunity to build a high-rise building. Frame houses, as a rule, are built in one or two floors.

Of course, you can build larger structures, but then you need to put a more reliable foundation, buy expensive Construction Materials. In this case, the construction can no longer be considered budgetary.

Varieties of panel houses

There are three types of shield structures:

  • house kits;
  • platform houses (or Finnish houses);
  • conveyor houses.

platform houses considered to be the oldest frame construction. They were actively practiced during the Soviet era. The principle of construction is to prepare the foundation, and then to erect the right amount houses in the village.

In this way, panel structures somewhat reminiscent of assembly line construction. They are very convenient for the rapid construction of houses and are considered an economical technological solution.

by the most convenient option counts . The factory produces all the details of the house, and then collect it on the site of the owner. Preparatory work It's just about laying the foundation.

It is quite possible to assemble a panel house with your own hands. Of course, this is very not an easy task, but quite manageable. But assembly without technology is possible only if the frame does not contain very large parts that cannot be lifted with your own hands. If they are present, the installation of shields will require the use of a construction crane, which no longer involves completely self-construction.

But this does not mean at all that saving on construction will not work. There are other technological moments where it is quite real. In total, average frame- panel house costs 3-5 times cheaper than its brick counterpart.

conveyor houses are considered an analogue of home kits. They differ only in that special sandwich panels are used during their construction.

Today many construction firms The West is also using 3D printers to build frame houses. They program them for the production of sandwich panels, which significantly speeds up the construction time.

How to assemble a panel house yourself

Prefabricated board panels have one advantage - they are supplied already assembled. This means that the frame of the building does not need to be insulated and sheathed, as this has already been done at the factory. It remains to prepare the right foundation for construction, and it can be the simplest.

SIP panels are assembled, making a box at home, and outside they are sheathed with OSB boards containing a vapor barrier layer, wind protection, elements of ventilated facade technology, and insulation. If the foundation of the future building is ready, you can proceed directly to the construction of the frame.

Floor preparation

Having established the foundation, a layer of waterproofing is laid on top of it. This is a special film, on top of which it is already possible to install floor logs. For logs, it is recommended to use bars with a section of 40x50 mm or a little more. Make sure that between the lags there is the same step - 50 cm.
On top of these bars, they begin to install either a rough or finished wooden floor.

Wall assembly

Collecting any frame house, walls begin to be erected from the corner of the building. First, the lower beam is installed vertically, then the rest of the structural elements are gradually fixed to it. When installing the panel, it is important to support it with a special board 3 m long.

Connecting the rest to the first panel, fix them together with the help of special galvanized corners. The assembly of the structure is somewhat reminiscent of playing Lego, since all the elements are connected clearly into the groove.

Having connected the entire frame, the joints are treated with sealant so that they are securely closed. As the latter, silicone filler or simple polyurethane foam is suitable. But before this stage, they check how evenly and vertically all wall panels are installed.

Roof installation

When the frame of all walls is installed, it is sewn from above with a special beam of the upper trim. After that, you can install the roof. Rafters are made from ordinary timber with a section of 120x50 mm or 100x200 mm.

The roof is usually covered with metal tiles. Slate is considered not the most reliable roofing material, and clay tiles are very heavy and create an additional load on the foundation. Alternatively, you can also use shingles, but it takes much longer to install, and it usually costs more.

What is the cost of a panel house

The cost is determined by the complexity and high cost of a typical one. An individual solution is much more expensive. Various companies offer their standard projects which vary in complexity and cost.

Average, one square meter single-story frame house up to 100 sq. m will cost about 7 thousand rubles, if you build in the suburbs. For home larger area the price will increase by 500-1000 rubles for each sq. m.

If the house is planned to be arranged attic floor, the total cost may be cheaper than for the classical two-story version. Then a square meter will cost up to 6 thousand rubles.

A standard frame-panel house has the following equipment:

  • foundation (the price includes its filling);
  • strapping of wooden beams;
  • sheathing with OSB boards;
  • insulation with mineral wool.

For additional money, you can order clean Finishing work indoors, the arrangement of the veranda and the installation of interior partitions.

Thus, a good turnkey panel house in the Moscow region will cost at least 500 thousand rubles, on average - up to a million. Compared to other technologies, this one is more cost effective. The advantage of panel houses is that they are equally relevant both for the Moscow region and for regions with a different climate.

Which is better: build your own or buy a house ready?

Only the owner can decide how best to build a house. Both options are pretty good. For example, if you have free time and good construction experience, you can try to build your own house. But if you have never dealt with construction work, it is better to hire professionals.

The second solution is more expensive, but you will get a guarantee of the quality of work. As a rule, it is this option that those who want to have their own frame house choose. The choice is due to several reasons:

  • lack of experience in construction;
  • lack of free time, since construction is a long-term project;
  • the need to urgently complete construction and move into your home;
  • self-doubt and a desire to avoid mistakes at the stage of planning a house and its construction.

Despite the above disadvantages, the independent construction of a frame-panel house has some advantages. The owner of the house himself does the work and controls it, does what he likes. In addition, it is he, and not the firm, who decides what materials to build one or another element of the building from.

Construction time

As already mentioned, the construction of frame-panel houses is carried out very quickly. Sometimes a few weeks is enough to complete the project. First, it's a big advantage. Secondly, this means that it is better to purchase all building materials at once, so as not to stretch the deadlines.

Due to the fact that frame houses are cheap, do not require serious efforts during construction, can be built with the help of a small team of people or even by one person, they have become very popular. Everyone can build a building that he likes the most.

It is quite possible to make a frame-panel house yourself. Watch the video, which clearly shows the assembly technology.

Today, frame-panel construction projects are very popular among Russians. And there is nothing surprising here: the technology of erecting such buildings, one might say, has been brought to perfection. Yes, and the assembly of the panels itself is easy, even with your own hands, without involving specialists and paying for their expensive services.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel construction

The main advantage of panel houses is their low cost and high speed of construction.

  • The foundation can be built the lightest (ordinary tape, for example), which is possible due to the lightness of the structure of the house itself. As a result, this significantly reduces the cost of frame construction;
  • The maximum period for the construction of a frame house, taking into account the time spent on the foundation, is 6 months, and this is really the maximum time. If we are talking just about such work as assembling panel panels on a ready-made foundation, then building a house will require 3 months on the strength. The technology, as noted above, is indeed brought to almost perfection. And these are not empty words;
  • Frame house projects do not involve shrinkage of the structure, which is why it is quite easy to build a panel house with your own hands;
  • Panel equipment is relatively cheap, it will be the most difficult and expensive to build the foundation of the building, although the technology for its construction has been developed for a long time;
  • The construction of a frame house does not require the use of heavy and expensive equipment such as an excavator;
  • High resistance to seismic vibrations. Frame house projects are popular, for example, even in Kamchatka, where seismic activity is the most intense in Russia;
  • Panel equipment can be found in any construction market;
  • For the construction of the house, only environmentally friendly panel equipment is used;
  • In a frame-panel house, it is possible to hide all possible communications inside the walls.

    Structure standard wall panel house

The frame house does not involve shrinkage after commissioning.

Of course, such buildings also have their drawbacks:

  • fragility. In general, the minimum service life of a frame house in the absence of proper care is 30 years, but manufacturers give a guarantee for 75 years (it is clear that in this case, the maintenance of the building should be at the highest level). If, however, scheduled repairs are carried out on panel buildings, as required by the engineering instruction, then for such a house, even 100 years of impeccable service is not the limit;
  • Restriction on the number of floors. Basically, all such structures are one-story, rarely seen two-storey houses frame type. Large quantity projects cannot provide for floors, since the construction technology itself assumes that a lightweight strip (and often even a columnar) foundation will be used.

Varieties of panel houses

All panel residential buildings can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Platform house (the so-called "Finnish houses");
  2. Domokomplekt;
  3. Conveyor houses.

Platform houses are panel residential buildings of the first generation, they were actively built back in the days of the USSR. First, the foundation was poured (for example, if it was planned to build 25 houses in the village, that is exactly how many foundations were poured at once), and only then they began to build houses.

General form all components of the panel house structures

In fact, this is the same conveyor construction, just switchboard equipment has become much more convenient and technologically advanced. Everything is clear with house kits: a kit consisting of necessary materials, and the owner of the site can only connect all parts of the house, having previously equipped the foundation.

True, assembling a panel house with your own hands is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. The most the main problem in this case is the presence of really large parts (for example, part bearing wall). Therefore, the assembly of such panels, its very technology, may require the use of tower cranes.

But in general, it will be possible to save significant funds on construction. And this is the main point. For example, the cost of a turnkey panel house will be 3-5 times less than brick house similar area. As for conveyor houses, their main difference is that projects for their construction involve the use of sandwich panels.

Currently, there are even special 3D printers that "print" such panels. The term for the construction of such a building in the presence of a team of workers and special equipment is 1, maximum 2-3 days. But this is without taking into account interior and exterior finishing work, of course.

Standard panel house kit supplied from factories

The cost of a frame-panel house is at least 3 times less than a similar brick house.

Assembling a panel house from factory panels with your own hands

The design of ready-made panel SIP panels suggests that they will simultaneously be both the walls of the house and the insulation, so what about additional insulation no need to care. The foundation for such a house is suitable for the most common: even an elementary columnar, as in ordinary village houses.

The SIP panel itself is sheathed on both sides with OSB-plates, which have several layers available:

  • vapor barrier;
  • windproof;
  • wind connection layer (needed for better air exchange, this is the so-called ventilated facade technology);
  • the famous polystyrene foam is usually used as insulation on the shield parts, which is glued there under enormous pressure, which ensures its long service life services.

Floor preparation

The surface of the foundation must be covered with a layer of waterproofing film. You can immediately lay logs of the future floor on it, for which experts recommend using ordinary timber either 40x50 mm or 40x60 mm in size.

Panel house floor construction

The step between the logs should be exactly 50 cm. On the logs, the wooden floor is laid.

Wall assembly

All work begins precisely from the corner of the future structure. The first element of the entire structure is installed vertically (the lower beam is in the lowest selection). During installation, the panel must be additionally supported by a three-meter board.

Why a three-meter one is difficult to say, but experts recommend it. Subsequent panels are attached to the first panel, fastening them together with galvanized metal corners. A bar of the previous one is inserted into each subsequent panel; in some ways, this technology resembles a children's Lego constructor.

Pie wall of a frame-panel house

For complete sealing of joints before direct connection different parts designs, all samples must be filled mounting foam. During work, it is imperative to check the evenness of the vertical panels with a building level.

Roof installation

After mounting all the walls with the help of a beam, the upper trim is made and the installation of the roof begins. For rafters, an ordinary beam is used, which has dimensions of 100x200 mm and 120x50 mm.

Scheme of the device of the roof of a panel house

As roofing usually use a metal tile. Slate will cost too much, and real clay tiles will simply create a colossal load on the ceilings of an already very light structure, which is undesirable.

The best roofing option for a frame house is a metal tile.

An example of calculating the cost of a panel house

Despite the fact that many construction companies offer standard building projects, all the same, these projects can differ significantly from each other, depending on what equipment is included in these projects.

For example, the cost of building one square meter of a one-story house with an attic area of ​​up to 100 square meters, in the Moscow region will be approximately 7,000 rubles, a house with a larger area will cost 500-700 rubles cheaper based on the cost of one square meter.

Houses with an attic floor will cost a little less, depending on their area, their price will range from 5,500 to 6,000 rubles per square meter.

An approximate table of the cost of panel houses

What will be included in the package of such a house:

  • foundation (either columnar or on screw piles);
  • strapping and frame made of ordinary wooden beams;
  • finishing with OSB boards;
  • as a heater mineral wool.

AT additional equipment may include the following:

  • veranda (terrace);
  • interior partitions;
  • clean finish.

In general, you can build a solid and large turnkey panel house for a price of 350,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. This is very little money. True, it must be borne in mind that in the same suburbs or in Leningrad region near Petersburg cost land plot can be ten times higher than the cost of building the house itself.

But there is nothing to be done here: such are the laws of the market. However, usually panel houses erected in remote regions, where they are used as summer cottages.


You can watch a video that tells how a frame-panel house is assembled using Scandinavian technology.

Building a house quickly and inexpensively allows technology and modern materials. The main part of such construction is occupied by frame-panel construction. Low-rise buildings are assembled in a few days, and the latest generation heaters have increased their energy efficiency to the maximum possible parameters. Prefabricated heat-insulating panels can only be assembled into a single structure, so a panel house can be built quickly without builders. Private houses, cottages, dachas, shops, offices are erected in this way.

Technology features

Shield construction is a type of frame construction. However, the assembly according to Canadian technology is more like a panel connection of walls. The design of the used SIP panels is thought out so that they are both the frame of the house and its insulation. As the latter, expanded polystyrene is used. It is sheathed with OSB from 2 sides; also the design consists of the following elements:

  • vapor barrier,
  • wind connection,
  • windproof layer.

Insulation under pressure is glued to OSB boards, while along the perimeter they protrude beyond the polystyrene foam by 50 mm (samples are formed). Standard sizes of OSB sandwich panels are: thickness 12, 14, 15, 16, 20 cm; width 125 cm; length 250, 280, 300 cm.

We start building a panel house

As a rule, typical projects of panel houses provide for a 1-storey building with a 2-pitched roof and an attic. If desired, the roof device can be changed to another, for example, a multi-pitched, half-hip, multi-gable roof. The easiest option to quickly acquire a project is to buy a ready-made one in a special organization. This will allow you to spend a minimum amount of money on preparation for construction.

It is according to the Canadian assembly that the panels are connected on a prepared base without preliminary frame construction. Sip panels are designed for such a connection when they themselves form the frame of the house directly during assembly. They only prepare the base from the timber, make the frames of extensions (for example, porches), and lay the roof. Each panel has a rigid element in the form of a frame made of durable timber, which makes this construction technology possible.


Savings on the foundation distinguishes the assembly according to Canadian technology, since it is possible to build a frame panel house on a light foundation. Depending on the type of soil, the level of its freezing, the level of passage groundwater panel houses are erected on one of 3 types of foundations:

  • slab,
  • columnar,
  • tape shallow.

The least expensive is the columnar foundation. It consists of reinforced concrete piles interconnected by a metal or wooden grillage. The slab base is a "floating" reinforced concrete structure. A solid slab is suitable for difficult soils with a high degree of heaving. The strip foundation allows you to equip the basement. The depth of the trenches does not exceed 60-80 cm, if soil characteristics allow.

Floor preparation

The surface of the foundation is covered with a waterproofing film. After that, floor logs are laid. For them, take a bar 40x50 mm or 40x60 mm. The step between the lags is 50 ± 10 cm. If the frame-panel house is arranged on a columnar foundation, then the lags are attached to the beam bottom strapping(for him take a bar with a section of 100x50 mm). In this case, the step between them is equal to the distance between the columns of the foundation. The building level controls the horizontal position of each lag separately and all together relative to each other. Then carry out a running flooring of a floor by a board.

Wall assembly

SIP panels are laid on construction site as close as possible to the place of assembly. Work starts from the corner of the house, setting the first structural element vertically. The panel is mounted so that the lower beam is installed in the lower selection. At the same time, the panel additionally supports long board(3 m), resting it on the ground from the outside. Next, a second panel is attached to the first and fastened together with galvanized corners.

Connection features: in the selection of each next panel is inserted load-bearing beam the previous one. Immediately before joining, the sample can be filled with mounting foam, this will ensure complete sealing of the joints. Note that windows and doors are inserted into the panels at the production stage. It is important that construction projects are carried out by specialists, since even small errors in calculations will lead to a violation of technology.

Thus, the facade is assembled in a circle: the last shield is adjacent to the first. To build a panel house with your own hands, you will need at least 2 assistants. One person carries out fastening at the top, 2 - at the bottom and in the middle. In order to climb to the top of the shield, they use platforms prepared in advance, the height of which depends on the height of the SIP.

Next, install internal partitions.

Important: the vertical position of each panel is checked by the building, it is better laser level. They also use plumb lines and a tape measure, which constantly control the dimensions of the building after the adjunction of each next panel. These data must match the calculated ones, so projects and documentation should always be with you during the assembly of the house.

Roof installation

After the walls are installed, the top trim beam is attached and the roof assembly begins. Here you will need a truck crane or a winch if its elements are pre-assembled on the ground and installed at the top finished construction. You can also do the installation of the roof yourself at the top. For rafters, they take a bar 200x100 mm, 120x50 mm and put it on edge. Pairing with the upper strapping is carried out with the help of cuts. The step between the rafters is 60 cm if the crate is rarely laid. If it is solid, the pitch of the rafters can be increased to 100 cm. waterproofing film. Be sure to arrange ventilation gaps to ensure ventilation of the layers of the roofing cake.

Upon completion of construction, the panel house is finished facing materials. It should be remembered that it is always performed using the technology of a ventilated facade. There are no other conditions for its device - you can use any material offered construction market. Facing internal walls also performed in any way: plastering, painting, wallpapering or siding with natural clapboard, finishing artificial stone, tiles.

The construction of frame-panel houses is gaining immense popularity.

Basically, this technology is used to build prefabricated one-story houses With gable roof or a small addition to the house.

Panel panels are produced according to a standard project at the factory or can be manufactured independently.

Frame-panel houses are easy to build with your own hands - during the construction of the house, the panels are simply connected to each other.

In this case, Finnish and Canadian construction technologies are used, the only difference is which frame is used - wooden or metal.

Very often, frame-panel construction technology is used for summer cottages.

A do-it-yourself garden house with a veranda is a great option - it's fast and inexpensive.

A frame extension to the house can still be built, and if the choice is made specifically in favor of this method of building houses, then you need to know the pros and cons that the frame-panel construction has.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • the low weight of the entire structure allows you to save on the construction of the foundation;
  • construction speed - construction period is 3-6 months;
  • the design does not need shrinkage;
  • high resistance to earthquakes;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • low cost;
  • such houses, subject to all the rules, have a fourth degree of fire resistance.

Now consider the disadvantages of frame-panel houses for summer cottages.

Cons of this design:

  • prefabricated prefabricated buildings are short-lived, their warranty period is 75 years, but with proper operation, the period can reach 100 years;
  • number of floors - the design does not allow building more than two floors;
  • the impossibility of redevelopment - prefabricated frame-panel houses cannot be replanned. For redevelopment, a complete disassembly of the house will be required;
  • use of special equipment for mounting panels.

Where to start building?

If a decision is made to build a frame-panel house, then you need to know all the stages and construction technology, especially when building with your own hands. So how to build a frame-panel house with your own hands?

First of all, a house project is required - it can be done independently or with the help of specialists. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to determine the number of floors.

Having finished designing the house, you need to move on to choosing the location of the structure. When choosing a location, consider the type of soil and groundwater level.

The advantages of frame-panel houses can also be added to the fact that silt and filler soil are suitable for their construction.

It is possible, without changing the landscape, to change, for example, the basement area or change the landscape by arranging a platform or terrace.

Construction stages

The construction technology of frame-panel houses is as follows:

  • foundation;
  • wall installation;
  • roofing;
  • external and internal finishing works;
  • carrying out all engineering communications.

Foundation types

Prefabricated prefabricated frame-shield structures are lightweight, so they do not require a powerful foundation. You can make a screw pile foundation, columnar or shallow tape.

The type of foundation depends on the type of soil and the number of floors of the structure.

For a one-story structure, a columnar foundation is suitable, which is easy to build with your own hands, and such a foundation is also great for poor soil.

For the construction of a columnar foundation, it is necessary to make recesses in the soil with a diameter of 25 cm and a depth of 1 meter with a drill, asbestos pipes must be inserted into the finished pits, and the space around them must be filled with crushed stone and sand, and the pipe holes must be filled with cement mortar.

If a garden house with a veranda is being built for a summer residence, then a foundation must also be organized under the veranda.

No less common is a screw pile foundation, which can also be done by hand.

The technology of the strip foundation is traditional - with pouring with cement mortar.

After the device columnar and pile foundation you need a harness, for which you need a bar 150 * 150 mm, 200 * 200 mm, 200 * 250 mm.

Before laying the timber, it is necessary to cover the piles with mastic and roofing material in two layers. The beam is laid around the perimeter of the base and fastened with nails, corner joints fixed with steel corners.

The strapping is attached to the base with screws. You need to lay a board on it, blocking the joints.

Now you need to make a draft floor, for this, logs from a bar are laid at a distance of 60 cm from each other, and a heater is laid between them.

From above, the logs are covered with a vapor barrier film, and then boards are attached to them with nails. If a garden house with a veranda is being built for a summer residence, then the upper and lower logs must be extended.

Having finished the foundation and the draft floor, you can proceed to the installation of the frame.

Installation of walls and roofs

Consider a wooden frame, which requires a board 150 * 50 and 200 * 50 - first you need to install the corner posts and secure with metal corners of increased fixation.

Then install the remaining racks, fixing with corners, to prevent loosening of the frame, it is recommended to make jibs.

In the corners, the timber can be fixed with a punch, and in other places with metal corners. The corners themselves are fixed with self-tapping screws. After the wooden frame is ready, you can install the shields.

Shields are prefabricated elements that can be ordered at the factory or made by hand.

They are made by drilling a beam along the edges and one in the middle for strength - this will be the basis of the shield, which must be filled with mineral wool and covered with OSB sheet on top.

This is how sandwich panels are obtained, with which a frame-panel structure is erected with their own hands.

When mounting the walls, you can immediately carry out communications, as they are hidden in the walls using metal or corrugated pipes.

Ceiling beams are attached in three ways:

  • cutting method;
  • use of perforated brackets;
  • use of metal corners.

The choice of method depends on the place of attachment. The beams are attached to the strapping beam with self-tapping screws.

The next stage in the construction of a frame-panel house is the installation of a roof.

First you need to install the rafters and fasten them with nails, and for greater reliability and boards.

After fixing the central rafters, the ridge board is laid. Then a crate is made from edged board, after which the roofing material is laid.

If a garden house with a veranda is being built, then it is necessary to make an extension of the roof.

Finishing work

Now you need to perform the insulation of the frame-panel structure, for this you can use various materials, for example, slag, mineral wool, polystyrene and expanded clay.

The highest quality insulation will be made of mineral wool and foam.

Before starting the insulation, it is necessary to lay the waterproofing between the insulation and outer wall. It is recommended to do both external and internal insulation.

External insulation is made with mineral wool, on which foam plastic is attached, and internal insulation is performed with mineral wool and drywall.

The gaps in the walls must be filled with mounting foam. Insulation is required for all building elements: floors, roofs, ceilings, walls.

If a garden frame-panel house is being built, then it is enough to make internal insulation, since the house is not intended for year-round use.

Having completed the insulation of the house, you can proceed to outdoor decoration. To do this, you can use various materials: false timber, lining, metal siding and many other materials.

Before exterior trim you need to crate the walls using bars or metallic profile. All finishing work can be easily done by hand.

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