How to assemble a kitchen with your own corner seat joint. Do-it-yourself kitchen corner: we use drawings and diagrams for manufacturing

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

To make a kitchen corner with your own hands, you do not have to be a professional. Anyone can do the job, armed with patience and the necessary tools.

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Deciding on design and construction

Before making a corner yourself, you need to decide on its size. This will help you make the most of your space. U-shaped set is appropriate in a spacious room. A corner of individual modules is recommended to be installed in studio apartments. In a cramped kitchen, it is better to install only the L-shaped design.

Before you make a kitchen corner with your own hands, you need to purchase materials for the frame and sheathing, given that the set will be intensively used. Its appearance should not be discordant with the design of the room. The upholstery is selected from materials that are easily cleaned of dirt.

When developing a furniture design, it is advisable to make a sketch that will help you imagine how it will look surrounded by other interior items. It is better for an inexperienced craftsman to make kitchen corners according to ready-made drawings.

modular corners

Furniture of this kind is of interest to those who like to experiment with its location in the room. Headset items do not fasten to each other. More often, a modular corner consists of 2-3 sofas. Sometimes they are supplemented with corner seats, which are a chair with 3 legs or on a 3-coal base.

The modular set belongs to the category of direct kitchen corners, the main disadvantage of which is the discomfort experienced by a person sitting in the corner.

With sleeper

You can build corners in the kitchen that will sometimes be used as beds. The classic design of the headset is complemented by a couch. During the day it serves as a seat. If necessary, it is moved to the rest of the elements. It is important not to make a mistake with the size of the couch. Its height should be the same as that of the sofas. It is better to put it on furniture wheels, the size of which must be taken into account when developing a drawing. A kitchen corner with a berth can be modular.

With storage boxes

The best option kitchen set there will be a corner with sofas equipped with storage boxes. They should be spacious and easy to open. It should be borne in mind that the drawers may not allow people sitting on the sofa to sit comfortably. Boxes standing on the floor should not interfere with the legs, therefore it is recommended to make their front walls beveled or recessed.

Often, when making a kitchen corner with their own hands, craftsmen place drawers not only under the seats, but also behind the backs of the sofas. In this case, the space occupied by the headset increases. Sometimes, instead of storage boxes, the frame is equipped drawers. The assembly of furniture of this kind, in comparison with the installation of sofas with seat covers, is more complicated.

For a small kitchen

When making a corner for a kitchen with your own hands, designed for use in a limited space, you have to think about saving space. The dimensions of the room allow you to build a right corner with small sofas.

Furniture is made in such a way that things, utensils, etc. can be stored in it. The design is limited in width and length so that it does not clutter up the room. It is complemented by light chairs or stools. For a small kitchen, you can make a modular set.

Necessary materials and tools

To work on the manufacture of a wooden kitchen corner, you will need the following tools:

  • circular saw, hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil and chalk;
  • mallet;
  • stapler;
  • surface grinding tools;
  • scissors;
  • construction knife.

Fasteners will serve:

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. confirmations;
  3. furniture bolts with washers and nuts;
  4. dowels.

You need to purchase materials such as:

  • 80 mm thick foam for seats;
  • thin polyurethane foam for finishing the backs of sofas;
  • leatherette, jacquard fabric, etc. for upholstery;
  • masking fabric;
  • piano or furniture hinges;
  • plywood or chipboard;
  • bars 40x40 mm;
  • staples;
  • ABS or PVC edging for finishing ends;
  • steel corners with holes.

For a kitchen corner made of solid pine, you need to buy boards 100x40 mm, plywood. Wood is planed with an electric or manual planer. The final polishing is done with sandpaper or a belt machine. Only smooth, dried wood without signs of decay and cracks is suitable for work.

Drawings and diagrams

A detailed drawing of the kitchen corner will help to avoid waste of materials and design errors. Except general scheme products, the drawing must indicate the exact dimensions of the structural elements, the diameters of the holes and the cross section of the fasteners. It is recommended that the novice master not deviate from the implementation of those proposed in the drawing specifications. It should be borne in mind that the replacement of materials will affect the performance of the headset.

Based on the drawings for the manufacture of a kitchen corner, an experienced carpenter can make changes to its design, but you should not experiment with the height of the furniture. You can equip the sofas with additional storage spaces or adjust the length of the seats. With an increase in the size of the headset, it is necessary to strengthen the details of the frame. Reducing the length does not affect the strength of the design of kitchen corners.


Accurately following the step-by-step instructions for assembling furniture will help the novice master to complete the work without unnecessary material and time costs. The process is divided into several stages, including:

  • frame construction;
  • cutting and tailoring of covers;
  • upholstery of backs and seats;
  • headset assembly.

Before you make a corner in the kitchen with your own hands, you need to free the room from furniture and foreign objects.

Installation and fastening of the frame

The frame of the kitchen set can be built from oriented strand board, chipboard or plywood. When assembled, wood panels are a spacious and sturdy box. For the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to choose laminated chipboard. The ends of the elements prepared for assembly must be sealed edging tape. This will protect the chipboard from moisture, and the room from the release of harmful fumes from the chipboard.

Often only the sidewalls of the frame are made of wood panels. These parts of the structure are interconnected by bars. For reliable tightening of sheets with each other and the crossbars, through connections should be used. Steel corners are best used in the manufacture of a headset from boards. In these cases, its elements are assembled with bolts.

Before screwing fasteners into OSB, chipboard and plywood, it is necessary to drill holes that are slightly smaller than the section of confirmats or self-tapping screws. Dowels will give additional strength to the structure. The connection of parts is best done after processing the holes, fasteners, spikes and contact surfaces with glue.

Installation of facades and seat base

The bars between the sides of the kitchen corner can be sheathed with plywood or fiberboard. Sheets of facades are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. For the base of the seat, plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm and 16 mm chipboard is suitable. The lid is connected to the body with piano or furniture hinges. The fixed seat can be fixed with confirmations and self-tapping screws.

Back and seat upholstery

Upholstery of headset elements is sometimes more expedient to perform before they are assembled. The inner walls of the boxes are often covered with a thin fabric and the backs of the seats and backs are covered. The masking material is nailed with furniture nails or staples after upholstery.

Filler for a soft kitchen corner

Those who make a soft corner for the kitchen with their own hands use foam rubber as a filler. A 20 mm thick sheet can be placed on the back. It is better to close the base for the seat with foam rubber with a thickness of 40 to 80 mm. Durability and elasticity are distinguished by polyurethane foam with a density of at least 30 kg / m³. Softer foam rubber will crumble after a short time.

The filler is fixed on the base with glue, which is applied to the contact surface. wood slab zigzag or in checkerboard pattern. At the edges of the base, polyurethane foam can be fixed with a stapler.

Sometimes the seats and backs of the corner are original mattresses and pillows. The cases can be filled with crushed foam rubber, siliconized fiber, etc.

What fabric to choose

The most common upholstery fabric for a kitchenette is leatherette. Contaminants are easily removed from it. The material imitating expensive leather is cheap, wear-resistant and does not fade for a long time. For upholstery, you can choose microfiber. It is not inferior in its main characteristics to leatherette, but, unlike it, "breathes". The disadvantage of microfiber is a short service life.

Those who choose flock should be aware that inexpensive material is not practical, since its pile accumulates dust well. Beautiful, durable jacquard upholstery will cost a lot. Teflon fabric is not cheap either, although it surpasses other types of upholstery in its properties.

Least of all, natural fabric is suitable for finishing sofas: it gets dirty faster. It's harder to clean. The material wears out quickly.

Cutting fabrics and assembling

Before you make the upholstery of the corner with your own hands, you need to accurately determine the dimensions of the seats. When cutting the fabric, you need to take into account the thickness of not only the base, but also the lining. When designing a sweep, 1.5-2 cm must be added to the dimensions of the material. The side parts of the upholstery are sewn together. You can make a coating by combining fragments of materials of different colors and composition.

upholstery material

On the upholstery fabric lying on a flat surface (face down), a seat or back plate is placed. The material is stretched and attached to the base at 2 points, in the center of the long sides. Then, avoiding distortions, it is fixed with brackets or furniture nails in increments of no more than 3 cm.


most challenging task it may seem like making a corner of a kitchen set with an arched back.

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Furniture in the kitchen should be as practical and multifunctional as possible. Often our kitchens, especially in Soviet-planned houses, do not have a large area. Therefore, if you decide to organize a sleeping place there or put corner sofa to the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. The editors of the online magazine site offer to study the intricacies of the issue: you will find out what kitchen sofas are, how functional they are, we will tell you how to create your own do-it-yourself relaxation corner and what to look for when buying furniture.

A corner sofa in the kitchen is installed to increase the level of comfort

Types of kitchen corner sofas with photos, advantages and disadvantages of different models

Furniture in this category performs two functions at once - seats and beds. The cavities inside the structures are used to accommodate boxes and shelves. To choose the best equipment option, you need to study common offers in the relevant market segment.

Traditional fabric or leather corner sofas for the kitchen

In the simplest version, furniture is used only for organizing seating. The photo shows examples. They occupy a minimum of free space, are inexpensive.

Multifunctional corner sofa in the kitchen with a berth

An overstayed guest or a relative who has suddenly arrived is sometimes simply impossible to place in private room. To do this, you can choose a corner sofa with a fairly wide seat or a sliding structure for the kitchen.

Corner sofa with pull-out storage system

Bed linen, kitchen utensils, food supplies can be stored inside the furniture. For this, the following equipment options are useful.

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Kitchen area with bed. Pros and cons, device, choice of material, features of folding mechanisms, an overview of popular models with photo examples and prices, how to make a corner with your own hands - in our publication.

Standard sizes of corner sofas in the kitchen

There are no strict requirements for these parameters. The dimensions of the corner sofa are selected, taking into account the size of the table, the width of the aisles.

Note! Some profile manufacturers offer a change in height, width, and other parameters on an individual order.

Design features of corner sofas in the kitchen

What you should pay attention to when choosing a corner sofa in the kitchen:

  • nice appearance;
  • good environmental parameters;
  • resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress, changes in humidity and temperature;
  • reasonable cost;
  • ease of care and durability.

Frame device and material of manufacture

The basis of the structure, as a rule, is created from or other plates on the core of wood materials. For the manufacture of protective and decorative surfaces, different materials/technologies are used.

Perfect appearance is an absolute advantage. However, it is worth remembering that the kitchen is always high humidity, an abundance of steam and fat. However, under conditions of changing temperature/humidity, the veneer will peel off and the furniture may become saturated with fumes.

Apply the basis of paper or polymer carrier. With print high resolution apply a high-quality pattern that is no different from a natural sample. Create several surface layers to increase resistance to negative external influences. This engineering solution is notable for its affordable cost and good consumer characteristics.

You can inexpensively purchase a corner sofa for the kitchen with a colored PVC film glued to the walls. It must be remembered that such a finish is damaged even by weak mechanical action. The ends of the plates are covered with plastic strips to prevent moisture absorption. To connect the parts, standard fasteners are used. The wall thickness is calculated taking into account the expected loads.

If an array is used, the workpieces are carefully impregnated with deep primers to protect against dampness and prevent decay. Special grades of plywood are also suitable. The most reliable and durable metal frames with multi-layer anti-corrosion coating. Use elements from of stainless steel, aluminum, plastic, combinations of different materials.

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Features, types, advantages, selection criteria, sizes, DIY, review of popular models, helpful tips and recommendations - in our publication.

Upholstery fabric and filling

Jacquard or short pile fabrics work best. Artificial materials, such as Teflon, are more durable and wear-resistant, and experts recommend using them. Such upholstery allows air to pass through, does not create discomfort when the air temperature rises in the summer.

Note! It is convenient if the case is made with a built-in zipper for quick dismantling. For washing, use the modes specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Leather elite corner sofa for the kitchen looks solid. However, in this case have to come to terms with the high cost. Ease of cleaning will be an added benefit. grease stain Cleans up instantly with a clean cloth dipped in soapy water.

As in the example with fabrics, here you should pay attention to modern artificial materials. They are cheaper, have excellent technical specifications. Even a close study will not reveal a high-quality imitation.

For the filler, foam rubber with sufficient density is traditionally chosen. Such material is pressed through in intensive operation mode in 2-3 years. Dear models equipped with latex (spring) mattresses.

Folding mechanisms for corner sofas in the kitchen

Such equipment increases the cost, but expands the functionality. Various engineering solutions are used so that the creation of a full-fledged sleeping place is not accompanied by unnecessary difficulties.

To reduce the size in storage mode, structures that are folding along several lines are used. This increases the cost and complexity, somewhat reduces the overall reliability. When folded, a thick back is obtained, so you will need additional free space to accommodate such furniture.

There are no swivel joints that are subject to relatively rapid wear. The main seat and backrest are rigidly attached to the power frame. They can withstand heavy loads without damage. A significant drawback is the lack of storage space.

Related article:

: varieties, frames, upholstery, filler, folding mechanism (eurobook, accordion, dolphin, folding bed, roll-out), how to choose the best sofa - in our publication.

How to fit a corner sofa into a kitchen design of a different stylistic orientation

Quite often, firms producing goods in this niche offer several upholstery options, different types veneer/laminate, size correction. The customer can buy a small or large corner sofa for the kitchen. We allow the selection of aesthetic parameters, taking into account certain design restrictions.

Helpful service:

Especially for our readers, we suggest using it, which allows you to organize kitchen space to your taste and quickly calculate the cost of a kitchen set.

How to make a corner sofa in the kitchen with your own hands - basic steps and important nuances

To create a homemade product, you must first decide on the appropriate technology. The easiest way to process blanks from natural wood. You will need simple carpentry tools. It is not too difficult to master elementary skills. It is much more difficult to produce high-quality metal products using welding. When choosing such a material, you can order complex parts in a locksmith's workshop. The assembly of the structure is carried out using screw connections.

Similar designs are suitable for. With appropriate sheathing, they will not differ in any way from ordinary upholstered furniture.

Walls and other parts power frame create from a thickness of at least 16 mm. Instead of confirmations that are used during factory assembly, you can use self-tapping screws of suitable size. When choosing dowels made of polypropylene, adhesive joints can be excluded. For seat upholstery choose fabric or eco-leather. Fix materials with a construction stapler. Foam rubber filler is chosen with a density of 60-110 kg / m². A layer of at least 20-25 mm is created from it.

Note! Some structural elements are with bevelled edges. An angled cut is made using a tilting shoe. The ends are closed with plastic or paper tape.

How much does a corner sofa in the kitchen cost - an overview of market offers with prices

ModelSide length, height, cmPrice (as of June 2018), rub.Peculiarities

170×120×9019400 The back is upholstered in technical fabric.

Pillows move along the guide rails.

The sides have pockets for small items.

193×106×8222500 Dolphin-type transformation mechanism.

Built-in drawer.

Filler - polyurethane foam.

The choice of material.

It is possible to change the dimensions.

175×120×8418600 There are no storage boxes.

The length of the sides can be selected from 120 to 245 cm with a certain step.

The frame is made of solid pine and plywood.

120×150×8810900 In the photo - an economical corner sofa for a small kitchen with built-in drawers.

Palermo Soft
180×160×8249400 "French" folding bed.

Solid wood frame.

Improved filler.

230×151×6620100 Corner sofa for the Ikea kitchen.

Lid with upper position lock.

Sleeping place.

How to choose a stylish and comfortable corner sofa for the kitchen - recommendations from our editors

For a thoughtful buyer, the most important parameter of a corner sofa in the kitchen is convenience and functionality. This will help the study of photos, as well as prices. In addition, it will not be superfluous to study the data on the design, materials of fillers and upholstery. The type of transformation mechanism is chosen taking into account the frequency of use, real loads. Trade enterprises sometimes offer delivery and professional assembly for free as part of special promotions. You should check the guarantees, user reviews.

Not everyone can boast of a spacious kitchen, where there is a place for large-sized furniture. AT small spaces each square meter is of great importance. This is especially true for the table area, where you want to organize as much as possible seats. For such a task, perhaps, the best solution is to use a soft corner sofa, which will make it possible to use the free space as efficiently as possible. Below we consider a few fairly simple options for how to make a kitchen corner with your own hands. Drawings and diagrams combined with step by step photo instructions, will allow even an inexperienced master to understand the process and complete the work without the involvement of professionals.

If you want to minimize carpentry work, then you can use ready-made Ikea shelves of the appropriate dimensions as a frame. To make such a kitchen corner, you will need the following materials:

Coziness and comfort in a small kitchen

Installation and connection of the frame

When choosing the size of the shelves, certain standards must be taken into account: the height and depth of the seat of a soft corner in the kitchen should be on average 40-45 cm. The use of shelves is convenient because you can easily create not only an L-shaped structure, but also a U-shaped one, if for this has the area and layout of the room.

Structural elements are interconnected with bolts. To do this, you first need to drill holes of the appropriate diameter in the side walls. It is best to drill two shelves at once, fastening them together with clamps. However, this is not always possible due to the rather small inner space. If the drill does not fit inside the shelf, then the mounting hole is drilled from the outside - separately in each wall. In this case, it is very important to make correct measurements in order to maintain alignment when connecting structural parts.

Advice! If the bolts are tightened too much, the wood may be deformed. To avoid this, it is necessary to use additional gaskets under the bolt head and nut.

Making the frame of a kitchen corner with your own hands

Installation of facades and seat base

After installing the frame, you need to fix the facades of the shelves. Of course, you can do without them, which will significantly reduce the cost of construction. However, if you want to have additional storage space kitchen utensils then doors are needed.

The base for the seats is made of chipboard (OSB) sheets or plywood with a thickness of 10 mm or more. The use of chipboard or oriented strand board is the cheapest option. Although when choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that plywood can be subjected to higher loads and has better moisture resistance.

The board is cut using a jigsaw according to the dimensions of the corner. After that, all ends must be sanded with medium grit sandpaper.

Fastening door-façades and installation wooden base for seat

Upholstery with soft material

Making soft seats for a corner in the kitchen is perhaps the most difficult stage of work. Furniture foam rubber 80 mm thick is cut in the same way as chipboard sheet(plywood), after which it is glued to the base.

Note! For reliable bonding of foam rubber with a wooden surface, it is necessary to use special glue. On the furniture factories often used glue "88" or "Foam rubber-2", which are universal compositions for joining dissimilar materials.

The soft base must be covered with a cloth, for which a construction stapler is used - the distance between the staples is 1-2 cm. The complexity of this work depends on the chosen fabric. Even an inexperienced person can perform upholstery with a single-color material, but correctly pulling a fabric with a complex pattern is a task of a completely different level, requiring professional skills.

Ready product can be decorated with pillows, which will additionally serve as a soft back.

Kitchen corner from Ikea shelves

Simple kitchen sofa from a furniture board

Another affordable option is to make a do-it-yourself kitchen corner from a furniture board. To complete this venture, you should purchase the following materials:

  • furniture board (18 mm);
  • acrylic paint;
  • foam rubber (80 mm and 20 mm);
  • the cloth;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • wood screws.

Panel cutting and joining parts

Before you start cutting the shield, draw up a drawing of a kitchen corner with dimensions that will satisfy your criteria. The scheme must be developed in such a way that at least 3 people can comfortably sit on the sofa.

It is easiest to cut the shield with a jigsaw, although you can also use a hand saw. The main thing is that all ends are located at an angle of 90 ° with respect to the main plane, for which the tool should be held strictly perpendicular during the cut.

Details of the structure are interconnected by self-tapping screws. In order to prevent the formation of a crack during the tightening process, a hole must first be drilled under the screw.

Note! The diameter of the drill should be 0.5-1 mm less than the diameter of the self-tapping screw.

Hull painting

To paint the kitchen corner, you can use both alkyd enamel and acrylic. The second option is more preferable in terms of stability and durability of the layer. In addition, acrylic paint does not have a strong odor, so it can be applied directly indoors.

Before applying the first layer of enamel, the case must be treated with a primer to increase adhesion. paintwork with wooden surface. Usually 2 coats of paint are enough to get an even color. Although dark tones may require 3 coats.

Making soft pillows

For the soft part, as in the previous version of making a kitchen corner with your own hands, the best option is furniture foam. Unlike materials such as synthetic winterizer or holofiber, which also give volume, foam rubber also has a good density, so it is more comfortable to sit on it.

Note! For the back, it is enough to use foam rubber with a thickness of 20 mm, while for the seat you will need a thicker layer - 80 mm.

If you can work for sewing machine, for foam pillows, you can sew removable covers with elastic or zippers. This approach is convenient in that the old fabric can always be replaced with a new one without much effort.

A simple option for a soft corner for a small kitchen

Nice piece of wood plank

A simple but pretty cute kitchen nook can be made from a wooden board. For this you will need:

  • wooden board 100x40 mm;
  • plywood or chipboard;
  • round dowel with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • drill with a crown 15 mm;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • batting;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • PVA glue;
  • stain, varnish.

The scheme of the corner for the kitchen from wooden planks

Sawing and grinding parts

According to a pre-prepared drawing, which can be compiled using a computer program or drawn by hand on plain paper, the board is cut into separate segments. To give the kitchen nook more elegant look, with our own hands we cut curly elements.

Advice! To obtain smooth shapes, bends can be drawn using a long flexible ruler.

All parts are subjected to rough and fine grinding by means of sandpaper with different graininess. Where necessary, holes are drilled for dowels, which sit on PVA glue. Actually, the whole corner will be assembled with the help of dowels and glue.

The connection based on dowels and glue is considered one of the most reliable in furniture production

Staining and varnishing

As a coating, instead of enamel, we will use stain, which impregnates wood without creating a film characteristic of paint on the surface. Thus, the structure of the tree is completely preserved, while its color can be very different - from light "pine" tones to dark red.

Note! Stain has the ability to lift wood pile during the staining process. Therefore, after it dries, additional polishing of the surface will be required.

Lacquer, like stain, is applied in two layers. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a water-soluble varnish, the drying time of which under normal temperature conditions is 30 minutes.

The base of the kitchen corner after staining and varnishing

Before lubricating the ends with glue, we assemble the kitchen corner “dry” with our own hands. It is important to fit all the holes and the length of the dowels so that the frame is assembled without gaps.

If all the ends and corners converge perfectly, then we assemble the frame already with glue. To reinforce the structure, you can use ordinary 4x4 metal corners that are mounted on inside corners.

The bottom of the boxes is made of plywood or chipboard, which is simply placed on any furniture corners attached to the bottom of the frame.

The base for the seat is cut according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing from the same sheet of plywood or chipboard as the bottom of the drawers. Sheathing with soft material is performed in the following sequence:

  1. We cut out a shape from foam rubber, which should be 2-3 cm larger than the base in length and width.

  1. We cover the seat with batting, roughly cutting it along the contour and fixing it with the same glue.

Seat padding with batting

  1. We attach the upholstery fabric to the base with staples.

The result is a very decent corner sofa that can decorate any kitchen.

DIY wooden corner in the kitchen

The original idea is a corner sofa made of pallets (pallet)

The design of wooden pallets used to transport various goods is quite simple. At the same time, the reliability of such elements allows them to be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for the production original furniture.

Note! To make a pallet that can withstand heavy loads, manufacturers use lumber premium. Therefore, even used pallets are very reliable.

Of course, taking into account their dimensions, a corner sofa made of pallets will not fit in every kitchen. However, it is quite possible to use it in the gazebo, especially since the assembly of the corner is not particularly difficult.

Drawing wooden pallet with standard sizes

Selection and fitting of pallets

At the first stage of manufacturing a corner sofa, you should carefully examine each pallet and select only those designs that are free from defects. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to cracks and large chips, which can cause unpleasant consequences during the operation of the sofa.

Based on the dimensions of the pallet, a corner sofa is designed. If the area allows, you can assemble the structure from solid elements. Otherwise, you will have to use a circular or hand saw to fit required size.

Integrity check and preparation of pallets according to the required dimensions

Connection of parts

It is very simple to make a corner for a kitchen or a gazebo from pallets with your own hands. To do this, you need to assemble a kind of designer from the prepared parts and fasten them together with screws.

To equip the seat, you need to install pallets in two rows. Such a height will be sufficient, given that a layer of foam rubber (about 100 mm) or, for example, a thick mattress is supposed to be placed on top.

To make the back, you need to set the pallet vertically and screw it to the bottom of the base. Actually, this completes the assembly of the frame.

Production of soft elements

As noted above, the soft part of the corner (seat and back) can be made of foam rubber, covered with a beautiful fabric. Given the rather large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, in this case you will have to spend a lot of money, since furniture foam rubber is not cheap.

Note! The price of one sheet of foam rubber measuring 2000x1000x100 mm starts from 1200 rubles.

If you use old mattresses and pillows as soft elements, you can save a lot. Of course, you still have to buy upholstery fabric, but the costs will still be significantly lower.

Original soft corner from pallets for a summer residence or a private house

The article offers the simplest and most affordable master classes for making a corner for a kitchen with your own hands. It is possible that there is not much design thought in these products and there are no modern technological solutions, but such work is quite realistic for a person who does not have solid experience in carpentry. For more serious tasks, there are specialists.

Video: how to make a kitchen corner with your own hands

Do-it-yourself furniture is a space for creativity and the realization of ideas. This is a way to save money, add personality to a home, and often make the most of a modest space. Those who have already made furniture will not have any special problems when assembling a kitchen set. It is not so easy for a beginner to make a kitchen corner with his own hands. Instructions for all stages of assembly without expensive special tools will tell you how to make an original corner with high quality and budget.

Choice of kitchen furniture: types

First you need to decide where you need kitchen furniture- in Vacation home, to the country house, to an apartment or a modest studio for 1 person. Many parameters depend on this - dimensions, materials and their cost, style and design of a do-it-yourself soft kitchen corner.

In total, there are several types of kitchen corners:

  • Standard. The design looks monolithic, but it is not quite so. Two seats perpendicular to each other are connected by a mobile pedestal with or without a back.
  • Bay windows. A find for non-standard premises. Soft semi-circular shape, square or triangular repeats the features of the room.

  • Sliding and modular. Transforming corners that turn into a bed, a box for kitchen utensils, extendable table and a sofa - such configurations are multifunctional and expensive.

You can make a kitchen corner of this type yourself the first time if you pick up a proven drawing.

How to make a kitchen corner with your own hands from improvised materials? Your imagination will answer this question. Everything that is suitable for sitting, decorating and comfort is used.

Kitchen corner from improvised materials - a godsend for summer house. Great for cottage old furniture in new paint and floral decoupage. Minimalism looks no worse than Provence - a corner of pallets with homemade mattresses or soft upholstery.

Making a corner: step by step instructions

Beginning of work

Having decided on the configuration, you need to draw up a drawing according to individual parameters.

Advice! You don't have to do everything from scratch. Drawings and diagrams of the kitchen corner of the model you like are customized to fit your markup.

A convenient and compact kitchenette is made according to standard sizes:

  • seat height - 45 cm;
  • chair height on the back - 85-95 cm;
  • seat depth - 50 cm + 5-7 cm;
  • sofa length - 120-200 cm;

On a note. The seat tilt angle is 85 degrees, that is, the edge of the soft corner is slightly raised for a comfortable body position.

Materials and details

You will need fasteners and accessories:

  • corners;
  • dowels;
  • screws;
  • loops;
  • decorative tape for ends;
  • glue.

Advice. Cutting a kitchen corner according to a drawing is cutting out roundness, recesses and holes with an expensive professional power tool. But how to make a kitchen corner without it? Furniture firms, tables for cutting wood materials provide services at reasonable prices.

A standard set of a do-it-yourself kitchen corner, according to the drawing, looks like this:

  • the front side of the seat of the corner and the rear lower part - 2 pieces each; side racks (paired) - from 4 pieces;
  • bottom - 2 pieces;
  • backs and seats - 3 pcs.

Finished cut parts should be fed - trim the edges with adhesive plastic ABS tape. The service is ordered in the same company or done independently.


If the details are turned out correctly, the accessories are purchased, it is time to learn how to assemble a kitchen corner. A typical kitchen nook is assembled in 5 stages:

  1. In the sidewalls, prepare recesses for dowels. They will hold the support bars on which the seats are placed.
  2. Metal corners are attached to the sidewalls to fix the back panel of the sofa.
  3. They attach the bottom to the frame and the front panel to the ties, not forgetting the forward slope of 10 degrees.
  4. A support bar is also attached to the back wall for the future folding seat. They put him on piano loops.
  5. The back is also seated on a support bar with dowels, as well as on euro screws that fall on the sidewalls. The slope of the screws is approximately 5 degrees (for a tight connection).

The scheme of the kitchen corner in detail: 1 - sidewall; 2 - front panel; 3 - bottom; 4 - rear panel; 5, 7, 9 - support bars; 6 - seat; 8 - back.

The second bench is assembled in the same way.

Covering and filling

The comfort and softness of the seat is completely dependent on the selected filler and upholstery fabric. Ideal for ST1825 and ST1836 foam sheets. 2 sheets of different articles are superimposed on each other so that the filler does not sag and is not damaged in a short time. It also gives additional resilience to the seat.

Remember. Single-layer foam rubber will sit down under the weight of the body, and the guest will feel the solid wooden base of the kitchen corner.

Foam rubber is simply glued to the seat with synthetic glue. So the filler remains motionless, it does not stray. From above you need to sheathe the kitchen corner with your own hands.

Upholstery, in order to sheathe a kitchen corner with your own hands as best as possible, must have some specific qualities, such as strength, resistance to water, dust and dirt. For example, it’s a good idea to use fabrics for a kitchen corner cover:

  1. Microfiber. Very similar to suede or velor, but much stronger. Does not wrinkle, is not afraid of water, dustproof. Very practical and breathable.
  2. Artificial leather. Many types of leather substitutes are so good that they cannot be distinguished from natural material. Will fit into any interior. Of the minuses - not everyone likes the coolness of the skin, the price can also scare away.
  3. Arpatek. Ideal for the kitchen - juice, wine and drinks do not leave marks on it. The fabric is designed for upholstery of car seats, so it has no equal in resistance to dirt.
  4. Thermo jacquard. Chemical impregnation strengthens and protects the fabric from damage and dirt. Durable and practical.

How to sheathe the foam layer? Measure the length, width and thickness of the filler and the bench for sitting. The values ​​are transferred to the fabric and cut out with a margin of 2-5 cm in width and length (depending on how far the seam will lie from the edge of the seat). The free edges are tucked under the seat, and staples are attached around the entire perimeter with a furniture stapler.


A short master class on how to make a simple do-it-yourself kitchen corner according to a drawing is the basis of home-made home furniture. A little ingenuity - and everyone will create an individual corner for the kitchen to their liking.

The design of the dining area should be not only practical, functional, but also as comfortable as possible. It is here that the whole family gathers together, eats, communicates. Many people prefer to make a kitchen corner with their own hands, then it fully corresponds to the parameters of the room. Products are versatile, convenient, do not take up much space. Standard designs consist of a pair of small sofas and a connecting element between them.

Before you figure out how to make a kitchen corner with your own hands, you need to clarify the main nuances of assembling furniture:

  1. The accuracy of the work directly affects the functionality of the products, and the final result depends on many factors.
  2. At the stage of designing a kitchen corner, individual tastes and preferences of people are taken into account.
  3. If used for manufacturing ready-made schemes, then you will have to work with the specified materials. Otherwise, backlashes and gaps will appear in the design. It will require strict adherence to the assembly order, as well as the selection of high-quality fittings.
  4. If there is no experience in creating furniture, you should give preference to the simplest straight-line models of kitchen corners with laconic decor.
  5. When selecting suitable drawings for a kitchen corner, you must be guided by the available tools. So, the manufacture of a wooden model is not complete without a grinder, a jigsaw.

To carry out a high-quality assembly, you should think over the appearance of the kitchen corner in advance, determine the place where it will be located. This information will help you choose the most suitable materials and accessories.

The secret of the popularity of the kitchen corner lies in its aesthetic self-sufficiency. Corner sofa with a table form a separate comfortable area.

Material selection

A self-made kitchen corner should be practical, convenient and attractive. In many ways, these properties depend on the selected material. In the old days, furniture was made exclusively from wood, today there are other options.


First of all, the frame of the kitchen corner is made - Basic structure, on which all other elements are fixed. The configuration, strength, capacity of the product depends on it. To create kitchen corners with your own hands, natural wood and chipboard are suitable. You should first evaluate the features of each material, the nuances of working with them:

  1. Chipboard is the cheapest and most affordable option. The advantage is that it has environmental safety, reliability. Difficulties in working with particle boards arise at the cutting stage. In production, the procedure is carried out using special machines. At home, work is often done with a jigsaw, which can lead to the formation of uneven edges and chips. Moisture gets into the damage, as a result, the sheets swell and deform. To prevent trouble, you will need special edges that are fixed on the cuts.
  2. The wooden corner is characterized by durability, strength, resistance to wear, environmental friendliness - these are pluses. When working with the material, it is necessary to follow the drawings exactly; before assembly, treat the panels with special compounds that prevent decay.

For independent production of furniture, such species as linden, Christmas tree, birch, pine are best suited. They are the softest, easier to process and assemble. If conifers are used, it is important to take into account one more nuance - they must be thoroughly dried so that the resin does not stand out.

Natural wood is one of the most expensive materials, so it is better for beginners to train on simpler and cheaper raw materials. Chipboard will do.


natural wood


A soft corner for the kitchen is not only functional, but also decorative element environment. To create upholstery, you can use various fabrics, the color and design of which should be combined with the interior:

  1. Tapestry. Dense textile, resistant to wear and mechanical damage. Differs in a wide variety of colors, serves for a long time, looks presentable.
  2. Velours. Pretty durable material with a short pile. It looks beautiful, but over time it can rub off and lose its attractiveness, it requires special care.
  3. Flock. Often used in the manufacture of kitchen corners with their own hands. Reliable beautiful fabric endures mechanical stress, has a waterproof impregnation, thanks to which dirt is easily cleaned.
  4. Jacquard. Luxurious material, pleasant to the touch, but has significant drawbacks. It wears out quickly and loses its original appearance, stains are difficult to remove from the surface.

The most popular type of upholstery for kitchen models is high-quality leatherette. According to the structure, properties and appearance this material practically does not differ from natural, but the cost is several times lower. It also has some disadvantages: lack of breathability, susceptibility to mechanical stress. For covering furniture, it is better to choose thick canvases, thin ones can quickly become cracked and torn.






Measurements and drawing up a drawing

First of all, the length of the walls of the kitchen is measured, as well as the corners of the room. The dimensions of all sofas are determined. The default settings look like this:

  1. Seat height - 40-50 cm.
  2. Depth - about 50-70 cm, so that it is comfortable to sit at the table, and the legs do not rest against it.
  3. The height of the entire structure, together with the backrest, can reach 95 cm, but this is not the limit.

The easiest way is to use ready-made drawings and diagrams, especially for people who are faced with making furniture for the first time. You just need to choose a plan that matches the desired size. If you adapt the model you like to individual parameters, it is easy to make a mistake, and you will have to spend a lot of time on alteration. The scheme should reflect all the design features: the presence of a bed, drawers and the nuances of their opening, the structure and location of the folding mechanism. It is important to be able to clearly assess the correctness of the drawings, not to take the first example found on the net.

Take measurements of the length of the walls and corners of the kitchen

Standard parameters of the kitchen corner

Corner manufacturing algorithm

Traditional kitchen corners with dimensions of 110 x 160 cm are optimal for accommodating three people. Products are convenient for a full-fledged meal by people without crowding and touching each other with elbows. Creating furniture according to individual parameters has the advantage of matching the dimensions of the room. Upholstery is selected based on your own taste preferences and the overall style of the interior. The product can be supplemented with the functionality that is needed: a folding sofa for sleeping, storage space, or both.

Chipboard with drawers

To make a do-it-yourself kitchen corner from chipboard, complemented by drawers, you need to follow several steps:

  • preparation;
  • measurements of parameters;
  • drawing up a detailed drawing;
  • purchase of accessories and fasteners, upholstery;
  • sawing wood chip sheets in a furniture shop.

Design begins with the choice of the optimal place where the sofa will be located. It is on the basis of its area that the appropriate configuration and dimensions of the future product are selected. It is necessary to act according to the instructions:

  1. All elements are cut according to the template, polished.
  2. The edges are taped.
  3. Assembly is carried out with the help of dowels and confirmations. First, the short and long parts of the sofa are connected, then the seat with the back, which are attached to the sidewall, then the boxes are made.
  4. The connections responsible for the rigidity of the product are fixed with metal screws.
  5. The final step will be the upholstery of the furniture. The filler is cut from polyurethane plates. The size is needed larger than the elements for which it is intended. The filler is attached to the seat and back with glue.

To make the corner correctly, it is necessary to take into account the size of the kitchen, placement household appliances and furniture. At the narrowest point, the width of the passage must be at least 60 cm. The parameters indicated in the diagram may vary depending on the optimal dimensions of the model.

The default values ​​remain unchanged:

  • seat height - 45 cm;
  • depth - 50 cm;
  • the length of the large and small sofas is 120 and 200 cm.

The height along the upper edge of the back should not exceed 95 cm. The do-it-yourself kitchen corner is made from polished laminated chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm. To process the cuts, you will need an ABS edge.

Cut out all elements. sand, glue the edges with tape

Collect the first part with the help of dowels and confirmations

Craft boxes

Attach second part

Glue the filler on the walls of the seats, attach the seats

Fix the backs

simple wood

To make a simple set of wood, you must first draw a plan, carefully measure all the parameters. You can buy ready-made furniture boards according to the received sizes. In total, 3 types of elements are required: 6 identical sidewalls, 3 upper and lower boards. The model is created according to the instructions:

  1. All parts are cut across.
  2. The bottom board is located between the side boards, the top board rests on them, like a lid. This feature should be taken into account when calculating the width of the material.
  3. The surface of the elements is carefully polished.
  4. Holes are drilled into which dowels are inserted.
  5. The kitchen corner made of wood is painted in a color that will be in harmony with the decor.

When making furniture, we must not forget about the importance of the location of the dowels. It is necessary that they coincide with the holes in the mating parts.

The product is painted twice to increase resistance to wear. After drying, the boxes are installed in the right place, optionally fastened to each other. A soft seat is placed on top, which you can purchase or sew yourself.

Corner diagram

cut details

Assemble sofa frame


Install bottom boards

Cut the foam to the size of the top board

Glue filler

Upholstered seats with fabric

Install drawers, attach seats

With sleeper

Before assembling a kitchen corner, it is necessary to take measurements. The parameters of the proposed product are 1.5 x 2 m. For work you will need:

  • timber 30 x 5 cm, as well as 50 x 50 cm;
  • foam rubber 60 mm;
  • plywood 15 and 4 mm.

Actions are carried out according to the scheme:

  1. The material is carefully polished, cut into elements according to the sample.
  2. You can assemble using self-tapping screws or a spike.
  3. To create a bed, you will need to purchase and install a retractable mechanism.
  4. Armrests, frame are produced.
  5. The upholstery is created from materials that you like more: leatherette, furniture suede, textiles. It will take at least 7 running meters.

The kitchen corner with a berth should be soft enough. For this, fillers in the form of synthetic winterizer or foam rubber are used. When unfolded, a full-fledged resting surface is obtained with a size of 1.9 x 0.9 m. The parameters, together with the armrests, are 155 x 210 cm.

The process of creating and assembling kitchen corners is a difficult but exciting job. Beginning craftsmen should use ready-made drawings, experienced ones will be able to make them themselves or change the parameters at their own discretion. Self-manufacturing allows you to create unique products that fit perfectly into the space, in harmony with the interior.

Sand the material, cut into elements according to the pattern

Assemble the frame


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