Make a furniture corner with your own hands. How to make your own hands kitchen corner, basic rules and advice

Landscape design and layout 03.03.2020
Landscape design and layout

Is it possible to turn the usual kitchen to the center of attraction of home? Definitely, yes - the home source is not so difficult from the kitchen, as it seems. We will add a sofa to the kitchen, you can hang a TV and put a small radio reception: a place to hold family evenings, it remains to buy a couple of board games.

It is still easier to buy furniture than to do something from scratch on their own, and there will be less than this product for such a product than on consumables, nerves and electricity, which will be needed with personnel manufacture. So you are in the store, ordered with delivery to the house.

The most common for any small apartment kitchen corner

The call is heard and ... you transmit a huge number of packages and packages: who would have thought that the kitchen corner assembling will fall on your shoulders. Well, there is nothing to do to start the installation, let's see how to protect yourself from poor quality goods and get a good result.

Primary inspection: how not to be mistaken

Do not immediately rush and break all the packages, dumping all the contents in a bunch. Before opening, it is necessary to carefully inspect the package:

  • To begin with, we count the number of brought boxes and the amount specified in the invoice. If there are discrepancies, not postponing, call the store where you bought material for a corner
  • Externally inspect all the packages, they must be without defects. Even marked angles can signal the material damage.
  • Just now open the packaging. If they are numbered, do it in the same order. First of all, check the correspondence of the details of the controller, which should be in each package
  • We carry out the audit of the details, see if they have any drawbacks. Pay special attention to the seat and fabric, the seat must be qualitatively covered, and the cloth looks new and be fascinated to the base of the seating around the perimeter

Upon receipt of furniture, always check the packaging integrity.

If you managed to detect any disadvantages, you should not start assembling and make corner. Make a photo of the details, and if possible, take the marriage with you to the store and when you first possibly go there. It is a poet that we do not recommend getting rid of packages to the end of the assembly, because you could miss something. In addition, chips may appear when assembling: if you did not violate the assembly technology, then this is a defect of the goods.

Buying a corner from a large reseller, the assembly will not submit special difficulties, since all the necessary components, including instructions for assembling the kitchen corner, are present in the packages. If you are going to buy a ready-made option, please note that weighs such a design without 10 kg centner.

Details and tools

If you ordered a corner from the manufacturer's company, then you will need to separately acquire the following details and tools:

  • Screw screed (Euro shop) 3.5 mm radius and 0.5 cm long
  • Perforator and drill to it (No. 5-6) - on the tree, of course
  • High-hex key for eurry
  • Shkants
  • Plugs (plastic and self-adhesive)
  • Piano hinges / canopies
  • Skints for furniture
  • If desired, the screwdriver
  • Self-tapping screws for installing corners, roasting hinges and a spike (4 x 16, 3 x 20, 4 x 30 - respectively)
  • Small tools: screwdrivers, rules, roulettes
  • Pencil

Furniture assembly tools in a special belt

How do you collect?

Start with sorting parts. Put the tree to the tree, screws and other consumables - lay out by type, everything should be in front of your eyes. It is important that there are no extraneous things in the room and preferably "advisers". Even if you collect the day, turn on the light, the extra light will not interfere. The first thing is going to the frame, the assembly begins with the edge parts:

  1. We find a long side panel, with it fix the front and rear part of the case. Fasteners are made at the expense of euro shopping and waders. You should not neglect the seasons - they will add the carrier part of the strength
  2. We visually check the strength of consolidation and look so that the edges of the parts are lightened tightly to each other. After that, we turn the design on the sidewall and openings under the fiberboard insert the rear plugs
  3. Here is attentive. We take the second side, put on top of construction (covering it) and planted on screws
  4. Self-plugs fix the buffets for furniture if something else is provided in the design - fasten the same self-draws
  5. We do the same for the short section (repeat items 1-4)
  6. Check that the height is the same

Some models provide external linings on the sidewall, start using this part after completion of the frame assembly.

When assembling furniture Follow the instructions

To install the sewrs to start the completion of the assembly of both enclosures. Side cannons are attached on both sections in two places from a back side. This is done so that when opening the lid they were invisible. After the shop has been completed, proceed to the mounting of the back of the corner. Please note that on the serial models of the zone for lateral drills are covered with cloth, let you do not confuse the view of their absence, mark their location by configmatics.

Next, we need a radius. You can start connecting the long and short section. In the frameless versions, the first thing is fed a back to the seat, after which we put it in your place. Check how covers open. We start with the screws of the confirmates, then secure the lower share of the radius.

To collect a kitchen corner from chipboard, you need to start with fastening the base of the angular part, and after the back with the seat is already mounted. It may happen that the back will not get into place, then vary the sharpness of the angle. If it does not help, then there is probability that in your kit is not that radius.

Furniture assembly accessories

Where Euro Shrue is fixed, insert the plugs.

On line table

Now it's time to collect the table. We describe the assembly of the common option. We take one of the side panels and kpripim on it. In the assembled state, this design on top of the panel is narrow (which is perpendicular to the floor), and the lower panels are reminded by the letter T. It is important to observe the rigidity of the direct angle between them.! After all, fasten the grooves.

The final is close: collect stools

Another important detail: when installing, the table top must be on the floor. Only at the very end we put it on the resulting "skeleton" and fasten with the help of the corners.

With the assembly of stools there will be no special problems: the part is attached to one of the lateral parts, the hardening product is fixed, then the second part is mounted on all this. Santers again fastened after all. In this way, we collect the remaining stools, check them for strength by strong pressing. Soft sides put at the end of the entire assembly.

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Summing up

If you carefully read this to become, they noticed that it was not difficult to collect a corner in the kitchen. The only snag can be with the material, if it is not a chipboard, and a solid tree - collect will be harder. However, we recommend that the chipboard is, as it is easier, it is going easier, and there are no different serifs, internal cracks, as it happens with a tree. In addition, it does not understand the wood, it has shown the furniture industry, working with this material.

Choosing a landline corner into the kitchen, pay special attention to the quality of the product, and then you will not have problems with the assembly. And will serve such a corner at times more than warranty period. Now you know how to assemble a kitchen corner.

Not everyone boasts a spacious kitchen, which will have a place for large-sized furniture. In small rooms, each square meter is of paramount importance. This concerns the zone of the table, where you want to organize as much seating as possible. For such a task, perhaps the optimal solution is the use of a soft angular sofa, which will make it possible to use free space as efficiently as possible. Below we consider some sufficiently simple options for how to make a kitchenette with your own hands. Drawings and schemes combined with step-by-step photo instructions will allow an inexperienced wizard to understand the process and perform work without attracting professionals.

If you want to minimize carpentry work, then the ready-made shelves of the corresponding dimensions can be used as a frame as a frame. For the manufacture of such a kitchen corner, the following materials will be needed:

  • ikea shelves with facades;
  • Chipboard or plywood;
  • furniture foam;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • bolts with nuts.

Comfort and comfort on a small kitchen

Installation and Frame Connection

Choosing the size of the shelves, it is necessary to take into account certain standards: the height and depth of the seat of a soft corner in the kitchen should be 40-45 cm. The use of the shelves is convenient because you can easily create not only a M-shaped structure, but also P-shaped if This features an area and layout of the room.

The design elements are connected to each other with bolts. To do this, it is predetermined in the side walls to drill the openings of the corresponding diameter. It is best to drill two shelves at once, covering them between themselves clamps. However, it is not always possible because of a sufficiently small indoor space. If the drill does not fit inside the shelf, then the hole for fastening is drilled outside - separately in each wall. In this case, it is very important to make the right measurements in order to comply with the alignment when connecting the design details.

Tip! With excessive tightening of the bolts, timber deformation is possible. To avoid this, you must use additional gaskets under the bolt and nut.

Making a kitchen corner frame with your own hands

Installation of facades and bases for the seat

After installing the frame, you need to fix the facades of the shelves. Of course, you can do without them, which significantly reduces the cost of construction. However, if you want to have an extra room for storing kitchenware, then the doors are necessary.

The base for seats is made of chipboard sheets (OSP) or plywood with a thickness of 10 mm. The use of a wood-chip or oriented chipboard is the cheapest option. Although when choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that plywood can be subjected to higher loads and has better moisture resistance.

The board is rebounded with an electrolybiz according to the dimensions of the corner. After that, all the ends need to sand sandpaper of medium grain.

Fastening the facades and installation of wooden base for the seat

Upholstery soft material

The manufacture of soft seats for a corner into the kitchen is perhaps the most difficult stage of work. The furniture foam rubber with a thickness of 80 mm is cut along the same diagram as a sheet of chipboard (plywood), after which it is glued to the base.

Note! To reliably glue the foam rubber with a wooden surface, it is necessary to use special glue. Furniture factories are often used glue "88" or "foam-2", which are universal compounds for combining heterogeneous materials.

A soft base must be covered with a cloth, for which the construction stapler is used - the distance between the brackets is 1-2 cm. The complexity of this work depends on the selected tissue. It is even an inexperienced person, and inexperienced person will be able to fulfill the uphound material, but it is properly to pull the cloth with a complex pattern - the task of a completely different level requiring professional skills.

The finished product can be reeded with pillows that will additionally perform the function of a soft back.

Corner for kitchen from IKE shelves

Simple kitchen sofa made of furniture shield

Another available option is the manufacture of a kitchen corner with your own hand from the furniture shield. To perform this ventiy, such materials should be purchased:

  • furniture shield (18 mm);
  • acrylic paint;
  • porolon (80 mm and 20 mm);
  • the cloth;
  • drill;
  • lobzik;
  • self-tapping screws.

Cutting a shield and connection of parts

Before proceeding with the shield, make a drawing of a kitchen corner with sizes that will satisfy your criteria. The scheme must be developed with such a condition so that the sofa could comfortably set up at least 3 people.

Coloring the shield is easiest to be electrolovka, although you can apply the manual hacksaw. The main thing is that all the ends are located at an angle of 90 ° in relation to the main plane, for which the tool should be kept strictly perpendicular during the cut.

Details of the design are connected by self-draws. To prevent the formation of cracks during the twisting process, the hole must be drilled under the screw.

Note! The drill diameter should be 0.5-1 mm less than the diameter of the self-press.

Painting corps

For painting a kitchen corner, you can use both alkyd enamel and acrylic. The second option is more preferable in terms of stability and durability of the layer. In addition, acrylic paint does not have a sharp smell, so it can be applied directly indoors.

Before applying the first layer of enamel, the case is necessarily treated with a primer to increase the adhesion of the paint coating with a wooden surface. Usually enough 2 layers of paint to get a uniform color. Although the dark tones may require 3 layers.

Making soft pillows

For a soft part, as in the previous version of the manufacture of a kitchen corner with your own hands, the optimal option is the furniture foam. Unlike materials such as a synthetone or holofiber, which also give volume, the foam rubber has a good density, so it is more comfortable to sit on it.

Note! For the back, it is enough to use a porolon with a thickness of 20 mm, whereas for the seat it will take a thicker layer - 80 mm.

If you know how to work on a sewing machine, for foam pillows you can sew removable covers on a rubber band or zipper. Such an approach is convenient because the old fabric can always be replaced by a new one, without making it much effort.

Simple Soft Corner For Small Kitchen

Cute wooden board corner

Simple, but pretty cute kitchen corner can be made of wooden board. To do this, you will need:

  • wooden board 100x40 mm;
  • plywood or chipboard;
  • round wanks with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • drill with a crown of 15 mm;
  • electrolovik;
  • construction stapler;
  • batting;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • pVA glue;
  • morilka, varnish.

Scheme Corner for kitchen made of wooden boards

Cutting and grinding parts

According to a pre-prepared drawing, which can be compiled using a computer program or draw from hand on ordinary paper, the board is cut into separate segments. To give a kitchen corner a more elegant look, with your own hands drinking curly elements.

Tip! To obtain smooth forms of bends, you can draw using a long flexible line.

All parts are subjected to black and finishing grinding through sandpaper with different graininess. Where it is necessary, holes are drilled under the sewage, which are sitting on PVA glue. Actually, the whole corner will be gathered with the help of wishes and glue.

The compound based on the wanks and glue is considered one of the most reliable in furniture production.

Flooring and varnishing

As a coating, instead of enamel, we will use a veil, which impresses wood, without creating a film characteristic of paint on the surface. Thus, the structure of the tree is fully maintained, while its color can be the most different - from bright "pine" tones to a dark red shade.

Note! Morida has the ability to lift the woody pile in the process of staining. Therefore, after its drying, an additional surface grinding will be required.

Varnish, like a veil, is applied in two layers. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use water-soluble lacquer, the drying time of which under normal temperature conditions is 30 minutes.

Foundation of a kitchen corner after a filling and varnishing

Before lubricate the ends with glue, we collect the kitchen corner "dry" with your own hands. It is important to fit all the holes and the length of the wanks so that the frame is going to be afraid without gaps.

If all the ends and corners are perfect, then we carry out the frame assembly already with the help of glue. The conventional metallic corners are 4x4, which are attached to inner angles.

The bottom of the boxes are performed from plywood or chipboard, which is simply placed on any furniture corners attached to the bottom of the frame.

The base for the seat is cut according to the dimensions specified in the drawing of the same sheet of plywood or chipboard, which is the bottom of the boxes. Weching with a soft material performed in the following sequence:

  1. From the foam rubber cutting the form, which should be 2-3 cm greater than the base in length and width.

  1. We are tightening with Vatin's seat, rudely cutting it on the contour by fixing the same glue.

Watiny sideways

  1. Upholstery fabric Breppy to the base with the help of a bracket.

As a result, it turned out a completely decent corner sofa that can decorate any kitchen.

Wooden corner in the kitchen with their own hands

Original idea - corner sofa from pallets (pallet)

The design of wooden pallets used to transport various goods is quite simple. At the same time, the reliability of such elements allows them not only for its intended purpose, but also for the production of original furniture.

For your information! To make a pallet that is able to withstand a larger load, manufacturers are used by top grade lumber. Therefore, even the ex-operated pallets are very reliable.

Of course, an angular sofa from the pallet, taking into account their dimensions, not fit in every kitchen. However, it can be used in a gazebo, especially since the assembly of the corner does not differ in particular complexity.

Wooden pallet drawing with standard sizes

Selection and fitting of pallets

At the first stage of the manufacture of the corner sofa, each pallet should be carefully examined and only those designs that are deprived of defects should be selected. Particular attention should be paid to cracks and large chips, which can cause unpleasant consequences during the operation of the sofa.

Based on the size of the pallet, the corner sofa is designed. If the area allows you to assemble the design of solid elements. Otherwise, you will have to use a circular or manual saw for fitting the required size.

Checking the integrity and preparation of pallet according to the required dimensions

Connection of parts

Make your own hands a corner for a kitchen or a gazebo from the pallets is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to assemble a kind of designer from the prepared parts and to make them together with screws.

To improve the seat, you need to install pallets in two rows. Such a height will be sufficient, given that the layer of foam rubber (about 100 mm) or, for example, a thick mattress is assumed from above.

To make a back, you need to set the pallet vertically and fasten it to the bottom of the base. Actually, this is completed on this assembly.

Making soft elements

As noted above, the soft part of the corner (seat and back) can be made of a foam rubber, covering it with a beautiful cloth. Taking into account the rather large area of \u200b\u200bthe product in this case will have to spend well because the furniture foam is expensive.

For your information! The price of one sheet of foam in size of 2000x1000x100 mm starts from 1200 rubles.

If you use old mattresses and pillows as soft elements, you can safely save. Of course, buying upholstered fabric will still have to buy, but the costs will still be significantly lower.

Original soft corner of pallets for cottage or private house

The article proposes the simplest and most affordable master classes for the manufacture of a kitchen for the kitchen with their own hands. Perhaps there are not many design ideas in these products and there are no modern technological solutions, but this work is quite realistic to fulfill a person who does not have solid experience in the joiner. For more serious tasks exist specialists.

Video: how to make a kitchen corner do it yourself

Beautiful kitchen corner "Etude" with a sleeping place

The kitchen corner is an attractive kitchen interior element that allows you to save place and gather on a small-scale kitchen with the whole big family. Humanity uses kitchen corners since the time of the era of postmodernism. Despite the large range of kitchen furniture in modern stores, you can not always find a suitable. But this is not a problem for a person who owns elementary carpentry skills. The kitchen corner do it yourself is an opportunity to have furniture that is ideal for style solutions and functionality, without large financial investments.

Soft kitchen corner from leatherette with drawers for storage

Soft kitchen corner of an unusual shape

Kitchen corners are popular thanks to several of their properties:

  1. Compactness. They allow you to save the area, which is the main advantage for a kitchen of a small area combining the kitchen and a dining room.
  2. Functionality. The corner sofa for the kitchen may contain drawers to accommodate things, stock products or dishes, vegetables.
  3. Comfort. A large family or company can be accommodated at the table.
  4. Large selection of options. There are many different designs. You can choose and collect your own hands can be a corner suitable in size, styling, finishing material.
  5. Cheapness. The kitchen corner, manufactured by yourself, will always cost cheaper than bought in the store.

Wooden kitchen corner made with your own hands

Determine with design and design

Yellow kitchen corner with a table of irregular shape

The kitchen corner includes short and long sofas and connecting corner between them. Those who do not know how to make a kitchen corner with their own hands, it is worth taken into account by several tips:

  1. It is necessary to start with the definition of a place for a corner, its size, think about the design, color gamut.

    Drawing with a description of parts and their connections

  2. For inspiration, it is worth a photo in magazines or on sites specializing in design and furniture.

    Soft and comfortable brown corner of non-standard sizes

  3. The design can be as simple as possible: the frame, it is sitting and backs. Enlarge the functionality of new furniture storage boxes. They can be made retractable or with the opening lid. Can be used for temporary rest, allow you to leave the guests to sleep the corner kitchen sofas with a sleeping place. Their manufacture require additional investments, more professional skills, acquiring special accessories and mechanisms to lay and fold the sofa.

    Beautiful kitchen corner of wood

  4. Corners are right-sided and left-sided. It is important to consider.

    Right-handed kitchen corner made by hand

    Left-sided kitchen corner in the kitchen interior

  5. For the sheat, it is better to use leatherette, synthetic materials. They are easily clean, stronger and more durable than fabrics.

    Kitchen Corner Material

  6. If the product is intended soft, as a filler, most of all use polyurethane plates or foam rubber.

    Porporal for soft kitchen corner

  7. Making a corner should be performed according to the drawings. They can be drawn by themselves or find drawings and schemes for a kitchen corner from wood with their own hands in specialized editions or the Internet. Found schemes will still have to refine under their conditions: change dimensions. The drawing drawing simplifies the work, allows you to more accurately calculate the materials, saves time.

    Corner drawing with sizes - side view

  8. After that, make up a list of all elements of the corner, materials that should be purchased.

    Parts for Future Corner Framework

  9. All missing tools, devices, fittings, materials should be purchased in advance before the start of work.

Necessary materials

Materials for the manufacture of kitchen furniture

For the manufacture of a corner sofa in the kitchen, you will need:

  • laminated, polished chipboard, plywood;
  • fasteners: Suckers, screws;
  • loops;
  • glue;
  • nichrome thread;
  • edge for decorating ends, swees;
  • furniture corners;
  • polyurethane plates, if a soft corner is scheduled;
  • upholstery;
  • primer for wood, paint, varnish;

Required tools

Tools for assembling kitchen corner do it yourself

In the process of manufacturing furniture will be needed:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • furniture stapler;
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;

Production Process: Step-by-step instruction

Soft kitchen corner with shelf in the angular part

For a long sofa, the following details are cut:

  • bottom, it can be performed from plywood;
  • bars for the frame;
  • two sidewalls from chipboard;
  • two side parts for long sides of the drawer (from plywood);
  • back;
  • seat.

Assembling most of the soft corner for the kitchen

The sofa assembly is carried out in the following order.

  1. Overtors sidewall to close the edge, and the bottoms - the spikes.
  2. Using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, make a frame, then the box.
  3. Collect the back, attach to the sidewalls with the help of the wanks. The mount can be reinforced with metal corners.

To make a short sofa, all actions need to be repeated. Differences only in the size of the details.

Assembling a smaller part of a kitchen soft corner

A long and short sofa is combined into a single design with an angular connecting element. With the help of the wizards, metal corners combine the seat with the back, then attach to the sidewalls.

Ready Painted Future Corner Frame

At the final stage, the upholstery are performed if it is scheduled:

  1. Cut from polyurethane plates Details filler. The size of the filler is slightly larger than the size of the element for which it is intended. Soft filling is harvested for seats of sofas and backs. Fasten with glue or double-sided tape.
  2. Similarly, the upholstery details are made, but their size should allow wrap material and consolidate it with a stapler.

Corner with oven and pillows in the kitchen interior

If the soft upholstery is not provided, the wood is treated with primer and varnish. To change the color, you can use paint or tint.

Beautiful kitchen corner of natural wood with their own hands

Ready Corner Decorating - Kitchen Design Element

Decor for kitchen corner in the form of pillows with removable covers

Decorations are performed in accordance with the interior of the kitchen and the preferences of the owners. Therefore, options may be many. Here are some:

  1. It looks great in the interior of any room natural tree. In this embodiment, it is necessary to stop if the rest of the furniture is made of the same material. It is safe, environmentally friendly, always looks worthy, carries warmth and comfort. The natural tree is covered with toning, varnishes.
  2. If the sofa was conceived without upholstery, it can be covered with paint in the color of kitchen furniture or, on the contrary, to maintain the interior decor element. It will be implicitly the combination of two harmonious colors.
  3. For decoration of the kitchen corner sofa, it is used upholstery from leatherette, dense tissues. Such a corner can be with a filler, soft, or without it, then the seats will be rigid. Select the appropriate color allows a large range of similar materials in the trading network.
  4. Actual decoration of kitchen sofas with plastic and similar modern materials. They are easy to wash, do not lose its original look for a long time, on sale a large selection of colors and shades. But this material is not suitable for each style of the interior.

Simple corner with soft removable seats do it yourself

Kitchen corner sofas will not come out of fashion for a long time, because they are comfortable, functional, save space, create comfort. The kitchen is the most multifunction room. For most, the kitchen is a place that combines all family members at one table. Understanding the desire to do this time is more pleasant, and the place is more attractive. The new subject of the interior makes the atmosphere warm and cozy in combination with the right light. Additional lamp on adjustable height or sconium will be a spectacular decor element.

Brown Soft Corner for Kitchen With Storage Boxes

Video: Soft kitchen corner do it yourself

Selection of photos with kitchen corners made by yourself

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How to make a kitchenette with your own hands using schemes and drawings

For reading required ~ 6 minutes


Not many can boast the availability in the kitchen free space for large-sized furniture. In small kitchens, each centimeter is of great importance, especially in the zone where the table is. In the kitchen, you always want to accommodate as many seating places as possible. With such a task, it is absolutely able to cope with a soft angular sofa, which will allow the use of space to the maximum. At the end of the article, you will find a kitchen corner drawing, a scheme and step-by-step instructions that will help them independently make it with your own hands.


Soft corner using Ikea shelves

To minimize carpentry work, you can use ready-made shelves from Ikea as a frame. For the manufacture of such a corner, materials will be needed with your own hands:

  • Chipboard or plywood.
  • Ikea shelves with facades.
  • Fabric for upholstery.
  • Furnace foam rubber.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Drill.
  • Building stapler.
  • Bolts and nuts.

Installation and fastening frame


When choosing the size of the shelves, such standards should be taken into account as: the height and depth of the seat must be 40-45 cm. Ease of application of the shelves is that it is easy to create not only a M-shaped structure, but if it allows space and a kitchen area, then P-shaped.

With the help of bolts, all design details are connected to each other. But before this you need to drill in the side walls of the opening of the corresponding size. If the drill does not fit in the shelf, then the hole should be drilled outside, separately in each wall. It is very important to make clear measurements so that there are no problems when connecting the structure.

So that with a strong tightening of the bolts, the wood does not deteriorate, it is recommended to additionally use the gaskets under the bolt hats and nuts.

Installation of facades and bases for the seat

After the frame is installed, the facades of the shelves must be fixed. You can do without it, which will make the design much cheaper, but if you need an extra room for storing various things, you still need the doors.

The base for seats is created from the sheets of chipboard (OSP) or from plywood. Plywood with a thickness of 10 mm can withstand high loads and has good moisture resistance. The most economical option is to use a chip-chip oriented stove.

The board is cut in size with an electroll bison. Next you need to sand the edges of the sandy paper of medium grain.

Upholstery soft material


This stage of work is the most time consuming. The furniture foam should be cut by the same scheme as the plywood sheet. Next, it is glued to the base.

It is important to use special glue in the work, designed for a strong bonding of the foam rubber with a wooden surface.

The next step will be tipped with a cloth using a construction stapler. The distance between the brackets should be 1-2 cm. The upholstery of a monophonic material will be able to fulfill the person inexperienced in this matter, but it will be necessary to adversely to the complex drawing, because this task is no longer from the lungs.

The finished seat can be supplemented with soft pillows that will still perform the backlord function.

Simple food sofa with their own hand from the furniture shield


Corner in the kitchen with their own hands from the furniture shield is one of the budget options for this venture. Such materials will be needed for work:

  • Acrylic paint.
  • The cloth.
  • Drill.
  • Lobzik.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Furniture shield (18 mm).
  • Foam (80 mm and 20 mm).

Paper cutting and fastening parts

Before proceeding with the cutting shield, it is necessary to make up the drawings of a homemade kitchen corner with cuts. The project should be developed in such a way that on the sofa freely placed, at least 3 people.

It is better to start to paint the shield with an electroll bison, but you can do and hand-hacking. In the process of the section, the tool should be kept strictly perpendicularly, and the shield ends should be located strictly at an angle of 90 ° in the ratio with the main plane.

The parts are fastened with self-drawers, and so that the cracks are not formed, it is pre-made a hole for the screw. The drill diameter should be 0.5-1 mm less than the diameter of the self-press.

Painting corps


For painting, you can use alkyd enamel or acrylic. It is better to make a choice in favor of acrylic enamel, in view of its stability, durability and in the absence of a sharp smell, which will allow the use of enamel right in the room.

Before starting painting, it is necessary to treat the surface of the enclosure to the primer to increase the adhesion between varnishes and a wooden surface. We make a coating of 2 layers, and for a more rich color - in three.

Making soft pillows

For sewing pillows, we use a foam rubber, which, unlike the synthet board and holofiber, has a more improved density and sit comfortable on it.

For the back, you can use the foam rubber thinner, and the seats will need a thickness of at least 80 mm thick.

If you can work on a sewing machine, it is best to sew removable lightning covers or buttons. This option is convenient because the old fabric can always be replaced with a new one without unnecessary costs.

Kitchen corner do-it-yourself

Very simple, but the original corner for the kitchen can be made of a wooden board with your own hands. For work is necessary:

  • Porolon.
  • Wooden board 100x40 mm.
  • Plywood or chipboard.
  • Round wanks with a diameter of 15 mm.
  • Drill with crown 15 mm.
  • Electrolzik.
  • Building stapler.
  • Batting.
  • PVA glue.
  • Upholstery fabric.
  • Varnish lacquer.

Cutting and grinding parts

First, it is necessary to create a drawing on paper or in a special program, and then you can start cutting the board to the part. To give a corner a more elegant look, you must cut the curly parts with your own hands. So that the elements were smoother and neat, with the help of a flexible line it is necessary to draw lines on the surface of the tree.

All parts are thinning several times sandpaper of varying degrees of grain. Following, according to the drawing, they collect the whole corner with the help of the wrens and glue.

Warming and lacquer


Instead of enamel for coating, it is best to use a veil. The veil does not create an unnecessary effect of the film on the surface of the tree, and, on the contrary, retains its structure. Color may vary from light to dark red shade. The verse has a feature - to raise a pile of wood in the process of staining, so after drying it is necessary to abandon the surface.

Like a sampling, varnish should be applied in several layers. To accelerate the process, you can use water-soluble varnish, the drying time of which is not more than 30 minutes.

Assembly of the carcass

Before using glue to fix the ends of all design elements, it is recommended to assemble it "on dry". It is necessary to trace all the parts of the framework to be fitted without gaps.

If everything is perfectly converged, you can start assembling the frame with glue. To strengthen, you can use metal corners 4x4, which are attached to the inner corners.

The bottom of the boxes can be made of plywood or from a sheet of chipboard. The selected material you only need to put on the furniture corners attached at the bottom of the frame.

Mounting seats

From the same sheet of plywood or chipboard, from which the bottom was cut out for the boxes, it is possible to make the base for the seat in size, which is indicated in the drawing. Progress:

Step 1. Take a porolon and cut out a piece of it, which should be 2-3 cm more base from all sides.

Step 2. Printed foam rubber to chipboard.

Step 3. Cut on the contour of batting and glue it to the sidoy the same glue.

Step 4. With the help of a construction stapler attach upholstery fabric.

It turned out an excellent corner sofa, which can be decorated with any kitchen.

How to make an original corner sofa from pallets


Direct destination of wooden pallets Transportation of goods. But this simple design can serve as a reliable material for the manufacture of furniture.

Perhaps such a sofa is not fit in every kitchen, but it will also be perfectly suitable for a gazebo in the garden, the more sofa from the pallet is not particularly difficult when assembling.

Selection and fitting of pallets

First of all, it is necessary to inspect the pallets that will be used to make furniture for the presence of chips and damage so that no trouble occurrence during operation.

In size, pallet is constructed by an angular sofa. If space allows you to make furniture from solid pallets, and otherwise you have to resort to the help of a circular or hand saw.

Connection of parts

Make a corner for the kitchen or gazebo will not be difficult, because for this you only need to connect the finished parts between yourself with screws.

To make a back, you need a tray in a vertical position to attach to the base. This assembly completed.

Photo - homemade kitchen corner: drawing and sizes, scheme, step-by-step instruction


    We present the full selection of schemes and drawings for self-making kitchen corner for small-sized apartments.

    To start...

    From the history of the kitchen corner ...

    The stratifiers of the kitchen corner is ordinary corner sofas, which appeared in the postmodern era and firmly entered the fashion as convenient and indispensable to optimize the space of the furniture. Almost simultaneously with the increase in the role of the kitchen room in the house it is functionally equated in some cases to the living room. For example, in Europe and the United States, small sofa and canapes begin to sell in the kitchens, subsequently upgraded under corners. In the post-Soviet space, the kitchen corners of their own production are also beginning to appear - far from the trends of the world design. If in the West it was a modern style, the material is predominantly a natural one-piece tree, then we have a chipboard, most often painted in white, with a red upholstery. Our corner seats were at the same time very practical, far from each unit of the same European furniture could be found such convenience for housewives as built-in internal drawers for things.

    Kitchen corners with upholstery of synthetic materials are easier clean and retain the appearance. In addition to the material, upholstery and seating filler, choosing a corner into the kitchen, it is necessary to choose the right direction of the angle: the kitchen corners are divided into right-sided and left-sided. Soft seats are ideal for an apartment or residential building, solid more relevant for summer kitchens, an open veranda or country cottages. The presence of a table, chairs or stools is also historically established tribute to minimalism and aesthetics in the interior.

    Making a kitchen corner.

    The kitchen corner of this model is very profitably characterized by the presence of a huge corner niche for storage. Most kitchen corners are made in standard design without an angular niche. Mounted on unreliable supports an angular seat and a back, while a huge amount of space that can be used is converted in essence into a hard-to-reach dust-absorbent.

    The corner consists of 3 separate modules that can be very easy to communicate, turning the corner to the right side, then in the left-sided. And then it is easy to line in one line along the wall.

    The whole set of drawings, for convenience, is broken separately, in parts (sofas):



    Corner sofa.


    For the manufacture of a kitchen corner used:

    • laminated chipboard for facial parts, thickness \u003d 16 mm.,
    • grinded (without coating) Chipboard for internal parts, thickness \u003d 16 mm.,
    • PPU - polyurethane foam (foam) for soft elements, thickness \u003d 20 mm.,
    • upholstery fabric (leatherette, fabric, leather) - according to individual preference.
    • facing the ends of the chipboard is the edge of the ABS with a thickness of 2 mm.

    Auxiliary information.

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