Bituminous shingles sheet sizes. Sizes of shingles - areas of use

Landscaping 04.03.2020

In the modern world, the development of building technologies occurs so rapidly that new materials appear every year or the old ones are significantly improved. This applies to all repair and construction activities, and roofing products are no exception. But despite the emergence of a wide range of new coatings, homeowners often yearn for a timeless classic. The invention of bituminous shingles became the ideal option, combining the properties of new technologies and traditional products. In appearance, such a product resembles ordinary ceramic tiles used for roofing roofs several centuries ago (and in some parts of the world it has survived to this day), but at the same time, thanks to a special production technique, it has many advantages that its predecessors did not have. The article will discuss how to choose shingles.

  1. Bituminous shingles device
  2. Basic forms of cutting shingles
  3. Bituminous shingles manufacturers and prices
    • TechnoNIKOL
    • Tegola
    • Katepal
  4. Useful tips when choosing shingles

Bituminous shingles have several variations of the name. Among which are the most famous, such as "soft roof", "roof tiles", "shinglas", "shingles" or "shingles". But no matter what the name of the material is, it is still a reliable and durable product, mostly made of fiberglass impregnated with modified bitumen and sprinkled with stone granulate.

Of course, this is a too primitive concept about the structure of a product, because rather complex processes are at the heart of its production.

The history of the emergence of shingles

  • For the first time, a roofing sheet impregnated with oil-derived products was talked about in America in the middle of the 19th century. At the same time, a material was created, which is a cardboard with bitumen applied on both sides. But the patented shingles appeared only in 1903, thanks to the efforts of the Grand Rapids company, and specifically one of its employees, Henry M. Reynolds, since it was he who first tried to cut roll roofing materials into individual shingles. Of course, the choice of shapes at that time was small, and consisted of rectangular even pieces or hexagons. In addition, there was no color variety, the spectrum was limited to the natural shades of the sprinkle, which was either red or gray.

  • Such a product began to be called shingles only in Europe, but in the USA, where it was invented, and in Canada it is still called shingles. Due to its excellent properties and easy installation, the coating very quickly gained popularity in many countries of the world, and today it is almost impossible to find a single city in which homeowners would not use a soft bitumen roof to cover roofs.
  • The material has a rather complex structure. Initially, two types of base were used in the production: fiberglass, which was used for the first time in the 60s of the 20th century, and cardboard made from cotton, the resulting material was called "organic tiles".
  • Organic shingles could be coated with two types of bitumen: soft, impregnating cardboard, and hard, which had to be applied to the surface from both sides. Despite all the protective measures, this material was not as resistant to moisture and weather conditions, in contrast to fiberglass, which itself is better protected from water, and besides, due to the bitumen coating, such tiles perfectly retained their shape stability. In addition, it had good fire-resistant parameters and less weight.
  • The entire model range produced at the beginning of the 20th century had a single-layer structure and only after 40-60 years they began to produce laminated products, that is, several shingles glued together.

  • At the same time, mineral dressing, dyed in various colors, began to be used. The laminated material had high competitive advantages due to its attractive appearance, which almost perfectly imitated the roof covering with wooden shingles, and also had improved technical characteristics. Among which the most significant were strength, resistance to wind loads and a long warranty period (up to 25 years, versus the usual 15 years). By the end of the 20th century, the model range in the USA was significantly updated and today you can find products for which the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty.
  • The main share of the modern market is filled with products based only on fiberglass. To better understand why the tile has such excellent quality indicators, you should understand the structure of this multilayer product.

Bituminous shingles device


  • It is a synthetic canvas made from a molten mass of inorganic glass, which is composed of harmless natural materials such as silica sand, dolomite, soda and lime. This means that the product made from them is environmentally friendly, as well as the absence of harmful chemical elements. In addition, due to its composition, it is also a fairly durable, wear-resistant product.

  • Fiberglass is a non-woven material in which the fibers are bound together by special additives (resins). There are two main ways of producing linen:
    • wet - in which the roving (a rope of glass threads) is crushed, the resulting mass is gradually foamed and the canvas is formed, after which a binder is applied over the resulting canvas, which, after drying, is glued with a special film. The result is a durable composite product with a homogeneous structure, characterized by high performance properties;
    • dry - in which the molten glass obtained by the melting method is squeezed out through dies (high-strength molds) and drawn into fibers, intertwined with each other and deposited on the conveyor belt in the form of a single web. The resulting canvas is impregnated with a binder and enters the drying chambers.

Fiberglass has a number of advantages that are transferred to products made from it. These are the following parameters: dimensional stability, resistance to mechanical stress, excellent sound absorption, resistance to chemicals and fire, moisture insulation. Also, the material is very difficult to deform, but at the same time it is flexible and elastic

  • It is a solid or resinous natural raw material of organic origin. To improve the qualities of a substance, it is customary to combine it with various polymer additives. This procedure is called modification and the resulting product is called modified bitumen. There are two types of this material:
  • SBS-modified bitumen (styrene-butadiene-styrene) - or rubber bitumen, that is, a product based on synthetic rubber. The main advantages of the tiles covered with this product include excellent frost resistance, resistance to high temperatures, long service life and high elasticity.

  • APP-modified bitumen (atactic polypropylene) - shingles made using such a substance are distinguished by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation, chemical reagents (acids and alkalis), as well as resistance to high temperatures.
  • In addition to modified bitumen, there is also such a variety as "oxidized" - it is obtained by the oxidation method, that is, air is passed through the molten bitumen mass, due to which artificial aging of the material occurs. This increases the service life of the product and its heat resistance. The finished product is used only in regions with a relatively warm climate, since the coating very quickly deteriorates from sudden changes in temperature, and external deformation can also occur, in the form of twisted edges.

Tip: you can also visually distinguish the type of bitumen used in the manufacture of soft tiles, for this it is enough to pull the edge of the product (by the corner of the upper layer) and if the substance is calmly stretched, then this is modified bitumen, if it breaks immediately, then it is oxidized. Most modern roof tiles are manufactured using SBS-modified bitumen.

Mineral powder

  • This is a substance that is used as a top protective layer and also gives the roof a special appearance. The main types of granules can be several natural minerals:
    • basalt;

  • silicon;
  • slate.
  • Basalt is by far the most commonly used type of dressing. This is due to the special properties of this stone, and in particular to the fact that when crumbling, the crumb turns out to be more rounded, that is, when the tiles are covered with this granulate, its particles adhere very tightly to the bitumen and, accordingly, are better fixed on the surface. In addition, oil shale has the ability to absorb oils contained in bitumen and change its color. As a result, over time, the shade of the roof changes significantly and not at all for the better.
  • Stone powder is a very important component of soft tiles, as they:
    • provides additional protection against ultraviolet radiation;
    • gives strength and durability to the product;
    • prevents mechanical damage (for example, from strong gusts of wind, trees growing near the house can tilt branches to the roof);
    • resists high temperatures, protecting the bitumen layer from melting;
    • protects the roof from various natural phenomena, including hail;
    • creates an attractive appearance thanks to different color shades.

Manufacturers supply tiles for sale, both with basalt powder and with slate chips. Since, despite the shortcomings of the latter, products with it have the same attractive appearance and are distinguished by a long service life.

The high quality of bituminous tiles depends on the properties of all the components included in the composition, and only with their excellent characteristics can the water-absorbing qualities of the finished product be minimized to almost zero, due to which this roofing material is not subject to corrosion and decay processes. Soft tiles have a lot of advantages and are highly valued due to the possibility of using them on roofs of any configuration, up to dome-shaped ones. In addition, since this is a piece product, even if a tile is damaged, it is easy to replace it with a similar model, while not violating the integrity of the undamaged surface.

Modern models and sizes of shingles

Despite the wide variety of manufacturing companies, bituminous tiles have several main varieties, distinguished by the shape of the petals, the material and the color of the powder. The very first soft tiles had a three-leaf design; modern products can consist of 4-5 petals, with petals of different lengths, or even represent an uncut shingle. Of course, a product that does not have cuts will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, but at the same time, one should not expect external attractiveness from it.

Choosing bituminous shingles, you should know that it is divided into two classes for fire safety. Classes are designated by the Latin letters "A" and "C". The classification division occurs according to several parameters.

  • In particular, the A-class tile has a glass fiber base and has a high degree of fire resistance, while it has a 20-30 year warranty period, which indicates its high quality.
  • The C-class tile is inferior in quality, based on special cardboard impregnated with bitumen and the manufacturer guarantees the service life of its product no more than 15 years, but at the same time such products are slightly cheaper and can be safely chosen in cases where an inexpensive reliable coating is required, but with a limited service life.

The size of shingles varies not only for each manufacturer, but also for each model.

Basic forms of cutting shingles

It is customary to divide the shingles into ordinary ones, that is, which fit into rows along the entire surface of the roof and ridge-eaves, intended for the first roofing row, going along the eaves and for laying on the ridge. Today there are several basic forms for cutting petals:

  • hex;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • "Beaver tail";
  • "Dragon's tooth";
  • "brick";
  • "shingles".

As a rule, for the tiles intended for the first row, manufacturers choose only slices with an even shingle edge. For identification and uniqueness of their products, each manufacturer assigns different names and series to the manufactured products.

Bituminous shingles manufacturers and prices

Manufacturer / country of origin Products webpage Series name Price per m2 product

(depending on the region of sale)

Icopal /

France, Finland Antik

Plano Claro Antik

RUB 300-500
Bituminous tile Katepal / Finland Katepal Ambient

Katepal katrilli

RUB 340-560
Daflex (Holzplast) / Germany Diamant 350 -550 rub.
Ruflex / Russia Briss RUB 300-480
Bituminous tile Tegola / Tegola Italy, Russia Nordland: RUB 215-540
Bituminous tile Shinglas / Shinglas (TechnoNIKOL) Russia;

Shinglas classic

Shinglas country

Shinglas Finnish roof tiles

RUB 180-500
CertainTeed / USA ST 20

Carriage house shangle

Grand manor shangle

Independence Shangle

Presidental shake

RUB 380-1740
BP (Building Products) / Canada Everest 42 RUB 500-540
Docke / Germany Genoa RUB 300-400
Bituminous tiles IKO / Belgium, Canada Armourshield RUB 500-1000
BRAI / Italy

(produces unique flexible copper bitumen shingles) Giotto copper

Leonardo Perfetto

Leonardo Zinc Titanium

RUB 1500-2500
Kerabit / Finland K Troika-series 350-500 rub.
Gaf Elk / USA Camelot ii 400-550 rub.
Ondulin /

France, Russia Onduvilla 3D RUB 250-350
Bituminous tile Akvaizol / Ukraine Accent RUB 250-400

It is believed that the best bituminous shingles are produced in the United States, since it was in this country that this material was first made. But many Russian and European companies are not inferior in quality to their American counterparts.

On the Russian market, the most common options are products from companies such as Tegola, TechnoNICOL and Katepal. But not all types of shingles have positive reviews.


The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces bitumen shingles under the Shinglas brand.

The Finnish tile model is considered an economical option, but it has the largest number of negative reviews. So its main disadvantages are:

  • strong and unpleasant odor in the first year of the product's service;
  • shedding of stone powder, especially after the winter period;
  • inconsistency in the cutting of slabs in different packages;
  • uneven application of the adhesive backing layer.

Most of the problems with Technonikol bitumen shingles arise from the use of low quality modified bitumen. The same shortcomings are noticed in the models of the Classic and Ultra series. The best bituminous tiles from the TechnoNikol company can be considered products from the Jazz collection, but at the same time, this series is more expensive than high-quality American or European counterparts.


  • The Italian company Tegola has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of high quality products. But not so long ago an independent department with its own production appeared in Russia. Here products of the "Nordland" series are produced and very often this particular type of tile had negative reviews.

  • The most common problem is the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the laid roofing carpet, which arise due to the use of low-quality SBS-modified bitumen by the manufacturer.
  • Many developers who use this product to cover the roof come to the conclusion that this is a budget option that is not able to show high performance. Therefore, if you choose a tile from this manufacturer, it is better to give preference to products made in factories in Italy.


  • The products of the Finnish concern "Katepal" have proven themselves in the best way. Bituminous shingles of this manufacturer are represented on the Russian market by five main collections, which are distinguished by their reliability and durability when properly installed.

Bituminous shingles, or as it is also called flexible shingles, can be used even on the steepest roofs, even on vertical ones, besides, its cost is quite affordable for many, which gives it additional advantages when.

Once installed, the shingles create a continuous sealed carpet on the roof. Many colors and shapes of bituminous tiles allow you to choose the desired option, but in general, the final texture of the roof from a distance will resemble snake scales or a spotted camouflage robe :)

Soft tile is a beautiful and rather elastic material, moreover, it is not afraid of frost, heat, or other atmospheric influences. It does not absorb moisture and does not "make noise" during rain, does not rot, corrode and does not accumulate static electricity. However, like all roofing materials, bituminous shingles have their drawbacks.

The main advantages of shingles:

  • high rates of sound insulation and tightness;
  • small roughness of the surface, prevents an avalanche-like snow from the roof;
  • light weight and flexibility;
  • the ability to install on roofs of any geometric complexity and slopes, up to vertical;
  • high impact resistance;
  • lack of sail;
  • minimum waste during installation.

The main disadvantages of shingles:

  • increased requirements for the quality of the base (the need to create a solid base from OSB or plywood increases the total cost of the roofing system, creates an additional load on the rafter system);
  • rather complicated and time-consuming installation;
  • frost resistance - about 50 cycles (significantly inferior to many other roofing materials);
  • price (1 m² of roof, about 2 times more expensive than metal roofing).

Composition, shape and color of bituminous shingles

Bituminous shingles consist of several layers and are very similar in structure to modern roll roofing materials, since one of its basic components is bitumen (in general, that's where the name comes from).

Fiberglass is coated on all sides with oxidized or modified bitumen, thus obtaining the basis of bitumen shingles. The tiles are up to 3 mm thick. As a rule, special polymer additives are introduced into the composition of the bituminous coating, giving it durability, elasticity, heat resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. A self-adhesive bitumen-polymer mass is applied to the entire base of the tile or part of it, which, when installing the bituminous tile, ensures the connection of the tiles (shingles, shingles) to each other.

The front surface is covered with a layer of mineral or stone chips (granulate). It is both of these materials that make the coating resistant to weathering. In addition, it is the stone chips that create the color variety, and its rough surface prevents the avalanche-like snow from the roof.

Recently, bituminous shingles have become more and more popular, the front side of which is coated with copper, zinc-titanium or aluminum. Such options significantly increase the possibilities of designers, but also significantly increase the cost of the coating.

From the point of view of the geometric shape, bituminous shingles are small sheets (shingles) with a figured bottom edge. On one such sheet, 1 m long and a little more than 30 cm wide, there are three to four tiles.

The standard size of the shingles sheet is 1000 x 337 mm.

Bituminous shingles are produced in the form of fish scales, honeycombs, triangles, ovals, six- and rectangles of various sizes, which, as a rule, are symmetrically placed on the sheet. In addition, there are undulating bituminous shingles, but they are not suitable for finishing cornices and ridge. The color of the shingles can be either monochromatic or combining several different shades of the main color (this is clearly visible in the figure below). Using such a coating, you can achieve a beautiful melange effect on the roof (an interconnected combination or interspersed with different options of the same shade).

This color variety is additionally emphasized by the resistance of the bituminous tile to UV radiation, so that it does not change its color over time, that is, it does not have to be repainted or tinted.

Secrets of the successful operation of shingles

Firstly, in order for shingles to serve you for a long time, you need to choose the right manufacturer, since this is exactly the case when the difference in the quality of the material from different manufacturers can be simply colossal.

Second, just as important correct installation, strictly following the recommended technology for laying bitumen shingles from a particular manufacturer and it is highly desirable to use the recommended components.

When installing bituminous tiles, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the under-roof space - the operating time of the roof largely depends on the durability of the rafters.

Quite often, problems when laying bituminous tiles arise in winter, when a special installation technology is not used (it is necessary to carefully warm up each petal of the tile), in which case it is difficult for the tiles to tightly connect to each other, as a result of which a strong gust of wind can lift or disrupt them.

Properties and scope of bituminous shingles

The area of ​​application of bituminous shingles is very extensive, it is also used for ordinary single-pitched roofs, and multi-pitched ones, and absolutely any, even a very complex configuration with an angle of inclination of more than 15 °, and sometimes even as a covering of vertical walls.

Even at the stage of choosing a certain brand of bituminous shingles, clarify its frost resistance and fire resistance. As a rule, not ordinary, but modified bitumen is used for its production. There are only two most common modifiers:

  • APP (atactic polypropylene)
  • SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene).

APP-modified bitumen is resistant to high temperatures, but at the same time its elasticity index is lower.

SBS-modified bitumen, one might say, is the complete opposite of the previous one. The degree of elasticity at low temperatures is higher, which prevents cracking of the material in winter, but its resistance to melting is lower.

Therefore, the conclusion is obvious - it is advisable to use bitumen shingles based on APP-modified bitumen in areas with warm climates, and bitumen shingles based on SBS - with cold ones.

According to the fire classification, various brands of bituminous shingles can belong to both the high flammability group and the moderate one. But, since the roofing made of shingles with a continuous adhesive layer allows for a long time to block the access of oxygen to the source of combustion, it is customary for specialists to classify shingles as non-combustible materials. But still, we must not forget that the shingles burn.

To make it easier for the buyer to navigate the assortment, sellers of bituminous tiles have identified four price categories:

  • Economy class
  • middle class
  • elite class
  • premium class.

As an example, it can be said unequivocally that bitumen shingles with a coating of stone chips will be more expensive than bituminous shingles with a mineral coating, the cost of multicolor shingles will be higher than the price of one-color shingles, and imported bituminous shingles are more expensive than domestic ones. Finnish copper-coated bituminous shingles are considered one of the most expensive.

Shingle shingles kit

The set of roofing from bitumen shingles includes: ridge-eaves shingles and valleys, underlayment, metal components (eaves, drip plates), end strips, abutments, fasteners (glue, nails) and ventilation elements.

Konkovo ​​- cornice tiles serves as a starting strip for the installation of roofing or is divided into three parts and is used as a ridge tile.

Valley (lining) carpet seals the inner corners of the roof, as well as joints with walls and a chimney. The basis of this material is polyester. The underlay is sold in 1 x 10 m rolls and is 4 mm thick. With slight slopes, it is used throughout the roof.

Eaves plank laid on a lining carpet along the entire length of the eaves.

Droppers protect cornices from moisture, prevent them from swelling and delamination. The roofing carpet has no overhang. Therefore, if there is no drip, the water flowing down the surface of the roofing material falls on the wooden frontal board of the cornice.

End plate protects the material at the ends of the building from wind loads, prevents the wind from picking up and tearing the tiles.

Metallic abutment used for additional mechanical fastening of the valley carpet at the joints with the walls and the chimney.

Ventilation elements made of frost-resistant plastic and designed for ventilation hoods on the slope and ridge.

Glue - bitumen-polymer mastic in buckets of 3 and 10 liters, as well as in multifunctional cartridges weighing 310 g.

Roofing nails - special stainless steel nails with a wide head.

Features of installing bituminous tiles

The main feature of preparing for the installation of bituminous tiles is the need to create a continuous sheathing. But at the same time, the construction of the roofing "pie" is the same as that of other types of roofing. It consists of wooden rafters, between which insulation is laid, from the side of the room closed with a vapor barrier film. On top of the rafters from a wooden bar, a counter-lattice with a thickness of 30 - 40 mm is stuffed. This allows you to ventilate the under-roof space. A continuous crate is laid on the counter-lattice, to which the tiles are subsequently attached. The lathing is made of moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards or edged grooved boards with a thickness of 15-20 mm. Sheets of plywood or OSB boards should be laid with an interval of joints. The base for the roofing made of bituminous shingles must be strong, smooth and dry.

Before laying the covering, a lining carpet is laid on a continuous crate and, in parallel, bitumen shingles are raised on the roof in small batches. Lay it from bottom to top and from right to left. To do this, from the seamy side of the shingle, remove the protective strip, under which there is an adhesive layer, and heat it with a construction hairdryer. The tiles are fastened to the solid crate not only with the help of glue, but also with nails, placing the tiles overlapping. Subsequently, the upper shingles, under the influence of solar heat, are fused with the lower ones, forming a continuous waterproof coating. Having reached the ridge line, the upper part of the shingle is bent over it, laid on the lining carpet and fixed on the opposite slope.

Then, rectangular ridge elements are attached with an overlap. It is advisable to install a bituminous roof at an external temperature not lower than +5 ° С. To cover the valleys, a lining carpet is used that seals the inner corners of the roof, as well as a metal abutment for fastening it. The same device is used for laying tiles at the joints with walls and near the chimney. For the installation of such a roof, no special tools are needed. In addition, bituminous shingles are a fairly economical material - their waste is only 3-4%.

In the event that you decide to control your workers, then follow the following installation steps:

  • side faces must be well glued;
  • when constructing the lathing it is necessary to use only dried boards, as over time the tree will begin to dry out and undergo "twisting", and the roof may suffer from this;
  • do not use cardboard-based roofing material as bedding materials , even if this significantly reduces the cost of the roof (the cardboard will swell during operation, and the roof will be covered with bubbles).

When choosing a roofing material, many stop at bitumen shingles, since this material is becoming more and more popular and many leave many positive reviews about it. To make a decision on the choice of this roofing material, it is worth knowing in advance about its characteristics and operating features. When choosing a material, it is worth considering the features of the facade finish so that the roofing material is combined with the rest of the structure.

general description

Shingles are often called flexible or soft. The composition of this roof covering includes:

  • mineral chips that are sprayed onto the shingles;
  • modified bitumen;
  • fiberglass or felt used as a base.

The described coating is flat sheets having a length of 1 meter. This roofing material has been used for more than 100 years and therefore we can say with confidence its positive characteristics.

During the manufacture of the described coating, the glass fiber is coated with bitumen. After that, basalt granules are applied to the material. Also, the tiles can be covered with mineral chips. It is this component that contributes to the coloring of the surface in a certain shade. Many homeowners purchase shingles precisely because of their beautiful appearance. The shade of the facade finish of the building should be taken into account so that the roof is combined with the house.

Bituminous shingles have a self-adhesive base, so even a person who has no experience can install it on the roof.

Material advantages

Bituminous shingles are made from the following materials:

  • the first layer consists of stone chips;
  • the second layer is oxidized or modified bitumen;
  • all of this is located on the fiberglass;
  • below is another layer of oxidized bitumen;
  • under this layer is a self-adhesive backing.

Some manufacturers of bitumen composite shingles add a layer of silica sand. It is necessary in order to prevent the shingles from sticking together during transportation.

The plates of the described roofing are created with a length of 1 meter and a width of 33 cm. It should be noted that manufacturers create petals of various shapes, so if you wish, you can choose a suitable option for any roof. Also, when purchasing a tile, you can choose from 50 shades. Most often, homeowners purchase gray, green or blue material.

The advantages of shingles include:

  1. Flexibility. Thanks to this characteristic, the tiles can be easily fixed to any shape of the roof. At the same time, after the work has been carried out, there will not be a large amount of material waste. At the transitions between parts of the roof, the tiles are fixed with a rounded bend and do not break even with prolonged use.
  2. Silence. No noise is heard in the house during rain.
  3. Low weight. For installation, you do not need to build a reinforced rafter system. This allows you to reduce construction costs and simplify the process of building a building.
  4. Ease of the fastening process bituminous shingles on the roof.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Long service life equal to 50 years.

Important! Some home owners are trying to repair bituminous roofing with their own hands. But you should not do it yourself, since only a professional can guarantee a high-quality result.

When choosing products of a certain color, you should think about combining them with the facade decoration. If the shade is not chosen correctly, the structure may be less beautiful. Blue or gray material is often purchased. This is due to the fact that these colors are suitable for most facades. Also, many people purchase green roofing for roofing.

Disadvantages of flexible roofing

Despite the abundance of advantages, the described material also has disadvantages, which must also be taken into account when choosing. These include:

  1. Weak resistance to aggressive environments.
  2. High temperature softening. As the temperature rises, the shingles soften, so they cannot be walked on or repaired.
  3. The need to create a continuous sheathing of plywood or OSB.

It should be noted that the described material should be laid only at an angle of at least 12 degrees, since such a parameter as water resistance depends on this. Despite the described disadvantages, bituminous shingles are a fairly popular roofing coating.

Having considered the described pros and cons of shingles, it is worth considering whether this material is right for you. It is necessary to take into account the cost of all materials, experience in working with roofing materials and roof features. Often, owners of country houses choose bituminous shingles, as they can be easily fixed on the roof without helpers.

Installation of roof tiles

Before laying bituminous tiles, it is worthwhile to carefully study the features of the work so as not to make mistakes. Installation takes place in several stages:

  1. Checking the roof. If the fixing of the material will occur on the old roof, it is necessary to check its reliability. Many types of shingles can be laid on the old roof without dismantling it.
  2. Preparation of the base. If a new roof is being created, a solid plywood or OSB base must be created. Some country house owners do not create a solid base, but this can lead to the fact that the material is less secure.
  3. Laying waterproofing carpet. This is necessary for additional protection of the roof from precipitation.
  4. Securing bituminous shingles. Manufacturers recommend laying tiles from the central part of the eaves. This should be done in vertical rows. During trimming, it is necessary to coat the sections with bitumen. This is necessary to protect the roof from moisture.

Important! Tiles of different batches may have different shades, therefore, before carrying out work, it is worth opening all the packages and mixing the material.

All tile laying work can be done quickly enough even in the absence of assistants. The main difficulty lies in the fact that for the described roofing material it is necessary to create a solid base, as well as the difficulty of fixing the tiles around the pipe.

If you do not read the instructions for installing the described roofing in advance, you can make many mistakes, due to which the roof will be poorly protected from precipitation.

Shingle shingles kit

The following roofing elements are supplied with bituminous tiles:

  1. Cornice tiles. These products are necessary for the installation of the starting strip of the roof covering. They are also used as ridge tiles.
  2. Underlay carpet... This material is used to seal the inner corners of the roof. Also, the lining carpet is used to protect the joints with the walls and the chimney from moisture. The main component of this material is polyester. If the roof slope is small, the carpet is laid over the entire roof.
  3. Cornice strip. This product is used to attach to underlayment along the entire length of the curtain rod.
  4. Drippers are plastic products that are installed on the frontal board and prevent moisture from draining off the wood. If drips are not installed, precipitation falls on the edge of the roof and causes the wood to swell and rot.
  5. The end strip is needed to protect the material at the ends of the roof from the wind. If not installed, the roofing material can bulge and tear during strong winds.
  6. Metallic abutment It is used to additionally secure the underlay at the joints with walls and pipes.
  7. Ventilation elements. These products are made of frost-resistant plastic and are needed to create a ventilation hood on the roof.
  8. Bituminous-polymer mastic. This material is sold in buckets of 3 to 10 liters.
  9. Roofing nails. These products have a wide head and do not rust when exposed to moisture.


Before working on fixing the described coating, it is worth making sure that all consumables are sufficient for installation. When buying shingles, you should think about what shade is combined with the finish of the facade of your house.

In the modern world, the development of building technologies occurs so rapidly that new materials appear every year or the old ones are significantly improved. This applies to all repair and construction activities, and roofing products are no exception. But despite the emergence of a wide range of new coatings, homeowners often yearn for a timeless classic. The invention of bituminous shingles became the ideal option, combining the properties of new technologies and traditional products. In appearance, such a product resembles ordinary ceramic tiles used for roofing roofs several centuries ago (and in some parts of the world it has survived to this day), but at the same time, thanks to a special production technique, it has many advantages that its predecessors did not have. The article will discuss how to choose shingles.

Bituminous shingles have several variations of the name. Among which are the most famous, such as "soft roof", "roof tiles", "shinglas", "shingles" or "shingles". But no matter what the name of the material is, it is still a reliable and durable product, mostly made of fiberglass impregnated with modified bitumen and sprinkled with stone granulate.

Of course, this is a too primitive concept about the structure of a product, because rather complex processes are at the heart of its production.

The history of the emergence of shingles

  • For the first time, a roofing sheet impregnated with oil-derived products was talked about in America in the middle of the 19th century. At the same time, a material was created, which is a cardboard with bitumen applied on both sides. But the patented shingles appeared only in 1903, thanks to the efforts of the Grand Rapids company, and specifically one of its employees, Henry M. Reynolds, since it was he who first tried to cut roll roofing materials into individual shingles. Of course, the choice of shapes at that time was small, and consisted of rectangular even pieces or hexagons. In addition, there was no color variety, the spectrum was limited to the natural shades of the sprinkle, which was either red or gray.

  • Such a product began to be called shingles only in Europe, but in the USA, where it was invented, and in Canada it is still called shingles. Due to its excellent properties and easy installation, the coating very quickly gained popularity in many countries of the world, and today it is almost impossible to find a single city in which homeowners would not use a soft bitumen roof to cover roofs.
  • The material has a rather complex structure. Initially, two types of base were used in the production: fiberglass, which was used for the first time in the 60s of the 20th century, and cardboard made from cotton, the resulting material was called "organic tiles".
  • Organic shingles could be coated with two types of bitumen: soft, impregnating cardboard, and hard, which had to be applied to the surface from both sides. Despite all the protective measures, this material was not as resistant to moisture and weather conditions, in contrast to fiberglass, which itself is better protected from water, and besides, due to the bitumen coating, such tiles perfectly retained their shape stability. In addition, it had good fire-resistant parameters and less weight.
  • The entire model range produced at the beginning of the 20th century had a single-layer structure and only after 40-60 years they began to produce laminated products, that is, several shingles glued together.

  • At the same time, mineral dressing, dyed in various colors, began to be used. The laminated material had high competitive advantages due to its attractive appearance, which almost perfectly imitated the roof covering with wooden shingles, and also had improved technical characteristics. Among which the most significant were strength, resistance to wind loads and a long warranty period (up to 25 years, versus the usual 15 years). By the end of the 20th century, the model range in the USA was significantly updated and today you can find products for which the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty.
  • The main share of the modern market is filled with products based only on fiberglass. To better understand why the tile has such excellent quality indicators, you should understand the structure of this multilayer product.

Bituminous shingles device


  • It is a synthetic canvas made from a molten mass of inorganic glass, which is composed of harmless natural materials such as silica sand, dolomite, soda and lime. This means that the product made from them is environmentally friendly, as well as the absence of harmful chemical elements. In addition, due to its composition, it is also a fairly durable, wear-resistant product.

  • Fiberglass is a non-woven material in which the fibers are bound together by special additives (resins). There are two main ways of producing linen:
    • wet- in which the roving (a rope of glass threads) is crushed, the resulting mass is gradually foamed and the canvas is formed, after which a binder is applied over the resulting canvas, which, after drying, is glued with a special film. The result is a durable composite product with a homogeneous structure, characterized by high performance properties;
    • dry- in which the molten glass obtained by the melting method is squeezed out through dies (high-strength molds) and drawn into fibers, intertwined with each other and deposited on the conveyor belt in the form of a single web. The resulting canvas is impregnated with a binder and enters the drying chambers.

Fiberglass has a number of advantages that are transferred to products made from it. These are the following parameters: dimensional stability, resistance to mechanical stress, excellent sound absorption, resistance to chemicals and fire, moisture insulation. Also, the material is very difficult to deform, but at the same time it is flexible and elastic


  • It is a solid or resinous natural raw material of organic origin. To improve the qualities of a substance, it is customary to combine it with various polymer additives. This procedure is called modification and the resulting product is called modified bitumen. There are two types of this material:
  • SBS-modified bitumen (styrene-butadiene-styrene) - or rubber bitumen, that is, a product based on synthetic rubber. The main advantages of the tiles covered with this product include excellent frost resistance, resistance to high temperatures, long service life and high elasticity.

  • APP-modified bitumen (atactic polypropylene) - shingles made using such a substance are distinguished by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation, chemical reagents (acids and alkalis), as well as resistance to high temperatures.
  • In addition to modified bitumen, there is also such a variety as "oxidized" - it is obtained by oxidation, that is, air is passed through the molten bitumen mass, due to which artificial aging of the material occurs. This increases the service life of the product and its heat resistance. The finished product is used only in regions with a relatively warm climate, since the coating very quickly deteriorates from sudden changes in temperature, and external deformation can also occur, in the form of twisted edges.

Tip: you can also visually distinguish the type of bitumen used in the manufacture of soft tiles, for this it is enough to pull the edge of the product (by the corner of the upper layer) and if the substance is calmly stretched, then this is modified bitumen, if it breaks immediately, then it is oxidized. Most modern roof tiles are manufactured using SBS-modified bitumen.

Mineral powder

  • This is a substance that is used as a top protective layer and also gives the roof a special appearance. The main types of granules can be several natural minerals:
    • basalt;

  • silicon;
  • slate.
  • Basalt is by far the most commonly used type of dressing. This is due to the special properties of this stone, and in particular to the fact that when crumbling, the crumb turns out to be more rounded, that is, when the tiles are covered with this granulate, its particles adhere very tightly to the bitumen and, accordingly, are better fixed on the surface. In addition, oil shale has the ability to absorb oils contained in bitumen and change its color. As a result, over time, the shade of the roof changes significantly and not at all for the better.
  • Stone powder is a very important component of soft tiles, as they:
    • provides additional protection against ultraviolet radiation;
    • gives strength and durability to the product;
    • prevents mechanical damage (for example, from strong gusts of wind, trees growing near the house can tilt branches to the roof);
    • resists high temperatures, protecting the bitumen layer from melting;
    • protects the roof from various natural phenomena, including hail;
    • creates an attractive appearance thanks to different color shades.

Manufacturers supply tiles for sale, both with basalt powder and with slate chips. Since, despite the shortcomings of the latter, products with it have the same attractive appearance and are distinguished by a long service life.

The high quality of bituminous tiles depends on the properties of all the components included in the composition, and only with their excellent characteristics can the water-absorbing qualities of the finished product be minimized to almost zero, due to which this roofing material is not subject to corrosion and decay processes. Soft tiles have a lot of advantages and are highly valued due to the possibility of using them on roofs of any configuration, up to dome-shaped ones. In addition, since this is a piece product, even if a tile is damaged, it is easy to replace it with a similar model, while not violating the integrity of the undamaged surface.

Modern models and sizes of shingles

Despite the wide variety of manufacturing companies, bituminous tiles have several main varieties, distinguished by the shape of the petals, the material and the color of the powder. The very first soft tiles had a three-leaf design; modern products can consist of 4-5 petals, with petals of different lengths, or even represent an uncut shingle. Of course, a product that does not have cuts will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, but at the same time, one should not expect external attractiveness from it.

Choosing bituminous shingles, you should know that it is divided into two classes for fire safety. Classes are designated by the Latin letters "A" and "C". The classification division occurs according to several parameters.

  • In particular, A-class roof tiles has a base of glass threads and has a high degree of fire resistance, while it is covered by a warranty service life of 20-30 years, which indicates its high quality.
  • Roof tiles C-class inferior in quality, based on special cardboard impregnated with bitumen and the manufacturer guarantees the service life of its product no more than 15 years, but at the same time such products are slightly cheaper and can be safely chosen in cases where an inexpensive reliable coating is required, but with a limited service life ...

The size of shingles varies not only for each manufacturer, but also for each model.

Basic forms of cutting shingles

It is customary to divide the shingles into ordinary ones, that is, which fit into rows along the entire surface of the roof and ridge-eaves, intended for the first roofing row, going along the eaves and for laying on the ridge. Today there are several basic forms for cutting petals:

  • hex;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • "Beaver tail";
  • "Dragon's tooth";
  • "brick";
  • "shingles".

As a rule, for the tiles intended for the first row, manufacturers choose only slices with an even shingle edge. For identification and uniqueness of their products, each manufacturer assigns different names and series to the manufactured products.

Bituminous shingles manufacturers and prices

Manufacturer / country of origin Products webpage Series name Price per m2 product

(depending on the region of sale)

Icopal /

France, Finland Antik

Plano Claro Antik

RUB 300-500
Bituminous tile Katepal / Finland Katepal Ambient

Katepal katrilli

RUB 340-560
Daflex (Holzplast) / Germany Diamant 350 -550 rub.
Ruflex / Russia Briss RUB 300-480
Bituminous tile Tegola / Tegola Italy, Russia Nordland: RUB 215-540
Bituminous tile Shinglas / Shinglas (TechnoNIKOL) Russia;

Shinglas classic

Shinglas country

Shinglas Finnish roof tiles

RUB 180-500
CertainTeed / USA ST 20

Carriage house shangle

Grand manor shangle

Independence Shangle

Presidental shake

RUB 380-1740
BP (Building Products) / Canada Everest 42 RUB 500-540
Docke / Germany Genoa RUB 300-400
Bituminous tiles IKO / Belgium, Canada Armourshield RUB 500-1000
BRAI / Italy

(produces unique flexible copper bitumen shingles) Giotto copper

Leonardo Perfetto

Leonardo Zinc Titanium

RUB 1500-2500
Kerabit / Finland K Troika-series 350-500 rub.
Gaf Elk / USA Camelot ii 400-550 rub.
Ondulin /

France, Russia Onduvilla 3D RUB 250-350
Bituminous tile Akvaizol / Ukraine Accent RUB 250-400

It is believed that the best bituminous shingles are produced in the United States, since it was in this country that this material was first made. But many Russian and European companies are not inferior in quality to their American counterparts.

On the Russian market, the most common options are products from companies such as Tegola, TechnoNICOL and Katepal. But not all types of shingles have positive reviews.


The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces bitumen shingles under the Shinglas brand.

The Finnish tile model is considered an economical option, but it has the largest number of negative reviews. So its main disadvantages are:

  • strong and unpleasant odor in the first year of the product's service;
  • shedding of stone powder, especially after the winter period;
  • inconsistency in the cutting of slabs in different packages;
  • uneven application of the adhesive backing layer.

Most of the problems with Technonikol bitumen shingles arise from the use of low quality modified bitumen. The same shortcomings are noticed in the models of the Classic and Ultra series. The best bituminous tiles from the TechnoNikol company can be considered products from the Jazz collection, but at the same time, this series is more expensive than high-quality American or European counterparts.


  • The Italian company Tegola has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of high quality products. But not so long ago an independent department with its own production appeared in Russia. Here products of the "Nordland" series are produced and very often this particular type of tile had negative reviews.

  • The most common problem is the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the laid roofing carpet, which arise due to the use of low-quality SBS-modified bitumen by the manufacturer.
  • Many developers who use this product to cover the roof come to the conclusion that this is a budget option that is not able to show high performance. Therefore, if you choose a tile from this manufacturer, it is better to give preference to products made in factories in Italy.


  • The products of the Finnish concern "Katepal" have proven themselves in the best way. Bituminous shingles of this manufacturer are represented on the Russian market by five main collections, which are distinguished by their reliability and durability when properly installed.

  • Nevertheless, in the reviews you can often find a description of such a problem as warpage of the roofing, but most often the fault is poor-quality ventilation or an improperly laid layer of litter. If the technological processes of installing the tiles have not been violated, then it will serve the entire declared warranty period (25 years), and for a long time after its end.
  • When choosing a specific brand and manufacturer of shingles, you should focus on well-proven products in a specific region. Especially if you can visually see examples of objects that have stood for at least 10 years. The main selection criteria are considered to be the type of bitumen used and the specific gravity per square meter of coverage.
  • As a rule, experts recommend choosing products that are coated with SBS-modified bitumen, since it better withstands adverse weather conditions. As for the weight, it should be at least 12-13 kg / m2, since it is this mass that can reliably withstand wind loads.
  • The manufacturer's warranty also says a lot. For example, many manufacturers provide a minimum water resistance guarantee, but do not guarantee color fastness. It is not worth saving on roofing material, but it would also be unreasonable to overpay for the brand, so the most optimal thing is to find a balance between the two parameters and stick to it.

Bituminous shingles are a rather complex multilayer material. But it is precisely thanks to the peculiarities of its production that the product has become so widespread throughout the world. Among the main advantages are high strength, zero water permeability, long service life, easy installation and simple maintenance. Such a coating is able to withstand the harshest climatic conditions, maintaining its excellent qualities and reliably protecting the house, guaranteeing a comfortable indoor environment. When making a choice in favor of a specific manufacturer, you should pay attention to the warranty period, and the higher it is, the better and more durable the purchased material, and if you combine this with regular maintenance and control over the condition of the roof, then the coating can last 50 and 100 years, performing its destination well.

The choice of roofing is not just an aesthetic decision. It is determined by a combination of many criteria: this is the area where the house is located, and the construction budget, and the personal preferences of the owners. You need to choose the material for the roof in advance, having studied different options and weighing all the pros and cons, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. Today we will talk about bituminous tiles, their advantages and disadvantages, debunk existing myths and show reality.

Bituminous coating: an innovative revival of old traditions

Officially, America is considered the birthplace of soft tiles, where composite roofing materials first appeared at the end of the 19th century. At first, these were rolled products - fabric cloths impregnated with bitumen. Half a century later, the fabric was replaced with cardboard and began to be cut into even rectangular and hexagonal shapes, which were called shinglases or shingles (pieces).

Bituminous shingles have a long history and are very popular in the construction of private houses.

However, prototypes of shingles have existed since time immemorial - the aspen ploughshare, which was actively used in Russian Orthodox architecture in the 16th – 18th centuries, and deciduous shingles, which are very popular in Europe from the 13th century to the present. What is significant - the method of laying modern bituminous shingles is the same as that of shingles.

In Russia, the prototype of modern bituminous tiles was a ploughshare, which was actively used in church architecture of the 16th-18th centuries.

Despite the long traditions, flexible tiles appeared in Russia only at the end of the last century and immediately won the sympathy of developers. This is due not only to its advantages, which we will talk about a little later, but also to its versatility: a kind of golden mean among all roofing coverings is soft, but strong, flexible, but tiles. Thanks to the elasticity of the shingles, it fits flawlessly on various roof shapes, even with areas with a negative slope: keeled, bulbous, domed or Skifer-style structures.

Due to its elasticity and ductility, bituminous shingles exactly follow any curves of the roof and easily fit the most intricate details on the roofs of complex architecture

In addition, fierce competition forces manufacturers to constantly modify soft roofing materials, adding unexpected but useful additives to their composition. An example is a photocatalytic roof tile capable of cleaning the surrounding space, or a bituminous roofing with photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight into electricity. A special place is occupied by metallized collections covered with titanium-zinc, aluminum, copper or gold foil, which provides absolute protection of roofing tiles from heat radiation, which is harmful to bitumen, or laminated shingles, with the help of which volumetric coatings are created.

Photovoltaic roof tiles collect energy from the sun and convert it into electricity

In short, flexible shingles are a high-tech material, reliable, safe, beautiful and durable. And what is inside her?

Shingles composition

Soft shingles are usually supplied in the form of 100x34 cm plates with one figured cut edge. The cutting shape can be different - triangle, oval, hexagon, wave, beaver tail, loft, etc., depending on the manufacturer's imagination. The color range of these products is also very diverse.

The quadrangular cutting of the shingles gives the roofing a similarity to natural tile tiles, and the volumetric effect creates a contrasting alternation of laminated petals

For the manufacture of tiles use:

  • durable fiberglass;
  • bitumen resins with the addition of modifiers, which significantly improve the quality of bitumen;
  • colored mineral chips.

Let's dwell in a little more detail on the types of modified bitumen, knowledge of the properties of which will help to correctly determine the choice of a suitable collection.

  1. Oxidized bitumen - artificially aged, is distinguished by high heat resistance and wind resistance due to its rigidity, as well as a unique shape of cutting, imitating brick and shingles. However, it significantly loses its strength in frost, so such shingles need to be laid in the warm season.

    Artificially aged bitumen is called oxidized, due to which a soft coating can withstand wide temperature ranges, has high adhesion, flexibility and elasticity, as well as a considerable service life.

  2. SBS-bitumen with the addition of styrene-butadiene-styrene (artificial rubber), due to which it remains strong, flexible and elastic, does not crack at extremely low temperatures and freely repeats the shape of the surface on which it is laid. However, sometimes problems arise during installation in hot weather, since when heated, the polymer and bitumen are separated. Therefore, when using, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions of laying and storage specified by the manufacturers.

    Shingles based on SBS-modified bitumen have high elasticity, but are sensitive to high temperatures

  3. APP-bitumen - refers to thermoplastics. The addition of atactic polypropylene significantly increases the material's resistance to high temperatures, ultraviolet light, acids and alkalis, as well as adhesion to metal and glass. Unfortunately, it reduces elasticity. In addition, at low temperatures, the APP-coating is capable of breaking, as a result of which it is desirable to use it in regions with a warm climate. With strict adherence to the installation technology, such bitumen will last up to 30 years, retaining its properties even in cold climatic zones.

    APP materials have low elasticity, but their fatigue resistance under cyclic loads is quite high due to the use of polyester substrates

  4. PM-bitumen - Tegola's know-how. The manufacturer does not disclose its composition, but judging by the reviews of roofers, PM-tiles have medium hardness and are rather fragile at low temperatures, but they are distinguished by enviable durability.

    The bitumen mixture used by Tegola consists of PM-modified bitumen and components that provide the coating with a long service life, resistance to degradation and UV radiation.

Naturally, it is rather difficult to choose a leader among such a variety. Therefore, focus on the weather conditions of your region and the elasticity of the material, since it is this criterion, even indirectly, that serves as a significant indicator of quality.

The very same structure of shingles is almost the same for all manufacturers. It is based on fiberglass impregnated with a special bitumen, which is protected from above and below with layers of modified bitumen, which provide the tiles with strength and flexibility. The uppermost layer is colored mineral granulate, which gives the tiles the desired color and protects against UV rays, and the lower layer is a protective polymer film that protects the material from sticking, which is removed before laying.

Traditional bituminous shingles (predominantly rectangular) consist of the following layers:

Self-adhesive bituminous shingles, most often hexagonal cut, consist of:

Technical characteristics of shingles

The multilayer structure of flexible shingles provides its high performance properties, subject to technology compliance at all stages of production. The quality of this material is determined according to the European standard EN 544 - a unified standard for soft roofing, which regulates the following indicators:

  • the weight of the tiles is at least 1300 g / m², and the size of the plates is within 1200X250 mm ± 3 mm;
  • longitudinal and transverse tensile strength - depending on the class, at least 400–600 N / 50 mm;
  • plasticity and elasticity of the material. There is no need to confuse these two concepts - plastic shingles retain their new shape after the termination of the load (APP-models), and elastic ones restore their original shape (SBS tiles);
  • loss of sprinkling. Good shingles should not lose more than 3 g of dressing from one shingle;
  • the mass of pure bitumen in 1 m² of flexible tiles or the weight of the fiberglass itself is 100–110 g / m²;
  • resistance to ultraviolet light, formation of air bubbles and creep - at temperatures above 80–90 ºC;
  • abrasion resistance of metal foil - at least 0.2 N / mm;
  • heat resistance and water absorption, as well as high fire safety - spontaneous combustion temperature of 300 ºC.

Pros and cons of bituminous shingles

Like any other roofing, flexible shingles have their own scope, which is determined by the main advantages and disadvantages of the material, due to the specifics of its structure and shape.


Soft roofing is one of the most common roofing materials among individual developers. He gained his popularity due to the presence of many undeniable advantages.

  1. Lightness, due to which there is no need to reinforce the structural elements of the building.
  2. Versatility - the ability to use on roofs of any configuration and selection for different architectural styles.
  3. Durability - properly laid coatings can last up to 50 years.
  4. Perfect waterproofing and noiselessness.
  5. Profitability - small amount of waste during installation.
  6. Resistant to decay, corrosion, rust.
  7. Plastic. Flexible shingles hide well the movements of the house during its draft. In addition, it is frost-resistant, is a good dielectric, so there is no need to arrange lightning protection, and heat-resistant - it can withstand temperatures up to +140 ºC.
  8. Lack of windage, as a result of which the tiled surface easily tolerates the most gusty winds.
  9. Good resistance to bioagents - chemical acids, mosses, lichens, fungi.
  10. Convenience of delivery and storage, as well as reasonable cost in relation to other roofing decks and quick installation.

Video: features and benefits of soft tiles

Disadvantages and restrictions on the use of shingles

Under certain conditions, it is irrational or difficult to use bituminous shingles, which is facilitated by its shortcomings.

Laying bituminous shingles

Installation of soft tiles is extremely simple. Even skeptics admit it. You just need to strictly adhere to the instructions of the manufacturers, and then the bituminous tile coating is guaranteed to last a long time. Nevertheless, there are still certain nuances and special attention should be paid to them.

Bituminous tiles from different batches may vary slightly in shades. Therefore, before laying, shingles from 5–6 packs must be randomly mixed in order to even out the tonality and avoid color over the entire roofing sheet.

  1. Carefully equip valleys and roof passages, since most of the leaks occur in these areas.
  2. Correctly lay all layers of the roofing cake, using quality materials for it, preferably from one manufacturer.
  3. When building a house from scratch, it is advisable to mount a lining carpet throughout the roof, and not just in problem areas. This will significantly increase the life of the coating.
  4. During roof reconstruction, bituminous shingles can be laid on the old soft covering, after making sure that the rafter system and the solid base meet the requirements for quality and strength.
  5. When calculating a bituminous coating, add 3% to the stock for roof structures of conventional design, up to 5% for complex shapes, and 12-15% when arranging curved sections: towers, cones, domes.
  6. When laying tiles in cold weather, when the air temperature is less than +5 ºC, no more than 5–6 packs should be applied to the roof from a warm room at the same time, and a self-adhesive strip of each shingle should be warmed up with a heat dryer.

Video: installation of roof penetrations

A roofing cake for flexible shingles is a combination of materials, the quality and correct location of which determines the longevity of the roof and a comfortable microclimate in the house. The composition of the roofing cake includes:

Here you can add a valley carpet, cornice and pediment overhangs and abutment strips, galvanic nails, mastics and ventilation ducts.

With improper installation of the roofing cake, the use of dubious materials, the refusal to lay any layers, the performance properties of the shingles deteriorate, which invariably leads to leaks, condensation, heat loss, ice formation, icicles and noise during rain.

Preparation of the base

The base for underlayment and bituminous shingles must be solid, hard, even (differences of no more than 1-2 mm are permissible) and dry.

It is strictly forbidden to lay shingles and insulating carpet on a damp base in order to prevent swelling of the materials.

It is recommended to mount a continuous flooring with a seam spacing, a minimum gap (3-5 mm) to compensate for linear expansion and fasten with special ragged nails or wood screws. The materials used must comply with the standards: plywood - GOST 3916.2–96, OSB-3 - GOST R 56309–2014. The thickness of the solid base should be at least 9 mm for almost all models, although for some series of tiles, such as Western and Continent, it should be about 12 mm. However, the thickness of the flooring is usually specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

When arranging a solid wooden base, you need:

Video: preparation of the base for soft tiles

Reinforcement of eaves and gable overhangs

To strengthen the eaves overhangs, special metal strips are used, laying them on the edge along the edge of the solid flooring with an overlap of 30–50 mm and fixing them with roofing nails in a checkerboard pattern every 120–150 mm, and in places of overlaps - with an interval of 20–30 mm. The rest of the surface of the slopes is covered with a lining carpet, after which, similarly to the cornice, the pediment overhangs are reinforced by laying the end strips on top of the insulating substrate.

Metal planks for soft roofs form and divert water flows along eaves, gables, abutments and prevent moisture from entering under the shingles

Installation of the underlay insulating layer

The underlayment is a reliable and durable material for additional waterproofing of the roof. Its installation is necessary for any roof slope and over the entire area. But it is worth paying more attention to valleys, overhangs and roof passages. In valleys, the underlay carpet should be laid 1 m wide, 50 cm per slope, preferably without overlaps, i.e. in a continuous layer along the entire length. If this is not possible, overlaps of 30 cm are made with careful gluing of the seams, especially in the ridge area.

The underlayment for soft tiles provides maximum roof leakage protection in the most difficult places - bends, junctions and around chimneys

Along the eaves, the lining material is laid by the size of the eaves projection plus 600 mm from the inner surface of the wall, which prevents leaks in the eaves compartment due to sudden temperature changes. The lining material is not brought to the bend of the cornice strip by 1–2 cm. The amount of indentation depends on the slope of the roof and the length of the slopes - the steeper and longer the slopes, the more indentation is made, but in any case it should coincide with the indentation of the starting strip.

Video: installation of Anderep GL underlayment

In valleys, bituminous shingles are laid in two ways: open and by undercut. If the shingles are installed using the undercut method, then the valley carpet is not needed. Otherwise, along the axis of the grooves, a valley substrate is mounted on top of the lining material, making an offset in one direction by 2-3 cm and smearing with bitumen mastic along the perimeter of the wrong side by 10 cm.

Before laying the main covering, additional strips of lining material are glued to the valleys and inclined edges.

In areas with a hot climate, when arranging gutters, it is recommended to replace the valley carpet with a metal sheet with an anti-corrosion coating. On the front side, a metal sheet or valley carpet is nailed with roofing nails in increments of 20–25 cm, retreating from the edge of 2–3 cm. The valley substrate is laid with overlaps of 30 cm. Although, if possible, the valley carpet, like the underlay carpet, is still better to be mounted solid flooring with glued seams in the area of ​​the ridge.

Video: open-cut installation of flexible shingles in the valley - preparatory stage

The last step before installing shingles is to mark the slopes. The marking lines do not indicate the places of fixing the tiles, but serve as guides - they help to align the shingles horizontally and vertically, which is very important if the geometry of the slopes is violated or when there are incisions of any roof elements. The vertical step is equal to the width of the selected tile, and horizontal lines are applied at intervals of 1 m.

In order to neatly lay soft tiles throughout the roof, the roof surface is marked with a step indicated in the instructions for the selected material.

Video: marking the roof before installing the Tegola shingles

Installation steps

Laying shingles is done in the following order.

  1. First, all layers of the roofing cake are mounted, starting from the vapor barrier and ending with the installation of the insulating substrate (lining carpet). Here, some novice developers make a serious mistake - in order to save money, they do not lay waterproofing, believing that the substrate will already protect the roof filling from bad weather. It will certainly protect from heavy rain and snow, but alas, not always from hail, as already mentioned above. So this savings is illusory, since the cost of waterproofing materials in the total estimate of the roof is scanty, but the safety of the insulation and the rafter system grows several times. In addition, waterproofing makes it possible to install a more expensive underlay in part, and not as a continuous flooring.

    Competently laid roofing cake under flexible shingles will provide a cozy microclimate in the house and save you from unplanned expensive repairs

  2. Installation of the starting strip. For the starting strip, there is a universal ridge-eaves tile, but ordinary shingles with cut petals can also be used. The tiles are glued over the lining carpet, departing from the bend of the cornice strip 1–2 cm, and nailed. An important point is the correct hammering of galvanized nails - after fixing, the head should be in the same plane with the tile, and not cut into it. When using edged working shingles, due to the lack of an adhesive layer on them, the back side of the starting strips is coated with mastic.
  3. Laying of ordinary tiles. They begin to mount the first row from the center of the slope, stepping back from the starting strip 10–20 mm. All subsequent rows are laid in the selected direction with diagonal stripes or a pyramid, starting from the middle of the slope with a half petal offset relative to the bottom row. Fix the tiles so that the lower edge of the petals is flush with the upper edge of the cutouts of the previous row. On the pediments, the working shingles are cut by 1–2 cm to drain water during slanting rain and the joints are glued with mastic. To facilitate installation on many tile models, especially laminated tiles, manufacturers apply an assembly line to the front surface to help ensure that the tiles are positioned correctly before final fixing. The drawing of the finished roof in most cases should be abstract, unless otherwise conceived by the designers.

    It is better to start the installation of shingles from the middle, closing the joint of the cornice strip and slightly stepping back from the edge. Before installation, the protective film is removed, otherwise the plates will not stick together

  4. Arrangement of valleys. With an open drain, ordinary shingles are mounted in a chaotic manner along the valley line over the valley carpet and each tile is fixed with nails, placing them at a distance of at least 30 cm from the axis of the slope joint. Having mounted both sides equally, they beat off two coated lines with a lace, along which the shingles are cut, and in the upper row an additional corner is cut out to direct rainwater into the valley. The width of the gutters is made about 5-15 cm, depending on the surrounding space - the more trees there are, the wider the gutters should be in order to avoid clogging of the storm drain with fallen leaves. In the absence of an adhesive layer, the seamy side of the cut tiles is coated with mastic and glued. Bituminous shingles are laid a little differently by the undercut method. It is used mostly with different slopes of adjacent slopes. Begin laying the canvases on a gentle slope, overlapping them on a steep slope by at least 30 cm, and fix each tile in the upper part with nails. They cover the entire low-slope slope, and then beat off the coated line on a steep slope at a distance of 7–8 cm from the central axis, cut the tiles intended for laying along it, coat each tile with mastic, if necessary, and glue it along the valley line.

    In order not to damage the underlying layers, when arranging valleys, tiles should be cut not on the roof, but on an underlay board

  5. Ridge and edge tiling. Having laid all the tiles, they form the ribs and the ridge, install aerators, arrange gutters, hem the cornice and pediment overhangs. For the ridge and edges, ridge-cornice shingles are used, dividing it into 3 parts according to the perforation points. The working shingles are cut so that when they are laid, a 5 mm slot is formed between adjacent slopes. 2 lines are beaten along the ridge ridge or ribs with a marking lace and they begin to form a ridge (rib), laying the tiles along the ribs from the bottom up, and on the ridge - from the side opposite to the prevailing winds. Each tile is reinforced with two nails on both sides so that the overlap (3-5 cm) of the subsequent tile overlaps the nails of the previous one. In cold weather, it is recommended to bend each shingle on a 10 cm diameter pipe heated to 30–40 ºC before laying.

    The ridge and inclined ribs are designed in the same way: the passage seals are fastened with nails, ordinary tiles are glued on top, and a metal apron is used at the junctions to the chimneys and the joints are filled with silicone sealant

  6. Arrangement of roof penetrations and connections. Communication pipes, antenna and ventilation outlets of a small diameter are sealed in the lower part with the help of special pass-through elements, fixing them to the base, and bitumen shingles cut in shape are laid on top and glued with mastic. After that, the necessary roof exit is mounted on the entrance door. At the junctions to walls or chimneys, a triangular rail is first stuffed onto which ordinary shingles are brought. Above, strips of valley carpet with a width of at least 50 cm are mounted, gluing them from the back side with mastic and lifting them to a vertical wall by at least 30 cm.The upper part of the abutments is inserted into a gate to protect the unit from atmospheric moisture, covered with an apron, mechanically fixed and sealed.

Video: mistakes when laying soft tiles

Domestic market of bituminous tiles

Currently, the Russian market for soft tiles is huge - from economy class collections to elite series. Therefore, each consumer will find products to their taste and wallet. The most popular is the flexible shingles of the following brands:

  1. Icopal is a Danish concern with a century-old history, which has its own production in Denmark, France and Finland. The company's products stand out for their affordable price and high quality. Each shingle has double or triple reinforcement, which makes roofing tiles incredibly durable and resistant to any negative influences.

    Icopal roof tiles are ISO certified and specially designed for countries with cold climates

  2. Katepal (Finland) - the tiles of this manufacturer are distinguished by two parameters: the presence of a groove-ridge, which greatly simplifies the installation and strengthens the coating, as well as colored basalt granules, which create the effect of volumetric roofing.

    Katepal bitumen shingles are made from SBS-modified bitumen, due to which they are heat and frost-resistant, which means they are optimal for the Russian climate with hot summers and rather cold winters.

  3. Shinglas (Technonikol, Russia) is the most common tile among domestic developers. It is characterized by high heat resistance - 95 ºC, relief and texture, which successfully copy natural materials.

    Shinglas bituminous shingles are recognized as a high quality coating that is durable and flexible, which allows it to be used for various types of roofs.

  4. Tegola (Italy) - the model range of the world leader has more than seventeen collections and almost 200 color shades. So there is where to roam. Of particular interest are models that have no analogues among other manufacturers - with a copper, titanium-zinc, copper patinated and aluminum layer instead of the classic stone chips. Such developments allow, at a low price, to obtain a coating of extraordinary beauty, which is suitable for all stylistic directions.

    Over time, noble titanium and copper coatings are covered with a patina, which does not affect the quality of Tegola shingles, but only makes its appearance more attractive

Noteworthy are the tiles of brands Brai (Italy), IKO (Canada, Belgium), Uralskaya krovlya and Ruflex (Russia), as well as Owens Corning (USA) with a funny logo in the form of a pink panther, but with serious performance and a lifetime warranty.

One of the significant advantages of Owens Corning is its high wind resistance, according to which it can withstand wind speeds up to 210 km / h, which is regularly confirmed by laboratory tests.

Is it worth to be afraid of bituminous shingles

There are several myths regarding shingles. In reviews and thematic publications, one can find opinions that she:

  • very thin and may tear. Here pessimists confuse the thickness of the shingles and the thickness of the coating itself. During installation, the tiles are stacked on top of each other, forming a two-layer canvas, which is twice as thick. For example, the thickness of the metal tile is 0.5 mm, the average thickness of the shingles is 3 mm, which, when laid, will give 6 mm, which is 12 times more. With such a comparison, the small thickness of the bituminous shingles no longer seems intimidating;
  • cracks. Of course, low-quality material can break, but the tiles of proven brands that have a quality certificate will not allow this. In addition, in the inserts, manufacturers specify the composition of the products so that they can determine the choice in accordance with the weather conditions of a particular region. The matter is small - you need to read the instructions;
  • loses granulate quickly. Of course, when buying products from an unknown manufacturer, one can fear that the roof will also become bald with the outflow of snow. But again, pay attention to the quality standard, according to which the shedding rate should not exceed 2.5-3 g / m² and test the material - run your hand over the rough surface in one place several times. If the crumb crumbles every time, it means that you are being offered an unusable product;
  • highly flammable. The bitumen coating will not ignite from a spark - it will be protected by stone chips. When you try to set fire to the roof itself, it will light up, but locally and will soon go out, since the modified bitumen melts, and does not support combustion. But if a fire breaks out inside the house and the roof structure begins to collapse, then what is the difference - bituminous coating, ceramics or slate;
  • can drain into hot dishes. By itself, shingles will not drain even from very steep slopes. It will soften, but you can damage the canvas only by making an effort, for example, walking on it in rough shoes. But hardly anyone will have such a desire.

Bituminous shingles are a good choice for those who wish to make the roof of their home unique and irresistible. Moreover, there are all the prerequisites for this - a variety of cuts, a rich color range, the ability to use on roofs of any design. Choose reliable brands, focus not only on the shape and pattern, but also on the composition of the material. And you will succeed.

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