Opening in a panel house. Make an opening in a load-bearing wall: standard and non-standard options

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Many homeowners, planning a thorough renovation of an apartment, decide to redevelop it by equipping an opening in bearing wall. Such a need may arise whether you decide to increase the size of the bathroom, combine the kitchen with the living room or turn the apartment into a studio. For residents of panel high-rise buildings, opening openings in load-bearing walls is not only a problem in terms of attractive design. Redevelopment will require a competent technical approach, coordination with utilities, obtaining permits and following hole punching technology. In this article, we will look at how to make and legalize an opening in a load-bearing wall.

A load-bearing wall is a wall that supports the floors. Design panel house suggests the presence of such blocks as vertical support for the slabs. Such dismantling without installing supporting mechanisms, the slabs on top will crack, as a result of which cracks will go along the floor and walls of the apartment above you. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the building may collapse.

As you can see, the main walls are extremely important element in the structure of the whole house. You can determine their location of these thanks to the housing plan, which is indicated in the data sheet. You can familiarize yourself with the scheme at the Bureau of Technical Inventory or at the Housing Office. On the apartment diagram, the main partitions will be highlighted with thick lines.

If you do not have access to necessary documents, you can try to define such a wall yourself. Pay attention to the thickness - as a rule, load-bearing plates wider. Almost all load-bearing blocks are located at the junction of apartments and at the junction of an apartment and a flight of stairs.

If you are not sure whether this wall is solid or ordinary, remember: expanding the opening in the load-bearing wall in any case will require a special permit, and the specialists from the Housing Inspectorate who will issue it will provide an explanation on this issue.

Is an opening allowed?

You can make an opening in many cases. Often, apartment owners hear a refusal. There are several reasons for the decision:

  1. Outdated load-bearing structures of the entire building. The fact is that every house has its own age, and if yours is over 20 years old, and overhaul has never been made, then making an opening in the load-bearing wall of the house is fraught with negative consequences.
  2. The door in the load-bearing wall on the floor above, below will make it impossible to redevelop your apartment. It is important to pay attention to the location of such holes - they should not be exactly on top of each other.
  3. Another reason for the refusal is the number of storeys of the apartment. For apartments on the first and second floors it turns out maximum pressure, therefore, here the probability of obtaining permission to cut a hole is minimal.
  4. The presence of construction defects. In houses commissioned with violations of construction technology, there are discrepancies in interpanel seams, gaps between ceilings and blocks, and other defects. In such cases, you will either receive a categorical refusal, or require additional reinforcement of the wall.
  5. House wall material. In houses with brick walls getting permission to punch a hole is easier than in panel or monolithic buildings.

Remember: before proceeding with redevelopment, it is necessary to coordinate the opening in the load-bearing wall.

A number of documents and certificates will be required, but it is better to receive them immediately than to experience anxiety after. The Housing Inspectorate, upon revealing an inconsistent redevelopment, has every right to issue you a fine of 3 thousand rubles. The fine is small, but in addition to it, you will still be required to obtain permission. If, according to the results of the check, the cut-out doors in the bearing wall turn out to be in violation, you will be forced to lay a hole, as a result of which all your repair work will be meaningless.

An apartment where there are unauthorized changes cannot be officially sold.

Can it be demolished entirely?

The demolition of the capital partition is definitely not possible and not one specialist will give permission for this. Complete dismantling of supporting structures is fraught with collapse ceiling tiles.

What will be required

To arrange an opening, you need:

  • design documents. This item refers to the restructuring plan made by the design engineer. To make a rework plan, you must contact the design institute. Even more good option will be an appeal to the design department of the same construction company who was building the house. After the engineer has determined whether it is possible to rebuild the housing and in what form, he will draw up a final plan and issue a package of design documents (resolution on the bearing capacity of walls and ceilings, a floor plan where places for demolition and construction of partitions will be marked, determination of structural elements, affecting the method of strengthening the opening);
  • statement. The application is written in the housing inspection by you personally on a special form;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the apartment. The types of such documents vary depending on the form of obtaining housing (privatization, inheritance, court decision, and so on). In any case, you must have a copy of the certificate of ownership of housing, certified by the BTI of the city;
  • technical conclusion on the condition of the building and the possibility of arranging the opening (issued at the design institute);
  • permits for redevelopment from the owners of the apartment and the owners of neighboring premises (in writing);
  • an agreement with a contractor who has SRO approval. Since partial dismantling load-bearing structure refers to work that is not carried out by the tenants themselves, as a result, to confirm the completion of the redevelopment, you will need to present the SRO approval, which your contractor must have. Without permission, you will not receive a certificate of completion, so it is better not to save on the contractor company.

As a result of obtaining all permits from the housing inspection, the owner is issued a Work Production Log, in which it is necessary to record all stages of the repair. Moreover, it is necessary to record the progress of work honestly and in detail, since deviations and inaccuracies in the journal are the reason for refusing to issue an act of completion to the owner construction works.

As for the technology itself, it will depend on the type of opening - rectangular, arched. In any case, punching a hole is not recommended. It should be cut, which is done with an unstressed tool - a diamond wheel. Cutting with such a tool can be carried out in a stationary and manual way, depending on the material and the amount of work. As a result of cutting, less dust is generated and the hole does not need additional processing.

Everyone has their own reasons for “reformatting” their home - adding to the family, arranging a separate, additional premises under an office, installation of an arch or something else. Typically, remodeling special difficulties does not cause the owners; there are techniques that have been developed over the years. Another thing is the opening in the bearing wall. It is a loaded structural element of the building, and in this case only the desire of the owner is clearly not enough.

general information

To cut through the wall or not, the owner of a private building decides on his own. He does not need to coordinate this issue with the supervisory authorities. But the responsibility for Negative consequences rest entirely on his shoulders. If redevelopment is done in an apartment, then permission must be obtained for this. An opening in a load-bearing wall, illiterately equipped, in violation of all norms and rules, can lead to cracks along the entire height of the building, displacement of floors, and the like. And it is unlikely that the matter will be limited to administrative penalties.

Any coordination in the instances is a long procedure; sometimes the issue is resolved for months. This time can be spent rationally if something is evaluated, tested and analyzed. Perhaps the problem will disappear automatically, since quite often it is impossible to equip an opening where you want, in principle, or it is technically extremely difficult. Which means it's inappropriate.

What to take into account:

  • The degree of deterioration of the building.
  • Wall material and thickness.
  • The number of storeys of the house and the level at which the dwelling is located. The maximum load is on the walls lower floors. For this reason, for such apartments, if cutting through an opening is allowed, then its dimensions are limited.
  • Whether it will be necessary to strengthen the wall in this place, by what method, with what - this issue must be clarified in advance.
  • The scheme of the room and the distance of the opening from outer wall. And there is a limitation on this point. If the interval is less than 1 m, then work cannot be carried out, otherwise interior partition can "lead". This is mainly typical for brick house.
  • Opening geometry. In other words, what exactly do you want to do. Basically, 2 options are implemented: a simple passage (rectangular) or arched. If the opening only needs to be shifted without changing its geometry, then everything is much simpler; partial expansion on one side and closure on the other.

Conclusion - before running around the authorities, coordinating various papers, paying for an audit, and the like, you should consult a professional. Perhaps it is impossible to make an opening in this room.

Operating procedure

The legal side of the issue is a separate issue. From a practical point of view, something else is more interesting - how a passage is cut through the wall, depending on its material.

Preparation stage

The redevelopment of the home begins with this.

  • Drawing up a diagram. It is advisable to ask if openings were made in the apartments on the floor below / above. It is best if they are located in the same way. By the way, this will make it a bit easier to get permission. In the design process, the parameters of the door are also taken into account, and therefore the appropriate model should be looked at in advance. Otherwise, you will have to further expand / narrow the opening, and this is extra work.
  • Base cleaning. Before you start cutting through the wall, you need to assess its condition. If signs of rot are visible, then you will have to do processing, impregnation with special / means. In addition, it will become clear what will be needed in the course of work. Making an opening in a load-bearing wall, having only a set of household tools at hand, definitely will not work.

It is not worth using an electric / impact type tool (jackhammer, puncher with this function). His work initiates the appearance of cracks in the wall, and where they can "go" is unknown. And this is a decrease in structural strength. For cutting a passage in a residential building, the only acceptable option is cutting the material with a grinder (with a diamond blade).

  • Surface marking. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct geometry of the opening, without bevels and curvature of its end parts. Especially true for thick walls; it is in this case that significant errors are inevitable, since it will be necessary to cut into the material alternately from both sides.

After drawing the contour along its perimeter, maintaining the exact direction cutting tool(perpendicular to the base), through holes are drilled (at what distance is decided on the spot). Focusing on them, a similar contour is drawn on the back of the wall.

Arrangement of the opening

  • Support installation. The expediency of this is determined by local specifics. But logs (sleepers, beams) installed vertically in the area working area, unload the wall, and the load on it is reduced.
  • Protection floor covering. Dust is not as scary as heavy fragments. Making a doorway in panel house, you need to be prepared for the fact that large pieces of concrete with protruding reinforcement will fall off. That is why the p / e film will not save the floor. It is desirable to cover it with rubber strips, thick cloth and the like. Chipboard / sheets, plywood, boards will fit.
  • Extraction of material. At the first stage, the contour should be marked with a disc insert, on both sides of the opening. After that, break it into segments and cut them one by one. If we are talking about masonry, then it is even easier - it is dismantled in rows.

  • Opening processing. In any case, the wall in this place should be strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to give the passage the correct geometry. If there is little work in a brick building, then in relation to a panel house, its volume increases. You will have to cut off all the protruding pieces of the reinforcing bar, and concrete the damaged areas. The result should be a rectangle of calculated width and height.
  • Passage reinforcement. The technique is selected depending on the material of the wall.
  • Brick. In this case, a channel is sufficient. In the upper part of the opening, small niches are arranged, on both sides, where the metal blank is laid. To ensure the reliability of the stop, its edges should go into the masonry by at least 25 cm. It is somewhat more difficult with a thick wall. To strengthen it, you will need 2 channels installed on both sides of the opening. They are pulled together with through studs, on the ends of which bolts are screwed. The cavities formed in the wall are filled with mortar.

  • concrete goods. For concrete, only a horizontal lintel is clearly not enough. To really strengthen the load-bearing wall, a U-shaped frame is installed in the opening. You can make it in advance (in size door block) or weld in the process of work from strip (thick) iron, I-beam, channel. This design is fixed with anchors; only one "landing" on the solution of reliability is not achieved.

If the opening is large enough, then its additional reinforcement can be made in the form of floor supports, stylized as columns. Easiest to use steel pipes large section. There are enough options for decorating them, and the services of a specialist will not be needed.

Even at the stage of preparation for marking the wall, it is necessary to clarify how exactly the intra-house electrical / wiring is organized on this site. Especially if it was not the owner who was engaged in it, but someone else. The most simple technique– using a cell phone in FM mode. By moving it along the wall surface, it is easy to determine the wiring diagram by the noise level.

To increase the strength of structural elements (pipes, channels), it is desirable to inject. That is, introduce a solution of good fluidity into the cavity. After curing, it will not only improve the strength of the samples, but also increase the reliability of their bonding to the base material.

In principle, it is not difficult to make an opening in the wall. The technology is quite simple and powerful home master. But only under the condition of competent calculations and right choice tools and materials. Therefore, it is at the stage of preparation that one should pay attention Special attention. Everything else is a matter of time.

Panel or brick house allows you to improve the layout standard apartment, for example, combine the kitchen with the room, or make the doorway between the rooms in a more convenient place (and lay the old, inconveniently located one).

However, it must be taken into account that the new doorway in the load-bearing wall not only makes the apartment more comfortable, but also implies a certain responsibility. This means that the owner of the apartment must comply with the redevelopment, as well as those affecting this area.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

In order for redevelopment with an opening in the load-bearing wall to be legal and safe, it should be done, and we recommend that you take care of this before starting work - this way you will avoid a lot of trouble with supervisory authorities, as well as unforeseen costs for eliminating unauthorized changes. Moreover, the consequences of illegal redevelopment can be very serious. Since we are talking about a load-bearing wall, unskilled intervention can damage both it and adjacent structures, and lead to a decrease in their design bearing capacity, and sometimes to partial collapse. We are not talking about cases when the load-bearing wall is completely dismantled: this is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible step!

Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, as amended 840, in part of paragraph 2.2.4 of Appendix 1, classifies the punching of openings in load-bearing walls as activities that require the development of design documentation and a technical opinion on the possibility of redevelopment.

Acceptance of openings in load-bearing walls by the commission

It is important to remember that work to strengthen the opening with metal structures is subject to delivery and is accompanied by registration, as well as registration. Without providing these documents to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate at the end of the repair, the acceptance committee will not sign, and it will not be removed from inspection control until you provide the acts. Moreover, the owner may be required to remove finishing to check the metal reinforcement of the opening in the load-bearing wall for compliance approved project and current rules.

Only certified contractors with SRO approval in construction have the right to draw up acts of hidden work.

Examples of redevelopment projects with an opening in the load-bearing wall

1. This redevelopment was carried out in the house of the series, built before 2007, so the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP "gave the go-ahead" to the installation of an opening in the load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the room. The width of the opening is standard 90 cm.

2. Redevelopment project with an opening in the load-bearing wall and reinforcement metal profiles, which were a U-shaped frame of channels. Such a powerful reinforcement was due to the significant thickness of the wall of the block house of the series.

When it comes to redevelopment of an apartment, the owner of the house may think about carrying out large-scale work. You can make a doorway in the bearing wall. However, to carry out such work, one desire is not enough. Load-bearing walls are considered the key elements of any building. In order not to violate the integrity of the house, you need to obtain permission and properly carry out construction work.

Before creating a new doorway in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, you need to carefully prepare for your plan. First of all, you need to take into account some features:

  1. Talk to the residents of the lower and upper apartments. Ask them if they have additional doorways in load-bearing walls - to preserve the integrity of the house, you need to try to make sure that they match.
  2. We must not forget that with the number of floors, the load on the supporting structures increases. When creating a doorway in multi-storey buildings, you need to make additional reinforcement of the wall.
  3. Prepare a draft of the future passage in advance. You can simply move an existing opening to the side, make a passage of a rectangular or arched shape.

However, before carrying out such full-scale work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the administration, under whose control the panel or brick house is located.

Coordination of redevelopment

The question of whether it is possible to make a doorway in the load-bearing wall should be decided by the administration of the housing complex in which the apartment is located. There is a law that obliges any person who owns an apartment to coordinate major redevelopment with the administration. This applies to the addition of new thermal units, plumbing work and capital construction.

Performing work without the consent of higher authorities can lead not only to administrative responsibility, but also to the destruction of supporting structures.

The owner of the apartment must draw up a plan in which the process of creating a doorway will be outlined in stages, its shape is indicated and. In addition to this, you need to indicate all the little things so that in the future you will not encounter serious problems. And also we must not forget about the description of the reinforcement with decorative columns or lintels, if they are planned.

Getting permission to work on creating new openings in load-bearing structures is more likely for people living on the upper floors.

Examples of openings in a load-bearing wall

Before a person knows whether it is possible to cut through a door in a load-bearing wall, it is required to create a project for the future opening. This applies to shape, location and size. In this case :

  1. Standard pass. opening rectangular shape for installation of a door with a frame. When creating a new opening, it is necessary to take into account the fact that an already existing passage affects the distribution of the load. It can be left or bricked up.
  2. Arch. Custom shape doorway, which is common in apartments with classic style interior. When choosing this form, it is necessary to take into account the features of the bends. If the house is brick, only a professional can do the work. This is due to the fact that you need to take into account the location of the seams in the masonry.
  3. Moves an existing passage a short distance to the left or right. It is considered the easiest and safest type of work. The existing opening is cut in the selected direction, and its old part is laid with a brick partition.

After choosing a shape, you need to set the dimensions. The smaller the width of the passage, the greater the chance of obtaining permission to create it. This also applies to his height.

Necessary equipment and tools

If permission is received from the administration, you need to prepare tools to create a passage. In this case, you can use power tools and specialized equipment. The second option includes:

  1. Diamond drilling. Special equipment is used, which is equipped with diamond drills. Their shape can be conical or square.
  2. Rope cutting. Special equipment, the essence of which is the movement of cutting ropes coated with diamond coating.
  3. Cutting the supporting structure with a diamond-coated saw blade. Additionally, a spray gun is installed in the cutters. The water cools the disc and nails the dust.
Advice! It makes no sense to purchase expensive installations to create an opening. They can be rented from construction organizations or hire a work team that will have similar equipment.

And you can also make an opening with power tools. For independent work you will need:

  1. Perforator, large grinder or jackhammer when working in a monolithic building.
  2. Chainsaw when working in aerated concrete or wooden house. It is good for sawing beams or cellular blocks.
  3. Measuring tools.
  4. Sledgehammer, hammer.
  5. A small grinder for cutting the connecting fittings.

Before using a power tool, it is advisable to use a sensor concealed wiring so as not to get into wires, pipes or fittings.

Stages of transferring a doorway in a load-bearing wall

There is a certain procedure, under which a doorway can be made by a person who does not have specific skills. It is important to prepare tools and materials in advance so as not to be distracted in the process.

Strengthening the future opening

Strengthening the future design - milestone. It will save a person from a sudden collapse of a wall or ceiling near the place of work. For this, temporary supports are created. A support is made of a metal support and two plates that rest against the floor and ceiling.

Cutting a load-bearing wall

To maintain the integrity of the walls, it is advisable to abandon the jackhammer and perforator. These power tools create a powerful shock vibration, due to which the opening can turn out to be larger than necessary, and cracks can go along the walls.

It is better to use specialized equipment, a power cutter or a large grinder. Before starting cutting, a contour of the future opening is outlined with a measuring tool. The markup needs to be deepened with a grinder on both sides. Then, you can start cutting through the wall through.

Advice! Experienced finishers recommend dividing the opening into several zones, each of which needs to be cut out separately. Thus, the work can be made easier.

Fastening the opening

After creating the passage, it must be strengthened. For this, metal channels are used. If the house is brick, it is enough to install one channel at the top of the opening. If the house is panel, you need to fix 3 metal elements - on top and on the sides.

Expansion of the opening in the load-bearing wall

Many beautiful doors, manufactured at the present time, do not fit in size to standard Soviet aisles in apartments. Because of this, expanding the opening will help solve the problem. To carry out the work, you will need a large grinder with diamond-coated discs. performed on the same principle as the creation of a new one.

Do not forget about the initial strengthening of the wall and ceiling, so that collapse does not occur.

Before starting work, it is important to carefully listen to the recommendations of experienced finishers:

  1. You can start using a power tool only after checking the wall with a hidden wiring sensor.
  2. You can not start work without the consent of the administration.
  3. If cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, work must be stopped.
  4. Additional temporary reinforcement can be made from a jack, two wooden shields and metal pipe. It is necessary to fix the pipe on the jack, put one wooden shield, and at the end of the pipe the second.
  5. In a wooden or aerated concrete house, openings can be made either during construction or after its completion. In the second case Construction Materials will be spent uneconomically.

If you need to make a pass complex shape it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Finishing the appearance of the opening

After creating the opening. If it will be installed door frame, it is necessary to prepare platbands and doborniki.

If the owner has made an arched passage or does not want to install a door, the finish must be done using plaster and putty. Step by step:

  1. Before finishing, the work surface is cleaned of debris and dust.
  2. The places where the plaster will be applied are covered with a primer.
  3. After the soil has dried, perforated corners are fixed at the corners of the opening in compliance with the level.
  4. The first layer of coarse-grained plaster is applied.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the applied layer.
  6. A layer of fine-grained plaster is applied to the grids.
  7. The prepared surface is cleaned before finishing work ( decorative plaster, putty).

It is worth making every effort and carefully monitoring the application of each layer, so that the result is worthy.


In conclusion, we can say that before making a doorway in a load-bearing wall, you need to weigh all the risks. If the idea is interesting, then you need to contact the administration for permission. Correct sequence actions and the use of specialized equipment will help to avoid the destruction of walls and ceilings.

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