House in Provence style - standard projects and ready-made solutions of modern design (120 photos). House in the style of Provence: subtleties of design House in the style of Provence

Plant encyclopedia 26.06.2020
Plant encyclopedia

Wanting to create a cozy, but stylish and sophisticated home, some owners decide to decorate a country house in the Provence style. And this choice is one of the best options, since this direction of French country combines all the necessary aspects.

For the style of Provence, you can arrange an already built house or initially lay the foundation according to the type of houses in the hinterland in the south of France. The main thing is to observe the correct combination of color, light and texture, as well as to pay sufficient attention to the decor.

Requirements for home decoration in Provence style

For a full-fledged transformation of the building into the style of a French village, it is worth inviting a specialist. However, self-design is also possible, especially since the Internet is full of ideas for decorating houses with your own hands.

Here you will need to decide how complete the house will be immersed in the chosen style. Changes will only affect the interior or also affect the exterior. The general list of requirements, regardless of the scale of work, will include:

  • the use of natural materials in decoration, furniture and decor;
  • simplicity and functionality in the setting;
  • aged or antique interior;
  • daylight;
  • predominance of "southern" shades in color;
  • an abundance of floral motifs in decoration and decor;
  • diversified graceful decor elements.

Thus, even at the planning stage, you can select all the finishing materials, as well as interior elements. It is worth paying special attention to external and internal changes.

Exterior change

A distinctive feature of the facades of Provence-style houses is their simplicity and naturalness. The houses of French Provence fit perfectly into the surrounding area, without being striking with stucco or pomp.

Outwardly, such a house, as a rule, looked either as a one-story building with an attic and a terrace, or as a two-story building with a place to rest. If the size of the plot allowed, a covered gazebo arranged in the garden was often used as the latter.

From the photo of Provence-style houses from the network, it can be seen that the minimum amount of materials was used in the design of their exterior.

The walls of the house were either left with bare masonry, or plastered and painted in light colors. Now this style can be repeated by decorating the facade with tiles stylized as natural stone.

The building does not have to be stone. A wooden house is also easy to decorate in a Provence style. To do this, you need to paint its walls in the selected color scheme or even leave them in their natural form, treating them with protective compounds.

The roof of such a house is covered with tiles. In modern design, burnt shingles can be replaced with a metal counterpart.

The personal plot, in addition to arranging a place for rest on it, also needs changes. You will need to arrange a stone path from the entrance to the territory to the doors of the house. It will be useful to plant a couple of trees and arrange neat flower beds.

Interior change

A beautiful interior decoration of a private house does not always imply major work. To equip the interior of a home in the Provence style, minimal intervention is enough. Having chosen a suitable color scheme, you will need to decorate them with surfaces, change, if necessary, door and window structures.

Then furniture is selected that matches the style requirements. Namely: simple, functional and old-fashioned (or looking like that). The final stage is the placement of accents.

Color spectrum

The design of modern Provence style houses uses light shades that evoke the associations with the sunny seaside. Moreover, their combination should make the room soothing, light and refreshing.

Thus, the list of ideal shades includes: white, beige, cream, sand, light gray, light blue, pale green, pale turquoise, muted shades of yellow and brown.

Surface decoration

For Provence-style floors, either wooden boards or natural stone tiles are used. A quality laminate can replace wood. At the same time, carpet or linoleum is not acceptable.

The type of finish is chosen depending on the nature of the room. In a kitchen or bathroom, tiles are more suitable. For living quarters and terraces - wooden floor. The tree, at the request of the owners, can be aged, painted or left in its natural form.

With low ceilings, the process of finishing them consists only in leveling and painting them in white. If the height of the floors is sufficient, in addition, you can additionally mount several artificial beams made of boards or beams.

The beams, in turn, are left in their natural form (they may not even be sanded) or, on the contrary, are painted in a contrasting color. A popular shade in this case is dark brown.

Wall decoration, as well as in the case of the floor, is based on the type of room. In the kitchen and bathroom, it will be more practical to at least partially cover the walls with tiles stylized as natural stone.

In the rest of the premises, in the classic sense of Provence, finishing is carried out using plastering. Moreover, the more bumpy and heterogeneous the surface will seem, the better. Naturally, plastering can also be done with an even layer.

Other finishes include wood panels painted in the selected shade. On rare occasions, wallpaper may be applied if other options are not available. In this case, the material should either be similar in design to plaster, or have a light floral pattern on a light background.

Doors and windows

Classic Provence style windows were small in size and covered with weightless curtains or beads. Now the size of the window structures is increased in order to achieve the desired level of illumination.

The same goes for doors. Interior doors and doors leading to the terrace must have glass inserts. It is better that the structure is glass.


When choosing furniture, you should rely on three "pillars": comfort, simplicity, functionality. The selected interior elements should be convenient to use, from kitchen cabinets to a sofa in the living room.

For each room, the furnishings are selected according to the needs. A wardrobe or bedside tables for dishes and food is installed in the kitchen. In the dining room there is a large table and comfortable chairs made of wood or wicker.

The living room can easily accommodate a small sofa with textile upholstery, a pair of armchairs. The walls will have bookcases, a chest of drawers, a table for papers.

In the bedroom, key attention is paid to the bed - a large wrought-iron, or wooden with a soft headboard. In addition, dressers for clothes or a wardrobe are installed.

All furniture is selected according to style, but not strictly. Wooden and forged furniture can be "related" by painting in the colors of the interior. And on upholstered furniture, you can replace the upholstery. At the same time, an important detail is the need to age some elements to give more charm to the interior.


As for giving charm in the direction of Provence, here most of the work is done by decorative elements. Tablecloths, handmade pillowcases on the pillows filling the bed and sofas. Pictures and bouquets of flowers are required in such an interior. Moreover, the bouquet is not artificial, but natural, even if in the form of a herbarium.

The taste of the owners of the house is emphasized by the figurines, neatly arranged around the house. Table compositions will also come in handy in a French country setting.

Photo of houses in Provence style

There are a huge number of trends in interior design that can bring comfort to the house. The Provence style in the interior is rightfully considered the lightest and most airy among them. In this article, we will tell you how to create a French oasis in your own nest, how to choose finishing materials, what shades and colors will add cleanliness and sophistication to your home, what kind of furniture is used in the design. Elegant simplicity is the true concept of this style.

Origin history

The Provencal style got its name thanks to the picturesque French province of the same name. This enchanting corner is known for its purple carpets of lavender fields with a rich intoxicating aroma, picturesque landscapes, endless skies with blue tints, crystal smoothness of the Cote d'Azur, as well as excellent traditional dishes with the addition of juicy greens, as well as sweet-tart spices.

It was this tandem of factors that attracted, and still attracts artists to the French province, thanks to which the Provencal design style gained wide popularity in European spaces.
What are the houses of the Provencal village? These are cozy dwellings, through the windows of which daylight seeps. Aromas of homemade baked goods, fabulous energy of hospitality and warmth, intertwined with the surrounding landscapes ...

Many people believe that Provence is a simple, unpretentious style, but "the whole point" is in the details. To recreate the atmosphere of Provence, you need to have an impeccable sophisticated taste.

Provencal colors

Designers pay special attention to the creation of a color scheme for the interior. After all, it is this aspect that is most important for creating the atmosphere of Provencal houses. For the decoration of rooms, you can use light pastel colors to create the effect of "burned out" surfaces. Do not forget that the southern part of France, where Provence is located, is caressing the playful rays of the sun almost all year round.

Decoration Materials

If desired, the plastered walls can be decorated with wallpaper with floral designs. But most often, lovers of Provence decorate the rooms of their house or apartment using plaster - classic or decorative. It must be deliberately applied with roughness, irregularities. The walls can be white or wood-paneled. The latter need to be given a somewhat shabby look. But for the kitchen, you can use mosaics or ceramic tiles.

Ivory walls are ideal for small rooms. Light colors visually expand the space.

The Provence style ceiling can be white and inlaid with dark ceiling beams. A safe option is an ensemble with elements of masonry. You can also use stucco moldings to recreate the beauty of French houses, which will add elegance to your home.

Provencal style and lighting

Chandeliers and lighting fixtures for the kitchen or living room should support the same concept of naturalness and natural materials. Light sources can be selected from metal, porcelain or wood. Their key task is not to draw attention away from furniture or pastel-colored finishes.

Floral motives of the interior

It is known that Provence combines sophistication with simplicity. The main element is a floral ornament, which can be seen in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains and decorative pillows.

Door and hallway furniture in a similar color scheme in a country house

Flowers are a must-have - rose and lavender, which embody the beauty of the Provencal village. They can be traced not only to decorative elements, but also to the decoration of the premises. For example, wallpaper with delicate flowers or a floral pattern on ceramic tiles.
Since the French province is famous for the beauty of nature, this style implies an abundance of living plants in artificially aged pots placed around the house. You can decorate the living room with cute bouquets of wildflowers, dried flowers. Ivy branches hanging from the walls also look very interesting. From indoor plants, give preference to bells, violets and hydrangeas.

Provencal style and decor

The key task is not to overdo it with decorative elements. The interiors of French country houses are characterized by aged vases, vintage frames and candlesticks, figurines and antique dining sets. You also need to say about the great love of admirers of Provence for wicker baskets. They can be used to store children's toys, books, and clothing. As you can see, even decor items can become original and functional helpers.

Creating a special atmosphere in a private home

Due to its elegance and simplicity, Provence in the interior has become popular among the owners of country houses. In addition to general recommendations, they should pay attention to a very important element of decor - a fireplace. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a French cozy house, the atmosphere of which Europeans are trying to recreate at home.

Interesting design options for a fireplace for a summer residence

The interior in the Provence style is characterized by scuffs and aging. We offer you several techniques that will help you change your fireplace beyond recognition, thereby giving it the appropriate look.
1. Staining with a patina effect. With the help of special paint, you can create a very interesting pattern on the forged elements of the fireplace and other decor items.

2. Craquelure will help to give the fireplace a cracked look. For this, you can use the appropriate types of varnishes or even thin-layer plaster.

Key differences between Provence and country

Many people who like the farmhouse style confuse the two. But the difference is significant:

  • The first style is characterized by an abundance of floral motifs, which, most often, are concentrated on the textile components of the interior. In addition to berry, plant ornaments, the country style is characterized by strict geometric patterns: a cage, a strip or peas. But in the Provencal style, the cage is not used.
  • In the coloristic solution of country, warm tones prevail, but shades of French meadows - cornflower blue and lavender - are never used. And white has no place in a country house decorated in a country style. The Provencal interior is filled with cool tones dictated by Mother Nature herself.
  • natural wood prevails. Most often these are stained and unpainted wooden surfaces. Decorative beams, like furniture, look like "tortured" wood. But the Provence style is also a tree, but, most often, painted in several layers (pastel, white tones, ivory is also very popular).

Finishing the facade and interior of a country house in the Provence style gives its residents a special unity with nature, transfers them from the Russian hinterland to a French village on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The Provence style has been one of the most frequently chosen interiors for country and country houses for decades thanks to its pastel color palette, floral motives and versatility.

Style features

Initially, Provence-style design projects were used for country houses and summer cottages. Today, this direction is no less relevant for the decoration of suburban housing, although it is increasingly used for city apartments and houses. The design features in the Provence style are coziness, comfort, it fills the space with light. The Provence style originated in the French provinces. The style reflects the natural diversity of the south of France. The nature of the province of Provence is characterized by extensive flower meadows, huge lavender fields, Mediterranean hot sun and calm natural colors.

The color palette of nature, the way of life in a fishing village by the sea are reflected in the main colors and finishing materials.

Color spectrum

The interior design in the Provencal style is carried out using a specific color scheme:

  • Pastel colors. There are no flashy, bright colors in the design of the premises. The preference is given to white, blue, blue, beige tones. For decor and accents, delicate shades of pink, green, light brown are used.

  • Lavender color. All shades of lavender are the basis for the Provence style. Lavender, despite its richness, gives the room depth and volume, as if conveying the scent of lavender.

  • Floristic motives of individual elements. Bright accents in the interior are achieved through the use of decor with a floral pattern. For decor, images of small wildflowers of red, blue, orange, purple shades with a lot of greenery or large flowers of saturated bright colors are chosen.

Floral decor is used in textiles and small accessories, as well as lampshades for lighting fixtures.

The color scheme of calm shades is the hallmark of the Provence style. The color scheme of the interior design in this style gives the rooms romance and lightness, filling the space with light and air.

Materials (edit)

The design of the country house is based on eco-design in order to preserve the unity of the home with the environment. The Provence style meets all the requirements of ecological design. Provence is characterized by the use of natural materials in the interior and exterior decoration of the house:

  • Natural wood. Wooden beams under the ceiling, painted or brushed, beams of various types of wood to create wall portals and zoning of the room, log walls preserving the texture of solid wood, parquet boards for flooring - all this is characteristic of the style of French wood.

  • Brick. For the decoration of premises of this style, it is typical to use individual wall elements with rough brickwork, painted in pastel colors, while maintaining the texture.

  • Ceramic tile. Matte tiles with geometric patterns or floral patterns are used for decorative wall panels and as flooring.

  • Dye. For interior and exterior work, paint is used, which allows the surface to breathe. It does not fade in the sun.

  • Wallpaper. For wall decor, dense wallpapers of various types are used: non-woven, paper, textile.


When choosing a French style for finishing a country house, special attention should be paid to the exterior of the building. The façade of a country house made of a log house with a terrace or veranda decorated with flower pots and light curtains will take its residents to a Mediterranean village. Wall logs can be covered with a protective transparent coating or painted with paint.

Contrasting elements of frames, railings, doors are required.

The facade of a brick or stone house in the Provence style is faced with natural stone or tiles resembling a savage, quarrystone, river pebbles. A certain part of the facade can be plastered and painted in pastel colors.

A two-story Provence-style country house is best done with a small balcony, which you should definitely decorate with pots of ampel flowers.

The alley to the house and the entrance are equipped with lamps and lanterns with forging elements or carved wooden elements. In the design of an old house, it is better to preserve the aged elements of the facade. For example, window frames should not be restored, but forged elements, columns and balusters should be cleaned and left in place.

These vintage elements are indispensable elements of a French-style house facade.

Provence-style interior decoration of a country house is carried out using natural materials. The French style in interior decoration requires a variety of approaches. In one room, you can combine a rough brick wall with light, light wallpaper on the rest of the surfaces. For wall decoration, an interesting solution is portals and wall panels, which are separated by cornices, framed by boards and log cabins. The background of the portal is selected several tones darker than the main color of the walls.

For the living room and hallway of a country house, designers recommend placing white panels of lining or plastic on the walls that imitate the texture of natural wood.

Doors and window frames should be of wood painted in white or pastel colors. In a Provence style interior, a door can become a bright accent if painted in deep shades of brown, green or lavender.

Modern production technologies allow the use of artificial materials (for example, plastic) with imitation of a wooden texture.

The ceiling in interior design is painted white, but the best option would be to keep the floor beams in sight. If it is difficult to leave the floor beams in sight, you can fix an imitation of beams made of wood or polyurethane foam.

Stretch ceilings are not typical for the Provence style.

The floor of a country house is also finished with natural materials: board, laminate, parquet. For the new flooring, the technology of artificial aging of the parquet board is used. For a warm floor, matte tiles with a small floral or geometric pattern are well suited.


After the exterior finishing of the facade of the house and repairs inside the rooms, the interior in the French style is complemented with furniture and decor items. Furniture in the Provence style for a country house is not only beautiful, lightweight, but also multifunctional. These can be open shelves for decorative ornaments, wardrobes, boxes for storing linen and blankets, mounted in a bed, glazed sideboards and cupboards for storing dishes. The color scheme of the furniture is chosen in the basic colors typical of the Provence style. Furniture is preferable from natural materials.

The wooden frame of the furniture is decorated with carved elements, the legs are curved, which gives the effect of lightness even to a massive bed or sofa.

Forged elements in furniture are another invariable attribute of the Provence style. Particularly advantageous in a country house looks like metal bronze, metal components with a copper coating. To decorate a room, you can choose both fully metal forged furniture and combined frame materials (for example, a combination of wood with metal).

Upholstery of Provence style upholstered furniture is made in light, pastel colors. Typical for the French interior is the use of textiles with bright floral patterns; embossing in the form of flowers on the upholstery fabric to match the main textiles is also permissible.


The selection of accessories is the final stage in creating a Provence style room interior. In general, the romantic French style is complemented by decorative ceramic figurines, caskets, ceramic or crystal vases. Bouquets in vases or flowers in pots add rustic motifs. Dried bouquets hanging from the ceiling or standing in vases will become a universal floral decoration.

Textiles are especially important for the Provence style: bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains and tulle with lambrequins, soft decorative pillows, tapestry panels or paintings.

The walls of a country house in the living room or kitchen-dining room will organically decorate with vintage frames with photographs, paintings depicting flower meadows or lavender fields. Frescoes and wall panels framed with plaster or wooden cornices will create additional volume and make the space of the room embossed. Glass lampshades for chandeliers and glazing of cabinets are often made using the mosaic or stained glass technique.

Such decorative elements fill the room with a play of light, refracting the sun's rays.


The French-style interior is filled with light and bright reflections. Floor-to-ceiling French windows and glazed doors should not only offer a panoramic view of the beautiful nature surrounding the country house, but also let in as much sunlight as possible. In rooms with windows facing the shady side, and for illumination at night, a variety of light sources are used that perform several functions. Provence style lighting fixtures are not only lamps, but also an element of decor.

For this style, designers suggest using several light sources that will help illuminate the room, zone the room, and also add light accents to certain decor elements.

The lighting elements in the Provence style interior are as follows:

  • Chandeliers. The Provence style is characterized by the use of chandeliers with lampshades made of fabric, glass, ceramics with floral painting. The classic shape of the dome of the lampshade (round, oval, multifaceted) is better suited here. The base of the chandeliers is a separate work of art that can be made of carved wood, metal using the technique of hand-made or stamped industrial forging. Vintage crystal chandeliers beautifully refract light and complement the room with colorful highlights. These models use open candle-shaped lamps.
  • Wall sconces and lamps. Smaller sources create a directional beam of light, highlighting the finer details of the interior. Sconces and lamps create an atmosphere of coziness and home warmth on winter evenings, giving the interior an intimate and romantic mood. The color palette and materials for additional lighting should overlap with the main light source - a chandelier, be made in a single solution.
  • Spotlights. The mounted spot lighting does not have a decorative function, but it allows you to illuminate dark rooms with small windows of complex geometric shapes or with low ceilings, in which the use of a lampshade chandelier is not possible. The body of the spotlights is chosen in a neutral color or painted in the colors of the walls or ceiling.

Provence is an interior design style that suits both country houses and small apartments with a standard layout. It originated in France, in the town of Provence. Household customs of its inhabitants, the way of their daily life, the spirit and color of the local nature are reflected in the canons of interior design.

The main features of the style:

  • finishing with natural materials: metal, wood, stone;
  • the color palette of the style - light pastel tones as if burnt out from long exposure to the sun;
  • small floral ornaments;
  • good illumination due to large windows and local artificial light sources;
  • elegantly shaped vintage, aged or restored furniture;
  • decorating with the help of manual labor: artistic painting, wood carving, weaving, knitting and sewing;
  • an abundance of live and dry bouquets, indoor plants;
  • light, translucent;
  • textile decorations - ruffles, cutwork, lace;
  • obligatory presence of forged elements. At the same time, forging is allowed only in French, delicate, delicate and graceful;
  • clay, ceramic or porcelain decor details;
  • open shelves and shelves with accessories placed on them;
  • slight negligence in the arrangement of furniture.


Living space in Provence may or may not be divided into rooms. The layout of each room is based on the principle of freedom of space in the center and its filling along the edges. If separation occurs, it is advisable that the rooms are not too large. If it is not there, then the zoning of a large space into functional zones is carried out with the help of finishing materials, furniture, large potted plants or curtains.


Usually the walls are covered with paint or plaster, which does not hide their natural defects: irregularities and roughness. Partially or completely, the walls can be decorated with brickwork or natural stone, friezes and stucco moldings. Any decor items look good on a light background of the walls. A vaulted wooden ceiling or exposed beams against the background of a whitewashed surface will perfectly accentuate the style. A simpler solution is painting in one of the colors traditional for Provence.


Plank wood floors with signs of wear should be whitewashed or painted in a light shade. Laying with tiles or parquet will not break the style either.

Windows and doors

Doors and window frames are wooden, aged in appearance, painted in one of the shades of white or retained their natural color. It is desirable that the fittings are made of wrought iron. The wider the window openings, the better; even panoramic glazing is possible - from ceiling to floor. Floral painting on the inner door surface will add originality and romance to the interior, and a glass insert will allow rays of light to penetrate through it.


Despite a touch of wear and tear, furniture in Provence looks much lighter and more elegant than in others. Wooden furniture, whitewashed or painted in pastel colors, with forged elements, high curved legs, carvings and monograms - each piece of furniture is selected in order to solve not only functional, but also decorative tasks.

In the interior of the French province, there are always low pot-bellied sideboards, painted chests of drawers, sideboards and mezzanines. Small dressing tables are scattered throughout the home and are decorated with ceramic potted plants.

Rooms can be furnished with self-restored antiques or purchased antiques. In addition, on sale you can find collections of completely new stylized furniture with artificially applied elements of aging.

To create a light summer mood, the Provence style involves the use of rattan wicker furniture, in particular, rocking chairs.

The colors of Provence are pastel, soft. No annoying screaming bursts are allowed. Warm shades of white set the background against sandy yellow, brown, green, blue, pink accents. Also used are bleached pale blue, lemon, olive, lavender colors.


Textiles play one of the leading roles in creating Provence-style interiors. The most important criterion for choosing a fabric is its naturalness. The most commonly used here are cotton, linen, wool, muslin, chintz. The ornament and color of all textiles in the room must be identical. Most often, this is a small floral or plant pattern. Geometric patterns are less common: a cage and a strip. Handmade embroidery, knitting and hand-made rugs will add a sentimental feel to any interior.

Traditionally, windows in Provence overlook the garden. To enjoy the view of fresh greenery and flowers, the curtains are made transparent and light or removed altogether.


Also, one of the most important conditions for the Provence style is an adequate supply of natural light. The houses of the inhabitants of the French province of the same name are bathed in the sun most of the time, which determines the washed-out, washed-out interior colors. In the dark, lighting should also be well organized. Its direct participants are a massive central chandelier with crystal pendants on a metal frame or in the form of several candlesticks, table and stylized kerosene lamps decorated with painting.


Large round mechanical clocks with Roman numerals, mirrors, rectangular or round mirrors, paintings with landscape subjects, prints, photographs or just empty wooden frames, suitcases, boxes, vases, fruit holders, candlesticks, vases, birdcages, beautiful painted porcelain dishes and figurines , decorative plates on the walls - these are the little things that make Provence a provence. Handicraft items add to the rustic charm of the interior, and even a cart wheel can serve as a stylish decoration for the interior.

Lavender and lavender flowers are considered the symbol of Provence. The inhabitants of this French province constantly decorate their homes with flowers: live and dried, meadow and home, arranging them in vases and pots of white and blue shades or hanging them around the room in pots. Sometimes the most unexpected items are used to decorate with flowers, for example, a rubber boot, a kettle, a bucket or a casket that has served its life. Sometimes the herbarium is simply hung on the wall.

Another recognizable attribute of Provence is the rooster, the symbol of France. Especially often his figurines and images are found in the kitchen or in the dining room.

Provence style bedroom

Decorating the relaxation room warms and soothes with warm, delicate shades. An unobtrusive floral ornament looks great on the wallpaper. In this case, a combination of finishes is allowed, for example, one of the walls is painted out, upholstered with wood or decorated with painting. The ceiling is traditionally flat and white.

The main focus of the bedroom is on the bed, which is its focal point. Wooden models of natural light colors or warm shades of white, decorated with carvings, harmoniously fit into the interior of the French hinterland. A vintage forged model with simple, smoothly curved lines is also a good choice. The rug by the bed keeps your bare feet warm.

The light canopy, which creates a sense of airiness, and the lace bedding, decorated with hand embroidery, perfectly convey the romanticism of Provence.

In addition to a bed, furniture in a Provencal bedroom usually contains wooden or wrought iron armchairs and chairs, wicker rattan, banquets, bedside tables with thin legs, an antique dressing table, a chest of drawers or a wardrobe.

Decorative pillows, rugs, bedspreads, and all kinds of other textiles soften the interior and bring comfort that is so necessary in this room. Upholstered furniture upholstery made of natural rough fabric or cashmere.

Curtains with all kinds of frills, flounces and ruffles protect from sunlight and decorate the window. The color palette of curtains, wallpaper, furniture upholstery, linen and other decorative elements must be completely or partially identical.

The main chandelier is usually installed in the center of the ceiling, with glass shades on forged holders or a dense fabric lampshade with a fringe. A quieter light, suitable for night reading, is provided by curly table lamps on bedside tables, sconces or floor lamps.

It is often found in the French bedroom. A natural or artificial hearth will undoubtedly add coziness, help relieve stress and distract from disturbing thoughts.

Cute little things like flower vases or animal figurines bring a room to life. Wood-framed engravings depicting a rural landscape or flowers are appropriate wall decorations. Mirrors in elegant frames help create a special intimate atmosphere.

Provence style bathroom

Tiles are commonly used in bathroom cladding. The color palette includes gentle tones of blue, pink, sand. For flooring, darker terracotta and brown shades are acceptable. Details of forged metal, of which Provence abounds, are painted in gilded, silver, pearlescent colors. For walls, it is recommended to choose options with patterns that match the style, and for the floor, a texture that imitates natural wood is well suited. From bright elements of tiles or mosaics, you can fold a kind of rug in front of the bathroom, in the center of the room, or decorate your mother's bath, and decorate the wall with a colorful panel.

It is advisable that the room is filled with natural light and fresh air through the window. The glass in such a window should be divided into several cells.

Plumbing in Provence style bathrooms has all the modern features, but with gentle curves and a vintage look, like the matt brass mixer tap with two valves.

The oval bathtub stands apart on curved legs. Made of cast iron or acrylic, it can be protected by a wood-like draped tablet screen.

A metal, porcelain or marble sink is built into a wooden cabinet or chest of drawers. In other cases, it has a console with forged, earthenware legs or with a cast base.

A shower cubicle with wood-like side panels can also safely fit into the style, despite its modernity.

The central chandelier in the bathroom on the whitewashed ceiling is not much different from the chandeliers in other rooms.

Aged wooden furniture with wrought iron fittings is also relevant for the bathroom. For example, a solid chest of drawers, a curbstone, a pencil case, a wall cabinet will successfully fit into the interior. Folded towels and linens can be conveniently laid out on the open wooden shelves. If space permits, a leather or wicker chair can be placed here.

As stylish accessories in the bathroom, there are thin wrought iron or rustic style towel racks, wicker baskets made of wicker, a mirror framed by a handmade frame.

Provence style kitchen

French country is the coziest style. Every detail of his interior is saturated with maternal love and care. The tones are soft and calm. Sometimes in French kitchens there is furniture made in dark colors. In this case, the interior decoration and the rest of the decor should be light.

The walls in the kitchen are plastered and painted. Aged wood, tile, stone and brick are most often applied locally, to highlight any areas. For example, the “apron” of the working area is faced with natural stone, tiles with a discreet floral pattern or mosaic masonry. The same materials are used for floor finishing.

A Provence style kitchen set is easy to purchase from any major furniture manufacturer. But you can also collect in the kitchen various items found in a single copy and restored. This solution is especially important for country houses.

A vanity unit with a stone countertop, a sink with a brass valve mixer will successfully fit into a stylized interior. A small square table successfully conveys the atmosphere of a country house. A sideboard with glass doors or simply nailed wooden shelves showcase the dishes. Nice little things are placed on open shelves: beautiful ceramic plates, vases with dried flowers, candlesticks, wicker baskets.

Textiles are the most recognizable attribute of style. Its color and pattern is repeated on all elements: tablecloths, napkins, chair upholstery.


In a dining room decorated in the Provence style, textures of brickwork or embossed plaster are most acceptable. It is recommended to stick to matte milky, beige, pale yellow, light green tones.


Solid vintage furniture plays with warm shades of white or natural wood colors. An aged wooden table, round or rectangular, with carved legs, marks the visual center of the room. Chairs, most often, are selected in a classic look, upholstered in natural rough fabric. The dining room is often combined with the kitchen or living room.

Living room in Provence style

Living room floors are usually wood, plank, or natural stone or tiles. Replacement with laminate is not allowed.


Graceful. The art of the designer is to enchant and not repel a touch of wear and tear. Furniture is arranged slightly casually. A chest of drawers with a mirror suspended above it, a sideboard with porcelain sets, vases and other cute little things, other pieces of furniture merge into a single composition of a French country house. And of course, it's hard to imagine Provence without a fireplace in the living room! And the armchair by the fireplace, covered with a blanket, attracts attention, creating incredible comfort in the room.

The group of upholstered furniture consists of a sofa and several armchairs with natural fabric upholstery, placed around the table. The latter can be round or rectangular, with wooden carved or curved legs. Light curtains, carpet on the floor, sofa upholstery and other textiles have something in common with each other in color and ornament. Lots of decorative pillows and knickknacks set the mood for a sentimental one.

Anything that causes nostalgia for home is suitable as accessories, for example, framed family photos, old canvases.

The hallway is usually the smallest and darkest room in the house. Therefore, for finishing materials, it is better to choose lighter colors. On the walls in the hallway, the texture of brickwork, whitewashed or covered with paint in a warm light shade, looks interesting.

The stylish decoration rests on a wooden front door with forged handles and a large mirror in a beautiful frame. From furniture, small mezzanines, curbstones, a chest of drawers are preferred. It is good if there is room for a sofa made of wood or wrought iron, painted white. Chintz, cotton or linen with a small floral pattern are suitable as upholstery.

Provence style nursery

Provence style is well suited for a nursery. Natural materials will preserve health, and natural colors will have a beneficial effect on the developing psyche of a child.

For decorating walls in a nursery, pastel-colored wallpaper, with or without patterns, is most often used. For boys, a checkered or striped pattern is good, and for girls - in the form of small bouquets or individual flowers.

It is better to cover the floors lined with parquet, board or tiles with a rug so that the child does not catch a cold or slip. Multilevel plasterboard structures on the ceiling will be inappropriate here. It is better to choose a fabric stretch fabric.

The uniqueness of the interior will be added by artistic painting of walls, doors or furniture with acrylic paints, done with the help of professionals or on your own.

A bed, a bedside table, a children's sofa, a table and chair for classes, a wardrobe - this is a modest set of items for furnishing a child's room. You can choose neutral furniture that does not stand out much in the interior, or, on the contrary, you can focus on it with the help of interesting colors and old graceful forms. Stylish wicker baskets and baskets are perfect for storing toys.

The sleeping place for the girl is decorated with rich textiles and many pillows; a canopy is hung over the headboard. For boys, the bed has a more ascetic look.

The child's room should be well lit. In addition to the main chandelier, additional local lamps are installed by the bed, above the study table, above the play area.

Photos of Provence style apartment

The Provence style perfectly adapts to the modern conditions of urban life. This can be clearly seen in the stylish Barcelona-owned family with three children.

Some fragmentation is overcome thanks to the spatial continuity of the interior decoration. The dazzling white color of the walls and stucco ceilings fills the rooms with air and light. Against this clean background, the patterned tiles with which the floor is laid look especially bright. With the changing details of patterns and color accents, it brings stunning dynamics to the interior and at the same time serves as a zoning of the space. The heating system and the beauty of the ornament led to the absence of rugs and rugs. It should be noted that the tiles are much easier to care for than other floor coverings. This is important for a family with growing children.

The dining room and living room are combined. In the living room area, simple, rectangular furniture is arranged a little chaotically, which creates a natural, playful mood. Children in such an environment feel very comfortable.

The sofa is upholstered in a gray natural fabric with a slightly rough texture in the spirit of the Provence style. The lurid design of the table and the decorative pillows are kept in the same color scheme as the floor tiles.

Several mirrors framed with wrought iron, a poster, a globe and other little things complete the image of the room, making it solid.

The dining area looks larger and deeper thanks to the large mirror on the wall. An angular old-fashioned sideboard, flaunting wine glasses, salad bowls and dishes, accentuates the snow-white background. The composition of dry plants also emphasizes style, being its indispensable attribute. She brings a touch of naturalness to the overall composition of the interior. Family photos in color frames dilute this rather concise setting, indicating the true values ​​of the apartment owners.

Sunlight, fresh breath of the sea, natural color - all these are integral features of the Provence style. Together with him, the warmth and comfort of the rural life of southern France comes to the house.

The Provencal style can be formed by more than one generation, absorbing all the new details and acquiring its own unique character. But it will always be characterized by elegance and softness, freshness and lightness, simplicity and airiness, romanticism and subtle sensuality.

Rural country style is well expressed by the Provence style in the interior of a country house. The color scheme, subtleties may vary, but the general appearance is similar for everyone. The most popular at the moment is French Provence.

The Provence style interior is distinguished by light finishes, natural materials, textiles in a rustic manner and elegant yet comfortable décor

A country house in a Provencal style is the embodiment of not only the rural life of the southern province, its culture. He "blows" him with calmness, peace. Being inside, you plunge into the atmosphere of the hot sun, warmth, sea, romanticism.

Provence country house has a special, light atmosphere

Provence style denies modern devices, furniture made of plastic and steel. Here the tree is relevant, pastel colors, green plants in pots, the decor is comfortable and simple. The villagers are in no hurry, they are not chasing fashion and novelties, therefore, being in a room decorated in the Provence style, the furniture is shabby, artificially aged, natural materials, antiques, a lot of decor items.

The interior of the room consists of simple elements, artificially aged materials and antique decor items.

Distinctive features:

  • lack of bright, saturated shades;
  • walls, ceiling several shades lighter than the floor;
  • aged furniture elements;
  • all textiles from natural fabrics;
  • the main print is floral;
  • the windows are large, with many sections;
  • no heavy curtains.

In this interior, there is no place for bright flashy colors, but preference is given to calm pastel shades.

The whole room, furniture, decor, in most cases, has a white, light color. The weather is very hot in the homeland of this style, so they try to create an atmosphere of coolness and lightness in living quarters.

In the interiors of the French style, there are many dried and fresh flowers placed in vases, tubs or herbariums

Color features

The Provencal style compares favorably with others for its unobtrusive, pastel colors. At first glance, it may seem that everything is the same color, but if you look closely, you can find many different shades. The atmosphere of hot southern countries cannot be saturated for a long time; it quickly fades in the sun. Decorations or furnishings can be bright.

For decor, shades of pink, light brown and green are used.

Variations in pastel colors are also suitable for furnishings, decor and textiles

The main shades of this style: white, pale green, yellow and mint, beige, blue, lemon, azure, terracotta. All of these colors can be used for both room decoration and decoration.

Decorating rooms

Decorating a country house begins with drawing up a plan, purchasing material. All repair work is carried out in stages.

Rustic style welcomes an abundance of small decorative elements that make the home habitable and comfortable

Wall decoration

In Provence-style rooms, the main option for wall treatment is decorative plaster. It is applied in many ways, surfaces can be uneven, rough. Shades of vertical surfaces should be light. Because of this, the room visually expands, refreshes, a feeling of cleanliness appears, and it becomes possible to install any decor.

Plastering on walls is often specially applied with irregularities

The walls can be finished with wood paneling. In such cases, all decoration is carried out from natural materials. Provence style allows you to paint wall panels in white or beige, artificial scuffs look great on them. If the owner wants to create the interior decoration of a rustic hut, decorative structures can be made, for example, in the kitchen, vertical surfaces can be finished with tiles or mosaics.

In the design of the walls, structural elements are used, for example, the logs are not painted, but only treated with protective compounds


In the Provencal style, the ceiling is painted in light shades, whitewashed. In some cases, the surface is decorated with wooden beams, contrasts can be favorably emphasized, the method of artificial aging can be used. If you are decorating a living room or dining room, you can decorate the ceiling with stucco molding.

Typically, the ceiling has a light color and contrasting wood beams

Stucco molding is appropriate on the ceiling in the living room, but it should also look aged


The classics of this style are wooden floors. They can be dyed or left untreated. All finishing materials must be natural and of high quality. If a kitchen, another utility room is being made out, tiles, for example, brown, can be put on the floor. Designers find this option practical.

In living rooms, a wooden floor looks most logical. Parquet, laminate or engineered board - it's up to you

You can put tiles in the bathroom and kitchen. This solution is practical from a cleaning point of view.

Windows and doors

In the Provence style, window openings, doors are preferable made of wood. They can be left in natural processing, dyed, artificially aged. To make the room more natural light in the doors, you can make transparent glass inserts. In this style, the French window technique is often used. That is, an opening is made from ceiling to floor, the window can be used as a door.

The highlight of the style is the floor-to-ceiling "French window", which can be performed in the form of glazed door sections

Doors can serve as contrasting elements if made from dark wood.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

Provence style in a country house means massive wicker or wrought-iron furniture. Plastic, steel, accessories are prohibited. If there is not enough money for a real tree, you can purchase elements from chipboard, MDF with high-quality imitation.

For a rural style, solid wood furniture or a decent imitation with a characteristic design is suitable

If the hostess or the owner of the house is a creative person, you can collect old furniture from friends, acquaintances, market sales and independently put it in order, restore it. Here, excellent "helpers" will be online master classes, advice from more experienced lovers of this style.

Real Provence is wooden or wicker furniture with forging elements.

The main decoration of the room, decorated in a rural Provence style, are sideboards, dressers, wardrobes, chairs, mezzanines. All of them should be of solid size, in good condition, painted in light, pastel shades. Painting, engraving on the facades are allowed. The dining room will add a chic dining group consisting of a massive table and several chairs. In the living room, you can put several wicker chairs, on which you can put several pillows. You can throw a ruffled blanket over the sofa.

If you want to visually free up space, hang simple shelves instead of massive cabinets and cupboards.

Selection of decorative elements, textiles

Country style and, accordingly, Provence "loves" high-quality, natural fabrics (linen, silk, cotton, muslin, chintz). Drawings are preferable to plant, for example, flowers. These prints are ideal for decorative pillows, light curtains, tablecloths. The windows are decorated with tulle with interceptions, ruffles, tassels. The bedroom is covered with quilts. DIY elements will perfectly fit into the interior. Lampshades, floor lamps, floor lamps can be decorated with fabric inserts with a floral print.

When choosing textiles, give preference to natural fabrics - cotton, linen, silk or chintz

The right mood in the room creates an abundance of all kinds of decor, many elements of which can be made by hand

The walls are decorated with paintings depicting nature, rural life. Put small wicker baskets, candlesticks on the shelves, the table, put a few lace napkins, ceramic dishes. Mirrors are hung in forged frames. In the village, you cannot do without flowers in pots and pots, on the wall there is a herbarium.


Each style has certain requirements regarding the selection and placement of lighting fixtures.

Candle-shaped open lamps are often used in luminaires.

Basic rules of Provence style

Several light sources are installed in the rooms to help zone the room and add accents to certain decor elements

Registration of a suburban area

In order for the atmosphere of the Provence style to be felt to the fullest, one should not forget about decorating not only a residential building, but also a land plot. The landscape can be easily transformed with a small gazebo, an old-fashioned fence with a miniature wicket, and wicker garden furniture. Along the gazebo, you can plant grapes, which will grow over time, spray roses, lilacs, wisterias.

The exterior of the house and everything that is nearby should correspond to the chosen style

If there is a place in the garden, you can place a small gazebo or even a summer kitchen not far from the house.

Provence style is preferred by people who are calm, living in harmony with themselves. These are not necessarily poor individuals, there are also wealthy owners who strive to create a home environment in their country house, warm, without any luxury. Everything is as simple and convenient as possible.

Video: interior of a modern house in Provence style

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