Mansard windows: We study the features of operation with someone else's experience. How to choose a mansard window Additional equipment of modern attic windows

Landscape design and layout 29.08.2019
Landscape design and layout

Mansard is attic room With inclined roof. Up to 18th century, the attic was not used as residential premises, but French Architect Francois Mansar changed this flaw.

Today, attic can be used as a full living room or as a rest room. Therefore, the presence of a window in the attic has become a necessity. but mansard window It differs from the traditional facade counterpart in that it is installed at an angle from 45 to 70 degrees.

Installation of mansard windows under the tilt entails an increase in the intensity of natural impact on their design. This fact must be taken into account when designing the window, so the design must have the following characteristics:

  • reinforced frame strength;
  • more exact dimensions frames;
  • higher thermal insulation properties.
There are mansard windows that are installed above the roof in a separate box. This allows you to change the angle of inclination of the window relative to the roof, they are called vertical. But the most common option is an attic window, built into the construction of the roof at an angle (inclined).

The design of the attic window includes several component elements:

  • frame of wood or plastic (PVC);
  • the salary of the attic window is the design of the window mounting to the roof (protrusion above the roof level);
  • the sash is the rotary part of the window built into the frame;
  • the glass is a hermetic design consisting of several glasses;
  • fittings are all window mechanisms (locks, handles, canopies, fasteners, etc.).

Plastic or wooden mansard window

Plastic and wood are two main material for making window profiles. It comes to a difficult reason, which material is better to choose. If there is no personal preferences to one of the options, you can try to compare their characteristics and choose a winner.

In comparison, wood and plastic will be repelled from the main characteristics that the window should have a small thermal conductivity, a resistance to natural effects (dampness, temperature, wind, sun, etc.) and durability / strength of the structure:

  1. The thermal conductivity of plastic and wood is almost the same, so this factor will not be decisive when choosing.
  2. The resistance to natural impacts in PVC is several times higher than that of wood. After all, the tree has a property to swell under the influence of moisture, strip under the sunny rays, etc.
  3. The strength of the wooden structure exceeds the strength of the design of PVC, however, plastic windows are amplified by an aluminum carrier element, so the wood is playing again.

If you enter additional comparison criteria for wooden and metal-plastic profiles, then:

  • metal-plastic profile is easier to mount and repair;
  • plastic does not require additional care;
  • plastic cheaper wood;
  • plastic does not fade under the influence of the Sun and has many colors.
The obvious leader is a metal-plastic profile for the manufacture of an attic window, but the obvious advantage of wood is environmentally friendly and natural beauty.

Types of mansard windows

The main division of mansard windows occurs on the following signs - the material of the manufacture, the opening mechanism and the overall design.

Types of mansard window designs:

  1. Window with additional extension at the top. The baptization performs the decorative function and gives a certain form of the main window structure.
  2. The balcony window is a design that combines the vertical and inclined type of mansard windows. The result is a miniature balcony.
  3. The light tunnel is not a window, but a pipe made of reflective material. One of her end is removed on the roof, and the other in the room, which does not contact the roof. At the end of the reflective canal, a plane is installed, scattering light throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  4. The lower window element is an addition to the main window, if not enough illumination from the main window structure.
  5. Farmetic window is a vertical design installed directly under the roof.

There are several, but almost all of them have one principle of operation - rotation on the axis or traditional opening on the canopy.

Exist automatic systems remote control mansard window. This provides a special console. There are also functions of the automatic closure of the window by time or with a sudden deterioration in the weather.

How to choose a mansard window

The choice of a reliable attic window is based on several criteria:

  1. The reliability and strength of the design will provide an enhanced metal-plastic class "A" class, equipped with impact resistant glass.
  2. Soundproofing properties of the window depend on the thickness of the glass and the thickness of the aircases in the double-blade. The greater the air layer, the better the thermal and sound isolation.
  3. Ease of operation provides a view of the window opening. In this case, there are no better or worst options, it all depends on personal preferences.
  4. The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the material, so it is better to choose a popular and reliable brand of the window. Here are some of them: VELLUX, FAKRO, ROTO, VEKA and others.
  5. Installer firms are responsible for the installation quality. The choice of firm is better to carry out the term of its existence and according to reviews from customers.

And it is described in detail about the rules of the screen of mansard windows, and how to eliminate the flow of windows in the rain.

The sizes of the attic window are usually determined constructive sizes Roofs, for example, distance between adjacent carriages beams.

A mansard plastic window will perfectly cope with its task - lights and repair the room. A wide selection of varieties of designs can satisfy any needs of the customer. However, it should be remembered that even the most reliable design can spoil quality mounting.

When choosing attic windows, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what appearance they should have functions to perform. And already from these conditions, repel when choosing.

You must clearly understand what area will be glazed, from which material there should be windows, in which place they are better to establish what size and many other other nuances.

What attic windows are better?

Each type of window has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the best are those that are most suitable in your attic. Let's look at the main criteria for choosing attic windows.

  1. Square glazing attic.This parameter should be equal to no less than 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. If this number is less, then daylight will be weak, and the room will have a gloomy look.
  2. Number of windows. It is necessary to repel from the glazing area that you decide to execute. But there is one point to consider. It is better to take two small windows than one big one. Then the scattered light in the attic, it will be much more, which will improve overall illumination.
  3. Window parameters. Optimal option The window settings are as follows: it should be located at an altitude of 1 m from the floor and end at 2-2.3 m. The windows width should be equal to the distance between the rafters.
  4. Double glazed windows. You can choose standard, double, triple, but all of them are filled in argon. It should be borne in mind that additional glasses increase the weight of the structure, and this is not always good, especially for the roof of the metal tile.
  5. Window material. Anyone suitable for you to taste and opportunities. The only moment that is undesirable is the installation of wooden windows in the bathroom, due to the temperature difference and high humidity.

The device of the attic window is somewhat different from the usual one. This happens because the window, in this case, there is still a roof role, so it has more durable characteristics. This is mainly related to the glass package, the strength of which increases due to the special coating.

In addition, the inert gas between glasses increases thermal insulation. With high noise on the street, mansard windows can be made with a high glass of glass that enhances sound insulation.

When installing mansard windows, waterproofing salaries are usually used, which serve as protection against moisture from the roof. They protect the place of contact with the window and roof. The salaries are arranged in such a way that the water flows down the window and moves further down.

There are two main types of plastic windows: wooden and plastic. The advantages and disadvantages exist among everyone, so briefly consider them.

It is believed that the plastic window put and forgot, unlike the wooden, which must be periodically tint and varnished, as it has a property lose its appearance.

Besides, wooden windows Initially cost more and additional costs are added to this, with the subsequent "refreshment" of the window. The plastic mansard window is not affected by moisture and can be used in the bathrooms.

But, the wooden window adds comfort in the apartment. Another positive moment of the wooden window is that it is natural natural materialwhich "breathes" through natural pores and thereby carries out air microcirculation between the room and the street.

The advantage can also be called the fact that wooden windows are manufactured almost any configuration, and this adds advantages into the appearance of the attic window.

Also look useful video Roller about the advantages and minuses of mansard windows

More recently, the attic associated only with the place for storing old and unnecessary things. Today in the premises under the roof, called attic, equip the cozy living rooms, gentle bedrooms, cabins.


The word "attic" occurred from the name of the French architect XVII century Francois Manzar, who was the first to decide to make a residential premises from the attic. There were no holes for the penetration of light in such a room, darkness and stuff was constant satellites of a person who lived there. Changes in the design occurred only during World War II, when the Danish Engineer Villaum Cannes Rosirmsen proposed to do glazed openings in the roofs allowing you to let into the soul attack fresh air and natural light.

So, the main function of mansard windows is lighting. Experts believe that they right choice And high-quality installation increases the amount of transmitted light by 40%. Due to the possibility of ventilation, air quality is significantly improved. Rooms are filled with comfort and mysteriousness. If necessary, the opening in the roof makes it possible to get out of the house or, on the contrary, get inside.

Types and characteristics

The first mansard windows were glazed holes. A variety of models that exists today is the result of long years of development, the application of new technologies and wishes of customers.

On the frontings or in specially made outdoor structures of the roofing rope (so-called "benchmarks") make vertical openings. They are easy to install, they decorate the cottage or cottage, but, however, little light passes. Among the advantages, the absence of extreme loads and a variety of sizes acting on them can be distinguished.

Location vertical windows At the bottom of the room prevents heat leakage.The "Buncher" allows you to slightly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper room, but, on the other hand, complicates the rafter system and can lead to possible leaks in the mounting places to the main roof.

Facade (cornice) windows are installed at an angle of 90 degrees directly under the roof. They allow you to make out the terrace or balcony, enjoy a beautiful panoramic view, decorate the house with flowers. A small amount of natural light is the main minus of these elements.

The inclined models installed on the same line with a skate are more common. It is believed that they skip up to 30% more light. Advantages are optimal use Useful area and saving space.

One of the key differences in mansard windows is how they open. Most popular - medium models. The only sash opens with a turn around its axis, located either in the center or 3/4 closer to the upper edge. Such models are easy to operate and maintain. However, full access to the outside may be difficult.

The choice of balcony type windows is the desire to create a charming, beautiful mansion, unlike others. Being folded, the design resembles a double sash, and in the unfolded looks like small balcony. Top part Opens up, and the bottom - to the side. Balcony models can only be installed on the coating with an angle of inclination of 35-55 degrees.

Sometimes the architectural features of the roof do not allow complete-sized models. Then the windows and hatches with the "light tunnel" will be an excellent solution. They are a handset, one end of which goes upstairs, the other remains indoors.

The installation of the "light tunnel" requires a large space between the ceiling attic and roof.

Such hatches are used in non-residential premises, but without the "light tunnel". The design consists of one sash that rises upstairs.

Swing models are another popular option for attic. However, it is not entirely convenient to use - to wash them, you need to either stretch out very much, or go to the skate.

A mansard window can be equipped with a rain sensor and an electric drive. Remote control technology provides the ability to adjust the design without getting up from the sofa and even staying on lower floor at home. Instead of remote control, it is possible to use wall switches.

The choice of the type of window depends on the purpose of the room in which it is established, goals and aesthetic wishes of tenants. It is more expedient to determine how this should look like architectural detail still on the moment of construction - it will avoid excess expensesassociated with the reorganization of the skate. Installation this product In a private house, it is quite possible to produce with your own hands.

It is important to determine which options of windows will be suitable, for example, deaf, transformer, oblique or not opening. Each of them has both its advantages and cons.


The mansard windows are located so that the external factors are wind, precipitation, the pressure of snow and ice, the heat, have a strong influence on them. The process of their installation requires attention, knowledge and skill.

The most common mistakes when making a metal tile mounting are incorrect installation Insulating salaries, bad insulation of slopes and use mounting foam. Anyway, before starting installation work, you should familiarize yourself with the installation instructions.

For a better understanding of the installation process, you need to understand the structure of the window: a glass is inserted into the sash with an argon contained inside with an inert gas, which provides excellent thermal insulation. The standard package includes aprons for waterproofing and vaporizolation, drainage chute, salary, heat insulation material and internal slopes.

Before starting installation work, you need to prepare tools: roulette, building level, electric drill and scissors for cutting metal, hacksaw, electrical scissors, stapler, screwdriver, ticks.

The installation is made on the bar, laid down, or rafters. It is important to ensure that the gap on each side of the frame is at least 3 cm. The frame is set to height from 80 to 130 cm from the floor level. Several factors determine the installation height: the arrangement of the handle, the type of roof material, the structural features of the roof, the wishes of the customer. If the handle is at the bottom, the frame is placed above, if at the top - below.

Sheet coating can be cut in any part. If the surface is covered with ceramic tiles, it is impossible to cut it, and the hole can only be done above the completed rows.

On the waterproofing material, marks are made, where the holes will be located, the cut is made taking into account the reserve - about 20 cm on each side. The waterproofing apron is put on top of waterproofing for complete tightness. Next, remove the roof covering, cut off the crate, retreating 2 centimeters from the support, and the bar nourishes the bar - about 10 centimeters from the crate.

When performing work, it is necessary to use a level. The upper edge of waterproofing is attached to the crate, and the bottom - to the bruus. Side parts are pulled out on the outer side.

Before installing the frame, you need to remove the glass and salary. Fastening brackets are put on the box. It is important to remember that models of different manufacturers can have a different form and attached differently: only on rafters or rafters and a crate. The thermal insulation material is fastened to the top of the box, which is later attached to the bruus. As soon as the lower edge is adjusted, the bottom brackets are tightened firmly.

To improve waterproofing around the perimeter of the window opening, a waterproofing apron is placed. It is usually included in the package, but you can make it yourself. Over the frame remove part of the crate in the width of the drainage gutter. Gutters are carried out under waterproofing material, cropped in the middle, and installed along the perimeter of the frame. The top of the apron is stretched under the chute, and its edges - under the crate. The apron itself is fastened to the box. The design provides moisture dragging exactly in the chute.

Upon completion of the waterproofing laying, the protective salary is installed. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: down - the corrugated apron, then the side parts and finally the upper element. Finally put overlaid to a hearing click. The lower apron is attached to the roofing material, and the parts of the salary - to the grid and the box. The sash is returned to the frame, the protective film is removed.

From the inside it is recommended to install slopes - slats framing the frame. There must be a stick for opening. Properly installed slopes (upper - parallel to the floor, and the lower vertically) helps to carry out a soft circulation of air and natural heating. In addition, they perform aesthetic function.

It is quite difficult to mount the triangular window, so this work is better to entrust the professional.


Mansard windows produce from different materials. Depending on preferences, opportunities and goals, you can choose wooden, plastic or metal products.

In mansions in the style of country and chalets, small houses and cottages look great wooden designs. The main raw material is the northern pine. High density Wood glued wood makes flexible products, allows you to use less fasteners. The big advantage of the tree is the manufacture of products most different shapes and sizes - arched elements, balconies.

Wooden products are subject to negative influence Moisture, however, if we cut the frame with a water varnish every 2-3 years, their service life will increase.

The tree is an environmental, natural, breathable material. IN wooden house It is much easier to breathe, which affects the level of comfort of living.

Products from a plastic profile, in contrast to wooden, does not require special care. It is waterproof, it is not amenable to rotting and damage under the influence of water and dirt and can serve 40-50 years. Ventilation question is solved with special valves. Resistance to adverse conditions ambient, as well as low price Made such products very popular. Problem moment is that the plastic profile when heating can highlight the chlorvinyl - gas, harmful to living organisms.

Plastic profile Looks great in mansions, regardless of what they are built. Special film makes it possible to adapt the color of the frame to the general appearance Buildings.

Sometimes attic windows are made based on aluminum profile. This material Resistant to corrosion and deformation, allows manufacturing products of various shapes and sizes. Aluminum products can be operated for a long time (at least 80 years) in aggressive environmental conditions at a very different temperatures. They are unpretentious in care, have protection against precipitation and ultraviolet rays. A wide selection of colors allows you to adapt a profile to any design of the roof design and at home.

Aluminum profile products are cold and warm. Cold used for glazing openings non-residential premises. Warm structures Installed in attacks of residential buildings. Their profile consists of three parts with a thermal insulating insert. Such a structure prevents the penetration of cold air inside, and warm outwards. The space between the thermostats is poured by polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene.

On sale there are windows of wood-aluminum profile. The outer side is made of aluminum, and the inner of the tree. Thus, external unfavourable conditions Do not have a significant impact on the profile.

One of the requirements for structures installed under the roof is a small weight. Often they consist of a 1-chamber glass glass with glass windows: thermalized (float glass), with transparent metallized spraying, tempered and triplex. Thermalized glass prevents optical distortion. Glass with metallized spraying reflects ultraviolet rays.

When craying tempered glass Much is formed small particles With stupid edges, which avoids cuts. Triplex is a two-layer glass with a special film that holds the cracked fragments.

Reflective double-glazed windows that help keep coolness in constantly illuminated rooms are manufactured by special order.

There are also self-cleaning double-glazed windows - their outer surface covered special toolwhich destroys organic pollution under the influence of the Sun.

When choosing windows for the attic, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material from which the frame is made. It is important to make sure B. good quality Accessories - pens, loops and others. Preferably, the accessories used is original and made of stainless steel.


To choose from the size of the mansard windows, it is necessary to fit very carefully. This will largely depend on the lighting, the appearance of the house, his perception. Some aesthetic preferences in determining the size is not enough. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the location should be taken into account. window Operactions.

In accordance with the accepted standards, the window area must be at least 1 square meter by 10 square meters premises. For the living room, studios and bedrooms proportions can be different, for example, 1 to 8. Smaller proportions are possible for a toilet, bathroom, wardrobe, pantry and other utility rooms. However, the specified proportions can be implemented different ways: In some cases, one large window can be installed to create a feeling of beauty and freedom, one large window will be created somewhat small.

When designing the attic one should remember that, according to specialists, two or three window openings on opposite sides Skosov will give best lightingthan one big same area.

The gaps between the openings and their width depend on the distance between the rafters. It is usually 80 cm, because the standard width of the attic windows is 78 cm. For a rafter system in increments bigger size Use frames 94 widths 94, 114 cm. If the distance between the rafters is small, you can purchase products with a width of 55 or 60 cm.

The high window allows you to enjoy a beautiful view. However, the selection of height depends not only on beauty. The main impact is provided by the roof layout. On a more common roof, the hole is made of greater length. For the roof of the incidence of 35 degrees optimal, the length is 160 cm, for the roof of a slope of 70 degrees - not more than 120 cm. The length is also determined by the fact that the bottom edge of the design should be at a distance not lower than 1 m from the floor.

So, standard dimensions The frames are as follows: 78x118 cm, 78x140 cm, 78x160 cm, 94x140 cm, 114x118 cm, 114x140 cm. Non-standard options Glazers are made under the order.


Windows under the roof are interesting architectural decision. Their design can be original, attractive, and excessive amounts of additional decorative elementsIn turn, can harm the external and inner image of the house. Properly selected design gives a feeling of organicity, romance, freedom, comfort, grace. But before you choose the design, you should figure out whether it is necessary to protect against hacking, from the sun or simply as a decorative element.

External shutters, so-called rollers are usually used to protect mechanical damage and excessive sunlight; They provide noise insulation. Set them better outside, since being installed inside, they contribute to the additional heating of the glass and everything indoor space Mansard.

External shutters, however, are not very beautiful and elegant and will be more suitable for people who prefer functionality.

Another solution from the Sun is thin grids, so-called marquises. They miss the light, dissipating it and thereby reducing heat flow. Separately installed marquises also perform the mosquito net function.

Curtains are classic way Registration of window openings. On vertical structures use ordinary curtains, on inclined - two cornices. The first cornice is installed on top, and the second is placed where it is convenient - he will not give the canvas to fall and hold it in the right position. A velcro, champs, braids, clips, clips are used to fix the cloth. These elements are used as decoration. Curtains bring elegance and tenderness to visit.

There are less original and aesthetic blinds. However, they are easy to install and adapt to the openings various shapesWhat makes them a fairly popular attribute.

For non-standard forms Window openings are indispensable to plights. The canvas is held by a special cord or electric drive, which allows you to collect the chart or hold it in the desired position.

In the interior, it is possible to place windows solely to your taste. All decoration and finishing can be performed independently.

Attractive, cozy, bright room under the roof! How to make an attic of this "little miracle"? You need to start from the main thing - the acquisition of the attic window. Arises new problem - What to buy and what kind of design better suitable. How to choose a mansard window where to start and what you do not forget- read step-by-step instructions further.

What come from, choosing the size

Selection in width

The width of the attic window directly depends on the step, with which rafters were installed. When installing the design on the rafter, the window width must be 20-30 mm less. For example, if the distance between rafters is 800 mm, then the width of the window should be 780 mm. If you want to large windows, but slinge system It does not allow, then it is possible to change it slightly. But it is recommended to do this with the help of a construction team, so as not to disturb the balanced installation of the entire rafting system.

Selection in height

The mansard window is installed at a height of 1200 mm from the floor. This takes into account the angle of inclination of the roof. Optimal for mounting the attic window is a roof with a slope of 30-60 degrees.

Important pattern

The smaller the bias of the roof, the greater the width you need to choose the attic window.

How many windows set

The area of \u200b\u200bglazing the attic is directly proportional to its area at a ratio of 1:10. For example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is 25 m2, then 2.5 m2 should be allocated under the windows. This looks like this: when using a model of 780mmx1180 mm in size on an area of \u200b\u200b25 m2 attic, it turns out that these structures need to install four.


The higher the mansard window is installed, the more sun ray Penetrates the room. It will be easy to operate, since many models of the handle are installed below.

What will happen in your attic, such a window and get

If you are planning in the attic room for recreation, games, a working office, you can buy wooden structures. They are made of pine, are environmentally friendly. When arranging in the attic bathroom, sauna, kitchen, the pool is more plastic. PVC windows are distinguished by high humidity resistance. In the room will not form mold and fungal flare.

Important addition

When installing an attic window, a waterproofing salary is used. This is necessary for a sealed connection of the window frame with roofing. The salaries are selected depending on the type of roof: scope, flat, highly profiled, folded, copper, and so on.

How without accessories

Bright sunlight - It's good, but everything should be moderately. Therefore, accessories are used to darken the mansard windows. There are no longer any conventions. It all depends on your taste. We will only remind some subtleties of individual accessories.

Pleated curtains not only mild ultraviolet, but also creates interesting glare in the room. Roller shutters perform an additional feature of protection from outside penetration. Marquis reduces the level of noise from the street. Blinds cover attic from prying eyes.

Choose best modelsBut do not forget about the nuances, and mansard windows will serve you for many years.

How to choose how to choose a mansard windows for your home? What characteristics need to pay attention to what they affect? How to choose the number of windows and their size?
So that in your attic it is light, cozy and comfortable, before purchasing the roof window, you must decide on the size of the window, useful Square glazing, destination of the room and in a convenient way Opening an attic window.
How to determine the size and number of windows?

Window width

The optimal width of the future window depends on the distance between the rafters. The distance between the rafters must be 2-6 cm more than the width of the selected window. If the distance between the rafters is less than the windows width (or vice versa), it is possible to partially change the construction of the string (fit).

Window height

Properly selected length (height) of the attic window provides a review for both the sitting and standing person.
The less the angle of inclination of the roof, the greater the window height should be.

Number of windows

The number of windows needed to illuminate the attic is determined by the 1:10 ratio, for every 10 m2 of the floor area requires 1 m2 of window glazing. This is the recommended ratio, in which the minimum lighting norms are followed according to SNiP.
For example, if the room is 15 m² in your attic area, then the total useful glazing area should be approximately 1.5 m². The magnitude of the glazing area is given in the product card in terms of windows. Selecting a window, 78 * 140 cm with a useful glazing area - 0.73 m², we obtain that there are two such windows (2x0.73 \u003d 1.46 m²) for the room).
For living rooms, children's recommended use more windows. The higher the mansard window from the floor level, the more light you get in your attic.
Need help in measurement?

What type of window opening buden is convenient for you?

Top pen (opening through the central axis)

The top arrangement of the handle is suitable for installing the window on optimal height 90 - 120 cm from the floor. It allows the location of furniture under the window.

Lower handle (opening through the central axis)

This arrangement of the handle is convenient when installing the window at a height of 120 - 160 cm from the floor, as well as in the attic of the High Priests.

Window with a combined opening system

Provides two ways to open: on the central and upper axis (provides panoramic view).

Window with a raised axis axis

The axis of the turning of the flap is located above the central part of the window box, it allows you to produce high-height attic windows, providing additional room lighting and review.

If you need a mansard window to have additional featuresYou can pay attention to special-purpose windows: emergency and operational outlets on the roof.

Selection of window model for destination

Wooden or white?

When the window is selected, you must pay attention to the material from which it is manufactured. For bedrooms, children's and living rooms, it is recommended to acquire mansard windows made of pine tree top grades Winter blanks. This is the most eco-friendly material. For premises C. high humidity Air or white interiors (bathrooms, kitchens, pool) are suitable atpowder from PVC or wooden windows covered with white polyurethane (moisture resistant). These models are durable, do not require special care and easily clean.

It is worth paying attention to the glass. For children, billiard rooms, it is recommended to use a safe glass with a triplex system. If the floccuit breaks the fragments not to crumble, but will remain on the film and does not harm.

Selection of insulating salary to the window

Salary for the window is mandatory element for installation and selected depending on the type roofing material. There are salaries for a single installation, and combined salaries, for the installation of mansard windows in groups.
In addition to the salary, you must purchase mounting sets, hydro heat insulation, vapor insulation apron. These accessories will help not only perform high-quality installation, but also increase the warranty period for the attic window.

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