Device insulation roof: for all rules. Warm roof with your own hands: Roof design, detailed description and selection of material roofing and thermal insulation materials

Gardening 25.06.2019

Good roof thermal insulation - important component For the safety of heat in any house. A common way to insulate the roof, which is not so difficult to carry out their own hands, is the "Canadian Sandwich", it is a system of several layers: insulation, a vapor insulating layer, windproof and moisture protection, ventilation gap. When performing data of work, as in any construction, it is important not to violate instructions for laying, so you will avoid leakage during operation. Today we will talk, as you already understood, how the warm roof is done.

Choose insulation

According to SNiP, the insulation layer for the roof should consist of non-combustible material, have a density of 20-125 kg / m3 and selective water permeability. Material, in addition, must have the following indicators:

  1. Good heat insulating characteristics.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Resistance to atmospheric moisture.
  4. Good sound insulation indicators.
  5. Biological resistance.
  6. Environmental purity.

The following insulators are most popular in our time:

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam. This material is an effective heat insulator, it is used both for the insulation of parts of buildings and for the insulation of the roof and in civil, and in industrial construction. Due to a homogeneous structure consisting of closed minor cells, the product has good thermal insulation properties. The system provides low thermal conductivity and excellent resistance to water vapor. Sheets made of extruded polystyrene foam - holders of high compressive strength; They are ideal for places that are subject to large load. Moreover, this material It is environmentally friendly and chemically neutral, it is practically not subject to rotting. The plates can be easily cut even a conventional knife. Today you can find extruded polystyrene foam of the URSA and DOW companies.
  2. Foam plates. This product has several advantages inaccessible to competitors. Here are some of them: a wide range, relatively low cost, a small mass, simplicity of installation, low water absorption capacity (water does not absorb, and flows from the material), standard thermal conductivity level.
  3. Glasswater. Fiberglass insulation - The owner of good performance characteristics. Plates made of glass grooves provide a quality roof device. Another plus is their small density seriously reduces the load on the design. The soft mats fill the surface irregularities well, they can be used in the designs of any configuration and shape.
  4. Basalt insulation. Plates from basalt canvas are made from basalt fibers, which provide high rates of fire resistance and thermal insulation. The applications of this material include sound and thermal insulation of light walls, roofing, mansard (vertical and inclined), inter-partitions, attic floors, pipelines, industrial equipment.
  5. Ceramzit. This material has natural base. Keramzit is pretty durable and durable. If you compare it with other heat-saving products, for example, with a tree, then on the service life, the clamzite will noticeably won.

For a warm roof, it is preferable to acquire thin insulation with a high degree of thermal insulation. Most often in the paper uses basalt fiber or glass gamble plates.

Warm Roof: Features of "Roofing Cake"

To avoid, you need to trace the roof device to eliminate moisture penetration into your structural elements. We will analyze Aza! We all know that in the nature of the moisture occurs in three states, with water and ice exist at certain temperatures, and steam - with any. Moisture clusters B. different materials Called differently. For example, humidity is a cluster of moisture in the air.

Different types of materials react differently on increased humidity.

Insulation of fiberglass is hygroscopic, it requires reliable hydro and vaporizolation.

Mineral wool (especially semi-rigid and hard sheets) are well opposed to water, but require additional protection against water vapor pressure. The highest moisture resistance has extruded polystyrene foam.

In order to protect our insulation from moisture, which falls on the roof of the house, you need to make a vaporiesoitoneal layer. For these purposes, an ordinary film is suitable (playproof or "breathable" - to choose from). First install so that there is a gap between the insulation and it, and you can lay the second to the insulation. Parosolation must meet two requirements:

  1. To be sealed.
  2. Have no damage.

War insulation: preparatory stage

Let's go to the case and wonder how to make a roof warm. The roof is the most upper structural part of any building, it is designed to protect the structure from all sorts of external influences. The device is made taking into account the local climate, the structure of the structure. It does not depend on the material from which the house was built: roofs and brick, and wooden buildings are insulated by one technology. If the room is dwelling, then the roof is recommended to make insulated and outside, and from the inside, and if the building is used as non-residential, then the last item can be skipped.

Before conducting work, you need to inspect and eliminate all malfunctions (if required, replace damaged areas with new ones). In addition, it is necessary to eliminate the mold on the entire roof surface, to handle it with antiseptic or other special toolwhich prevented the appearance and spread of mold and fungi. Eliminate all malfunctions in wiring, plumbing and other communications. Performed? Then the time came to make your roof warm.

Features of insulation flat and scope roofs

Let's go to practice! ! To begin with, you will need to make a hydrobarrier between the roof and rafters so that the waterproofing material has enveloped the rafting "legs". The material is attached to the stapler. Next, the case is on the installation of the heat insulating layer. Material thickness - not more than size rafter legs, but not less than 10 cm. Stacking start from the bottom from the skate, attach "insulation" sheets with the help of rails, stuffed perpendicular to the rafter "legs". Sheets minerals, if you chose this product, stack without big gaps. To thermal insulation, install a layer of vapor barrier (construction membrane film with perforation - a great option) and attach it to the rafters.

Now about flat roof! The technology is somewhat different from the method described earlier. The fact is that the flat roof can be treated both outside and from the inside. But if you produce double work (inspit and outside, and inside), you spend a lot of means and strength, so it is recommended to first make insulation outside, wait for the winter if this layer is not enough, then additionally inspire inside. In most cases, repeat works do not have to perform. Most often for outside use basalt mineralism. The structure of the insulation of the roof is as follows: the parobaric layer, the heat-insulating layer, rolled coating and bulk material.

So, pledge comfortable life The house is a qualitatively prepared " roofing pie", Which will not only retain heat, but will ensure the performance of absolutely all elements of the system for many years. Today we talked about how to insulate the roof. If you accurate to adhere to these recommendations, then, of course, your roof, warm and beautiful, will serve you for many years.

What should be the house? First of all, warm. Agree, the comfort can not be a speech when drafts are walking in the room, and the temperature of the air in the cold periods reduces all thoughts to a cup of hot coffee or tea. The rapidly increasing energy prices forcing consumers to limit their consumption in order to save costs of expenses and look for other ways of insulation of residential premises. One of these was the heat insulation of the roof, which allows to save up to 25-30% energy consumption. Considering the fact that the third part of the heat loss falls on the roof, its decoration with special roofing materials is recommended primarily.

Under the heat insulation of the roof implies the installation of special material with special technical characteristicswhich increases the thermal resistance of the coating, which allows to significantly reduce due to the reduction of heat loss costs for heating. It can be performed on any type of roof, does not require large financial costs, it is distinguished by the simplicity of the organization, endurance, durability, practicality and special functionality. The heat insulation of the roof is the only chance to significantly reduce expenditure articles, make a microclimate in the house healthy, and the life of a person is as comfortable as possible.

Modern market Ready to offer consumers a lot of the most diverse in the technical parameters of the roof insulation. Mass popularity was obtained in last years:

  • mineral wool - One of the most affordable thermal insulation materials, characterized by excellent sound insulation properties, flawless vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. It does not absorb moisture, it does not burn, has a service life of up to 25 years and is characterized by sufficient density for the insulation of residential buildings;

Mineral wool saves warmth well and guarantees no extraneous noise

  • cellulose insulation - Materials made on the basis of cellulose. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but were already able to conquer him due to their qualities, such as environmental friendliness, breathability, excellent insulating properties, low thermal conductivity, antisepticity. Cellulose insulation are not susceptible to rotting, the effects of mold and fungi, they do not eat rodents. Thanks to additives, they are perfectly opposed fire, they are mounted simply, forming a one-piece surface without voids and seams;

Cellulosic insulation does not contain volatile substances harmful to health and does not cause allergies

Extruded expanded polystyrene retains its properties at temperature jumps from -50 to +75 degrees

The rules for choosing insulation

The effectiveness of the thermal insulation of the roof of the house and its technical components are largely dependent on the material used for this purpose. How to choose it right? It is quite simple, it is important to navigate when buying on the following criteria:

  • compliance with insulation standards and building standards;
  • the scope of the material is exclusively for execution roofing work;
  • simplicity and installation speed (he should not cause difficulties and demand large costs labor);
  • price-quality ratio;
  • the service life of the selected heat insulation coating;
  • the presence of water-repellent properties (the insulation does not have to absorb moisture, otherwise its thermal conductivity increases several times);
  • parosolation characteristics (it is desirable to use thermal insulation material, one side of which is covered with foil).

It is important to choose a thermal insulation coating

It is important to remember: the roofing coating for the thermal insulation of the roof must be responsible not only to the above criteria, but also the standards for environmental friendliness. Discharge harmful substances under influence sun ray Or any other natural phenomena dangerous to human health are not allowed.

Preparatory work before installing thermal insulation

Before proceeding with the work on the warming of the roof, it is necessary in obligatory Properly prepare a warmed surface. You should start with checking rafted on rotting, fungus and mold. If the listed defects are still detected, but in minor quantities, the rafters should be cleaned emery paper, process special antiseptics and paint the oil, enamel or bitumen paint, thus insulating them from exposure to external natural environment. If the damage to the elements is essential, it is better to replace them.

The second stage preparatory work Before mounting the heat insulation of the roof is to check the wiring for goodness. Its damaged parts should be repaired, worn wires - replace, ring the switches, carefully check all connectors, joints, fastenings, connectors. In case of complete unsuitability of electrical wiring it is better to redo.

IMPORTANT: Checking the wiring before mounting thermal insulation materials on the roof must be fulfilled, having enlisted by the support of professionals. Thus, you can save ourselves from possible troubles and troubles in the future related to fire.

Heat insulating "Pie"

Methods of installation of thermal insulation materials

In construction practice there are two ways to install insulating roofing:

Inner warming roof

This is the most common area of \u200b\u200bthermal insulation, suitable for flat and pitched roofs, is made according to the following technology: first the inner covering of the room is stacked, then the carbarrier, on top of it - heat insulating material, wind and waterproofing.

The final thermal insulation layer is the selected roofing material.

It is important to know: the insulation must have a certain width and be adapted to existing climatic conditions. The main thing is that it does not drag the roof design. When it is mounted, prudently leave the gaps necessary to remove moisture from the design.

Mounting the heat insulation of the roof, it should be strictly adhered to the installation rules

Exterior warming of roof

It is produced on the basis of flat roofs using rigid plates, which, in turn, pressed pebbles or concrete slabs. It is very important when organizing thermal insulation in such a way to make the relationship of the roof strength to protect itself from the wedding of the roof.

What method is more suitable in each particular case, depends on the complexity of the design of the roof and the materials used for its insulation.


Installation of the thermal insulation roofing is performed, at first glance, it is very easy, but it is not necessary to produce it yourself, especially in cases where there is no specific technical base of knowledge and the necessary toolkit in the wizard's reserve. It is better not to experiment and immediately refer to the specialists. They will work at the proper level and will be removed from unnecessary financial costs.

It is possible to achieve the estimated and planned effectiveness of thermal insulation of the roof possible if preventing the formation of cold bridges. To do this, it follows the roofing material to lay on top of a wooden flooring or rafted, without interrupting any other element of the design. In the heat insulating layer there should be no depression or plane for the air passage.

Properly laid thermal insulation of the roof should prevent the formation of cold bridges

Save energy resources, create the most comfortable microclimate in the house can only quality mounting Heat insulation. Therefore, it should not save on it, otherwise fatal errors, such as using an insulating material of an inappropriate width, creating a small insulation thickness cannot be avoided. By contacting professional builders, you can not worry about the quality of work and the effectiveness of the heat insulating layer.

Integrated approach to insulation

It should also be remembered that it is possible to achieve the maximum possible effect from the warming of the roof. complex approach To thermal insulation at home.


Device modern roof It is a complex multi-layer design, and the materials used at the same time are manufactured by the latest technology based on advanced developments. Roofing "Pie" contains insulating and saving heat layers. From the adverse effects of weather conditions interior Buildings protect primarily waterproofing and insulation.

A competently designed and professionally built multilayer warm roof helps residents of the house without any problems to survive cold and atmospheric precipitation.

The rafter design depicted in the photo, which is a roof frame, should be durable and reliable, otherwise the roof will not be able to perform the functions assigned to it, which will lead to leaks and expensive repair.

When creating roofing, we should not forget to provide additional ventilation. Freely circulating fresh air prevents the condensate accumulation between the dense layers of the roofing cake. Stropile structures and other elements of the roof from natural wood Provide the required level of ventilation and at the same time slightly take roofing system. Another argument in favor of using these materials is their environmental safety.

When a warm roof is built, do not do without strengthening layers, which are solid and reliable materials, such as concrete tile, gravel, etc. They protect less strong roofing products from mechanical damage. True, having a considerable weight Materials for the roof improvement take it up with its design, so such nuances should be considered to be taken into account. Most. top layer "Cake" is a coating, to create a roofing material. The choice of its texture, colors, aesthetic characteristics depends on the individual preferences of property owners and the design solution, it can be a professional, metal tile, slate or more modern products.

Insulating materials for the roof

How qualitatively the warm roof will be made with their own hands, largely depends on the insulating materials used. When choosing waterproofing and insulation, take into account estimated parameterslaid down in the project. For example, in the region where construction is assumed, climatic conditions Require to provide house good defense From moisture and precipitation or here there are strong impust of wind.

When calculating, all alleged loads on the building, and, accordingly, they certainly take into account the roof. Therefore, the presence of layers of roofing "cake" for each house can differ significantly.

Waterproofing layer . It is necessary to create protection against moisture. Frequent and abundant rains, melting of snow and fogs can cause great damage to the building and people in it. Using waterproofing materials - a reliable obstacle to water, seeking to penetrate the inside of the roof design.

Vapor insulation layer . The use of this type of insulation provides qualitative protection From all sorts of evaporation and prevents the appearance of condensate on different surfaces.

Heat insulating layer . Allows you to maintain heat inside the building and does not give to penetrate the cold air masses into the indoor room from the street. The range of thermal insulation materials is treated today, so you can choose the necessary products for insulation, given the individual requirements for a particular home.

Noise insulating layer . Materials for suppressing high-profile sounds that are coming from the outside are not as often as other types of isolation, but they provide a comfortable environment for staying people indoors.

Types of thermal insulation

Large list of products for insulation allows you to choose optimal option And create a truly warm roof in accordance with the design solution. You can give preference to inexpensive materials or purchase modern products issued on the basis of the latest scientific developments. True, the last option will cost much more expensive, but it will provide them reliable protection Buildings I. long term operation.

Ceramzit . This method of insulation of the roofs is applied for a long time. This is a lightweight building material, which has the kind of oval granules or round shapeWhich is made of natural burned clay. Thus, the crushes are well combined with the heat-insulating properties of the source raw, when the warm roof is created with their own hands.

Styrofoam . The insulation of the roof with its use is considered one of the most popular options for thermal insulation applied both for pitched roofs and flat. It prolongs the life of roofing design.

Polyurene Foolder . It is included in the group of gas-filled plastics and is considered to be more technological heat insulator. Work on insulation polyurethane foam is easier than when using clay. They produce this pretty soft material in the form of large plates, with this and the features of its installation are connected. Installation requires additional strengthening of polyurethane foam in the roof design.

Penoplex. . Use it modern material Refers to new solutions in the implementation of thermal insulation. Paintex compact plates are perfectly retaining heat, although they are flexible. The thermal insulation layer, created by them, thinner than that of similar materials. Thanks to the characteristics described above, Penoplex is becoming increasingly popular.

Completed with all the subtleties of technology. Its task is to prevent the house from moisture, wind protection and heat preservation. At the same time, the conditions in which the roof works can be considered severe: precipitation, temperature differences, significant wind loads.

The value of the thermal insulation of the roof

One of the most important stages The insulation of the house as a whole is the insulation of the roof. It is known that heat losses through roofing structures are almost a third of all heat loss at home. Therefore, high-quality thermal insulation is designed to ensure the cost savings during the operation of the building. But the main thing is to create a normal microclimate in a house important for people living in it.

To solve the question of how to warm the root, it is necessary to determine what function will the attic of the house will be performed. If it is non-residential premises, then it is enough to insulate attic overlapTo isolate the premises of the upper floor from cold air and excessive heat losses. If the attic is planned in the attic, then the insulation of the roof becomes a necessary event.

If the roof is insulated at the stage of building a house, and already during operation, before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect all the roofing structures, Mauerlat and identify places where there are signs of moisture, rotting and other damage.

All defects must be eliminated, damaged elements are replaced, and thicatical structures Processed by antiseptic and flames.

If under the roof there are elements of electrical wiring, they must be removed.

Choosing materials for insulation roofing

The modern construction industry offers a wide selection. Fiberglass, mineral wool and polystyrene foam, foamed glass, foam concrete obtained among them, the most widespread. These materials are characterized by various indicators of strength, thermal conductivity, vapor permeability.

Widespread recognition gained mineral wool slabs, differing from other analogues with their physico-technical properties. Moreover, their use is justified and acceptable for most types of roofs.

Mineral wool plates are a fire-resistant material with sufficiently high noise absorbing properties and a low thermal conductivity coefficient. At the same time, during operation, they are almost not deformed.

The insulation of the roof can be performed in one of two ways:

  • with insulation styling top - method of rolling ceiling;
  • with the heater of the insulation to the surface of the ceiling from the inside of the room - Method of a stitched ceiling.

The first way is more convenient and easy to execute. The only condition is the ability carrier design roofs withstand weight and roofing material, and. In most cases, such insulation is enough to create a comfortable microclimate in the house.

Best material for insulation flat roof is basalt mineralism.

Stages of insulation flat roofing

  • Before the work began, the roof must be cleaned of garbage and dust. If there are big irregularities on the surface, then it is necessary to align it.
  • For gluing heat insulating plates You can use special glue or cold mastic. For greater homogeneity of the layer of the insulation, the slabs are laid with semi-seen seams.
  • To improve the thermal insulation effect, you can put an additional layer of plates. At the same time, it is necessary to make them a rotary and be sure to smoke the joints of the scotch. This will avoid the appearance of "cold bridges".
  • Next, a cement-sand tie is a thickness of at least 3 cm with a thickness of a thickness of at least 3 cm. After the screed pulls the strength, the surface is cleaned from garbage and seams of cement.
  • For laying the waterproofing carpet, a fire method is used, in which the short-term effect of fire is used for gluing. This allows you to save everything. protective properties material unchanged. To ensure the strength and tightness of the coating, the waterproofing is stacked with the adverse adjacent cloths of at least 10 cm.

Insulation of a scope design

To insulation from the inside scope roof Fully strict requirements are presented. The design of the insulated roof, consisting of several layers, is reminiscent of the cake, so it was called "roofing pie." It consists of the following layers:

  • ventilating gap, located under roofing;
  • layer of rolled waterproofing;
  • the second ventilation circuit (not in all embodiments);
  • layer of thermal insulation;
  • parosolation.

So, the technology of the roofing cake device:

Properly performed insulation will allow for a long time to forget about the repair of the roof and replace its main components.

Hmm, I wonder how Karlson chose the roof insulation? In the cold Sweden, this clearly needed to pay special attention... or he warmed only buns and hot chocolate? Do you suit this "insulation"? If you need something more serious, read on.

On our site we have already devoted quite a lot of articles to the principles of choosing various thermal insulation materials. In this material, we will consider in detail what insulation to choose for the roof and will look at the choice of insulation specifically in this section. Here are a few moments that need to be taken into account in connection with the roof.

  • Roofing enclosing structures have increased demands of heat resistance. For example, in 2010 in Finland, the coefficient of such resistance for the walls was 5.88 m2 * C / W, and for the roof 11, 11! Almost double difference.
  • The material on the roof is more than others. exposure to moisture. And, as you know, water is the enemy of thermal insulation.
  • The insulation for the roof is established, in fact, on the principle of ventilated facades. This means that it does not be covered, for example, concrete or plaster elements. In this regard, the isolation should have themselves ovensted fire resistance.
  • And it does not matter, we say about flat or scope roof, The insulation area is quite high, so the cost of the material should be reasonable and organically enter in the estimate of construction or repair of the house.

These are the main general requirements To thermal insulation for the roof. However, it is necessary to take into account the type of roof.

Types of roofing and insulation to them

When choosing a material for insulation of the roof of the house, the difference between the three types of roofing structures matter:

  • Scope roof (cold attic);
  • Dersighted roof (floor).

Each of the three types of roofs requires its approach in choosing insulation materials.

Mansard Flat

The flat roof is most often exploited, which means that the heat insulation of the roof must be tough. For these purposes, extruded polystyrene foam is most often used, for example, a penplex or a hard insulation from Minvati. Usually, each manufacturer has special solutions for such a type of roof. Cutting plates allows you to create the desired slope and special gutter for resetting water. It is enough to lay such a layer of insulation correctly and the roof can be considered insulated.

Heat roofing scaling with a cold attic, It is possible by the floor. However, in some cases, the insulation between the rafter is also inserted. For these purposes, the mild and elastic plates of Minvati are most often used, which are inserted into the stand. Paul attic insulation various materialsLike sheets, so bulk and sprayed.

Mansard roofing - It is, in fact, the walls of the room, but they are not made of concrete or brick, but from rafters and, for example, tiles. This design costs more than a separate, ordinary floor. Roofing insulation for dersighted roof Must be environmentally friendly, because, in fact, we are talking about the insulation of the room from the inside. There are also increased fire safety requirements. In a separate article, we considered the issue of use in detail. Most often, such roofs are insulated with mineral wool.

Is the most popular suitable? - Styrofoam

It is worth a reservation that under the foam we understand here and the usual, white foam (PSB-15) and extruded polystyrene foam, the density of which can reach 35-45 kg on cubic meter.

So for flat roofs PSB-15 is not used. Although it is much cheaper, it can still be damaged when the insulation is being styled, just coming to the sheet. In addition, the foam is made without a quarter. But, for example, the Penoplex has special grooves along the edges, which are fastened and create one indistible layer of insulation on the plane.

Overlapping cold roof It is often insulated with foam in the frame when it stacked between lags. For the same purposes, more moisture-resistant polystyrene foam, which, by the way, has much greater compression strength.

The issue of using this material for the residential floor under the roof was discussed separately, and this is generally a whole topic.

Thermal insulation materials begin with foam. But, alative - to the title - best insulation For the roof, it does not fit. From that and mentioned him at the very beginning. Further - more interesting.

Roofing Classic - Minvata

Under the mineral wool, people most often imply:

  • Stone;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Slagvatu.

For residential premises use stone cotton wool. Although it includes resins, such as formaldehyde, still their percentage is insignificant, moreover, the polymerization process passed. This means that the resin found and is now in solid state with a closed molecular structure.

For flat roofs, as already mentioned first, the minvati rigid plates with a density of 140-160 kg / m³ use.

To insulate the pitched roof, soft plates are inserted between the rafted, trimming them. The same plates insert between lags and covered on top protective coating In case of overlap. Mineral wool more often used for roof isolation. This is due to its "breathable" structure. The fact is that any wooden design must be well ventilated. And if the polymer insulation is adjacent to it, this procedure is greatly complicated. That is why they use cotton. In addition, cotton-non-flammable material. Being in its essence, the likeness of the volcanic lava, the wool does not burn, I'm just melting, and even then at a huge temperature - above 1500 degrees.

However, the insulator and disadvantages are not deprived. It includes poor moisture resistance. For example, if the cottage plate has a thermal conductivity coefficient at 0.036 W / m3 k, then during wetting this indicator may change, in fact, 2 times! And, as you know, the roof is a place where the leaks can happen. In practice, this means that it will have to replace the plot of thermal insulation, which is a wet.

Over time, also, the Minvat is sat down, forming dust that can get into the room. Someone does not like this material for this particular feature.

Fishka - "Plates in Rolls"

Manufacturers are increasingly trying to facilitate the installation of the insulation. Now you can still meet the form factor of Minvati, which is called "slabs in a roll." Such material has sufficient density, to feel good in the frame. At the same time, it is enough to fix the roll at the top, between the rafters and roll down at the bottom. For example, the pro, even states that it is not necessary to cut it (it is clear that we are talking about not a very significant change in the width between the rafters), and simply click and wool will take the necessary form. Use such rolls is more convenient than warming up with the help of plates. Installation of plates takes more time.

I solve how to insulate the roof of the house, most owners or developers choose exactly Minvatu

Bulk insulation for roofing

This type of insulating materials for the roof in the house of many attracts three factors:

  • Low cost;
  • Environmental safety;
  • The lack of interest in rodents.

It should be immediately noted that it is possible to warm the roof using bulk thermal insulation materials, only on the floor. They are poured into the frame. Therefore, the material is suitable for overlapping the attic. Most often use:

  • Sawdust;
  • Ceramzit.


By themselves, sawdust is quite inexpensive material. Its plus can be called absolute naturalness. But due to its use there are two problems:

  • Rodents;
  • Shrinkage.

Both decide in the same way. By adding lime in sawdust. To impart viscosity, the mass also use gypsum. It is added in the amount of no more than 5% of the mass of sawdust. The resulting mass becomes viscous and perfectly applied and keeps the form.


Keramzite is minor crushed pebbles of different fractions (size). He is falling asleep between lags. Crumples are not afraid of a couple nor rodent. In some sense, this is the perfect insulating material for the roof.

In addition, it is not expensive enough. In more detail about the use of this type of thermal insulation for the roof we will talk in a separate article. Here the mention was needed to understand the general picture. possible options insulation.

Spraying and strangling

In this family of materials for the roof there are two main representatives:

  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Equata.


Polyurethane foam is one of the most efficient thermal insulation materials. It is sprayed or blown in the form of foam white color. To blame PPU you need a special suit and compressor. This material does not miss the steam and to enjoy it you need to use the crate.

PPU is synthetic material, eco-ecological material. Both of these materials are not terrible rodents and for the planning of both needs special equipment. Proper to apply the PPU specially trained master.


Equouth B. western countries Use about 50 years. On the territory of the CIS, this insulation came to the roof relatively recently. Equata is a cellulose fiber and is made of waste paper. There are special machines for crushing raw materials and "cooking" such a wool. Special pneumatic transport of WATT is delivered to the place of planking, where, for example, stacked between lags.

Another obvious advantage of EcoWhats for the insulation of the roof is that it is easy to blew in narrow space between rafters. Laying even rolls Minvati on this site is very problematic.

Comparative Table of Insulation for Roofing

After breaking 6 popular types of materials for insulation, it is time to conclude: the better to insulate the roof of the house? comparison table The characteristics of several materials will help to see everything clearly.

Material Density, kg / m3 Thermal conductivity
From Before
Styrofoam 15-25 0,032 0,038
Extruded expanded polystyrene foam 25-45 0,032 0,04
Mineral wool 15-190 0,036 0,047
Ceramzit - 0,16 0,20
Sawdust 230 0,07 0,093
PPU 27-35 0,03 0,035
Ekwata. 30-70 0,038 0,045

The thickness of the insulation

More enclosing structures on what should be the thickness of the thermal insulation we talked in a separate article. Here we can say that there are generally accepted norms that have the coefficients of thermal resistance of the roof in different regions.

In other words, how much the roof should be able to resist the exit of heat from the house. It is necessary to divide the coefficient required to obtain the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the roof thermal conductivity. Due to this calculation, you can find out what the thickness of the insulation for the roof house should be on the roof. A little later, we add a calculator that will allow you to calculate this important indicator.


On the market you can meet materials for insulation domestic productionAlso insulation from the USA, Finland, Germany, France and other countries.

The following brands are found:

  • Tehnonikol;
  • Knauf;
  • Isoroc;
  • Isover;
  • Paroc;
  • Rockwool;
  • Ruspanel;
  • Soudal;
  • Tytan;
  • URSA;
  • Actor;
  • Penoplex;
  • Penophol;
  • Tepopol;
  • Tilitis;
  • Other.

Go to any famous online store and with filters, see the characteristics of each individual product.

As you can see, there are very different methods Insulation, but the important question always remains.

We choose at cost

The cost of insulation varies very quickly. Therefore, for example, we give a small plate with the cost of some popular insulation.

PPU joining will cost 200-300 rubles per square meter (work and material). Equata will cost 3000-4000 rubles per cubic meter. Most cheap insulation This is probably sawdust 300-500 rubles per cubic meter. With the help of the figures you can calculate approximate cost square meter Insulation.

Life time

How much is the insulator laid on the roof? All of the options we have given options from 50 years. (Except sawdust). However, in fact, most of the materials have to change within 10 years. After all, the insulation is not the most weak point of the roof. He suffers from its other elements. The rating of the most durable, still begins with EPPS. It can stand in the roof and 70 years.


So, the insulation for the roof is what better? You can choose the option, like most and use mineral Wat. If we are talking about the insulation of the floor on the roof - pay attention to the eco-friendly. When calculating its cost is not so high. But it is environmentally pure Materialwho is not terrible rodents. And this is a big plus. We have led enough permeals that will help choose the insulation. However, as if the selected material was not properly chosen, laying the insulator is important to stick to which we described separately.

As we found out, insulation for the roof, there may be not only buns with hot chocolate, but also at least 6 more good materials. Choose and let your roof be warm, like Karlson.

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