Cheap insulation for attic. Which insulation is better for the attic roof - choose the optimal option

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

Properly selected thermal insulation material is the key to the effective insulation and the optimal microclimate inside the attic. High-quality thermal insulation not only reduces the heat loss of the building, but also helps to reduce air dampness, and eliminates the mold and fungus problem.

In this article we will find out which insulation is better for attic (for walls and roofs). Specifications and features of all materials used for the insulation of attic materials will be considered. We, by the way, we recommend.

1 Why do you need to warm the attic?

Mansard of a private house, with the right approach to the arrangement, from the site of the accumulation of a variety of trash can turn into a full-fledged residential premises - after all, extra "squares" can be used with much more benefit.

The attic floor, due to the inclination of the roof, has a very interesting geometry, which makes it possible to create a first-class seating area - living room, or a children's room. Also, the attic floor often decide to use as functional premises - the kitchen, the toilet, or the work room.

In order to turn the attic at home in a comfortable attic of the attic, first of all it is necessary to take care of the insulation of this room.

Of all the places of the house, it is in a displeased attic that the maximum heat loss is observed. It is determined by the fact that the space of contacting the roof of the house with an external environment is very large even if you are worth it.

Unpaved roofing, as a rule, is made from ordinary boards, which is stacked by slate - none of these materials has enough thermal conductivity, which could impede heat exchange

Moreover, the roof, unlike concrete, or brick walls of the house, is not a monolithic structure - it is often a variety of cracks and gaps that are even more heat losses.

Even if you build a powerful heating system in the attic, if there is no insulation of the room, due to the high heat loss, its effectiveness, to maintain the desired temperature, may not be enough.

High-quality insulation of the walls and roofs of the attic contributes not only to improved temperature regime inside the house, but also performs additional sound insulation and wind protection like.

Low warmthity of the insulation works not only on the holding of heat, but on the contrary - in the winter in the attic it will be warm, and in the summer - cool, since the thermal insulation of the walls and roof will not give the room to warm up under the influence of sunlight.

1.1 What are the requirements of a qualitative insulation?

All of the above advantages of insulation can be achieved if you use high-quality thermal insulation materials. Consider which parameters you need to select the insulation for the attic.

Since the roof of the house, as a rule, is located on a system of wooden rafters, which have a limited bearing capacity, a primary requirement to the insulation of the attic is the minimum weight.

2 Overview of the best insulation

Among all the thermal insulation materials present in the market, the above requirements are fully answered by three types of insulation:

  • Mineral wool insulation;
  • Heat insulation from extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Foam thermal insulation (liquid foaming foamed polyurethane foam).

2.1 Foam insulation

The category of foam insulation includes materials manufactured right in the workplace by foaming raw materials. From the pneumatic unit, the foam insulation with the hose is supplied to insulated surfaces.

Among the foam insulation is the most popular options are liquid foamies and foamed polyurethane foam. The latter option has an order of magnitude better technical characteristics, but it is much more expensive than foamizole.

The thermal conductivity of thermal insulation from polyurethane foam is 0.02 W / MK, which is significantly lower than all popular insulation, density - 25 kg / m3, moisture absorption - no higher than 2%. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of liquid foamizol is about 0.04 W / MK, the density is 28 kg / m3 as y.

If you want to get the most efficient insulation of the walls and the roof of the attic, and you do not stop the prospect of the contractors, it is recommended to choose insulation of polyurethane foam - this material has no analogues by heat insulation properties.

2.2 Solid insulation - Minvat and expanded polystyrene

Mineral wool insulation are one of the most versatile heat-insulating materials, they can be used with equal success both for the insulation of the attic, and for the insulation of the walls, the facade, the floor and the ceiling of the house.

The categories of mineral wool insulation include three types of materials: basalt wool - material manufactured by melting basalt rocks and subsequent formation from melt microscopic basalt fibers; Slag wool - manufactured from the waste of the metallurgical industry - a domain slag; and fiberglass insulation - manufactured from glass,

Basalt wool has the best technical characteristics, and, accordingly, the highest price.

If you are not limited to the means, then this option should be chosen from mineral wool insulation, if finances are limited, then fiberglass insulation can be used.

In the issue of versatility, extruded polystyrene foam is not much inferior to the Minvat. You will be able to insulate not only the roof, but also the surface of the walls and the floor of the attic.

The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam can be attributed to low thermal conductivity, due to which even a relatively thin layer of insulation will be quite effective (the optimal thickness of the attic insulation from extruded polystyrene foam is 4-10 mm).

The main manufacturer of basalt wool in the domestic market is Technonikol, extruded polystyrene foam - Penoplex.

Among the range, these companies, for the heat insulation of the attic, best use Minvatu Tekhnolat from the company Technonol, and Painoplex Plates "Comfort". Compare the main specifications of these insulation for the attic.

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient, W / MK: TEHNONIKOL - 0.036, PESTROX - 0.032;
  • Parry permeability, M / CPU: Tehtonol - 0.6, Pleeplex - 0.015;
  • Class of flammability: TEHNONIKOL - G1 (non-combustible material), Penoplex - G4 (strongly combustible material);
  • Density, kg / m3: TEHNONICKOL - 35, PESEROPLEX - 30;
  • Moisture absorption from the amount of full immersion for 24 hours: TEHNONIKOL - 1.5%, PESEROPLEX - 0.5%.

Minvata Tekhnonikol Tekhnolat is produced in the form of plates, sizes 120 * 60 centimeters, the thickness of the slabs can be 4-20 cm. Polystone slabs have similar dimensions, but their thickness range is slightly less - from 2 to 15 centimeters.

As you can see, the technical characteristics of the fastener are better than the Minvati Tekhtonikol, both in terms of thermal conductivity and vapor barrier.

In general, in practice, specialists in most cases combine these two material - polystyrene foaming is used for the insulation of the walls and the floor of the attic, and Minvatu is recommended to choose for the heat insulation of the roof.

3 Mineral Wool Hansard Watching Technology (Video)

An attic room is an additional space in a house that can be used for personal use. It can make a living room or a cabinet, where quiet, cozy and warm. But to create it warm, silence and comfort, you need to try a little. The most important stage in the devices of the attic roof is its insulation. After all, without him, staying in this room will be impossible in autumn and winter time.

The main question arising from insulation, what insulation is better for the attic roof? After all, there are many options, but how to make the right choice? Let's consider the criteria for which the heat-insulator needs to be selected, and compare the most popular materials.

Criteria for choosing insulation for attic

To the choice of material for the attic need to approach quite seriously. All of them have their pros and cons.

But, choosing a heater for the attic roof, you should pay attention to such parameters:

  1. Thermal insulation characteristics of the material.
  2. Good sound insulation of the insulation.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. Standing insulation to high temperatures.
  5. Environmental purity.
  6. Long service life.
  7. Efficiency.
  8. Property insulation push moisture.
  9. Universality of the material.

It is clear that the main criterion for which the insulation is evaluated is its property to maintain heat. For the attic room it is very important. In addition, the material must be universal to be able to insulate not only the roof, but also the floors and walls of the attic. And if you do not want to hear the gusts of the wind and the noise of rain, then it should be good to isolate the attic from noise. All these criteria are important, and better if the insulation will correspond to most of them.

Let's consider all suitable materials on the example, and find out what insulation is suitable for this purpose.

Insulation for the roof of the attic

So, the most popular materials for the insulation of the attic roof are mineral wool, glass gamble, polyurethane foam (PPU) and foam. They most correspond to the indicators we spoke earlier. But there are also new materials that are not so studied. One of them is Eco. We will look for the best insulation from this list.

Mineral wool for mansard insulation

One of the environmental insulation materials, which consists of molten rocks, clays and synthetic fibers. The material has low weight, good vapor permeability and low hygroscopicity. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the material. In stores it can be purchased both in a roll form and as a stove. Dimensions and thickness are different, from 5 to 10 cm. At the expense of its fibrous structure, the material retains the heat well. The fibers constantly contain a large amount of air. I am glad and the fact that the cotton is also vapor permeable (it has the ability to breathe).

Note! In the mineral wool, rodents will not be treated, which cannot be said about the foam.

If we talk about the minuses of the insulation, then the main one is low resistance to moisture. If the material is worst, he will lose its properties. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the waterproofing layer. And yet, the insulation quickly accumulates dust. Nevertheless, pleases the high resistance to fire. With a fire, wata is able to delay the fire.

The most popular brand that is suitable for the insulation of the attic is "Ursa" and "Erult". The second version of the insulation has a rather high indicator of noise insulation, in combination with the rest of the advantages. And the products of Urs are sold in comfortable rolls that simply mount.

The life of mineral wool for attic is 50 years. It does not rot, does not bloom and is not covered with mold.

Basalt Wool for Hansard Warming

This is one of the safest and most famous types of Minvati. It is made on the basis of basalt - natural stone. It is melted in technological conditions and make fine fibers. You will not believe, but this wool does not burn even at temperatures up to 1000 ˚C! The thing is that only at this temperature the stone begins to melt. Only here there is one drawback - the mice are very like this insulation. But on the attic with them it is easy to cope.

The most popular insulation brand is Rocklayt. Products have excellent heat and noise insulation, do not burn and quite simply mount them. And more importantly, with such capacity, the price is quite adequate. The insulation is able to serve for many years, without losing and keeping all the properties.

Glasswater - I want, but ourselves

Using the glass gamble - the method is not new. He has proven himself for many years. This material is rather cheap, and the installation is not so complicated. In the closed room, it is not toxic and not harmful to the body. And due to the fact that there are no organic substances in it, they do not eat it. I would like to note that the glass gamble has a second degree of refractory. It is pretty good.

If we talk about minuses of material, then it lies in its composition. Glasswater has fine glass dust. If you get on the skin, it begins to hide, and if the dust fell into the eye, it causes them damage. The same applies to respiratory tract. Therefore, the warming roof is glass gamble, it is important to take care of security. All works are performed in a protective suit, gloves respirator and glasses with a rubber element. Only then you will not suffer.

Note! After all the work, do not even think to wash clothes, it will not help. It will have to throw it away.

The one who at least once tried the insulation with bare hands, prefers not to have a deal with him. Although if you fulfill all according to technology, this is a decent option.

Insulation of the attic of the mansard foam - cheap, but risky

The most affordable and popular material for the insulation of the attic. Moreover, they are insulated both the roof and walls with the floor. The main advantage of the material is a small weight, ease of installation and good thermal insulation properties. All work on insulation can be performed with their own hands, without the help of specialists. Especially convenient to insulate inclined walls and roof.

Polyfoam has several levels of density. Due to this, he has good sound and thermal insulation. In addition, it keeps the form throughout the entire operating time not sitting. It does hardness affect the strength of the material (bending and squeezing). But, there is one minus, it burns very well. The more denser the material, the better it burns. Therefore, for the insulation of the attic roof - the rigidity is not the main indicator. After all, it is not necessary to walk on its surface.

Note! If you want to use foam, you need to withdraw all rodents!

Ideal for mansard insulation - PPU

The advantage of the PPU is that it can be supplied in two types:

  1. As finished plates.
  2. As a means for spraying.

It is preferable to choose a second option, as a coating is reached a monolithic structure, without seams and, accordingly, cold bridges. In all of the above insulation, this parameter is missing. The room will be perfectly thermally insulated, it will not be noise, etc. The foamed PPU has many advantages:

  1. The best indicator on heat conductivity. Surprisingly, the PPU layer is 2.5 cm is identical on thermal conductivity with mineral wool at 8 cm! Only polystyrene foam approached the PPU, lagging behind only twice.
  2. No less important is that for insulation, the foamed PPU does not need to make a frame or special attachments. The material is sprayed on any surface and has a high adhesion to it.
  3. We mentioned the absence of cold bridges. Due to the monolithic design, they are simply not.
  4. If the chimney or hood passes through the attic, sealing around them is easy to do by spraying. This also applies to other complex forms of roofing.
  5. The most terrible enemy of the mansard roof - moisture. It is quite difficult to protect it. But for PPU is not a problem. He does not absorb moisture, does not reflect, can contact with any material and is vapor permeable (breathing).
  6. Rodents do not touch PPU, it is not covered with mold, fungus and does not rot.
  7. And finally, this insulation for the attic does not burn.

If we talk about minuses, then it is one - to carry out insulation you need to have special equipment for spraying. Without it, nothing will come. Therefore, you have to hire professionals. And otherwise is the perfect option.

Insulation for the roof of the attic of which is better, based on their thermal conductivity.

Equata as insulation for attic

An interesting novelty is an eco-maculatory. For its production, they take newspapers and other paper, chopped finely and treated with special means so that the insulation does not burn and not rot. The material is environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, some confuse the presence of hazardous lead in the newspapers. But, such a technology is already forgotten. The material has good indicators of heat saving, sound insulation and refractory.

Nevertheless, make all the installation of the insulation will not work independently, since the method is new and requiring a special approach.

What is better - Rolled Material or Plate

Now from the theory, we turn to practice. For most, the type of material sold (rolls or plates) is very important. Someone loves to work only with rolls, others on the contrary. After all, it's easier to simply cut the insulation of the desired length, roll it out and consolidate.

In practice, everything is so possible. Rolled material is more comfortable and easy to install. The work is performed very quickly and conveniently: measured, they rolled the insulation, cut off and installed. It is especially pleasant to work when the rafters have a step at 61 cm. Then the roll must be simply cut in half, and the parts are perfect and tightly enter the space.

With plates a little harder, and the formation of cold bridges is greater. After trimming, a larger amount of waste remains. But, such a insulation is easier to transport. Nevertheless, what kind of insulation for the attic to choose - the case is purely personal.

Today we will tell about the insulation for the attic roof, because this material in the roofing structure performs the most important role. After all, the attic structure, in fact, performs the functions of the walls and the roof at the same time. And since its thickness is insignificant, it means that you have to spend a fairly large amount of thermal insulation work, where the choice of insulation is likely to be of great importance. If you figure it out in the proposed information, you can easily choose the insulating material for the attic of your home. And no one can deceive you.

A variety of insulation for mansard premises source

Let's start with the fact that thermal insulation materials in the modern market are represented by a wide range. But the question is which insulation is better for the attic roof, and today it is sharp. Specialists recommend not all of the proposed, and apply, as practice shows, not all. Survived are: all types of mineral wool, polystyrene foam slabs (foamed and extruded), polyurethane foam and eco-art. We will tell about them.

Criterias of choice

The thermal insulation materials today are presented a large number of requirements that, in principle, they must and comply. But even the above are not suitable for all the required criteria.

So what is needed note, choosing insulation:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • densitywhich will depend on the thickness of the insulation used here, here, the more denser, the smaller layer it can be stacked;
  • low spray;
  • simplicity styling;

    long-term exploitation;

  • ecologyMaterial should not allocate unpleasant odors and toxic substances.

Comparison of insulation with other construction materials Source

Comparison of insulation on criteria

For simplicity of perception of information, to make it easier to compare insulation among themselves, we reduced the characteristics into a single table on the points.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses with an attic from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

It would be possible to add several purely technical parameters that would reflect the strength of the insulation. But in our case, when the task of thermal insulation of the attic roof, these indicators are not so important, because the material is not exposed to mechanical loads in the rafter system.

What can be said by comparing all the parameters among themselves. By thermal insulation qualities, the best insulation for the roof of the attic is polyurethane. And his life is not bad. But this material is a foam consisting of two components, which must be pre-mixed in a special container, and then create pressure so that the foam flew out of the tank. That is, special equipment is needed to cover the attic roof. And this increases the cost of the work carried out.

Polyurethane Foolder - Best Heater for Roofing Designs Source

In terms of the complexity of the process of insulation, the most simple is mineral wool in mats and polystyrene plates. They are simply manually laying between the rapid legs of the attic roof, and any fasteners do not apply. And although the thermal conductivity of both insulation is higher than that of polyurethane foam, today it is the most popular and demanded thermal insulation products.

In this case, the polystyrene foam is perfectly coping with high humidity. In this regard, mineral wool is inferior. But today to protect against the negative impact of moisture is easy. It is simply covered with waterproofing films from two sides with waterproofing films, and the problem is solved by 100%. Although today on the market you can buy Matt Mountain-resistant type.

And a few words about flammability. Of all the four proposed materials, only mineral wool refers to the class "non-combustible", because it is made of stone. But at high temperatures, it melts, turning into a tight mass. The remaining insulation is lit in different degrees at different temperatures. And here a lot of disputes arise.

Polyurene foam and expanded polystyrene - combustible materials Source

On our site you can find contact with building companies that work with credit funds and payment maternal capital. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

There are opponents that categorically belong to everything that burns. They argue that in private housekeeping you need to use combustible materials as little as possible. Something they are right. But if you follow their allegations, first of all it is necessary to abandon the roofing structures from lumber. After all, wood is the most combustible building material.

That is, this path is impossible to go in construction. It is better to learn fire safety rules and strictly observe them. Here is a solution to the problem. In addition, this option is much cheaper than, for example, replace rafters from browns on steel profiles.

And a few words about Ecowat, so that readers have an idea what it is. It is one hundred percent cellulose made of wood. In structure, it resembles cotton cotton, from here, in principle, the name itself. No adhesive or fastening additives. The only thing that is added to the material is necessarily, it is an antiseptic and antipiren. The first is protection against pests, the second - to reduce the flammability, therefore, the EcoWhat refers to the category of "wem-threshable materials".

EcoWAT insulation - weakly smelly material Source

The thickness of the heat-insulating layer

Since, in addition to the heat-insulating material, attic from the external environment, nothing closes in terms of confrontation with street temperatures, it is very important to correctly choose the thickness of the insulation of the attic roof. Of course, everything will depend on the temperature itself on the streets, from its average annual meaning. Therefore, first of all, this indicator needs to know. This is not secret information, it is in free access. For example, the photo below shows the map with a breakdown of winter temperatures by regions of Russia.

Map of medium minimum temperatures in Russia Source

For example, for the middle strip of the country optimally - the thickness of minvati for the insulation of the attic: the calculated 214 mm, used in the range of 150-200 mm. For polystyrene foam plates - in the range of 120-150 mm, for polyurethane foam - 70-100 mm. Note that the more dense material, the higher it has thermal conductivity, the thicker will have to form a protective insulation layer.

Rules for laying insulation on the attic roof

Since all heat-insulating materials have a different form and structure, the ways of mounting them on the attic roofs will be different. True, it is necessary to designate that mineral wool in mats is stacked almost the same as the polystyrene foam plates. Therefore, combine them into one section.

Montage Minvati and Polystyrene

The insulation of the attic of the mansard by minvata or polystyrene foam can be carried out or before laying the roofing material, or after. Consider both optionsAnd let's start with the first one.

  • From above of the rafter system put waterproofing material. It is laid out with strips across rafters, ranging from roof eaves. The bands are laid with a displacement of 10-20 cm with a subsequent sealing joints by self-adhesive ribbon. The fastening of the film to the rafters is carried out with a stapler and metal brackets.

Waterproofing roofs on the rafter system Source

  • Spend mounting counterbalaxtec, crates and roofing material.
  • The remaining processes are translated in mansardu.
  • Between rapid legs lay insulation So that it is tightly pressed against the ends of the rafted. Therefore, the thermal insulation material is cut or chosen in thickness so that it is a little more distance between the rafters.

Laying mate mineral wool between rapid legs Source

  • Over the rafter system from the inside install vaporizolation. This film material in rolls, as well as waterproofing. Therefore, the method of its application and attachment is identical to the waterproofing membrane. If you remember, then it said that polystyrene foam slabs are not afraid of moisture, if they are laid on the attic roof, the vapor insulation layer can not be used.
  • Spend suffering mansardes From the inside of the rafters using a slab or sheet material: plywood, OSP, chipboard, plasterboard, lining, etc.

Installation of a vapor barrier film on rafters Source

The second option when the roofing material is already mounted on the roof. This method differs from the previous one only by the fact that the waterproofing layer is as well as all the other layers of roofing cake, it is stacked from the inside of the attic. That is, the rolled material is placed on rafters without stretching, even with a sagging, so that it is possible to lay it between the elements of the rafter design. So you understand what we are talking about, look at the photo below.

How to put the waterproofing membrane in the attic roof Source ROOMESTER.RU

All other construction operations are carried out by the same technology described for the first option.

Video Description

Some masters do not advise the use of polystyrene foam for attic. Assess the correctness of the arguments, you can, seeing the following video:

Hansard insulation Polyurethane foam

In principle, this is the easiest way, because there are no preparatory work here, except for assembling equipment and filling it with insulation components. The process itself is the application of foam on the inner surfaces of the attic. The only moment to take into account is the application of polyurethane to the plane. If the attack is discharged, then under it it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing, if solid, then it is not necessary to put anything.

Video Description

We offer to watch videos how polyurethane foam is applied to the inner surfaces of the attic room:


There are two eco-appliance technologies: dry and wet. The first is used for insulation of horizontal structures: floor or ceiling. The second for the insulation of vertical and inclined planes, just for the attic roof. Although today is often used and dry option.

Mansard Wet Wet Wet Source SKELBIU.LT

The wet technology is based on a pressure insulation under pressure. Therefore, it is pre-mixed with water and add special glue. The heat-insulating mass is applied under pressure on the plane to which it simply sticks. Since this process is difficult to control the thickness, then this is strictly not followed. Just after the end of all works, the surplus is cut off with a special roller to the level of external ends of the rafter feet.

As for dry technology, for this, the strips of a vapor barrier film are placed on rafter feet, as in the case of minorvat and polystyrene foam. Then, in the laced polymer layer make a hole in which a loose insulation is driven out of the hose. The main task of the manufacturer of work is to place the material evenly throughout the underpowering space.

Mansard Warming Equipped by a dry way source

By the way, if you want to insulate the floor in the attic of an eco-art, then the insulation is simply breaking manually and laid between the beams of the ceiling, covering the waterproofing layer and the draft floor.

Video Description

About the preparation of the roof to Eco-weather insulation - the following video:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we told about four insulation for the roof of the attic, what better of them, it is difficult to answer. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. But in any case, in the prerogative - thermal insulation qualities and environmental friendliness. After all, insulation is made in one goal - to create conditions under which it will be possible in the attic to live regardless of temperature on the street. And environmental friendliness is the criterion that is responsible for the health and life of living in the house.

An attic is not just a place to store unnecessary things. If it is properly equipped, then it turns out a separate residential room. Therefore, the repair of the attic and especially its insulation interests many household owners.

Warming of space under the roof is the main condition for comfortable living, and it is from him to begin the arrangement of this territory. Before proceeding with repair work, you need to figure out what better the material is to choose to insulate the attic, to pay close attention to.

Hansard insulation from the inside if the roof is already covered: preparing the room

Hansard insulation from the inside

Not every attic can be called an attic. This species of the attic distinguishes the roof with a slope. In such a room, the height before the ceiling should be at least 2.5 meters.

Important! When carrying out installation work, special attention should be paid to the warming of windows.

Make a attic and equip it under a full-fledged living room - a very tempting idea for the implementation of which the owners of buildings are actively being accepted.

Before you buy material, you should know what properties must have a heater:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • minimal level of water absorption;
  • safety;
  • nonseasing;
  • no shrinkage.

All these moments are important to consider when choosing a heater for its attic. But the most significant is insulation from heat loss and waterproofing.

Attic is located under the roof and therefore is a rather cold room. The large temperature difference outside the structure and in the very attic space often leads to the condensate accumulate. Moisture negatively affects the construction, as well as finishing materials, leads to their spoilage, destruction.

The better to insulate the attic overlap in a private house

Building materials, including for the internal use of any premises, a lot. To know what insulation is best to insulate the attic of the attic, given the design features of a particular building, as well as climatic conditions in the habitat.


Foam insulation

This is one of the most popular insulation materials that won the love of builders and repairmen due to the low price.

The cost of foam - its main advantage, but far from the only thing:

  1. This material is characterized by high moisture resistance, it does not absorb water. If it is additionally covered with a special impregnation, then the drops on it will simply flock.
  2. Easy is another dignity of foam. It is easy to transport it, it is convenient to work. It does not create any additional burden on the roof, carrying structures.
  3. Another "plus" of the material in its excellent thermal insulation properties, so it is suitable as the insulation for the attic.
  4. The material is simply cutting with handicrafts in any direction. Will not work and fasteners of his sheets. The man without construction skills will cope with the laying of foam. This is absolutely not a capricious material.

But before you stop your choice on this material, you should know which density is needed to perform the task. After all, the comfort of the room depends on it.


Warming Minvata

Another kind of popular and decent means for thermal insulation is mineral wool. She is a little similar to medical wool due to the presence of fibers in the structure of the canvas. For sale Minvata in rolls, so you will not carry it out and work with the material will not be particular difficulties.

This is an excellent insulation for the attic. It does not miss warmly and practically does not absorb moisture. Such a combination of characteristics makes it popular in construction. Even if the Minvata wureswards, it will dry very quickly, not spoiling at all.

This material refers to the class is environmentally friendly, it is safe. It does not matter what the roof is covered and how much it is heated in summer, there will be no problems with mineral wool. Moreover, it is not gnawing the mouse, bugs do not fit. This mineral wool is beneficial from foam. The fibrous material also blocks the sound.

Pretty comfortable. The material has elasticity, although it seems like fibrous, soft. It will keep well between the rafters, if the sheets are correctly fixed.



EcoCite is not layers, but a crushed substance. It is tightly blending all the slots, fine holes, as well as the space between the overlap and rafters. It is hardly possible to do this for this, because there is a special technique for strangling. Warming of the roof of an eco-way - expensive pleasure. But this type of isolation has its advantages: the effect of insulation is a high and a single draft indoor.

The basis of EcoWhat are natural ingredients: the paper is 80% of its composition according to the characteristics of the characteristics. Despite this, the material is well saved heat and not inferior in efficiency to synthetic insulation.

Equata also includes a boor. This is an antiseptic that fights with various fungi and microorganisms, with natural origin. Therefore, when insulation, such a means should not worry about the possible appearance of a fungus or mold, with a buroy in the composition of the eco-board this will not allow.

Eco-weather insulation requires a rather thin layer, but this is enough to ensure high thermal insulation and blocking the noise effect. The material will serve a good ten years, not worsening its characteristics. Taking into account all this, the high price of EcoWati is fully justified by its properties and durability.

Polyurene Foolder

Insulation polyurethane foam

The most progressive and reliable substance for the insulation of a cold attic and other premises is foamed polyurethane foam. It exceeds its properties all of the above insulation. It is beneficial to the fact that during mounting does not give any gaps, junctions, cracks, through which the flow of cold air into the residential premises penetrate. This is one of the most endless materials, with proper styling, it will serve as a house for at least 30 years.

This material does not give a shrinkage, and even if there is a wooden roof at the house for which deformations are characterized with time. Polyurethane foam has a solid structure, which ensures its complete moisture resistance. Therefore, when this material is insulated with this material, it is not necessary to additionally mount the layer for insulation from steam and moisture.

With all these advantages, polyurethane foam has one substantial minus, due to which it is not always used for the insulation of residential premises from the inside. To apply this substance, a special pretty expensive technique is required. To buy it itself for construction work does not make sense, easier and cheaper to rent.

The application of the heat-insulating layer of polyurethane foam should be entrusted to a person having experience with this material. After all, it is not very simple and requires a certain skill. High qualityly insulate the attic of the attic.

Polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam for insulation

The use of polystyrene foam is equally popular. This is a unique material that has a number of positive sides. The insulation of any attic extruded polystyrene foam can be made independently. The material is rather light and perfectly falls on any surface.

With proper laying, the product will reliably protect the room from the cold and will serve not one dozen years. In order for the insulation of the attic of a private house with polystyrene foam in the highest level, it will only be necessary to comply with the basic rules of installation and preparation.

How to carry out insulting work?

Effective insulation attic

Each insulation has its own nuances, features and installation rules. It should be mounted, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendation. But there are general rules for the process of insulation, which do not depend on the substance chosen for insulation. Several mandatory stages are always present in them.

The first layer is mounted material for waterproofing. It provides protection against destruction due to moisture penetration. A special film needs to be laid on a mustache, and with a good nasom of one layer to another at least 10-15 cm. Fasten the material reliably will help the construction stapler. In the field of the joint of the film, it can be further strengthened with the help of Scotch.

If the project is envisaged and there is a need for this, then the lamp is stuffed. Conventional wooden rails are suitable, their width can be from 8 to 10 cm. Fix raies to rafters, strictly parallel rows. The distance between the rails leave the order of half a meter. Each component of the crates must be checked with the help of a construction level, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of shortcomings and flares of the roof in its further operation.

Next comes a turn of actually thermal insulation substance. It is mounted on the crate or rafters, the method of fastening depends on the type and characteristics of the material. If it is represented in the form of rolls (for example, mineral wool), then it is simply repaid on the bands of the required size so as to distribute between the rafter.

Important! The thickness of the insulation used for the attic ceiling should be approached by the width of the lag.

The ratio of the thickness of the material and space must be taken into account, first of all, when insulating the attic room with mineral wool, followed by a plasterboard installation. In this embodiment, all space needs to be filled with insulating material.

Such a multi-layered design resembling cake completes a layer of protective film filter against steam. Polyethylene film is perfectly suitable for its role, you can also use a parchment or rubberoid. When laying vaporizolation, just as when installing a film for waterproofing, the film is placed. But they are not fixed with a stapler, but at the expense of wooden racks of a small thickness. The distance between them is 40-50 cm. The joints are isolated by sinking with scotch.

Now it remains to complete the finish coating. It is fixed straight to the bars or to the crate. At this stage, we should consider the weight of decorative elements. If rather sweaty materials are selected, then the additional framework will have to be installed for their reliable attachment, for example, from a metal profile.

As an additional thermal insulation for the attic overlap, an excellent option is the FS, FD, FX for the attic overlap. All species have not only vapor barrier features, but also combine the effect of reflection of thermal infrared radiation.

Basic mistakes allowed in the process of mansard insulation

Insulation diagram Attica

So that insulting work spent on their own really pleased, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for their holding. The key point is the laying of the waterproofing layer, because without it all materials that can wet and dry lead to the penetration of the cold to the room.

To avoid negative consequences or at least reduce them to a minimum, it is worth listening to the advice of specialists:

  1. Before climbing work on the insulation of the attic room, you need to check the angle of inclination of the roof. If it is less than 13 degrees, the rainfall is beginning to accumulate on such a roof - snow and rainwater. The moisture stiring will provoke the appearance of rusty spots, cracks, cracks, moisture seeping. These phenomena will spoil the insulation.
  2. The insulation of the nansard walls and the roof itself with special insulating compositions is an important part of the work, but not to be limited to it. It is equally important to carry out thermal insulation of windows, preferably in the Swedish scheme. The ideal option is to entrust it to specialists, then there will be no leaks. And certainly should not be engaged in the insulation of the windows yourself, if they are located not strictly vertically, but under the tilt.
  3. It should not be forgotten that any material for thermal insulation requires ventilation. It is also important to ensure the possibility of drying it in the event of moisture. In order for the air to circulate, you will need to leave a gap in a couple of centimeters between the layer of insulation and the roof.
  4. It is required to observe the sequence and number of layers for insulation from steam and water, it is impossible to pass none of them.
  5. If there is not enough height of rafters due to an impressive layer of thermal insulation material, it is necessary to increase it by mounting special rails. This can be done independently.

Such simple but important advice will be able to help with insulation work, will ensure their high quality, the absence of errors and miscalculations that will have to correct and redo. If you are not sure of your own, in the presence of sufficient experience in repair work, it is best to invite a professional for the arrangement of the attic. Its services will cost no cheap, but the result will be excellent.

The attic of a private house can be used to store unnecessary things, and you can equip a full-fledged residential room with all the advantages that the attic of the attic. The most popular option is a bedroom or a children's room, but also here you can arrange a gym or even a greenhouse.

In order to embody these ideas in life, it is necessary to warm the roof, so the question is what the insulation is better suitable for the attic roof is especially relevant for those who want to equip additional square meters.

General requirements for thermal insulation materials

Roofing design is not monolithic. If it is not insulated at all, the cold air penetrating inside through the gaps will inevitably lead to the formation of condensate on wooden structures and, as a result, the appearance of fungus and mold.

If you want to use the attic all year round, then it is necessary that the insulation complies with the following operational characteristics:

Review of thermal insulation materials

About 30% of heat is lost through the roof, so no matter what materials roofing work, the attic roof requires high-quality insulation.

The range of the thermal insulation materials presented today in the market is so diverse that it is not difficult to get confused in this abundance. Below I made an overview of the most popular types of insulation, with all their advantages and disadvantages.

Modern glass gamble is made from glass production waste and is fundamentally different from that glass gamble, which everyone remembers from Soviet times. It is a safe, soft material that does not cause irritation when entering the skin.

Glasswater - a universal insulation suitable for all types of surfaces and having the following technical characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • does not ignite;
  • resistance to temperature drops in the range from -200 to + 500 ° C;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption coefficient up to 15%;
  • environmentally safe;
  • beautiful noise insulator.

In addition, glass gamble has a number of shortcomings:

  • during operation exposed to shrinkage;
  • fibers have low density and increased fragility;
  • by thermal insulation characteristics, the mineral wool is inferior.

By making the selection of insulation for the attic, you should not forget about small pests that are often found in private houses - glass gamble in detail, so the neighborhood with rodents does not threaten you.

Mineral wool

The structure of mineral wool consists of subtle synthetic fibers chaotic intertwined each other. Among the fibers, cells are formed with air, which ensure the unique thermal insulation properties of the material.

The fiber includes a small stone crumb, clay, a small amount of fiberglass and many other ingredients. Of the benefits worth noting:

  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • noise absorbing properties;
  • fire safety.

Warm the roof of the attic mineral wool can also be a non-professional - the material is easy to work and practically waste. Due to the soft structure, it easily fills all empties and the thermal insulation layer does not have seams (when using rolls, in the case of the stoves of the seams, all the same will be).

Despite all the advantages of the Ministry of Service and the disadvantages:

  • according to some experts, its fibers have carcinogenic properties;
  • as a binder in the manufacture of mineral plates, a phenol formaldehyde resin is used, which highlighted free formaldehyde.

This is one of the varieties of mineral wool, which includes a natural component - basalt. In production conditions, it is melted, and it turns into a thin fiber. The melting point of basalt 1000 ° C, in view of which the insulation is able to withstand heating to such a temperature.

Among the fibrous insulation, basalt wool has the best technical characteristics and the highest price.

The only drawback, compared with similar materials, is a lot of weight, which must be taken into account when the attic of the attic (the rafter system must be calculated for such a load).

By buying basalt cotton wool, give preference to a proven manufacturer (for example, Tekhnonikol products), since some unscrupulous companies seeking to reduce the cost of products, the components of the toxic substances are used.

All mineral wool insulation are universal and are perfectly suitable for both mansard warming and floor insulation, walls and facades. However, due to the ability of the fiber to accumulate moisture, before insulation of the attic, it is necessary to produce high-quality waterproofing of surfaces.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

This is a relatively new type of insulation in the market of thermal insulation materials, but already gaining great popularity. Extruded expanded polystyrene is a "relative" foam, but due to the characteristics of the manufacture exceeds it according to specifications.

The EPP passes through the extruder, due to which the material is obtained, the structure of which consists of closed cells capable of preventing the absorption of steam and moisture from the outside.

The properties of this unique material are affected by their versatility:

  • thermal conductivity is lower than in many insulating materials;
  • even with full immersion in the water there is no water absorption;
  • it tolerates frost well;
  • resistant to most chemicals;
  • no need for additional waterproofing;
  • absolutely harmless;
  • service life of up to 50 years;
  • sufficiently high compressive strength.

It would be possible to say that extruded polystyrene foam is the best insulation for the roof, since with all the advantages has a sufficiently low cost. However, there are two points that reduce all its advantages - flammable and countertileness.

In view of this, it is categorically not recommended to use it for the heat insulation of the wooden rafter system, although there are quite a few materials on the use of EPP as a heater for the roof, including the attic.


It is a budget version of insulation. His advantages:

  • Low price and the possibility of mounting with your own hands allows you to save money significantly.
  • it is practically weightless, and does not create an additional burden on the roofing design.
  • Due to environmental friendliness suitable for all types of premises, including children's institutions.

Unlike EPP, having a closed structure, there are technological pores between the granules of foam, allowing a pair of penetrating through it.

The disadvantages include the protein property easily flammable (although there are types with a combustible class G1, i.e. not supporting burning) and small rodents love to arrange their holes in it, so specialists do not advise the use of this material for the inner insulation of the attic.

Below in the video presents a test for the combustion of foam and expanded polystyrene.


Polyurethan - modern material applied to the insulated surface by spraying. It is due to the method of insulation of the PPU has many indisputable advantages:

  • when insulation, the construction of an additional framework is not required;
  • the thermal insulation layer is obtained by monolithic and eliminates the appearance of cold bridges;
  • absolutely not afraid of moisture and at the same time;
  • if there are engineering structures on the attic or complex architectural forms, the joints are easily sealed due to spraying;
  • excellent adhesion to any type of surface, except for polyethylene;
  • layer in 25 mm is able to replace 80 mm mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam does not like mouse and insects, it is not subject to rotting and mold formation.

The shortcomings can be attributed to the impossibility of performing insulation on their own - work should make a brigade equipped with special equipment for spraying, which will require considerable financial costs.


What insulation can be better for attic, rather than environmentally clean, not causing allergic reactions, material? All these advantages possesses Eco-insulation by 80% consisting of waste paper and waste paper production, and by 20% from the antiseptic and additives that impede flammings.

It is worth noting from it:

  • with high quality - available cost;
  • seamless heat insulating layer;
  • the possibility of planking in hard-to-reach places;
  • economical consumption when insulation of the room;
  • high sound insulation properties.

Unfortunately, like any other material, the eco-out is not devastable:

  • during operation, it is capable of decreasing in volume;
  • accumulates moisture, which leads to an increase in thermal conductivity;
  • the method of applying is similar to PPU - the help of specialists and the use of special equipment will be required;
  • drying time of the heat insulating layer - from two to three days;
  • it is not recommended to use near open fire sources, since under the influence of high emotion temperatures can begin to smooth (all the same, 80% is paper).


The most ancient way of insulation, which, despite the variety of modern materials, is still applied. For this there are good reasons:

  • it is the cheapest way of insulation;
  • one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • works can produce a person with minimal experience;
  • the roof, insulated with sawdust, has sufficiently high heating saving quality if adding cement or clay solution to sawdust.

Despite all the advantages, insulation sawdust is a very time-consuming process, which is increasingly goes into the past, giving way to modern technological materials. In addition, for the insulation of the attic, it is small, and is more used for thermal insulation of flat roofs of economic buildings.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The thickness of the insulation for the insulation of the attic is calculated using a table of thermal conductivity of materials.

Table 1. The thermal conductivity coefficients of insulation

The exact indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the package - this value depends on the density of the material and technology, which was used in production.

The thickness of the heat-insulating layer is calculated by the formula:

where R is thermal resistance for the roof of a certain region, λB is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation.

City City Thermal resistance R (m 2 * 0 C / W)
Moscow 4.67 Nizhny Novgorod 4.79
Krasnodar 3.54 Omsk 5.34
Sochi 2.95 Magadan 6.1
Rostov-on-Don 3.96 Chelyabinsk 5.09
St. Petersburg 4.6 Tver 4.71
Krasnoyarsk 5.37 Novosibirsk 5.5
Voronezh 4.46 Samara 4.76
Yekaterinburg 5.19 Permian 5.17
Irkutsk 5.62 Ufa 4.96
Volgograd 4.18 Kazan. 4.91
Astrakhan 3.97

Table 2. The coefficient of thermal resistance for the roof of some cities of Russia

Suppose you live in Moscow and want to insulate the attic extruded polystyrene foam. The minimum thickness of the insulation will be 4.67 * 0.036 \u003d 0.16 m.

The optimal option for insulation of the roof of a residential building will be basalt wool.

Installation of this insulation does not take much time, it will help to avoid excess garbage (if you provide a distance between the rafters in advance, the distance between the rafters is slightly smaller than the roll width or mat of basalt wool) and will save money if it works independently. An additional important bonus - the material is harmless to health and is not a fuel, which eliminates the need to process wooden structures with antipirens.

For the bath it is necessary to select the insulation that does not absorb moisture, and the extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane will cope with it.

They have similar characteristics, so when choosing, focus on the amount you have (sputtering polyurethane foam will be more expensive than solid fiberstip).

In conclusion - a video review of various insulation and their applications:

Of course, all of the foregoing about the choice of material for the insulation of the attic roof is not the truth in the last instance, since much depends on financial capabilities, climate and a number of other factors. If you do not agree with something, or have a personal experience of the insulation of the attic (even if negative) - be sure to share your considerations in the comments.

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