How is a roof made of metal tiles. Arrangement of a roof with a cold attic Installation of metal tiles on a cold roof

Engineering systems 04.03.2020

At the moment, in the process of building a country house, different options for high-quality modern structures of the roofing part of a building or structure can be applied. Relatively uncomplicated among them is the cold roof. Such a device is best suited in cases where the common attic space, for some reason, is not used as a living space.

The design scheme of such a plan is characterized by simplicity, there are elements such as high-quality waterproofing, load-bearing elements and a roof. There are some features of the installation of this design. They consist in the fact that it is imperative to provide a high-quality ventilation gap designed to remove accumulated condensate.

This is necessary so that the load-bearing structural elements, as well as the roofing itself, are effectively protected from the adverse effects of moisture.

The installation of such a roof itself is not characterized by any difficulties. The most important thing that needs to be done is to correctly fix all the profiled metal sheets that are present.

This must be done so that precipitation cannot penetrate through the numerous joints under its surface. Before starting the construction process, it is worth making such important steps as:

  • Make all the necessary calculations;
  • It is imperative to calculate the parameters of the angle of inclination of the roofing structure;
  • It is important to determine the pitch of the lathing;
  • It is also required to decide on the method of fastening the sheets of roofing material.

Compliance with these rules will allow the construction process to be carried out quickly and efficiently.

From a warm roof, the described one differs in relative simplicity. The only thing that must be taken into account without fail is a special type of roofing material and its flooring.

In the process of using modern metal tiles, it is recommended to provide an effective ventilation gap, which will properly remove condensate from the room located under the roof. This is necessary so that the steel element is not subject to corrosive destructive processes.

The device of this design is the installation of a rafter system, a membrane or high-quality film is mounted on it. Then the counter-lattice, the lathing, and also the covering, that is, the metal tile, are fixed.

The main features of this design include the complete absence of a heat-insulating layer, there are also special ventilation holes, they are located strictly under the ridge and on all slopes without exception.

These devices are used to effectively drain water. The process of professional design and subsequent installation will not present any difficulties for the master, the most important thing is to correctly carry out all the calculations.

The process of high-quality and professional installation itself consists of such features as:

  1. If a device is planned, you will need to competently approach a high-quality selection of a protective membrane to effectively protect against excess moisture. For an attic space, only a special high-quality waterproofing can be suitable, which can look like a regular membrane, which is usually made of PVC.
  2. If in the future you do not need to use the room, you can use a special micro-perforated waterproofing. It is needed specifically for this structure, like a cold roof. Such a material does not make it possible to lay various thermal insulation in the immediate vicinity of it; with any further insulation, it will be necessary to spend material resources on the purchase of new material.

Important! If these conditions are not met, the roof will not be protected from moisture after some time. In this case, the insulation will always be wet, and the roofing material will be severely damaged by destructive corrosion.

For the laying process of a high-quality waterproofing membrane, it is necessary to remember that it can be installed with a certain sag of about 20 mm. This factor makes it possible to arrange the dripping of drops, respectively, effective protection of rafters and other structural elements of the roof from excessive moisture is carried out.

In order for water to be eliminated as efficiently as possible and not to stagnate, thereby creating a relatively unfavorable environment, it is imperative to equip the presence of a high-quality ventilation hole. It is carried out between the foil and the roof ridge.

Such a gap makes it possible to circulate without problems under the roof, and all traces of moisture and condensation will also be effectively removed.

Important! In the process of work, it is very important to ensure that the protective membrane does not have ruptures or any other defects, and that it is fastened using a special construction stapler. It is imperative that an overlap be performed, that is, all the edges of the film must be fastened using scotch tape.

Of all the main features inherent in a cold roof, it is worth noting that it is possible to build it, if necessary, for any region of the country. Many people assume that this type of coverage may not be suitable for some regions, but in reality this is far from the case.

For a standard living space, the presence of a cold, unheated attic is a traditional solution in all respects.

It should be noted that the use of a roof of such a plan will not affect the temperature of the upper floors in any way. The attic space itself may not be used at all, and the heat loss is solved by installing a layer of high-quality insulation between the upper floor and a special under-roof space.

In the process of constructing a cold roof, it is worth remembering about such a stage of the work being performed as competent isolation of all present technological exits and openings. These are such structural elements as:

  • Chimneys;
  • Special mines;
  • Entrances leading to the roof surface.

All of them need to be insulated in a special way. Well-performed work will quickly avoid such unpleasant moments as the appearance of a large amount of condensation, icing, heat loss and the penetration of precipitation.

A device of such a design as a cold roof is one of the most common options due to its simplicity. The composition of the roofing cake contains layers such as:

  • On the side of the rooms, a layer of high-quality waterproofing was laid, which has one-sided permeability;
  • Roof truss system;
  • Moisture film, necessarily slightly sagging;
  • Counter-lattice, the construction of which is carried out strictly parallel to the previously mounted rafters. Wooden boards of this system firmly press the waterproofing, that is, they provide one more fastening with high quality;
  • The lathing of such a cold roof structure is made of high-quality timber made of wood. Its cross section should be 50 by 50 mm. It is installed with a certain step, about 40 cm, but it is directly based on the category of metal tiles used;
  • The topmost layer is the metal tile itself.

  1. On the rafters, using a special stapler or small galvanized nails, the film is fixed, which provides waterproofing.
  2. Then she is pressed by the fastening devices.
  3. The step directly depends on the category of metal tiles used.
  4. The size of such boards should, on average, be 25 by 95 mm.
  5. Sometimes professional builders use a coating that is continuous in structure, made of sheets of high-quality plywood.

The film, which provides effective protective waterproofing, must be laid with sagging, but other defects are absolutely unacceptable. The degree of sagging of the roof covering should be approximately 15-25 mm. This will provide an opportunity to guarantee the highest quality ventilation, since condensate will be drained.

The moisture will first go to the ledge bar and then to the gutter. Neglect of such a process will lead to the fact that moisture will destroy the roof completely.

When building a cold roof, which is made of metal tiles, it is required to remember that a sheet of this material does not provide protection against noise. Therefore, no one lives in the attic, it is cool and noisy there.

Installing a cold roof requires taking relatively simple tools, as well as consumables that can be purchased relatively inexpensively. As the necessary fastening devices, special brackets are used, these can be self-tapping screws or galvanized nails.

Important! In the process of calculating sheets of roofing material, you need to remember that you will definitely need additional elements such as valleys, roofing tiles, cornices, and so on.

The device of a standard cold roof differs from an insulated structure, just by the absence of a layer of insulation. Such a roof is erected in the event that the attic will not be used as a living room.

A house with a cold attic is far from uncommon in modern construction. This solution is especially important for outbuildings, as well as summer cottages. Often, a cold roof made of corrugated board is also made in residential buildings, when the main area of ​​the house is sufficient for its owner and there is no need to make an attic.

Cold roof device made of profiled sheet

The device of a cold roof is advisable, first of all, for economic reasons. Firstly, you save on materials, and secondly, by isolating a large under-roof space from the rest of the house, you do not spend money on heating it. And, thirdly, installing a cold roof is much easier than laying a full-fledged roofing cake.

This article is devoted to how to correctly make a cold roof from corrugated board.

Installation of a cold roof from corrugated board in a residential building

Cold roof construction is very simple. On the slopes, you do not need any insulation, no vapor barrier, or, especially, finishing. Naturally, the savings in this case are very significant, given that the price of insulation and finishing is 50-60% of the cost of the entire roof. In addition, due to the simplicity of the design, a cold roof made of corrugated board with your own hands fits without any problems.

A cold roof cake consists of the following elements:

  1. rafters;
  2. waterproofing film or membrane;
  3. counter lattice;
  4. lathing;
  5. corrugated board.

Cold roof waterproofing: is it necessary?

Cold roof waterproofing will protect the room from possible leaks and condensation that forms on the inside of the metal roofing. Since condensation is released on metal surfaces during temperature changes, there is a common misconception that it will not happen when an insulated roof made of corrugated board is installed.

Naturally, such an opinion does not correspond to reality, since, despite the fact that the under-roof room is not insulated or heated, the temperature inside will still differ from the outside temperature, and often quite significantly. Therefore, the answer to the question: "Will there be condensation on the corrugated board if the roof is cold?" - unambiguous: "Yes, it will."

In this regard, it becomes obvious whether waterproofing is needed under the cold roof corrugated board. The consequence of its absence will be that condensation will fall on the ceiling, increasing the humidity in the attic. This will lead, at best, to accelerated damage to wooden structures, and at worst - also to a catastrophic decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the insulation, if it is unprotected.

Sagging waterproofing film installation

The waterproofing membrane of the cold roof is laid on the rafters and fixed with a counter-lattice, after which the lathing is already mounted for installing the corrugated board.

If you are not going to insulate a cold roof in the future, then a micro-perforated film can be used as waterproofing, which is much cheaper than special membranes. However, it must be mounted with a mandatory sagging of 20-30 mm so that moisture flows into the space between the rafters, and does not moisten them, seeping through due to the capillary effect.

Vapor barrier and cold roof ventilation

Since micro-perforated films prevent the penetration of moisture from the outside, but do not interfere with the passage of water vapor, vapor barrier of the cold attic on the roof slopes is not required. Water vapor, passing through the film, finds itself between the waterproofing layer and the corrugated board, from where it is removed by the air stream.

If a waterproofing film for a cold roof traps water vapor, this will lead to excessive moisture in the room and, as a result, dampness. In addition, with increasing humidity, steam will condense already on the film from the inside. Therefore, ordinary polyethylene and polypropylene films, as well as outdated materials such as roofing material or glassine, are not suitable for waterproofing a cold roof.

Ventilation of a cold roof is very simple and is ensured by creating a gap with a counter-lattice: the air flow enters under the roof covering through the eaves and exits through the ridge.

Always make a counter grill

The presence of a counter lattice is a prerequisite for good ventilation. It is this gap of a few centimeters between the film and the crate that allows the air flow to pass unhindered under the roof covering.

Ventilation of a cold attic is carried out using conventional dormer windows, which must be positioned in such a way as to ensure the passage of air flow during ventilation throughout the entire room. If the size of the under-roof space is large, ventilation of a cold attic in a private house can be improved using a classic supply and exhaust system.

If you are planning to insulate a cold attic in the future

In the event that a cold roof made of profiled sheet is a temporary option, and in the future you plan to insulate it to create a full-fledged living space, micro-perforated film should not be used as waterproofing. The fact is that it is impossible to mount a heater close to it - if this is done, the film will lose all its waterproofing properties and will begin to let water through.

This film must be replaced with a non-woven vapor permeable membrane. In particular, those types of Tyvek or Dorken membranes that can be laid directly on the insulation are perfect for these purposes. They are, of course, more expensive, but their use will reduce the thickness of the roofing cake by 80-90 mm. If you already use micro-perforated film as waterproofing for a cold roof made of corrugated board, you must provide a gap of at least 50 mm between its lowest point, taking into account sagging and thermal insulation.

In addition, the vapor barrier of a cold roof, converted into an insulated one, is not needed, since the steam will pass through the insulation and, without lingering in it, will be removed through the film or membrane.

Cold corrugated roof in utility rooms

For sheds, change houses and other utility rooms, a cold roof made of profiled sheet is the best option. In this case, it is recommended to use a special corrugated board with an anti-condensation coating.

Profiled sheeting, covered from the inside with anti-condensation coating

Such a profiled sheet is covered with a special synthetic compound on the reverse side, which is similar in structure to felt. Due to the large number of small air pockets, this material can retain a fairly large amount of moisture - up to 1 liter per m2. Thus, when the humidity rises, the anti-condensation coating absorbs water, which is then evaporated by the ventilation of the cold roof.

Thanks to the use of a profiled sheet with an anti-condensation coating, the construction of a cold roof becomes much simpler and cheaper, since neither waterproofing nor counter-lattice is needed. In addition, such material is indispensable for gazebos, verandas, awnings and other open structures, since in principle they do not use waterproofing, and condensation appears no worse than in a cold attic.

Installation of a cold roof from corrugated board

First, the waterproofing is mounted, with sagging, if a microperforated film is used as it. It is fixed with the help of counter-lattice bars nailed to the rafters parallel to them.

Then the lathing of the house is performed. How to make it and what step to choose depending on the brand of the profiled sheet -.

Further, the direct installation of the cold roof from the corrugated board is carried out. If the width of the roof slopes is less than the maximum possible length of the corrugated sheet, then it is laid without transverse joints at all, which makes it possible to improve the tightness of the coating. Side joints are made in 1-2 waves, depending on the slope of the roof and the grade of the profiled sheet. Read more about the installation of a cold roof from corrugated board.

Do not forget to process the rafter system

Cold roof technology is quite simple, so its installation is quick enough. However, all wooden components of the roof must be pre-treated with special compounds that will prevent them from rotting, as well as mold and mildew damage.

How to insulate a cold roof?

Often a cold loft is just an intermediate step. Most cold roofs are insulated over time in order to increase the living space of the house. This is easy because there is no need to redo the cold roof pie - it is, in fact, the top of the insulated roof pie.

In order to make an attic out of a cold attic, you just need to add a layer of insulation and finishing. If, as we recommended, you used a waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane and not a micro-perforated film as waterproofing, then the material for thermal insulation is placed close to the rafters. Then an internal lathing is made with bars of the required thickness, between which a second layer of insulation is mounted. It is also possible to fix the finish on them - wooden boards or drywall.

Insulation of a cold attic using polyurethane foam spraying

When insulating a cold attic, a vapor barrier is not needed, since water vapor from inside the room will pass through the insulation and exit the roofing cake through the waterproofing membrane into the under-roof space. Therefore, before insulating a cold roof, do not forget to treat all internal wooden structures with compounds that prevent decay.

In addition to this method, the insulation of the cold roof attic can also be performed by spraying polyurethane foam. This is one of the fastest and easiest options, besides this insulation is considered one of the best on the market. It is fireproof, has excellent thermal insulation properties, is durable, resistant to acids and alkalis, and does not rot.

In addition, the insulation of a cold roof made of corrugated board with the help of polyurethane foam allows you to create a continuous layer of thermal insulation, in which not only there will be no cracks, but the rafters will also be closed. The only drawback to this method is the cost. Also, you will not be able to do this work yourself, as it requires expensive equipment.

When arranging an unheated attic, there is no need to spend money on roof insulation. It is enough to close it from precipitation to give a presentable appearance. The most common materials for roof decoration are soft and metal tiles, corrugated board.


Any non-insulated roof includes standard components:

  1. Rafters, which serve as a frame carrying the covering.
  2. Waterproofing is installed in order to protect the attic from water in the event of a violation of the integrity of the finishing roof.
  3. Bars for the organization of roof ventilation.
  4. The horizontal lathing acts as a base under the corrugated board, a continuous plywood flooring is laid under the flexible tiles.

This is the backbone of any roof, using different materials and technologies for their installation, the cake is supplemented with different components. Consider the options for the device of roofing pies.

Basic layers

Installation of a cold roof begins with a waterproofing device. Some experts believe that this layer can be neglected and save time and money. To be or not to be waterproofing? Let's figure it out in order:

  1. No master will give a 100% guarantee that nothing will happen to the roof. Natural disasters, improper wood preparation, the human factor during construction and operation can lead to a violation of the integrity of the roofing at any time. As you know, the cladding has a hydrophobic property, which means it protects the under-roof space from water penetration. Let's imagine that the layer is broken. Where the water will go - to the floor, flooding the ceiling and the attic.
  2. Removing condensation is another task of waterproofing. As a result of convection, steam settling on the lower part of the roof will escape, and not linger on the wood, deteriorating its quality.

Whether cold roof waterproofing is needed or not - there are active disputes among specialists in this regard. We recommend that you play it safe and still make a protective layer. Moreover, the membrane can be purchased very inexpensively.

By the way, you should not use an ordinary film for waterproofing - it does not conduct moisture, which means that condensate cannot be released from the attic. The cold roof cake includes membranes having a similar polymer composition, but equipped with a fine-pored structure.

The membrane is attached to the rafters, allowing the material to sag a little. The waterproofing should be fixed with lathing bars, which will provide the necessary ventilation corridor through which steam will be removed.

Further arrangement of the cake depends on the choice of roofing material.

Metal tile

Cold metal roofing is a frequent choice of developers. It is an aesthetic facing material with excellent performance, easy to install. A lot can be said about the merits:

  • Long service life;
  • Resistant coating;
  • Bright color that does not fade in the sun;
  • High flexural strength, which is important in snowy climates.

Sizes of sheet metal:

  • Length from 40 cm to 8 meters;
  • Width - 1.16 ... 1.19 meters;
  • Thickness - 0.45 ... 0.5 mm;
  • Profile height - 1.8 ... 2.5 cm;
  • Wave step - 35 ... 40 cm.

The length of the sheet is the vertical dimension, that is, the metal tile is laid in one sheet from the ridge to the cornice. Accordingly, the width is a measure by the cornice or ridge.

The choice of sizes must be approached comprehensively:

  • The length should be chosen based on the length of the roof. In addition, it should be borne in mind that long sheets will be inconvenient to transport and carry, stack, so at this stage you need to think over the technical side of the installation organization.
  • The thickness of the sheet determines the strength of the sheet along with the height of the profile and the step of the wave, which is the stiffener.

The procedure for arranging a cold metal roof pie:

  • On the bars of the ventilation crate, rails of 100 × 30 are recruited with a step equal to the transverse step of one sheet.
  • The first strip should run along the lower edge of the roof, it is stuffed with a double bar (2 slats are nailed to each other). The brackets for the shower drain are attached to them.
  • Installation of sheets begins from the extreme row, leaving a small overhang. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws through the wave to the horizontal crate.
  • Subsequent sheets are laid with an overlap of the previous one at least 80 mm.
  • The ridge is decorated with a special corner strip made of metal. It completes the design of the slopes and protects against leaks.

Corrugated board

A profiled metal sheet is similar in structure and installation method to metal shingles. The corrugated board has longitudinal stiffening ribs that provide stiffness coverage. The higher their height, the stronger the sheet.

The transverse crate for corrugated board is calculated as follows:

  • When the angle of inclination of the roof is less than 150, the pitch of the boards is 400 mm;
  • Angle 15-30 ° - step 300 ... 400 mm;
  • Angles greater than 30 ° suggest lathing in 100 mm increments or solid flooring.

The step can be determined by the characteristics of a particular sheet:

Cold roofing device made of corrugated board:

  • Cross slats are stuffed onto the ventilation crate with a step determined by the angle of inclination.
  • The bottom rail is drawn up, the drainage gutter brackets are screwed to it.
  • Installation of profiled sheets is carried out in a horizontal or vertical direction, starting from the bottom row, moving to the ridge of the roof. The sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws to the crate with a step.
  • Crown the roof with a ridge.

Soft tiles

Soft tiles are polymer-fiberglass imitation of natural tiles. Unlike ceramics, fragments of improved bitumen are easy to assemble, they are resilient and not brittle at all, they can easily resist any atmospheric influences. The soft shingles (shinglas) are reinforced with mineral chips, which add resistance to precipitation, snow and small debris blown up by the wind. The main limitation of its use is the roof slope, it must be more than 12 °.

The soft-shingle cold roof structure includes a continuous deck of OSB, plywood, or planks laid with a continuous carpet without gaps. Such a rigid base is necessary to provide rigidity under the soft material.

The procedure for installing a roof made of soft tiles:

  1. On the prepared base (rafters with waterproofing and lathing), horizontal slats with a thickness of at least 30 mm are stuffed. They are necessary to ensure good ventilation and a secure anchorage of the continuous deck.
  2. Lay a continuous flooring of plywood or OSB. The edges of the sheets should be located strictly on the projection of the rafter legs to ensure sufficient rigidity.
  3. The shinglas cold roof cake includes an underlayment underneath soft textile tiles. It is fastened with a construction stapler along the guides.
  4. A dropper and drain brackets are attached along the lower edge.
  5. The fixing of the tiles begins from the bottom row towards the ridge. Each next part is laid with an overlap of the lower one in a checkerboard pattern, overlapping the fixation points with the petals. Fasten the tiles with assembly glue and nails.
  6. An aerator is built into the upper part of the roof, through which moisture is removed from the roofing cake, it is closed with a ridge corner.
  7. At the abutment to the pipes or walls, bars are installed to them, onto which the carpet and fragments of tiles are placed, glued with assembly glue.


The design of the cold roof is similar for all types of topcoats, only the types of battens differ:

  • For metal tiles - horizontal lathing with a step equal to the step of the wave;
  • For corrugated board - horizontal lathing with a step depending on the type of sheet and the slope of the roof;
  • For soft roofs - continuous flooring.

It is important to choose the right waterproofing - a vapor-permeable membrane. If a decision is made to equip a roof without a moisture-protective layer, it is necessary to take a particularly responsible approach to the choice of the finishing coating and its installation.

The ventilation gap will ensure the safety of the wood components from decay and will create a natural escape of steam, which will significantly extend the life of the roof.

Any roofing material is not perfect. Even in its main quality - protection from moisture. And in cases where the roof is covered perfectly, and there are no leaks during rain or snow melting, there is still condensation on the inside of the roof.

To protect the rafter system and the attic of the cold roof from condensation, waterproofing is laid as part of the roofing pie. And the fact that it also protects from "small" leaks is a bonus in the form of a margin of time to eliminate the leakage of the roof.

When do you need waterproofing under a cold roof?

There are not so many roofing materials. If we consider only, the list will be reduced to several types. And depending on the characteristics of the material itself, the laying technology and the purpose of the building, waterproofing is not always needed.

Metal roof

Metal roofing can be sheet and piece. Sheet materials are,. Piece covering - roofing block and roofing scales.

Regardless of the size of the element and the technology of laying, the "layer-by-layer" is the same for everyone:

  • rafters;
  • waterproofing;
  • counter lattice to ensure a mandatory ventilation gap;
  • lathing;
  • roof.

The presence of waterproofing and a ventilation gap of the under-roof space is mandatory both for heated houses of year-round use, and for unheated summer cottages or outbuildings.

Any roofing metal has high thermal conductivity and low heat capacity. With a daily decrease in temperature, the roof cools down much faster than the air inside the attic. And it will appear almost daily, even in summer.

In winter, if the building is heated, the air in the attic will be even warmer - any thermal insulation of the floor is not absolute. Just like any vapor barrier does not provide complete protection against the penetration of warm air vapors into the attic from the premises. And then there are chimneys and ventilation ducts, which also serve as a source of heat.

Waterproofing protects the attic and truss system. And so that the counter-lattice and the lathing do not get wet, there must be a ventilation gap in the under-roof space.

Slate and ondulin

Although these materials differ in composition, the likelihood of condensation on their surface is low.

The best thing in this regard is slate. Its surface texture can be compared to an anti-condensation waterproofing film. A rough surface can hold condensate until it evaporates and wears off. Therefore, for a cold slate roof, waterproofing is not needed.

As an example, Soviet-built apartment buildings can be cited - most of the "Khrushchevs" have slate laid on the crate without waterproofing. And the only reason for the attic to get wet is the roof leaks.

Ondulin has almost the same properties. On the manufacturer's website, as one of the "economy" options for installing a cold roof, there is a laying diagram without waterproofing. And this option is suitable for country houses and summer cottages, summer kitchens and outbuildings.

For houses of permanent residence, a roof made of slate and ondulin without waterproofing is considered insufficiently reliable. And here it is recommended to lay waterproofing roll materials. standard - the film is attached to the rafters with a slight sagging, counter-lattice bar is stuffed on top and.


There are several types of roofing material where this term appears:

    Bituminous shingles. Waterproofing is provided at the level of the manufacturer's installation technology. This, which serves at the same time as an additional fixing element. The bitumen contained in the tiles and carpet is baked together when the roof is heated from the sun.

    Composite tiles. It is a kind of metal roof tile with a small sheet size. The differences lie in the composition of the protective and decorative layer. As for any metal roof, waterproofing must be laid under it.

    Ceramic and cement-sand tiles. They differ in composition, shape, manufacturing technology. But despite this, the installation takes place according to general principles. And the manufacturers of these types of roofs, when describing, also stipulate the presence of waterproofing.

What waterproofing materials can be used

There are three types of modern materials:

    Superdiffusion membranes. They are distinguished by good waterproofing properties and high vapor permeability. It is rarely used in cold roofs because of the high cost and excessive "breathing" properties. The main purpose is to protect the insulated roof. They are laid on non-insulated roofs if there are plans for its further insulation and or an exploited attic.

    Diffusion membranes. Good waterproofing properties and average vapor permeability. The optimal choice for slate, ondulin, ceramic and cement-sand tiles.

    Waterproofing films with anti-condensation surface. It is a versatile material with high waterproofing properties and limited vapor permeability. Such materials can also be used as a vapor barrier.
    Recommended as . They block most of the water vapor in the warm air, which is then eroded by the eaves and ridge vents of the attic ventilation and through the dormer window.

How to properly lay the film

The waterproofing film is mounted from the bottom up with an overlap of the panels of at least 15 cm. Fastening is carried out to the rafters. The film should sag between the rafters, but no more than 2 cm. Additionally, a sealing tape is glued on top, and then a block of counter-lattice is nailed.

If it is necessary to increase the length of the canvas, then the joint should fall on the rafter leg. Extension is also done with an overlap of 15 cm.

Superdiffusion film on the ridge is laid without breaking. When installing other types of waterproofing materials in the area of ​​the ridge, it is necessary to leave a "gap" of about 5 cm on each side.

Can roofing material be used?

Sometimes roofing felt and its analogs are used as waterproofing of a pitched roof. But these materials are intended for waterproofing a flat roof over a continuous floor.

In the technological map of the TechnoNikol company for the installation of bituminous roll materials, it is indicated that the roofing material is attached to the base using mastics or by fusing.

Mechanical fasteners at large roof slope angles are used as an additional "point" fixation to prevent the bituminous waterproofing from slipping in hot weather. And this limits the scope of use of roofing material on pitched roofs.

On those roofs where the slope angles are large and the roofing technology is solid, the lathing is not needed, it is not economically profitable to arrange it, even though roofing material is cheaper than waterproofing films. And only the mechanical fasteners of the row crate do not provide sufficient reliability of fixation due to the low rupture strength of the roofing material.

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