Design of a children's long narrow room. Expand the space of narrow children's room. The idea of \u200b\u200btyping a narrow children's room for two.

Gardening 13.06.2019

The parents of two children often face the problem of the rational design of the children's premises, because this room should be not only comfortable and safe, but also take into account the needs and temperament of each child. The article will give many useful recommendations And it will help to reveal all the subtleties of the design of such a room as a children's room for two children: layout options and photo examples of various interior solutions.

An ideal option for personal children's space is his own room. Parents face a problem how to equip a nursery that it was comfortable, convenient and interesting in it. The space should combine all the necessary individual zones: for sleep, games, classes and sports in one place. And absolutely no matter - for one child or for two, the room is happening. Rules in both cases are the same.

Before starting repair work Inside the future room of children, you should clearly decide on the layout and design of the room. For this you need:

  1. Know the size of the room, taking into account the number of window and doorways.
  2. Decide on the appointment of the room. It can only be a bedroom, or combine gaming, creative and sleeping zones.
  3. Take into account the floor and age of children.
  4. Listen to all available children's wishes associated with the design of the room (color preferences, decorative elements). Based on the individual queries of each child and their own vision, find a rational compromise solution that will arrange all households.

Planning the room

Registration of the room, taking into account the age of a child, redevelopment. Furniture, decor, lighting, textiles and curtains for children.

Zoning children's premises

In any children's room there must be main zones: working, game and sleeping. If children of different sexes, then should be organized for each other variants of these zones. Any zoning is carried out with the help of finishing materials, a color palette, children's furniture.

For same-sex children who rarely conflict, you can organize joint zones for storing things and games.

Keeping for comfortable sleep

This zone is the main place in the children's room. It should be the most comfortable, comfortable, relaxing and calm. You can achieve this with the help of pastel tones that must surround a sleeping place. Walls at the head of beds can be supplemented with calm drawings or decorate photos.

If a sister and brother live in the room, then a pink or peach color palette can be used near the room, and for the boy is suitable blue or green.

Each child has the right to an individual bed. You can achieve this with the help of two options:

  1. Bunk bed is the most rational way to use space. When designing a small children's room for two children, it is assumed to install just such a bed.
  2. Separate beds. Such a solution is acceptable for large rooms and in the case when children in the family of different ages and gender. Beds can be located in parallel or close along one free wall. In the second version, sleeping places are separated by bedside table, table, chest or rack. Baby beds for two children in a room can be headboard in one of the corners of the bedroom. To achieve free space In the central part of the room, the beds can be put in opposite corners.

Helpful advice! To save space, you can use modular furniture for children's room: folding sofas, transformer beds, retractable sleeping places.

Storage area

The room for children should not be cluttered with huge massive cabinets. An ideal place for storing children's things is the wardrobes. Inside such a wardrobe, you can simulate the same functional spaces for each child. Also perfectly cope with the accomplished task of spacious dressers, on the upper surface of which you can put a lamp, books, toys. Examples and photos of children's furniture for a room for two children on the Internet there are a huge amount.

Training area

In the room for preschoolers, there will be enough placement of individual small tables with chairs, where children will be able to draw, sculpt, decorate.

For schoolchildren, the children's room must be equipped with a working area with convenient desktops and comfortable chairs. When designing a workplace, maximum restraint should be observed. It is unacceptable to use bright colors and large drawings. The color palette must be a neutral gamma.

The table can be a big common for both children, or small individual for each child. Despite this, the work area should be placed near the place natural lighting. In the case of a common table, each child must have personal shelves, lockers where school supplies can be placed. If the tables are customized, the cabinet or rack will help to divide them.

For the working area, it is necessary to take care of both artificial lighting, setting the lamp above the table.

Helpful advice! Near the workplace, you can place a chalk or magnetic board, which children will be able to actively use in further training.

In interior publications, you can see children's rooms for two children whose projects suggest folding desktops. This is an excellent solution for saving the common space.

Game Zone

Place for games should be interesting, bright, unusually decorated, which will contribute to the harmonious development of children's individuality. Here you can use a bright and saturated color palette with a large drawing applied.

Helpful advice! The wall in the gaming area can be covered with special paint at which you can draw, and then wash the elements of creativity without prejudice to the appearance of the coating.

The place for games can be identified by a motley carpet where children will be comfortable to play. It provides for places to store creative accessories and toys. It can be bright boxes, mounted textile pockets.

For diverse children, each child's preferences should be taken into account and equip two gaming zones so that the calm tea drinking dolls do not interfere with active car racing.

The original method of "drawing on the walls" - suspended rolled paper

Rest zone

This zone is necessary for children of adolescence. Here you can hold joint leisure, take guests, watch TV. The design of this place must be discussed with children, given their wishes. Here you can put a folding sofa or a couple of chairs, coffee table, shelves with favorite books.

The necessary element of furniture of two girls for the children's room will be a dressing table with a large mirror.

For two children of boys, children's furniture for the room can be supplemented with sports shells and accessories.

Comfortable and functional children's room

When creating the interior of the children's room, it is necessary to take into account a number of important momentsthat will help create a comfortable and functional space. These include the choice of color palette, selection of ergonomic furniture for sleep and storage of things, thoughtful lighting of working and other zones, as well as textile design and decoration of the room. From how scrupulously thought out all these nuances, the mood and psychological atmosphere in the room of children will be affected directly.

Choosing a color palette

When choosing a color palette for a room for children, it is worth considering the fact that the room will mainly be used as a bedroom. Therefore, you should give preference to a calm bright color palette. The design of walls in neutral tones will allow children to fully calm down, relax after a busy day and prepare for sleep.

The bright color gamma is able to calm emotions, give the feeling of lightness, freedom and freshness. It visually increases the size of the room. And this is very important for the design of narrow children's rooms in Khrushchev for two children.

On a light background, you can place any decor elements: pictures, photos, pictures of children placed in a frame, open shelves for toys or books that can be changed over time.

In case of wall decoration with light textures, you can give a contrast using a motley decor window OperactionsUsing bright curtains with a pattern. This solution can be used for carpet and textile bedding.

Helpful advice! You can diversify boring monophonic walls using various stickers on the subject.

Another way to eliminate the monophonic wall decoration is the application of a unique designer drawing. Here you can contact a specialist who will create a real masterpiece on the wall.

To diversify the bright one-photon palette of the room, you can make it clear accent wallwhich is located at the head of beds. This solution will bring the element of the uniqueness and individuality of the room.

In addition to salary wallpaper or staining, you can use wall panels Light shade. In the case of a wave modification, the panel can be placed horizontally and expand the space, or vertically, visually increasing the height of the room.

The interior for the children's room of two children can be performed in one common style. Many parents prefer floral patterns on the walls of the room. Using the blue color palette, it will be possible to fill the room with light cool, and yellow, orange and terracotta shades will bring heat into the room.

Pepling the topics of the design of the walls will be relevant if the whole bedroom is suppressed in it. The children's room of two children of boys are complemented by drawings with anchors, ships, other attributes of navigators. This will cause a big delight of the young owners of the room.

The design for the children's room of two girls involves the use of all shades of pink color. Too saturated richness of this juicy shade can be slightly soothed with a white color, as well as using mirror and glass surfaces.

In the design of a children's room for two boys, you can use all shades of blue, green or purple color. They will have a beneficial effect on the mental state of the guys.

If the walls are made in saturated colorful colors, then the contrast can be added using a light ceiling and floor covering. Balance of color contrast will help children's furniture. In a room for two children, it should be chosen in bright colors.

Proper room lighting

The organization of proper lighting in the children's room is a guarantee of the child's health. It is necessary to ensure free access of natural light into the room. The desktop should be stirred near the window.

Helpful advice! Located opposite the window, the mirror cabinet is able to increase the amount of light.

Artificial lighting in the room should be thought thoroughly. You should not be limited to one chandelier. On the contrary, separate lamps should be installed in each functional zone that will fully fulfill their purpose.

The options for illumination of the working area can be built-in top and side illumination, table lamps with light position adjustment.

Sleep space can be equipped with night lights. Screen or lamps can be applied to illuminate recreation areas. The zone for games can be lit with point ceiling lights.

Children's furniture for sleep

Complete the design of the room follows the installation of furniture. In a children's room for two children, you should buy high-quality soft and cabinet furniture.

The main object of children's furniture are comfortable beds. will be excellent solution For two children for children's room 12 sq.m. Photos of various variants of such beds point to their huge popularity. However, for rooms with a ceiling height less than 2.6 m from such a solution should be refused. A child sleeping upstairs will suffer from lack of air.

With orthopedic mattresses

The tiers of such beds are connected to the staircase, which should be the most secure and reliable as possible. Base base can be equipped with a drawer, where you can store personal belongings, bedding, toys.

Helpful advice! To ensure the right physical development of the child and a calm comfortable sleep, you should take care of high-quality orthopedic mattresses.

Such a bed will become a real small house for children. It can be created, make the starry sky on the ceiling of the lower tier. As perfect option Children's furniture In a small room for two children, it is a bunk bed.

If two beds are used, there will be the most successful parallel placement. Between the bedrooms can be put bedside table For personal belongings that should be at hand. Soft finish headboard of baby beds will be a good solution, ensuring not only attractive appearance, but also convenience during sleep.

Two comfortable in the girl's room

If you put the beds perpendicularly, you can achieve a greater space for the joint games of children.

There is another modern solution: lay beds perpendicular to two levels. Free space under the top tier will be an ideal place For storage of things.

Storage systems

In addition to children's beds in the room, it is necessary to provide a system for storing clothes, toys, books and other important trifles. A good functional is an excellent option for storing clothes. All zones in it should be the same for both children. For storage of children's clothing, you can use the dressers, on the surface of which you can position various things.

Free space under the window can be filled with racks with swing doors or drawers.

Open shelves for booking books, photo albums and collectible items will become an excellent decor element and a one-photographic light design of the room. Such a solution is typical for the design of the room design for two girls. Photo Children clearly illustrate such an interior.

A good addition to the furniture ensemble of the children's bedroom will be puffs and ottomanka, which can be comfortably located during dressing or game. Frameless puffs can play the role of building elements for the construction of the tower. At the proposed photos of children's rooms for two boys, just such a designer approach was used.

If the place allows, in the room it is advisable to install a sports corner for children, where they can play sports. This solution is most relevant for the design of the room for two boys. Photo of children's premises clearly demonstrate.

Folding sofas and tables are becoming increasingly popular for. This is a real find for small premises. Also, not to clutter the space, in the room for children you can mount the built-in wardrobe.

All children's furniture must be made of high-quality harmless material, it is easy to lend to care and be reliable and durable to use. All furniture elements are performed without protruding elements and acute cornerswhich can become sources of children's injuries.

Textile room decoration

For the design of the room for children it is worth picking up dense curtains from natural material, which will provide a calm and comfortable sleep of children. You can use silk or tight cotton as a material.

Helpful advice! A modern solution for designing windows is the use of rolled curtains that are adjustable in height.

The color scheme of the curtain can be the most diverse. But their design and color should be harmonized with the overall picture of the design of the room.

For additional comfort, the short-ski carpet should be located, which will be badly accumulated dust.

Give an additional highlight to each bedroom Decorative pillows and bedspreads will help in shape and color, which are visible in photos of children's rooms. For two girls, the bed design is a way of individual self-expression.

Rooms for Two Children: Photo of Children's Room Design

For the successful formation and development of the identity of the child, the children's space should be convenient, safe, interesting and functional. All materials that will be used for decoration and decor of the room must be environmentally friendly, not to highlight. harmful substances, not accumulate dust and easily wash.

Wallpaper, textured plaster, can be selected with material for wall decoration, decorative panels Or water-based paint.

Helpful advice! To cover the walls, you should not use too relief texture. It will accumulate additional dust, which can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

Paul coating should be durable, safe and warm. It is recommended to give preference to carpet and wood. Linoleum and laminate should be high quality. Not recommended as a coating for children's room. ceramic tilesbecause it is unsafe with slippery material, which contributes to the fall during active games.

For comfort and ensuring the heat of floor covering at any time of the year, you can use a system of warm floors.

The room layout begins with determining the placement of beds. Based on this, the work area is built, a place for games, a storage system and all other important elements of the interior that must satisfy all the requests of small owners. The design of the room design is to fit with a non-standard, creative and practical point of view.

Choosing the style of the room, you should rely on the tastes of children. You can start with minimalism and provide in the future every child freedom of expression. The most optimal and universal stylistic solutions You can consider marine topics, jungle, safaris, any natural style. This design is suitable for the girl, and for the boy.

The choice of registration directly depends on who will live in the children's room.

Brother's room and sister

The room of different children should be divided into the personal zones of each child. There should be partition, curtain or shirma, using the children who could retire.

Helpful advice! An excellent solution for separating the space will be partition from the shelves.

The interests of the brother living in one room and sister are rarely combined, so it is very difficult to arrange a room, satisfying the desires of both children. In this case, the wall finishing should be neutral. And you can diversify a personal corner of each child using various accessories that are close to the owner or hostess of your area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The marine topics remains very popular among children. In the design of such a room, white and all shades of blue are dominated. The use of colorful textiles, photo walls with a picture of your favorite characters is relevant. Space for a boy can be issued using pirated attributes, and for the girl pirates can be replaced with mermaids, treasure chests - interesting seashells with pearls.

Here you can play contrasting shades and distinguish between space, for example, purple and yellow. To create a harmonious design, repeat the colors of each side on the opposite wall using the decor elements: frame, textiles, drawings.

The child must have an individual place to store things. Creating a children's room design for two different children, it is necessary to take into account age, characteristics of the nature and individual desires of each child.

Children's room for two boys

Catching up the decoration of the children's room for two boys, it is necessary to create a personal place for everyone individually so that the child can do there with his beloved thing, without interfering with his brother. Otherwise, not to avoid constant conflicts between children. This question is worth the most acute when planning the premises and design of a nursery for two boys of different ages, which is a common time of time.

The boys are peculiar to the thirst for adventure and exciting travel. Therefore, the actual option child design Rooms for two boys will be marine or cosmic topics. Furniture can be chosen from the color corresponding to the selected subject. The room can be supplemented with characteristic design attributes that will be advantageously highlighted the selected style.

From the great sets offered on the Internet photo of children's rooms for two boys, you can pick up interesting options And bring them to life.

In the room for two brothers

In addition to places of recreation and game zones, a sports corner should be provided in the room. It can be a whole complex, a Swedish wall or a simple crossbar with a boxing pear. This is a necessary element for the development of the physical activity of boys.

Numerous photos of children's rooms for two boys, the design of which provides for the use of a sports corner, confirm the popularity and benefit of such a solution.

One bunk bed and a small joint closet for clothing will be perfect for two brothers. All furniture items must be durable and wear-resistant.

A very practical element of the children's room furniture for two children of boys are open racks where plastic containers and boxes can be installed. That constructive solution It is very convenient for storing puzzles, designers, machines and other toys that are ordered in convenient cells.

Helpful advice! Such racks will later be applied to books, and containers - for storing sports equipment.

Children's room for two girls

The interior of the children's room for two girls should be symmetrical. For the design of the walls, you can use a beige-olive, pink-purple, peach gamut of colors.

If girls have different interests, then you can add a room using individual decor elements close to each sisters. For two girls, the children's room should become a favorite area where they are comfortable for both sisters, and not be a place of discord and constant conflicts.

Girls are very romantic and dreamy nature, so there should be a lot of diverse textiles in the room, soft toys, unobtrusive sporm on bedspreads and curtains. Here must reign the atmosphere of the fairy tale. It can be created using fabulous characters, which can be placed on walls, curtains, flooring. Photo of children's room design for 2 girls - visual confirmation.

In children's rooms for two girls (photos demonstrate the best options for such a solution) can be made separately sleeping areas, and everyone else can be combined because they make a lot together.

Accessories and furniture for the children's room of two girls should be selected in a given style. It can be, cauldraws with light flowing curtains, wrought cornices with colored curtains and frills.

Girls love to exhibit all the heads, so it will be appropriate for storing toys to arrange an open shelves. Cabinets for clothes and personal belongings of girls should be provided with more accomplished than boys.

Photo of children's rooms for two girls is distinguished by the full interior of dolls, air rules and bows, fabulous characters. The interior of the children's room for 2 girls (photo confirms) It is worth equipping with soft puffs, a small table with chairs, imitated children's cuisine.

Children's room design for two children: general recommendations

The children's room should be a favorite place for children, where you can have time to spend time, concentrate on school, relax peacefully. Here must be comfortable and convenient to both owners. Therefore, by defining the possible design of the room and layout of the room, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of each small owner.

The room should be issued in a single style with the presence of design attributes, individual for each child, taking into account gender, age, character and temperament. This also applies to the selection in the room of children's furniture. For 2 girls, as well as for two boys, the interior of the children's room must be performed in a single style. In the case of different children, it is necessary to combine various options.

Children's premises are simultaneously a bedroom, a game, working and sports zone. This should be considered at. Textiles and children's furniture in a room for two children must be made of natural and environmentally friendly pure Materials.

The main rules and proposed ideas for the children's room for two children contribute to creating a functional, beautiful, practical and original premises.

In typical apartments that make up most of the residential foundation, there is often a long narrow room. This is usually a living room, but there are also long bedrooms, kitchens. Such a room is difficult to equip it so that it is functional and seemed wider. The main task of design narrow room The creation of a cozy space becomes, on which the lack of the geometry of the room turns into its main advantage. When decorated, it is important to correctly pick up the colors, put the furniture and apply all the ways of visual expansion of the area.

How to visually expand the space?

To "push the walls", designers developed several techniques:

  • It is necessary to visually emphasize the attention of the incoming room into short walls, and leaving the long ones with neutral. This effect Perfect works.
  • Competently and think over the lighting installation.
  • Do not set furniture along long Walls. Such a rule also concerns.
  • Play with the form of space.

More detailed ideas for the implementation of these techniques we will look at just below.

Features zoning

The narrow room can be divided into two square zones using partitions and racks, create a kind. What will be the purpose of each of the zones - to solve you. If it is a children's, then you can smash the room into zones for sleep and classes, it is easy to make correct. In the bedroom, you can highlight the larger zone with a bed for sleep, and closer to the door to lay a table and a rest chair. Also in any of the rooms you can find a corner for.

However, it is not necessary to make the partition completely deaf, to the ceiling itself: zones are obtained dark and uncomfortable. Also, it should not be used as partitions to use deaf cabinets.

Separate the room with a rack (this advice can be resorted to designing), transmitting light, or translucent shirma, light curtains. A great solution is to place on the border of the zones.

Ideas for interior

The key task is to highlight the short walls as much as possible and visually reduce the length of two other walls. How to do it? We offer several ideas to solve this task:

  • Puck short walls with overall color. The most common option is to use the same tone, but short walls are covered with vibrant pattern.
  • Decorate the short wall with curtains, curtains or draperies, which perfectly hide the space due to the thickness of the folds.

  • Use by placing them on a short wall with a space restriction or long - with a perspective. Plain, leaving the distance, or the canyon will expand the horizontal room and, thus, level the disproportionateness of the long, narrow room.
  • Design classic: Casting long wall with vertical pattern, and a short wall - with horizontal.
  • Very effective B. this case Wallpapers with stripes will be. Position the laminate panels or parquet perpendicular to the long walls and emphasize this with striped wallpaper on the short wall. As a result, you will receive a noticeable effect of expanding space.
  • Play with the form of the room: Make asymmetry on the ceiling, mount flooring At an angle, while all this is supported by the walls of the walls. Non-standard solutions Add speakers space. These tips are well suited when designing.

  • The long narrow room will seem in short, if at the very end to put the barrier. It may be a bench, a decorative shirma or a game table in front of the window. Such an obstacle will help the eye to cling to it and stop the eyes.

If the window opens beautiful view, Place the sofa at an angle to it, inviting guests to admire the landscape. In this case, the length of the room will not be so apparent.

  • Install the niches along the long and short sides. The difference in the depths of the walls will make the entire interior more dynamic and reduce the tunnel effect.
  • Large mirrors - elementary way to deceive the view. Put the mirror cabinet, install large mirrors along the long side, and the room will visually become much wider. You can also use this.

Color spectrum

White color, as is known, expands space, but this is not the only color in the interior, organizing openness and lightness in the room. Walls should not be made completely monophonic. Play on the contrast: the side wall, which is planning to place the most massive furniture, paint in a pale color, and the opposite one is darker on the tone.

The ceiling is also painted in a pale neutral shade. But if it is very high, then cover it more dark paint.

Do not be afraid to use gentle shades of coffee, pink, lilac or orange. With the correct placement of furniture and decorating the room, their intensity is even more muted.

Doors and windows

  • On the long wall, the doorways can be safely expanded. In this case, give preference to swing structures with the widest possible platbands.
  • Another solution is the design of the arches on the site of the doorway. The edge of the arch is separated by material, contrasting in color or texture with respect to wallpaper, plaster or paint. It is even more "eating" space along the long wall.
  • If windows are located on the long wall, then it is also better to expand them. At the same time, make the purses in the direction of the room. If the window is located on one of the short walls, then do it strictly rectangular.


Designing a narrow room design, do not forget about such an important element as. It must be properly chosen and assemble, taking into account the configuration of the room.

Choose a coating (tile, laminate, linoleum, parquet) with a rectangular pattern. When choosing a laminate, it is necessary to take into account the substrate for the laminate. For residential rooms is usually used. Putting a rectangular coating so that the drawing is allowed perpendicular to the long wall. When choosing a rectangular tile orient its short side along a long wall.

A rectangular carpet also copes well with a lack of a long room. Low it is a narrow part to a long wall: so the room will look a little shorter.

We select furniture

Position the furniture so that there is a free pass from one end of the room to another between the attributes. If the long wall is worth bookcase from floor to ceiling or, furniture post opposite wallAnd leave the middle free to unhindered movement. In general, select furniture with open backs and legs, so that the room is visible through them.

Designers are recommended whenever possible not to put furniture at the wall.Two small sofa placed perpendicular to the wall will make an elongated room not so close. But a huge soft corner will take most of the room, so do not pick up such furniture for the long room. Separate seating zones are also visually "spreading" walls.


Competently installed light sources will help hide the disproportion of the room, but explicit errors in the design of lighting will only protrude the shortcomings of the room.

Remember that in this case the installation of the central chandelier is not at all relevant. If you want to suspend the traditional chandelier, use two options:

  • Select the asymmetric chandelier, elongated along the length, and hang it over the room across.
  • Central chandelier will complement other light sources. It may be landsrs and wall lightslocated on short walls. But the lighting devices installed on the long walls will create the effect of a long corridor or tunnel.

A narrow room is not a sentence at all. The main thing is to take into account this minus when designing and competently beat it. In general, you should not be afraid of colors and bright spots: brick wall, large pictures or posters, wallpaper with a large print, as well as several contrasting zones will make it more dynamic and complicated in shape.

And then chief flaw Rooms will not rush sharply, and maybe even remain unnoticed.

Is it possible to make a cozy nursery in a narrow and long room? Sure! The competent design of the children's room is able to turn a long and narrow room into a cozy and comfortable nest of his beloved Chad.

At the same time, children's wallpapers for the girl will help to make a palace for the princess, and the photocollage with pirates will take the small owner into the world of adventures.

If the housewife is a girl girl.

World of Girl - This is the atmosphere of good and love, touching care and smile. Therefore, even from a long narrow room you need to try to make a soft room, without sharp corners and narrow passes.

This effect is created using:

  • wallpaper in pink-lilac color gamma with small pattern;
  • set of curtains with rushes and lamps (this will allow you to round the corners and create the illusion of space);
  • furniture without sharp corners and soft, in the tone of the walls, colors.

Small furniture parts are desirable to arrange in the corners (shelves for flowers, for books, toy stands and others).

If the owner of the boy

The long room should not confuse the future man. It needs to be conveniently located all the necessary items, details and trivia. Everything must be accessible and at hand. More boxes, shelves and shelves.


  • Box under the bed
  • Desk with niches for books and magazines,
  • Pinds with a spacious stand;
  • Andresoli for things not used every day.

Children's room for a boy can be performed in a single ensemble, such as a car garage, a comic zoo or a pirate ship.

If the owners are two.

The design of the children's narrow room in which two lives, obliges to comply with a number of rules. What would not like to do to everyone, he should not experience inconvenience from brother or sisters.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  • separation of the room on the zone;
  • saving free space at the expense of folding or double-decker beds;
  • conditional division of places for storing personal things of everyone.

Room for two girls

The design of a narrow children's room, in which two future women hosted, should be different:

  • furniture capacity;
  • the presence of a place to care (even kids). There should be a mirror, a shelf for cosmetics, caskets for "jewels" and attachment;
  • puppet corner or place for a hobby (according to age).

If girls love to needle how to forget to equip the appropriate working corners. For storing personal items, it is better to immediately foresee two separate niches: confusion is an eternal satellite problem.

If the room is both owners - boys

The room for two boys is a kind of "combat machine", and the owners - her crew. In such a room, you can expect everything: from children's military battles to mother's lullaby before bedtime. Therefore, the design of the room should be free, even if it is a narrow children's room.

If the host's room is a boy and a girl.

Perhaps this option is the most difficult. Especially if the difference is significant. But in this case, you should take care that everyone was comfortable.

Wishes for children's rooms in such cases are as follows:

  • color range of wallpaper - in neutral colors (beige, peach, light lilac);
  • furniture - light tones, transformed as possible;
  • curtains - a universal option - a classic, possibly a length of two thirds from the height of the room. Fissure blinds are suitable (photos can be found on the Internet sites of curtains);
  • lighting devices - compact, better maximize local lighting.

What are the features of furniture for narrow children?

In narrow rooms, furniture placed "as in the tram", visually works unprofitable. You must apply techniques that expand free space.

It can be:

  • a large mirror on a long wall;
  • not a stationary partition, and from fabric (mobile curtains), made according to the appropriate sizes;
  • wall mural with a look, such as 3D, on a long wall;
  • built-in cabinets;
  • transformer and other written table.

One of the main requirements for furniture is the lack of traumatic hazardous parts and sharp corners.
For the children's room in Khrushchev, you can put sliding doors - It will save the near-door space.

How to perform wall covering, floor, ceiling?

For children, all materials used must have:

  • safety;
  • universality of coloring;
  • ecology;
  • low allergenity;
  • lack of strong smell.

For the walls, it is better to choose a paper wallpaper: they do not interfere with air exchange, can easily be replaced in case of inadvertent contamination.

The floor covering is better to choose from natural materials. For example, a tree: chipboard, parquet, or relevant today cork coating. Carpeting (carpet tile) makes it difficult to carry out wet cleaning and contributes to the accumulation of dust in hard-to-reach places.

Received today development dropped ceilings Suitable for children. True, for the children's room in Khrushchev, few people will choose, but the option has several advantages:

  • aligns the irregularities of ceiling plates;
  • allows you to make uniform lighting;
  • with the help of different levels of height helps in the zoning of the room.

If a narrow room is highlighted for a native, design features you need to try to expand the space in the middle and smooth the corners. Do not forget O. light color, soft forms and free arrival of light.

Bed accommodation. Bed is better to take high, with cabinets under it. It will save space and give the room freshness and originality.

Bed in niche. Save space even more and provide more places For storage of things will give a bed in a niche. Moreover, she will give the child an additional feeling of security in bed.

Long narrow table for a child. Buy a wide table is very expensive for space in a small room.

Look this option:

Wide small table. If you think that behind a narrow table, the child will be uncomfortable, consider the option with a small wide table.

High-tech style for room. On small spaces, the style of High-tech looks very carefully and adds space. But it is necessary to do it if he likes the child.

How to divide the room between two children, especially if they are different ages and have different interests? And in this case, not to ruin? Do not forget that the room should like children and be comfortable and functional, and for this it is pretty to work hard and take into account a lot of trifles.

Bright children's room for two children

First, it is worth it to decide in advance which functions will be done by children. If it should be used only as a bedroom, you should not load the space with superfluous objects, and the Wallpaper will look again if they are monophonic, or have any pastel shade. Thus, the body of children of any age will be calmly rest and tune in to sleep.

A large room With a sofa

The best color for the children's bedroom is white. It is he who gives the space that ease and freshness where it becomes calm and cozy. Furniture should be minimum. It is enough to put two beds, two bedside tables and a storage cabinet. For small fashionists, the opposite wall can be placed a dressing table with a mirror.

Children's room for two children
Bright room for two children

In the case when children should perform more functions, it is reasonable to zonail the space. Jobs are desirable to do two, then each child has its own zone where you can write, draw and do lessons. And the gaming and sports part is convenient to make common for both kids.

Beds and tables are more profitable to place in the bright area near the windows. Place for games can be placed in a slightly excluded corner of the room.

Big Bright Children's Room with Bunk Bed for Two Children

Bunk beds will help in small children's savor. If children are not afraid of heights and without disputes can decide who to sleep at the top, and to whom - below, then this option can be called the most successful.

Bright room for two children

What to pay attention to

First of all, it is worth considering the tastes of both kids. If they do not like the same fabulous characters, do not order a photo wallpaper with their images. In this case, it will be more appropriate to look neutral pattern. If the dimensions allow, the room can be divided into partition, thereby providing each child a personal space.

Creative room for two children with multicolored zoning
Green room for two children

Before starting repair, you need to make a clear room plan, given its size, the number of windows and the location of the door.

It is necessary to immediately determine the functions that the children should perform and, depend on this, divide it into several functional zones.

Important attention should be paid to the difference in the age of children. When the youngest goes to the garden, and the senior is a schoolboy, the most faithful option - to find a compromise planning solution. An older child is not interesting to live surrounded by children's toys, and the baby will be bored among the books and tetradok. The most logical to divide the room into two identical parts.

It is necessary to take into account the interests of children and fulfill at least one desire of each kid. It is impossible to reckon with the opinion of the only child.

Beautiful spacious room for two children

Zoning of the children's room

Before talking about the zoning rules, it is worth noting that it has not only aesthetic, but also educational purposes.

  • Comfort on the psychological level. When everything is ordered, the child appears more possibilities For development and self-expression.
  • Since childhood, the baby will take order.
  • When two children live in the room at once, it gives them the right to feel personal freedom and learn to share the same space for two.

Bunk bed in a room for two children

For two children, if the place allows, to divide the space between the beds by the partition, so that both have a personal space where you can do your affairs. A shelf or mirrors can be placed on the partition when the room is equipped for girls.

Bright room with divided beds

Windows must go to the West or East. Then the day the room will be evenly illuminated.

Bright bright room for two children

When zoning is performed for kids up to 3 years, then you need to be guided during the repair needs mom. Cot, changing table and others necessary accessories Do not be far from each other. Developing toys and soft mats are placed separately in the far corner of the room.

Room Design for Two Children
Children's room design for two children

By the guys to 7 years old, it is necessary to enable the most enjoyed by childhood. You can divide the room for several zones:

  • creative;
  • sports;
  • gaming;
  • sleeping.

Thus, kids will have a maximum of self-expression opportunities, and in the case when their interests do not coincide, they will not distract each other.

Bright room for two children with a red tint

Children up to 13 are already growing up and proud, therefore the zoning of their space should be as useful as possible. A large role for schoolchildren is played by the working and training area, you should not save on good written tables and bedside tables for storing books and notebooks. Sleeping places can be made in the form of a bunk bed that saves a place and makes it possible to have a personal zone, where no one will distract it.

Room for two children in the style of "Minimalism"

As a rule, zoning is carried out using the arrangement of furniture items in certain places of the room - it is the easiest and most fast option. Some parents include a fantasy at the maximum, and then everything goes: backlight, different colors Wallpaper, partitions and blinds, shirms and curtains. Color zoning is significantly ordered by space. The gaming and sports part can be issued in bright, screaming shades, so that the kids can spill up the maximum energy, and the sleeping and working area Proceed in pastel colors. The fashionable option is the separation of the room with furniture labyrinths. In the room you can make floors different height. Thus, sleeping places will be on the hill, and the working and game zone is lower.

Room for two children with a playground

What furniture to choose

Furniture for children should not be massive and large. The more lightness, the air and more comfortable, the space of the room will be read. Beds are light, and in the case when dominates dark color, You can cover them with a white bedspread. The desk should be comfortable and roomy, but not cumbersome. Otherwise, he will steal a lot of unnecessary space. The furniture wardrobe is better to choose the built-in and make its doors with mirrored. Even if it is large, the mirrors will noticeably reduce the size and visually spread the walls of the room.

Chic Children's Room for Two Children

For two children preschool age An excellent solution will be a combined version of the bench-sports zone. Sporting shells are adjacent to the bunk bed: slides, ladents, horizons. This option may be fairly hurt, so it is necessary to take care of the soft carpet of the coating in advance.

Children's room for two children in green

Accessories are played by a significant role - shelves, bedside tables, photo frames and paintings. All this adds comfort and ease. There are many interesting design versions of the chest of drawers who perfectly fit into any interior.

Large room for two children

How the shape of the room affects the planning

Square I. rectangular shapes the premises are forced to resort to zoning with additional partitions and shirm, and when the room has non-standard sizes, protrusions and deepening, it makes it possible to competently divide its space without auxiliary materials.

Beautiful children's room for two children

The most inconvenient are planning with cut corners. As a rule, there can be placed there from furniture, and in the room for two children each meter is doubly appreciated.

It is not worth it to be carried by frames and separation either. They significantly reduce the amount of free space in the room.

Room for two children with different colors

Children's room is an important element of the planning of family dwelling. The interior design in this room should be approaches responsibly.

Video: Children's room for two children. Minimalism and storage of things.

50 Photo of the ideas of the design of a children's room for two children:

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