Rules and the order of the baptism of the child. Capture whether in winter

The buildings 15.10.2019
The buildings

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Have you chosen the godmother? This is a great honor and great responsibility. The responsibilities of the godfather are not limited to only the sacrament of the baptism and greetings of the kidnik with the holidays - they will continue throughout life. What are these responsibilities? What you need to know about the sacrament of baptism? What to buy? How to prepare?

Baptism - the essence and meaning of the rite of baptism

The baptism rite is a sacrament in which a believer dies for sinful carnal life to revive the Holy Spirit into a spiritual life. Baptism is cleansing a person from original sin who is reported to him through his birth. Equally, as a person only once appears, and the sacrament is performed only in a person's life.

As a godfather to prepare for the rite of baptism

To the sacrament of baptism should be prepared in advance.

  • Two or three days before the rite, future goddes should repel in their earthly sins and compete.
  • Directly on the day of baptism it is forbidden to have sex and eat food .
  • With baptism of the girl godmother Must be read the prayer "Symbol of Faith" , when baptizing the boy reads it Godfather .

Responsibilities of the godfather. What should the godfather do?

The child can not choose a godfather Mama himself, parents make this choice for him. An exception is the older age of the child. The choice is usually determined the proximity of the future godmother to the family , a warm attitude towards a child, the principles of morality, which the godmother adheres to.

What are the responsibilities great Mom?

  • Godmother publisha for Novocredited child in front of the Lord.
  • Is responsible for spiritual education kid.
  • Takes part in life and upbringing Toddler Along with biological parents.
  • Take care of the child in a situation where something happens to biological parents (the godfather can become a guardian in the event of the death of parents).

The godfather is spiritual mentor For her skeleton and an example of a Christian lifestyle.

The godfather should:

  • Pray for a gosson and be a loving and caring godmother.
  • Visit church with baby If his parents do not have such an opportunity because of the disease or absence.
  • Remember about your duties In the days of religious holidays, ordinary holidays and on weekdays.
  • Seriously treat problems in the life of a godder and keep it in difficult stages of life .
  • Be interested in I. promote the spiritual growth of the child .
  • Serve an example of a pious life For a kid.

Features of the rite of baptism

How is the sacrament of the baptism of the child?

Requirements for the godmother in christening

The most important requirement for gods parents - be baptized Orthodox who live in Christian laws. After the rite, the godparents should contribute to the spiritual growth of the child and pray for him. If the future godfather's mother has not been baptized yet, then first should be baptized , And only then - baby. The biological parents can be generally unresolved or confess to another faith.

  • The godfather must realize your responsibility For the upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is welcomed when relatives choose in the godfather - relatives are rushing less often than friendly.
  • The godfall may be present on baptism Girl in absentia, great mother - only personally . Its responsibilities enters the girl from the font.

Cross do not forget about the bottom of baptism . On the day of the Guardian Angel, the karda should go to the temple every year, to light the candle and thank for all God.

What to wear a godmother? Exterior view of the godmother in christening.

The modern church is more loyal to many things, but its tradition is definitely recommended. Basic requirements for the godmother when baptism:

  • Having a godpiece of native crosses (sanctified in the church) must.
  • It is unacceptable to rest on baptism in pants. You should wear a dress which hits the shoulders and legs below the knee.
  • On the head of the godmother Be sure to be a handkerchief .
  • High heels are superfluous. The child will have to keep on their hands for a long time.
  • Forbidden casting makeup and causing clothes.

What do the godfather buy baptism?

  • White baptismal shirt (dress). It can be simple or embroidery - it all depends on the choice of godfall parents. Shirt (and everything else) can be purchased directly in the church. Old clothes with a baby with baptism are removed as a sign that he appears clean in front of the Lord, and the baptism shirt is worn after the rite. Traditionally, this shirt should be eight days, after which it is removed and stored throughout life. Of course, it is impossible to baptize in it another kid.
  • Native Cross With the image of the crucifixion. He is bought directly in the church, already consecrated. It does not matter - gold, silver or simple, on the rope. Many after baptism remove crosses with children so that they accidentally damage themselves. According to the church canons, the cross should not be removed. Therefore, it is better to choose a light cross and such a rope (ribbon) so that the baby is comfortable.
  • , in which the baby is wrapped after the sacrament of baptism. It is not erased after the rite and also gently store, like a shirt.
  • Cepchik (Kosyanka).
  • The best gift from the godfather will be cross, Pictures or Silver Spoon.

Also for the baptism rite will need:

  • Baby blanket. For a comfortable baby in the baptized and warming of the baby after the font.
  • Small bagwhere you can fold the baby's strand of the baby, an odorless priest. It can be saved along with a shirt and a towel.

It is advisable to make sure that things are suitable in advance.

After the baptism rite

So, the baby was painted. You have become a godmother. Of course, according to tradition, This day is a holiday. It can be marked in a family warm circle or crowded. But it is worth remembering that the christening is primarily a holiday of the spiritual birth of a baby. It should be prepared in advance and thoroughly, thinking every item. After all day of spiritual birthwhich you will celebrate now every year, much more important than the day of physical appearance.

What actions is baptism and how to behave parents and the godfather in the temple during SacramentsWhat is required of them - especially if you baptize your firstborn.

Dear moms and dads, we sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your baby - a new man who came to the world! And now you have the most important church rite, which is often called the second birth - spiritual: Baptism Son or daughter.

Today, because of a considerable workload everyday concerns, few people have time to find out from what actions it consists and how to behave my parents and the godfather in the temple during the rite, which is required of them - especially if you baptize your firstborn. That's why we decided to help you, told in detail about the content of baptism's rite, about how it happens. And immediately set up that this rite is quite long, it will take at least forty minutes.

Presence of parents (Moms and Pope Child) in the Church

Of course, the chief participant of the baptism is your baby. In addition to him, the goddling, father and, starting from the end of the beginning of the century, are allowed, the presence of parents and guests is allowed: at the same time, mom is allowed to observe the baptism of his Chad only if 40 days have passed after delivery. This time is set by the church for the postpartum purification process.

As you already understood, parents participate in the rite until its completion exclusively as observers. So it is better to stand away from the place of the rite, it is impossible to sit during it.

The sequence of actions of the sacrament of baptism

Before proceeding with the rite itself, the priest in white journey bypass the temple in a circle, reading the prayer, then takes its place in front of the altar - in the baptizing bowl. Next to him are the godfather with a baby: if the girl is sacred, she should be on their hands at the godfather, boy - at the godfather. If the godfather is only one, it is allowed so that the baby be on her hands. Child at this point must be completely distributed.

Next Action: Batyushka reads three prohibitive prayers against evil and renunciation from him. These prayers know only the priests, but the godp should at the end of each of them be baptized and pronounced together or follow the priest's word "Amen." Then the priest and godp turn to the West face, and three more prayers directed against Satan are read. Turning back to the altar, the father reads the prayers of the blessing of the baby, placing his hand on his head. At this stage, the priest sets questions. Initially, in antiquity, they were intended to be baptized, but with baptism of babies, the goddes should answer them.

Here are these questions and answers to them:

1)Batyushka: "Did you deny the Satan?"
Answer: "Deny"
(repeated three times)
2) Batyushka: "Does the Satan rejected?"
Answer: "Required."

After that, the baby is already under the protection of Jesus Christ. At the end of this stage, the godfather is necessary read together with the priest prayer "Symbol of Faith" (The text of the prayer is given at the end). This is a rather long prayer that includes all the basics and content of Orthodoxy. And if the godfather does not know this prayer or difficulties in order to remember it, in recent years it is allowed to read on the prayer, which must be taken with him to church. In some temples, this prayer recorded on the scroll is postponed in advance before baptism so that it is visible to the godfather.

Dipping in the font

Then the father sanctifies the water in a baptismous bowl and oil (fir), which will soon encourage the crumb, and three times dip it into the holy baptismal water, at the same time calling the baptismal name of the baby: "the slave of God is barely". From the bowl, he transmits his godfather or crossed to which it is necessary to cook the hidge in advance (a baptizing diaper or a towel) to take into her baby.

Miropomanazing infant

Next, the father is acknowledged by the baby: Lobik, eyes, cheeks, chin, breast, handles and legs, while simultaneously pronouncing "Printing the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen." He again takes on his hands and takes him three times around the altar. With girls, this moment is descended because women cannot be priests in the Orthodox Church.

Then the father reads several excerpts from the Gospel and the Apostle, at the Baby at this time, the godfall dress the cross and snow-white baptismal clothes - as a sign of his belonging to the Christ Church and Angelic Clean, and the priest at the end of reading makes a small hair beam from the head of the baby, the hairs will remain in Temple as a symbol of the first in life of the sacrifice to God. The rite is completed.

What is the name of the cross

Often baptized name is the second for a newborn, besides the one who called his parents. For example, the name of the saint, born on the birthday of the baby or later, but the nearest. In addition, it is allowed to be baptized and the name specified in the birth certificate, if it is in the sacraticles.

When dressing baptism

In some temples, the godparents are baptized clothes on the baby immediately after the world conjunction, especially if baptism occurs during the cold season. In addition, the baptism rite will be complete, such as it is described above, and somewhere - a bit abbreviated, can vary in places and some details or stages of the rite. That is why, before choosing the day of baptism, godfather or parents, it is necessary to see the priest or the abbot of the temple, which will pass the rite and find out both the duration of baptism and the sequence of its stages. And also ask other questions if they arose.

Parents' clothes in the Orthodox church

And the godfather, and parents need to know that in the Orthodox church they should be dressed in accordance with the requirements of the Church: women necessarily covered their head, clothes closes his hands at least to elbow, it is unacceptable to participate in the rite for women in pants, the skirt is better to wear a long . Men are fairly present in the church with a uncoated head, but in a closed shirt with long sleeves or suit, even if a hot summer on the street. Shorts, T-shirts and short sleeves shirts are also unacceptable. And, of course, on mom with dad, and on the godfather must be a native cross.

Maria Vetrova.

Text of prayer "Symbol of Faith"

Baby still quietly lives in her mother's tummy, and parents already indulge in dreams of his future and think about how to help the child become happy. And it's great. In such a situation, it is important not to forget that life, like a medal, two sides: material and spiritual.

We and our faith

For the Orthodox question, "baptize or not" sounds as ridiculous as if they asked if a man needs a heart. Believers argue: the great sacrament should be at the same time!

This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is necessary to honestly admit that such an important decision is sometimes accepted at the level of traditions, they say, we are baptized ... But this is not enough! Why do parents and tomorrow's embarrassment even approximate notion have no idea what you need to know and execute yourself, what do you need to teach a child?

The era of militant atheism It was a rink on the minds and souls: cultivated insumere. Unfortunately, the return to the Lono of the Church for many, wandering in the dark. In the sad memory, the nineties appeared many books, booklets and thin brochures, which covered certain religion requirements. However, among them not all publications were truly useful. No matter how sad, they showed the resourcefulness of enterprising people who successfully took advantage of the situation, and "have found on the need." Heap of near-teaching opuses.

As a result, it wanders a huge number of non-reinforced superstitions and non-existent prohibitions. Search for answers to the questions you can inevitably have to all, the main thing is to contact the one who will give the faithful advice.

When can you baptize the newborn?

With such a problem, young parents are consistently faced with such a problem.

Orthodox believers in baptism see the opportunity to enter Church of Christ and live in God. Wanting their children of the gracious post and the help of God, they see in baptism the urgent need. Yes, and in spiritual texts, God's will is mentioned when the saint says the adults do not interfere with children come to him.

What should be considered by defining the date?

Are there any periods in the church calendar when a great sacrament cannot be performed? On such a question, the answer is always one: you can baptize in any number of month, at least in the post, at least in the holiday. Sometimes the rite is trying to coincide with the day of particularly revered in the family and the beloved saint that is not prohibited. There are no prohibitions. But still, it is necessary to coordinate the date not only with these parents, it is important to consult with the church. On holidays, the father has a lot of work, and perhaps he will recommend you to move the sacrament on another day.

By the way, it makes sense to ask how many families will come to baptize their baby at the same time with you - it may be that there will be several kids accompanied by adults. Many dads and moms completely naturally arise a desire to hold a religious sacrament in a more modest composition of the participants: the priest, baby, parents and perceptions.

If you initially plan to take pictures or withdraw video, consult and agree in advance this circumstance with the father.

When does the child be baptized after birth?

Despite progress in the field of medicine and pharmacology, and today there may be situations when the life of the Karapus hangs on the hairs. True believers are convinced: after Orthodox baptism, the patient acquires God's help and support.

The rite is allowed in the hospital, even the day after the appearance of crumbs into light. Of course, after agreeing with the leadership of the hospital. It is not so difficult to call a priest, usually to such requests respond to the first call.

Only in a completely exceptional caseWhen there is no possibility to invite a father, to paint a severely ill baby mother or father. It is appropriate to ask for this health care worker about this service (of course, provided that he is choking).

For the rite, it will take quite some of the water (you can even conventional, not consecrated), "the prayer of holy baptism in brief, fear for the sake of mortality" and faith.

The slave (a) of God (s) (name) is barely.

In the name of the Father. Amen. (For the first time with baptizing and splashing water).

And son. Amen. (Second time).

And the saint spirit. Amen. (Third time).

Kroch is already baptized, but later he will still need to go through miropomanazing. This can be said, the other part of the rite. To do this, you need to tell the priest in the church, which suddenly there was a serious danger to life, and the baby was painted in intensive care.

If the baby is weakened, it can be elementary to infected in crowded places and is afraid to be surrounded by strangers, the sacrament of the house is allowed, as agreed with the father.

The rite of baptism of the child in Orthodoxy, Rules

Choose perceptions

Who can offer to become the shaft parents of your baby? The main thing is that you need to understand: you should know them well. But only the fact that they are your kind friends, healthy friends or relatives are not enough. There are a number of requirements that are required to match the favorites. Percepts will not be:

  • atheists, people of other religion;
  • father and mother, because the shaft must replace real parents in case of their untimely death;
  • family couple (named father and mother cannot be husband and wife, they are spiritual brother and sister);
  • monks;
  • children - Girls up to 13 years old, boys up to 15;
  • there are mentally ill - because of their inability to adequately understand and respond to the upbringing of the child in the true faith.

Preparation for the rite: spiritual

Having consent to their future perceivers, you need to come to the temple with them. And at this stage, I will have to think and sincerely answer the question: why do you like Orthodox baptism? This is your meaningful solution to live in God and raise children with true Christians or simply want to imitate, so as not to stand out, and everything was like people? Or from fear and fears, for prevention, so that the child does not hurt / recovered?

The priest in a conversation with you should figure out whether adults understand the kid who called the parents called which obligations they take on themselves. After all, this event will change their future life: it's a little to give birthday gifts and regularly come to visit.

Gentle parents are responsible for the spiritual education of their wardAnd therefore, they must be an example for him, to visit the church weekly, and not only on holidays, and to attach a child to the church life.

By the way, it is equally important to remind the responsibility of the Pope and Mom before God for your siblos. And those who are on fright and lack of misunderstanding commitment to live in the Christian faith and to raise the baby in it, and in the future they completely forget about their debt - do sin. Serious.

After the so-called predominant instruction, the priest advises in two or three weeks before the rite read the preparatory prayers, confess.

... and material

Try to the rite of baptism. Try to turn out everything you need:

Moreover, gentle usually makes donation to the temple. In order not to arise an awkward environment, it is better to agree in advance, who will prepare.

It is important to remember that going to the church, adults are dressed in the appropriate way: even if there is very warmth in the yard, men must replace shorts and t-shirts on pants and shirts. Women need to give preference to outstands below the knee with closed shoulders and decolte area. Mandatory brazers, scarf or head shawl, but not hats and berets. And each of everyone must have a native cross.

How does this happen?

In order not to overshadow the solemn atmosphere of the sacrament of the fuss, it is better to come previously appointed time. You can safely resolve financial issues, discuss the preparation of documents. By the way, do not forget to take a certificate of the birth of your crumbs.

Baptism is carried out in a special separate room or in the temple. First, the priest invites perceivers and baby. For them can already be included. Mother before reading her cleansing prayer does not enter the church. By the beginning of the rite of a naked karapuse wrapped the hound.

These parents become with a child in the font. It is desirable that the shaft learned the "symbol of faith", but usually the option is allowed when they either read from the sheet, or repeat the words of prayer for the priest. It is important that the receivers clearly understood that at this very moment they are rented from the devil, give a promise to fulfill the divine commandments and raise the child in the Christian faith.

After that, the Batyushka plunges the child into the font of consecrated water. If the room is cold, it is permissible to simply pour onto the handles and the legs with water from the car.

Now a small sacred man has one more church sacrament to be a minor formation. Oil of Mirra, the priest puts in God's seal on the head, forehead, then on the chest, handles and legs.

Perceptions are crucial to the kid in a shirty and put on a native cross, a father in a sign of Christian submissions from the head of a child cuts the hair strands. Then the crumbled three times away around the font. This is the last common stage for all children, symbolizing spiritual unity with the church. At the end of the rite, the clergy will attach a girl to the icon of the Mother of God, and the boy will make through the golden gates to the church altar.

Mom returns an already sled child. After that, all invited departs to the house of a small Christian. Typically, guests will present gifts that will help crumbling and develop, or money. The main thing, not to be seen during the celebration, that this celebration is first of all the spiritual.

When the baptism of the child, the rules and conditions indicated by the priest during the interview in the preparation of parents and the godfather to this sacrament should be strictly observed. The sacrament of baptism is figuratively can be compared with a small grain; In order for it to grown and gave good fruits, compliance with certain conditions. For its successful growth, it is necessary for fertile soil, heat, light and enough air is required. The rules and conditions of planting this grain in our case is the rule of rules that must be observed when making the baptism of the child. If the grains fall into dry soil, in which there will be no sufficient amount of moisture, it will not germinate and can not bring the fruits. The same thing happens if, when preparing for the baptism of the Child, the godparents and their native parents of the kid do not commit the rules required in the church.

In the first centuries of Christianity, when a large number of people were addressed to faith, there was a separate institution announced. Adults are consciously and for a long time they prepared for the adoption of saint baptism. They visited special conversations, communicated and prayed with believers, participated in a certain part of worship. The echo of the existence of this institute is the division of Divine Liturgy into two parts: the liturgy of the announced and liturgy of the faithful. Those people who have already accepted the sacrament of saint baptism were faithful. When the Liturgy of the faithful, then the announced, present at the service before that moment, should be punished to leave the church. Nowadays, when most people take the sacrament of saint baptism in childhood, there are new rules for the baptism of the child. A small child can still not consciously take the dogmatic bases of Orthodox creed. For this reason, the responsibility for his Christian education is entrusted to the child's parents, as well as on his godfather. They must be definitely themselves by the baptized Orthodox Christians who seek to fulfill the Commandments in their lives.

Child baptism rules for parents

Happy parents in the family had a long-awaited miracle - their favorite and beloved kid was born. Loving parent hearts want to create all the conditions
For its prosperous growth and development. As members of the Church of Christ Parents know that to save the soul of their child, the sacrament of saint baptism is necessary. The sooner the baby makes this sacrament, the better for his spiritual life. At the birth of a child, parents must choose to him an Orthodox name. This may be the name of the saint of God, whom they read in a special way. It may also be such a name that is holy, whose memory is performed by the Orthodox Church on his birthday or on the day of the baptism of the child. Parents must be prayer to prepare for this sacrament, to the choice of the godfather and the godfather for their baby they should also approach with full responsibility. It is the godfare parents who must help their mother and the father of the kid correctly lead him along the thorny road leading him to the eternal life. Before the sacrament of baptism, a special interview with the Orthodox priest in the church is necessary. The parents are required to know the knowledge of the main Christian prayers, which the clergy will tell during the interview.

The rules of baptism of infants involve the preliminary training of some necessary objects during the mysteriousness. These include a native cross, baptismal clothing, baptism towel.

Baptism of the child. Rules for the godfather

Rules for the godfather in preparation for the sacrament of saint baptism on the one hand may seem simple, on the other hand, they require special efforts. The godfather Mom, along with the godfather and the parents of the baby, should visit a special interview in the church. It can help parents in the preparation of some necessary items that will be needed during the commission. A particularly important role is the godfather Mom plays when a girl was born in the family. Usually, its godfather is more influenced to the godfather, than the godfather. When the child's baptism occurs, the rule for the godfather must be observed strictly. At certain points in the commission of the sacrament, the priest may ask the godmother to read the prayer for memory or on the prayer of the prayer, which he asked for an interview. The godfather must be able to handle a small child. Perhaps she herself will have to remove that clothes in which the child was brought to baptism, and after making the sacrament to wear into a baptismal set.

Baptism of the child. Rules for the Cross

Rules for the godfather in the baptism of the child are similar to the rules for the godmother. The Great Dad should also visit the special interview for the godfall and the parents of the baby. He must know the required prayers; Usually they are the prayers of the "king of heaven", "the Virgin Delo, Rejoice", "Our Father". It is necessary to be well able to read the "Symbol of Faith". The godfather dad by agreement with parents and the godfather can take part in the preparation of a baptismal set, a native crosper or towel for baptism. However, the most important conditions for the baptism of the child are the sincere faith of his parents and the godfather. If this basic condition or requirement does not fulfill, then the chances of salvation of the soul of the baptized child are significantly reduced. Our grains will be planted in the soil. Perhaps this soil is a pure children's soul - it will be fertile. However, with a shortage of light and moisture, which are good examples of parents and the godfall baby, this plant will not be able to grow and give good fruits. Also, a child who will not eat from a pure source of Christian dogma with his parents and the godfather will not be able to bring good fruits. These fruits are the affairs of love and mercy, created at the call of the believer heart.

Video. Rules of baptism of the child.

Nowadays, firmly entered the source. Almost all parents, regardless of whether they are incented Christians - the parishioners of a particular temple, or not, try to baptize their children.
It happens that children are constructed in families completely distant from church life, from Orthodox values. However, most of the clergy sees more advantages in this phenomenon than negative sides.

Taking Holy Baptism, a person becomes a full member of the Church, and can participate in other sacraments. The grace of God received in the sacraments is, that is, the special power of God, strengthens the person in the desire of good, truth, helps to comprehend not only spiritual truths, but also in the study of secular sciences, contributes to the development of the best human qualities. Grace can heal even from severe diseases.

In favor of the arguments about baptism of babies, an outstanding Orthodox missionary, Diacon Andrey Kuraev says the following:

"Yes, the child does not know what the church is and on what principles it is built. But after all, the church is not a philosophical circle, not a simple assembly of like-minded people. The church is life in God. Are children from Godhead left? Are they alien to Christ? Is it not absurd to leave children outside of Christ (and the baptism of Christians are understood as the door introducing into Church of Christ) only for the reason that the rules of Roman law do not see them signs of "legal capacity?"


Of course, the kids do not require conscious faith and repentance, they are crossing the faith of parents and perceptions. But even the fact that parents are unreleased or unbelievers, or baptized in another Christian confession, is not an obstacle to. If there are believing relatives or close friends, ready to become the godded parents and contribute to the attachment of the baby to the Church, the child is baptized - you can and need.

The church encourages parents to a responsible, serious attitude to the sacrament. - Do not tribute fashion or tradition, but spiritual birth.

If we baptize the baby, his development, education, entirely in our hands - in the hands of parents and the nearest relatives. How the fate of this little man begins, largely depends on the values \u200b\u200bthrown into the family circle.

The task of the parents is to do everything so that the seed of divine truth, purity in the child's soul gave the first sprouts, and did not die in the terns of everyday, empty worries.

"In each of us, there was a babe sometime; If he is still alive, if the soul is still complete, susceptibility, Will to good - we will be happy ... We will look at the children around us, to divide and rejoice at them, learn from them, because if we are not like children, there is no way for us to the kingdom of God."(Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky)

At what age is better to baptize the child? The time and place of baptism

There are no strict rules for the baptism of the child in Orthodoxy. Parents have the right to choose at what age it is better to baptize the child. It is believed that the baby can be baptized, after forty days after birth, but there are cases that they are constructed before. Given the spiritual importance of the sacrament, it is better not to delay baptism. In most cases, children are conceding in the first year of life.

For children under the age of not reaching the age, the consent of the parents is required, starting in seven years to baptize the child, the consent of His itself.

From the fourteen years of age, the consent of the parents is not necessary, the teenager can be baptized independently, even if there is no godparents.

Baptism can be performed on any day - lean, usual or festive, but in every temple its service schedule, so you need to negotiate the day and hour of baptism in the temple where you want to be baptized. The baptism of the child at home can only be committed with some special circumstances that prevent people to come to the temple, for example, in the event of a serious illness of the child.

Choosing a name for a child

In the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to baptize children with the name of one of the saints, which are mentioned in the Orthodox sacraticles (the list of saints). If the name given by the parents is absent in the saints, then in the baptism of the child is given a consonant name of one of the rates of God .. for example, Dina - Nina, Alina - Alla, Robert - Rodion.

Another way to choose the name of the child - when the birthday coincides with the memory of any saint, then in the baptism of a person comes with this name. For example,January 25 - Holy Martyr Tatiana, July 18 - Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky, July 24 - Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga, August 1 - Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky.

There are no strict requirements for choosing a name when baptized, you can baptize a person with any name, choosing a name across the sacnesses - only a piety Russian tradition.

With the name given in baptism, a person is participating in the sacraments of the church all his life, it is written in the notes on commemoration on liturgy, on prayers and tons.


The question of the choice of godfall parents is extremely important in the baptism of the child.

The godfather can be both a teenager over 14 years old, and in an adult, but in this case the bachestural himself professes faith and the desire to be baptized. When, the godparents are entrusted for him, they assume the obligation to instill faith with their godfather, teach the basics of Orthodoxy - to tell about what the church is, prayer, which means "sin."

On the godfather lies and some of the responsibility for the misconduct of the child. Undoubtedly, to teach a little man to believe, pray, repent of sins, you need to have the experience of spiritual life yourself, to be educated, knowledgeable in these issues by man. And besides, be a respectful, honest Christian.

The godfather parents must be believing people and take an active part in church life - visit the temple on Sundays and holidays, participate in the sacraments, observe posts.

The participation of the godfather in the spiritual education of children should be real, and not nominal. They should have the opportunity to regularly meet with the child, communicate, attend the temple together. Do not choose the godfather, even if it is a very good, pious person living in another city, or for other reasons you have no opportunity to see a child.

The godfathers can be close and distant relatives - aunt, uncle, sister, grandmother, family friends. There are several categories of people who cannot be perceptuals at the canons of the church.

This is the monks and nuns, parents for their own children, the spouses cannot be together to baptize one child, as in spiritual relationship, the married life is unacceptable. Unbelieving people who are unresolved or baptized in another faith, mentally ill people, juvenile, who have reached 15 years old can not be cristed.

In the godfather it is better to take a well-known, reliable person, or a relative, it is desirable that he has experience in raising his own children, and be guided first of all how good the mentor he can become for your child. According to the church tradition, one perception is enough, the same sex as the godfather, for the boy - the Godfather, for the girl - the godfather mother. But the tradition of having two godpieces was rooted in the Russian Orthodox Church.

What do you need to baptize a child? How to prepare to him?

In some temples, public conversations are held, and parents will immediately offer them to visit, this is necessary, on such classes you can learn a lot of useful, and also clarify all practical issues related to baptism. Biological parents and future godparents are invited together.

If the parents were not on such conversations, the necessary knowledge should be obtained independently from Orthodox literature, you can talk with the priest, and ask all the exciting questions.

For the baptism of the child, you need to prepare a baptismal set, which includes: Kryzhm for baptism (white, new towel or a baptismal diaper for a newborn), a baptismal shirt for a boy or a girl, a native cross and a few candles. You will be much calmer on the day of the sacrament, if everything you need will be prepared in advance.

Climbing clothes can be bought in church shops or in our. Also, clothes can be sewn alone. The baptismal shirt should have a simple free

Cut so that the godfather or the godfather can easily and quickly wear a baby after the font. Little children often capricious, frighten and shout during baptism, so the gate of the baptismal clothing should be quite spacious, and cover - convenient for the baby.

The godparents are usually given the kidname named icon (you can give a measuring icon) of his heavenly patron and a native cross.

How is the rite of baptism of a child?

The rite of baptism of the child precedes the rank of announcement - that is, a special sequence of prayers, chants and priesthoods. First, the prayers of the prohibition of evil spirits are read, after that the rite of renunciation from Satan is made - the baptismal turns face to the West, the priest asks him questions, and he must consciously respond. For babies (up to seven years), the goddes are responsible.

Then there is a confession of loyalty to Christ (a combination with Christ), now face east, the bachers (or godfare parents) responds to the questions of the priest. These maybe these perceivers should know. The announcement ends with confession of the Faith symbol - the most important Orthodox prayer, in a compressed form containing all the Orthodox creed.

The most solemn and majestic part of the service begins - the submission of Holy Baptism. The priest falls into white clothes - a symbol of a new life brought to the ground by Jesus Christ. On the east side the fonts are lit up three candles, perceivers are also given in the hands of the candle. The priest is becoming a font, behind him are the godparents holding the hands of children, the older kids stand on their own, the godfall are behind them.

The sequence of priesthood is as follows: first there is a consecration of the water for baptism, then the sanctification of the baptism is consecrated, the priest is consecrated, and then it baptizes it in a foil immersion in water with the pronouncement of baptismal prayer. Baptism is the spiritual birth of man. Immersion in the font symbolizes death, exit from the font - resurrection. After the third dive, Ieria transmits a scene to the perceiver and he wipes him with a baptized towel. Then baptized is closed in white clothes - a baptismal shirt or an elegant baptismal dress for the girl.

The priest puts on the Bison Cross.

This ends the baptism of the child.

How to celebrate christening?

Usually the parents of the child are invited by the godfather,
Relatives, friends to celebrate this event.
But the feast of baptism is not customary to celebrate secular entertainment. In the memory of relatives and loved ones, and of course, the kid himself should remain a special atmosphere of spiritual joy, which always accompanies such a wonderful event as the baptism of the child. After all, baptism is a great and unauthorized sacrament.

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