Thermal imaging inspection of a home. Checking a house with a thermal imager - accurate and reliable data on heat loss Thermal imager for checking insulation

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

An adequate assessment of the work performed can be made based on a number of criteria. Most often, these are thermometer readings and the amount of fuel burned or electricity consumed. However, if insulation turns out to be ineffective, it is difficult to find the reasons without special equipment. For this purpose, the house is checked with a thermal imager.

Thermal imager - infrared camera

Photo of the thermal imager inspection results.

Checking a house with a construction thermal imager allows you to find out the localization of heat losses. The use of this device makes it possible to determine hidden problems:

  • insulation deficiencies;
  • cold bridges;
  • sources of heat leakage.

The development of technology, in particular microprocessors, sensors and optics, has made thermal imagers more advanced than those produced 20 or more years ago. Bulky models weighing up to 30 kg have sunk into oblivion. The weight of a modern, professional, portable device does not exceed 0.5 kg, which makes it easier to inspect a house with a thermal imager. Among the main functions infrared camera photography is listed.

Most models allow you to inspect any home with a thermal imager, recording video in the infrared spectrum to obtain more qualitative assessment state of the object.

It is clearly visible that the coals are being blown through.

Special features such as shooting in regular camera mode are not available on all models. Additionally, they can be equipped with a flashlight or flash, which allows you to check the house with a thermal imager in the dark.

The main indicators that you need to pay attention to when selecting a professional infrared camera are:

  • matrix resolution;
  • thermal sensitivity of the sensor;
  • error in calculations and temperature measurements.

Modern models are equipped with liquid crystal displays necessary for displaying operational information. However, their high quality cannot indicate the quality of the device as a whole. The main parameter is the power of the microprocessor used to encode the received information. Processing speed is key, as photos taken without a tripod may end up blurry.

Defects construction work are displayed on the camera screen in the form of a thermogram (a kind of photo). Thermal imagers of houses, the most advanced models, allow you to change software settings, for example, color scheme in order to obtain data in a specific format for a more accurate assessment of the condition of the object. Some of them have built-in wireless information transfer interfaces or a USB port for quick data transfer.

How to check heat loss at home with a thermal imager

A thermal imager is a camera that shoots in the infrared spectrum.

After an inspection of a private house with a thermal imager, the shooting results are processed using a special software, which comes with the device. The program can give an expert assessment of images by analyzing the obtained indicators. In addition, you can transfer the results obtained to programs for processing statistical data, which are:

  • table processors;
  • special engineering software packages (MATHLAB).

Also, using a photo in the infrared spectrum, you can visually assess the indicators. Some objects, especially large sizes, undergoes examination for a long time over several hours. Therefore, it is necessary to have a high-capacity battery or a spare one for replacement.

Specifics of thermal imager inspection of a wooden house

A thermal imager can be used to find leaks in communications.

Some surveyed objects have special specifics for collecting statistical data. These include log houses different types(at home, bathhouse). We have already written about how to do this. Such premises have a significant number of areas that require a thorough examination:

  • foundation piping;
  • interventional gaps;
  • corner parts of the building;
  • slopes;
  • roof ridge.

Thermal imaging inspection wooden house usually reveals all problem areas on thermograms. In such photographs of wooden buildings you can see cracks and holes that are invisible naked eye. The house must be inspected by an understanding person - an expert who is able to evaluate the data received and offer a solution to the problem. For example, defects in inter-crown seams can be explained by defects; the solution is re-caulking.

There is no point in buying a thermal imager for home inspection just once; it is more rational to turn to professionals for help. It will be easier, faster and much cheaper.

Thermal audit of a wooden house is carried out by analogy with other buildings. First, diagnostics are carried out on the building's facade, foundation and roof. After this, they move on to checking the house from the inside. In addition to their main purpose, construction thermal imagers can perform a number of additional functions. Inspecting your home with a thermal imager will help identify hidden problems, such as:

  • breakthrough of hot or cold water pipes;
  • blockages in drain pipes;
  • defective electrical circuit components.

They can also be used when carrying out repair work near hidden objects with high temperatures, for example, water heated floor systems. Some models also allow you to determine high humidity and its source. It is worth noting that the accuracy of the data after checking a private house with a thermal imager largely depends on the quality of the equipment used.

It is also the most expensive, regardless of the type of fuel used. It's no secret that heat loss at home occurs constantly, and without knowing the locations of leaks, it is easy to increase spending, reduce the feeling of comfort and lack of health. To avoid these troubles, you only need to take one action - a thermal imaging inspection of your home. It will identify problem areas with mathematical accuracy and allow you to evaluate the quality of insulation of the entire facility.

Inspecting a home with a thermal imager allows you to identify problem areas of heat loss

Why heat analysis and the use of a pyrometer are required

The big advantage of the device will be the visibility of the problem - you won’t have to determine the location of heat leaks at random. Moreover, the results are instant and accurate. They allow you to determine the rational amount of thermal insulation if the object is still under construction and show problems finished house. Thanks to the operation of the thermal imager, the owner receives:

  1. A complete energy audit of a building, revealing problems where the usual method would not detect them.
  2. Clear planning of upcoming work.
  3. Savings on the consumption of heat-insulating materials, since you don’t have to treat the entire house.
  4. In the case of purchasing a finished home, the device will determine its suitability for permanent pastime, that is, it will “advise” whether to purchase it or not.

This is undoubtedly a beneficial service. In addition, they make a thermal imager with their own hands from a camera, thereby saving on inviting specialists. How, more on that below.

The principle of diagnosing buildings, structures, houses (cottages), apartments using a Flir thermal imager

A specific point will be the absence of incandescent lamps or daylighting. They will distract the “attention” of the device and the indicators will become blurry and underestimated in case of real leaks. Thermal imaging inspection is ideal in the evening. In order to correctly identify the problems of a finished house, shooting with a thermal imager is carried out in winter - the difference between the temperature inside and outside is at least 15⁰, that is, frost is desirable. In this case, the condition is met - heating must operate in the premises for at least two days. In addition, if the house is residential and furniture is placed there, carpets and other interior items are lying there, then it is important to free the surfaces from household items - they will interfere with authenticity.

A thermal imaging image of a window will show where there are problems in protecting against heat loss

Practical technology for examining heat leakage

Operation of the device does not require any knowledge or labor. It is important to act slowly and record the data obtained:

  • First, inspections are carried out inside the house, where a significant percentage of defects are detected - from 85. The search for problems is carried out gradually - from window to door, examining the entire number of technological openings and walls, and not just the heat of the room volume.
  • This is followed by external photography of facades and roofing. Thoroughness is important, since areas on the same plane have strikingly different readings from each other, and an inspection of the house with a thermal imager will certainly show this.
  • The results are processed first by the device, then by computer programs, which makes the result more accurate - the data is kept.

If professionals work, then after a while they will provide the customer with a detailed report with comments and recommendations. An independent inspection is deprived of such an opportunity if there is no knowledge about eliminating flaws in terms of thermal insulation or wind vapor barrier.

Additional research and price

In addition to identifying cold spots and heat leaks, thermal imaging diagnostics can help identify problems such as high humidity, condensation formation. This is especially important if the house is built from wood, although the formation of mold on block or brick buildings is also not very pleasant.

Leaks and moisture accumulations are detected by an additional scanner - specialists have numerous instruments for high-quality work. The cost of services from professionals depends on the specific case:

  • A specialist will visit your home to assess the property and announce the cost for each study. Inside the Moscow Ring Road - 1000 rubles and 20 rubles for each kilometer beyond it.
  • Price for checking a house with a thermal imager: up to 50 m² - 6 thousand rubles; up to 100 m² - 8 thousand rubles; up to 200 m² - 10 thousand rubles; up to 300 m² - 12 thousand rubles. There are also prices based on area.
  • Detection of leaks in pipelines and systems – 5 thousand rubles.

Upon completion of the work in due time, the owner of the property receives a free report with explanatory notes and recommendations for insulation.

Making your own thermal imager

Nothing prevents the owner from purchasing a personal device and using it whenever he wants - the thermal insulation must be checked regularly and promptly changed, so the device is not intended for a one-time use. However, the exorbitant cost makes a construction thermal imager unaffordable to purchase - the average price for a device is well over 100 thousand rubles. Naturally, the decision arises to make your own device, especially since with the development of the Internet, few things remain impossible. So:

  1. To assemble a thermal imager with your own hands, for the future design you will need an infrared thermometer, a set of flashlight LEDs, a webcam or a camera with a function of multiple frames at regular intervals.
  2. The infrared thermometer is connected to the LEDs via a special board - radio amateurs will understand. Now the radiation from the LEDs will become different color depending on the temperature of the thermometer. Warmth emits shades of red, cold – blue. You can also detect dampness - it is green, acid color. I managed to make a thermal imager at home.
  3. All that remains is to pick up a homemade thermal imager and a recording device - a webcam configured for slow motion or a camera that films what is happening every few seconds. Slowly walking around the areas own home, it is not difficult to achieve good results.

As can be seen from the instructions, a thermal imager from a webcam or camera will require minimum costs and knowledge - they have already been described. This will save owners an impressive amount. It is important to remember that the readings of a professional device are still more accurate than a homemade one, and if we are talking about an expensive cottage, then it is better to take care of its long life in advance and in full.

Thermal imagers are expensive devices

Question answer

Owners of private housing and municipal property have doubts related to the problems described - heat leaks, dampness. Checking a house with a thermal imager and frequently asked questions popular questions receive the following answers:

  • Do the survey company’s specialists eliminate the identified problems?

As a rule, the owners of thermal imagers are construction teams whose competence includes sealing from the inside and other work related to the problem. Therefore, the obligation to do everything efficiently is naturally present. If the service is provided by an audit firm construction profile, then she does not do such work, however, she gives recommendations on where to go to insulate your own home.

  • Are reports difficult to understand?

It's not difficult at all. They are given in the form of thermal graphs and indicating problem areas of walls, roofs, interior decoration and pipelines. The maximum and minimum temperatures. Thermal imaging checks and recommendations are explained in accessible, non-technical language.


  • It is required to analyze an industrial unheated building. Is this possible?

Yes. Thermal imaging inspection is possible for any room. The indicators will become significantly lower, and experts will take into account the required coefficient in their own calculations. The remaining conditions are met: cold weather, lack of precipitation, open technological openings - windows and doors.

  • Is there a turnkey service - analysis before and after insulation?

Yes. Some companies practice a comprehensive inspection in the form of bonuses or discounts after insulating an apartment or house. Such promotions are not uncommon, since competition in the field of thermal analysis is high, and business requires development.

  • What is the difference between a thermal imager for construction and a home device?

As a rule, professional instruments are of the same quality and are suitable for examining any object - warm home, cold storage. Only the settings change. The operation is carried out by a specialist knowledgeable in construction technologies.

If the reader has not found the answer to his own question, he is recommended to contact the contact numbers of an audit firm aimed at inspecting residential and domestic buildings. There are no secrets for specialists - they have a lot of analysis experience due to the popularity of the service. Examination with a thermal imager is a procedure that will help identify places with outflow warm air from the premises.

When renovating an apartment or house, few people pay attention to possible heat leaks. As a result, we often get a suboptimal microclimate. Discomfort forces us to turn on power-hungry heaters and air conditioners more often than we would like, and in addition, we also have to pay extra money on electricity bills.


To increase the overall energy efficiency of your home and eliminate existing and possible heat losses, we suggest using the services of inspecting the premises using a thermal imager.

We offer a professional service for thermal imaging monitoring of objects with a specialist visiting necessary equipment, diagnostics and preparation of relevant detailed reports in electronic form.

What does this mean in practice?

The services of a specialist with a thermal imager will help identify places where the tightness of the seams is broken and heat loss occurs. The thermal imager will accurately indicate problem areas that require additional thermal insulation. This will help create the optimal and most comfortable indoor microclimate and significantly save resources in the future.

How we are working:

  • a specialist with the necessary equipment arrives at the site,
  • detailed thermal imaging survey is carried out,
  • conducts consultation based on initial data,
  • 1-2 days after a thorough analysis of the data, we send a detailed report with the results of the examination.

In the future, after the initial inspection and identification of hot spots, you may need to ensure that the measures taken to eliminate them were effective and the problem areas were eliminated. In this case, a repeat thermal imaging inspection service will come to the rescue. At the request of customers, thermal imaging control can be carried out several times.

It is best to order a thermal imager inspection in autumn, winter and spring, when the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors is significant. We recommend using this service as initial stage repairs and interior decoration, as well as as part of the modernization and optimization of finished premises. Checking an apartment or house with a thermal imager usually takes no more than 1 hour.

The service embodies a modern, competent and professional approach to the construction and repair of buildings and structures various types, is becoming increasingly popular and in demand.

Winter!- the optimal time for conducting a high-quality thermal imaging examination.

We remind you that in order to carry out diagnostics and obtain the most reliable results of a thermal imaging examination, it is necessary to create a minimum temperature difference between the outside and inside of the house of 12-15 degrees Celsius (i.e., at an indoor temperature of +20-24 degrees Celsius, the outside temperature is not must exceed + 8-12 degrees C) and maintain such a temperature difference for at least two days before the thermal imaging survey is carried out.

In order not to miss time, our specialists carry out visits around the clock and seven days a week!!!

All prices are indicated subject to thermal imaging, a thermal imager with high resolution 320x240. To conduct an inspection with a thermal imager with resolution640x480, the cost of work must be agreed upon additionally.

Cost of thermal imaging services

Thermal imaging inspection of an apartment up to 150 sq.m. ............................... 6000 rub. 9,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

Thermal imaging inspection of an apartment up to 80 sq.m.*................................... 4000 rub.* 6,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

Thermal imaging inspection of an apartment up to 40 square meters. ................................ 3000 rub.* 6,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 50%

Thermal imaging inspection of the cottage country house up to 120 sq.m...... 6000 rub.** 12,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 50%

Thermal imaging inspection of a country house cottage up to 250 sq.m.* ..... 8000 rub. 12,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

up to 350 sq.m......... 10,000 rub. 15,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

up to 500 sq.m......... 12000 rub. 18,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

up to 800 sq.m......... 15,000 rub. 23,000 rub. . on PROMOTION - 33%

up to 3000 sq.m......... 25,000 rub. RUB 36,000 . on PROMOTION - 30%

Thermal imaging inspection of a multi-storey agreement. 10,000 rub. EXPRESS examination

Thermal imaging inspection of a warehouse store office................... 6000 rub.* 9,000 rub. .* on PROMOTION - 33%

* valid only in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow

** valid only in Minsk, Mozhaisky, Rublevsky, Novorizhsky, Volokolamsky, Pyatnitsky directions, at a distance of no more than 30 km from the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road - Novorizhskoye Highway.

Preparation cover letter to thermal imaging materials........ from 1000 rub.

Cost of additional services for basic thermal imaging:

Thermal imaging survey from the air (using QUADROCOPTER) ...........from 20,000 rub.

Application AER DOORS(when examined with a thermal imager for air permeability).. from 8000 rub.

Consultation on the construction / purchase of a cottage, country house, dachas 10000 rub. in 2 hours FREE 1 hour

Consultation on insulation/re-insulation of a cottage or any other building 10,000 rub. in 2 hours FREE 1 hour when conducting thermal imaging.

Carrying out specific work using a thermal imager: checking windows and doors with a thermal imager, thermal imaging of the roof, examining individual elements of building envelopes with a thermal imager, thermal imaging inspection of refrigeration and heat chambers, detecting leaks in hidden pipelines with a thermal imager, drawing up a diagram location of "warm floors", thermal imaging monitoring of electrical equipment and electrical panels, determining the location of hidden electrical passages. wiring, etc....

Minimum order amount................................................................... ............. from 4,000 rub.

Search hidden wiring, cliffs and short circuits................ from 4,000 rub.

Determining the location of leaks in hidden pipes................................................ from 8,000 rub.

Departure of a leading specialist………………………………………………………from 15,000 rubles.

Thermal imager rental (includes operator work) .............................. 1,000 rub/hour on PROMOTION

Departure of a specialist on weekends and after hours.................. 2000 rub. no extra charge for PROMOTION

Payment can be made by bank transfer.

The cost of work is valid for Moscow and the Moscow region (MO), however, transportation costs are not included in the indicated prices and are calculated individually.

Not only mileage is taken into account (30 rubles/km from the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road - Novorizhskoye Highway), but also time costs.

The final cost of the service provided will be communicated to you by the manager by phone at the time of filling out the application.

Attention! We provide additional discounts:

Agree with your neighbor to conduct a joint thermal imaging survey of your homes and receive 20% discount for the total amount of work. If the survey will be carried out in 3 (three) houses or more, additional the discount will be 30%.

Why choose us to conduct a thermal imaging examination?!

1. Very reasonable prices.

2. Our employees are not just people who know how to use a thermal imager.

All specialists are certified to carry out Level 2 Thermal Control and have the appropriate Qualification Certificate.

In addition, our specialists are builders. Professionals who are already “on site” can give a lot valuable advice, advise on the possibility of making design modifications on application various options insulation.

3. If necessary, our representatives can defend your justified claims against builders (repairers), speaking with them “in the same language.”

4. All our specialists have a higher (engineering) education, are citizens of the Russian Federation and have permanent registration in Moscow or Moscow Region.

At your request, they are required to present their passport. (You have the right to know who you let into your home).

5. Our specialists carry out visits around the clock and seven days a week!!!

* The basic cost of work includes:

for an apartment - area up to 80 square meters

Number of windows and doors up to 5 pcs.

Number of heating radiators up to 4 pcs.

Electrical panel 1 pc.

for a private house - area up to 250 sq.m.

Number of windows and doors up to 14 pcs.

Number of heating radiators up to 12 pcs.

Number of premises with " warm floors"up to 3 pcs.

Electrical panel 1 pc.

Photo report with synchronized photos and IR images.

for office, etc. - area up to 100 sq.m.

Number of windows and doors up to 7 pcs.

Number of heating radiators up to 6 pcs.

Number of rooms with "warm floors" 1 pc.

Electrical panel 1 pc.

Photo report with synchronized photos and IR images.

Practice indicates that in heating season Every day, large amounts of money are spent on heating homes, businesses and offices. Most often, additional costs are associated with hidden defects buildings, arising both at the construction stage and due to the gradual decrease in the tightness of some seams, which inevitably occurs over time.

Checking the building with a thermal imager

Defects invisible to the eye in doors, walls, windows, displacement of layers during installation of insulation - all this increases the level of humidity and worsens the microclimate in cottages. Defects of this kind can be detected by a comprehensive inspection of the building with a thermal imager.

Practice proves that the weakest link in the chain of heat loss is window, doorway, and roofing, which sometimes allow up to 40% of heat to pass through. Checking your home with a thermal imager will significantly reduce financial expenses arising due to the occurrence of such heat leaks.

Joints on the walls and roof lead to excess air circulation and heat loss. If the room is poorly ventilated, thermal monitoring will indicate excess heat transfer in the attic area. By insulating the roof, you can save a fifth of the heat energy. The thermal conductivity of roofing materials is determined by examining the entire roof surface. You can also check all electrical equipment, electrical panels, it is possible to detect hidden communications and leaks in them.

Thermal imager inspection time

  • The temperature difference between indoors and outdoors must be at least 5°C
  • In summer, apartments are also checked with a thermal imager, but it is necessary to ensure heating or cooling of the room. This is easier to do at night or before sunrise.
  • Thermal imaging checks are carried out year-round thanks to the air door
Room volume

Monitoring the condition of walls after long-term use and examining the quality of heating systems make it possible to study the dynamics of heat loss. This will help identify the causes of these adverse events and eliminate them. This will save a significant part of your budget.

Only experienced professionals can work efficiently with a thermal imager. Our company in Moscow will help you keep warm at an affordable price. The cost of services depends on the area of ​​the premises being examined. Contact us, we are ready to come to your aid.

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