Metal painting chrome. Painting chrome details in black

Decor elements 04.03.2020
Decor elements

How to paint chrome detail

Chrome-plated parts are a rather controversial element of car decor, which is caused by its explicit duck. Many motorists consider themselves with Yary opponents of chrome details and try to conserves such decorations of auto manufacturers in every possible way by sticking with film or painting. Those who calmly treat chrome are also often forced to mask the decor because of scratches or cracks on it. Yes, chromening is not particularly resistant coating and often rubs or even swell on radiator lattices, which looks very impartial.

To combat such imperfections, you can use the color film, but the film will also lose its appearance over time and starts to stroke. It is best to paint chrome in black, which always looks acceptable and even stylish.

What is needed to paint chrome elements?

To carry out such a procedure, you should be as follows with the following tools and materials:

For the primer, it is best to take a two-component solution, which is considered more "professional." It dries longer, but the grip of the paint layers with the surface of the part will be more reliable and durable. The minor will be more fiscal in the cannon, but it is not worth saving on it, it is better to buy more expensive. Also, when choosing a primer, do not buy for additional special effects of the type of anticorre, usually they are also not very high-quality.

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Procedure for coloring details

The process of working with chrome is quite lengthy, it is necessary to abide care and perform priming according to such a scheme:

  • Remove the chrome detail from the car with a flat tool, depending on the case, it can be a flat screwdriver or clipstode.
  • Pull the surface of chromium sandpaper until the matte effect appears. Sometimes, if chromium has crackledly crackled, then you can remove the chrome coating using a knife or the same screwdriver. It will be out of small slices resembling foil.
Repainting chrome nameplates

You can use your scotchbox for matting all glossy surfaces. It is worth it very carefully and "on wet", because any glossy plot, even the smallest, may cause paint cracking and sealing it.

A sufficiently jammed chromium surface will resemble aluminum, places can peck over copper glimpses. Next, this surface can be painted by performing preliminary priming.

  • Then it is necessary to wash it very well and dried perfectly, then apply a degreaser.
  • If your part is not completely, but only fragments are covered with chrome, then further applying primer for plastic parts covered with chromium. Carefully read the instructions and follow the manufacturer's prescription - shake the can, then spray a smooth layer, wait 5 minutes to dry it and repeat the application. At the same time, it is very important not to fall on a puffed chrome. Leave to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Please note that it is not possible to completely remove the chrome film from the part manually, all that you can achieve at home, it is chromium grouts to a matte state. It is necessary to increase the adhesion, which will prevent paint peeling.

In addition, it is desirable to use phosphating or acid soil, since it can penetrate rather deep into chromium micro scratches.

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Painting chrome details

The next step will be the application of the paint layer, during which it is very important to paint all the lumens. Keep between the layers of application of painting should be 5-10 minutes. Total layers of paint should be 3-4.

After half an hour after applying the last layer of paint, spray on the surface of the varnish. It is necessary to apply it very light movements from a long distance, because it is more liquid than the paint and can trigger the appearance of drowshes that will almost impossible to remove. Apply it in two layers, making a break of 15 minutes. All this leave to dry at least a day, after which the item can be returned to the car body.

Features of working with chrome plated parts

During the preparatory work and in the process of painting, difficulties with the removal of chromium can arise, which is best to rub a special typewriter. Manual work will require a diligence and a large stock of free time.

If you decide to independently transform the appearance of your car and change the boring chrome details on beautiful coal-black, then you should be patient and high-quality materials. This process is very long, especially if you have to independently remove chrome from plastic, but, compliance with our recommendations, you can fulfill this work qualitatively, and the effect will last long.

Moscow Automobile and Road State University. Moscow. Education level: Higher. Faculty: AT. Specialty: Engineer Special. Cars and auto economy. Experience in the automotive industry (master consultant ...

Chrome-plated parts are a rather controversial element of car decor, which is caused by its explicit duck. Many motorists consider themselves with Yary opponents of chrome details and try to conserves such decorations of auto manufacturers in every possible way by sticking with film or painting. Those who calmly treat chrome are also often forced to mask the decor because of scratches or cracks on it. Yes, chromening is not particularly resistant coating and often rubs or even swell on radiator lattices, which looks very impartial.

Kraste chrome details

To combat such imperfections, you can use the color film, but the film will also lose its appearance over time and starts to stroke. It is best to paint chrome in black, which always looks acceptable and even stylish.

What is needed to paint chrome elements?

To carry out such a procedure, you should be as follows with the following tools and materials:

  • sandpaper rough abrasiveness P800-1000, scotchbright;
  • degreaser, you can even take an ordinary acetone to remove varnish with nails;
  • primer and paint, as well as transparent varnish.

Abrasive sandpaper and degreaser

For the primer, it is best to take a two-component solution, which is considered more "professional." It dries longer, but the grip of the paint layers with the surface of the part will be more reliable and durable. The minor will be more fiscal in the cannon, but it is not worth saving on it, it is better to buy more expensive. Also, when choosing a primer, do not buy for additional special effects of the type of anticorre, usually they are also not very high-quality.

Procedure for coloring details

The process of working with chrome is quite lengthy, it is necessary to abide care and perform priming according to such a scheme:

  • Remove the chrome detail from the car with a flat tool, depending on the case, it can be a flat screwdriver or clipstode.
  • Pull the surface of chromium sandpaper until the matte effect appears. Sometimes, if chromium has crackledly crackled, then you can remove the chrome coating using a knife or the same screwdriver. It will be out of small slices resembling foil.

Repainting chrome nameplates

You can use your scotchbox for matting all glossy surfaces. It is worth it very carefully and "on wet", because any glossy plot, even the smallest, may cause paint cracking and sealing it.

A sufficiently jammed chromium surface will resemble aluminum, places can peck over copper glimpses. Next, this surface can be painted by performing preliminary priming.

  • Then it is necessary to wash it very well and dried perfectly, then apply a degreaser.
  • If your part is not completely, but only fragments are covered with chrome, then further applying primer for plastic parts covered with chromium. Carefully read the instructions and follow the manufacturer's prescription - shake the can, then spray a smooth layer, wait 5 minutes to dry it and repeat the application. At the same time, it is very important not to fall on a puffed chrome. Leave to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Please note that it is not possible to completely remove the chrome film from the part manually, all that you can achieve at home, it is chromium grouts to a matte state. It is necessary to increase the adhesion, which will prevent paint peeling.

Painting chrome detail in black

Painting chrome details

The next step will be the application of the paint layer, during which it is very important to paint all the lumens. Keep between the layers of application of painting should be 5-10 minutes. Total layers of paint should be 3-4.

After half an hour after applying the last layer of paint, spray on the surface of the varnish. It is necessary to apply it very light movements from a long distance, because it is more liquid than the paint and can trigger the appearance of drowshes that will almost impossible to remove. Apply it in two layers, making a break of 15 minutes. All this leave to dry at least a day, after which the item can be returned to the car body.

Chrome is a modern, practical material that looks great and is not inclined to corrosion. Things having a coating from this metal look stylish and interesting, but unfortunately, tastes change and, it is possible that the chrome chair will need to repaint in black matte color so that it corresponds to the surrounding interior. Also, it is often necessary to paint old things with damaged by a chromium coating - applying paint on them, you can get very attractive products that will become a real interior decoration. How to paint a chrome-plated thing at home, using the primary means and the most common acrylic or latex paint?

Materials and tools

The list of items necessary for painting the chromium and materials is quite extensive, but there is nothing expensive in it or difficult in acquiring. All that may be needed in work can be easily bought at any household goods store:

  • Latex gloves;
  • Respirator;
  • Plastic container;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Liquid soap with degreasing effect;
  • Sandpaper 120, 240 and 320;
  • Brushes;
  • Spray;
  • Metal primer;
  • Metal spacure;
  • Latex or acrylic paint for metal;
  • Protective film.

Optionally, some positions specified here may vary. For example, if we are talking about painting chrome mixers, it is better to use the car painting soil and car enamel.

Getting to work

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and degrease the processed object. To do this, mix the liquid soap with warm water in plastic containers and well wash the product. It is important to get rid of pollution even in hard-to-reach places, so you can use a toothbrush to clean. After the product is washed away, it needs to dry well. Now you can proceed to the preparation of the surface to paint and directly applying the coating.

The chrome of some parts of the body or chassis of the car was in fashion, perhaps, from the very moment, the first serial car left on the road. And, despite the fact that from that moment more centuries have passed, covered with chrome details, and the body is completely increasingly attract the attention of others!

But few know what kind of chromium methods exist, how applicable they apply for a particular car, and, most importantly, how to achieve a "wow effect" and not wasted to spend your own time and money.

So, let's start with the advantages and minuses of chrome-plated cars or its details.

+ Catchy, attractive appearance

+ Individuality

+ Additional protection (good chromening is more reliable than good painting)

Of the minuses:


Dust and dirt are much more noticeable.

Complete chromium or gilding body, large parts - complex process

It seems that we have dealt with this question, and, to tell the truth, pluses still outweigh the minuses!

But before collecting a n-needed amount of money and go to the master, you should familiarize yourself with the possible options for chromium technology.

Film chrome

In fact, this is the application of a special foil on a pre-prepared body or its elements. Perhaps this is the least laborious and budget method of chromium, but its main disadvantage is the inconsistency of the coating. It's not so easy to find a good film, in the assortment even proven sellers often come across marriage and frank fakes that can begin to peel and dress literally after the first rain.

However, there is also a couple of advantages! First, the factory painting from the body is not removed, and under the film, the surface is protected from external influences, so after removing the chrome film, your car will look just like a new one. Secondly, the relative simplicity of the application process allows you to cover even the body entire day in the usual clean garage, without the use of special equipment - only the help of a friend is enough when sticking the film on the details of a large area, like roofs and hood.


Application of chrome coating with electroplating is a time-consuming and expensive process, but the possibility of creating "drawings" and the incredible reliability and strength of the finished coating are completely outweigh the disadvantages of this method!

In addition, the chrome applied by electroplating is not subject to fading, does not turn yellow and with time almost not covered with black spots, and it will be much brightened to glisten the details, in comparison with other methods.

Catalytic chrome

The process of catalytic chromium, as well as the film applying, is quite simple and can be performed without special training. A few layers of special fluids (harmless, by the way for humans) are applied on the body, purified from factory paint (harmless, by the way), which, when drying, give the effect of a mirror chromium coating.

Another advantage of this type of chromium is a large gamma of shades and colors. In addition, the chrome applied by a catalytic way, does not have a tendency to peeling out of parts of a complex shape and beautifully looks not only on metal, but also plastic or plaster - enough so that the surface is evenly smooth.

Electrochemical chrome

Perhaps this is the most expensive method of applying chromium on the details or body body. In addition, in this way, it is unlikely to turn out to cover the whole body - the process is complicated and requires alternately applying substrate and external coating.

However, this is still a good option for those details that are often exposed to the external environment - discs, mudguards and elements of the motorcycle decor - such chromium is very and very difficult to damage (if, of course, all the subtleties of the process are observed).

Painting under chrome

As the option with films, this method is simple and cheap, but to achieve a "wow effect" with its help is very difficult, handful painted elements are often not worried more than one season, losing attractiveness in just a few months of active use of the car.

But if the coloring is engaged in a more or less experienced person, and in the preparation of the body it is not too saving, the result will be very worthy.

Technologically painting under chrome is not too different from the usual painting. The prepared body is applied with a layer of HS-varnish with a black pigment, then actually, chrome paint, and after the layer gets dry, it is enough to cover with another layer of HS-varnish, in which a small amount of color pigment is added - so you can achieve rainbike glare Or effects of blond steel.

From theory to practice

It is on this method of chromium chromening that we will stop - high-quality painting under chrome combines relative simplicity and an acceptable result, so that such tuning car can almost everybody and does not require special equipment.

So, for painting under chrome, we need a small initial set of tools and conditions:

  • Clean garage with good ventilation
  • Respirator
  • Spray
  • Aerograph
  • Paints and varnishes in sufficient quantities (base, black and colored pigments, chrome paint, protective varnish)
  • Solvent and alcohol-containing liquid for degreasing
  • Watering nozzle for drill or grinding

The technology is quite simple, it is enough to perform 6 basic steps

  1. The body prepared and purified from dirt and fat or its elements is evenly covered with black paint - the basis.
  2. The painted body is thoroughly dried and polished - the result should resemble a clean mirror.
  3. After polishing the body carefully, but it is not too abundantly wiping with alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid without strangers, after which we make a small pause, allowing the surface to completely dry
  4. The place on which the chrome will be applied is thoroughly heated by a hairdryer.
  5. We proceed directly to the chromium of the heated areas. The paints should not be so much, and the pressure in the compressor is preferably made a little higher than when ordinary painting - chrome entails a high air flow.
  6. When ready-made chrome elements are completely dried, they are polished again, seeking a mirror effect. It is permissible to use a small number of autocostectors intended for chrome surfaces.

However, before proceeding to clean work, do not regret a few evenings and a small amount of paintwork materials to fill your hand! Experience comes pretty quickly, and on unnecessary piece of metal, and perhaps, even on the garage gate, you are not only enough to train, and, accordingly, reduce the chance of an error when painting the body, but also test your strength in airbrushing, experimenting with patterns and patterns shades.

Chrome discs

As in the case of the body, all the above methods of applying chromium are applicable for disks, but the most reliable are electrochemical chromium or staining.

However, as mentioned above, the process of electrochemical chrome is complicated and practically unrealized at home, so we will stop on the usual painting.

From the usual bodywork, the differences are not so much.

  1. The surface that is subjected to chromium is quite carefully cleaned by sandpaper, after - with the help of the compressor, blown dust and residual contamination.
  2. Further, by analogy with the body, the disc is degrees and dried, after which the primer is applied - with its help, small defects are hidden and the surface "smoothes".
  3. After drying, the primer can be proceeding directly to chromium, this time without the base - only a can only be a spray chromium paint.
  4. The paint is applied in two layers, there is a pause between the application of the layers at 20-40 minutes (the exact time is usually indicated directly on the cylinder or the can with paint). If the layers are obtained too thin or in the process are allowed inaccurability, it is allowed to apply the third, "clean" layer, but in this case the coating after a while can start peeling.
  5. After drying, the paint is coated with a disk with a layer of varnish - it will give an additional shine and extends the life of the paint.

Chrome-plated items attract attention with their shine and high cost. And it is not surprising. Different parts, elements and accessories with their shiny surface give the interior of the premises, cars and other items a special chic. That is why the paint chrome and today is widely used in the design of the design of any surfaces!

History of chromium appearance

The mirrored emulsion that is applied with the observance of the entire array of rules and conditions, creates a specific coating that fully imitates the perfectly polished metal. Such an effect is created due to the fact that the composition of special paints includes the smallest particles of the metal itself, as well as a unique varnish. It is due to such a composition when it is applied, a thin layer is formed, which forms a very smooth and shining surface almost on any subject. The range of application of this novelty is increasing every year, and the popularity of this invention only increases.

Chrome products have always attracted attention to their glitter. Chrome technology has gained rapid development in the middle of the twentieth century. This type of coating was very widely distributed in the plumbing. With proper care, this type of objects always makes an eye with its glitter and irresistible.

At one time, extremely widely chromium was used in the automotive industry. Especially this distinguished North American automakers in the 50-60-khh years of the last century. If you look at cars of those years, then you can pay attention to that they literally shone from the abundance of chromium. Bumper, Moldings, side view mirrors, many overhead details - everything is covered with chrome. It was aesthetically looked perfectly, while ensured quite good anti-corrosion coating.

However, the achievement of such an effect was possible only in manufacturing in factory conditions and with tight compliance with technology. The retreat from the technological process threatened by the fact that the chrome was peeled from the metal. It was at that time and another drawback - chromening could only apply on metal surfaces.

Progress does not stand still. To date, it is possible to chrome different surfaces. However, this chromening is still a lot of production enterprises. This is due to the fact that the application of the metal chromium is the process of electrotechnical.

An alternative to the technology of applying metal chromium gives paint chrome effect. Here it is possible to use two options. This is the use of compounds using traditional spray collars and liquid in the canopy. The first option can be divided into a simple painting and using heat treatment.

As noted earlier, there are two main types of paints under chrome. Single-component paints are produced in the canopy. Paint under chrome in the canopy was widely distributed among ordinary lovers when it is required to paint a small product that does not require an ideal mirror glitter.

The second look is intended for professional coloring. Here, the compositions are produced in banks and include two components.

Consider the composition of the composition in the cans. Paint chrome mirroring for metal is just one of the types of paint produced in the canopy. The nomenclature of such paints is quite wide. Manufacturers offer a variety of colors of paints under chrome effect.

Special compositions with aluminum powder received the greatest distribution. Caller in this case contains microscopic particles of aluminum. The composition of such emulsions includes nitrocellulose varnishes. Varnish plays the role of a reliable fixer that gives the resistance of dry paint. To create a mirror effect, special components contribute to the creation of reflective properties and the uniform distribution of the aluminum powder on the surface of the surface.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Calves

Compared to two-component paints, intended for professional use, chrome paint in the canopy has several advantages. The main advantages of the can

Summarizing everything said, you can say that paint chrome effect in the cans - Wonderful option for amateur use.

Of course, to use such a compact paint format is very convenient. But with all the advantages of this type of dyes need to say about their shortcomings. The main cons of cartridges:

Each type of emulsions provides a certain range of areas where they are recommended to use. So with chrome types of dyes. You can call a number of recommendations for using this type of emulsions:

Coloring of various surfaces

Principles of paint use chrome in canopy Common for all surfaces, but it is worth considering some features when painting metal and other surfaces:

Painting of metal surfaces. Mostly these emulsions and are used for this type of surface:

Processing of plastic surfaces:

  • Before painting plastic must be carefully polished;
  • Be sure to apply soil. Otherwise, painting may be short-lived;
  • Before applying, it is recommended to slightly warm the surface;
  • After drying, polishing is required.

Overview of popular manufacturers

Paint chrome conquered rather great popularity. And this popularity grows every day. Therefore, we will dwell on the most popular cartridges:

A wide range of species of paint-chrome existing species, as well as a huge color line allow even a simple person without special training to apply chrome paint.

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