Samples of stencils for wood carving. Slotted carving (openwork) and stencils

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.10.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

There is such a type of thread as through or openwork - it is divided into, in fact, through and overhead, it has two subtypes: slotted thread (through sections are cut with chisels and cutters) and kerf thread (actually the same thing, but such areas are cut out with a saw or jigsaw ). The most productive tool, of course, is the jigsaw. It makes it easy to do slotted carving, which is great for woodworking!

Openwork carving is called openwork, because, as you can see in the photographs, products made using this technique look incredibly light, like the most delicate lace. The essence of slotted carving is to saw through a pattern in a thin piece of wood. This type of carving has gained incredible popularity in the field of design and interior decoration. The most striking examples of carved carvings can be considered house carvings - decorations for frames on windows and doors, carved railings, pediment decorations have been created in Rus' since time immemorial and many of them have survived to this day.

The main difference between slotted threads is that the background of the product is completely removed. But sometimes, for better perception of the pattern, it is nailed or glued to a solid background of a contrasting color. This technique is called overhead threading.

Learning wood carving: where the work begins

Initially, it is necessary to select a wooden blank of suitable size; for this type of carving, coniferous wood (spruce, pine, fir) is usually used.

Then the desired ornament is selected and the workpiece is prepared for transfer. At the same time, you can create a drawing of the future stencil yourself, or choose an existing template from the Internet, where you can find a huge number of both individual pictures and entire albums with images. The photo below shows examples of convenient and simple drawings:

The selected design is first transferred to paper, then the paper is rigidly fixed on a wooden piece. After this, you can either immediately drill holes for the file and begin sawing, or additionally transfer the pattern to the surface of the wood, and then begin carving.

When choosing a sketch, you should remember that small details of the ornament will be invisible against a large background, for example, on the facade of a building. Therefore, you need to select the desired ornament taking into account the proportions of the element to be decorated, be it a house or a picture frame.

We select tools and devices used to create patterns

When performing this type of carving, a variety of cutting tools are used, such as ordinary knives and chisels. But working with such tools is very labor-intensive and tiring. Therefore, drills and saws are more popular for such purposes, and the type of saw can be different - from a jigsaw to a hand saw, depending on the size of the template you created.

Nowadays, craftsmen rarely use manual labor when performing large-scale work. Convenient household power tools are often used, such as an electric drill, a hand router and a jigsaw. Using a jigsaw, work is done quickly, easily and efficiently. But with such work it is impossible to do without a drill used to pre-drill holes for the file. Working with a hand router is not so easy and productive; moreover, it requires preliminary skills in handling this power tool. But the carving is much better quality and there is no need to make preliminary holes in the workpiece.

There are also more original ways to create a slotted pattern on a wooden workpiece. One of these methods is burning. The essence of this method is to literally burn through a pattern on wood with highly heated nichrome wire. The disadvantages include the specific burning smell, the need to cool the working tool, which causes the work to take a little longer, as well as noticeably charred edges of the finished pattern.

A more advanced method of this method can be considered laser cutting, which is distinguished by the high quality and accuracy of the resulting pattern. However, the use of this method is only possible when purchasing very expensive equipment, which is why this type of work is now not very often used in practice.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to show you the amazing work of a very experienced master, who depicts in his works not just abstract drawings, but very accurate and detailed copies of animals.

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As soon as wooden houses began to come into fashion again, the tendency to decorate their facades with all kinds of patterns and ornaments was revived. It has been used by people for many centuries and today, thanks to many technological innovations, it is becoming available to an increasing number of homeowners. Next, we will look at the main types of this direction and the nuances of do-it-yourself wood processing.


It is worth noting that carved ornaments can decorate any wooden product, be it a box, a cornice, a gazebo or the facade of a residential building. So, if you want to experiment, then you don’t have to build a wooden building; for the first time, for example, a stair railing or the door of an old bedside table will be enough.

Through thread

This is a very common method of creating patterns, which is used most often in the process of decorating houses. It involves the complete end-to-end removal of some elements of the wooden surface. If previously all the necessary work was carried out mostly with chisels and cutters, now the task is performed mainly with a jigsaw.

Blind thread

When implementing this method of applying patterns, the cutters do not pass through the wooden canvas, which is most conveniently done with a milling cutter.

In turn, blind threads are also divided into several types:

  1. Flat-notched. In this case, there is a background plane, and the ornament goes deeper into it. Subspecies:
Thread name Description
Contour The simplest execution instruction, which consists only of cutting out an even groove along the contour of the pattern that does not change its size.
Bracketed Here the main element is no longer a groove, but a semicircular notch created by a chisel in two approaches. It is from such peculiar brackets that the ornament is created.
Geometric In this case, there are two fragments: a triangular pyramid buried inside the canvas and a peg. First, the area to be treated is outlined, and then all excess is cut off according to the planned figure.
Black-lacquered Unlike the first option, here the primary plane is first coated with black varnish, and only then the grooves are cut out, which results in an amazing play of light and shadow.

  1. Relief. Here the fragments of the ornament are either on the same level with the background, or even higher than it. The method itself is similar to contour carving, but when it is implemented, the edges of the grooves change their shape, fitting into the overall design.

  1. Flat-relief. A very common way to decorate wood surfaces in architecture and applied arts. It consists in removing part of the material with a recess of several millimeters and at different angles. The result is a volumetric composition.

Sculptural carving

Of course, creating wooden sculptures from wood is the most complex type of processing. But with such works of art you can safely decorate not only your home, but also any place in your summer cottage.

Advice: after applying patterns to wood, be sure to treat it with antiseptics, especially when it comes to external work. This will significantly extend the service life of your masterpiece.

If you decide to decorate your own house or gazebo, then all of the above methods of applying patterns can be used in combination. But if this is the first time you’ve touched on such a task, then it’s better to stick to the simplest options.

First of all, it is worth considering wood carving patterns for beginners:

Wood selection

When choosing a suitable material, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Texture features. So, if you want to create a complex ornament with a semantic load, then it is better to take a block with a weakly expressed wood pattern. And if you prefer to only emphasize the natural beauty of wood with your pattern, then opt for a clearly defined texture.
  • Try to place the pattern itself along the fibers. This will make it easier to apply.
  • Pay attention to wood damage caused by rotting or other diseases. Discard such samples immediately.
  • It is also worth weeding out products with such defects as knots and pockets with tree sap.


When decorating your home, remember the main functions performed by wooden patterns:

  • Decoration of appearance. This is the main purpose. It is noteworthy that in ancient times many ornaments had a specific mystical meaning and served as amulets.
  • Protection from direct sunlight. A visor with a through thread does an excellent job of dispersing light.
  • Fencing of dangerous places. A balcony or staircase railing can become much more attractive thanks to this finishing.


Once you have chosen the appropriate block or board and decided on the carving method, prepare the work area. You may need a vice or clamps, a pencil, a jigsaw, a chisel and a router.

Next, use a pencil to draw a sketch of your design onto the wooden canvas. Securely secure it and start working. Be extremely careful when applying the pattern, as the slightest miscalculation can ruin the entire workpiece.

At the end of the work, coat the resulting ornament with varnish and install it in the place where it will be located. As a result, you will receive an original product that is made with your own hands. Even if you don’t get a masterpiece the first time, don’t despair, a little practice and your craft will become a real decoration of your home.


Patterns used to decorate wooden buildings hundreds of years ago are back in trend and gaining popularity. With their help, you can not only revive the monotonous grayness of a classic facade, but also make it absolutely original, something that no one has ever had before.

A little imagination, the right choice of application method, purchasing a suitable workpiece, patience and attentiveness are the most important things you need to successfully complete your plan.

With patterns you can not only decorate your home, but also express your thoughts, create a kind of business card for guests and passers-by.

Hand-made window trims are a wonderful decoration for the facade of a house (ready-made stencils and templates will be given in the article below). They make the house unlike any other, visually changing its proportions.

Today, with certain skills, you can independently create elegant frames for windows in a wooden building. Moreover, they can be made not only from wood, but also from other materials.

When the owner decides to install platbands, he strives to arrange traditional decor in his possessions.

Platbands have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent decorative function. This visually enlarges the building.
  2. Complementing the overall style of the architectural design.
  3. The space between the window opening and the wall plane is protected from moisture and dust.
  4. Heat losses and noise levels are reduced.
  5. The individual features of the house and the style of the chosen era are highlighted.

Platbands also have some disadvantages:

  1. Wood needs certain treatment to prevent high humidity and deformation.
  2. Products require regular care and treatment.
  3. They do not harmonize with metal-plastic windows. In this case, the platbands are made in the same color scheme.

Create your own templates

Today there are many platbands. Their types are determined by the methods of their installation to the window. According to this criterion, there are two varieties:

  1. Telescopic. Their specifics: L-like protrusions that coincide with the grooves of the window frame.
  2. Invoices. Installation takes place on the window frame. Fasteners - construction glue or nails with screws.

An elegant solution is the installation of carved products. It is possible to independently implement such plans only if you have special equipment.

Popular materials

  1. The most common material for platbands is wood. Products made from it have an elegant and harmonious appearance.
  2. Plastic versions are also often used. They are characterized by strong resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Plastic options are sold ready-made.
  3. Another popular material is MDF. It is prepared from wood waste. It is more environmentally friendly than plastic. In addition, products made from it have a look reminiscent of natural wood.
  4. Polyurethane. Variations from it are highly practical. Facade stucco is often made from this material.

The nuances of choosing the right wood

As already noted, wood is the most popular material for platbands. And the performance characteristics of wooden platbands depend on the type of wood used.

Here we usually pay attention to such options.

  1. Hard deciduous. These varieties include ash, oak and beech. They are very durable. But it is quite problematic to create patterns on them.
  2. Soft deciduous. These are: linden, aspen and alder. They are easier to process. Patterns are even created on their surface by hand. And such surfaces are thoroughly treated with special means.
  3. Cherry and apple tree. They are optimal for creating small components that can be attached to the base.
  4. Pine and birch. They are also easy to handle. And they have excellent working qualities.
  5. Various combinations of wood types. The use of special protective compounds for powerful impregnation here is mandatory.

Using high-quality wood, a beautiful, original design of the window opening is obtained.

The nuances of creating templates on your own

The basis of the work comes down to creating stencils and design.

Printing stencils on your own is something that everyone can do. It is important to achieve a combination of the chosen ornament with the entire style. Mixing geometric and floral patterns is not allowed.

When working on platbands, the following subtleties are taken into account:

  1. There should be harmony in the color palette of the walls and decorative elements.
  2. It is imperative that the appropriate parameter is selected correctly. The platbands should not be very wide or small.
  3. A high-quality version of the coating is selected. Special paints and varnishes are used.
  4. A template is required for making external carved components.
  5. The pattern is correctly positioned on the workpiece. The details follow along the wood grain.

When it is possible to achieve a color combination of platbands and the plane of the walls, a complete and harmonious facade is obtained.

Manufacturing stages

Before creating window decor, carved frames are selected from photographs. You need to make a template in advance. It should turn out to be the same for the design work of all openings.

The following methods for creating patterns are usually used:

  1. Overlay thread. It has separate pattern elements. They are attached to the same base.

Installation of overhead components should be on the base in compliance with the template pattern.

  1. Slotted thread. Here they make a through ornament. It looks like wood lace.

For all working methods, the presence of stencils is mandatory. This is what they look like:

Also in your work you must have the following tools:

  1. Jigsaw.
  2. Hacksaw (oriented for wood).
  3. Knives and chisels.
  4. Drill.
  5. Milling technology

Platbands must be created from prepared materials. The working stages are:

  1. Meticulous measurements are taken.
  2. The selected tree must be dry. If it is wet or humid, then it must be brought to dry conditions. The width of the boards is determined by the parameters of the window opening. The thickness of the material reaches at least 3 cm if a slotted thread is made, and at least 1 cm when an overhead thread is made.

All workpieces are pre-treated with a protective compound. They are cut using templates. And the cutting of ornaments is done using a jigsaw. It is better to use different types of files for this tool.

Working with an electric jigsaw requires certain skills and special care. The created holes must be filled. An excellent tool for this is sandpaper. After powerful grinding, the part is treated with special impregnation.

Next, all prepared parts are installed on the base. Here you need to use glue or special nails. In such work, it is better to avoid using self-tapping screws. They will cause the products to crack.

Installation specifics

The created platband can be attached to the desired position using the following methods:

  1. On a dull thorn. Installation of such parts is carried out on the inside. Special holes should be made in the frame for them. Glue is applied to the spike and distributed evenly. The tenon is inserted into the groove. This fastening protects the platbands from dust and moisture.
  2. Using a through tenon. The joint area here is thoroughly treated with varnish.

These methods are justified when working with a wooden window. To attach to metal-plastic, a special powerful liquid glue is used.

Required care

The installed platbands require constant attention and care. For processing, special preparations are used - powerful impregnations. They create high-quality protection against:

  • wood pests;
  • appearance of cracks;
  • sudden fire.

Carved versions must be coated with a primer, then varnish or paint. The intensity of such treatments is once every 3-5 years. In this way, the service life of the products will be seriously extended, and at the same time their attractive appearance will be preserved.

When installing plastic or metal products, no special care is required. It is necessary to provide high-quality protection against corrosion for products. Periodic paint updates are also required.

Thus, it is very possible to independently make platbands of extraordinary beauty with elegant patterns. Some carpentry, carpentry and tool handling skills are required. This way you can decorate window openings in a very original way and add an elegant twist to your chosen architectural style.

Window frames, do-it-yourself templates, stencils: drawings, sketches and drawings for cutting, photo gallery, manufacturing instructions

Hand-made window trims are a wonderful decoration for the facade of a house (ready-made stencils and templates will be given in the article). They make the house unlike any other, visually changing its proportions.

Carved window frames: templates, photos

Old Russian architecture is invariably associated with carved window frames. This form of house design is distinguished by its diversity of species. Just a few decades ago, each region had craftsmen with their own style of creating decorative elements. Today's return to origins is accompanied by a revival of interest in window decoration using carved frames.

Purpose of framing

The word “platband” itself speaks of its location – “on the face”, that is, one of its functions is to decorate the facade of the building. Therefore, people tried to express their individuality through it and decorate their windows with carved frames. In addition to their decorative role, window casings, first of all, perform a constructive function, closing the gap between the frame and the opening. This prevents dust from entering the house, protects against precipitation, drafts and extraneous sounds.

In the old days, magical properties were also attributed to carved frames. It was believed that framing a window with a certain shape of a strip protects against the evil eye and serves as a kind of amulet. Therefore, in the bizarre patterns one could see various figures and plants carrying a specific meaning.

In modern architecture, the functional purpose of window frames is as follows:

  • Properly selected carved design allows you to visually elongate a low building or expand a narrow wall.
  • The opportunity to show individuality and decorate the building in accordance with the spirit of a certain era.
  • Allows you to achieve a unified architectural ensemble between all buildings on the site.
  • Protection of cracks from penetration of external negative factors (precipitation, noise, dust).
  • It is one of the elements of thermal protection of the house.

Carved finishes, especially those made of wood, have a number of features that should be taken into account during operation:

  • Dependence on the influence of atmospheric factors. Moisture and temperature changes invariably cause damage to decoration.
  • When selecting a frame, you should take into account the properties of the rock from which the frames are made and take care of high-quality processing. Timely preventive measures extend the service life of window products.
  • Difficulties often arise when combining wooden carved elements with modern plastic frames. With this combination, it is preferable to install windows that imitate wood texture.

The meaning of carved elements

The desire to comply with ancient traditions requires knowledge about the meaning of the various elements of carved frames:

  • The sun is usually placed on a kokoshnik. It symbolizes life and energy.
  • The personification of wisdom and fertility is contained in the image of a snake.
  • A symbol of harmony between spiritual and material aspirations is a cross in a carved frame.
  • The feeling of unity with nature is emphasized through vegetation.
  • The earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.
  • The connecting element of all times is the silhouette of a bird on the window.

Characteristics of materials and forms

Natural and artificial materials are used to produce window frames. Traditionally, carved elements were made from weather-resistant wood. Characteristics of the properties of individual rocks will help determine the most suitable type:

  • Larch is minimally susceptible to rotting processes, but is not suitable for the production of carved frames due to its fragility.
  • Aspen, alder and linden are the most convenient species for creating openwork decor on windows. However, the pliable and soft wood of carved frames requires special treatment due to its ability to absorb moisture well.
  • Window frames made of oak, ash or beech are characterized by resistance to negative atmospheric influences, but the processing of carved elements is burdened with difficulties, overcoming which you will get a durable decor.
  • A good choice would be birch or pine wood, which allows you to create neat carved decor. At the same time, the platbands are strong enough for external use.
  • Small carved window decorations that are fixed to the main elements can be made from cherry or apple trees.

What other materials are used in the production of window trims and what their features are, we will consider below:

  • Laminated MDF allows you to accurately imitate the color of any type of wood, but is intended exclusively for indoor use.
  • Plastic windows are harmoniously combined with platbands made of a similar material (PVC), which is not subject to rotting and has a wide color palette that is resistant to solar radiation. The color of the trim is selected taking into account the finishing of the house to match or contrast with the facade.
  • For round windows, polyurethane products are ideal because they are lightweight and easy to maintain.
  • Metal strips are attached to protect the assembly seam, connecting them into a single unit with the profile box.

There are two main ways to install platbands:

  • The invoice is the most common method when decorating windows. For fixation, special glue or nails are used.
  • The telescopic method involves an L-shaped form of manufacturing the platband, which allows you to secure the product by entering into the grooves of the box. Most often used for finishing doorways. Its characteristic difference is the absence of traces of fasteners.

Patterns and types of threads

The carved shapes of the platbands give the window individuality, but to make them, you will definitely need templates. Having wood carving skills allows you to choose a complex ornament. If the ability to work with wood is not enough, it is better to find a light pattern for window trim. We suggest studying:

  • variants of single element templates and their general appearance;
  • top, bottom and side decoration details.

You can copy them completely or add your own details to the pattern. The carved frame design you like or a fragment of it needs to be enlarged to a scale taking into account the size of your window. To make carved templates, fiberboard, thick cardboard or paper are used. It is advisable to decorate windows with platbands with the same carvings. Please note that making small carved elements is much more difficult, and they deteriorate faster than others. In this case, partial replacement of the frame will be required.

The upper part of the window casing is called a kokoshnik, the lower part is called a towel. The most widespread ornaments of carved frames are the contours of plants, images of animals and geometric shapes.

The key details of the drawing for any window casing are:

  • bottom strip or window sill;
  • vertical rail;
  • top bar.

The pattern can also contain all kinds of hangers, flowerpots or a tiara. A detailed description of the names of carved decorative elements is presented in the diagram below:

If your windows have different sizes, experts advise making a drawing with an intermediate repeat repeating the required number of times. For rapport, you can choose one or two elements that are repeated alternately. An example of such a scheme is shown in the photo below:

There are several ways to make carved wooden frames for windows:

  • Carved platbands are characterized by the greatest decorativeness and delicacy. The product is made of light-colored wood or is subsequently coated with white paint. This window design on a darker wall looks sophisticated and elegant, vaguely reminiscent of Vologda lace.
  • With overlay carving, separately cut parts are fixed to a continuous board by gluing or nailing. This technique allows you to design a window with a simple platband. Protruding elements are often coated with contrasting paint.

Sometimes both types of carving are combined.

Manufacturing process

Having decided on the pattern, material, type of carving and method of fastening the trim, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of carved frames for the windows.

It is better to mark the places in the pattern where slits need to be made with color. The work on making platbands consists of the following stages:

  • Taking measurements from the window.
  • For slotted carving, boards with a minimum thickness of 30 mm are selected; the overhead method allows the use of wood with a thickness of 10 mm. All work is carried out with dry lumber.
  • Blanks are cut out.
  • To ensure a tight fit of the carved platband from the inside, the wood is selected to a shallow depth (1-2 mm).
  • The pattern applied using the template is cut out. Drills of various diameters are used to form holes; a jigsaw will be needed to make the slots. To create a beautiful cut, the jigsaw insertion point is marked with a drilled hole.
  • All carved elements of the window casing are cleaned with sanding paper. Wood dust is removed from non-through holes using a vacuum cleaner.

Overhead thread involves fastening finished elements to a wide casing using nails with their heads removed. The strength of the connection will be strengthened by applying glue to the underside of the casing. It is not recommended to use self-tapping screws due to the risk of damaging the carved section of the connection.

Carved platbands are installed on wooden windows using blind or through tenons. The first option is distinguished by a reliable connection and a complex installation process. The second method is simpler, but less reliable. Installation of carved elements on a plastic window is carried out using liquid nails.

Preliminary protective treatment of carved frames and regular preventive maintenance will ensure long-term preservation of the attractive appearance of the window.

Carved window frames

Carved window frames: templates, photos Old Russian architecture is invariably associated with carved window frames. This form of house design is distinguished by its diversity of species. More

Stencils for window trim. How to make carved platbands?

Window trims, despite their simplicity, are of great importance in the decorative design of the facade of a house. They not only create a neat look and add an element of individuality to the structure, but also perform the more prosaic task of eliminating the gap between the wall and the window frame. In addition, the platbands must withstand the influence of weather factors without losing their qualities.

The function of window trim and a little history

The architrave was first mentioned as an element of the house back in the 15th century. Nowadays, platbands have somewhat lost their relevance, but their function is still unchanged, regardless of the material of the building and its decoration. Due to the design features of the windows of high-rise buildings and in cases where glazing is used, their presence is inappropriate.

Platbands appeared many years ago

In simple terms, the platband is a wooden frame 30-40 mm wide that frames the window.

The aesthetic function of this part is important, but the main task is to bridge the gap between the window frame and the wall, which increases thermal insulation and protects against the penetration of dust and moisture from the external atmosphere, and also reduces noise levels. In some cases, if there are shutters, they act as a frame.

Types and types of platbands for windows

Their form can be:

Flat-shaped platbands are characterized by ease of production and low cost. Convex platbands are made using special machines and, in connection with this, the price of products increases significantly. Carved platbands have great aesthetic value and significant cost.

Platbands are classified according to the installation method:

  • telescopic. They have special projections that fit into the corresponding cavities of the box;
  • invoices.

An important factor when choosing the profile of this window element is the slope, which is performed at the top of the casing. Its purpose is to remove sediment.

Modern materials and requirements for house elements have determined the trends in homeowners' requests. The leaders in popularity are carved platbands made of plastic.

Requirements for platband material

In addition to high aesthetic qualities, the platband must meet practical requirements. Its important qualities are its ability to withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity. In addition, the material must withstand wind loads.

It is important that the material has sufficient strength and is not subject to chipping and cracking. The use of MDF or plywood is out of the question. The properties of these materials are such that they are able to absorb moisture, are prone to cracking, and the paint on them peels off over time. All this is a sign of the fragility of products made from these materials.

In this regard, MDF as a platband material can only be used inside a home. The manufacturability of the material determines its simplicity and relatively low cost. In addition, it does not take much time to receive ready-made platbands. Such platbands on the facade will require constant care and additional processing.

Our ancestors have been making frames from wood for many centuries. Oak and beech are the most common types of wood used for this. Pine and birch have found less use for the production of platbands. Wood tends to absorb moisture, so to increase the service life of the product and its appearance, it is necessary to use protective coatings. In addition, over time, wood tends to darken, so restoration of the original shade of the material is required.

When using gypsum as a decorative facade element, they also face the problem of interaction of the material with moisture. When water that penetrates inside the plaster freezes and thaws during temperature fluctuations, such architectural details are destroyed.

There are certain requirements for materials

The use of glass fiber reinforced concrete and polymer concrete makes it possible to avoid the negative effects of temperature and moisture. Their use is limited by the significant mass of products. In some cases, when installing such platbands, the increased load on the wall is taken into account and made more powerful.

Polyurethane compares favorably with other platband materials. This is due to the fact that its use does not allow the problems described above, and its characteristics make it possible to create additional thermal insulation. In addition, its weight is comparable to the weight of wood, which facilitates the installation of these facade parts.

How to make stencils for window trim?

Wood selection

Wood for the production of platbands can be used in various ways. This may be certain types of it, a combination of rocks by gluing or other connection.

Simple and shaped stencils for window frames are best made from pine.

The production of carved platbands requires that the material be soft. Linden has this quality. The requirements for the material are determined by manual processing of wood.

The choice of wood must be done carefully

Climatic conditions associated with high humidity or significant dryness, as well as significant temperature fluctuations during the day, determine the use of wood with a dense and hard structure. These include oak and birch. Manual processing is difficult, so the use of milling machines is necessary. Such products have a long service life.

Required Tools

Before solving the problem of how to make carved platbands, you need to decide on the tool used for this work. The main tools for this are knives and chisels, various in shape and size.

Tools for work

For independent production of platbands, manual milling devices, jigsaws, and drills are used. A jigsaw is practically indispensable when performing such work, since with its help you can create almost any pattern. In some cases, a homemade device can be used, which includes a step-down transformer and nichrome wire.

In addition, you may need to make a tool for filing corners. To make such a device, it is necessary to fasten two fine-toothed hacksaw blades between three wooden slats. When using this device, the spikes are filed with one blade, and the eyes of the product with the other.

How to choose patterns for the platband?

Using the slotted carving technique suggests that aspen, alder, linden or conifers are best suited. The thickness of the board should be in the range from 5 to 50 mm. It is necessary that the selected pattern for the platband be clearly distinguished from a distance, and act as a single whole of the architectural ensemble. Therefore, it is not advisable to create an image with a large number of small elements.

Platband options

For a long time, at the top of the casing there has been a kokoshnik with the image of the Sun. If desired, the top of the casing can be extended using tenons as a connection. Towels - this is the name given to the bottom of the platband. The design must include a drainage slope. The bottom plank should be 10mm thicker than the plank on top of the plank. It is important to maintain the unity of style of both parts.

To avoid cracks in the threads, parts should be placed along the grain of the wood. As a rule, ends and openwork bends, which are thin, have significant fragility.

Structural diagrams

The simplest cut can be made by drilling a round hole using a drill. That is why it is advisable to choose a pattern with a predominance of round holes. In most cases, the ornament is made up of repeating elements, each of which is made up of holes and cutouts that have a more complex configuration.

Window trim drawings contain the following elements:

  • bottom bar or profiled belt;
  • vertical slats or frame;
  • top bar.

Part names

To obtain a stencil, you need to stretch the pattern along its length. For this purpose, a life-size image is applied to paper. Places that suggest the presence of slots should be highlighted in color. Then, the resulting drawing is pasted onto the workpiece. Using a drill, drill holes of the appropriate diameter. If it is necessary to work with a jigsaw, make small holes where necessary.

Manufacturing window trims

The direction of opening the window must be taken into account. In the case when it opens outward, the platband should be installed at a distance of 30 mm from the window sashes. In addition, the platbands should not become an obstacle to opening the window frame. Other parameters depend on the geometric dimensions of the windows.

At the initial stage of production of platbands, it is necessary to plan a dry board, the dimensions of which are within the range: thickness up to 30 mm and width 75-150 mm. In this case, the width of the platbands should exceed the corresponding size of the window frame by 25-50 mm. For a better fit of the platbands to the wall surface, select a groove or make a gap of no more than 2 mm so that it is at a distance of 10-15 mm from the edge.

When working with a power tool, you should not make excessive efforts, as if helping it. This may cause it to fail. If you encounter difficulties cutting wood, you should pay attention to sharpening the blade. It is recommended to make long cuts using a wide blade.

How to make fastening of carved platbands

Fastening of platband parts is carried out using blind or through tenons. Moreover, it is believed that the use of the first of them is preferable, since there is no need to decorate the places where the connection occurs.

The grooves for the tenons are made by drilling several holes, the depth of which is slightly greater than the tenon. Removing the partitions between the holes is done with a drill designed for metal. The entry of the spike should be tight, however, without the use of force.

The spikes are secured with dowels made of hard wood. It is not advisable to use glue. This is due to the fact that adhesives are not able to work for a long time under the influence of an aggressive atmospheric environment.

Installation of platbands: features

Installation of platbands is carried out without the use of glue using nails. They are driven in at intervals of 400-500 mm so that the head is recessed into the wood. Most often, the platbands are attached tightly to the box. In some cases, an indentation of 5-20 mm is made on the side, which depends on the direction of opening of the valves.

Platband drawing

The window sill board at the window opening and the platband are installed closely. This design allows you to install bedside tables that protect the lower part of the platbands.

Upon completion of installation work, it is imperative to carry out protective treatment of the platbands. You should also apply paint or varnish, which needs to be renewed from time to time.

Stencils for window frames

Stencils for window trim. How to make carved platbands? Window trims, despite their simplicity, are of great importance in the decorative design of the facade of a house. They not only create

Do-it-yourself wooden carved window frames

For log buildings, carved platbands simply beg to be used to decorate window openings. Making them yourself is not at all a whim or an attempt to save money, because there are very few really good woodcarvers now.

Minimum required tools

The manufacture of platbands, in contrast to artistic wood carving, involves repeated execution of the same type of operations, resulting in a rather primitive repeating pattern. Therefore, most of the work is done with an electric tool: this not only increases the processing speed, but also achieves uniform quality in different areas.

1 - jigsaw; 2 - drill; 3 - belt sander; 4 - vibration grinder; 5 - manual router

The main work is done with a jigsaw and drill. The tool must be reliable and of high quality, capable of being in continuous use for a long time. To clean and polish products, it is better to use an electric grinder, at least a simple belt grinder. Quick finishing of the relief is possible using vibration-type machines.

If you intend to add additional small details to the edges of your product, you cannot do without a router. Slopes, chamfers and figured borders can also be done manually, but only if you have a variety of chisels, cutters and specific skills in working with wood.

Set of wood cutters

How to choose wood

Hardwood species are best suited for platbands: oak, birch, ash, maple, alder. Since the thickness of the finished product is relatively small (30–45 mm), hard rocks will be less susceptible to rotting and drying out, and therefore will retain their appearance longer.

If you plan to decorate carved frames with flat-relief elements with many small details, you should give preference to softer species with a fine texture pattern. Linden, poplar, aspen, walnut and spruce are suitable.

The wood for platbands must be selected and, preferably, chamber dried, with a moisture content not exceeding 12%. The presence of traces of warping or other pronounced defects or large branches is not allowed. Ideally, you should immediately order calibrated boards with a width of 100–150 mm and a thickness of 30–40 mm.

The length of the blanks should be sufficient to completely cover the window opening horizontally and vertically with an overlap in each direction of 1.5 times the width of the board. It is important that you initially calculate the number of required blanks and, in addition to them, purchase several more boards of the cheapest species for training and practicing carving skills.

Making templates and stencils

Almost any wood carving begins with applying a design to the workpiece according to a pre-made template or stencil. There are plenty of thread diagrams on the Internet; the main difficulty comes down to transferring the lines onto the part exactly and without distortion. Let us warn you right away: do not chase the high complexity of the drawing. A set of even the most primitive elements in the correct sequence and with well-chosen indents impresses with its modesty and quality of processing.

Templates for the upper and lower trim strips for the window

Example of a platband ornament template

The first option for applying markings is to make a small pattern from plastic or hard sheet material, on which a single element of a repeating pattern is applied. Such a template is sequentially applied to the workpiece and outlined with a pencil.

It is also possible to produce a one-piece template. You need to take a strip of paper of the appropriate width, fold it like an accordion several times, and then cut out the pattern according to the principle of a Christmas tree garland. The resulting tape must be glued onto cardboard or LMDF, and then cut out the desired shapes. This method is welcome for a significant amount of work.

The resulting stencil is subsequently simply applied to the board and outlined with a soft pencil. Ideally, rich but precise cutting lines and boundaries for further processing should remain. When marking out the details, you need to take into account the layout of the pattern so that the platbands form a solid and complete outline, and the repeating pattern is not interrupted inappropriately.

Sampling through holes

The first step is to trim the edges of the workpiece and make holes in the center. Everything is simple with the edges: we cut out the excess with a jigsaw, retreating 1–1.5 mm outward from the marking line for subsequent processing. To cut out shapes in the center of the plane, drill the part at the very line of each cutout, then select the inner contour with a jigsaw.

For making large holes, it is wise to use core drills. In this case, it is necessary to mark on the template not the contours, but the centers of the circles into which the centering drill bit of the crown will be installed. A similar technique can also be used when making oval holes or elements with small rounding radii: a complex bend is drilled with the appropriate radius, and everything else is cut out with a jigsaw.

When the excess parts of the workpiece are cut out, the cut edges must be carefully processed with a rasp and then with sandpaper. It is recommended to use bars of square, round and rounded profiles, which are filled with sandpaper. This way you'll be less likely to fray the edges and will be able to get straight corners on each edge.

Rectangular ribs look rather rough, so they are smoothed with chamfers and slopes of different profiles. The easiest way to diversify the product is to go along the external and internal contours of the casing with a figured cutter. But manual processing options are also possible:

  • to remove a chamfer, walk along straight edges with chips, keeping the angle of inclination of the handle to the part constant;
  • a semicircular convex bevel can also be made with chips, changing the inclination of the blade, or use a concave cutter for this;
  • a concave semicircular joint is made with a chisel or cutter with a rounded edge. Such elements must be cut out in stages, removing small chips layer by layer and carefully controlling the depth of the tool and the tilt of the handle;
  • if the descent has a profile of a complex shape with several convex, concave and straight elements, this profile is divided into several stages and cut in a strict sequence, starting from the widest outer part and ending with the deepest and shallowest tier.

Blind carving: applying relief

Once you're done with the shaping, it's a good idea to vary the remaining flat elements with simple designs or floral patterns. Here are the simplest working methods:

  1. A groove (branch, groove) is made with a narrow chisel or cutter with a square, triangular or concave blade shape. The carving is carried out strictly along the line, the relief is selected with small shavings and then polished.
  2. The leaf has several small grooves imitating veins, trimmed with a disc knife. From the center between the veins to each of them, small notches are made with a semicircular chisel, imitating the body of the leaf, then the outer contour is drawn with a thin cutter.
  3. The flat areas adjacent to the descent can be diversified with blind carvings of small ornaments. For example, cut two furrows from the edge, forming a triangle with it, and punch an asterisk in the center.

Wood processing and installation of platbands

Due to the carved elements, the wooden product has a larger surface shape, due to which it is more susceptible to aging. Therefore, the wood should be specially treated.

First of all, carved items to be placed on the facade should be soaked in an antiseptic composition for 5–8 hours, for which you can dig a small trench in the ground and put a plastic film there for temporary arrangement of the bath. After soaking, the parts are dried for several days, stacked with pads every 30–40 cm.

When the wood has dried, it must be thoroughly sanded, achieving smoothness and finally eliminating all traces of sawing and carving. The protective composition is selected in accordance with the type of facade finishing; it can be either alkyd enamel or polyurethane varnish, tinted or transparent.

Finally, for proper installation of the platbands, the window opening should be framed with a flat strip 10–15 mm thick and such a width that its outer edge is not visible through the carved pattern along the contour of the platband. The purpose of this strip is to eliminate the remaining unevenness of the wall and provide a reliable base for securing the carved element. Often this strip is painted in a color that contrasts with the coating of the casing itself to make the pattern more expressive.

Platbands can be attached with straight or oblique cutting, which depends on the type and density of the pattern. Oblique trimming is performed with a cut on each side at 45°, while the cutting line should pass through identical sections of the pattern and not intersect the figures cut out inside.

With direct trimming, a horizontal element is located between two vertical ones. Their top edge should be 1–2 cm above the crossbar if the cut end is straight. It is also possible to manufacture on the edge of the thread according to the general scheme, if during the manufacturing process you carry out fitting and precise adjustment of the platbands. The fastening of the platbands itself is elementary - ordinary rough nails without a head are used for it. It is only important that the nail pierces the platband and the strip, protruding at least 5 mm from the inside.

Do-it-yourself wooden carved window frames

For log buildings, carved platbands simply beg to be used to decorate window openings. Making them yourself is not at all a whim or an attempt to save money, because they are really good

Wood carving is considered the most ancient art. It can decorate the house and interior elements. Many different simple patterns have become superb designs that appeal with their elegance and precision.

Wood carving ornaments have been used as decoration for quite a long time. An ornament is a pattern that has combinations of various shapes: geometric, plant, animal, bird, human, etc. The elements that make it up can be repeated or alternated. More complex components can be simplified for better perception of detail.

Carved ornaments in the traditions of Russian pattern making are familiar to many of us - carved shutters and platbands, valances, friezes and balusters, decorative balconies - the Russian hut has been famous for these decorations since ancient times. And until now, many owners of country houses prefer magical carvings to practical plastic. True, delicate work is now done with the help of new technologies.

Geometric design is characterized by various simple patterns, when combined, you can get amazing drawings that captivate with their beauty. Most often they come in the form of decorations such as stripes, stars, rosettes, etc. Other wooden elements also make sense and give a great look. Among other geometric patterns there are:

  • A dot is an element that is used separately and is reused as decor.
  • Line is a commonly used pattern, primarily intended for separation.
  • A zigzag or broken line symbolizes water.
  • A rhombus or square limits the space filled with patterns.
  • Polygons (hexagons, octagons, etc.) are often used in oriental wood carving.
  • Crosses mean creation, construction of something, etc.
  • Twisted or spiral, or other curved elements.
  • The circle is filled with a pattern and is responsible for a separate composition.

Description of floral patterns

Performed in different varieties or repeated separately. They can represent an excellent composition, which can contain drawings of a tree, fruit plant, flower, etc. Floristry is depicted naturally or in a simplified or stylized form. It is considered the most popular after the type of geometric ornament. Since ancient times, the most frequently used wood were grapes, oaks, laurels, lotuses, ivy, etc.

Gallery: wood carving (25 photos)

Properties of animal (zoomorphological) ornament

This carved ornament shows drawings of various animals, which can be fictional as well as real. They are often stylized. These are very ancient drawings. Among the patterns there are not only entire wooden elements, but also individual parts of the animal body (heads, wings, paws, etc.). Quite often used in combination with different types of ornaments. Can be used for different threads.

Ornament with the image of a person

In wood carving, a wooden man can be depicted schematically or more realistically. It is used for decorative interior details. Pairs perfectly with different types of patterns.

Among all the wood carving ornaments, we can highlight the following: wooden decorative or symbolic image types, e.g.:

  1. Hieroglyphs, inscriptions, etc.
  2. Emblems, coats of arms, etc. (heraldry).
  3. Various symbols (yin-yang, lotus, cross, etc.)

Main shapes of different patterns

It all depends on which one is used. The following forms are distinguished::

  • A ribbon shape or border that runs along the edge or frames the product.
  • Garland is a wavy shape (mainly used with floral patterns).
  • A rosette is an independent form in the form of a flower, a polygon, etc.
  • Palmette is a fan-shaped with decoration.
  • Arabette is a complex patterned element made up of geometric, plant shapes.
  • The wreath is used as a floral ornament.
  • Braiding is made with interlacing components (strips, ribbons, stems, etc.).
  • The openwork ornament requires the use of sawn carving techniques (making a through background image).

Sketches (album) for forming patterns

Initially, before you start carving wood, you need to make a sketch on paper (you can use it in your sketchbook) of the same size. You can do this on a printer or copier (reduce, enlarge, etc.). You can also draw by hand using cells for linear scaling. This carved ornament is duplicated on wood using simple copy paper. For through threads, you can make a simple template by cutting it out with scissors, so that you can then apply it and trace it with a pencil on the workpiece. You can buy special templates or find images on the Internet; the Slavic pattern is very beautiful and ancient.

A router, or manual milling machine, is a universal tool suitable for various types of wood processing. It can be used to drill holes, cut grooves, grooves and chamfers, and process the edges and edges of a wooden product. It is very convenient for installing locks on doors, assembling floors and furniture, and other work with this material. Carving on pre-prepared wood using a router can be mastered quickly with your own hands if you immediately choose the type of manual machine for yourself.

There are several types depending on the work performed. So, they distinguish:

  • A vertical milling cutter is used both for making through holes and for cutting blind grooves in the rock
  • Edging is useful for processing the edges of wood. Has low power, the big advantage is low weight
  • The combined one serves both of the above purposes and has two bases for them.

Let's look at wood carving techniques using a router with our own hands

The now popular art of wood carving can also be done using this tool. There are many cutters, that is, working heads, for various purposes. Advanced craftsmen even make cutters or parts themselves. The main task when working with a hand router is to learn how to use it correctly. Once you master this tool, you can perform any type of artistic carving.

In order to learn how to carve pre-prepared wood using a router with your own hands, you can enroll in thematic courses. However, not everyone has the time or desire to visit them. For such people, there are many video lessons, which, when viewed, will give you an idea of ​​this skill.

Even before watching the video, it is important for beginners to carefully read the instructions for using their electric assistant. There you can find a lot of practical advice on how to assemble the tool, adjust the depth of the cut, what each cutter is needed for, read about the complete set of your router model, and also find out what additional attachments you can buy to achieve exactly your goals. Don't forget to look at the safety precautions and technical specifications section of the device.

After this, you can begin the first small steps in developing the skill of carving with a wood cutter. These training activities are described below.

Through or slotted wood carving.

To have a general idea of ​​the learning process, suffice it to say that most craftsmen start by cutting out simple patterns using a template. To do this, you need to take a piece of wood and draw a sketch on it. There is a large selection on the Internet and in art books; in addition, looking at photos of finished works with abstract ornaments, it is easy to copy these drawings in pencil.

After the sketch is applied to the log, you should adjust the router so that it makes through cuts. Start working with the outer parts, and when the form is ready, you need to cut holes and give the pattern an openwork pattern. If you are cutting out platbands or other elements of the facade of a house, then you need to take a blade made of hard wood. Conifers and oak are good choices. For smaller interior products, it is better to take softer linden or birch.

Figured wood carving using a hand router.

After mastering the technique of through threading, you can proceed to more complex elements. For example, after adjusting the depth of the cutout, add a pattern to the finished trim using V-shaped or other cutters. Not just flat figures look beautiful, but those complemented by notched carvings or made using other techniques. Chamfers on flat or rounded surfaces of large diameters will look very useful.

Various types of chamfers.

After training in these techniques, you can take on more complex ones. With the help of a customized router, it will not be difficult to make your first product using the flat-relief technique. Such drawings look amazingly beautiful on wall panels, boxes, and in addition, photographs of furniture with carved elements make you look closely and examine the entire pattern.

We hone our skills in using a router and wood carving

To achieve mastery in absolutely any task, constant practice is important. Even if the products turn out a little clumsy the first time or nothing comes out at all, you shouldn’t give up. After all, each time the cut will be smoother, the finish will be thinner, and the products will be more beautiful.

Wood carving with a router – photo for inspiration.

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