How to beautifully decorate flower beds with flowers. Design of flower beds: types and interesting ideas for a summer residence

Garden equipment 25.10.2023
Garden equipment

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without a bright flower garden. You don’t have to be an experienced landscape designer to enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm season.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before you begin landscaping the territory of your dacha, you need to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of designing flower beds.

The shape and location of the flower bed at the dacha affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow ridge is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower garden, a flower bed with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is decorated with low-growing species. A mixborder near a fence or wall of a building is also equipped with plants of varying heights, but according to a different principle: in the background of the flower beds there are tall flowers or neat shrubs with a gradual transition to medium-sized and then low-growing species.

For beginners, in order to create a harmonious flower garden at their dacha with their own hands, they should first draw up or select a suitable diagram indicating the planting zone of each type. This will make it easier to calculate the need for planting material and the entire process of improving the flower garden.

Information about the flowering period

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering transform the dacha, making the area attractive all season long. The key condition when drawing up plans for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one flowering species. To correctly complete the diagram, you need to familiarize yourself with the flowering dates of plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for the flower garden is determined based on its shape. A flowerbed in a dacha can take on different shapes; the most common types are:

With proper design of a flower garden, even primitive plantings can look impressive and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed design, it is preferable for beginners to choose irregular flower beds, such as a mixborder or an alpine slide. The accumulated experience will make it possible in the future to design regular flower beds at the dacha, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering periods and observing a certain interval between plantings.

A mixborder of thuja, David's buddleia, zinnia, goldenrod and purple coneflower will help attract butterflies.

The optimal place for a flower garden is an area that is clearly visible from all sides of the dacha. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or a fence; an arabesque flower bed will be an original decoration for the lawn; for beginners, it is better to practice on an alpine slide.

Comment! When forming a flowerbed diagram for a specific area in a dacha, shaded and well-lit areas are marked on it. This will help to properly stock the flower garden, providing the plants with optimal conditions for development.

Preparing the flowerbed

To calculate the required number of seedlings, the flower bed diagram is divided into squares with a conventional side of 1 m. After which the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by the average planting rate per 1 m2:

  • large plantings 1.0-1.2 m high - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 4-6 pieces are enough for medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm in height;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted per 1 m2 in a flower garden;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flowerbed diagram to the dacha site, the planting contours are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before this, the earth is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots and the top layer of turf are removed. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower bed.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to a dacha is presented in the following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and mantle are used in the design of the flowerbed:

Before planting in a flower garden, seedlings need pre-watering 2-3 hours before planting. The optimal time for planting at the dacha is the absence of bright sun, that is, early in the morning or at the end of the day. It's even better to choose a period before it rains. A round flower bed is filled from the center to the edges; a flower bed located near the fence of a dacha or building begins to be decorated from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, and after deepening, the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is watered abundantly, tall weak seedlings are supported with a stick. If a flower does not take root, it can be replaced at any time with a new specimen from the pot. You should not expect the ideal appearance of a perennial flower garden in your dacha in the first year of planting.

Advice! Unattractive voids in the flowerbeds are temporarily filled with annual flowers that are suitable for the conditions of the entire scheme.

The fragrant flower garden of hibiscus, kufei, penstemon, cottonweed and petunia looks interesting, the diagram of which is given below:

Don’t be afraid to make adjustments to your existing flowerbed design. Replacing one type with another similar in content, changing the outline or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden design for a summer residence, the plant requirements for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

The group of low-growing plants includes unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flower bed design, we can recommend tomentosa, awl-shaped phlox and primrose. Bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies will also decorate the dacha. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of low-growing marigolds, petunias, and purslane can organically complement the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are the basic basis of a dacha flower garden, so for the scheme it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect. The following perennials meet these conditions:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phlox;
  • hosts.

Annual species will help fill the voids in a new flowerbed at the dacha: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed, the scheme allocates space for tall plants. Suitable for these purposes are aconite, decorative sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, and lupine.

The shaded areas of the dacha will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, sedum, hostas of various colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A dacha with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, and fern. The flowerbed design can also include herbal dianthus, heather, dogwood, broom or bergenia cordifolia.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for gardens of varying levels of complexity.

The simplest flowerbed design for dummies will decorate the dacha with a warm palette of pink, orange and red flowers, diluted with a purple tone. Tree heliotrope is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by low-growing New Guinea balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant mallow Pleniflora.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinalis.
  6. Fassin's catnip.
  7. Bell.
  8. Catananche "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heuchera Miracle.

A diagram of a flower garden, shaped like a piece of cake, needs to be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flowerbed is filled with daylilies in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 are silvery wormwood leaves, 2 copies on each side.
  3. Dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower bed are decorated with 3 heuchera bushes with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flowerbed there are 5 specimens of silvery leaves of the chistets.

The absence of a pond at the dacha can be partially replaced by a flower bed, the design of which contains flowers in blue and blue shades. The stream bed is imitated by large pebbles, painted blue. Glass beads will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leaf-grass.
  2. Bearded iris.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. A tenacious creeping creature.
  5. Bell.
  6. Aubrieta hybrid.
  7. Brunera macrophylla.
  8. Bryozoan awl-leaved.
  9. A tenacious creeping creature.

The proposed schemes are not an unshakable postulate. Based on them, at your dacha you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.

With the arrival of spring, many summer residents go to their garden plots. For any amateur gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, fruits and fruit trees on their plot, but also to give it a beautiful appearance that will delight not only the owners of the garden plot, but also all the neighbors and guests who come to the dacha.

Decorating a garden is a kind of art. On your site, you have the opportunity to create unforgettable paintings from flowers, expressing your inner world with them. It’s not without reason that they say: “An artist paints his pictures with paints, and a florist paints with flowers.”

In this regard, summer residents planning to decorate a flower garden on their site have questions: what types of flowers are best to buy to make their site more beautiful, where and when is the best time to plant them, what can you use to decorate your flower garden?

Selecting a design and drawing up a layout

Let's look at how to decorate flower beds with your own hands step by step. First of all, it should be noted that the concepts of “flower garden” and “flower bed” are identical. The flowerbed has the correct shape and is necessarily fenced with a border. But when creating a flower garden, you don’t have to adhere to the rules and give free rein to your imagination.

When growing a flower garden, you must take into account the following factors: the general appearance and area of ​​the garden plot, the number of buildings and structures located on it, the varieties of fruit and vegetable crops planted in different places on the plot, as well as your financial capabilities.

There are directly opposite ways to arrange a flower bed on a site:

  • matches the style and design with the appearance of the garden plot
  • on the contrary, a deliberate and complete contrast with the garden plot

It should be noted that there can be many flower beds in the garden, differing in style and design.

Preparations for creating a flower garden at the dacha with your own hands should begin in winter.

By the time you design a flower bed, you need to clearly understand what types of flowers will grow on it, and how it will look in general.

Moreover, you need to purchase flower soil and specialized fertilizers for planting.

Making a flowerbed with your own hands

Creating a flower bed with your own hands is similar to transplanting a plant into an ordinary flowerpot and takes a lot of time. However, there is nothing complicated in this process.

To create a flower bed in your garden plot you need:

  • Prepare and clear a place for it;
  • Remove the top layer of soil;
  • Be sure to do drainage. Broken bricks and crushed stone are quite suitable for this;
  • Place a border along the edges of the flowerbed;
  • Add new soil;
  • Let it sit for at least 10-12 days;
  • Start planting flowers.

Selection of plants for a flower arrangement

The flowers in the flowerbed must look beautiful and please the eye. However, you don’t need to plant all the flowers you have on it. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly travel to the dacha, you should select varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

To create a beautiful flower bed, you must follow these tips:

  • It is necessary that the plants are adapted to the same conditions. That is, flowers with the same requirements for care, weather conditions and soil composition are planted in one area;
  • select plants that will bloom throughout the entire period;
  • be sure to take into account the size of the plants;
  • connect plants according to color combinations.

Most often, from eight to fifteen species of plants are planted in one flower bed. When creating a flower garden, you must definitely use the principle of multi-tiered plants.

The tallest flowers are placed in the center, and low-growing plants are planted along the edges, as if framing them and the entire flower arrangement. The side from which the flowerbed is open to view is also of great importance.

In addition to flowering plants, the flowerbed may contain decorative foliage plants, usually perennials.


It should be noted that the process of creating such a composition is a little more complicated and requires a lot of imagination from the owner.


Plants are planted in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

If you decide to plant seeds, you need to prepare everything in advance. In early spring, flower seeds are sown in high-moor peat.

Depending on the duration of flowering, plants are divided into three types:

  • annuals (need to be planted annually);
  • biennial (bloom profusely in the second year);
  • perennial (bloom constantly, becoming more beautiful and luxuriant every year).

When planting seeds, you need to separate one group of flowers from another, leaving space between them. This is done so that the grown plants do not interfere with each other.


If the flowers grow too densely, they need to be torn out or some of them transplanted to a new place. Planting seedlings is much more convenient. In this case, you will not have to wait for the seedlings to appear and the result will be visible much faster.

Flower beds require constant care. First of all, it is necessary to regularly inspect the flower garden and remove wilted inflorescences. This encourages perennial flowers to bloom again and helps maintain the beautiful appearance of the plant.

Interesting design of a flower garden at the dacha

As a rule, organizing a beautiful flower garden does not require a lot of financial resources. To decorate a flower garden, you can use many homemade products. This will give your flower garden a special individual style and make it look like a fairy tale.

To create a flower arrangement, you can use any material, depending on the imagination of an amateur gardener.

You can use single “pots” and furniture that has served its purpose, parts of wood, unnecessary materials for construction, almost all types of transport in which flowers can be planted.


Tires are very popular for creating flower beds. They can be placed one on top of the other in the form of a fun slide. Think about what things you don't need at home. They can be very useful in a summer cottage when creating a flower garden.

The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile and, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. It should be noted that photos of flower beds decorated in this way will be simply stunning.

Decorative elements when creating a flower garden

To add originality and zest, you can use special garden figurines, children's toys and decorations. Very often among the flower beds you can see figures of various animals and birds: hares, deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, swans, titmice, as well as heroes from fairy tales: gnomes, Snow White, the Frog Princess and others.

In many cases, small toy windmills, fountains or castles are used in such compositions.

And illuminated lanterns located around the perimeter give the whole picture an additional effect and elements of a fairy tale.

You can also organize a flower garden in the courtyard of your home. Carefully thought out and made with soul, it will not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also make the atmosphere around your home magical and unforgettable.

Photos of flower beds with your own hands

Flower beds in the country are a decoration for any area. Properly selected and planted compositions according to the rules will delight with their riot of colors and bring more positivity to life. But often gardeners, this primarily applies to beginners, initially make up flower beds incorrectly, as a result of which there are many negative aspects associated with excessive growth or insufficient flowering and a faded appearance.

To avoid this, you need to plan the design of the flowerbed in advance and buy those plants that will highlight it more favorably and meet the conditions of growth and care; you can make a beautiful flowerbed from scrap materials. This article presents the rules and ideas for designing flower beds.

Basic principles of floriculture

For beginners, it will be very useful to learn about those nuances, taking into account which you can achieve wild flowering and enjoy your flower garden:

Help for a beginning gardener

Every beginner, no matter what business, must learn the theoretical fundamentals and then apply these ideas in practice. It’s the same with floriculture, first of all you need to find out everything, and only then implement it in your area.

Basic rules for creating a flower bed

If it is customary to plant a flower garden on your property, then you need to beware of the mistakes that beginners often make. Getting excited, many plant as many plants as possible on the site, they think it’s more beautiful. This can be done if you like, but taking into account the height of the plants, the timing of flowering and the conditions that they require. Let's consider the basic rules by which a flower garden can be compiled:

Correct selection of plants for the flower bed

In order for a flowerbed to delight its owner and his guests with its beauty for a long time, it is necessary to plant plants with different flowering periods.

Important! The correct arrangement of plants is the key to the beauty and uniqueness of a flower garden.

In March, if the weather is warm, crocuses or snowdrops may begin to grow in the flowerbed. At the end of the month, pansies appear.

The next month will see the flowering of plants such as liverwort, scylla, lungwort, anemone, muscarina, primrose, tulip and daffodil, as well as other early plants.

In May, all the beauty of the flowering of bulbous plants such as tulips, daffodils and hyacinths is revealed. In addition to them, the flowering period also begins for awl-shaped phlox, perennial alyssium, decorative onions, swimsuit, lilies of the valley, arabis, forget-me-nots and other beautiful plants.

In the first month of summer, peonies, daisies, numerous varieties of bells and carnations, lupins, poppies, irises, petunia, and felicia bloom. Just on the first days of summer, roses begin to bloom in flower beds, which will give you a good mood until autumn.

In July, phlox, daylilies, dahlias, astilbes, nasturtiums, cosmos and cannas bloom actively.

In August, some summer garden plants continue to bloom and chrysanthemums, decorative sunflowers, rudbeckia, gladioli, and goldenrod begin to bloom.

In September, the time comes for asters, marigolds, dahlias and late varieties of chrysanthemums. At this time, you can see new blooms of pansies, daisies, and tea roses. These beautiful autumn flowers will show their beauty until the first frost.

Arrangement and diagrams of flower beds

Flowerbeds are divided into two completely different types:

The classic design is pink and white. If you learn to combine two colors in a certain order, you can get a flowerbed that has quite good decorative qualities. White blooms will become the background, and pink will add the necessary accents.

This can be done, for example, using the following planting: low-growing white flowers or pink zinnias are planted on the main background, and Drummond phlox is planted along the edges and in the background. A car tire will help you make a perfectly level planting.

The combination of annuals in a bright red-orange color scheme in a flower garden also gives an unrealistically beautiful result. The background is filled with amaranth with a small amount of sunflower, dahlias are in the background, and the empty spaces are filled with escholsia.

For edging, you can use marigolds and asters or other plants that match the color. This idea for arranging a flower garden can be brought to life in the shortest possible time.

You can make a flowerbed in completely different variations, but if you don’t have enough experience, you can use ready-made plant combinations to avoid the unpleasant consequences of creating it yourself not according to the rules. The simplest option is to create a flower garden from tires. Here are some ready-made options for flower beds in the country for beginners with photos:


As it becomes clear, creating your own flower garden is not particularly difficult, but only if, first of all, the features of growing a particular plant have been studied and the goals that need to be achieved in the end have been identified. Every gardener can afford to plant an oasis of beautiful blooms on their plot, even a beginner in this business.

Many modern summer residents, trying to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial low-growing flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable flower garden masterpiece, read the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand the criteria for their selection, planting methods, and look at design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of permanent flowering

Types and varieties of low-growing plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered low-growing. Lovely flower beds are made from either one variety of such flowers or using several types. Multi-tiered compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders edged with compact bushes look great in summer. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, and there are even more of them among annuals.

The flowering border is magnificent

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (during the planting season) they allow you to improve the territory by creating a beautiful composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to select specimens for any zone on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile and poor soil.
  3. They do not require special care, fertilizing or frequent watering in summer.
  4. They give creative people room for exciting experiments with the annual update of garden design.
  5. It is possible to correct mistakes in the selection of varieties and colors as early as the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, as they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flowerbed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified loss of time, money, and effort when annually selecting plants for a flower bed, hassle with seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial low-growing flowers for the flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative value, and once every 5-7 years they have to be renewed, spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds that have a special charm, but they do not provide the same brightness and variety as annuals. The argument that weeds cannot grow under mats of perennial plantings is also controversial. Yes, under dense clumps the germination of weed seeds and the development of emerging weeds is suppressed. But if they have managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in annual plantings.

Perennial aubrieta

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, or perhaps a combination of both. In any case, it would be useful to take a closer look at some of their species.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual low-growing flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a “rug”. In fact, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves, similar to fleshy needles, form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple or double, depending on the variety. The most popular are double species, which bloom buds in early summer and are decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Variegated purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, rocky soil, does not need fertilizing or frequent watering. But it needs the sun: in the shade the shoots stretch out, become thinner, and the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a stormy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • Cloudbeater.

Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual low-growing white flowers to decorate your flowerbed, it is difficult to find anything more suitable than the purslane variety with the telling name White-flowered.

This purslane should be called Snow White

Tagetes (marigolds)- an extremely unpretentious low-growing flower that even a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil or regular watering. But for all their unpretentiousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer until the autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flowerbed “sunny” even in bad weather.

Two types of marigolds differ in compact bushes: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

Low-growing tagetes in border design
Marigolds rejected
Marigold thin-leaved

Examples of other long-flowering annuals

Petunia- a rather capricious favorite to grow, a favorite of landscape designers and gardeners, there are many varieties, distinguished by various shapes and colors. One can distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly but abundantly flowering types of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rain, which is destructive for terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become garden favorites.

Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue low-growing flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed, coming to life at the beginning of summer and fading only by October. Ball-shaped miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile soil such as loam. Timely watering is important in care, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly moist.

Lobelia, Blue variety

Calceolaria- an unusual low-growing plant that will decorate a flowerbed in a shaded place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic plant loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: if water gets on the velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative properties.

Exotic calceolaria

Iberis Grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place; it likes light, breathable soil. It has small, fragrant, often snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, and lilac colors. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Goes great in combined flower beds. For example, the combination of white Iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is a very advantageous option.

Delightful snow-white Iberis

Dianthus annua(Chinese). The charming neighbor of Iberis can please you not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being a perennial by nature, it can sometimes overwinter.

Chinese Carnation Scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming permanence

If one day you successfully select perennial species of low-growing, long-blooming flowers for your flowerbed, you can get rid of the spring hassle of landscaping it for a number of years and enjoy the beauty of your plot from the first days of summer. Various carnations, resilient asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Beautiful flower beds are the visiting card of the site

alpine aster- a herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork partial shade, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, the longest in Rosea.

Aster alpine Rosea

Dianthus- an unpretentious low-growing perennial, the dark greenery of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during the summer month and a half. Along with perennial arabis, pyrethrum, and primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging a flower bed or path.

Carnation grass as a border

Begonia everblooming is rightfully the leader among flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Begonia plantings blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June until late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if it is moved to a warm room for the winter. Not only the flowers are exceptionally decorative, but also the leaves of begonia, pleasing to the eye with shape and color.

Terry ever-blooming begonia

Based on the color of the leaves, green-leaved and bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished. The height of low-growing bushes is usually within 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to growing conditions. The soil for the flowerbed should be rich in humus, slightly acidic, moisture-absorbing, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

About 600 hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, Bada boom;
  • Senator.

Ever-blooming begonias in a flowerbed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Quinn;
  • Cocktail;
  • Ray.

Ground covers

Ground cover candidates for a place in the flower garden

Among the low-growing perennials there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for continuous flowering beds. It would be worth getting to know a few representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate. It is extremely unpretentious, forms clumps up to 10 cm high. Loves the sun and dry soil, afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May, for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, and lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

sedum(sedum). Among the half a thousand varieties, you can choose sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Sedum does not need watering or fertilizing, it overwinters without shelter - isn’t it a godsend for summer residents with limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only from them alone can you create a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Duchesnay. A rapidly growing ground cover, sun-loving, thriving on any soil. But in order for the duchesne mat to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. The original leaves and fruits of Duchesnea are very decorative in summer. However, it is worth remembering that the berries, which are somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Duchesnea indica

Aubrieta. A bright representative of carpets, ideal for rock gardens. Can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Overwinters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that aubrieta grows aggressively, like duchesnea - both of these species can suppress and even survive their neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue
Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - low-growing bushes in a flowerbed

In garden design, not only herbaceous plants are often used, but also beautiful trees and shrubs. If you have an idea to use them in landscaping your area, then low-growing perennial bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flowerbed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will add an elegant green note to the motley composition. Among them the following types can be distinguished.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with a low growth rate. Requires well-drained, moist soil and grows well in sun or partial shade. For the winter it is recommended to mulch and cover it


Gualteria recumbent. Creeping evergreen groundcover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. The dark green leaves are very decorative; by winter they turn bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, and does not tolerate drought.

Gualteria recumbent

creeping willow. An attractive dwarf slow-growing shrub with thin elastic shoots. In early May, before the leaves bloom, it is covered with silvery, and in summer - yellow, earrings. Light- and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy loam soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

creeping willow

Dummer cotoneaster. Dense spreading low growing shrub. In mid-May it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorative appearance of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. Loves sun, partial shade, undemanding to soil, drought-resistant.

Dummer cotoneaster

Spiraea japonica. Compact creeping bush. Numerous pinkish inflorescences forming in mid-summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spiraea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, and sun-loving.

Spiraea japonica

Juniper horizontal. Dwarf forms are good for flower beds, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with bluish coloration of dense, prickly needles. Light-loving, not picky about soil, frost-resistant.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful corner on your site that is always pleasing to the eye, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of the fall.

Imitation stream

Principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to arranging and filling a future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss the following points:

  1. Before running to the store to buy seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the location of its possible location, study what the lighting and shade conditions are, the characteristics of the soil, and its moisture content. This is necessary for the correct selection of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flower bed. For your first flowerbed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not require special care.
  3. It is important to choose species with similar requirements for growing conditions for one flower garden.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of low-growing plants to avoid indiscriminate mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations for flowering plants. Excessive brightness and variegation are inappropriate and may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. To make a flower arrangement look spectacular all summer long, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to take into account the viewing angle. If the flowerbed is visible from all sides, taller specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the place for tall specimens should be the background.
  8. To achieve a decent result, preliminary planning of the flower garden with the help of a landscape designer or on your own is required.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously blooming flower beds

To plan your flowerbed yourself, starting in the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw out its plan in detail on paper. The sketch should indicate:

  • contours and dimensions of the flower garden to scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • distances between them;
  • color scheme (adjust it if necessary).

Important! It is necessary to take into account that low-growing perennials, as they grow, will eventually begin to take up more space - on the plan, and subsequently when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Flower garden of perennials

By deciding to design your flowerbed yourself, you will save a significant amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem difficult, but at first you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books or those suggested below. Here, for example, is a diagram of filling a flower bed with only perennials.

Below is a simple flower bed for beginner gardeners, where the dominant low-growing plants are blue delphinium (1) and red paniculata phlox (2). When decorating a flower bed, they are planted first. Garden geraniums (3) of purple color are placed in front of them. Frame the flower bed with ground cover, yellow mantle (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flowerbed, you can use the information about them presented above, as well as study the assortment of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous plants, annuals and perennials. Below you can see a few more simple schemes.

Scheme of a mixed flowerbed of continuous flowering
Planting in pink tones
Flowerbed of annuals

Ready-made projects are not a dogma; it is not necessary to implement them with extreme precision. You should not give up on your plan if you were unable to buy planting material for any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the chosen scheme to perfection. And for creative inspiration, watch short videos.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of decorating flower beds with low-growing flowers

Video: Decorating flower beds with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annual and perennial, are a wonderful choice for your site. Don’t be afraid to experiment, show your imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.

Do you want to decorate your property with original garden beds, but don’t know where to get ideas from? Here you will find the best examples of flower arrangements that will transform your garden in a matter of moments! We will tell you how to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, give examples and several master classes with photos.

A flowerbed made by yourself is one of the best ways to decorate a site, add originality and expressiveness to it. A beautiful flower bed will become the most attractive corner of your yard and, perhaps, even a kind of connecting link that unites the house, garden, plants and outbuildings into a single harmonious composition. You can use absolutely any materials, even the most unusual ones, to make flower beds.

Regardless of the attractiveness of the flowers, a flowerbed that does not have a fence will look unfinished. The fenced flowerbed will immediately be transformed and become more neat. Such fences, by the way, are necessary not only to mark boundaries, but also for many other purposes - for example, they prevent the spread of plants (especially ground cover) throughout the area. In addition, the sides protect fragile shoots from pets walking around the site.

Of course, today ready-made forms and fences for flower beds are sold, made of wood, stone, plastic and even metal, but after construction/repair work there are always excess building materials, pipe cuttings, wood, pieces of bricks - in a word, everything that you want Can be used to make lovely flower beds. For example, the remains of linoleum or metal tiles can serve as fencing.

Polyethylene containers are a real problem for a responsible summer resident. The solution may be to use plastic bottles to create flower beds. This solution is recommended for areas where there are a lot of moles - the bottles from which the flower fence is made will become a serious obstacle for pests. You can even alternate bottles of different colors to make the arrangement look more colorful.

Note! Before digging, it is advisable to fill the bottles with sand or soil - this way they will not be deformed and will become more stable.

New life for old things - we use improvised means!

People often transport unnecessary things to their dacha. Various chests, boxes, chairs, shoes and clothes - all of this is living out its last days here, to finally dry out or burn in the fire. But you can also make beautiful and original flower beds from old things!

Some flowers spend the winter in the apartment, and are transported to the site only in the summer. But they don't have to be planted in the ground - you can leave them directly in the box, and then, when autumn comes, move them back into the house.

Boxes can also be used to create vertical flower beds. These conditions are ideal for hanging crops and succulents. You can hang such structures on a wall, fence or other vertical surface.

If you have drawers from old chests of drawers or bedside tables lying around, don’t rush to send them to the landfill - instead, use them to organize a compact flower bed. The color and shape of the boxes may vary, as well as the overall style. But they will all be harmoniously combined with colors.

Sometimes even seemingly useless things like old shoes can find a new life. You can plant flowers there, and then hang your shoes somewhere (even by the laces). Moreover, the older the shoes, the better - there will certainly be no stagnation of water in shoes with holes.

Another option for creating an original flower bed is to use an old iron cage. Plant climbing crops in it and hang it on a tree or inside a gazebo.

Very unusual flower beds are also made from glass wine bottles. This is guaranteed to surprise your guests! But be careful when removing the bottom, otherwise you may cut yourself.

A small but very functional flower bed can be made from a piece of burlap. Make a bag from the material and hang it, for example, on a pole. What is typical, it is suitable for both flowering crops and fragrant herbs (you can add the latter to tea directly from the “bed”).

To create a flower bed, you can also use things that are simply lying on the street. A striking example of this is a dilapidated log. Take it, cut out a longitudinal depression and plant flowers there (this option will be described in more detail below).

A stump that you couldn’t get rid of can also turn into a flower bed. Tie pots to it with wire and plant spectacular flowing flowers there.

But another option is a milk river, as if pouring out of a can. But in this case it is very important that the green background is monochromatic.

Is your old bicycle no longer a means of transportation? But you can turn it into the highlight of your garden! Paint it, and instead of the trunk, install this container with flowers.

The next example is a full-fledged composition. Combine old garden tools with flowers and experiment.

A massive stone vase will also look good as a flower bed. As an option, you can use a large clay pot for this purpose (this one can stand in the open air for several seasons).

Today, mailboxes are hardly ever used, but you shouldn’t throw yours away! Make a compact flowerbed out of it and hang it on the gate.

Video - Making flower beds from old things

Master Class. Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

Vertical flower beds have become increasingly popular in recent years. Let's look at a short step-by-step instructions for making such a flower bed using multi-colored flowers. The best option for composition is, of course, .

For work you will need the following consumables:

  • wire mesh;
  • plastic ties;
  • soil mixture for flowering crops;
  • large flower pot;
  • strong cellophane.

After preparing everything you need, get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form.

Table No1. Instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for the garden.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Take the wire mesh and make a cylinder out of it to serve as a vertical base. Use plastic ties to secure the edges of the mesh. Place the resulting cylinder in the flower pot.

Take some strong cellophane and wrap it around the chicken wire.

Using the same plastic ties, attach the edges of the film to the vertical base.

Fill the resulting form with pre-prepared soil mixture for flowering crops.

Also fill the flower pot with soil (this will make the wire mesh more stable).

Cut holes in the film for planting flowers. Be sure to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

Plant flowers in the holes, then water carefully.

Also plant a few plants on top (also water them afterwards) to make the composition look complete.

Water the finished vertical flower bed regularly and apply fertilizer in a timely manner. In this case, it will look the same as in the photo (or even better!).

Wire mesh prices

wire mesh

Master Class. DIY flowerbed "Palette"

We are all artists at heart, and therefore we must take a creative approach to creating something beautiful (including an ordinary garden flower bed).

To make such a flowerbed yourself, first decide on the flowers that will decorate it.

In addition, you will need pots in which the seedlings will be transplanted and where they will bloom throughout the summer.

Also prepare a rake and shovel - they will also be needed.

As a base, you can use a sheet of plywood, polystyrene foam (not recommended, since the material is light and can be blown away by the wind) or furniture board.

To secure the base, prepare clamps in advance.

You will also need paint or stain, varnish.

So, first, take the base and draw a palette on it with a marker.

After this, cut out the shape using a jigsaw.

This is what the finished base should look like.

After this, make the fastenings. The sample drawing below shows what they should look like.

To make flower bed fastenings, use bars.

Using clamps, attach the fasteners to the base of the future flower bed.

Using pipe scraps, you can make stands for rakes and shovels.

After this, decorate the garden tools - for example, paint them with polka dots or paint them one color.

Then take the base of the flowerbed and, if furniture board or plywood was used in production, cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

Wait for the coating to dry and install the flower pots. That’s it, the beautiful “Palette” flowerbed with your own hands is ready!

Video - Making a flower bed from a wheel

Master Class. DIY flowerbed “Turtle” made from car tires

We offer another interesting option for creating a beautiful garden flower bed. Step-by-step instructions are given below.

Table No. 2. Instructions for making a flowerbed “Turtle”.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The finished flowerbed of tires will look something like this.

To begin, prepare:
- tires with studs (2 pcs.), always one without steel cord;
- screwdriver;
- paint for external works, brush;
- self-tapping screws 3.5x55 mm (15 pcs.);
- a large knife.

In a tire that does not have a steel cord, cut out the bead on both sides and cut it into four identical fragments.

As a result, you should have the following elements from which the paws will be made.

Cut a couple of rectangular sections on each of the blanks.

As a result, the workpiece should look like this.

The second tire, from which the body will be made, may be slightly larger. Mark it into six equal parts, make slits at the border of the sidewall and tread - one narrow (for the tail), one round (for the head) and four wide (for the paws).

Insert the pre-made paws into the corresponding slots, fix each with two self-tapping screws.

Here is another photo, from a different angle.

Connect the edges of each paw as shown in the image: on one side with a self-tapping screw, and on the other with a wire staple (similar to a stapler). As a result, the paw will be narrow near the body, and voluminous on the other side.

Take a piece of tire, make a tail out of it and attach it with the same screws.

You can use a spray bottle to make the head.

The hole for the head that you made earlier should be such that it itself is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Secure the bottle with a self-tapping screw (it should go right through, as in the image).

When assembled, the flowerbed should look like this.

Paint the flowerbed (you can use two colors, as in the example). Tread elements can be used to emphasize the texture of the turtle. If the tires are “bald”, come up with your own design.

Color your head too. The turtle, as you can see, is smiling contentedly. That's it, the flower bed is ready (just wait until the paint dries)!

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Flowers for flower beds are selected according to color, variety and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Master Class. Do-it-yourself log flowerbed

To make such a composition you will need the following consumables:

  • log (diameter – 40-50 cm, length – about 200 cm);
  • flower seedlings;
  • gravel;
  • primer;
  • film.

In addition, the work will need:

  • simple scissors;
  • chainsaw (can be electric);
  • wooden hammer;
  • bit.

So, everything is ready, you can start working directly.

Table No. 3. Instructions for creating a flower bed from an old log.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

First, clear one side of the log of bark (this is where the chisel comes in handy).

Make cross cuts on one side of the log in increments of 50 cm and a depth of about ¼ of its diameter.

Cut off part of the log from the side where the cuts were made, so that the result is a longitudinal surface.

Make cuts on this surface as shown in the image.

Use a chisel to remove sawn-off pieces of wood and create a sort of “trough.”

Use scissors to cut the film to the shape of the resulting “trough”, and then lay it down.

Place gravel on top of the film and a thin layer of fertile soil on top.

Plant flower seedlings and enjoy the resulting beauty!

Prices for wood primer

wood primer

Master Class. DIY floating flowerbed

A floating flowerbed is a kind of plant island moving across a body of water. It looks amazing, and making such a flower bed at home is quite simple. Essentially, it is a plastic or wooden base with a sealing mesh and soil placed on top for planting flowers. Instead of soil, you can even use pebbles or hydrogel, but it is important that there are already aquatic inhabitants and other plants in the reservoir (they indicate the presence of nutrients).

What plants are suitable for this? In principle, any, but be sure to take into account the floating ability of the structure, because too large plants can easily flood the island. We also note that it is better to give preference to crops that love moisture (sedge, lilies, papyrus, variegated potted flowers or ornamental grass).

First, decide what material you will use to make the island. Determine the dimensions yourself, as well as the immersion depth (preferably about 7 cm from the bottom). Please note that the soil should not be washed away by water. Use gravel to adjust the diving depth.

  1. A ready-made tray (or, alternatively, a mesh pot) can be purchased at the store.
  2. The container can also be made from boards (you will get a small box with holes), treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. Such a box must be covered with spunbond or geotextile, and then covered with a drainage layer and soil.
  3. The third option is to use plastic bottles. They need to be cut, holes made in the base, and then covered with the same geotextile.

It is quite obvious that a container filled with soil will not float on its own - for this you need:

  • cut out rectangular frames from packaging foam (the kind left over after purchasing household appliances) that will hold the island on the surface (they are attached to the top of the flowerbed, and not to the base);
  • foam the perimeter of the flowerbed and its upper part with foam;
  • make a pontoon from plastic bottles along the edges of the island;
  • use an inflated car inner tube.

What about floating flower pots?

They can also be launched into the water, but the reservoir must be small and necessarily without aquatic inhabitants. For example, you can cut out a foam base for flower pots, like the one in the image below, to ensure stability in the water. However, such floating pots will need to be watered regularly.

How to decorate a floating structure?

  1. You can disguise the unattractive edges of the island with earth, moss or branches.
  2. You can also install LEDs on such a flower bed, the operation of which is controlled using a remote control.
  3. Finally, you can put animal or bird figures there (for example, a ceramic stork).

Note! Before launching a floating flower bed, it must be tested! If it is unstable, then it should be modified. Also keep in mind that the flowers will grow, which will change the balance of the island.

Master Class. DIY flowerbed made from old chairs

To make such an original flower bed, prepare:

  • old chairs;
  • spray paint;
  • sandpaper.

All other materials depend solely on your imagination. You can, for example, use a wooden box instead of a pot. In any case, first remove the old paint from the chairs and sand them thoroughly.

Clean the chairs from dirt and dust, and then paint. It is quite obvious that it is better to do this outside, because there is no doubt about the toxicity of the paint.

If necessary, you can also paint the flower pot.

When the paint is dry, you can paint the chairs. We recommend using acrylic paints for this, included in the paint-by-numbers kit. These do not wash off and do not require varnish.

Thanks to such original flower beds, it is quite possible to create entire compositions.

This one, for example, is made from old shoes and children's sneakers that no one has worn for a long time.

Flowerbed from an old bicycle

As you can see, you can make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, and there are really many options. We hope the master classes offered here will help you with this!

Video - DIY stone flower beds

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