Homemade vibrating table for paving slabs. How to make your own vibrating table for paving slabs Do-it-yourself vibrating table for making tiles

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Paving slabs are one of the most popular outdoor coverings. Its main advantage over other materials is its low cost and sufficient durability.

What is this article about?

Methods for making paving slabs

Concrete tiles are made in three ways:

  1. simple casting;
  2. vibration casting;
  3. vibrocompression.

The first method is available to anyone. To do this, it is enough to have one or several forms of the tile itself, which will need to be filled with concrete mixed in a construction container and, after it has completely dried, released for the manufacture of the next product. The disadvantages of this method are that the tiles will not be very durable.

The latter method requires the presence of relatively complex equipment - a vibration press, which has several vibration motors and a hydraulic system in its design.

The most common manufacturing method is vibration casting. It requires a vibrating table, which performs the function of vibration compaction of concrete in order to increase its quality characteristics, such as the coefficient of water absorption and grade of concrete.

Vibrating table and its design

Making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands is not difficult for any relatively trained home craftsman. Until recently, almost all such equipment was made by small business owners with their own hands.

Main frame

You need to start with the main frame. Here you should take into account how many molds are available and whether anything else will be made on the table. After all, building such equipment is quite expensive and labor-intensive. And if you approach this issue in a businesslike manner, then it is better to make the dimensions of the future product such that it can be used to produce, in addition to paving slabs:

  1. concrete monuments;
  2. concrete fences;
  3. cinder block;
  4. concrete pillars for different types of fences or for grapes;
  5. lintels for window or door openings, for monuments, etc.

Based on the above, the optimal size for the table will be 2000 mm x 600 mm.

It is on them that the supporting frame will be made. Its height will be such that a person can carry out actions on the table without bending. Approximate comfortable height is 700–800 mm. But here you should take into account the fact that the table must be attached to the floor surface:

  • by fastening in holes (to do this, you need to make the “legs” of the frame 300–400 mm longer and immerse them in the depressions made in the floor, followed by concreting or burying);
  • by welding metal plates to the frame posts and screwing anchors fixed to them in the floor holes.

Here is a list of what you need to do to assemble a homemade vibrating table for paving slabs:

  1. The first step is to cut a corner with ribs 50 x 50 mm - two pieces of 2000 mm and two of 600 mm;
  2. Make a frame out of them and be sure to weld them. You can tighten it with bolts, but taking into account future vibrations, it is worth noting that this will be a weak connection;
  3. Cut six pieces of 1 m each from a 70–80 mm pipe for future table supports;
  4. Weld the pipes perpendicular to the length of the corners from the side of the downward lateral rib - four in the corners, two in the middle of the long sections of the frame;
  5. On the side opposite the “legs” we weld rings from the same pipe. The height of these rings is 40 – 50 mm. Springs will be installed in them, which will carry the main vibrating plate;
  6. We fasten the resulting frame to the floor using the above methods;

Working surface

A vibrating table for the production of paving slabs has a working surface that can be made in two ways:

  1. The simplest is to purchase a solid sheet of metal, at least 12–14 mm thick and 2000 by 600 mm in size;
  2. In the corners and in the middle of the long sides on one side we weld rings, the same as in paragraph 1.5. so that when installing the upper part of the table on the frame, they are strictly opposite those that are attached to the frame.

The use of rings can be eliminated completely if a set of springs is not used as a vibration cushion, but a large old wheel from a heavy-duty vehicle, having an outer diameter of about 1 m and installed in the middle of the frame. You can replace this wheel with six tires from a passenger car, installed in the corners and in the middle of the long sides. When using wheels, it will be necessary to fasten the plate and frame together with studs with a diameter of 12-14 mm or more. With their help, it will be possible to regulate the strength of vibration, which is very important for achieving product quality and for the ability to unify the table for different masses of future mini-workshop products.

  1. A more complex method is to weld the upper part of sheet metal, 4 - 5 mm thick, and a corner. To do this, take a solid sheet of iron, measuring 2000 by 600 mm. A corner with sides 40 by 40 mm is welded to the sides along the entire perimeter;
  2. The rings are welded, as in paragraph 2.1.2.. The use of wheels in this option will be inconvenient, since the engine will need to be mounted not to the sheet, but to additional stiffeners, which will not allow the surface of the plate to lie unhindered on the tires;
  3. On the bottom side of the vibrating plate we weld two pieces of corner 50 by 50 mm and half a meter long in the places where the motor is mounted;

Engine mount

After the main parts of the future vibrating table have been assembled, you can begin to mount the engine. A vibration table requires a vibration motor. It is a regular engine, but with an eccentric attached to the protruding shaft. It is this part that is responsible for vibration. By shifting or changing the mass of the eccentric, you can achieve a change in the amplitude and strength of vibration, which will need to be done after the final installation of the table to obtain high-quality products.

The motor should ideally have the following characteristics:

  • three phases;
  • voltage 12 volts;
  • power 600 watts.

This motor is connected to a 380-volt transformer, which steps down the voltage to 12 volts. It is safe to work at 12 volts, since you will constantly have to deal with a damp environment and heavy objects, concrete residues, and vibration. All this can lead to a break in the wire and its contact with metal parts, which, in the case of using 380 or 220 volt motors, will need to be grounded and constantly monitor the integrity of the ground wire, which can also fall off at any moment due to constant vibration. Many such engines are produced not only in Russia, but also in Poland, Ukraine and other republics.

The simplest would be to use an IV-98 or IV-99 engine at 220 volts.

It will need to be secured to the vibrating table plate from below with bolts through holes in the plate itself (if its thickness is 12 mm or more) or to welded corners (if 4–5 mm metal was used).

Assembly of the complete structure is carried out by installing a vibrating plate on the frame:

  1. First you need to install the slab on wooden blocks, 100 mm high. They should stand along the entire perimeter of the frame;
  2. Align the holes in the spring wells and install the springs in them.

The springs for this purpose are those used on the valves of the Zhiguli engine. They can be freely purchased at an auto store. Moped ones, cut into two parts, will also work.

If old tires are used, then lay them down and fasten the entire structure with pins, after removing the wooden blocks.

The spun table is ready. What to do next?

After complete assembly, it is necessary to connect the finished structure to the electrical network and check its functionality.

When producing paving slabs or other products, you need to monitor the following characteristics of the vibrating table:

  1. Compliance with the horizontal level of the vibrating plate surface. If the loads are placed incorrectly on the table, the cushions sag and the concrete in the molds slides towards the distortion. Therefore, it is necessary to place the forms on the plate during vibration in the center. If there is a displacement of the concrete, then you can move the future product directly while the engine is running in the direction opposite to the displacement and everything will be corrected. Further, if the plate is fastened to the frame with studs, you can adjust the horizontal level;
  2. If the concrete in the mold is thrown out or seethes, the vibration is strong. It can be reduced by tightening the studs or changing the position of the eccentric. You can reduce its weight by replacing or grinding down the existing one. If paving slabs are being made, vibration can be reduced by increasing the load on the table. It is enough to place several other forms filled with concrete next to those that already exist. If they are not available, you can attach additional weight to the slab;
  3. If the product has a lot of air bubbles, then the vibration is weak. Such products will not be durable and will be destroyed in a few years by ice forming in the pores. It is necessary to reduce the load on the slab or loosen the tension of the studs (if they are used). If this does not help, then the motor selected is too weak and needs to be replaced.

To summarize, you should pay attention to the need to comply with safety regulations not only when operating a finished product made with your own hands. To make a vibrating table, you will need to use cutting and welding tools. Working with them requires increased attention and precautions.

The day has come when you decided to decorate the area of ​​your home with paving slabs, install curbs, and make new steps. But for some reason you don’t want to buy ready-made products due to high cost or low quality. And you also have golden hands and a little free time. Try to solve this problem without large investments! It is not forbidden to make all of the above products at home. You will need molds, dyes, a vibrating table for tiles and the desire to make quality products with your own hands. We hope that this article will help you and inspire you to new achievements.

What is a vibrating table for tiles?

From the name itself it becomes clear: a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs is a structure with a horizontal surface, capable of making up to 2500 oscillatory movements per minute. The main task of the unit is to evenly distribute the liquid in the container and remove air bubbles that form holes in the finished product, which negatively affects the quality and appearance.

With the help of a simple device you will be able to make at home for the benefit of yourself, your neighbors and those who want to:

The technology for making a homemade vibrating table for paving slabs will be useful for those who are planning to pave paths in the courtyard of an individual house

  • paving slabs;
  • concrete paving stones;
  • fence sections;
  • steps;
  • window sills;
  • balusters;
  • foam blocks.

With the help of a vibrating table, you can not only save your family budget and improve the appearance of your yard, but also open your own small business and earn additional income. The main thing is to do everything efficiently and with soul!

Types and types of vibrating tables for tile production

Vibrating machines for the production of paving slabs are of two types:

  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

The principle of design and operation is the same for both types. A steel sheet is fixed to the metal frame and serves as a table top. Below it is an electric motor with an eccentric on the shaft. The vibrations of the motor are transmitted to the working surface, where the molds with future products are located.

The main difference is that on electric vibrating machines the tabletop is mounted on springs, while on hydraulic machines it is not. The latter are more often used in the manufacture of large concrete structures.

A vibrating table or vibrating press is equipment for the production of paving slabs

According to the installation method, vibrating tables for paving slabs are divided into:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

According to the direction of use, the tables are intended for the following purposes:

  • product formation;
  • removing finished products from the mold (unmolding).

The latter type is rarely used at home and is not relevant, since the majority of forms are now made from flexible materials, and it is not particularly difficult to remove the finished product.

According to the direction of oscillatory movements, they are distinguished:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The simplest and easiest to assemble and maintain will be a horizontal, electric, vibrating forming machine.

Construction of a brick making press for paving slabs

The drawing of a vibrating table for paving slabs looks quite simple, and you can look at it in any source. In words, this is a table on metal legs, diagonally connected to each other by a channel or profile in order to give maximum strength. Springs are welded between the support and the steel work surface, providing vibration to the table top. Nothing complicated or supernatural. With minimal skills, you can assemble the unit in 2 days.

The vibrating table allows you to produce not only paving slabs, but also cast concrete fence sections, monuments, decorative elements, etc.

How to make a vibration table with your own hands with horizontal vibration

In order to make a homemade vibrating table for paving slabs, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools. The number of parts needs to be calculated by picking up the drawing. Familiarization with the scheme is the first point in implementing the plan.

  • a sheet of metal that serves as a tabletop, of a suitable size with a thickness of 3 mm or more;
  • a metal pipe, an angle/channel serving as the basis of a support;
  • electric motor with a power of 250 W (depending on the size of the table);
  • springs made of durable hardened steel.

Among the tools you should take care of the presence of:

  • welding machine;
  • drills;
  • grinders/metal scissors.

This is the minimum you will need to make your own vibrating table for paving slabs.

The direction depends on how the rotor is installed

Which motor is best for a homemade vibrating table?

The choice of motor directly depends on the size of the product, but the minimum power should be 220 W. A table measuring 70x70 cm is quite suitable for a washing machine motor. The downside is the low resource, but since you don’t plan to make products for the entire quarter, it will be enough for you. In the case of long-term plans for the table, experienced users advise buying a vibration motor of the IV-99E brand, with an oscillation frequency of 3000 per minute. It is enough even for a table measuring 1800x800 mm. More powerful machines are only relevant when producing tiles in large quantities and on an ongoing basis.

Vibrating table manufacturing technology

  1. According to the drawings, make metal parts of the required sizes.
  2. Connect the parts with a weld or bolts.
  3. Treat the surface with an anti-corrosion coating and paint to prevent premature corrosion.
  4. A channel is welded in the center of the tabletop, onto which a vibration motor is mounted.
  5. Springs are attached to the upper crossbars of the supports in the corners and the center of the long side, and the other end is welded to the tabletop.
  6. Commissioning work is being carried out to adjust engine operation.

The easiest and most economical way is to use an old motor from a washing machine, pumping station, etc.


To make a frame, you will need an iron corner, but if there is a round pipe left in the bins, that’s also very good. The main requirement is rigidity and massiveness of the structure to ensure stability. The thickness of the rolled metal must be at least 1.5 mm.

Vibration platform

When making a removable vibration platform, you will need a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm. If this is not available, the thinner sheet should be reinforced with corners welded around the entire perimeter. In a budget option, you can use chipboard or OSB boards. In any case, the frame must be made of rolled metal.

If you plan to make large concrete products in addition to tiles, try to avoid limiters in the form of corners - there will be more space.

Vibration motor

The vibration motor is the main unit of the structure. It is this that will provide the necessary mechanical vibrations to the platform. The choice depends on the required power and the amount of money you are willing to spend on its purchase. Otherwise, try making an eccentric motor yourself from an existing motor.

The working surface is fixed to the bed using a spring system

Factory vibrator

As a sample, we offer an IV 99E platform vibration motor with a power of 220W. It provides 3000 rpm, oscillation frequency 50Hz, has 6 power modes and is designed for weights from 250 to 500 kg.

Homemade vibration drive

In the case of one-time use, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a piece of curved reinforcement, clamped in a vice and inserted into a drill. The degree of oscillation is regulated by engine speed.

Since you have an old appliance motor left over, turn it into a vibrating table motor. You need to put several eccentric plates on the shaft key. The amplitude of oscillation is adjusted in the same way as in the first case. Don't forget about grounding.

Vibrating table made from tires

The simplest option for making a vibrating table frame is used tires. Having collected the quantity necessary to provide the desired height (depending on the size of the engine), connect them together with bolts. Attached to the tabletop, the motor is inserted into the middle of the tire. Thus, it fixes the vibration platform, protecting it from falling.

By first hammering the pegs into the ground and installing tires on them, you will ensure a more static structure.

The cable is routed to the vibrator through the bottom or any hole between the tires.

After you make a vibrating table for paving slabs and the first samples of concrete products appear, roughness will probably remain on the surface. They can be easily removed with a concrete grinder.

In order to level the surface of large areas, including floors and monuments, a vibrating screed is better suited for laying concrete.

In order to increase the strength of large concrete structures - foundations, walls, columns, etc. - a vibrating table is not enough. It will be useful to know here. And it is done quite simply.

You will need:

  • vibration motor;
  • rolled metal;
  • device for bending reinforcement.


Building a vibrating machine for tiles at home is not too difficult. Using simple assembly instructions and following simple rules, in just a few days you can independently assemble a vibrating machine for paving slabs in your yard and, being carried away, start your own small competitive business. We wish you success!

Paving slabs are an integral element of landscape design. It is equally well suited for urban and suburban areas, and serves as an excellent solution for decorating a site, giving it a well-groomed, neat look. The only drawback is the price, which only grows every year. Want to save money? Then find out how to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands.

Vibrating table - what is it and what are its advantages?

Homemade vibration table

Vibrating tables are devices used to make tiles. One of the important advantages is the ability to carry out production yourself, which reduces the cost of the final product several times. Let's also not ignore other positive features:

  • You can make a vibration table from scrap materials in just a day;
  • no professional skills of a carpenter, welder, etc. are required;
  • the table can last for years without breakdowns or additional maintenance.

A vibrating table is used in conjunction with a concrete mixer and is intended to compact the concrete mixture, from which the tiles are subsequently cast.

Please note: without compaction, the material turns out to be very loose and airy. Such tiles will be neither strong nor durable. It is exposed to temperature, humidity, and mechanical damage.

Using a vibrating table, you get a quality product without making any effort, without wasting a lot of time and, most importantly, without overpaying.


The design is quite simple to operate and create. Of course, it differs depending on the tasks set and the desired result, but in general there is nothing complicated here.

The basis of the vibrating table is the motor and the eccentric. During operation, these elements form a vibrating unit. Under the influence of a vibration mechanism, a movable plate is activated, where the mold with the solution is located. Constant vibration compacts the solution to the desired level, after which new forms can be installed. It's convenient and fast. And most importantly, the quality of the finished tiles will be no worse (and even better) than in hardware stores.

What is needed for production. Drawings, dimensions

Main design elements

In order to make a vibration table with your own hands, you need to:

  • 4 stands (legs). You can choose any rolled metal: pipes, angles, etc. Select the length to suit you so that you can work without bending over. Preferably at least 1 m. There is no big difference in performance properties between pipes and angles. We recommend choosing stainless steel.
  • steel sheet (from 3 mm in thickness). It must be perfectly smooth and free from defects, damage, holes, etc.
  • electric motor from 250 W and above, depending on the volume of work to be done.
  • springs (hardened steel).

You will also need tools. You can limit yourself to a drill, grinder and welding machine.

The key characteristic of the table is its dimensions. If you plan to produce a large number of tiles, it is better to initially make a larger table. Accordingly, the engine power must be sufficient to create the necessary vibration. We recommend choosing motors with a power of 250 W and higher. As for sizes, in most cases 180x80 cm is recommended.

Tip: a washing machine motor can be a good solution. It will work for several years under average loads. The weak points of the engine are the bearings and bushings. If you first replace them with better ones, the table will last longer.

If you want to make a higher quality vibration table, it is better to buy a special vibrator. For example, IV99. Yes, it costs 6–7 thousand rubles, but it is practically eternal. A great addition would be a speed controller.

How to make a device with your own hands

We suggest using the following scheme:

Typical diagram of a vibrating table for paving slabs

  1. The base to which the tabletop will be connected is made from a corner or channel. These elements must be strong and firmly connected to each other. Especially if you plan to create a large table. Concrete is a heavy material, and the structure must be able to withstand it well. Take measurements, cut the required length of material, weld a rectangle.
  2. The legs are attached to the inner corners of the base using a welding machine, and plates are welded to their lower part, after which they are concreted. If you plan to move the table during use, skip this step. But then the stability will be low.
  3. It is better to take the legs higher and then “shorten” them with a grinder. Select the height to suit you so that it is convenient to work. The optimal height is at waist level.
  4. Place the tabletop on the base. It must be perfectly smooth. Otherwise, the mixture will overflow over the edges. Use a level. If it is not available, you can download the application for your mobile phone. But remember that readings may not be accurate.
  5. At the corners and in the middle, install and weld springs - at least 6. You don't have to look for special ones. Take moped springs and cut them in half.
  6. Place a steel sheet on the springs and bolt the engine to it. Check the drawing.
  7. Place the tile mold on the sheet. You can also make it yourself or buy it in a specialized store in your city.

That's all. During operation, the motor will act on the sheet, and the springs will provide smooth vibration. In this case, the base of the structure (if the legs are concreted) will remain motionless.

The main thing is to first make sure that the surface is completely horizontal. Otherwise, the solution may splash out. Therefore, we recommend making a stationary table rather than a portable one.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in creating a vibrating table for paving slabs. A minimum amount of materials, tools, skills - and you can make such a table yourself in just a day. Calculate how much money you will save, and be sure that the investment and time spent on the construction of the structure are definitely worth it. Even if you buy a relatively expensive vibrator.

» today we will show you how to make a vibrating table for making paving slabs, paving stones and curb stones with your own hands.. The design of a vibrating table for making paving slabs is quite simple, first of all, the table frame is welded from a metal corner or professional pipe, and the tabletop frame is made separately , the surface of the table is covered with sheet metal 1-2 mm. The edges of the table top must have sides 2 cm high, and there must be slots in the corners so that the solution that leaks out of the mold can drain and not remain on the surface. Next, the table frame and tabletop need to be assembled into a single whole, for which steel springs are welded in the corners; they are necessary to create the same vibration created when an electric motor operates with an eccentric.

Vibration motor: it can be either factory-made or home-made, mostly of course the guys do it themselves, there’s nothing particularly complicated here. Take any electric motor (for example, from a washing machine), put a thick metal plate with a welded bolt on the shaft and tighten it with a nut. Further, during operation, such an eccentric will create vibration.

Vibration: what is it for? And it is necessary so that when you place the form with the solution on a vibrating table, the contents spread evenly over the form, and most importantly, so that air bubbles come out. The main purpose of vibration is to release air from the cement mortar. The fewer pores and air, the higher the strength and quality of paving slabs made on a homemade vibrating table.

Form for paving slabs: today the form(s) can be purchased in almost every major construction super-market, or ordered on the Internet in any shape, size and design. The material is also different: silicone, plastic, fiberglass.

So, let's look at how to make a vibrating table for making paving slabs yourself?


  1. corner 20x20
  2. rectangular corrugated pipe
  3. steel spring 4 pcs
  4. electric motor
  5. sheet metal 1-2 mm
  6. dye


  1. welding machine
  2. grinder (angle grinder)
  3. drill
  4. ruler
  5. corner
  6. hammer

Step-by-step instructions for making a vibrating table.

So let's first look at the drawings of vibrating tables.


It’s worth immediately making improvements and rationalization proposals, in view of the fact that homemade vibration motors often fail, namely, the eccentric drives the shaft out of alignment and the motor jams. So, in order for the alignment of the electric motor shaft to remain in constant working condition, we should do the following: place the shaft with the eccentric separately, and transmit the torque through a belt drive, thereby significantly extending the life of the engine. Here's a small sketch for clarity.
Well guys, let's move on;) From a rectangular profile pipe you should weld a table frame (or from a corner). The dimensions in each individual case will be different, depending on your production capabilities. welded from a 20x20 corner, sheet metal surface 1-2 mm, please note! The sides must be present, they are needed so that the forms do not fly off the table when the vibration motor is operating. Slots in the corners of the table facilitate the natural removal of solution spilled during the molding process.
The springs at the corners of the vibrating table are welded; such springs can be taken, for example, from motorcycle shock absorbers. They serve to transmit vibration to the tabletop of the vibrating table. The length of the table legs should be strictly the same, so that there is no distortion and everything is clear and even during the work process.
Next, a vibration motor is installed on the table frame. You can make it yourself (pay attention to the photo)

Well, or buy a factory vibration motor with a large resource reserve, such an engine will last for a long time. I hope you have a little understanding of creating a vibrating table for making paving slabs. Now let's talk about how to make these same paving slabs yourself, what is required for this, what subtleties and nuances await you in this matter? We'll tell you and show you everything ;)

Molds for making paving slabs.

And so, first of all, you will need forms for tiles; today you can buy them at any large construction super-market, or order them online in any shape and configuration. By the way, the material also varies - it is mainly plastic, silicone, fiberglass. As usual, silicone molds have the longest service life, but the price will be correspondingly higher. The pattern on the form is also varied.
Now we know where to get the finished molds, then the resulting molds need to be greased! Yes, comrades, just lubricate) this is necessary so that the solution poured into the mold does not stick to the wall and, after hardening, comes out safely in the form of finished paving slabs with a smooth and even surface. You can lubricate the molds with both special lubricants and traditional, time-tested lubricants. 1.- using detergents (for example Feri or AOS), a soap solution is made and the inside of the matrix is ​​lubricated with it.
But not all craftsmen accept this method and many guys practice using used machine oil. Its efficiency is an order of magnitude higher, but it leaves a small oil trace. You can get used oil at the nearest car service center, where they will give it to you for free, or for a nominal fee, because these guys have plenty of such stuff, because due to the specifics of their work, they often change the oil in cars and fill them with new ones.
By and large, a bucket or canister of oil will last you a long time. Pour the resulting oil into a more convenient container (you can use a spray bottle)
And then everything is simple, lubricate the mold and lay in a pre-prepared solution of cement / sand / fine gravel / and water, to add color, a pigment dye is added, which can also be bought at a hardware store or ordered online.

The molds should not be filled completely, so that when the table vibrates and spreads, the solution does not spill over the edges. Vibration is carried out until the solution completely spreads over the form, and it is also necessary for air bubbles to come out of the solution in order for the paving slabs to be as durable as possible. After the vibrating table, the molds with the future tiles are sent to the racks. and the pallets must be aligned strictly so that the resulting tiles are even and smooth, without distortions. In this position, the forms with the solution must lie for at least 24 hours so that the cement hardens and the paving slabs take their final form, then the contents are removed and transferred for further drying for another 2 weeks, and only then can they be stacked and prepared for shipment. This is how you can independently make a vibrating table for making paving slabs and cast your own tiles and curb stones. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments (see below). We will try to answer everyone.

Thank you very much for your attention, see you again!

Major brands that produce shaped paving elements (FEM is the professional name for paving slabs) use a forming and unmolding table to increase productivity and reduce manual labor. To produce a small amount of FEM, an individual developer only needs to make a molding vibrating table for paving slabs with his own hands from rolled metal or scrap materials (for example, used passenger car rubber).

When designing a machine for the production of paving slabs with your own hands, the home craftsman must solve the following issues:

  • vibration platform size;
  • material, design and dimensions of the frame;
  • using a factory vibrator or installing an eccentric unit on an existing electric drive.

The performance of homemade equipment depends not on the size of the vibration platform, but on the technology. More precisely, from the water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture:

Important! When using semi-dry concrete with a low W/C ratio, it will be possible to reduce the molding time by half (after 12 hours), which will also not have a significant impact on productivity.

But, if you supplement a homemade vibrating table for paving with a press from a jack, the vibro-pressed shaped paving elements can be pulled out of the molds immediately, folded to dry by hand, without fear that the product will collapse. But, instead of polymer molds, this technology uses metal punches and dies.

Homemade vibropress for the production of paving slabs.

Therefore, the dimensions of the vibrating table are most often 1 x 2 m or 0.8 x 1.6 m. These dimensions allow you to save working space inside the workshop/garage, provide 1.28 - 2 m 2 for placing paving lining and save the vibration motor from overload.

Vibrating table manufacturing technology

Before making a vibrating table from rolled steel, you should consider the following nuances:

  • the best option for connecting structural elements are rivets that can withstand vibration loads for a long time without destruction;
  • in practice, in 99% of cases welding is used, so the vibrating platform is installed on the frame through damping springs;
  • the height is selected individually, taking into account the build of the master, maintenance of the electric drive and the technology used for manufacturing FEM elements;
  • the vibrator is always attached to the top plate with clamps or to a platform welded underneath.

The most economical and rational solution for a home craftsman would be the following option:

  • prefabricated structure of a vibrating table necessary for the manufacture of garden borders, storm drainage trays and shaped paving elements in the quantity required for the site;
  • after paving paths and parking lots with paving slabs, the vibrator is moved to a vibrating plate for final leveling and compaction of the cladding;
  • The vibrating platform turns into a table top for a circular saw.

For these conditions, it is best to use site dimensions of 0.4 x 0.8 m or 0.6 x 0.8 m for greater stability. The clear height of the base is 0.8 m, with a spring-loaded platform of about 0.9 m, which is comfortable for user heights in a wide range of 150 – 185 cm.


To work, you will need an angle grinder with metal equipment and a welding machine. To make a frame, you can choose any drawing of a vibrating table or take arbitrary dimensions. The structure is constructed according to the following method:

  • welding two identical frames from a corner;
  • assembling the frame by welding 4 racks to the frames.

Instead of a corner, you can use any assortment, for example, legs made from a round pipe become ready-made guides for a spring of a suitable diameter, as in the bottom photo.

Pipe stands are convenient for placing springs.

For the specified conditions of a universal machine, the base will have the following design:

  • supports – base 5 x 5 cm made of 1.5 mm sheet (nuts can be welded to adjust the height), legs made of pipe 4 x 4 cm with a wall of 1.5 mm;
  • crossbars – bottom 2 x 2 cm, top 2 x 4 cm, wall thickness is the same 1.5 mm;
  • for a removable platform, M14 x 40 bolts are welded at the corners;
  • The electrics (socket + switch) are placed on a plate welded to the racks.

Placement of electrics on the frame.

With the indicated dimensions, jibs and stiffeners are not needed, taking into account small operating loads.

Vibration platform

The main condition for ensuring maintainability and mobility of the equipment is the removable cover-platform of the vibrating table for paving slabs and curbs. It can be made from various materials:

To secure the vibration motor from below in the center of the platform, you can use the following methods:

To install engine vibration-intensifying springs, it is necessary to provide seating surfaces. Pieces of pipes are welded at the corners of the platform, into which the springs freely fit in 2–4 turns. If the frame is made from a corner, the springs can be welded to it or these damping elements can be placed inside exactly the same pieces of pipes. If the frame posts are tubular, then the springs are placed in these ready-made cups.

Springs can not only be inserted inside glasses of larger diameter, but also put on pieces of smaller pipes. The length of such guides should be less than 1/3 of the size of the spring, both on the frame and on the table.

Less often, instead of springs, rope, cord or belt loops are used, from which the upper platform is suspended. However, these damping options are less reliable and increase the material consumption of the structure, since guides in the corners will have to be welded to the tabletop.

Belt suspension of the table top.

For our case of a combined table, we should use the following design:

  • tubular frame – assortment 2 x 2 cm and 2 x 4 cm;
  • table top – 3 mm sheet measuring 0.4 x 0.8 m or 0.6 x 0.8 m;
  • guides - springs are put on M12 nuts and secured by welding;
  • platform for the engine - 2 channels 4 x 8 cm (No. 8) across the frame.

Important! The vibration motor is rotated along the long side, and holes for the motor are drilled in the channels.

The length of the channel should be slightly larger than the width of the vibrator legs to ensure maintainability of bolted connections and access to the unbalance of the electric motor (within 4 cm).

It is impossible to make a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs without the main unit, which ensures vibrations of the upper platform. To do this, you can buy a ready-made vibrator or construct an eccentric unit from any existing electric motor of suitable power and size.

Factory vibrator

Taking into account the fact that the vibrating table will be upgraded into a circular table upon completion of the work, the optimal drive option is the factory “EV-98E area vibrator” for 220 V. It has amplitude adjustments, so the driving force can be set within a comfortable 1 mm. (Operating instructions for this engine)

Factory made vibration motor.

The main difficulty lies in adjusting the electric drive:

  • the disturbing force is calculated by the formula F = 3 (M1 + 0.3M2)/100, where M1 and M2 are the mass of the machine and concrete, respectively;
  • for the conditions under consideration, the disturbing force is approximately equal to 1.84 kN for forms with 6.5 kg of concrete and a countertop weight of 55 kg, and the vibrator produces a minimum of 5.6 kN, that is, 4 mm amplitude;

To reduce this force to an acceptable 0.5 - 1 mm, you must perform the following steps:

  • the unbalance plates are moved apart to the maximum distance;
  • a metal strip 2 x 6 cm is attached to one pancake (rigidly fixed on the shaft);
  • the second oval hole is enlarged with a file until the amplitude decreases within 1 mm;
  • The amplitude of the platform is measured with a pencil taped to it, the sharpened lead of which draws a curve at the moment the drive is turned on on a sheet of paper.

Approximate settings for the specified weight of the platform and forms with concrete mixture should begin with a distance between the holes of the unbalance plates of 38.5 mm.

Unbalance adjustment.

Homemade vibration drive

A primitive example of a vibration drive is a piece of reinforcement (bolt, drill) bent in a vice and clamped into an electric drill. When turning on a tool secured with a clamp and adjusting the speed, the curved edge introduces imbalance, creating vibrations.

This option is not suitable for long-term operation, since the drill bearings break, friction parts wear out, and the motor winding burns. When using a used electric motor, a circuit similar to factory vibrators is usually used:

  • one or two eccentric blocks are placed on the shaft key;
  • the amplitude is adjusted according to the above method.

Advice! Your vibrating table, made according to the given instructions, must be grounded, and an RCD must be installed in front of the extension cord to power the equipment.

An almost ready-made solution for a vibrating table frame is used tires from a car. They are connected in height with self-tapping screws through and through, the vibrator is attached to the bottom of the removable vibration platform, located inside the tire, preventing the tabletop from falling.

If paving stones are needed in small quantities, the platform can be made of laminated or bakelite plywood, OSB/chipboard. For paving large areas, you will have to use sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm or more. The vibrator is attached to the platform according to the drawing with bolts all the way through.

The bolt heads on the front side of the platform are hidden in blind holes that can be filled with a polymer or epoxy compound. The power cable can be routed under the tires or through a hole in the tread of any of them.

For small volumes of vibration casting of FEM shaped paving elements, another technology can be used:

  • a workbench tabletop with household equipment in use (for example, a sharpening machine) is installed on the tire;
  • fixation of spatial geometry is carried out by pegs/pipes driven into the ground;
  • the sharpening machine is fenced off from the working area with a block so that random mortar/concrete does not fall on it.

Vibrating table from a grinding machine.

This will allow you to cast a curb, several paving slabs and storm drainage elements in a short time.

The vibrating table can be equipped with an additional option for sifting sand, which is necessary after making paving slabs before paving individual areas of the site. To do this, it is enough to cover the electric drive with a casing made of sheet material, arrange a funnel from galvanized or dense fabric at the bottom, and replace the vibrating platform with a mesh.

Additional function of sifting sand with a vibrating table.

Thus, from the considered options, you can choose the optimal design for specific conditions. For example, a collapsible vibrating table will allow the use of individual elements and assemblies at the next stages of landscaping and operation of the site.

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