Hot water supply system in a private house: types, characteristics, tips. Do-it-yourself hot water supply for a private house Schemes and equipment for hot water supply

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.11.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

Hot water taps are becoming commonplace in the private sector. Thanks to a wide selection of water heaters, the cherished dream of a hot shower can be realized in absolutely any home. Various mechanisms for generating heat and design features of such devices make it possible to find a solution even in the absence of gas, a chimney and powerful electrical wiring - you just need to choose the most suitable option.

Meet: instantaneous and storage water heaters

Household water heaters are either storage or instantaneous. A distinctive feature of all devices of the first type is their large dimensions, since this method of operation implies the presence of a fairly large tank. In fact, this is an ordinary boiler that constantly maintains the water at a given temperature.

The disadvantages of such devices, in addition to their large weight and size, include their low efficiency: the storage heater works even when there is no particular need for it, for example, at night. Periodically turning off the device is not very convenient, since it will take 1.5-2 hours to reheat. In addition, at the most inopportune moment, hot water may simply run out. However, such devices have one undeniable advantage - a solid reserve of hot water.

In flow-through heaters, instead of a tank, there is a radiator that transfers heat to the flow of water passing through it. This happens very effectively: powerful devices are capable of heating even the coldest water almost to a boil in less than a minute. Of course, there can be no talk of any reserve, due to the small volume of the radiator and the lack of thermal insulation.

Flow heaters are compact and weigh relatively little, which greatly facilitates their transportation and installation. The main advantages of such devices are the short waiting time for hot water and its unlimited quantity: by opening the tap, after 20-30 seconds you can get into the shower and enjoy it for as long as you like. In addition, instantaneous heaters start automatically as soon as you turn on the water. This allows you to connect several points to them on different floors, for example, a faucet on the first and a shower on the second. Gas instantaneous water heaters (columns) have a modulated burner, the height of the flame varies depending on the flow rate. Thus, the water temperature remains stable, regardless of the position of the valve on the mixer.

Alas, all human creations have flaws. The water temperature at the outlet of the flow-through heater depends on the power of the device, the flow intensity and the temperature of the incoming water. This makes setup difficult and requires periodic adjustments. In the cold season, low-power devices may simply not cope with the task. Reducing the flow allows you to increase the temperature, but only up to a certain limit: as soon as the water flow rate drops below the minimum value for a specific model, the flow-through heater will turn off. When giving preference to devices of this type, you should pay special attention to their power and performance. For relatively comfortable washing at any time of the year, these figures should be at least 15 kW and 8 l/min. (at t=40 °C). These values ​​apply to both electric flow-through heaters and geysers.

Gas, electricity or something else

Let's move on to the most important thing: the mechanism for generating heat. Most often, modern water heaters use gas and electricity for this purpose. If for some reason these options are not suitable, you can install an indirect heating device or regular titanium. Let us now consider all the devices in more detail.

The simplest and fastest solution to the issue of hot water in a private home is to install an electric storage water heater. To do this, you do not need to order an expensive project and resort to the services of welders. If you have the appropriate skills, installation and connection can be done on your own. The heater is a powerful electrical appliance, so you will need to run a separate wiring line from the panel.

The second simplest option is an instantaneous electric water heater. Such devices are much more powerful than storage devices, so the matter will not be limited to laying a separate power line: most likely, you will have to replace the input circuit breakers with more powerful ones, or even better, with an RCD.

When choosing a model, you should focus on the indicators given above. In winter, when frosts reach -20°, the temperature of tap water drops to 5-10°. No matter what store sellers say, in such conditions 5 kW will only be enough to wash dishes. If your home is not in sunny California, then you can take a warm shower in winter only with a flow-through heater power of at least 15 kW. And in order to use really hot water all year round, and from several points at that, you will need from 19 to 24 kW. Naturally, the energy consumption in this case is colossal.

The disadvantages of electric water heaters are obvious: in addition to the heavy load on the network, their operation will significantly impact the family budget. It is much cheaper to use gas-powered devices. If purchasing liquefied gas is not a problem, or there is a connection to the main line, this option would be preferable. True, it is more expensive to implement it than to install an electric heater: you will have to order a project, pay for the work on connecting to the gas pipe, as well as checking the chimneys and ventilation (without a fire inspection report, Gorgaz will not start work). It may be necessary to install additional ventilation and chimney pipes or replace existing ones if their diameter does not meet the standards. The whole undertaking can cost several tens of thousands of rubles and take months. However, the substantial expense will quickly pay off: the operation of gas water heaters is many times cheaper than electric ones, so it is certainly worth spending on it.

The choice between a geyser and a storage-type device depends on personal preferences: given the low cost of the coolant in this case, even a boiler operating around the clock will not lead to bankruptcy. The main thing you should pay attention to when buying a gas water heater is the diameter of the smoke hole. If it turns out to be larger than the diameter of the chimney, then, as mentioned above, you will have to change the pipe. It is better to choose a device that is suitable for this parameter in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

But what if there is no free pipe at all? You can do without a traditional chimney: that’s what geysers with a closed combustion chamber are for. The injection of air and removal of combustion products in these devices is forced, which makes the design more expensive compared to conventional models. Such speakers work with a coaxial chimney, which is vented outside through a small hole in the wall.

In addition to devices operating directly from energy, there are indirect heating devices that are built into the heating system and use its heat. To do this, there is a coil in the heater tank through which the coolant circulates. The big disadvantage of this option is the fact that the temperature of the hot water produced will, by definition, be lower than the temperature of the coolant.

Solid fuel water heaters, also known as titans, have been known since Soviet times. Since then, their design has not undergone major changes, but the efficiency has become higher. The level of comfort when using such units is extremely low, so it is better to leave such a solution to the DHW issue as a last resort.

Two in one

Double-circuit boilers are becoming a popular alternative to water heaters. They are available in floor-mounted and wall-mounted versions for various types of fuel. Such a boiler serves two systems at once: heating and domestic hot water. As in a gas water heater, the burner of the hot water circuit is modulated by the flow and ignites automatically, but with this option there is no need for an additional chimney.

However, there is a fly in the ointment here: simultaneous operation of two burners is impossible. As soon as the hot water tap opens, the entire resource of the device is spent only on the DHW circuit, and heating of the heating system stops until the tap is closed. Another drawback is typical for all “two-in-one” devices: in the event of a malfunction, there is a high probability of being left without both benefits of civilization at once.

Alexander Birzhin,

Hot water supply to a private home is an important engineering system, the arrangement of which always remains a pressing issue. This is a necessary condition in order to fill the house with coziness and make it comfortable for living. The installation of modern water heaters successfully solves the problems of hot water supply and heating in a private home, and for this it is no longer necessary to have powerful electrical wiring, gas or a chimney. All you need is to familiarize yourself with the operating principles of various systems, select a suitable scheme, and, if desired, you can carry out the installation yourself.

Where does hot water supply to a private home begin?

Before you begin installing hot water supply in a private home, you need to decide on some parameters of this system.

First of all, you need to figure out what kind of plumbing fixtures you will use, in what quantity and where you will place the equipment. As a rule, this is a sink, bathtub, shower cabin, washbasin, jacuzzi, bidet, etc.

After you have decided where you will place the plumbing, you need to allocate a place in a private house for installing water heating equipment. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the technical capabilities of the device. Experts recommend placing it at the same distance from hot water consumers.

Then the pipes and all related fittings are selected. As a rule, pipes with a diameter of 15 or 20 mm are suitable for internal wiring. For these purposes, galvanized or non-galvanized pipes are used, as well as products made of metal-plastic, polyethylene or polypropylene. Polypropylene pipes are the most popular. You will need a certain number of fittings, couplings and other elements that must be purchased in the required quantities in accordance with the wiring plan for the hot water supply system of a private home.

Today, there are a large number of companies that will quickly help solve the problem of providing hot water supply to a private home, and will also provide the equipment necessary for water purification. These procedures are mandatory, since in private houses, as a rule, the water sources are wells, artesian wells, etc., and the water in them, as a rule, has a composition that is far from ideal. Therefore, such water cannot be used not only for cooking, but also in hot water supply systems. This is due to the fact that it contains salts of calcium, magnesium and other elements, due to which the water becomes harder.

What to consider when organizing hot water supply for a private home

As a rule, the installation of any water heating device in a private home is carried out by a professional, since this requires preparing a suitable diagram, obtaining permission, and installing ventilation or a chimney if such a need arises.

If you use plastic pipes, the installation process is greatly simplified due to their durability and strength, and these products do not require the use of a welding machine. You should purchase fittings, silicone, tow, spare fasteners for pipes and batteries. You also need a set of tools, consisting of a special soldering iron, scissors, a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a level and a hammer, several types of keys, pliers, metal snips, etc.

The hanging boiler should be located at a distance of at least 50 cm from the ceiling. Reliable fasteners are used for it and radiators. When you set up a boiler room, it is recommended to cover the walls and floor with fire-resistant tiles and do not forget to provide free access to the water heater for periodic maintenance.

It is also necessary to install a chimney and ventilation system. You will also need a circulation pump; it is quite compact and capable of providing constant pressure, as a result of which the water quickly heats up.

If you are working with plastic pipes, you will need an assistant, since the connection is instantaneous and distortions must be avoided. Radiators are installed at the very last moment.

Make sure they are at the same level. The distance to the floor should be from 10 to 15 cm, from the wall - from 2 to 5 cm. By installing shut-off valves and temperature sensors, you can control the water temperature and shut it off if necessary.

If you do not have the necessary installation skills, it is better to turn to professionals. It is important to perform the correct calculations. The first thing you will need to do to properly install the hot water supply of a private house with your own hands is a diagram.

Hot water supply for a private house: diagram with instantaneous water heater

Instantaneous water heater can be presented:

    gas water heater for hot water supply to a private house;

    heating circuit for hot water supply to a private house from a double-circuit boiler;

    electric instantaneous water heater;

    plastic heat exchanger connected to the heating circuit.

An instantaneous water heater in a private house begins to heat water from the moment the hot water tap is opened.

All the energy that is spent on heating water passes from the heater to the water instantly. In order to obtain water at the required temperature in a short period of time, the design of the flow-through heater provides for limiting the water flow rate. The temperature is regulated by the size of the stream of hot water flowing from the tap.

To sufficiently supply hot water to one shower head, the power of the instantaneous water heater must be at least 10 kW. In order to fill the bathtub with hot water in a reasonable time, a heater power of more than 18 kW will be required. If at this moment the hot water tap in the kitchen is opened in parallel, then for comfortable use of hot water it will be necessary to use a heater with a power of 28 kW or more.

In order to provide hot water supply to a private economy class home, a lower power boiler is needed. Thus, the power of a double-circuit boiler is selected based on the needs for hot water consumption.

A hot water supply scheme using an instantaneous water heater is not able to provide economical and comfortable use of hot water in a private home for a number of reasons:

    The temperature and pressure of water in the pipes is determined by the amount of fluid flow. As a result, when you open another tap, the water temperature and pressure in the hot water supply system changes dramatically. Therefore, it is extremely inconvenient to use water in two places at the same time.

    With a small flow of hot water, the instantaneous water heater does not function at all, and in order to obtain water at the desired temperature, it is necessary to increase the water flow.

    Hot water supply is provided with a delay. In this case, the waiting time depends on the length of the pipe laid from the water heating device to the place of water collection. When you first open the tap, some water will simply have to be poured down the drain. This is the water that has already been heated, but has already cooled down.

    Scale accumulates quite quickly inside the heating chamber of a flow-through water heating device. If the water composition is very hard, you will have to frequently descale the device.

Thus, the operation of an instantaneous water heater in the hot water supply system of a private house provokes an unreasonable increase in water consumption and the volume of sewage effluent, an increase in electricity consumption for heating water, and also does not allow the comfortable use of hot water in a private house.

At the same time, the hot water supply system for a private home using an instantaneous water heater is very popular among consumers, since it is characterized by a relatively low price and compact dimensions of the device.

This hot water supply system in a private house functions more efficiently if a separate instantaneous water heater is installed next to the place where the liquid is collected.

In such a situation, it is advisable to install electric instantaneous water heaters. However, this method will be quite energy-consuming (power up to 30 kW will be required). As a rule, the electrical network of a private home is not designed for such loads, and the cost of electricity is quite high.

How to choose a flow-through heater for hot water supply to a private home

The main parameter that one focuses on when choosing an instantaneous water heater is the volume of water that it is able to heat.

In order to comfortably use this water heating device in a private home, you should adhere to the following indicators at the sampling points:

    from the sink tap - 4.2 liters per minute (0.07 liters/second);

    from the bath or shower tap - 9 liters per minute (0.15 l/sec).

For example, one instantaneous water heater is equipped with three points of analysis, represented by a kitchen sink, a washbasin and a bathtub (shower). If your goal is to choose a bath heater, then you will need a device capable of producing at least 9 liters of water per minute at a temperature of +55 °C. This water heater allows you to use hot water from two sources at once - a sink and a washbasin.

It will be possible to use hot water in parallel in both the shower and washbasin if the heater produces at least 9 l/min + 4.2 l/min = 13.2 l/min.

Manufacturers, as a rule, in the technical characteristics of the device indicate the maximum performance indicator, taking into account water heating at a certain temperature difference, dT, for example, +25 °C, +35 °C or +45 °C. Thus, if the water temperature in the water supply is +10 °C, then the temperature of the tap water after heating will reach +35 °C, +45 °C or +55 °C.

It should be noted that a number of sellers may indicate the level of maximum performance of the device, but do not write what temperature difference it is intended for. For example, you can purchase a geyser with a capacity of 10 liters per minute and it will heat up to a maximum of +35 °C. Using the hot water supply of a private home with such a device may not be so comfortable.

In this case, in a private house it is better to use a gas water heater or a double-circuit boiler, the highest performance of which will be at least 13.2 l/min at dT equal to +45 °C. The power of the gas appliance will be approximately 32 kW.

When you choose a device for hot water supply in a private home, you should also pay attention to the minimum performance indicator at which heating is activated.

If the speed of water movement in the pipe does not reach this value, the water heater will not start working. Therefore, you often have to use much more water than necessary. It would be advisable to select a device with the lowest minimum productivity, for example, no more than 1.1 liters per minute.

The maximum power of electric instantaneous water heaters, often used in a private home, ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 kW. Provided that the maximum productivity of the device is from 3.1 to 3.7 liters/minute, the water is heated to a dT of +25 °C. One device is designed to serve one water supply point in a private home, which can be a shower, washbasin or sink.

Is it profitable to supply hot water to a private house with a storage heater (boiler) and water circulation?

A storage water heater (otherwise called a boiler) is a fairly voluminous, thermally insulated metal tank.

As a rule, the lower part of the tank of a water heater contains two heating elements - an electric heat exchanger and a tubular heater powered by a heating boiler. A boiler is used to heat the water in the tank.

Such a heater is also called an indirect heating boiler.

Hot water in an indirect heating boiler is consumed from the top of the tank. In this case, the lower part is instantly filled with cold water from the water supply, heated by a heat exchanger and flows to the top.

In European countries, all hot water systems in modern private homes are necessarily equipped with an element such as a collector (solar heater). In order to connect the solar collector to the bottom of the indirect heating boiler, an additional heat exchanger must be installed.

The water in the boiler is heated by a solar collector. If this is not enough, you should connect a boiler or electric heater.

How does the hot water supply of a private house with a layered heating boiler work?

Nowadays, the DHW system of a private home, equipped with a layer-by-layer heating boiler, is very popular. The water in such a device is heated using a flow-through boiler of a double-circuit boiler. This heater is not equipped with a heat exchanger, due to which its cost is significantly reduced.

Heated water comes from the top of the tank. In exchange, cold tap water immediately begins to flow into the lower part. Using a pump, water from the tank passes through a flow-through heater, then enters the top of the tank. Thanks to this, the consumer instantly receives hot water, without the need to wait for the entire volume of water to heat up, as is the case if you use an indirect heating boiler.

Due to the fact that the top layer of water warms up quickly enough, you can install a boiler of a more compact size in a private house and reduce the power of the instantaneous water heater.

There are double-circuit boilers equipped with a built-in heater or external layer-by-layer heating. Thus, this equipment of the domestic hot water system is characterized by lower cost and compact dimensions, in contrast to indirect heating boilers.

The water in the device is heated in advance, even if you do not use it. The amount of heated water is enough for several hours of consumption.

Due to these properties, the water in the tank heats up for a long time, while thermal energy in the hot water will constantly accumulate. Therefore, such a heater is also called a storage water heater.

Due to the long duration of water heating, you can give preference to a relatively low power heater.

How to choose a storage gas water heater for hot water supply to a private home

A storage boiler, the water in which is heated by a gas burner, is not so popular among domestic hot water systems. Using two gas appliances - a gas boiler and a gas boiler at the same time is quite expensive.

Gas boilers are convenient to use in apartments with centralized heating; they are also often used in private houses with a solid fuel boiler, where hot water supply systems with liquefied gas are used to heat water.

Gas heaters are equipped with open and closed combustion chambers, with forced removal of flue gas and with natural draft in the chimney.

The market offers models of storage gas boilers for private homes that do not need to be connected to the chimney. Such devices are distinguished by the low power of gas burners.

A gas boiler, the volume of which does not exceed 100 liters, is mounted on the wall, and larger volume heaters are installed on the floor.

Water heaters use various methods of igniting gas - for this purpose they use a pilot wick, electronic ignition on batteries, or hydrodynamic ignition.

In the device, equipped with a pilot wick, a small flame burns, which is first lit manually.

Electronic ignition is connected to the electrical network or runs on batteries or accumulators.

Hydrodynamic ignition is activated by the rotation of the turbine, which in turn is activated by the flow of water.

The comfort of using hot water supply in a private home directly depends on the volume of the storage heater. But the larger the boiler, the higher its cost and the higher the costs of its maintenance and repair work.

How to determine what size boiler to choose for a private home:

    the volume of the boiler, which will provide minimal comfort, is calculated based on the consumption of 20 to 30 liters of hot water for each person;

    greater comfort can be provided by a domestic hot water supply device, the volume of which ranges from 30 to 60 liters per user;

    for a high level of comfort, choose a heater whose volume ranges from 60 to 100 liters for each person living in a private home;

    to fill the bathtub, you will need about 100 liters of hot water.

When you choose a boiler, pay special attention to how powerful the heating element it is equipped with. For example, to heat one hundred liters of water to +55 °C within a quarter of an hour, the boiler must be equipped with a heater (gas burner, etc.) with a power of 20 kW.

What are the advantages of hot water supply to a private home with water circulation in the system?

By using a storage water heater in the domestic hot water system, hot water is circulated in the pipes. Each water intake point is connected to a ring pipeline through which hot water circulates.

The section of pipe from each water intake point to the ring pipeline should be no longer than two meters.

Water circulation in the domestic hot water system of a private house is ensured by the operation of a circulation pump with low power (up to several tens of watts).

In domestic hot water systems equipped with a storage heater, the warm water supply mode has the following characteristics:

    hot water is always available at water points;

    you can turn on the water at several points at once, while the temperature and water pressure levels do not change significantly;

    the ability to collect any amount of heated water, even the smallest.

In a domestic hot water system with water circulation, energy is regularly consumed to operate the pump and compensate for heat losses in the boiler and pipes. In order to reduce energy consumption, an automatic program is used that turns off water circulation during periods of time when it is not in demand. Insulation of the boiler and water supply will also help reduce energy costs.

How to organize hot water supply for a private house through a heat exchanger

In Western European countries, as well as throughout the world, various energy saving methods are very popular.

Used hot water goes down the drain, taking with it a large portion of the energy spent heating it.

In order to reduce energy losses in a private home, an energy recovery scheme from sewage should be used.

Cold water, before entering the heater, flows through a heat exchanger, which, in turn, is discharged into drains from plumbing equipment.

In the heat exchanger, two streams are distinguished - cold tap water and waste hot water, which collide, but do not mix. A certain amount of heat from hot water is transferred to cold water, and warm water enters the heater.

The diagram shown above shows that only the drains of plumbing equipment that operate on hot water are directed to the heat exchanger. This scheme is very beneficial for all methods of heating water in a private home.

How to make hot water supply for a private house with your own hands

To provide hot water supply in a private house, it is necessary to install a hot water supply system equipped with an indirect or layer-by-layer heating boiler with a volume of at least one hundred liters. This system ensures the comfort of using heated water, economical fluid consumption and a smaller volume of sewage. The only drawback of such a system is the high price of the device.

If your budget is limited or you only live at your dacha for one season, the best option is a domestic hot water system with a flow-through boiler.

This system is suitable for use in private homes, where the heating source and water points are not too far from each other. A maximum of three water taps can be connected to one instantaneous water heater.

Such a system is relatively inexpensive, and the disadvantages of its use are not particularly pronounced.

A double-circuit gas boiler or gas water heater will not take up much space. All equipment necessary for the operation of the system is contained in the device housing. The installation of a domestic hot water system in a private house from a boiler with a power of no more than 30 kW does not require a separate room.

The hot water supply system of a private house with a gas water heater or a double-circuit boiler is distinguished by a stable water supply if a buffer tank in the form of a conventional storage electric water heater is installed in the circuit between the heater and the water collection points. It is recommended to install this device near analysis points remote from the gas apparatus.

In a buffer tank design, hot water first enters the electric heater tank. Due to this, the tank is always filled with hot water. An electric heater in the tank is able to compensate for heat losses and maintain the required temperature of hot water during the period of time when the water is not used. Thus, a small-volume electric water heater (30 liters) will be enough for you to comfortably use the domestic hot water system.

The domestic hot water system of a private house with a flow-through water heater, equipped with a layer-by-layer heating boiler built into the boiler or an external stratified heating boiler, will cost consumers an order of magnitude more. But this equipment has undoubted advantages, in particular, it does not require energy consumption to maintain heat, and moreover, using this device is as comfortable as an indirect heating boiler.

In a private house with an extensive hot water supply network, it is advisable to use a scheme with a storage boiler and water circulation. Only this scheme can provide maximum comfort and economical use of hot water. However, it should be noted that this option requires large installation costs.

Experts recommend purchasing boilers that come with a boiler. Only in this case will the parameters of the boiler and boiler correspond exactly to each other, while the main part of the additional equipment is located in the boiler body.

If heating in a private house is provided by a solid fuel boiler, in this case it is advisable to install a buffer tank - a heat accumulator, to which a hot water supply system with water circulation is connected.

In some cases, to provide hot water supply to a private home, an indirect heating boiler is connected from a solid fuel boiler, which is additionally equipped with an electric heater.

Often, only electricity is used to heat water in a private house where a solid fuel boiler is installed. To provide hot water supply in a private house, a storage electric water heater is installed near the water collection points. A hot water circulation system is not provided in this case. It is best to place a separate storage boiler near remote water collection points. And then electricity for heating water will be spent more economically.

When water is heated to a temperature exceeding +54 °C, the water begins to release hardness salts. To avoid scale formation, it is recommended to heat the water to a temperature lower than specified.

Instantaneous water heaters are especially susceptible to scale formation. If the water has a high salt content (more than 140 mg CaCO3 in 1 l), then instantaneous water heaters should not be used. Even minor scale deposits can clog the channels in the instantaneous heater, which may result in the water flow stopping.

The water supply in the instantaneous water heater is carried out through an anti-scale filter, which reduces the level of water hardness. The filter is equipped with a replaceable cartridge that must be replaced periodically.

To heat water with a high level of hardness in a private home, it is best to choose a storage hot water supply system with an indirect heating storage tank. Scale deposits on the heating element of the boiler will not impede the flow of water, but will reduce the performance of the boiler.

Do not forget that prolonged heating of water to a temperature of less than +60 ° C can provoke the appearance of Legionella bacteria in the storage tank, which is dangerous to humans. You should regularly carry out thermal disinfection of the hot water supply system of a private home and increase the water heating temperature to +70 °C for a certain time.

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Water supply is one of the conditions for a comfortable and civilized life. Cold and hot water in a private home is needed no less than electricity and the Internet.

The hot water supply system is provided in one of two ways:

  • through an instantaneous water heater;
  • using a storage water heater (this equipment is also known as a boiler).

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Flow-through heater system

Immediately after opening the tap, hot water starts in a private house: the circuit operates on the basis of one of the following components:

  • geyser;
  • instantaneous water heater running on electricity;
  • heating circuit of a two-level heating boiler;
  • plate heat exchanger combined with a heating circuit.

The energy that is used to heat the water is activated instantly as soon as the water begins to move through the heater. In order for the system to have time to heat the water, the speed of its flow from the tap is limited. These indicators (hot water temperature in a private house and flow intensity) are closely related.

The following indicators will demonstrate the required power level of the water heater for different purposes:

A system based on an instantaneous water heater has the following characteristics:

  • inability to provide a private home with water of sufficient temperature in the required volume;
  • difficulties in distributing hot water in the house: even when used simultaneously in two places (bathroom and kitchen), the pressure and temperature of the water change;
  • water heating equipment does not react to a low-intensity stream of water, and therefore does not heat it;
  • recirculation of hot water in a private house with such a system is difficult: the longer the pipes used, the longer you have to wait for the water to heat up;
  • compactness and relatively low price of water heating equipment: this is the main reason why many private homes choose this method, despite all its inconvenience.

The situation can be improved by installing one instantaneous water heater next to each point of water use.

System with storage water heater

The center of the system is the boiler, a voluminous, thermally insulated tank made of metal. The following elements are built into its lower part:

  1. Dimensions. In a small private house, a large storage tank does not fit, so preference is given to a compact flow-through model.
  2. Number of residents. The more people live under one roof, the higher the likelihood that water will leak simultaneously from several points: in the bathroom, in the kitchen. If the house has two floors, and each of them has a bathroom, then water consumption increases. Here, a storage option is preferable, which can provide hot water to several points at once. In this case, the intensity of the jet does not decrease and when an additional point is turned on, the water temperature does not change.
  3. Pressure If a storage tank is used, the water becomes hot even with low pressure. The same cannot be said about the flow-through model, which does not react in any way to a small jet and does not heat it.
  4. Price. An important parameter that is considered when choosing. The cheapest electric flow heater costs from 4 thousand rubles, and a storage heater costs from 7 thousand rubles.
  5. Conclusion

    So, based on all the factors, the conclusion suggests itself that hot water in a private house is better obtained through a storage rather than instantaneous water heater. Price is the only factor that may discourage you from purchasing, but the convenience of its use is very convincing.

There are two main ways to prepare hot water. First, the water is heated while moving through the heater and supplied to the water tap. Such a heater is called a flow-through heater.

The second method is to heat a large volume of water in a thermally insulated container, then gradually consume it. Such a heater is called a storage heater. The energy source is usually gas, electricity or heated coolant from the heating system.

Flow-through – high peak power

The instantaneous heater must be relatively powerful in order to provide the required flow of hot water to the tap. For a shower head, a power of at least 10 kW is required, for filling a bath - from 15 kW, for two hot water taps - from 20 kW.

Heating water with an electric instantaneous heater is not cheap. In addition, you need a three-phase connection (over 6 kW) and a special permit for higher power.

It is optimal to provide several taps by installing a compact electric flow-through heater on each of them. At the same time, protection is installed against their simultaneous operation, so as not to overload the network.

A cheaper option is heating water using gas. A gas water heater or a second circuit of the heating boiler is used. The power of such devices can be enough for two taps, and hot water is cheaper.

Disadvantages of flow-through

With a flow-through circuit, the heater should be located as close to the tap as possible in order to drain less water until it gets hot. The recommended distance is no more than 5 meters. But in any case there will be excessive consumption of water and energy. A similar drawback is typical for a storage heater.

Another disadvantage of a flow-through DHW (hot water supply) circuit is the inability to pick up some hot water. Each device has its own minimum power. Therefore, when water flow is low, it simply does not turn on.
This also results in waste of water and energy.

Pressure surges in the system cause discomfort because they change the outlet water temperature.

In retail outlets, in order to sell an unsuitable flow-through electric heater, they simply indicate that it produces so many liters of water at a temperature, for example, +50 degrees, which at first glance is acceptable. But it is not indicated at what temperature the water is heated. The key characteristic of such a device is the temperature difference. After all, cold water is usually +6 - +10 degrees, and not +15 or +20.

Storage water heating system

The main advantage of an electric storage tank with a power of 1.5-2.0 kW is that it can be installed anywhere, in any house or apartment where there is a 220 V power supply. Its volume is usually 25 - 150 liters (running volume 50 - 100 liters) . The water in it is heated gradually to a predetermined temperature, and when withdrawn, a large flow rate is possible; the temperature decreases gradually.

It is cheaper to heat water with a gas storage heater with a low-power burner (up to 3 kW). The fact is that such a heater does not require a special chimney. But it can only be installed in agreement with Gorgaz, probably on a separate project. Provided with air from the room (with an exhaust system).

Disadvantages of savings

  • Limited amount of water, which can create difficulties. For example, if one portion of the tank volume is consumed for bathing, then it takes a lot of time to prepare the next volume.
  • The heater must be installed next to the water supply; if the bathroom and kitchen are separated, then a separate storage tank must be installed on each tap.
  • Energy is wasted due to cooling of unused hot water in the heater.
  • Excessive consumption of water when draining water from the tap, which has cooled in the pipeline.

Indirect heating boiler - stable hot water system

The advantage of an indirect heating boiler is that it uses energy from the heating system for heating, which is abundant and usually not expensive. Therefore, there can be a lot of hot water, its temperature is stable, and water is cheaper.

An indirect heating boiler is a storage tank with a capacity of 100 - 300 liters. Heating is carried out by a spiral pipeline through which the coolant heated to 80 - 90 degrees moves.

Heating systems are created in such a way that when the hot water supply cools below a threshold value, for example +50 degrees, the boiler switches to heating the boiler. At the same time, it produces an increased temperature and operates at full power, heating the hot water supply to the upper threshold value, for example, +60 degrees. After which it switches back to heating.

With buffer capacity – the largest energy reserve

In a buffer tank, the opposite is true - a large-volume container is used, about 1 ton or more filled with coolant, and the heated water moves in a spiral, i.e. direct-flow heating occurs. But when additional taps are opened, its temperature changes slightly, since the design has a large reserve in terms of the amount of transmitted energy.

The temperature of the hot water will be the same as that of the heating fluid. Sometimes this is not suitable, so a mixing unit is also included in the water supply scheme to reduce the temperature...

Heating systems with solid fuel boilers are mainly supplied with a buffer tank.

Other features of heating water by heating

Single-circuit gas or liquid boilers are often equipped with a boiler.

Another feature of the system is the ability to create constant circulation of water through a ring water supply pipeline. Then, when you open the tap, you immediately get hot water. Cooling of water is not considered a loss of energy, because it is spent on heating the house.

There is still an opportunity to save - an additional heating coil is placed in the boiler and connected to the solar collector. The sun's energy is called free energy; in this case, the cost of solar collectors pays off. This makes it possible to heat water in the summer; if there is not enough energy, the boiler is connected.

Layered heating boiler

The main disadvantages of a conventional direct-flow heating system with a gas heater (second circuit of the boiler) or electric are solved by installing a layer-by-layer heating boiler. One or more per tap. It is a heat-insulated container into which hot water is supplied from above. Its fence is also carried out from the same level.

Such a boiler makes it possible to simultaneously obtain a lot of hot water at a stable temperature. With it you can pick up “a little water” and also ensure the least amount of cold drainage. A conventional heating boiler can also be used as such an intermediate storage tank.

Error - incorrect connection of the DHW boiler

One of the common mistakes when creating a hot water supply system in a house is connecting an indirect heating boiler to the second circuit of a double-circuit boiler. This circuit itself is designed for preparing hot water, so it has a maximum temperature limit of +60 degrees to prevent thermal burns.

Now the most comfortable and economical solution for creating a hot water supply system is to install an indirect heating boiler, where this can be done. The rest of the hot water supply schemes can be considered forced decisions, which are dictated by circumstances, for example, savings when creating...

Comfort in the home depends on many things. One of the main ones is water supply, and the availability of hot water is especially important. In this article we will tell you what equipment is needed for hot water supply at home and how to install it correctly.

Hot water supply for a private house

Hot water supply has become quite common. Today, many devices for heating water are produced. They can run on electricity or gas, so this type of water supply can be installed in any household.

Based on the principle of operation, there are two hot water supply systems:

  1. flow-through;
  2. with storage boiler.

Their difference is the accumulation of hot water. In the first case, this does not happen and the liquid is heated when necessary. The second type includes a container for storing hot water. We will talk about devices for the water supply system further.

Hot water supply scheme for a private house

Before talking about water heating devices, you need to decide on a water supply plan.

They can be divided into several types:

  1. standard;
  2. with forced circulation;
  3. using a collector.

When implementing the third option, the water is divided into hot and cold. A heater is installed in the hot water pipe system. It can be flow-through or storage. Pipe routing can be serial or parallel. When installing this circuit, less materials are required, which means the price will be lower. The disadvantage of this system can be considered the difference in pressure in the taps; in those located nearby, the pressure will be greater than in those located in distant areas. And the water reaching distant taps will no longer be hot due to cooling.

In the second type, pipes are connected to each water intake. This scheme is quite popular.

Forced circulation has a number of advantages:

  • equal pressure in the pipes;
  • the water does not cool;
  • lack of pipe connections in interfloor ceilings.

There are some shortcomings, here they are related to the price of the project. Installing such a system requires more pipes and materials, which means the cost will be higher.

For a private home, the most optimal is a closed circuit. A pump is installed in the system, which maintains constant circulation of liquid. This ensures a stable temperature. Moreover, the length of the section of pipes in which circulation is not needed does not exceed a meter. A heated towel rail is often installed in such places. In this scheme, the installation of a check valve is required.

The disadvantages of a closed system include:

  • more material required;
  • high price;
  • high heat consumption.

In any case, the hot water supply system requires heating elements (gas water heaters, heaters, boilers, etc.).

hot water supply equipment

The simplest device for heating water is an instantaneous water heater. They can be electric or gas. The first type is convenient in the absence of a gas line. They are compact and have an attractive design. Gas water heaters are a well-known water heater that is popular among the population. It will quickly heat the water and maintain the set temperature. Thanks to the variety of designs, the device can fit into any kitchen design. When choosing a flow-through heater, you need to know the following indicators: a shower or bath consumes 9 liters of hot water per minute; washing 4.2 liters per minute.
By adding up the indicators of the expected flow points, you can calculate the required power of the device. Also pay attention to the temperature difference. The device must provide water heating up to 55 degrees.

Gas instantaneous heaters are convenient. Water pressure and temperature can be adjusted as the user wants. They are beautiful in appearance. But without a centralized gas supply system, there is no point in installing them, because... The water is heated by a gas burner.

Boilers can also be used. They can run on electricity or gas. In most cases, they are equipped with a container in which water accumulates and heats. They have different volumes; for a family it is best to choose more than 200 liters. They can be installed either in the heating system or installed independently.

Perhaps the simplest option is to install a double-circuit boiler that operates for heating and water heating. They can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted, which is convenient for installation. The only drawback is the loss of heating power while using hot water, because... the burner cannot heat two circuits at the same time. This does not mean that the house will immediately become cooler, you just need to be aware of this design feature. Such a device will save money on purchasing several devices, as well as pipes.

hot water pipes

There are many water supply pipes on the market. Choosing the right material is not easy and you must mainly be guided by the reliability of the material and the price segment. Another important aspect is the installation of pipes; it should not cause significant difficulties.

Mainly you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture, namely:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic.

Steel pipes can withstand significant changes in temperature and pressure. They are made mainly of black or galvanized steel, which has a beneficial effect on corrosion resistance. They have a long service life of 50 years. When installing them, certain skills and tools are required, so it will be difficult for an inexperienced craftsman to make plumbing from them. The disadvantages include the formation of condensation on the outer surface of the pipes and the formation of plaque inside, which prevents the normal passage of liquid.

Copper pipes have a long service life of 70 years. They have an attractive appearance, which can become an independent decorative element. The main disadvantage is the high cost and finding such material is also not easy.

Metal-plastic pipes practical and light weight. They are easy to install. This pipe consists of a frame coated on the outside and inside with plastic. The service life is about 35 years. They can also withstand temperatures up to 75 degrees Celsius. The main advantages are affordable price, easy installation and reliability. Among the disadvantages, low frost resistance should be noted, so it is best to make in-house wiring out of them.

Plastic pipes durable, versatile and very affordable. They are very popular among other materials. It is also worth noting the neat appearance.

For their manufacture the following can be used:

  • polypropylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene.

They can be used to install water pipes in a short time. All work can be done independently; all you need is a wiring diagram, pipes and a welding machine.

PVC pipe welding machine

When installing a water supply from plastic pipes yourself, you will need a welding device. This welding machine consists of a heating plate, a comfortable handle and a durable body. It's easy to use. Manual and mechanical models are available for sale. Manual devices are capable of working with pipes with a diameter of no more than 50 mm. It is small in size and easy to use. Therefore, it is suitable even for people with no experience in such work. The only drawback is the limitation on the diameter of the pipes, but it is quite suitable for home plumbing.

Mechanical devices are difficult to use, so they are suitable for experienced craftsmen. With their help you can join pipes with a diameter of 40 mm.

When choosing a welding machine, you need to pay attention to:

  1. It is better to give preference to the country of manufacture over European brands (for example, the Czech Republic); craftsmen do not favor devices made in China or Turkey, since there is a very high possibility of running into defects.
  2. The power for installing pipes with a diameter of 16-75 mm can be 0.85 kW, and when installing pipes with a diameter of 90-125 mm, the device should have a power of 1.5 kW.
  3. The nozzles are included with the soldering iron and have dimensions equal to the diameter of the pipes with which this model can work. Experienced craftsmen recommend buying sets with nozzles with diameters of 16, 32, 50 and 110 mm.

Another important aspect is the price of the device. So the cost of manual models varies from 800 to 3000 rubles. Mechanical ones cost from 16 to 180 thousand rubles. Therefore, before purchasing, clearly assess why you need a welding machine and do not overpay.

Do-it-yourself hot water installation

Water is already supplied to your house. Piping is also already available for all taps and plumbing fixtures. Now all that remains is to decide how to heat it. The very first way is to install a double-circuit gas boiler. One circuit of which will heat water for domestic purposes, and the other for heating. A pipe with cold water is supplied from the central water supply to the boiler, and a pipe for hot water supply comes from it. You can also install a regular, single-circuit heating boiler. You will also have to install a boiler for hot water for household needs. Fortunately, many manufacturers now produce boiler and boiler kits. As an option, you can get by with an electric water heater with storage. As the water flows, it fills and the liquid heats up. In large houses it is possible to install instantaneous heaters, and it is better to do this for each consumer. In other words, each tap must have an individual water heater. Decide for yourself which method is right for you; it is worth saying that the first option is more suitable for private homes.

When installing hot water supply, we can advise the following:

  • at the construction stage, you can immediately install a boiler with a capacity of 100 liters or more, this will ensure the comfort of residents and the need for further modifications to the system;
  • if the house is used for a short time (as a summer cottage), it makes sense to install a flow-through heater; it is compact and easy to use;
  • if you have a large family, you can install an additional 30 liter heated tank, it will compensate for heat loss and water consumption;
  • when purchasing a gas boiler, give preference to ready-made boiler-boiler kits, their parameters are ideal for each other;
  • if the water in your area of ​​residence contains more than 140 mg of impurities per liter, it is better not to use instantaneous water heaters; they will quickly fail due to the salt that has fallen on the walls of the pipes;
  • When heating a house with a solid fuel boiler, you can use a heat storage tank, this way you will organize a secondary hot water supply circuit and reduce energy consumption.

This article describes the hot water supply of a private home. Describes materials and equipment for installing a pipe system. Using the information, you can choose a suitable water heater, as well as pipes for installing the entire system.

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