Secrets of history and archeology. Ancient civilizations and archeology, latest news, photos, videos

landscaping 18.01.2024

There are a lot of ancient structures on Earth and most of them are unsolved mysteries. Scientists still have not found answers to how they were built by people who had neither knowledge nor technical means. Each of us has at least once thought about the origin of life on Earth, about the first ancient civilizations that inhabited the planet many centuries ago.

Showing interest in the issues of the universe, a person often doubts: “How accurately are the ancient sources translated, to which the same Bible refers? Are the scientists’ guesses reliable?” Some people unconditionally believe everything, accepting information without a shadow of a doubt, while others perceive the facts as a collection of ancient myths. Today, people have access to many different sources that tell about civilizations whose level exceeds the current one, and everywhere there are references to their contacts with alien intelligence. Let's get acquainted with the most famous mysteries of the most ancient civilizations that existed on Earth.

The very first civilizations - the time of their birth

  1. Sumer is considered the most ancient civilization, formed at the end of the 6th millennium BC in Mesopotamia or Mesopotamia.
  2. 5-6 millennium BC - the beginning of the civilization of Ancient Egypt.
  3. The Indian (Harapese) civilization appeared in Asia in the Indus River valley - mid-3 thousand BC. Later, the Gupta state, the state formations of China, the kingdom of the Great Mongols, and the Delhi Sultanate appeared.
  4. Greece – 2-3 millennium BC.
  5. Ancient Rome – 1-2 thousand BC.
  6. Civilizations have been discovered that inhabited the American continent - scientists suggest that they originated 4,000 years ago. But discoveries made by archaeologist Simpson at the primitive Calico site point to a figure of 200,000!

Unsolved mysteries of antiquity today

From time to time, throughout the world, during the study of ancient civilizations, new archaeological finds appear, which, instead of answers, increase the number of questions. Many of the excavated artifacts defy scientific explanation, but the circumstances of what happened are not in doubt. There are countless unimaginable facts, and here is a short list:

  • Ica stones with images of a man next to dinosaurs;
  • 250 millionth-old human barefoot prints;
  • The majestic Pyramids are scattered throughout the planet. In addition to the well-known buildings of Ancient Egypt, pyramids were discovered in the Crimea, at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Japan, in Europe and China. A huge pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, built from an unknown material similar to crystal and glass, raises many questions. The inexplicable technologies of the ancient Egyptians are still beyond human understanding and remain a mystery, full of secrets and questions.
  • Drawings of organ transplant operations;
  • Megaliths of Peru, which still occupy the minds of scientists with fantastic and incredible technology;
  • The oldest maps with a detailed and accurate description of the shores of Atlantis;
  • Mayan Pyramids;
  • Lemuria;
  • Hittites;
  • Fenugreek;
  • Hyperboria;
  • Atlantis;
  • Aztecs;
  • Teotihuacan;
  • Olmec sculptures;
  • Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Let's find out about the most famous riddles

Mysteries of the Sumerian civilization

6000 BC It is unknown where the people came to the Southern Mesopotamia - the mystery of their appearance is covered with a veil of centuries. But there is evidence that their level of social life reached incredible heights. The first city-states were Ur, Ushma, Lagash, Uryuk, Kisi, Eridu. People were technically literate and their inventions were: arithmetic, beer, ternary counting system, wheel, cuneiform, lunisolar calendar, baked brick. The Sumerians built ziggurats, knew how to build furnaces for the production of bronze, and they were the ones who discovered that a circle has 360 degrees, and 60 seconds is a minute. In parallel to this, in other places on Earth, ancient people still mooed, collected roots and counted on their fingers.

Megalithic city of Machu Picchu

The amazing and mysterious history of the Inca city, included in the list of 7 new wonders of the world, is filled with unsolved mysteries. What is hidden from us? There is still no information about the time of death of the last citizen of the lost Machu Picchu, located in the Peruvian mountains. No one even had an idea about the mysterious settlement for more than 300 years! Not a single inhabitant of the city left written evidence of its existence - the abandoned settlement was discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century, although myths about the “hidden” city of the Incas have long circulated among archaeologists. Legend has it that Hiram Bingham, who had been searching for the city for many years, was shown the way for just one 30-cent coin by an Indian boy from a family that guarded the lost Machu Picchu.

This is how the mythical citadel was discovered, which saw the rise and fall of the ancient Inca civilization. No one ever found out why the Incas needed to build a city at such a height in the mountains of Peru, how many generations lived at an altitude of 2057 meters in this fortress, far from the state center of the Incas. Houses were built from perfectly crafted stone slabs, and the Incas had a tradition of creating a new city in the shape of various creatures. Legend has it that Macha Picchu from above resembles a condor - what exactly did the Incas want to show their gods? During the excavations, 173 skeletons were found, but surprisingly, 150 belonged to women! No valuables or jewelry were found. Scientists discovered another Bingham burial - the tomb of the high priest, where the remains of a woman with syphilis, a couple of ceramic objects, the skeleton of a small dog and wool clothing rested. An amazing fact is that the city was built without using any adhesive mixtures like cement, and, despite frequent earthquakes in these parts, Macha Picchu stood without moving for many centuries.

Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids

Scientists are still excited today by the absolutely precise engineering thought that made it possible to build powerful structures. Every section of the pyramids was explored down to the centimeter, but historians provide scant comprehensive explanations of how the construction took place and for what purposes. How could the illiterate ancient Egyptians build a pyramid consisting of 2.3 million stone slabs, the total mass of which was 4 million tons!! At the same time, they were adjusted to each other perfectly precisely using a hitherto unknown adhesive solution. From an engineering point of view, pyramids are perfect structures, and there are no answers to a lot of questions. Even today, despite a century of technical progress and new construction technologies, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat the experience of the ancient Egyptians.

Here are some more interesting riddles:

  1. How was the nearly seamless surface achieved? To achieve this, laser technology is required - from which extraterrestrial worlds did they originate in Ancient Egypt? How can one dispute the obvious that something similar to machine grinding of stone was carried out in some rooms of the pyramids?
  2. The very base of the pyramid was calculated down to the centimeter! How? What devices?
  3. The hundred-meter descent into the tunnel was perfectly smooth. The descent itself was carved into the rock at an angle of exactly 36 degrees, but there were absolutely no torches during the work. The error in the dimensions of the descent is several millimeters - how is it possible to maintain the ideal accuracy of the angle of inclination without professional instruments?
  4. The pyramid is aligned to the cardinal points with a negligible error. Who gave the Egyptians such knowledge in the field of astrology?
  5. The complex internal structure of the pyramid, the dimensions of which are close to a 48-story building, is riddled with mysterious ventilation ducts, doors, and shafts - they could only be cut through using a saw with a tip made of super-strong diamond.

Secrets of the city of Teotihuacan

This is the first American city where the development of technology has reached incredible heights. Almost nothing is known about this city today. Who built the city, who the inhabitants were and what language they spoke, what the organization of society was - all these are mysteries. At the very top of the Pyramid of the Sun, an amazing artifact was found - plates of embedded mica.

Why was mica used, which is not suitable as a building material? But it is an excellent shield from radio waves and electromagnetic radiation! The meaning of this action by the inhabitants of Teotihuacan still remains a mystery.

Atlantis - a myth or a lost civilization?

There is some evidence that there were highly developed civilizations on Earth, one of which is Atlantis. Plato also wrote that its capital was a complex consisting of fortress walls, gardens, sports facilities, canals, located in a ring around the Temple of Poseidon - its diameter was 22.5 km. There is evidence that a meteorite or comet of this size fell to Earth in the Atlantic region, but so far no underwater civilization has been found.

The prototype for the legend of Atlantis could be the rapid rise in the level of the Black Sea, which probably occurred 8 thousand years ago. It is estimated that during this Black Sea flood, sea levels rose by 60 meters in less than a year due to the breach of the Bosphorus by Mediterranean waters. The flooding of large areas of the Northern Black Sea region could, in turn, give impetus to the spread of various cultural and technological innovations from this region to Europe and Asia

Mayan civilization

Scientists have not solved the mystery of the ancient Mayan culture until today. How and why were pyramid resonators with sound effects created? If you clap your hands or walk inside the Chichen Itza pyramids, the sound is transformed into the voice of a bird that is sacred to the Mayans - kaztel. How could ancient builders study and calculate the acoustics of rooms and the thickness of walls so that people could easily communicate at a distance of about 100 meters while in different temples? Why did the people of the tribe follow Venus, called Kukulkan, what signs did the planet give them? There is a version that the Mayans were the first in the history of mankind to notice raging volcanoes in Space and discovered the evaporation of seas and oceans on Venus. But where did they get this knowledge? In fact, all the water quickly disappeared on Venus! An accurate astronomical map, the ancient Mayan calendar, which is more accurate than the existing one - how could almost primitive people create these unique things? The remains of ancient cultures of civilizations indicate that people communicated with extraterrestrial civilizations. But what happened to the tribe around 600 AD, why did they suddenly abandon their homes and leave the territory they had acquired? It was as if someone from above revealed great knowledge to them and ordered them to leave in an unknown direction.

Pyramid of El Castillo (Kukulcan) in the ancient city of Chichen Itza on the Mexican island of Yucatan

Twice a year, on the day of the spring and autumn equinox, the sun casts a mysteriously bizarre shadow, reminiscent of a gigantic snake that slithers from a 25-meter pyramid. If you had turned the pyramid even a small fraction of a degree in the other direction, the effect would never have happened! This only says one thing: the construction was clearly verified by topographers and astronomers. The pyramid is called Kukulkan - the Mayan god, the progenitor of all life on Earth. On all sides, the pyramid is equipped with staircases with 18 flights and 91 steps each leading to the top, and if you add them up with the cut-off top step, you get the figure 365 - that’s exactly how many days a year. Researchers claim that this pyramid is a calendar. Who taught the Mayan tribe to calculate the time of harvest and sowing? Each tribal building is a true architectural masterpiece! A Mayan manuscript has been preserved, where the exact movements of the planets in the sky were recorded, and scientists are sure that this is a diary of observations of Venus. If all the Mayan structures on Chechen Itza were built for the purpose of observing Venus (this is evidenced by the windows in all the buildings, located precisely so that the planet was visible), then the question arises - why did she interest them so much?

Imagine just for a second that representatives of ancient civilizations chose a completely different path of development than you and I, and acquired knowledge of how to transport multi-ton blocks over long distances, how to control other types of energy or soften stones, like plasticine for sculpting incredible structures. Study, be amazed, build your own scientific theories - maybe they will be the only true ones and will reveal many mysteries of ancient civilizations.

The mysteries of ancient civilizations have always worried humanity. And just now there are reports that warm objects have been discovered in all the Egyptian pyramids. Particularly impressive are the three stones at the base.

Egyptian pyramids

They are called mysteries because their occurrence cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. There are so many mysteries and unsolved secrets that we can only dwell on a few of them. For example, the same Egyptian pyramids, which seem to have been explored down to the centimeter, still raise a lot of questions.

The most important of them are who, for what purpose, and, most importantly, how they erected these structures, perfect from an engineering point of view, representing a complex and harmoniously built 48-story building. During the construction, technologies and tools were used that humanity does not possess even now.

Science develops - new mysteries appear

The mysteries are not explained by official science; moreover, it is hostile to any interference in its dogma. And humanity loves riddles and secrets, especially since they are found at every step. And the further science advances, the more questions arise. For example, with the advent of genetic engineering, it was proven that the DNA of dogs suggests that they were all artificially bred from wolves, which were skillfully converted into a human friend, and this happened no later than 40 thousand years BC.

Belief in Aliens

The main argument that the earth was never visited by aliens was the assertion that in this case they would have left the earthlings some significant evidence of their presence or even an appeal to the aborigines. However, people continue to look for evidence.

Mysterious city

In a word, the mysteries of ancient civilizations that official science cannot explain are not advertised. So in Pakistan, in the Indus Valley, Mohenjo-Daro stands a city with an amazing, almost modern layout and amenities. There was running water, public toilets, baths, food storage facilities, comfortable houses and a reasonable street layout. It was built simultaneously according to a pre-conceived design, and this all happened 2600 BC.

Mysteries of the Sumerians

It existed on earth, covered in secrets and consisting of continuous riddles. How did this miracle arise in wild, unsuitable places for life? Their writing has not yet been deciphered; what language they spoke is unknown. But what is known is that the Sumerians were familiar with metallurgy and were seriously involved in mathematics.

Humanity owes them the invention of the hour, minutes and seconds. They calculated that there are exactly 360 degrees in a circle. The Sumerians built buildings from baked bricks, erected aqueducts, and were familiar with astronomy. Are these not the mysteries of ancient civilizations? The rest of humanity on earth at that time was in its infancy.

Teotihuacan and Titicaca

There are also amazing and incomprehensible cities, for example, Teotihuacan, located 50 km from Mexico City. The exact date of its origin, the builders of this oldest city in the Western Hemisphere, their origin and language - nothing is known. What is known is that on the top there are quite large sheets of mica, which was used there not as decoration, but as protection from electromagnetic and radio waves.

Not a single list entitled “Riddles and secrets of ancient civilizations” is complete without mentioning Lake Titicaca, located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, it is famous for the high technologies that were used here in the Stone Age. Highly productive agricultural zones were created using canals, dams and dams. In the construction of reclamation facilities, bronze was used, which could not have existed here at all.

Easter Island

And there are plenty of such inexplicable mysteries on the surface of the earth. But no less interesting and numerous are the mysteries of the dungeons of ancient civilizations. There are amazing mysterious dungeons in many places on the planet - many cities are full of them. But there are also very ancient ones, for example, the dungeons of Easter Island or the mysterious Maltese labyrinths. The multi-level and many-kilometer-long artificial caves of Easter Island were discovered quite recently. They stretch under the entire island, and no one knows what is at the very bottom. The researchers, among other things, only descended to a depth of 100 meters. Traces were found in 45 caves and the whole Easter Island with its strange sculptures that came from nowhere, looking into the sky, is one continuous puzzle of antiquity.

Underground territories

The mysteries of the dungeons of ancient civilizations are gradually being understood. Recently, scientists have comprehensively examined some objects, as a result of which underground cities were discovered in Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, the Sahara and South America. Many of them were erected in ways completely unfamiliar to mankind. And this gives the right to claim that unknown civilizations existed underground. Examples include the underground city of Asgard in Peru, Kaymakli and Tatlarin in Turkey. One of the most famous is the 20-story Derinkuyu City, located in Turkey.

Under Ecuador and Peru there are also systems of tunnels and caves in which scientists have encountered the mysteries of ancient civilizations. The artifacts discovered here were two libraries: one of metal books, the second of crystal tables. And above, at the time to which these books belong, wild tribes lived without any written language!

Mayan civilization - a mystery of times and peoples

And, of course, the whole world is concerned about the mysteries of the ancient Mayan civilizations. There are only 50 basic unanswered questions. There are even statements that the Mayan mysteries should not be solved, because the consequences can be unpredictable. The Skull of Fate artifact, kept in the New York Museum, is, according to many, the most beautiful mystery of ancient history.

It was made by an unknown craftsman from a single piece of incredibly hard material, rock crystal, and is an absolute copy of a human skull. When a light source is directed into the nasal cavity, the entire skull begins to glow, and if the sun's rays are focused in the eye sockets, flames burst out from the open jaws. There is a legend that Hitler, an ardent admirer of everything mystical, believed that the owner of all 13 skulls would become the ruler of the world.

The knowledge of the Mayans is amazing; the tools they used to build houses and create a comfortable life are baffling. There is no need to talk about the Mayan calendar - it is a riddle of riddles. Anthropologists have no idea who they are. And naturally there is no answer to the main question: “Where did this civilization disappear, instantly by historical standards?”

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As you can see, the mysteries of the history of ancient civilizations will remain without intelligible answers for a long time. But the interest they generate is so great that it forces scientists to take a more systematic approach to solving these issues.

Archeology is a science that, due to its specificity, is designed to discover the unknown or long-forgotten. But there is forbidden archeology, the results of which are not disclosed. This is explained by the unpreparedness of the inhabitants of the planet to comprehend and accept them. Many scientific news contradict generally accepted concepts, and therefore remain for the public as “mysteries of history and archeology.” Ancient civilizations, under the pressure of scientists, and primarily archaeologists, are creakingly revealing their secrets. So the huge skeletons found in Ecuador in 2013 (six units with a height of 213 to 243 cm) were sent to Germany for thorough analysis.

The territory of Russia keeps many secrets. But Siberia is especially rich in mysteries - a place where peoples mixed, where huge ancient civilizations arose and disappeared.

Where did the Sargat disappear?

Siberian archaeologists are looking for an answer to the question: where did the ancient Sargats, whose kingdom stretched from the Urals to the Barabinsk steppes and from Tyumen to the steppes of Kazakhstan, disappear?

There is an assumption that Sargatia was part of ancient Sarmatia and existed for more than 1000 years, and then disappeared, leaving behind only mounds.

Scientists believe that on the territory of the Omsk region there is a special region of Sargatia - “Graves of Ancestors”. At the beginning of the 20th century, a whole complex was opened, called Novoblonsky.

Sargat burial mounds were up to 100 meters in diameter and reached a height of 8 meters. Clothes made of Chinese silk with gold decorations were found in the graves of the nobility; the Sargat wore gold hryvnias around their necks. DNA studies have revealed their similarity with the Hungarians and Ugrians. Nobody knows where the Sargat disappeared.
Unfortunately, many graves were plundered by “miners” back in the 18th century. The famous Siberian collection of Peter I was composed of Sargat gold.

Is Denisovan man the ancestor of Australian Aborigines?

In 2010, during excavations in the Denisovskaya Cave in Altai, archaeologists found the phalanx of a finger of a seven-year-old girl who lived 40,000 years ago. Half of the bone was sent to the Institute of Anthropology in Leipzig. In addition to bones, tools and jewelry were found in the cave.

The results of the genome study shocked scientists. It turned out that the bone belonged to an unknown species of human, which was called Homo altaiensis - “Altai man”.

DNA analyzes showed that the Altai genome deviates from the genome of modern humans by 11.7%, while for Neanderthals the deviation is 12.2%.
No Altai inclusions were found in the genomes of modern Eurasians, but “Altai” genes were found in the genomes of Melanesians living on the Pacific Islands; 4 to 6% of the genome is present in the Australian Aboriginal genome.

Salbyk pyramid

The Salbyk burial mound is located in the famous Valley of the Kings in Khakassia and dates back to the 14th century BC. The base of the mound is a square with a side of 70 meters. In the 1950s, an expedition of scientists found an entire complex inside the mound, reminiscent of Stonehenge.

Huge megaliths weighing from 50 to 70 tons were brought to the valley from the banks of the Yenisei. Then the ancient people covered them with clay and built a pyramid, not inferior to the Egyptian ones.

The remains of three warriors were found inside. Archaeologists attribute the mound to the Tagar culture and still cannot answer how the stones were delivered to the valley.

Mammoth Kurya and Yanskaya site

The ancient human sites discovered in Arctic Russia raise many questions. This is the Mammoth Kurya site in Komi, which is 40,000 years old.
Here archaeologists found bones of animals killed by ancient hunters: deer, wolves and mammoths, scrapers and other tools. No human remains were found.

Sites 26,000-29,000 years old were found 300 kilometers from Kurya. The northernmost site was the Yana site, found on the terraces of the Yana River. Dated to 32.5 thousand years old.

The most important question that arises after the discovery of sites is who could live here if there was an era of glaciation at that time? Previously it was believed that people reached these lands 13,000 - 14,000 years ago.

The mystery of the Omsk “aliens”

10 years ago, in the Omsk region, on the banks of the Tara River in the Murly tract, archaeologists found 8 graves of the Huns who lived 1.5 thousand years ago.
The skulls turned out to be elongated, reminiscent of humanoid aliens.

It is known that ancient people wore bandages to give the skull a certain shape. Scientists are wondering what prompted the Huns to change the shape of the skull so much?

There is an assumption that the skulls belong to female shamans. Since the find raises many questions, the skulls are not displayed, but are stored in storage rooms. It remains to add that the same skulls were found in Peru and Mexico.

The mystery of Pyzyryk medicine

The burials of the Pyzyryk culture in the Altai Mountains were discovered in 1865 by archaeologist Vasily Radlov. The culture was named after the Pyzyryk tract in the Ulagan region, where the tombs of the nobility were found in 1929.

One of the representatives of the culture is considered to be the “Princess of Ukok” - a Caucasian woman whose mummy was found on the Ukok plateau.

It recently became clear that the Pyzyryk people already had the skills to perform craniotomy 2300-2500 years ago. Now neurosurgeons are studying the skulls with traces of operations. Trepanations were carried out in full accordance with the recommendations of the “Hippocratic Corpus” - a medical treatise that was written at the same time in Ancient Greece.
In one case, a young woman apparently died during the operation; in another, a man with a head injury after trephination lived for several more years. Scientists say that the ancients used the safest technique for scraping the bone and used bronze knives.

Arkaim - the heart of Sintashta?

The ancient city of Arkaim has long become a cult place for various kinds of originals; Arkaim is considered the city of the ancient Aryans and the “place of power”. It is located in the Urals, discovered in 1987 and dates back to the turn of the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. Belongs to the Sintash culture. The city is distinguished by the preservation of buildings and burial grounds. It was named after the mountain, the name of which comes from the Turkic “arka”, which means “ridge”, “base”.

The Arkaim fortress was built according to a radial pattern of logs and bricks, people of the Caucasian type lived here, there were houses, workshops and even storm sewers.

Also found here were items made of bone and stone, metal tools, and foundry molds. It is believed that up to 25,000 people could live in the city.

Settlements of a similar type were found in the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, in Bashkortostan, and therefore archaeologists called the area the “Country of Cities.” The Sintash culture lasted only 150 years. It is unknown where these people went afterwards.
Disputes about the origin of the city are still ongoing among scientists.

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The territory of Russia keeps many secrets. But Siberia is especially rich in mysteries - a place where peoples mixed, where huge ancient civilizations arose and disappeared.

Where did the Sargat disappear?

Siberian archaeologists are looking for an answer to the question: where did the ancient Sargats, whose kingdom stretched from the Urals to the Barabinsk steppes and from Tyumen to the steppes of Kazakhstan, disappear? There is an assumption that Sargatia was part of ancient Sarmatia and existed for more than 1000 years, and then disappeared, leaving behind only mounds. Scientists believe that on the territory of the Omsk region there is a special region of Sargatia - “Graves of Ancestors”.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a whole complex was opened, called

Novoblonsky. Sargat burial mounds were up to 100 meters in diameter and reached a height of 8 meters. Clothes made of Chinese silk with gold decorations were found in the graves of the nobility; the Sargat wore gold hryvnias around their necks.

DNA studies have revealed their similarity with the Hungarians and Ugrians. Nobody knows where the Sargat disappeared. Unfortunately, many graves were plundered by “miners” back in the 18th century. The famous Siberian collection of Peter I was composed of Sargat gold.

Is Denisovan man the ancestor of Australian Aborigines?

In 2010, during excavations in the Denisovskaya Cave in Altai, archaeologists found the phalanx of a finger of a seven-year-old girl who lived 40,000 years ago. Half of the bone was sent to the Institute of Anthropology in Leipzig. In addition to bones, tools and jewelry were found in the cave. The results of the genome study shocked scientists. It turned out that the bone belonged to an unknown species of human, which was called Homo altaiensis - “Altai man”.

DNA analyzes showed that the Altai genome deviates from the genome of modern humans by 11.7%, while for Neanderthals the deviation is 12.2%. No Altai inclusions were found in the genomes of modern Eurasians, but “Altai” genes were found in the genomes of Melanesians living on the Pacific Islands; 4 to 6% of the genome is present in the Australian Aboriginal genome.

Salbyk pyramid

The Salbyk burial mound is located in the famous Valley of the Kings in Khakassia and dates back to the 14th century BC. The base of the mound is a square with a side of 70 meters. In the 1950s, an expedition of scientists found an entire complex inside the mound, reminiscent of Stonehenge.

Huge megaliths weighing from 50 to 70 tons were brought to the valley from the banks of the Yenisei. Then the ancient people covered them with clay and built a pyramid, not inferior to the Egyptian ones. The remains of three warriors were found inside. Archaeologists attribute the mound to the Tagar culture and still cannot answer how the stones were delivered to the valley.

Mammoth Kurya and Yanskaya site

The ancient human sites discovered in Arctic Russia raise many questions. This is the Mammoth Kurya site in Komi, which is 40,000 years old. Here archaeologists found bones of animals killed by ancient hunters: deer, wolves and mammoths, scrapers and other tools. No human remains were found.
Sites 26,000-29,000 years old were found 300 kilometers from Kurya. The northernmost site was the Yana site, found on the terraces of the Yana River. Dated to 32.5 thousand years old.

The most important question that arises after the discovery of sites is who could live here if there was an era of glaciation at that time? Previously it was believed that people reached these lands 13,000 - 14,000 years ago.

The mystery of the Omsk “aliens”

10 years ago, in the Omsk region, on the banks of the Tara River in the Murly tract, archaeologists found 8 graves of the Huns who lived 1.5 thousand years ago. The skulls turned out to be elongated, reminiscent of humanoid aliens.

It is known that ancient people wore bandages to give the skull a certain shape. Scientists are wondering what prompted the Huns to change the shape of the skull so much? There is an assumption that the skulls belong to female shamans. Since the find raises many questions, the skulls are not displayed, but are stored in storage rooms. It remains to add that the same skulls were found in Peru and Mexico.

The mystery of Pyzyryk medicine

The burials of the Pyzyryk culture in the Altai Mountains were discovered in 1865 by archaeologist Vasily Radlov. The culture was named after the Pyzyryk tract in the Ulagan region, where the tombs of the nobility were found in 1929. One of the representatives of the culture is considered to be the “Princess of Ukok” - a Caucasian woman whose mummy was found on the Ukok plateau.

It recently became clear that the Pyzyryk people already had the skills to perform craniotomy 2300-2500 years ago. Now neurosurgeons are studying the skulls with traces of operations. Trepanations were carried out in full accordance with the recommendations of the “Hippocratic Corpus” - a medical treatise that was written at the same time in Ancient Greece.

In one case, a young woman apparently died during the operation; in another, a man with a head injury after trephination lived for several more years. Scientists say that the ancients used the safest technique for scraping the bone and used bronze knives.

Arkaim - the heart of Sintashta?

The ancient city of Arkaim has long become a cult place for mystics and nationalists. It is located in the Urals, discovered in 1987 and dates back to the turn of the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. Belongs to the Sintash culture.

The city is distinguished by the preservation of buildings and burial grounds. It was named after the mountain, the name of which comes from the Turkic “arka”, which means “ridge”, “base”. The Arkaim fortress was built according to a radial pattern of logs and bricks, people of the Caucasian type lived here, there were houses, workshops and even storm sewers.
Also found here were items made of bone and stone, metal tools, and foundry molds. It is believed that up to 25,000 people could live in the city. Settlements of a similar type were found in the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, in Bashkortostan, and therefore archaeologists called the area the “Country of Cities.”

The Sintash culture lasted only 150 years. It is unknown where these people went afterwards. Disputes about the origin of the city are still ongoing among scientists. Nationalists and mystics consider Arkaim a city of ancient Aryans and a “place of power.”

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