The topic of discussion is why you need to read a lot. Why you need to read books, essay, reasoning

Site development 05.02.2024
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Theme description: About the role of books in human life and society. Why is it so important to take care of books?


Happy is the person who is friends with a book, and there is no one, in my opinion, more unhappy than the one who does not like to read. After all, reading a book is not just getting some information, it is immersing yourself in the fantasy world of a huge number of very different and very talented authors. Or maybe not fantasies, but real experiences, real travel and much, much more.

Book or movie? Some will say that films can easily replace books, but this is not true. How can images chosen by someone, even the most talented screenwriters and directors, be better than those invented by us ourselves? While reading, we not only imagine the characters, but also experience certain emotions towards them. You can read a book many times and, being surprised, always find something new. But films based on books are most often watched only once, accepting and evaluating the work of the film crew and comparing them with the original - the book.

The book is a source of knowledge! How many interesting and incredible things can be learned from books: about love, happiness, distant countries. And encyclopedias and dictionaries will answer any, even the most complex, question.

A book is a great way to spend leisure time. After all, there is nothing better than a pleasant evening in the company of an interesting book: a novel, a detective story or someone’s memoirs. It’s not so important what each of us likes, what genre he prefers. The main thing is to read and enjoy all these “letters”, receiving incomparable pleasure.

write an essay-argument on the topic: Why you need to read books.

1 Thesis - I believe that books need to be read (this is a simplified version, we need to make this phrase more complicated)
1 The book is a source of knowledge. Textbooks, reference books, information literature (give examples)
2 books need to be read different (Give examples)
3 Reading means applying what you read in life (give examples)
4Literary language is the language of uniting people into one nation (give examples)
5 Book of the Internet Age (give examples)
I believe that books are necessary to read. By reading books we learn to reason correctly

1. There is no more useful and more valuable invention in the world than a book. The significance of the book for humanity is undeniable and proven by time.

2. Firstly, a book is a source of knowledge. Textbooks and reference books give us information, necessary information about something, additional knowledge about some subject of study. They help us broaden our horizons, develop curiosity, and instill interest in the world around us. For example, when preparing a report on a topic, we turn to sources containing additional information. And in this additional material we can find something that will capture our imagination and interest us so much that we will want to know even more. Or this example, you go fishing for the first time, open the “Fisherman’s Handbook”, and now you already have an idea of ​​how, what and what is better to fish for.

3. Fiction is of great importance in nurturing the best qualities of a person. You need to read different books: scientific, historical, fantasy, adventure, poetry... Each genre is interesting in its own way, each has valuable cultural merits. From historical novels we learn about the past of our and other countries. Reading A. Green's extravaganza, we learn to dream. Getting acquainted with the works of Prishvin, Bianki, Troepolsky, we become kinder, we gain such a feeling as love for animals.

4. Reading means applying what you read in life. It happens that it is through a book that we gain certain knowledge that we apply in life. For example, having purchased an aquarium, I needed to learn how to care for fish, and I turned to “Notes of an Aquarist,” and that’s how I became a completely knowledgeable fish breeder.

5. Literary language is the language of uniting people into one nation. The language of literature is understandable to every person, no matter what nationality he is. We not only read with pleasure, but also love the works of Chingiz Aitmatov, Vasil Bykov, Svetlana Adzhubey, Shamshad Abdullaev.

6. And even today, in the age of progress, cybernetics, when the Internet has enveloped the entire planet, a book cannot become obsolete, it will not die. The book is a national property. It only changes its appearance: it goes from paper to electronic.

Useful tips, interesting stories and other valuable information. It accompanies us throughout our lives, from early childhood to old age. Why does a person need a book? The answer, of course, is obvious to many. Nevertheless, we will try to understand this issue in detail and in detail.

History of the development of books

Before the creation of the first books, information was transmitted from person to person only through speech. The ancestors of writing were the cave paintings that primitive people left on the walls. Over time, they began to turn into real stories in pictures.

Then Babylonian cuneiform writing, etc., began to appear. The ancestors of alphabetic writing were the Semites. Over time, it spread throughout the world, undergoing changes in different countries. were created from various materials: wax, clay, papyrus, leather. However, the most convenient of them was paper. Since the first book appeared on paper, people no longer need to look for more practical material, since paper versions are very convenient and quite durable.

Why did people need books? With the advent of books, humanity entered a new stage of its development. It is obvious that without writing people would not have made such progress in their development.

Modern technologies

Currently, the offset printing method is most often used in the production of books. Pages can be printed either on roll paper or on separate sheets. Digital printing technology is also widespread. It is used mainly for small circulation publications.

With technological progress, a new type of books has come to us - electronic ones.

The information in this book is presented in digital form and is posted on electronic media. Why do you need a book in this format? Electronic books can significantly simplify the conditions for storing a huge amount of information and provide wide access to it through the World Wide Web. There are also audiobooks that allow you to perceive information by ear.

Why do you need a book?

People who love to read are immediately visible. They have a richer vocabulary and are able to express their thoughts beautifully and clearly. They are more competent and make a very pleasant overall impression. After all, human speech is the main tool of communication, and a lot in life depends on how you know how to use it. Well-read and educated people find it easier to find a common language with colleagues, it is easier to get a job, they are more valued as employees, they are excellent conversationalists, and therefore they attract others to them like a magnet.

Why do we need art books? Reading such literature develops thinking and imagination. The reader is immersed in a new world full of mysteries and adventures. With the help of books, you can mentally travel to distant lands, relive the story of your favorite literary character, and even be transported to the past or future.

Why is it important to teach children to love books?

Children are our future, so it is necessary to instill in them only the best from childhood. books? They are necessary to help children grow up as competent and successful people. The book develops imagination, teaches compassion and empathy, enriches vocabulary and allows you to have an interesting time. The first books for children are filled mainly with colorful pictures depicting animals and other interesting things. The older the child gets, the fewer pictures and more text the book contains. It is important to explain to your child from childhood how entertaining reading is, and then the child will spend his free time with pleasure and benefit.

The most amazing books

There are books that have gone down in history due to their unusual nature. The smallest, for example, measures only 0.07x0.1 mm. It was created by Canadian physicists. The material for this book is ceramics, and the text is printed with a beam of helium ions. This book can only be read under a microscope. There is one that weighs almost five centners. It is intended for children, and is made in paper format. The most famous and widely read book is the Bible. The texts of the Holy Scriptures have reached us, despite the fact that at one time they mercilessly tried to destroy them.

Why does a modern person need a book?

In the modern world, people have less and less time to read books. They are being replaced by television, computers, radio, etc. And this is really sad. Because nothing really can outshine a book. No matter how many new achievements in science and technology there are, the book will always remain a faithful friend and assistant. Anyone who picks up a book feels a certain energy that “soulless” mechanical objects cannot provide. This human invention will not lose its significance and relevance. And even if he began to pick up a book less often, nevertheless, at any time there will be true connoisseurs of reading who will not exchange this activity for anything else.

The choice of books for the modern reader is huge; everyone can find something to their liking. Why are bad books needed? What is bad for a certain circle of readers will be just right for others. You need to choose the book that suits your taste, and then reading it will only bring benefit and pleasure.

“He who does not read good books has no advantage over a man who does not know how to read them.”

Mark Twain

“Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of understood.”

Fazil Iskander

The importance of reading books for human development cannot be overstated. This is an inexhaustible source of knowledge since ancient times. Now paper books are not as popular as, say, 20-30 years ago. And all because, firstly, many of the reading people switched to e-books, and, secondly, many other entertainments appeared, primarily, of course, the Internet. Most modern people, especially young people, would rather spend an evening staring at their computer monitor than opening a book. If you are looking for any information you are interested in on the Internet, in most cases you will find it, but there it is presented in the most condensed form, in the form of quotes, abstracts, summaries and subjective opinions of different people. Therefore, if you get information only from the Internet, you risk receiving it not only not in full, but also in the editorship of a person who may have considered that some of the information is not particularly useful. In addition to the above, books have many other important qualities.

1. A book is a source of knowledge. This is the most important reason why regular reading is recommended. No other source of information will give us such a volume of high-quality knowledge. The book helps us learn from other people's experiences and use them in solving life's difficulties and problems.

2. Reading is a mental exercise that promotes the development of brain activity, thinking, logic, broadening one's horizons and improving memory.

3. Books develop our imagination, creativity and visualization ability.

4. Books enrich our vocabulary, improve literacy and the quality of our oral and written speech.

5. Reading is calming and helps relieve stress. This is achieved by distracting a person from negative thoughts, but for this the book needs to be interesting and exciting. In this regard, the book helps many people fall asleep.

6. Why do you always hear: “The book is much more interesting than the movie”? Yes, because when reading a book, we ourselves act as directors, and our imagination paints colorful scenes that, in our opinion, cannot be compared with what we see in the movies.

7. Reading books gives us confidence, because by reading literature on various topics, we become more knowledgeable, competent, gain new knowledge that we use in everyday life, and know the answers to questions that previously seemed incomprehensible to us.

8. Reading books helps develop communication skills; well-read people can easily find a topic for conversation.

9. Reading aloud improves diction, which helps improve the development of public speaking skills.

10. Good books inspire us, become a source of ideas and motivation.

I described the most important and important qualities of books, and what benefits they bring to a person. I will not argue about which book format is more preferable: paper or electronic - it is a matter of taste. I like paper books better, and text printed on paper is easier to digest. But despite this, I use a tablet for reading because of its convenience and the ability to store hundreds and thousands of books in one device, whereas there would simply be nowhere to store their paper versions in such quantities.

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For many thousands of years since the creation of the first book, people have not stopped reading. The book accompanies a person throughout his life.

A book for a person is a friend, assistant, mentor and teacher. From a book a person gains new information, useful facts and new ideas. A person takes food for his mind from a book. Without a book, a person’s mind will become impoverished, a person will stop thinking and reflecting. After all, the purpose of the book is to serve as a source of knowledge. Without knowledge, a person will not be able to develop further as a person and as a living being. Our entire humanity develops thanks to knowledge. And this knowledge is mostly given to us by books. A book is a treasure chest. And these treasures are knowledge.

By reading, a person receives not only new knowledge and useful information. By reading, a person develops spiritually, his inner world becomes richer, his vocabulary becomes larger, and his speech becomes more eloquent.

Often, when reading books, people find in them answers to questions that interest them, to topics that have been of concern for a long time, and ways to solve long-standing problems in life appear. The book helps you find the meaning of life and choose your right path. In the heroes of books, people are increasingly discovering familiar circumstances that they once had to face in real life. They see close and similar character traits in the heroes of the works. A similar attitude to life and opinion on life issues is revealed. It’s not just that most people have their favorite literary heroes and characters. Having read about their life on the pages of books, a person recognizes himself in them, gets to know himself as a person. Sometimes it even happens that through the heroes of books a person discovers his mistakes in everyday life. And it is the heroes of these books who help them correct these mistakes.

After each book read, a person involuntarily begins to analyze the information received, because this is how the human mind works. Any book read, and especially a book read with interest, necessarily leads a person to thinking processes. The information received requires reflection, comprehension and assimilation by the human mind. This is human nature. And if we do not give our minds food for thought, then very soon we will cease to be rational beings.

The benefits obtained from reading books cannot be overestimated. Because this benefit is priceless.

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