Regulations on the debt collection department. Pre-trial collection of loan debt from individuals Pre-trial Collection Department

Reservoirs 02.04.2024

Did you have to deal with the work of the bank’s “Judicial Department”? If so, then you most likely have problems with loan debt. This means that it won’t hurt you to know what this department is, what powers its employees have, and how to behave if they “harass” you. We'll talk about this today.

So, What is the “judicial department” of a bank?
This is a department specially created to work with debtors. Most often, such work means communication and influence on borrowers who have overdue loans from this bank in order to force them to repay the debt and pay penalties. The matter, in principle, is understandable and does not contradict current legislation. But the methods that the so-called “judicial department” uses in its work with clients are often far from moral and legal.

Don't confuse the "litigation department" with the legal department. The legal department of the bank was created to work with legal issues that arise in the process of functioning of a financial institution. But the “judicial department,” to put it roughly but fairly, is engaged in banal extortion. And although he extorts his property (in this case, financial), he does this, as already mentioned, in a variety of ways, including those that are questionable in terms of legality.

In the practice of civilized countries of the world, the bank, after several unsuccessful attempts to contact a problem client, refers the case to the courts. And then everything goes according to the letter of the law: notification of a person, a summons to court, a court hearing, a resolution. The bank is represented by its own lawyers. Everything here is far from ideal. Not only are there legal departments in every small branch, they are often absent in large central offices or regional representative offices!

Why is a legal department in a bank such a rarity? Because here banal savings come into play. Qualified lawyers are prestigious and, of course, effective. But, at the same time, it is expensive. But average specialists, quickly trained in psychological pressure on the debtor, are no longer so costly. This is very damaging to the reputation of the institution. Although, perhaps, it is not so detrimental, given the legal and financial illiteracy of our citizens, who cannot always adequately assess the actions of bank employees.

This is how the so-called “judicial departments” of banks appear, engaged in regularly calling indebted clients and, by hook or by crook, demanding that the debt be repaid. By the way, these would-be specialists introduce themselves in different ways, call them different terrifying positions and threaten them with almost prison terms.

Real example from practice
The wife of one of the clients received regular calls, day and night, from “police lieutenant Vasily Andreevich.” The debtor was not even the wife, but her sister. And the wife allegedly acted as a guarantor, since the sister gave her phone number and passport number. But the wife didn’t even sign anything. She wasn’t even aware that she was signed up as a guarantor. Therefore, a priori, she could not bear any responsibility for her sister’s problem loan. But, this is for knowledgeable people. In this case, the emphasis was placed on the illiteracy of the newly created “guarantor”. They called with a request, and then with a demand to influence my sister in terms of repaying the debt. The husband contacted our legal department with a request to clarify the situation. They listened and advised. After one single strict but adequate answer from the wife to “police lieutenant Vasily Andreevich,” during the next conversation, the calls stopped. Plus, there was a call from the injured party, that is, from the wife (namely, the party who suffered from the unlawful actions of a bank employee can be considered a party in the legal interpretation) to the bank’s support service with a warning that if the calls did not stop, she would be forced to will contact the relevant authorities with a written statement.

And her answer was something like this: “Dear Lieutenant Vasily Andreevich, I know that you are not a police officer, but an ordinary bank employee engaged in extortion. In addition, you are also a fraudster, since you introduce yourself under someone else’s name. And also an offender who discredits the good name of our law enforcement agencies...” And so on. That's all. The problem disappeared as if by hand. Nobody called again.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this?

1. The “judicial department” of the bank is a purely formal structure that has virtually no real legal rights in terms of influence on the debtor.

2. Only through the court can you recover from a person who does not want to pay an overdue debt and interest on it.

3. Any threats made by bank employees are unlawful and entail liability.

4. You need to know your rights, as well as your responsibilities.

5. It is still necessary to try to avoid late payments on the loan.

Know your rights and be prepared to stand up for them!

Credit practice in recent years shows that no matter how much debt is owed on a loan, banks are in no hurry to go to court. As a last resort, if the debt is relatively small (within 50 thousand rubles), an application should be made to the magistrate to issue an order allowing the initiation of forced collection procedures, but this procedure is usually used when attempts to pre-trial debt collection have led nowhere.

Why do banks, in the overwhelming majority of cases, first of all try to collect the debt without going to court? This question can be answered quite briefly and categorically: this order is more profitable and effective.

The trial can last for years, and even with unpredictable results, if the borrower involves an experienced credit lawyer. While the trial is ongoing, the debtor can hide his property from seizure or sell it, which sometimes cannot be saved by quick actions to secure the claim. In addition, courts very often make concessions to borrowers by establishing long installment or deferment periods. But one more point is important. If we look at the facts and statistics, it is quite standard for a situation in which a very small amount is withheld from the borrower by court decision every month. It’s no secret that many borrowers-debtors hide their unofficial income, and with a minimum wage it can take a very long time to repay the debt in pittance amounts.

Pre-trial collection, in turn, is not only more effective than the judicial process, but also contains many options for solving the problem, which can be combined. The main areas of legal pre-trial collection of loan debt are:

  1. Claim procedure. Within its framework, the bank (security service, collection department, legal department or other banking structure), as a rule, conducts correspondence and negotiations with the debtor. Letters, phone calls, SMS and the like are standard means of working with debtors.
  2. Contacting collectors. Since today this area of ​​activity is not yet regulated at a sufficient level by laws, specialized collection agencies, law firms, and even private detectives can act as collectors.
  3. The so-called sale of debt is the conclusion of an agreement on the assignment of the right to claim the debt.
  4. Foreclosing on collateral is only possible for secured loans, in particular, mortgages or car loans.

Pre-trial collection by the bank

When turning to means of pre-trial collection on its own, the bank is guided by the terms of the loan agreement and the provisions of the law. The bank has every right to do this, since in case of delay or refusal to fulfill its obligations, the borrower directly violates the contract.

When collecting debt on its own, the bank does not have much power. All his actions usually come down to negotiations. But more stringent measures are also possible, such as blocking debit, salary and other accounts, client deposits with direct write-off of debt from them. Such actions by the bank are legal only if this measure was provided for by the terms of the loan agreement or a court decision was received. In other cases, the debtor can appeal the actions of the bank by sending a claim to it or filing a claim in court. By the way, in court, if the bank’s actions are declared illegal, the debtor may also demand recovery of damages.

Collection through debt collectors

​Banks' appeal to collectors is the most common practice of pre-trial debt collection from individuals. It's all about efficiency, often on the border between legal and illegal methods, and sometimes even crossing all boundaries. By turning to collectors, the bank actually relieves itself of all responsibility for their actions. And, despite the fact that, from the point of view of the law, the powers of collectors are not much different from those of banks, their actions are always more active and even harsher in relation to borrower debtors. Due to this, in principle, effectiveness is achieved. Not all debtors are able to live in constant stress; turning to anti-collectors is an additional cost, so only those borrowers who really do not have the opportunity to repay the debt do not take any measures to repay the debt. At the moment, it is possible to resist the illegal actions of debt collectors only by filing a statement with the police about threats, violation of privacy, illegal use of personal data, extortion or other violations of the law.

Sale of debt (assignment of claim)

The practice of selling debt has not become very widespread in the banking environment. This is rather a last resort, since the bank's losses in this case will be significant. Borrowers should note that all statements by collectors that they allegedly bought the debt are, in most cases, fraudulent in nature. Debt collection services and acquiring the right to claim a debt are not the same thing. In any case, the transfer of the right of claim does not give the new creditor any powers other than those of the original one. All pre-trial collection will be reduced to the same methods that are acceptable for the bank.

Foreclosure of collateral

The collateral is collateral under the loan agreement, therefore, in case of violation of its terms, the bank has the right to initiate a procedure for foreclosure on the collateral. In fact, this means that the collateral will be withdrawn from the possession and (or) use of the borrower and sold at auction, followed by full or partial repayment of the debt. If the amount of funds received by the bank exceeds the amount of the position, the difference is paid to the debtor. If there are insufficient funds to repay the debt, the bank has the right to take other collection measures.

Contrary to the popular belief among borrowers that the bank is free to dispose of the collateral as it pleases, this is not true. The conditions and procedure for foreclosure on the collateral must be specified in the terms of the loan agreement. At a minimum, the agreement must contain a list and content of the bank’s rights in relation to the collateral. It is possible that in order to seize and dispose of the collateral, the bank will need a court decision, although such a condition is rare today.

No bank can boast of timely collection of all loan payments. Delay has always been, is and will be - that’s how people are designed. Therefore, any credit institution must be ready to work with borrowers who have fallen into arrears. Work with such debtors at the bank is structured and consists of several stages. Thus, one of the departments responsible for debt repayment is the debt collection department, the work of which is distinguished by its nuances that the client needs to know.

Work of the debt collection department: principles, features

At the stage when the loan agreement is transferred to the collection department, special employees begin working with it. As a rule, these are already experienced workers in the field of “soft debt collection” (specialists in working with overdue debts), including former representatives of law enforcement agencies. The approximate period for which a contract remains in this department is 6-8 months.

The collection department begins its work by sending a pre-trial claim to the address where the debtor is registered. Employees of this department are also engaged in calling all the telephone numbers available in the client’s profile in order to find leverage over the debtor who has violated obligations under the contract and has committed a significant delay. He himself is invited to the organization for a conversation on the topic of debt repayment. The ultimate goal of the work being done with the debtor is to obtain a specific date for repayment of the loan and, of course, the return of the bank’s funds along with accrued interest and penalties. Do not forget that during the delay, the loan agreement necessarily provides for the accrual of a daily loan, which represents a certain percentage of the total loan amount. All this is within the law.

If the client comes to the meeting, he may be offered various options for solving the problem:

  • pay half of the debt and divide the rest into equal payments. In the event of such an agreement, the penalty is usually suspended;
  • pay the entire amount of the debt (the penalty is automatically written off);
  • take a loan from another bank to pay off this debt or ask for financial help from loved ones.

Areas of influence of the collection department

If the debt collection department and the debtor have not found a common language or the debtor simply does not have the financial ability to pay the debt, the following scenarios are the most realistic:

  • the loan agreement is transferred to the legal department, after which the bank sues it;
  • the contract and client data are sent to special mobile groups specializing in collection. Field collection specialists working as part of such groups will make home visits to the borrower;
  • sale (more precisely, assignment of the right of claim) of the contract to collectors (within the framework of ) who will demand repayment using their own methods, or cooperation with collection agencies on the base (in this case there is no assignment of rights, collectors are hired to help in collecting the debt).

A little less often, the debt collection department transfers a problematic agreement to anti-fraud specialists - if the bank suspects fraudulent actions by the borrower.

Sometimes, if there is no collection department in the bank, the agreement may immediately go to collectors, which depends on the specifics of a particular bank, its scale and specialization features.

If your loan debt grows, and no amounts, even the most significant ones, are received, the bank begins to “worry more.” If you have no desire, because the penalty is already going through the roof, to pay the bank something, wait until the bank will sue, otherwise all your meager efforts will be written off as an unfair penalty. This will not affect your principal debt in any way. It’s easier not to pay pre-trial and wait for the trial. Do not carry water with a sieve! After the following were applied to you, depending on the internal instructions and fantasies of the bank: auto-dialer (auto-dialer, auto-informer), SMS information, calls from the call center and all this did not help - the ORPZ comes into play. This common abbreviation stands for Department for Work with Problem Debt, or problem debtors. The name may vary from bank to bank. There are departments for distressed assets, there is a collection department and a lot of other variations. They all have the same idea - their task is to “convince” you over the phone to urgently pay anything and everything at once. These departments are located directly in the banks, they are fully aware of the nature of your debt, they have all your contacts and data. As a rule, when they call, they do not comply with the Personal Data Law, but immediately move on to your question. overdue debt.

Pre-trial collection process in 2018

The principle of influence as they were taught - they ask, like bosses, and you report, answer, make excuses, try to delay something (subordinates). It is not good to allow anyone to apply banal psychology of pressure to you, which over time can lead to the moral state of a debtor (slave). Remember that you are a HUMAN and a citizen. Once you change the direction of the conversation and ask a question or questions, things start to get more complicated for the bank employees. As soon as in a conversation you are heard to say that you are required to introduce yourself in accordance with the Law, you start asking something - you will be given a REFUSAL. In general, employees of banks, call centers, and collection agencies like to record refusals. This doesn't affect anything in your case. Some go further and try to intimidate or crush you on a mental level. Be that as it may, all this talk is about nothing. If you, it is you, and not the bank, decide to pay only in court, then just wait for now the bank will sue and that's all. Answer every phone call with confidence - ALL in court! Dot.

Scary names like the PROBLEM debt department or the COLLECTION department and other things are nothing more than zilch. It doesn’t matter where they call you from, you still won’t be able to identify a person over the phone. If you want to talk, talk, as soon as you are tired or fed up, hang up! You are under no obligation to discuss your financial joys with anyone. Everywhere and everywhere the principle of documentation applies, so let them send you appropriately certified documents. If there is a dispute, go to COURT! Unlike other departments and call centers, these people, if you are interested, can provide information about your debt in terms of number of days and amount, although, to be fair, in some banks they give estimates of the amounts, which reduces the conversation with them to zero. As far as we understand, the approximate payment is not correct, and the phrases from the department employees: “You throw in a little more with a reserve” - indicate a negligent attitude towards clients in an institution where accounting must be accurate to the penny.

As soon as various departments have been unable to cope with you, and calls have no effect on you, and SMS messages are not a burden to you, and employees hang up when talking to you, although you do not insult them, “your business” travels to the main depot - to bank security service.

Tags:bank sues, loan debt, overdue debt

Pre-trial recovery procedure. How does this happen

Collection of credit debt is carried out depending on the specifics of each case. The simplest and least expensive method for the debtor of collecting credit debt is pre-trial negotiations, during which disputes are resolved and the procedure and deadlines for debt repayment and compensation payments are established.

Pre-trial collection is a method of debt collection, built on the basis of negotiations between competent specialists and debtors, the purpose of which is to resolve the issue of debt repayment with minimal financial losses for both the debtor and the Bank.

Pre-trial debt collection ranks first among all possible ways to resolve conflicts related to debt. The main reason for this is that this method is beneficial not only to the creditor, but also to the debtor: it allows both parties to avoid significant time, labor and financial costs. At the stage of pre-trial collection, it is possible to resolve the issue of debt repayment on mutually beneficial terms for the debtor and creditor using various forms of debt restructuring, and the use of various types of installment plans for the fulfillment of financial obligations.

It is very important for the lender and the Client to identify and localize the causes of credit debt at an early stage or during preventive measures. In this case, the efficiency of both the creditor and the debtor, aimed at preventing the occurrence and repayment of credit debt, will be maximum.

The main stages of pre-trial debt collection:

  • Preliminary notification of the Client about the onset of debt repayment dates.
  • Notifying debtors about an unfulfilled obligation in a timely manner (SMS notification, delivery of voice messages, sending emails).
  • Conducting telephone conversations, consulting debtors.
  • Preparation and sending to the debtor of written notifications about debt repayment:
  • Control of payment receipt.
  • Conducting meetings and negotiations with the debtor at the latter’s location.

The next stage of debt collection is the filing of a claim by the creditor with the debtor. The claim is the beginning of both the pre-trial and judicial stages of debt collection, since, according to the legislation of Ukraine, when filing a claim, a document must be attached to the statement of claim confirming the intentions of the parties to settle the dispute pre-trial.

If the methods of collecting credit debt, which include negotiations and other pre-trial procedures, do not work, and the debtor continues to evade obligations, the Bank moves on to the next stage of civil legal relations - forced debt collection. This, in turn, implies additional material costs for the debtor, as well as an increase in the time frame for debt settlement.

If the creditor together with the debtor at the pre-trial stage were unable to resolve the issue of debt repayment, and it is no longer possible to resolve this issue in any other way, it should definitely be resolved in court. And the lender can solve it quite successfully.

id="voprosy-i-otvety" >Questions and answers

We remind you that when making payments using your card in stores, you may be required to present a passport or other identification document. Credit funds are provided to you during the business day in the amount necessary to carry out this operation, within the unused balance of the credit limit.

In order to find out what the amount of debt on the loan is and what interest you have been accrued for using it, you have self-service channels at your disposal - Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS-Bank-Info, Call Center, as well as Bank offices.

Statements of your accounts for the past calendar month are generated monthly, no later than the 5th working day of the current month.

What is the Department of Pre-trial Collection?

It has the authority to collect debts under court decisions from Russian citizens and legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

And, along with this, for any claimant there is the possibility of independent actions to enforce a court decision on the basis of a writ of execution issued by the court.

In order for the FSSP to handle collection, a statement from the plaintiff is required. And, based on this application and the writ of execution, the Bailiff Service within 3 days issues a resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Pre-trial debt collection

We do not resort to dubious methods of debt collection and act within the framework of the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, using original ways of influencing the debtor. Pre-trial debt collection occurs with the development of an individual strategy in each current situation.

Pre-trial debt collection is one of the main ways to quickly repay a debt with minimal loss of time, as well as labor and financial costs for both parties.

Pre-trial dispute resolution

They are set out in the claim and must compensate for the damage that was caused to him as a result of the unlawful actions of the person. This method of resolving a dispute has many advantages.

Firstly, you can avoid unnecessary spending of money. At a minimum, you will be required to pay a court fee when filing a claim. Add to this the costs of copying and collecting the necessary documents, and you will understand that resolving a dispute in court is a really expensive process.

Dudin Alexey Sergeevich

After all, debtors pay first of all to those who “tease” them, and last to those who humbly wait for the awakening of the debtor’s conscience.

Having learned about the debt collection department that partners or competitors have, Russian managers decide to create a similar department in their company. They allocate space in the office, buy furniture and office equipment, recruit staff and consider that the “debt fighters” department is ready.

Tasks and tools for debt collection at the stage of pre-trial (out-of-court) proceedings

The first stage - the Soft collection stage - is accompanied at the initial level by a customer service manager (credit inspector), and then by a department for working with problem debts. In small businesses, these functions can be combined and performed by one person. This could be a customer manager or even a general director.

The main tools of this stage are letters, calls, claims, notifications, SMS messages, which do not require personal contact with the debtor.

Our services

negotiations with the debtor.

Conducting telephone conversations with the debtor regarding the repayment of the debt (warning about the need to repay the debt as soon as possible, informing the debtor about the consequences of failure to fulfill his obligations);

Verification, administrative support and management of the Client’s receivables (receiving information by phone from an authorized

Collection department

annual card maintenance (how do they force me to pay for unconfirmed transactions? I can’t wrap my head around it). And another 700 rub. where? I don't understand. I think this is an imperfection of the system + the employees are not people there, but robots who don’t know how to think for themselves.

And also, in my opinion, the bank distributes information to third parties, because...

What is pre-trial debt collection

they called my mother and told me the amount of the missed payment from

Pre-trial Collections Department

But this time for some reason I was in no hurry to repay the debt. Morally, I was ready to sue him, but I decided to first contact the company “Andrey Malov and Partners”, which was recommended to me by one of my friends, saying that this is a kind of pre-trial collection department, since they take all possible measures to resolve the dispute without trial. As a result, the lawyers of this company successfully represented my interests, and my buyer

Not long ago, Russians learned that banking organizations began to apply a new debt collection scheme.

Pre-trial collection department

Due to the innovations that were supposed to come into force with the onset of 2017, panic arose in society.

We'll tell you how the pre-trial debt collection process works, who should be afraid and what to expect in the near future.

What does the new simplified diagram look like?

Banking organizations began to use new debt collection scheme from your clients.

To do this, now bank representatives do not need to go to court and “knock out” debts by decision of the authorities, but only come with documents to a notary and get his signature.

Known that bank representatives will not, and cannot, change loan agreements previously concluded with individuals, because there are no legal rights to do this.

To simplify the work flow, it is now enough for the bank representative to take order with a writ of execution from a lawyer.

The document will confirm that he can, without a court decision, contact the bailiff service, who will handle the return of funds to the organization.

Who will be affected by the new debt collection procedure?

Of course, not all individuals will be involved in this process, but only those who have:

  1. Debt to a banking organization for a period of at least 2 months.
  2. A new type of agreement, which contains a line on the pre-trial procedure for debt collection. Please note that the old agreements did not have such a clause. The line in the new documents could have been added in the summer of 2016, when the bill was adopted.

According to the innovations, a bank representative must prepare documents, confirming that the client is a debtor and has not fulfilled his obligations for 2 months.

In addition, the specialist must notify the client in advance, approximately 2 weeks in advance that he will be forced to contact a notary.

They will also take into account whether the client has an additional agreement with the bank.

There is another option for the development of events. According to Alexey Barikhin, a lawyer at the Association of Public Organizations "Civil Control", a citizen has every right to go to court and file a statement of claim with his demands against the creditor.

However, the best option is to negotiate with the bank and come to a compromise solution on debt payments.

Advantages and disadvantages of pre-trial debt collection – what is the opinion of experts?

Basically, the benefits of the innovation will concern banking organizations.

Let's list what good will come from the pre-trial debt collection procedure:

  1. The main advantage is that the procedure and collection scheme will be simplified.
  2. The speed of return of funds to the organization will increase.
  3. The costs of banks that were spent on court resolution of cases will decrease. Contacting a notary will cost less.

According to Yulia Tarasova, Deputy Director of the Department of Troubled Assets at VTB24, the costs of banking organizations will decrease significantly. This will happen because the state fee for a lawyer’s services will be lower than the amount for going to court.

But the disadvantages of the innovation will affect borrowers-debtors and collection agencies:

  1. They will contact collectors less often, since the bank will directly cooperate with bailiffs, and it will not matter whether there is a court decision or not.
  2. There will be less work for collection agencies, which means a reduction in the number of companies cannot be avoided. And in general, according to the general director of the Collection Development Center, Dmitry Zhdanikhin, the pre-trial collection procedure means a reduction in the market.
  3. Borrowers-debtors will not be able to establish relationships with the bank and enter into negotiations.
  4. Clients of organizations will have to defend their rights through the courts. This is exactly how Dmitry Yanin, chairman of the board of the International Confederation of Buying Societies, put it. He believes that it will now become impossible for citizens to come to an agreement with the bank without third parties and organizations about possible debt payments.

Perhaps we can say unequivocally that the adopted bill was adopted for the benefit only of banking organizations.

It is worth noting that it will not be changed and will operate in full since the beginning of 2017.

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Pre-trial collection service

In order to find out what the amount of debt on the loan is and what interest you have been accrued for using it, you have self-service channels at your disposal - Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS-Bank-Info, Call Center, as well as Bank offices.

What does the bank's debt collection department do?

At the stage when the loan agreement is transferred to the collection department, special employees begin working with it. As a rule, these are already experienced workers in the field of “soft debt collection” (specialists in working with overdue debts), including former representatives of law enforcement agencies. The approximate period for which a contract remains in this department is 6-8 months.

Bank collection department

Important! The bank's claims department is more loyal to debtors than ordinary collectors. Based on a complaint from borrowers, an employee who has gone too far may be fired, which cannot be said about agencies where psychological influence is standard work carried out with a person.

Debt Collection Department

Most citizens get scared, get into new debts, but pay off the loan. A minority tries not to notice the threats, sends calling bank employees to hell and stubbornly does not pay. At the same time, banks by their actions violate several norms of the law. As soon as the borrower is overdue for the first payment on the loan, a not very polite employee of the collection department calls him and demands to pay immediately, and not only the late payment, but also a late penalty.

There are many nuances of forced repayment of loan funds, which are often unknown to the average person. The Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee received information from the Central Bank about the facts identified during the inspection by the regulator of Probusinessbank, which, in the opinion of the Central Bank, contained elements of a crime.

1. The branch “Department for the collection of alimony in the city of Aktau” of the Department of Justice of the Mangistau Region of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the branch) is a structural subdivision of the Department of Justice of the Mangistau Region (hereinafter referred to as the Department), which forms a unified system of justice bodies.

Judicial Collection Department

Are collectors happily threatening you with criminal liability under Article 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? Yes, there is such an article called “malicious evasion of repayment of accounts payable.” It is still problematic to bring anyone under it, especially consumer loan debtors, because for criminal liability to occur, several conditions must be present simultaneously:

Debt collection

Since January 2020, authorized structures have the right to collect debts for utility bills in a simplified manner. Organizations initiate legal proceedings, the court, based on the evidence presented, issues a writ of execution, which is sent either directly to the debtor’s bank or to his place of work.

Pre-trial collection department

The first stage - the Soft collection stage - is accompanied at the initial level by a customer service manager (credit inspector), and then by a department for working with problem debts. In small businesses, these functions can be combined and performed by one person. This could be a customer manager or even a general director.

Pre-trial collection procedure

The main thing is to then take these documents from your friend (relative), because according to the law, he now has every right to demand that you pay the entire amount of the debt. And if, God forbid, you quarrel with him and he goes to court, he will be able, no worse than a bank, to recover the Nth amount from you.

9 tips for dealing with debt collectors and bank collection services

The conversation between debt collectors follows certain templates (sets of standard phrases), so if you don’t have money to pay the loan and you understand that your arguments about losing your job and the inability to pay off loans are not interesting to your interlocutor, and the purpose of his calls and visits is simply to “fuck you” ”, also answer with the most standard short phrases: “yes”, “no”, “unlikely”, “I’ll try”, “I don’t refuse to pay, there’s no way now”, “I don’t know”, “I know”, “it’s from me doesn’t depend”, “it’s your right”, etc.

Department of Regional Judicial Collection Service

The State Duma adopted bill No. 985767-6 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of clarifying provisions on property valuation issues).” According to the document, banks will be able to collect loan debts without court decisions.

Pre-trial Collection Department

In case of non-payment of your debt under agreement No. 0101408***4 in the amount of * thousand rubles. Until July 25, 2014, representatives of the Enforcement Collection Department are planning a visit to your place of residence to identify and inspect the property, as well as determine the possibility of its further sale by the Federal Bailiff Service. I know that I have no debts.

Pre-trial Collection Department

Lawyer Reviews: 16,157 | Answers: 50 190 If they arrive, do not open the door, call 02. Do not pay until the court decides. Courts usually significantly reduce interest rates, penalties, and fines. If it comes to court, then you can send an Application to the Court with a request to grant a deferment or installment plan; if the court refuses, then you can try to resolve this issue with the bailiffs.

The principle of operation of the national collection service (NSV), official website

Life on credit is a deceptive joy from almost free benefits that appear just like that, and for which you have to pay sometime later. A large percentage of citizens neglect their debt obligations under a loan agreement, enough for both a national debt collection service and internal security services of financial organizations to emerge and operate stably.

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