What you need to know about the profession of grand estimate. Profession estimate engineer

Chercher 03.02.2024
Encyclopedia of Plants
Any construction work - from the construction of large industrial facilities to renovation of an apartment - requires drawing up an estimate. This is a document that takes into account all the materials necessary for construction and their cost, as well as upcoming construction, installation and finishing work and prices for them. A person who is far from construction, of course, will not be able to correctly draw up even an estimate for repairs in his own apartment, let alone develop this document for a construction project for industrial or civil purposes.

A well-written estimate is, in fact, a complete and detailed description of all technological processes that will be used to build a particular facility. As a rule, it is drawn up on the basis of a project developed by an architect or engineer. The estimator must correctly take into account not only the prices applicable in a particular case, but also existing building codes and regulations. As a result, the customer receives a document in which he makes an accurate calculation of each stage of construction and gives its total cost.

You can become an estimator by obtaining the specialty “Industrial and Civil Construction” or “City Construction”; training is carried out in architectural institutes and construction technical schools.

Qualification requirements for an estimator

An engineer or estimating technician must have a special construction education in order to have a good understanding of the technology of each stage of construction. In addition, you will need to complete special courses or undergo retraining in the direction of “Pricing and estimate rationing in”. These courses must be taken at intervals of at least 5 years, because new materials and new technologies are constantly being introduced.
As a rule, when hiring, the work experience of the estimator and his length of service in this profession are also taken into account.

In addition, the estimator needs to know the legislation and regulations in the field of urban planning, as well as industry regulations and methodological documents in the field of pricing and estimate regulation. The main documents, knowledge of which is required, include SNiPs - building codes and regulations that are in force throughout Russia. The estimator must know the procedure for developing, coordinating and approving project documentation, and the basics of design. In his work, he needs knowledge of the basics of accounting and taxation, economics and construction management, labor legislation and safety regulations.

Not a single serious undertaking that requires investment of money begins without a preliminary financial justification. To make a profit, it is necessary to know with a high degree of probability the amount of all necessary costs and the expected income. Calculating costs for each of the project items is the responsibility of the estimator; in addition, this specialist is assigned a number of functions, without which it is impossible to implement the undertaking.

Characteristic features of estimates

Estimation is used in all areas of activity, it is especially important in construction, where preliminary costs are very high. There are two types of estimate specialists:

  • economist - estimator;
  • engineer estimator.

In many ways, the functions they perform are similar. Often the difference is education. For the position of estimate engineer, candidates who have graduated from a university in such specialties as “City and economic construction” or “Civil and industrial construction” are accepted.

Accordingly, an economic education is necessary for an economist-estimator. However, for some and for others, it is absolutely necessary to undergo retraining (courses) on the issue of budget rationing and pricing.

When preparing financial calculations for the construction of a residential building or industrial facility, or installation of complex equipment, you must have special engineering knowledge, be able to read technical documentation, and understand diagrams and drawings.

Here an economist, if he does not have extensive practical experience in construction, may not be able to cope; a certified experienced engineer is needed. If we are talking about drawing up an estimate for a project not related to the technical field (for example, the service sector or manufacturing), then a specialist with an economic education is quite suitable.

Example of a job description for a specialist in the estimate department

The job responsibilities of an estimator are formed based on the specifics of the organization’s activities or a specific initiative that is planned to be implemented. All requirements for a specialist are recorded in the job description, which the candidate for appointment must familiarize himself with personally. Let's look at an example of such an instruction.


estimator ___________________ (name of department)

1. General part

1.1. The estimator is a specialist in the ______________ department, appointed and dismissed in accordance with the order of the head of the organization based on the recommendation of the head of the department.

1.2. The specialist reports to the head of the department, and in his temporary absence, to the person officially acting as head of the department.

1.3. A person with a higher technical or economic education and at least 3 years of experience in the specialty is accepted for the position.

1.4. The specialist must know:

  • current regulatory documents, methodological materials regulating the preparation of financial estimates and design estimates;
  • current prices, GOST standards, standard estimates, adjustment factors for construction, installation and repair work, the procedure for financing construction and installation work and settlements with suppliers and contractors;
  • fundamentals of technological processes performed during construction and installation work;
  • the procedure for drawing up repair and defective statements, title pages, as well as other technical documents;
  • basics of economics, management, organization of production;
  • labor legislation;
  • standards relating to fire safety and labor protection;
  • approved internal regulations.

1.5. The specialist in his activities is guided by:

  • legislative and regulatory acts on the preparation of project and financial documentation;
  • orders of the organization’s management and immediate supervisor;
  • charter of the organization;
  • job description.

2. Responsibilities

The estimator performs the following duties:

2.1. Prepares financial estimates for the reconstruction of existing facilities, repair of structures, buildings and equipment.

2.2. Conducts analysis of defective and repair lists, title lists for major repairs, working drawings of objects to be reconstructed or repaired.

2.3. Taking into account the results of the analysis of the total cost of repairs, data for calculating the cost of individual types of work (installation, cladding, plumbing).

2.4. Adjusts and clarifies financial calculations when planned volumes of work or prices for materials change.

2.5. Conducts verification of the correctness of estimates by contractors and prepares conclusions on these and other incoming financial documents.

2.6. Participates, along with other specialists, in assessing the cost of construction, installation and repair work not included in the estimates, as well as in the case of replacement of equipment or materials.

2.7. Participates in the formation of title lists for objects subject to reconstruction or repair.

2.8. Ensures work with contractors: monitors their compliance with established standards when preparing estimates, coordinates them, draws up reports confirming the volume of work performed.

2.9. Keeps records of budget and financial documents, analyzes and systematizes them in order to develop standard samples for regularly recurring work.

2.10. Develops measures aimed at reducing the cost of construction and repair work.

2.11. Upon request, prepares certificates regarding the cost of work.

2.12. Complies with fire safety and labor protection rules at his workplace.

3. Rights

The estimate specialist has the following rights:

3.1. Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization's leaders regarding its work at the project stage.

3.2. Suggest ways to optimize the performance of the duties provided for in the instructions.

3.3. Inform immediate and senior managers about shortcomings identified within the competence of the organization, and suggest ways to eliminate them.

3.4. On behalf of superiors or personally request documents (information) necessary for the performance of one’s direct duties from other employees or departments.

3.5. Demand all possible assistance in the performance of your functions from management.

4. Responsibility

The specialist’s responsibility arises in the following cases:

4.1. Providing management with inaccurate information about the performance of their job duties as specified in the instructions.

4.2. Refusal to comply with lawful orders and demands on the part of immediate and superior superiors.

4.3. Failure to take timely measures aimed at suppressing violations of safety regulations and fire safety regulations that may threaten the health of employees or the activities of the company.

4.4. Failure to fulfill one’s duties or to perform them improperly is within the limits of the country’s labor legislation.

4.5. Committing actions or inaction that resulted in material damage to the company - according to the norms of civil or labor legislation.

4.6. Committing crimes or offenses in the course of work - according to the norms of civil, criminal or administrative legislation.

Head (name of department) ____________ (signature) ______ (full name)

I have read the instructions _____________ (signature) __________ (full name)

_______________ (date of).

This instruction is written for the position of a specialist. However, it can be used as a basis and for instructions to a managerial employee, for example, the head of an estimate bureau or department.

To the responsibilities given in our example, it is enough to add the functions of negotiating with partners, managing subordinates, determining for them areas of activity, areas of responsibility and operational control over their work.

Profession estimator

No construction can be carried out without first calculating building materials and financial costs. These calculations are made by an estimator, who is both a construction specialist and an accountant. A well-prepared construction estimate helps builders complete the project at the lowest cost. Even before the start of construction work, the estimator can already accurately calculate the required amount of capital investment, which makes him a very useful and necessary specialist.

Estimator is a rather ancient profession, mention of which can even be found in the Bible. Calculation of construction costs was necessary at all times, regardless of whether pyramids, simple houses or luxurious palace buildings were built. An estimate is a document that contains all the necessary information about the cost of construction, starting with the price of building materials, transportation costs, storage, wages for builders, ending with the cost of connecting the facility to city communications, clearing and landscaping of the area.…

Estimator is a profession useful for society. Not a single investor will invest his savings in construction without an appropriate estimate document that will prove the feasibility and justification of the investment. The estimator is involved in many stages of construction, starting with a feasibility study of investments, determining the cost of objects under construction, reconstruction and repair of existing ones, ending with monitoring the progress of construction work and putting the object into operation. A good estimator can help the customer reduce and save costs.

Estimator is a promising profession. The growth of construction has made this profession in demand and popular. However, not every construction organization has a full-time estimator - often, he is invited from outside. Experienced and competent specialists are always valuable, because a correctly drawn up estimate is the key to the success of the entire construction company. The estimator must have excellent knowledge of the technology of construction work, prices for this work and building materials, as well as accounting, and must be able to conduct economic analysis. Drawing up an estimate is not an easy task, because the estimator has to draw it up on the basis of minimal data: drawings, descriptions of equipment and the main structural elements of the entire construction. In his work, estimate and normative reference books, which contain norms and prices, provide great assistance. A computer and specialized accounting and estimate programs provide great support in the work of an estimator, which should be periodically updated via the Internet.

This profession is one of the most in demand. A good estimator is worth his weight in gold. And he will never be left without work. After all, today many new buildings are being built, a large number of old ones are being repaired, and not a single construction and repair operation can be completed without an estimator. The advantages of the profession include good wages.
However, it is problematic for young surveyor specialists without experience to find employment - customers want to hire a person with at least a year of experience in their specialty.

There are no educational institutions that would train surveyors. People enter this profession after graduating from an educational institution in construction and economics, as well as after short-term specialized courses.


Even many adults do not know exactly what an estimator does. And even more so, he should know. What does an estimator do, is it hard for them to work? Let's find out!

People don’t dream of becoming an estimator since childhood, but any construction work, from large industrial facilities to apartment renovations, requires drawing up an estimate.

This document provides a calculation of the building materials required for installation, finishing work and their prices.

Is it hard to work as an estimator? Of course it's not easy! But in Russia, estimators are in demand in control and financial authorities, in design organizations, the investment sector, in construction organizations, when conducting examinations, in organizations of customer-developers. There are more than 300 thousand such specialists registered, and their number is constantly increasing.

What does an estimator do in construction??

A specialist in design documentation draws up cost estimates for construction, repairs, installation, and determines the cost for the customer. The most responsible processes are assigned to estimators.

Responsibilities include:

  • select the optimal prices for building materials, payment for construction services, transport services, and additional expenses;
  • use reference books, standards, GOSTs, SNiPs, adopted laws, regulations, safety requirements;
  • read drawings;
  • work in computer special programs;
  • use accounting knowledge, conduct economic analysis;
  • Prepare documentation of project costs and benefits.

And this is only part of what an estimator does in construction.

What a construction estimator should know?

To draw up an estimate, the estimator must know the technology of the planned work and pricing in the industry. He collects initial data, analyzes, and studies regulatory documents for a certain type of work.

To correctly assess and calculate the cost of work, it is necessary to take into account changes in prices on the construction market.

The estimator must have a good understanding of taxation, economics, accounting, labor legislation, and also know the procedure for developing and approving all project documentation.

He carries out calculations from the beginning of clearing the site for construction, connecting communications, supplying and storing building materials, construction, and until the completion of all work, including landscaping of the territory.

In addition to new facilities, the estimator develops documentation and makes calculations for the reconstruction of buildings, during major and cosmetic repairs.

A good estimate specialist will help the customer reduce construction costs and save large sums.

To draw up an estimate, you need to know all the new prices, use reference books, be aware of current discounts, promotions on building materials, and skillfully use such chances.

The main functions of an estimator include calculating the costs of completing a specific project developed by architects. And with these calculations, he must minimize all construction costs, analyzing and selecting the most advantageous offers for work and prices for materials. In addition to calculations, the estimator approves the customer’s estimate documentation.

The profession of an estimator is in demand in the construction industry. Having experience and good training, you can count on highly paid orders. The advantage of this job is that you can work remotely, from home. Having all the documentation and necessary programs, the estimator develops the project and prepares an estimate.

A specialist can manage several projects at once (the main thing is that this does not affect delivery deadlines and does not lead to delays).

The disadvantage of this profession is the difficulty of finding a job without work experience. Small firms do not hire an estimator, but order the development of a project under a contract. This is not very good for an estimator, because you can wait for the next order for months and look for new customers.

You can find and get a job in a large company with a decent salary only with work experience, having a portfolio with your completed orders, with positive customer reviews, or by recommendation.

Is it hard to work as an estimator?

Any work done competently and responsibly requires a lot of effort and knowledge. And such a complex profession as an estimator is associated with great responsibility for the project, eliminating any mistakes or miscalculations.

It is necessary to carry out tasks competently, carefully study a large amount of information on the project, compare possible costs, and find optimal solutions. The answer can be unequivocal: working as an estimator is hard.

In addition to work, you must constantly improve your knowledge, take advanced training courses, study new laws, regulations, and construction requirements. Developments in the field of building materials and changes in pricing require the estimator to quickly switch and analyze a large amount of information. This work is difficult and requires a lot of effort and knowledge.

The ability to prepare estimates requires a lot of experience and knowledge. After all, such documentation reflects the cost of construction, shows the available costs of materials, and the profit of the entire project. In addition, you can reduce costs or increase profitability. It turns out that an estimator is a specialist who combines knowledge about construction, finance and knows how to apply it efficiently in practice. There are a lot of nuances in this profession. You need to have a certain mindset to understand the essence of the work. Therefore, it is important to understand who an estimator is.

Estimator and his responsibilities

At the beginning of any construction activity, a document is drawn up where all costs are indicated. This is necessary to see the whole picture at once. The specialist is responsible for drawing up and approving a plan for certain types of construction work. He organizes the preparation of tender documentation, monitors the process, and reports on the project. Here it is important to calculate the object taking into account planned and actual volumes, based on the design documentation. His responsibilities include preparing reports of work performed, writing off materials, drawing up contracts and maintaining records.

Working as an estimator in this area is a very responsible process, during which the employee must correctly select and adjust prices. It is important to be able to use a huge number of reference books and standards. It is necessary to read drawings, work in special programs, and know construction technology. In addition, responsibilities often include economic analysis, which requires accounting knowledge. will always be able to bring the estimate to the ten percent difference between the preliminary and final cost of all work. An estimator is a specialist who will always be in demand in the construction industry.

Advantages and disadvantages

The profession of an estimator is considered prestigious and highly paid, which is its main advantage. In addition, a specialist in this profile can afford to work from home. Today this often happens in large companies. On the labor exchange, in the “remote work” column, such a specialty appears more and more often. This allows you to work on several projects at once, which is very profitable. Although working as an estimator has its drawbacks.

These include the difficulty of employing specialists who do not have sufficient work experience. Often, customers turn to professionals with a wealth of knowledge for help. To find a job, you will have to go through many different interviews. Small companies hire such a professional for a couple of projects, and after that the specialist needs to look for work again. Therefore, it is important not to waste money, but to look for a vacant position in a large and serious company.

Estimator salary

The estimator's salary is on average 20,000 thousand rubles per month. Often its level depends on the stability of the company, the number of job responsibilities, the specialist’s experience and the prospects for developing professional skills. Market labor conditions are such that it is difficult for a young specialist to find a decent salary. Employers require that an estimator have at least one year of experience.

Those who wish to receive a salary above 15,000-20,000 rubles must work in this field for more than three years, and also have a higher education diploma. Moreover, it is better to get it at a construction or technical university. If you also take estimator courses, your salary will reach 35,000 rubles. There is another category of specialists. They have sufficient experience in preparing various estimates. They have been in their position for more than 5 years. Can prepare tender documents. Usually the instructions for such a position are filled with a huge number of responsibilities. A professional here can count on a monthly salary of 60,000 rubles.


Basically, estimate professionals are engineers who graduated from a construction university. Although having a higher education is not so important. Today, an estimator can receive training through short-term courses. True, problems arise when finding employment, because such specialists have practically no work experience. To build your career, it is important to constantly improve your skills. Higher education is only a significant plus, but various courses, seminars, consultations can give a lot to such a specialist. In addition, it is important to own the appropriate programs, read professional sites and forums.


At the beginning of his career, an estimator is a theorist. He performs a minimum of duties, studies standards, budget programs. Then he moves into the production category. Here we directly prepare estimates, draw up contract agreements, and draw up reports of work performed. Then the level rises to estimator associated with pricing. In addition to the specified types of work, he maintains reporting documentation for construction and electrical installation work, reviews material consumption standards, maintains a design estimate archive, and much more.

Estimator without work experience

It is not difficult to take an estimating course, but experience plays a significant role in finding a job. Of course, each organization is individual in this matter. Some companies recruit employees from whom they “grow” good specialists. Others do not have this opportunity, so they need a professional with extensive experience.

Despite all the circumstances, the estimator is quite in demand in the construction industry. Indeed, in addition to new projects, a lot of work is being done to renovate existing buildings. The main task of such a specialist is to have a sufficient amount of knowledge, the ability to quickly grasp everything, and understand various branches of construction. This will completely compensate for the lack of experience. And its presence will only be a good addition. After all, an estimator is a specialist who knows how to show his creativity in maneuvering between prices, calculation methods and prices. These are the qualities that employers value in their specialists.

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