New year - new teacher certification: pros and cons. How is certification of educators carried out? Certification of teaching staff in the last year

Encyclopedia of Plants 06.02.2024
Encyclopedia of Plants

Certification of teaching staff is a mandatory procedure in all educational institutions. Moreover, this issue is regulated at the legislative level. All of them will need to be carefully read – especially by heads of educational institutions.

General provisions

Various civil servants, namely employees of educational government institutions, must meet certain standards.

Testing of teachers for professional suitability should be carried out once every 5 years, at least. Moreover, if for some reason the teacher fails the test two times in a row, then he is simply removed from work.

This process is carried out within the framework of the law - as is the verification procedure itself. You will need to carefully read all the nuances and subtleties of the procedure. Teachers themselves must also know all their rights and responsibilities. This is the only way to avoid standard problems. And also to protect your own rights yourself, without the help of outsiders.

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What it is

The certification process is verification and confirmation of certain qualifications of employees. It is important to note that this process has its own subtleties and features. All of them will need to be dealt with first.

The main goals of such events:

Indicators Description
Increasing the general level of professional training of teaching staff allows you to constantly make changes for the better in the educational process
Determining the need to improve the professionalism of teaching staff
It is determined how effective the work of teachers is in a specific field of activity. allows us to significantly increase this indicator by an order of magnitude
The potential of each employee is established
It is determined to what extent the requirements have been met defined by law for specific employees

It is important to note that this process is carried out only within the framework of legislation. That is why all persons, without exception, who are in one way or another related to the certification process, need to familiarize themselves with it.

This will allow you to avoid violations, as well as confirm compliance with minimal difficulties. The screening process may vary slightly depending on the specific position being reviewed.

The certification commission usually includes a wide range of specialists. You will need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. This is the only way to avoid standard errors, as well as all sorts of other problems. There is a wide list of subtleties and important points.

Who falls under the category

It is important to note that not all members of the teaching staff will be required to undergo this type of procedure. For some, an exception is made.

These include the following:

  1. Workers in the teaching field who previously received the highest or first category of qualifications.
  2. If the work is carried out in a position for less than two consecutive years.
  3. Those on maternity leave or simply pregnant.
  4. There is a disability due to injury or illness.

It is important to note that the results of such certification have legal force. And in the future, such data will serve as the basis for a variety of actions by management. It is worth working out this point in advance.

The following measures can be taken:

It is important to note that it is impossible to pass certification, passing qualifications is precisely the basis for termination of the employment contract. The employer has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.

Since the employee does not actually meet the requirements stated for a specific position. It is important to work out this point in advance. This is the only way to prevent standard mistakes.

Moreover, employees in the field of education have the right to undergo certification at their own request. If, for example, there is a desire to obtain one of the two current qualification categories. This point will need to be worked out in advance. If the test was passed successfully, there is no longer a need to undergo such certification again over the next 5 years.

If you want to undergo such certification again, you will need to wait until the previous one expires. The validity period will be taken into account until the specific inspection is completed. It is important to note that when moving from category to category, the waiting period may vary slightly.

Features of the procedure

The latest changes in the law on certification of teaching staff in 2019 relate primarily to documentation. And also a number of other points. You will need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

Moreover, changes take place almost every year. That is why you will need to deal with all of them in advance. Edits are constantly published. First of all – in special media.

These include Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Kommersant. This media reflects relevant information specifically regarding the introduction of amendments to the relevant legislative norms.

Basic sections that you will need to familiarize yourself with first:

  • what edits occurred;
  • when is it carried out?
  • Required documents;
  • actions in case of failure;
  • important aspects;
  • what is regulated.

What edits happened?

Legislative norms are changed every year. The main nuances that you should familiarize yourself with first include:

You will need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features of the process in advance. Especially if the teacher wants to voluntarily test his knowledge. Because this is the only way to avoid standard problems and difficulties. And also independently prepare all the documents necessary in this case.

Moreover, qualifications can be improved only if a special commission makes a decision. Its members evaluate competence. Also, when considering, the process of working with children must be taken into account.

At the moment, there are many subtleties that are related in one way or another to the preparation of documents. In the absence of mandatory inspections, the inspection may be refused.

When is it carried out?

The latest changes in Moscow certification of teaching staff in 2019 concern specifically the regional level. Do not forget that this legislative moment differs depending on the region in which the registration takes place.

The verification process itself should not be carried out less frequently than once every 5 years. But this applies only to mandatory certification, and does not include situations where the employee does not fall under a certain category.

The teacher also has the right to undergo this test on his own initiative. But again, there are some conditions here. In some cases, it will be necessary to wait a certain mandatory period of time.

Required documents

It is important to correctly prepare all the documents necessary in this case. For example, when passing certification for the highest category, you will need to provide the following:

Indicators Description
The application must be signed by the person being certified
A copy of documents confirming the completion of a previous similar procedure if this happened
Certified copy of diploma about obtaining secondary, higher or other education
A document that confirms that an employee already has a category in the field of education
Information that there was a change of surname if this really happens
Covering letter from the place of official employment

Actions in case of failure

It is relatively rare, but it still happens that a teacher for some reason was unable to pass certification at school. In this case, dismissal will take place on the basis of clause 3, part 1, article No. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, it is necessary to follow a special algorithm within the framework of which the procedure is carried out. Or it is possible to offer any other job that matches the employee’s qualifications.

After amendments were adopted to the Education Law in the Russian Federation, industry experts drew attention to some transformations in the certification procedure for the category of Russian teachers. Increasing the standards of teaching qualifications and thoroughly checking the level of staff training - such trends may become real objective requirements for teachers in the near future. Let's take a closer look at what will change in passing the certification of teachers? Who can go for retraining? Mandatory and voluntary certification: features of the procedure.

What changes have been made to the teacher certification procedure?

According to amendments to the Law on Education (Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012), a new model for certification of teaching staff was introduced in 2018. According to the authors and developers of the concept, it is designed to improve the entire teaching staff, leaving only qualified and experienced personnel after certification.

Starting from 2018, teachers will undergo certification sequentially, in two stages:

Stage 1. Confirmation of professional teaching skills and compliance with their position in the school.

Stage 2. Protection of teaching qualifications: a special commission will analyze whether the teacher’s qualification level was correctly assigned. If the category is confirmed, the teacher will receive advanced training.

It must be said that when passing the certification, a specially created commission will focus on the quality of the candidate’s preparation in the following blocks:

    knowledge of the discipline;

    teaching skills;

    communication and interaction with students;

    checking psychological preparation: analysis of the teacher’s reactions to various situations, including stressful moments.

Who will be affected by the teacher knowledge test in 2019?

According to the provisions on the routine certification of teachers, it is carried out once every 5 years. Accordingly, in 2019, testing knowledge, skills and psychological preparation will be mandatory for all those teachers who passed it back in 2013.

    First of all, these are teachers who will soon go on maternity leave (their certification will be scheduled after leaving);

    secondly, these are teachers already with existing qualifications;

    thirdly, new teachers whose work experience at school does not exceed two years are exempt from certification;

Teachers who have been on long-term vacation (4 months or longer) may not be certified. The law requires them to undergo routine training 12 months after full return to the state.

Read also: Will there be a salary increase for Russian teachers in 2019?

Voluntary certification for advanced training of education workers

In 2019, all educational workers have the opportunity to voluntarily improve their qualifications unscheduled. At the same time, it is important to say that not only uncategorized specialists, but also those personnel who have been assigned the appropriate qualifications can undergo certification on a voluntary basis. In order to qualify for unscheduled recertification, a teacher must already have had the category for 24 months, that is, 2 years must have passed since passing the commission the previous time.

In order to apply for voluntary recertification, a teacher must first contact the school management. Next, a corresponding application is submitted to the department of education at the location of the school. If a candidate meets the basic requirements for unscheduled recertification, he or she may not be denied testing.

In conclusion, we would like to add an important note: those teachers who for some reason do not pass certification (mandatory or voluntary) will be sent for additional training. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that this is not about removal from teaching, but about comprehensive and high-quality retraining of specialists.

A teacher is not just a person who conducts lessons and gives grades. This is, first of all, a mentor, friend, educator who not only develops the child’s mental abilities, but also reveals his pupil as a person.

Very often in the media we can hear that the level of education in our country is an order of magnitude lower than it was in Soviet times. Since then, a whole generation of teachers and the education system itself have changed. So why is the quality of knowledge slowly falling down, and what to do about it?

In 2018, certification of teachers will take place in two stages, where teachers will be able to prove their professional suitability and show whether they are suitable for their position. Let's take a closer look at what teacher certification is and who will take it?

Certification of education workers is a form of testing teachers for compliance with the position held and the requirements for a modern teacher. During the test, the quality of performance of teaching functions and the professional level of the teacher are determined.

Recertification must be done every 5 years. After successful completion of the procedure, the teacher may be assigned a qualification category.

Who conducts the certification

To carry out the procedure, a special certification commission is created, which includes the chairman of the commission, a deputy, members of the commission and a secretary. The commission is composed primarily of employees of the organization in which the tested teacher is employed, as well as employees of the education committee.

Who does not need to undergo certification in 2018

Certification of teachers is divided into two categories: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification applies to teaching staff who have already participated in this procedure. The following are exempt from this procedure:

  • teachers who have worked in the field of education for less than 2 years;
  • qualified teachers;
  • a teacher who was absent from work for more than 4 months due to illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • employees on maternity leave.

It is worth noting that employees on maternity leave will be able to undergo certification 2 years after reinstatement to this position. Teachers who were unable to pass certification due to illness have the right to undergo the procedure one year after returning to work. If a teacher expresses a desire to undergo testing, the commission admits him to certification immediately.

Voluntary certification is carried out by persons who, of their own free will, want to improve the level of their qualification category

How to get certified

Mandatory certification of education workers in 2018 will be carried out under the strict control of the certification commission. Until this year, the teacher himself wrote an application, which was considered by the head of the institution. Now the main responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the educational organization itself.

To do this, the teacher needs to prepare the following documents:

  1. Statement from the teacher with his personal signature.
  2. A copy of a diploma of higher pedagogical education or a retraining diploma in the taught profile.
  3. A copy of a document confirming the presence of previously assigned categories.
  4. A copy of the results of the previous certification, if this test is repeated.
  5. A copy of your marriage certificate, if your last name has recently been changed.
  6. Characteristics of a teaching worker, written by superiors, which clearly shows the level of professionalism of the teacher.
  7. An information card reflecting the results of a teacher’s professional activities for a specific period.

From 2018, teachers will be presented with more stringent requirements, which means that not all those certified will be able to pass the test. Teachers will not be fired, as this is not the purpose of the certification. Teachers will be sent to various advanced training courses and master classes.

A modern school needs valuable personnel, so the level of knowledge will increase not through changing teaching staff, but through training existing teachers. The duration of the certification process lasts no longer than 60 days

More information about the application to the certification commission

Please note that the application for certification can be either printed or handwritten. This document must provide information about the professional activities of the teacher. To write an application, the teacher needs to fill out the following information.

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case.
  2. Position indicating the subject, discipline and direction.
  3. Place of work, municipal area.
  4. Indication of the desired qualification category.
  5. Membership in a trade union organization.
  6. List of copies of available documents.
  7. Mobile, home and office phone, email.

Also in the application you can indicate your teaching experience, the university where the certified person studied, and mention awards and titles (if any).

Already this year it was said that now pedagogical certification will take place once every 4 years. Rosobrnadzor insists that teachers be inspected every 2-3 years according to the following criteria:

  • level of knowledge in the subject being taught;
  • psychological characteristics of the teacher;
  • testing skills in teaching.

But many teachers consider this type of verification incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a higher education diploma received at a university.

Sooner or later, every teacher must go through the procedure of testing their ability to work in this field. But you should not treat certification as a punishment or an exam, which is what many teachers mistakenly do. Let this test be a source for every teacher to discover new knowledge, teaching abilities and improve their level of skill.

Video news

The latest changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018 can be called a continuation of events that began back in 2013, when the education development program until 2020 was approved. One of the two goals spelled out in the document is to ensure high quality Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and long-term goals for the development of Russian society and the economy. From this moment on, activities began to develop human resources, as an important factor influencing the quality of the entire educational system, and certification is used to assess the state of the personnel.

State of affairs today

In 2018, RANEPA experts conducted a sociological study “Monitoring School Effectiveness.” To do this, they used data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and their own research. As a result, they found out the following:

  • 42.4% believe that the certification results are “absolutely objective”;
  • 49.4% consider them “rather objective”;
  • 6% chose the option “rather biased”;
  • 2.2% considered them “completely biased”;
  • 61.3% of study participants believe that the results of certification primarily influence increases in the size of the incentive bonus;
  • 43.9% associate them with the chances of keeping their job;
  • 70.3% consider certification an important event for improving the quality of teachers’ professional activities;
  • 9.4% expressed their opinion that certification is nothing more than a formal procedure that does not affect anything.

The head of the study, Tatyana Klyachko, said that this result is most likely due to the fact that teachers are accustomed to the procedure, they know when to undergo it in order to improve their skills and know what to expect. A small percentage of dissatisfied people can be explained by “personal situations”, for example, if a teacher has a conflict with the administration, which, in his opinion, does not allow him to grow up the career ladder.

Tatyana Klyachko and co-chairman of the Teacher trade union Vsevolod Lukhovitsky believe that the upcoming changes will lead to an increase in the workload on teachers, and their overall reaction will be negative.

What to expect from the new certification system?

In his May decree of the year, the President of Russia stated the need for our country to enter the top ten in terms of the quality of general education. He demanded the creation of a teacher growth system in which there would be levels of proficiency in professional competencies, and certification results would confirm them. The main goal of the changes is to give every teacher the opportunity to develop in their profession and provide them with a convenient system of career growth.

To solve this problem, a “road map” was developed, within the framework of which the project “Creation and implementation of a model for certification of teaching staff based on assessment of their qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education” is being implemented.

Today, certification in different regions can take place differently, which prevents a common understanding of the best professional practices of teachers. Therefore, the experts took the teacher’s professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for general education as a basis and decided that unified federal assessment materials (EFOM) should be used for certification.

EFOM is a variety of tools for assessing the work actions of a teacher in the framework of performing professional tasks. They differ for each level of teacher qualification and allow one to assess the level of professional competencies of the teacher: methodological, subject-related, communicative and psychological-pedagogical.

From May 21 to June 22, 2018, the new model was tested with the voluntary and confidential participation of teachers from all over Russia.

This certification model includes the following:

  • independent assessment of the teacher using the EFOM for four competencies;
  • analysis of contextualized conditions and results of professional activity.

Also, to pass the EFOM you must provide additional materials:

  1. Lesson summary in free form.
  2. Video lesson and indication of its fragments that demonstrate the competencies being tested.
  3. Own assessment of your professional activities.
  4. Example of graded student work.

In addition, participants had to solve tasks related to psychological, pedagogical and communication competencies. And as a “bonus”, the new model will require information about the teacher’s working conditions, an analysis of the results of professional activity provided by the employer, and reviews of teacher graduates who graduated from school at least four years ago.

The results of the test drive and feedback from participants will be studied by the Approbation Expert Certification Commission, which was created specifically for this purpose. It included winners and prize-winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition, representatives of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and other pedagogical associations. A public and professional discussion of the results is planned for September of this year, and the results should be summed up at an all-Russian conference in November.

Teachers' opinions

In 2018, the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” asked for the opinion of Moscow education workers about the latest changes in the certification of teaching staff. Almost all of them are dissatisfied with the upcoming innovations. The chairman of the United Independent Association of Teachers of Moscow, Ekaterina Morozova, believes that there is nothing new in the project. The only thing, according to the teacher, that looks like something new is a video lesson, and even then, anyone can make a staged lesson and record it on video. What then is its meaning?

Chairman of the Association of Primary School Teachers Elena Volkova believes that there is still something new. We are talking about providing information about the employer and feedback from graduates. Only in the first case, in her opinion, everything looks like a paper game, and the second is too fantastic to be applicable in practice.

Chairman of the Independent Association of Literature Writers Roman Doschinsky believes that the idea of ​​​​creating a vector for teacher growth is good, but it should have been done without complicating the already difficult work of a teacher. Most of all, he is worried about who will process all the information about the person being certified and how to avoid the human factor in this matter.

Olga Zhitkova from Moldova, chairman of the Association of Computer Science and ICT Teachers, agrees with experts who are wary of innovations. She believes that a teacher has so much work to do that it is necessary to constantly think about certification, and it is best to evaluate a teacher based on the results of his students.

“I’m sure the teacher’s time shouldn’t be wasted on his certification,” head of the Moscow Department of Education Isaac Kalina supported his colleagues.

The negative attitude towards innovations in the capital is not least due to the fact that it now has its own certification model for the first and highest categories. Its distinctive feature is that it is based only on the real results of the teacher’s work with children and does not distract from work. No bureaucratic reports are needed, and participation in the meeting of the certification commission is optional. All data for certification is taken from the resources of the Moscow Electronic School (including the electronic journal), and not just the results are taken into account, but their dynamics. Moreover, all this data is always available to both members of the certification commission and school management, as well as to the teacher himself.

Isaac Kalina believes that the new certification model may be suitable for graduates of pedagogical universities, but not for teachers. Moreover, it contradicts Olga Vasilyeva’s position on respectful attitude towards the teacher, which she has repeatedly stated.


The most important thing for the teaching community today is to thoroughly study the latest changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018, influence how certification will take place in the future, together with experts, ultimately come to a model that would suit everyone - both the Ministry of Education and experts, inspectors, and teachers.

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The new certification model, which is currently being tested, includes:

Independent assessment of a teacher’s qualifications based on the use of EFOM(unified federal assessment materials) – from 0 to 60 points;

Analysis of contextualized conditions of professional activity (employer’s certificate) – from 0 to 10 points;

Analysis of the educational results of the teacher’s activities – from 0 to 25 points;

Taking into account the opinions of graduates of general education organizations – from 0 to 5 points.

EFOM(unified federal assessment materials) include:

1. Subject competencies (performing diagnostic work on the subject).

2. Methodological competencies.

3. Psychological and pedagogical competencies (assessment of individualization of training, assessment of the formation of universal educational actions of students).

4. Communicative competencies (assessment of educational aspects of teaching activities, assessment of the creation of a motivating educational environment).

Competence is understood as the ability to perform professional actions (in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher) on the basis of professional knowledge, skills and professional judgments.

To assess the development of psychological, pedagogical and communicative competencies at the action level An analysis of a sample of a teacher’s professional activity is carried out, which includes:

Lesson plan (summary),

A video lesson with video fragments indicated in it, illustrating the competencies being tested,

Samples of student’s independent work (with assessment of these works by the teacher),

Reflective self-report.

The development of competence in terms of professional knowledge and judgment is tested in solving cases (pedagogical tasks and situations) aimed at assessing the professional thinking of teachers.

There are four levels of teacher qualifications, in which only the difficulty levels of tasks will change:

  1. “Entry into the profession” (professional exam) is a mandatory certification. For persons applying for the position of teacher from among graduates of professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education, persons with secondary vocational education or higher education, who do not have work experience as a teacher, as well as those who do not have work experience as a teacher in the previous five years.
  2. Compliance with the position of TEACHER - mandatory certification.
  3. The first category is optional certification.
  4. The highest category is optional certification.

The transition to a new certification model will occur in the coming years. The developed model is currently being tested and improvements are being made.

Approbation is not certification, that is, it does not have social and labor consequences, including the establishment of qualification categories for its participants. The object of research in this case is not the competencies of teachers, but the certification procedures and materials themselves.

It is also important to recall that, in accordance with the approved “road map” for the formation and introduction of the NSDS, 2018 is the year of testing and finalizing the new teacher certification model, and in the first half of 2020, the final testing of the new teacher certification model should be carried out - after development and testing EFOM in all subjects for which the period is defined from March 2017 to December 2019.

  • change
  • answer

– We will send proposals agreed upon with the Russian Ministry of Labor to the Government. This will introduce new positions: senior teacher - methodologist and leading teacher - mentor. These names were also worked out jointly with the All-Russian Trade Union of Education in order to preserve the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension, other benefits and social guarantees that are provided to our teachers,” summarized the Deputy Director of the Department.

During the event, S. D. Ermakova noted that the legal framework will establish the right of teachers to undergo certification in a new format - using the EFOM, and during the transition period of the introduction of a new certification model, teachers will be able to choose the format for passing this procedure.

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