Horseshoe spells for money. Horseshoe conspiracies

Engineering systems 17.11.2023
Engineering systems

The problem of wealth and poverty has always existed, exists now and will not go away in the future either. Some people own untold wealth without particularly straining themselves, while others get into debt so much that their grandchildren will probably have to pay off loans for them later. Life is very expensive these days. Just a few years ago, a certain amount of money could buy enough food to fill a refrigerator for a week, but now the same amount is barely enough for a couple of days. Nobody wants to sit and count pennies to have enough for tomorrow. Any person dreams of living well, beautifully, so to speak, so as to never need anything. I want to buy my child any thing that he points his finger at, and not make up excuses like: “Son, today mom forgot her wallet at home. Next time I’ll definitely buy it.” And when you come home, you understand that you are unlikely to be able to buy your baby what he so dreams of and he will have to play with his friends, for whom parents can buy such an expensive thing or toy.

Yes, human happiness does not lie in wealth and money, but, as they say, such a saying was invented by people who don’t even count their money, but are accustomed to throwing it away in all directions. There really are people in the world who have never starved or borrowed money from anyone. And, you know, not all of them spend days at work and save money for decades so that they can live well later. Many of them are just lucky people who are lucky enough to have a good life in life. Do not despair if you are a little less fortunate, because there are real ways that will help change your financial situation.

Has it ever happened to you that one fine morning you opened your eyes and suddenly decided that you want a new laptop, for example, or a smartphone? Now these thoughts will not upset you, because then you could not afford to pamper yourself with such expensive things, but now you can. How? Quite simple. Magic and simple conspiracies and rituals to attract good luck and money into your life will help you with this.

What is a money plot and can it be done at home?

A conspiracy is a small text that programs you to achieve what you want and creates the energy necessary for this in the house. Sometimes you will need to perform some kind of ritual, consisting of actions that are in no way connected with what you are asking from higher powers, but you should not be too surprised and neglect the rules of this or that ritual. Don’t forget that all this is necessary not so much so that you get a certain result, but so that you have time to really focus on your desire and forget about everything else, throw out thoughts that would prevent you from getting in tune.

Of course, a conspiracy for money and good luck can be done right at home. There is no need to look anywhere for magicians, hereditary witches and psychics. Many of them, unfortunately, are the most ordinary charlatans, because those who really have some inexplicable power and abilities will not waste them on such trifles and will help people who really find themselves in hopeless situations. You can, of course, spend time and money, which, by the way, you already have very little of, and visit a “professional”. But, before that, you should know that it will work the same way as you could yourself. This person will simply perform certain actions, say something that will create a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. Everything is needed so that you are confident in his abilities and, thereby, program yourself to obtain the expected result. Just try a home spell for money, and then you can go to someone if it makes you feel safer. You will not lose anything, rather, you will gain if you do everything right and follow some rules.

Homemade money plot - reading rules

1. Weigh all the pros and cons of the situation one more time. You must understand that any magic can result in unexpected consequences for you that you did not think about in advance. If you are really ready for everything that life will throw at you after the money conspiracy comes into effect, then you can get started.

2. If you are completely satisfied with your life, and you don’t need money or luck too much, then you don’t need to cast a spell just out of curiosity. It is clear that there will be no result. A person who resorts to the help of magic must really be in a hopeless situation and really really need what he asks for. Your thoughts should be occupied only with what concerns the conspiracy and ritual. You must truly believe in what you are doing.

3. The spell for money and luck must be repeated verbatim, as written on paper. Do not rearrange words or change them. If a word is difficult for you to read and you constantly stumble on it, then simply reread the spell in your mind several times right before you pronounce it.

4. Conspiracies and prayers for money cannot be read by women who carry a baby under their hearts. An unborn child is very vulnerable to such things. The first rule talked about the consequences that can overtake you. If you are pregnant and are still going to read the plot, then consider that you are making a fool of your baby if something suddenly does not go according to plan.

5. Different spells and prayers for money should be said at different times of the day and on a certain day. Be sure to take this into account. If you read the plot on the day you please, neglecting all the rules, then, naturally, this is the result you will achieve.

6. If powerful spells for money are given to you by another person whom you asked for it (not a sorcerer, a witch, but a simple person), then you need to give him something in gratitude. Please note that in such cases you cannot give money or alcoholic drinks. It could be anything other than the above.

7. If the conspiracy you are pronouncing is directed at you personally, then you need to properly prepare for it. You need to fast for three days before you are going to read the plot to attract money. It is also forbidden to make trouble with relatives and, in general, it is better to stock up on positive emotions. You cannot steal or kill animals.

8. Be sure to keep everything related to the conspiracy secret. Don’t tell even your closest people that you are going to start talking, and even more so, you shouldn’t talk about what you won in the end. Remember that this is purely your business and you should not talk about it.

A strong spell for money on the waxing moon

Please note that this money spell can only be done on a waxing moon. Otherwise, you will only waste your time and will not get what you want. To carry out the corresponding ritual, you will need several paper bills of any denomination and exactly the same number of coins. The conspiracy is done only at night. The following words should be said over the money: “Magnificent moon, you are growing so quickly, so let my income also increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so quickly because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house.” Take the money and put it in a place where it will be illuminated by the moonlight, and then go into another room. The room in which you will be, like the room in which the money lies, illuminated by the moon, should be dark; the light cannot be turned on until you are finished.

After two hours, you can enter the room with money. Take a wallet that you use every day and put that money there. Memorize these coins and bills or, ideally, mark them with a marker, because they cannot be spent for thirty days. They must be in your wallet in order to attract more money there. These coins and bills are endowed with the positive energy of the moon, and it is she who is the best assistant in such matters. When a month has passed, you can safely spend this money and, if you want, perform the same ritual again.

A very strong money plot from Vanga

I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded of who Vanga is. This was a man endowed with special strength and gift. No one dared to challenge her abilities, because it was clear that she was no charlatan. Vanga shared some effective conspiracies with the world. One of them was a conspiracy to attract money.

In order to carry out the ritual, take a small piece of black bread. At the time of reading the plot, your stomach should be empty. This means that you must not eat two or three hours before this ritual. Wait until nightfall, find the quietest and most peaceful place in your home and you can begin. Make sure that no one will disturb you or interrupt you. If this happens, you will have to start reading the plot all over again.

Place a piece of bread right in front of you and say the following words over it three times: “God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help all members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring good luck to me and take away grief. May the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my home and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen". After these words are spoken, the bread must be eaten.

This conspiracy is one of the most powerful. If it seems to you that quite a lot of time has passed and there is no result, then don’t worry, it will definitely come, just a little later. Analyze whether you did everything correctly, how clearly you pronounced the words and whether you stumbled anywhere. If you are sure that you performed the ritual properly, then all that remains is to wait, and if not, then nothing done can be returned. A strong money plot from Vanga cannot be repeated again. This ritual is performed only once.

Home spell for money and luck

There are also this kind of conspiracies that can bring not only wealth, but also good luck that will accompany you at work, at home, in buying and selling something, etc. If you are unlucky enough to be born a happy person, then you can always make yourself one with the help of a conspiracy for money and good luck.

This conspiracy also belongs to the category of the strongest, so it is forbidden to read it several times. Take the preparation of the ritual and its implementation very seriously. Take one candle each in white, brown and green. Try to find candles of exactly these colors, because color plays a role here. Green represents the money you are about to summon; white symbolizes the purity and spiritual lightness of the person performing this ritual; brown color is the work itself that you are currently doing.

To perform the ritual, choose any time of day convenient for you. You must be alone. Sit at the table and place three candles on it so that you get a triangle. Light the candles from right to left, saying the following words: “There is a fire burning in my soul. There is power and strength in money, so let me have both power and authority.” Watch the candles burn for a few minutes without looking away, and then connect them with one deft movement. You should get one big candle. Watch it closely until it burns completely. As soon as this happens, you should collect the wax and hide it in a secluded place. Keep it as a money talisman.

Dear women, if strong money spells really helped you, and a white streak has come in your life that brings good luck, happiness, peace and wealth, then still remember what kind of person you were before all this. Don’t forget about the people who supported you in difficult times and surrounded you with maximum care. If one day they need your help, even financially, then be sure to give it to them. The more you help others with your money, the more money you will have.

Our ancestors were very superstitious. Of course, the world around them was much more unpredictable than ours. However, you can learn a lot from them.

The world of myths, spirits, fortune telling and witchcraft lives in each of us. Somewhere deep down in our souls we all still believe in brownies, Baba Yaga and the devil. Why not. A fairy tale is nearby. But not every fairy tale has a happy ending. In the world of spirits there are not only positive characters, but also negative ones. You need to be able to defend yourself against such people.

This article is about how, following ancient Slavic beliefs, to protect your home, attract good luck, wealth and happiness to it.

1. Attract good luck to your home

A horseshoe over the front door is probably the most famous way to protect your home. But here you definitely need to know a few rules on how to hang it correctly.

  • The horseshoe is hung only above the front door.
  • If you are hanging a horseshoe from the street side, then it should be placed with the horns facing down.
  • If you are hanging a horseshoe above a door inside the house, then it should be hung with the horns facing up.
  • You need to hang a horseshoe on one nail. The owner of the house must hammer it in.
  • It is advisable to say a spell before hanging a horseshoe for good luck. To do this, all family members need to take hold of it and say the words: “For happiness, for prosperity, for good luck, for the love and health of our entire family!”
  • It needs to be hung so high that it cannot be reached.
  • Don't let strangers touch your horseshoe, otherwise your luck will be lost.
  • If a horseshoe suddenly falls, this is a very bad sign. In this case, bury it away from home, as a large amount of negative energy has accumulated in it. You can nail a new one in place of the old horseshoe.

2. Protect the entrance to the house

A horseshoe works great to attract the best and brightest things into your home, but does not protect you from the dark at all. For protection, it is necessary to place a barrier at the entrance to the house. For this purpose, a nail was used in Rus'.

  • On the waxing moon, you need to buy three nails without change. If you can’t buy exactly three nails, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take change. Drive one nail at the top of the door and the other two at the bottom. The nails should form an equilateral triangle. After this, enter the room, close the door and say a conspiracy to protect the house from evil people:

“Three nails in my door. The first will kill all enemies, the second will destroy all non-humans, the third will take away all evil. All words are turned into action, all nails are turned into favor.”

As long as the nails are in the door, the protection plot will reliably protect the home from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts.

  • You can also drive a security nail into the door jamb, which is located opposite the entrance. It is important that the nail is new, without traces of rust. Before driving the nail itself, you need to dip it in a glass of cold water and quickly pull it out. Enter with the words:

“As long as you are beaten, nothing will harm my family.”

    The threshold of the house also needs to be cleaned. First, sweep and wash the threshold. While sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the plot:

“I sweep away ailments, illnesses, damage and cramps, evil eyes, brought and carried. My threshold is marked, blessed by God. Amen".

  • You can wash the threshold with salt water. Throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the following spell:

“I added salt and soaked it with water. Just as salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll away, turn away, come back! There she goes! I didn’t call you!”

Dirty water must be poured out at a pedestrian intersection. After the water is poured, go home without looking back. The ceremony is not over yet. Take salt and sprinkle it on the threshold. In this case, you need to read the plot:

“Salt from Maundy Thursday! Drive out sickness and pain from your home! Keep everything evil, all misfortunes and dashing things at bay! Evil spirits will bypass this house. As I said, it will happen!”

2. We correctly arrange objects in the house

  • In the kitchen It is very important to follow the rule of “Slavic Feng Shui”. The stove (stove) should not be placed next to a window, so that the family’s wealth does not erode along with the heat, and next to water. If this is not possible, then place a wooden board between these items. The refrigerator should not be in the same row as the sink and stove. Place it opposite, and so that the refrigerator is between them. Ideally, you should get an isosceles triangle. This promotes balance in family life.

  • So-called "red corner" - the farthest corner from the entrance diagonally. In this place there should be icons or other symbols of the holiness of the family hearth. You cannot store old unnecessary things here, as well as sharp objects or weapons.

  • Children's room. Use any turntable in this room. This will help avoid conflicts with the child, improve relationships, and maintain spiritual closeness.

  • Family dining table. Ideally, it should be round and stand in the center of the room or kitchen so that all family members can fit behind it. It should be possible to approach the table from any side.

3. Moving

  • When moving to a new home, you definitely need to celebrate a housewarming party. When going to the house, the time was chosen as early as possible, before sunrise, and, moreover, not on Monday or Saturday. This was done in order to avoid moving from house to house often. The master and hostess entered the room together, holding bread and salt in their hands, and the children followed them and said on the threshold:

“Gentleman, please take us to the little house, you should be calm, don’t bother us, we’ll just buy a hut for ourselves, the rent is for you.”

Then, upon entering the room, they placed bread and salt on the table.

  • When moving to a new house, first they brought in the icon and bread and salt, and then the rooster and chicken. Having settled in, they held a housewarming party, treated relatives and friends to dinner, and then everyone present had to send bread and salt to the new residents. Moreover, it was believed that the richer the bread, the more respect the sender expressed, and many added to this a silver salt shaker, sugar, tea, etc.

  • There are words for a rich and happy life in a new home. When starting to build a house, place small change at three corners of the future foundation, saying:

“Peace, tranquility, wealth. To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

  • During construction, on the plot in front of the house, hang a wedding ring on a woolen thread made of sheep's wool and walk through your garden (dacha) plot crosswise with the words:

“My God, my Grace, don’t let me take even a speck of dust from this place. Just as a dead man does not see the light, so a thief will not harm this place. My watchmen in heaven. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Om."

Another important tip - don’t hoard old things, throw away everything you don’t need from time to time. Along with this, unresolved problems will go away.


Detailed description from several sources: "Prayer for Horseshoes" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Horseshoe spell for good luck

Everyone knows that an iron arch falling from a horse’s hoof brings happiness. This sign exists in different nations. But you still need to figure out how to properly use a horseshoe. Specialists of various stripes have already come up with so many things that it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand. How to hang the amulet and where? Will it be a talisman or a talisman? What should you say to activate its magical power? What is the horseshoe spell for good luck, for protection? First things first.

Which horseshoe should I use?

First of all, let's figure out which item is magical. Anyone, you say? Right. But there is one small clarification. If a horseshoe is made of natural materials, then its power is good. But all kinds of synthetics add neutral energy to it, which an evil sorcerer can take advantage of. A negative entity is introduced into it so that it takes away any kind of well-being from the house or from the aura of the owners.

Therefore, it is advisable to use a real horseshoe. If it is not possible to get one, then buy a magic item made of wood or metal. Be sure to read the horseshoe plot for good luck. Otherwise, it will not begin to act immediately, and it will be of little use. But first you should clean your new talisman. For this, brine is used - saline solution.

It's done like this. Bring the horseshoe home. Pour water into a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Stir and place the future amulet there. The horseshoe should be kept in the brine for several hours. Then rinse with running water. Dry and leave in the sun to soak up the light. And take the brine outside the threshold of the house (or the gate of the yard) so that the negative does not stick.

Horseshoe spell for good luck preparation

Horseshoe spell for good luck

To activate the amulet, a special ritual is performed. Focus on the rise of the moon. It will work faster this way. Buy three candles from the church. Secure them on the table with an equilateral triangle and light them. Place the horseshoes in the center of your magical figure. Read the Lord's Prayer. While the candles are burning, you need to say the following words three times:

“I gather strength into a horseshoe and direct it into my destiny. As the light gathers in it, life (list all household members) is filled with luck. Light - to the light, troubles - out! Amen!".

You need to wait for the candles to go out on their own. Usually a small piece of wax remains from each. Rub it on your new amulet. Now it must be placed in a place of honor: on the front door. This ritual also has its own horseshoe spell for good luck. By the way, this amulet is used not only at home. People carry it into service with pleasure. And if there is no such opportunity, it is inconvenient to hang a horseshoe in the office, then use another spell for good luck in business. There are many of them, for any situation.

Horseshoe spell for good luck to work

Hanging a horseshoe

"God help me! Protect from evil forces! Angels fly over the horseshoe, filling our house with happiness! Amen!".

Afterwards, the horseshoe is nailed with one nail. There is a lot of controversy about the position of the amulet on the door. Actually the question is simple. If you want to drive out the evil that has accumulated at home, point your horns down, and if there is already peace in the family, then point them up. So, the horseshoe will attract well-being. Place it as needed in your case. And if the goal changes, then change the position, there is nothing scary or forbidden about it. This is your amulet.

Do your friends and acquaintances know that you must read the horseshoe spell for good luck in order to activate it? Share information about this on social networks (icons below). This is a good deed. You will help people, and reduce your karma a little! Good luck!

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Love spell for good luck or how to get rid of bad luck

Has it ever happened in your life that everything went awry: problems were replaced by problems, you were unable to achieve your goals because various obstacles arose every now and then? It’s as if someone from above decided to launch their own reality show to test your strength and endurance, making you its main participant.

If yes, then do not be upset - such periods, which are popularly simply called a black streak, occur at least once in the life of every person. Just because you have somehow angered your fate and luck has turned against you. Meanwhile, there is a fairly simple way to turn this capricious person in your direction again and make her your constant companion. I'm talking now about love spells. Yes, yes, and luck can be bewitched.

People often come to me with complaints about life and the troubles they have overcome, which squeeze all their energy and strength out of them. Usually, after a love spell for good luck, I receive a lot of gratitude, and this is the best reward for my work. The good luck ritual will definitely work, and you can easily do it yourself. I will share this knowledge with you completely free of charge.

How magic works

Love spell for good luck- This is a magical ritual, the purpose of which is to change a person in such a way that he begins to attract favorable circumstances to himself. In the process of performing this love spell, the person himself who is haunted by troubles, or some object - a talisman of good luck, which subsequently must be carried constantly with him, is usually charmed.

The magical effect of the ritual for good luck corrects a person’s life program, as a result of which he begins to attract only the positive, and the negative is miraculously repelled. At the same time, the consciousness and thinking of the former loser change: he gains self-confidence, gets rid of his complexes, and forgets about fears. His worldview changes, a stable attitude towards the best is established in his life. As a result, luck and luck follow him literally on his heels and accompany him in all his endeavors.

Types of love spells

Depending on the ultimate goal, good luck conspiracies are divided into several types:

  • for luck in life– attracts luck in all areas of a person’s life;
  • from failures– eliminates the black streak in life, cleanses the energy from negative influences;
  • to win the lottery– in gambling;
  • for luck in business– attracts good luck to a person in his business, increases profits;
  • for luck– cleanses a person, his thoughts and energy from negativity.

As you can see, there are quite a few rituals for good luck, but they have one common purpose - to make a person luckier and happier.

What to consider?

By performing a ritual for good luck, you do not have to be afraid of negative consequences. The vast majority of these rituals belong to white magic and are quite harmless. However, they may not work if they were made incorrectly.

In order for the love spell to work, I think it is necessary to focus on the factors that will help you achieve what you want and become a lucky and successful person.

  • Strictly adhere to the love spell instructions: observe the deadlines, the necessary paraphernalia, and the words of the spell.
  • After the ritual, do not forget to work on your worldview: watch your thoughts and words, do not allow negativity.
  • Be kind and generous. Do not allow anger, envy, self-interest, hatred to take over you.
  • Help the plot for luck - look only for the good in everything.

That's all. It doesn't require any hellish effort. At first, of course, it may seem difficult to you to live in a new way and order, without noticing the negativity, but then you will understand that life in a world full of joy and pleasure is much more pleasant and comfortable than where aggression and anger reign.

How to cast a love spell for good luck

We attract luck to the house with a horseshoe

From time immemorial, a found horseshoe was considered a symbol of good luck. Of course, now it’s almost impossible to accidentally find a real horseshoe, but you can purchase its analogue as a souvenir and read the spell on it:

“The horse galloped, bringing good luck. So you, horseshoe, bring us luck and success, happiness and goodness.” .

After this, hang the talisman over the front door of your house or apartment - so that its horns certainly look up, resembling a bowl.

We charm the horseshoe talisman

Buy a pendant in the shape of a horseshoe, put it on a cord or chain, and cast it on the third lunar day (preferably in the first hours - check it using the lunar calendar). The plot must be read while holding a horseshoe under running water:

“Water, water! Don't be too lazy to pour. You are strong, you are pure, like the kindness of the Universe. Charge my horseshoe, empty house will have good luck. Luck so that it doesn’t translate, so that it sticks into my destiny. Let it grow together with me, as if I were its hero. Let him go through life ahead, opening the gates to everything cities".

Read it 7 times and immediately hang the pendant around your neck and wear it without taking it off.

The energy of this love spell depends on the strength of the water flow; it is better to cast it near the bank of a fast mountain river. If this is not possible, simply turn on the faucet at full power. At first, this ritual must be repeated every month to open the flow of your energy and learn to live with a new way of thinking.

Getting rid of the black stripe

This must be done on the waxing Moon. Go to the cemetery during the day and find an unmarked grave. Place a piece of pie and a few coins on it, and place a glass of milk. Bow three times and say the following spell:

“You should remember, dead man, and take away everything bad and bad from me, forever and endlessly. Let it be so from now on and forever and ever! Amen!"

Read the plot 3 times, then, without looking back, leave the cemetery. The action begins immediately, and the results will appear within a few weeks.

I can’t believe it, but the talisman really works! I found a new job, established relationships with everyone, all problems are solved, as if I had a magic wand. I recommend!

And the conspiracy at the cemetery helped me. I just couldn’t get rid of the black streak; I couldn’t stand it anymore. I decided to go to the cemetery, although it was so scary to be alone. But the result was worth it.

Interesting! I'll try it today)))

Can these love spells for good luck be done at any age?

The horseshoe really works. When I was going through a very unfavorable period in my life, leaving the entrance I found a gold chain with a horseshoe pendant on the ground. At that moment I thanked God very much, considering this to be God’s providence.

At the beginning of the year, my mother unexpectedly died, followed by a divorce from my husband. I’m so tired of this terrible black streak, I don’t know what to do, I’m mentally exhausted. I’ll try to cast a love spell for good luck, but I’m terribly afraid of cemeteries, but I’ll try to go so that it will finally end.

And I’m afraid to do various love spells and conspiracies. After I got carried away with them, on the contrary, things got even worse for me. Maybe it's just a black streak. Maybe they will start working again later. But for now I will not resort to such methods.

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Horseshoe spell

This CONSPIRACY read on a horseshoe for good luck in the house:

Take a horse's shoe and speak to it. This should be done during the waxing moon:

Yell at the wolves in the field, and luck will jump on me. Amen .

Hang a horseshoe above the front door with the horns facing up.

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This prayer corrects fate, delivers from failures, illnesses, damage, the evil eye and witchcraft

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Horseshoe spell

“As a young horse galloped along the road, as a zealous horse did not know its rest, so may good fortune come to us, bring prosperity and happiness to our home. Protect us, warn us of trouble, drive away other people’s anger from us. Amen.”>But not every horseshoe is suitable for the ceremony - it needs to be from a young stallion. The conspiracy is whispered by the mistress of the house, and the horseshoe over the front door (ends up) is then nailed down by a man - the head of the family or the eldest in years. If the family consists of only women, then it is permissible to call a relative or a good friend who is well related to the family.

money in the bank conspiracy

Money is desired, needed - awaited! Paper, gold, copper, simple! Follow the path towards us - go from the bank to our house! Amen

How to make a spell on a horseshoe.

Early in the morning, immediately after the new moon, when there is already a young moon in the sky, you need to go up to the horseshoe and put your right hand on it, and then be sure to close your eyes in order to concentrate better, and say the following words of the spell on the horseshoe:

Like collecting Strength from a Horseshoe,

So to my dear child (full name)

I drive away everything bad from him (her),

I attract love and joy to him (her).

And then you need to hug your child in order to secure that path of happy Power on him. If this is not possible, then you can talk to him on the phone or send him a letter, but be sure to tell him about your parent’s love.

* – thief in ancient Slavic – thief.

To the waxing moon.

You will need: 1 cup of boiling water,

1 tbsp. dry chamomile, horseshoe, paint brush.

Pour boiling water over the chamomile, set it to cool, then cover both sides of the horseshoe with the resulting tea (using a brush).

At this time say:


may luck fill my cup,

bring it here

so that the house is filled with joy.

Let her fill it to the brim.

Let the radiant flow

pouring straight from space!

Bring me luck now

Let it be as I want!

according to which the Slavs held

waste horse shoes in their homes


a horseshoe is a must, supposedly

Let's listen to what the elders say on this matter:

“You don’t have to find a horseshoe.

The only 99% IMPORTANT thing about a horseshoe is that it was trampled by a horse,

and the horse energy was preserved on the horseshoe. Whether he found it or not is not important. In ancient times, the Slavs specially went to the blacksmiths and took their used, “charged” horseshoes from them in order to attract LUCK and PROSPERITY to the house.” (From the words of the Altai old believer SVETOZAR).

It is believed that it is nailed above the doors horseshoe tips up brings good luck, happiness and prosperity.

A horseshoe above the doors with the tips down, it will protect you from evil forces and bad thoughts of other people.

Horseshoe in the car will protect against accidents and bring the owner good luck in business.

A horseshoe placed on the windowsill on the first night of the full moon with its tips inward will attract money into the house.

Before placing a horseshoe, you need to awaken its magical power. To do this, take the horseshoe by the two arms and say the words:

“Like I nail a horseshoe, I protect my house from evil and drive away all troubles over the threshold, and attract goodness and joy to myself.”

Both the owner and the hostess must take part in this process (except in cases where one person lives in the house).

Despite the fact that most horseshoes are now made of simple metal, the ancient symbol remains a powerful amulet and talisman among many peoples.

The main thing is that it is made of metal and well-worn, i.e. from the horse's hooves.

You also need a spell that will bind all four elements together and prevent your luck from running away:

An unbroken horse broke his leg.

The veins will grow together, the blood will mix,

Everything that is torn will be connected again.

There are many versions. One thing we can say with certainty is that a person intuitively chooses the right decision. The version that you like the most, which will be closer and clearer to you - this is your way to hang your lucky horseshoe correctly. We will offer you options, and choose which one to follow yourself.

Version two: symbolizes a vessel in which happiness, contentment, joy and peace in the home are collected

Version three: so that the house is full

Version four: protects the house from evil

Version one: everyone who enters the door on which the horseshoe hangs will be showered with happiness

A horseshoe for good luck is one of the most famous talismans. Indeed, since ancient times it has been used to bring a lot of good luck to homes; the horseshoe protects from the evil eye, damage, negative influences, and does not allow evil spirits to penetrate inside.

Do you know where this tradition originated? It is useful to know where the energy of luck can come to you. To do this, buy or find a horseshoe, try to charge it - it’s not difficult, it won’t take much time, and the talisman will serve you faithfully for many years. There is a simple ritual for calling luck into an object - perform it at home. Everything will definitely work out if you choose a horseshoe talisman.

Where did the tradition of hanging a horseshoe for good luck come from?

They say that Saint Dunstan was a very skilled and skilled blacksmith. One day the devil himself appeared to him, put his cloven hoof forward and offered to shoe him. But the Saint was not as simple as it might seem. Dunstan tied the devil at the door and began to shoe him very roughly. The evil one was in great pain, he screamed and asked to be released. The saint took an oath that the devil would never enter that house where a horseshoe was nailed to the wall. Thus, this is evidence of good luck - the devil will not get to you either under his own guise or in any other way. And all the black energies will not be able to enter with it. Since then, the most ordinary horseshoe began to be hung on doors or walls.

There is another story. In the Middle Ages it was believed that witches were afraid of horses. That's why he flies on a broom. A woman who sold her soul to the devil for magical powers will not be able to enter a house where there is something of a horse. For example, a horseshoe. This is how residents have protected themselves from evil witchcraft since ancient times. The symbol has evolved for a long time, and is now used specifically to attract success, good luck and happiness to the home. But, in the old fashioned way, it will also protect from witches. Although, witches are considered messengers of the devil, so the stories are largely similar to each other. Believe it or not - decide for yourself. In any case, such a horseshoe will not harm the house.

Is it possible to create such a talisman yourself?

This is not only possible, but also highly desirable. Such an amulet will not only decorate your home, but will actually work. The most important thing in any subject is what emotions you charge it with. If you know a blacksmith, ask him to forge a horseshoe for your home. He can decorate it with an intricate design or simply give it as a simple gift.

You can easily buy it in a souvenir shop or esoteric store. There are a lot of offers - choose the one you like. Now they sell already decorated compositions that can be used as home decoration. But, your trump card will be the ritual. Charge the horseshoe - let it really bring you good luck.

Ritual of charging a horseshoe with good luck

It is necessary to assemble a small altar. Place a glass of holy water in the North, and a bowl with earth or salt in the South. In the East let there be a fir cone, and in the West - a wax candle.

  • Place the horseshoe in the center. It doesn't matter whether you found it, bought it or made it.
  • Light a candle and cross each element.
  • Call on Fire, Water, Earth and Air to help you.
  • Read the text of the plot to attract good luck:

“It is true that the Lord God gave five loaves, it is true that his son is Jesus Christ, it is true that our Lord is merciful. I ask you, O Lord God, turn my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give that luck three roads and let one of them lead to my threshold, and let grief and failure go along the road to the snake’s womb, there it lives, there it exists. I’ll tie a clean bank, I’ll tie it with silver, now I can’t count the money, and I won’t know grief. I close that lock forever with the key, and throw the key into the deep sea. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Now you need to take a horseshoe and nail it above the front door.

It protects your home from the interference of evil forces, brings good luck and peace.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly

Different countries around the world have different answers to this question. Somewhere they hang them with their horns down, and somewhere up. The choice is, of course, yours.

  • England, Ireland

Up. This way happiness will not flow out of the house. If the horseshoe turns over by itself, this is a strong prediction that cannot be ignored. We urgently need to turn it over, because otherwise there will be no luck.

  • Europe, America

Here they believe that with the horns facing down, luck flows into your home. And if it turns over, they don’t pay much attention. Where there is a horseshoe, luck will always be there, it doesn’t matter how.

  • Russia

Horns down.

Horseshoes are nailed to the front door or hung above it. This way no evil will get into the house. Windows do not protect, because it is believed that evil spirits will not pass through the window. You can also wear it on yourself. A real horseshoe won't work here, but a small piece of jewelry will look good. You can make it yourself from scrap materials.

Other items that bring luck to the home

It is very useful to have some items at home. They can be disguised as jewelry, but you know their real power. A few simple things that you probably already have can bring you good luck. Try to find them.

  • Garlic

Hanging a braid with heads of garlic will ward off evil forces and bring a powerful charge of good luck home.

A very powerful biological material. If you talk to him, luck and happiness will stick to him.

  • Pins

Must be kept at home, but definitely locked.

  • Bells

Silver or metal. Let them ring more often. Hang them where there is a draft or air flow - their ringing will drive away all evil.

  • Candles

It is very useful to have wax candles at home. They are expensive, you can buy 1-2 and light them on holidays.

  • Mirror

You can only keep a whole mirror at home. This is a powerful symbol of attracting good luck. If it is broken, it is better to throw it away immediately. Never look into a broken mirror.

Attracting positive energy into your home is quite simple. But quarrels, scandals, betrayals greatly upset the balance in energy terms. Hang a charged horseshoe at home - help yourself, protect yourself from troubles. This is a proven talisman that has delighted its owners for many centuries. A simple symbol will become your reliable protector.

Let us consider in detail a love spell for good luck at home - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Does a love spell work for good luck?

A love spell for good luck is a special conspiracy that helps the person on whom the ritual was performed, everything in life turns out in his favor. Many of us have noticed that there are people who succeed in any undertaking: a business bought from a bankrupt becomes successful, work goes well, complex negotiations go “without a hitch,” clients are delighted, employees are happy, etc. Entrepreneurial talent? Natural charisma? Or maybe the effect of a conspiracy for good luck.

How does a spell to attract good luck work?

You can bewitch good luck by charming the person himself or using an amulet that should be constantly worn on the body. The principle of a love spell for good luck is the adjustment of the life program. A person’s thoughts, sensations, and emotions begin to work, pushing away negativity and attracting luck. Self-confidence appears, thinking changes, complexes and hidden fears disappear. Gradually, the vision of the surrounding world and one’s own role in it becomes habitually positive, and a person, without any amulet, becomes a magnet for good luck and positivity.

Good luck spell at home

If you want to become a lucky person, but do not want to turn to specialists, you can try to attract good luck yourself using the following tools:

Horseshoe for happiness

An ancient symbol of good luck and fortune is a found horseshoe. But if there is no real horseshoe on the farm, you can buy an analogue souvenir and read a love spell over it: “The horse galloped, bringing good luck. And you, horseshoe, bring us luck, success, goodness and happiness.” Then attach the horseshoe above the entrance to the apartment (necessarily, with the “horns” up!).

Periodically, you should place the talisman in the sun's rays to renew strength, cleanse and energize. Before re-hanging the horseshoes, read the hex again.

You will need a small mirror, a blue bag sewn for it and a piece of paper on which you need to write your date of birth, last name, full name and patronymic. Say a curse without letting go of the mirror: “Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove them from my path, only attract good things, luck and success to me. Amen, amen, amen."

The bag with the mirror should be worn throughout the first week, and after that it should be used as needed, as a talisman that brings good luck and protects against troubles.

To open the way to new opportunities, attract money and luck, you should shower yourself with unprocessed “live” grains of wheat, barley and coffee. Grains are symbols of life that can leave a mark on the person “showered” with them.

What coins are needed for a love spell for good luck?

A ritual to attract good luck in financial matters should be performed on the waxing moon. Turn so that the moonlight falls on the right pocket, where the silver (or silver-colored) coin lies. Take out the coin and hold it so that the reflections of light play on the surface of the metal (it is advisable to leave it overnight to “charge” under continuous moonlight). Carry the coin with you always as a talisman for good luck.

In every action and word you should put your desire to get lucky, to become successful and rich. After all, the main rule of a love spell for good luck is your faith in its effectiveness.

Love spell for good luck or how to get rid of bad luck

Has it ever happened in your life that everything went awry: problems were replaced by problems, you were unable to achieve your goals because various obstacles arose every now and then? It’s as if someone from above decided to launch their own reality show to test your strength and endurance, making you its main participant.

If yes, then do not be upset - such periods, which are popularly simply called a black streak, occur at least once in the life of every person. Just because you have somehow angered your fate and luck has turned against you. Meanwhile, there is a fairly simple way to turn this capricious person in your direction again and make her your constant companion. I'm talking now about love spells. Yes, yes, and luck can be bewitched.

People often come to me with complaints about life and the troubles they have overcome, which squeeze all their energy and strength out of them. Usually, after a love spell for good luck, I receive a lot of gratitude, and this is the best reward for my work. The good luck ritual will definitely work, and you can easily do it yourself. I will share this knowledge with you completely free of charge.

How magic works

Love spell for good luck- this is a magical ritual, the purpose of which is to change a person in such a way that he begins to attract favorable circumstances to himself. In the process of performing this love spell, the person himself who is haunted by troubles, or some object - a talisman of good luck, which subsequently must be carried constantly with him, is usually charmed.

The magical effect of the ritual for good luck corrects a person’s life program, as a result of which he begins to attract only the positive, and the negative is miraculously repelled. At the same time, the consciousness and thinking of the former loser change: he gains self-confidence, gets rid of his complexes, and forgets about fears. His worldview changes, a stable attitude towards the best is established in his life. As a result, luck and luck follow him literally on his heels and accompany him in all his endeavors.

Types of love spells

Depending on the ultimate goal, good luck conspiracies are divided into several types:

  • for luck in life- attracts luck to all areas of a person’s life;
  • from failures— eliminates the black streak in life, cleanses the energy from negative influences;
  • to win the lottery- in gambling;
  • for luck in business- attracts good luck to a person in his business, increases profits;
  • for luck- cleanses a person, his thoughts and energy from negativity.

As you can see, there are quite a few rituals for good luck, but they have one common purpose - to make a person luckier and happier.

What to consider?

By performing a ritual for good luck, you do not have to be afraid of negative consequences. The vast majority of these rituals belong to white magic and are quite harmless. However, they may not work if they were made incorrectly.

In order for the love spell to work, I think it is necessary to focus on the factors that will help you achieve what you want and become a lucky and successful person.

  • Strictly adhere to the love spell instructions: observe the deadlines, the necessary paraphernalia, and the words of the spell.
  • After the ritual, do not forget to work on your worldview: watch your thoughts and words, do not allow negativity.
  • Be kind and generous. Do not allow anger, envy, self-interest, hatred to take over you.
  • Help the plot for luck - look only for the good in everything.

That's all. It doesn't require any hellish effort. At first, of course, it may seem difficult to you to live in a new way and order, without noticing the negativity, but then you will understand that life in a world full of joy and pleasure is much more pleasant and comfortable than where aggression and anger reign.

How to cast a love spell for good luck

We attract luck to the house with a horseshoe

From time immemorial, a found horseshoe was considered a symbol of good luck. Of course, now it’s almost impossible to accidentally find a real horseshoe, but you can purchase its analogue as a souvenir and read the spell on it:

“The horse galloped, bringing good luck. So you, horseshoe, bring us luck and success, happiness and goodness.” .

After this, hang the talisman above the front door of your house or apartment - so that its horns certainly look up, resembling a bowl.

We charm the horseshoe talisman

Buy a pendant in the shape of a horseshoe, put it on a cord or chain, and cast it on the third lunar day (preferably in the first hours - check it using the lunar calendar). The plot must be read while holding a horseshoe under running water:

“Water, water! Don't be too lazy to pour. You are strong, you are pure, like the kindness of the Universe. Charge my horseshoe, empty house will have good luck. Luck so that it doesn’t translate, so that it sticks into my destiny. Let it grow together with me, as if I were its hero. Let him go through life ahead, opening the gates to everything cities".

Read it 7 times and immediately hang the pendant around your neck and wear it without taking it off.

The energy of this love spell depends on the strength of the water flow; it is better to cast it near the bank of a fast mountain river. If this is not possible, simply turn on the faucet at full power. At first, this ritual must be repeated every month to open the flow of your energy and learn to live with a new way of thinking.

Getting rid of the black stripe

This must be done on the waxing Moon. Go to the cemetery during the day and find an unmarked grave. Place a piece of pie and a few coins on it, and place a glass of milk. Bow three times and say the following spell:

“You should remember, dead man, and take away everything bad and bad from me, forever and endlessly. Let it be so from now on and forever and ever! Amen!"

Read the plot 3 times, then, without looking back, leave the cemetery. The action begins immediately, and the results will appear within a few weeks.

How to cast a love spell for good luck

A love spell for good luck is a very popular ritual, with the help of which all life circumstances always turn out in favor of the customer. You can cast a love spell for good luck either on the person himself or on a specific object, which will later be used as an amulet.

After the love spell ritual is performed, the person’s energy field begins to repel negativity and attract luck. It is these people who are usually called lucky in real life.

A simple and effective love spell for good luck

A love spell for good luck using honey is very popular. The ritual uses solar energy, which makes it very effective. It is honey and the energy of the sun that in magic are considered symbols of abundance and fortune. For the ritual you will need to use copper coins as additional attributes. Soviet copper coins or Feng Shui coins are quite suitable. The ritual takes place on a sunny Thursday during the waxing moon. First, you need to smear the prepared coins with honey and place them in a stack, fastened together, on a white porcelain saucer without rims or designs.

The saucer with coins should be placed in the sun on the eastern or southern side of your own home and left there for the whole day. At the first sign of sunset, the saucer with coins should be brought into the house and left in a secluded place for several days. This ritual is unique in that it does not require pronouncing any magic words, because the sun's rays and copper coins themselves will attract good luck to your home. The main thing for success is a sincere belief that in this magical way you will attract good luck to yourself.

Charming amulets

Love spells for good luck using charmed amulets are very popular. By far the most widely known magical object is the horseshoe.

Ritual at the horseshoe

For the ceremony, you can use either a real horseshoe or a souvenir purchased in a store. To cast a love spell for good luck, you need to focus on the positive aspects of life and push away the negativity around you.

The magic words with which you can spell a horseshoe are as follows:

A horseshoe charmed for good luck must be hung in a visible place above the front door with its horns facing up. From time to time, such a talisman should be placed under the sun’s rays to remove the negative collected by the horseshoe and renew its positive energy charge.

Ritual on the mirror

You can also turn an ordinary pocket mirror into an amulet. First, as a cover for it, you should sew a bag from blue natural fabric. Before the ceremony, on a small piece of paper you need to write your full name and patronymic, as well as your birthday.

After this, you should pick up the mirror and say the following words:

For the first week, you need to carry the enchanted mirror in a bag with you constantly so that it is saturated with your energy and begins to act like a magnet, attracting good luck into your life. Then such an amulet should be kept in a secluded place and taken with you only at very important decisive moments in your life. When charming any amulet into the process, you need to invest as much as possible your own desire to attract good luck to yourself.

Magic love spells to attract good luck in life

In the modern rhythm of life, it is very important when a person is lucky in everything. After all, it is very important to be on time everywhere and do everything so that everything turns out great. What to do if your luck has run out and you haven’t had any luck lately? Then magic comes to the rescue, so you can cast a love spell for good luck. And then life will be filled with pleasant positive events.

You can return your luck with magic

You can make a love spell on the person himself or on something that will always be with him.

You can make love spells to attract good luck into your life using magical rituals that are performed with ordinary objects:

  • personal items with which magical actions are performed;
  • good luck love spell on a church candle;
  • attracting good luck with grain;
  • magic ritual with a silver coin;
  • horseshoe - a love spell for prosperity in the house.

Love spell to attract good luck

This ritual should be performed before midnight. To carry out you will need:

  • three candles;
  • a bucket of water, preferably spring water;
  • any container with earth;
  • personal item (scarf, jewelry, mirror, etc.)

Place a bucket of water, and standing in front of the bucket, say the words of the spell three times:

“Water, cleanse me, remove the heavy burden from my mind and soul. Just as you wash away dirt from stones, cleanse the blackness, wash away from me too, take away everything that I don’t need in life: pain, loss, grief. As I said, so be it!”

Now you need to pour this enchanted water on yourself.

Charmed water will wash away all failures

After these actions, you need to light candles in your bedroom and place them on the floor in the form of a triangle, stand in the center and say another spell three times:

“Holy flame of fire, give me your sparkling power, quick, unquenchable and eternally burning energy!”

Leave the candle triangle to burn out, and then simply throw away the remainder.

The last stage of this ritual is that you need to plant your personal item in a container with soil, and then the container must be buried under a fruit-bearing tree. This will symbolize that luck will sprout and grow.

Ritual to attract good luck to the house

For this ritual, all you need is a blessed church candle.

Blessed church candle

You need to light a candle at home at midnight, and walking through all the rooms clockwise, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Like a fire burns, so evil crackles, burns and disintegrates, and is removed from my home forever. Just as fire is light, bright and strong, so my luck will be strong and bright, full of constant and quick success. Let it be so".

When the candle goes out, the magical effect is over. This love spell can be performed as a preventive measure every month. And while the magic works and the person feels more confident.

Magic love spell for good luck using grain

Since ancient times, any seed reflected prosperity, a large harvest, happiness in the house, money. Grain is a symbol of the birth of new life. A love spell cast on grain has very great power, which is used by magic.

A love spell on grain has great power

You need to get unprocessed barley grains, you can take raw coffee beans. You can perform the ritual on a church holiday. Place the grain in a bag sewn with your own hands and take it to the church to the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Place grain in front of the icon, light a candle, read a prayer, and then sprinkle the seed with incense. Incense can be bought at the church. Then bring it all home.

The next step of the love spell is to stand in the middle of the room and sprinkle some grains on the top of your head. This symbolizes that luck has touched a person and left its mark. This ritual must be repeated after a month. But this time it is necessary for a blood relative to sprinkle the grain. The grains cannot be removed immediately. Let it lie there for a while and soak in the energy of the home.

Spell good luck using a silver coin

Attract good luck with a coin

In order to have money in the house, you need to attract good luck with the help of a silver coin. They cast a love spell on the full moon. When the moonlight is visible through the window, you need to put a coin in order to be charged with the energy of the Moon and then be able to attract wealth.

This ritual must be performed more than once until you feel that the magic is working. You should always carry the coin with you in your left pocket, but there should not be other money there.

Love spell to attract good luck using a horseshoe

You need to buy a horseshoe in a souvenir shop, but if you don’t have your own stable, of course. The horseshoe represents luck, success, prosperity, money. And read the following love spell words over the horseshoe:

Horseshoe brings good luck

“The horse galloped, bringing good luck. And you, horseshoe, bring us luck, success, goodness and happiness.”

Then hang a horseshoe at the entrance to your home - this will be your talisman. From time to time, the talisman must be laid out to soak in energy under the sun’s rays, and then be sure to read the plot again and hang it back.

With the help of love spells for good luck, you can help fate turn Lady Fortune in our direction.


In this article, I, a magician, Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to make a love spell for money and good luck, for beginner magicians. Witchcraft rituals are simple, tested many times, and work. You can attract luck in business and money on your own, bewitch it in a different way. Those who know how to make real love spells with money solve their problems and live happily, safely avoiding poverty and all sorts of disasters. And the first on the list of useful practical material is a ritual for mowed grass. And here’s how to make a love spell for money on grass.

DIY home love spell for good luck and money

The mown grass falls in waves. So, approach such a wave, take one of the bunches, and cast a strong love spell on it for money. You need to read it 7 times, after which you wipe your face with grass from bottom to top.

After you have read a strong love spell for good luck and money 7 times, and you have wiped your face with that bunch of grass, do not throw it under your feet, but sleep the night on it. You can dry the grass and make a pad. Sleeping on it periodically, as they did in the old days, feather pillows were rare.

A magical ritual based on personal power, an appeal to mother earth in a conspiracy. There is no dark energy in the ritual, and therefore such home love spell for money will not have negative consequences. The following ritual is also for magicians who have recently begun their practice. Read on to learn how to make a love spell for money on an inverted icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Black love spell to attract money on an inverted icon

In order to perform this ritual, you must be outside the Christian egregor, so that instead of money you do not receive a severe blow back. To bewitch money into your home yourself you will need:

  • icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant
  • sharp knife
  • your own blood
  • a piece of black natural fabric

The black ritual to cast money into your family should be done on the first day of the new moon, which coincides with Monday, and provided that in the morning the first person to contact you will be a man. If the condition is met, then in the evening place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant upside down, and read the words of the money plot through the church icon:

Having said self-made love spell for money, made by the power of black magic, you need to drip your blood onto the back surface of the icon. Wrap the Orthodox icon in cloth and keep it in a secret place. Through this influence, you can change circumstances in your favor and activate the flow of money from different sources.

The money ritual works well to attract clients if you are engaged in trade or work from home. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not say that this is the most powerful love spell for money, but it works well. There is no need for additional ransom here; your blood is used to pay off the demons.

Free money spell - Witch's Broom

A simple ritual to attract money with a new broom can significantly increase and stabilize your income. It is especially good if the work involves direct communication with people, i.e. if the money comes through clients. The proven ritual by practicing magicians is recognized as working; reviews from those who have done a love spell for big money on their own at home are positive.

And this is how they independently charm money into their lives. First you need to fast for seven days. You should not eat anything meat, you should also give up all dairy products. You can't drink alcohol this week, you can't smoke. In general, magicians should stop smoking altogether. At the beginning of the eighth day, before dawn, stand facing west. Hold a new broom in your right hand and read the text of the plot 43 times to bewitch good luck in business and money into your life:

Attract money using your own love spell - get rich through bird feeding

Here is another simple and really effective way to bewitch good luck in money matters. How to multiply money through a bird. They do it on the waxing moon. Needed for a magical ritual:

You need to notice where the birds gather. Wrap a piece of bread in a T-shirt, put it under your head, and sleep on it all night. In the morning, in order to make a strong love spell for good luck, financial and monetary gain, you need to go to the place where the birds gather. Crumble the bread into your palm and read the words of the white conspiracy to attract money:

Throw crumbs to the birds. As soon as the birds fly onto the bread, read the following text:

You can do this more than once during the waxing moon. There will only be reinforcements. It helps to attract clients on your own if you are engaged in private trade, provide services or run another private business. The magic ritual works better if you bake the bread yourself.

Forgery in such a ritual of white magic is necessary, as, indeed, for other similar plans for bringing money into your home. Absolutely no negative consequences of a love spell for luck and money will not be. Bird feeding is done on personal strength, the white ritual is exclusively positive.

If you successfully work on the energy of the dead, it will be useful for you to find out what kind of cemetery love spell you can make with money. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good option for a ritual for money and financial success through the power of graves.

A strong love spell for money and good luck - to help in business through a cemetery intersection

On Friday, on the waxing moon, you can bewitch money and good luck in business. But you need to prepare for it in advance. Dry the birch log that you will use in the magical ritual; raw logs are not suitable for the job.

So, what do you need to independently bewitch someone’s luck:

  • axe
  • dry birch log
  • nickel
  • linen bag

Chop 33 splinters from a birch log. The poleshka should be taken from a female birch tree; a male tree will not work. You should choose a tree like this: if the trunk is white, clean, without black spots - this is a female tree, that’s exactly what you need. And if there are a lot of black spots, it means the tree is male and unsuitable for the ceremony. The splinters should be elbow-length.

Place a nickel on the ground, put splinters on top, and set them on fire.

As soon as the fire flares up, read the plot of a strong love spell for money 9 times:

How to read effective 9 times love spell for good luck, strong words have been spoken, wait until the splinters burn to ash. Collect the ashes in a bag, take them to the cemetery and bury them there at the crossroads. The ax is left at the cemetery gate, on the ground. Carry the nickel with you until things go well. Then take it to the same intersection and bury it. A ransom to the owner of the cemetery is obligatory.

The magical love spell of good luck in a person’s life works best for those who are engaged in trade, because this ancient ritual is made specifically for sellers. It would not hurt to know not only about a money love spell, but also about its consequences. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you that the main danger here is to complete the work at the cemetery without errors. The purchase must be taken to the owner in advance and permission to perform the ceremony must be asked. But these are standard rules for cemetery work. And don’t skimp on the charity, bring some vodka and coins to the Owner. For the Mistress of the Cemetery -

Love spell for good luck: read at home

Have you ever thought about why everything comes naturally to some, while others have to fight for the same benefits? Is it fair that for one person everything is going wrong—studies, work, and personal life. And others work, work on themselves, but they cannot see such luck and luck as their own ears (except in the mirror). It turns out that luck is a matter of gain; you can lure her and tie her to you.

For this purpose, they came up with a love spell for good luck, a special ritual that corrects the energy of the person for whom it is performed. A lucky person is one whose field itself repels negativity. The person himself does nothing, doesn’t even think about it. Its energy is structured in such a way that it attracts or creates favorable circumstances or events. The aura of any person can be pushed to such a state. The only thing that can be said is that the result will be individual. It directly depends on the state of this energy.

Agree that cleaning the room where a tidy person lives is much easier than clearing out all the garbage from the shed in which all unnecessary rubbish has been stored for years. This is very similar to how our energy works. If since childhood you have lived in a paradigm of envy and malice, then it will be difficult to clean out the flows. And for those who are initially accustomed to thinking positively, a small magical push is enough to restructure the entire functioning of energy.

Love spell for good luck: an integrated approach to the issue

Those who want to actually bewitch good luck should understand a few simple things. Magic certainly helps. Only it will not be able to completely change your worldview. You will have to work with this yourself. That is, after performing the ritual, you need to take care of what and how you think, what you talk about, and so on.

Luck loves those who live with an “open soul,” people who are kind and generous to everyone. And he avoids those who envy, hate, fear, and so on. In order for the love spell magic to trigger the energy mechanism, you will have to revise your feelings and thoughts and get rid of what is interfering. Only then will the effect be such that you yourself will be surprised.

And you won’t have to do almost anything. Just try to see the good side of any event. If you practice, you will understand that it is not only very simple, but also extremely pleasant. It is much more comfortable to live in a world where joy and pleasure reign than in one where aggression rules.

Love spell for good luck on a horseshoe

The ritual itself can be performed in different ways. There is an option when the talisman is spoken. It must be carried with you everywhere so that it is in contact with the body. For example, you can buy a horseshoe pendant. It is put on a cord (not a chain) and worn around the neck.

Such a talisman is cast on the third day of the waxing moon. It is best to perform the ritual in the first hours of the third day. This can be seen using the Lunar calendar. The horseshoe must be kept under running water and the plot read:

“Water - water! Don't be lazy to pour! You are strong and pure, like the kindness of the Universe! Charge my horseshoe so that the house will have good luck, so that luck will not be transferred, so that it will stick into my destiny. Let her grow with me as if I were her hero! Let him go through life ahead, opening the gates to all cities!”

You need to read it seven times. Immediately hang the pendant around your neck and do not remove it. Please note that the stronger the flow of water, the more powerful the energy of the love spell. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the ritual near the bank of a fast-moving mountain river. If this is not possible, then turn on the faucet at full power.

It is recommended to carry out this ritual every month at first. This is due to the fact that you yourself, until you learn to live in a new paradigm, will begin to hinder magic, closing the flow of luck with your thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to give a new impetus, opening up the flows of energy. And a person himself gets used to control if he regularly reminds himself that the life of a successful person is his choice.

Love spell for good luck on the mirror

To clean the field and introduce fresh flows of energy into it, it is recommended to perform a ritual with a mirror at home. Just buy a new one, small in size. On Tuesday evening you need to take the mirror in your left hand and read the plot:

“The mirror is radiant, your soul is pure! What is invested in you is what is due to me! And you reflect all troubles and obstacles from the path! Only joy and victories in my life you will miss! Amen!"

The mirror is placed next to the front door, with the reflective surface facing the threshold. Several pieces of glass like this can be used. One for home, the other for work, and so on. Every month or two it must be washed in well-salted water and spoken again.

Love spell for good luck on grain

This ritual is performed on any major Church holiday. Most often it was held on Christmas Day. You need to sew yourself a small bag of such a size that it can fit a handful of grains of wheat, coffee and barley. They go to the festive service with this bag. There you need to put a candle in front of the Icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Wait and ask him for help. The bag must be placed open in front of the Icon. That is, you need to make sure that the grains are saturated with the “spirit” of the Temple.

Before leaving, buy incense from the store and put it in your bag. When you get home, take out some grains and sprinkle it on yourself. It’s very good if your mother helps you with this. A soul mate who sincerely wishes you happiness will add his love to the ritual. Place the bag in a secluded place. You can use grains when you feel that luck has begun to turn its back on you again.

Before you begin preparing for the ritual, remember that the grains must be unprocessed. That is, just store-bought cereal won’t do. Grain must be looked for in the market, where they sell feed. Coffee – any kind, but not ground. But after the ritual, do not sweep the floor. Let the grains lie on the carpets and work on changing the energy of the house.

And one more piece of advice. All rituals to spell good luck can be done at the same time. And they should be repeated as often as you want. The fact is that no one except you can determine how much help you need. It’s impossible to go overboard when it comes to casting a good luck spell, even if you cast a spell every day!

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