Passing the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask? Tests from a psychiatrist to obtain a license Tests from a psychologist to obtain a driver's license.

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.12.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

Russia may introduce mandatory psychological testing before allowing a person to drive

The Russian Federation has begun to develop standards for psychological testing of future drivers. If now only professional drivers visit a psychologist, the new format involves additional testing for aggressiveness of all those who get behind the wheel at the stage of obtaining a driver’s license. According to some experts, additional psychological testing will prevent a lot of accidents and violations. However, others are confident that tests will only reveal a certain tendency, but it is impossible to predict how a person will behave in a given life situation. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

The Serbsky Center has taken up the criteria for inadmissibility to drive

At the Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology (FMICPN) named after. V.P. Serbsky began developing new standards for passing a psychological test to obtain a driver's license. If now, when applying for a medical certificate, they are limited to a short check with a psychiatrist and checking with the database of mental health centers, then the new standard will involve passing psychological tests that will reveal the level of aggressiveness and hostility of the future driver. For the new format, “clinical and psychological tools and psychological criteria for admission or inadmissibility to driving” are being created.

Today the law does not provide for a psychiatrist to refer a motorist for additional research. Testing with a psychologist is mandatory only for professional drivers. The new standard intends to extend it to everyone who gets behind the wheel.

Today the law does not provide for a psychiatrist to refer a motorist for additional research. Photo

The criterion for admission or inadmissibility to driving should be established not only by a psychiatrist, but also by a clinical (medical) psychologist, Izvestia quotes the words of Dmitry Kalinkin, a researcher at the Laboratory of Psychohygiene and Psychoprevention of the Federal Medical Research Center named after. V.P. Serbian.

According to the expert, a psychologist can not only identify the level of aggressiveness and hostility in a person, which will prevent a lot of accidents and violations. Double checking will make it possible to better identify the structure of mental disorders.

FAR: “It’s high time”

It is still unclear how the verification will be implemented in practice. This is not the first time that attempts have been made to reduce road aggression, but so far the situation has not been significantly improved. “Now there is a concept of dangerous driving, although our organization at one time proposed to separate the concepts of aggressive and dangerous, they wrote to Shuvalov (First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, - approx. ed.). He is also the chairman of the government commission on road safety. But nothing has changed yet. Dangerous driving occurs due to inexperience and ignorance. Aggression is deliberate actions,” says Ramil Khairullin, representative of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia (FAR) in Tatarstan.

However, he is confident that the introduction of additional psychological testing is justified.

It is high time. If the check is carried out normally, not formally, but with real non-admissions, then the number of inadequate drivers will definitely be reduced. There are enough psychologists today, and we don’t need many of them. It seems to me that not only future, but also “past” drivers should be sent through psychologists. There is a lot of aggression on the roads.

Ramil Khairullin: “If the check is carried out normally, not formally, but with real non-admissions, then the number of inadequate drivers will definitely be reduced.” Photo

“Everything will depend not only on his personality, but also on the situation as a whole”

However, not all professionals are confident that tests can improve the situation on the roads. The head of the Department of Medical Psychology of KSMU, Professor Vladimir Mendelevich states that the result of any test is relative.

It is possible to identify a certain tendency, but it is impossible to predict how a person will behave in a given life situation. Because it will depend not only on him, on his personality, but also on the situation as a whole. I am very skeptical about information in newspapers; it needs to be double-checked. And I don’t know if such developments are really underway. In addition, I don’t understand the purpose of creating new tests if there are a huge number of such tests and they have already proven themselves to be quite convincing.

He considers the task of creating tests to determine the expected behavior of a person behind the wheel to be practically impossible.

There is no such specificity. Then they will also need to distinguish a KAMAZ driver from a MAZ driver. Well, this is all stupidity... In general, this is a wrong approach - trying to identify something with a 100% guarantee using some tests. I call our society the society of the winning lie detector. Because the lie detector is a myth. It cannot be used to tell whether a person is lying or telling the truth. And all these tests are just as big deceivers. In a sense, you can rely on them, but not as a fundamental method for identifying any pathology.

Alexander Shakirov, Irina Plotnikova

There is probably no point in discussing the benefits of psychological tests, since it is beyond doubt. This applies to absolutely all areas of our lives, or at least those in which human participation is assumed. With the help of tests, it is possible to obtain a lot of useful information, and based on this information, draw appropriate conclusions.

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In particular, as an example we can cite motorists, whose number in the world amounts to millions, especially since the number of new cars that the auto industry offers for sale is constantly growing. Whatever they say, modern people are already accustomed to traveling by vehicle and this is the reality of our lives, but it is one thing to sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride, and quite another to get behind the wheel and take responsibility for the lives of other passengers. Despite the fact that people of different ages, genders and social status are now receiving licenses, it is advisable that each of them be psychologically stable, because there are many stressful situations on the road and you should always be prepared for them.

Using tests, you can create a psychological portrait of the applicant

Unfortunately, accidents happen quite often, and even if you are a very experienced driver and drive only according to the rules, this does not at all guarantee that you will be able to avoid an accident. With the help of appropriate tests, it is possible to determine how stress-resistant a person is, and whether he can carry out passenger transportation on public transport, in which responsibility for people’s lives increases many times over. In fact, not everyone will be able to cope not only with the physical, but also with the psychological stress in such situations, so it is quite natural that a check of each applicant is necessary.

Questions in tests are usually related not only to traffic rules, or various transport situations, but also to many other issues, because you need to see the full picture and understand how truly a person corresponds to the position for which he is applying. The driver of a vehicle must be not only a specialist in his main profession, but also in some way a psychologist, since there are different passengers and you always need to be ready to come to their aid.

Mentally ill people should not drive, this is an axiom. That is why the path to obtaining and re-issuing a driver’s license lies through the psychiatrist’s office. Usually the doctor conducts an appointment in 1-2 minutes.

The main questions that a clinic worker must ask: Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you use drugs? Are you registered? Have you ever had a traumatic brain injury?

Attention! By asking tricky questions, doctors do not want to confuse you or hear the right answers. The main thing for them is to understand how you think and assess the level of overall development.

Based on the answers, the doctor may conduct additional examination. For example, he will ask you to name geometric shapes, check your reaction speed using a computer program, or take several tests.

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes. In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions. And there were those who proposed solving original problems:

  • subtract 17 units from the number 100 and reach 0;
  • explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;
  • guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us? Something about the face/surname is familiar.” It doesn’t matter what the visitor answers, the doctor will just carefully look at the reaction. After all, any driver needs endurance.

Visiting a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office

When passing a driving commission, it is beneficial for a specialist to quickly issue a certificate, so problems can arise only in special cases. At the military registration and enlistment office everything is much more complicated. On the one hand, doctors need to provide the required number of recruits. On the other hand, prevent guys with obvious disabilities from getting weapons. Therefore, the questions here are much more diverse:

  1. Describe the difference between a bird and an airplane.
  2. Are you crazy?
  3. Tell me the multiplication table.
  4. Do epilepsy attacks occur?
  5. Do you have phobias?
  6. What is heavier, 1 kg of brick or cotton wool?
  7. Is anything bothering you?
  8. Where is Italy located?
  9. What troops do you want to serve in?
  10. Have you had suicidal thoughts?

Advice. A psychiatrist, like a narcologist, may ask to show your hands for injection marks. There is no need to refuse an inspection. Perhaps this is the only thing that is important for a specialist to know.

In some military registration and enlistment offices, psychiatrists prepare in advance for a conversation with a conscript by studying characteristics from the place of study or work. And in others, they don’t ask questions at all if the visitor has no complaints. The main thing is to behave completely calmly at the reception and not be afraid of the wrong answers.

Appointment with a psychiatrist for a medical examination

A medical examination is usually carried out upon hiring and during work annually, or once every 2 years. Medical examination is required for:

  • trade specialists;
  • for drivers of any transport;
  • workers of enterprises and industries with hazardous working conditions (firefighter, roofer, emergency services employee, etc.);
  • employees of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;
  • medical workers;
  • for those who install and repair water pipes.

During a medical examination, psychiatrists are interested in having a good specialist work in his place. Therefore, it is rare that a doctor will carefully look for abnormalities in a kindergarten employee with forty years of experience. The question that is most often asked during a medical examination is: “Do you have any complaints?”

Secrets of professional doctors

When an absolutely healthy person hears inappropriate questions from a doctor, he is surprised and confused about the answers. The secret is that mental health specialists identify mental disorders using non-standard problems.

Attention! Strange questions are needed to identify indicators of mental disorders.

No psychiatrists are scary for a rationally thinking person. No matter what verbal traps they prepare, the main thing is to answer calmly and confidently.

Taking a psychological test - video

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations.

Employment tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, for lawyers, and even for sales consultants...

On this page of the psychoanalytic website website you will be able to take psychological tests used for hiring in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because Each employer can use its own testing, depending on the required personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of an applicant for a specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do applicants undergo when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when hiring in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations..., Banks (Sberbank), trade..., testing for the position of manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, sales worker (sales consultant), lawyer...etc. (test for choosing a profession)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of tests on the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software version)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

A verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where the applicant’s verbal (speech) abilities are required.

Math tests

Some corporations use mathematical tests when hiring to determine an applicant's analytical abilities.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests in the hiring process.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logic tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant’s ability to find the right solutions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for employment and subsequent re-certification - of applicants and current employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...)

Personality tests

Main, a widely used personality test for employment is the SMIL (Standardized Multivariate Personality Test) test - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) and its shortened version, the MMPI Mini-Cartoon.

Intelligence tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

  • CAT test online (a short indicative questionnaire to determine general mental abilities - sometimes used in the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Genius test (also known as the “Red Square” reaction test - sometimes used in the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

Many modern organizations require creative, creative people, who sometimes must have organizational and even entrepreneurial abilities, which is why creative tests are also used when hiring.

The story of what I had to go through to prove that my son was normal and ready to be a driver, as well as how nerve-wracking it was to undergo a medical examination, or rather, a conversation with a psychiatrist from the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, was told to “GCh” by a resident of the village of Lyusino Elena Rylko, whose son, preparing to take the driver's license exam, underwent a medical examination on February 16.
This is what the mother of Daniil, a student at the Gantsevichi State Vocational Lyceum of Agricultural Production, said.

“I understand perfectly well that the essence of checking with a psychiatrist is to find out whether a person is ready to get behind the wheel. I agree that the doctor should check how balanced a person is, what kind of reaction he has, how he thinks. I’ve heard a lot, that during an examination, a psychiatrist can sometimes even ask strange questions in order to analyze thinking and identify mental disorders. But in our case, the test was aimed at testing mental abilities. Moreover, as it turned out, the knowledge should be, if not the same as that of the medalist. a good one, that’s for sure. And I think that this is unacceptable not only for an excellent driver, but also for an average one.”, - said Elena Mikhailovna.

The woman said that psychiatrist Alexander Myalik asked her son 12 questions. According to the woman, they were from the fields of geography, mathematics, and literature. “Despite the fact that they were quite strange, my son answered and, it seems to me, he did not give any illogical or absurd answers”, – Elena noted.

After testing the patient, the doctor, according to the mother, without explaining any reasons, refused to mark him as fit to drive and wrote a referral to a psychiatrist in the city of Baranovichi.

According to Elena Rylko, her son is not the only “victim” of this specialist. In his opinion, almost the entire group was unfit to drive a vehicle.

“If so many guys didn’t pass the test, then maybe the reason is not the patients, but the clinic specialist?”– the parent wondered.

Elena Mikhailovna does not consider her son a fool or unbalanced and, if necessary, will stand up for him like a mountain. And for such a course of events, given that the doctor had already labeled more than one person unfit, she said, she was ready. Lyceum students have already been warned that the psychiatrist will examine well and were advised to visit the doctor with their parents if possible.

“I don’t consider myself a brawler, but it was simply impossible to talk to a psychiatrist. He demonstrated his superiority over us in every possible way, indicating that he decides whether my son is fit or not. I was outraged by the doctor’s behavior, and I decided not to retreat until the last moment.”, - said the villager.

The parents decided to prove that the young man was ready to get behind the wheel through the head physician of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, Vadim Soshko. His parents first told him about the conflict with his subordinate, and then wrote a statement asking him to take the test again, but with a different specialist.

“The head doctor treated us humanely. He gave the go-ahead to obtain a report from a narcologist. Elena Nikolaevna again, in the presence of the head of the district clinic, Ekaterina Solodukha, asked questions to her son. He replied. She did not notice any disturbances in his mental state and considered Daniil fit to drive a vehicle.”, said the student’s mother.

According to Elena Rylko, lyceum students are already afraid to go to a psychiatrist - a doctor whose duty is not to irritate or frighten, but, on the contrary, to make them feel at ease!

The woman is determined. For her fairly frayed nerves and, in her opinion, the tactless attitude of the doctor towards patients, Elena Nikolaevna intends to write appeals to all higher authorities, in which she will ask for an extraordinary certification of the psychiatrist of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, Alexander Myalik, who, in her opinion, violated the norms of professional ethics and deontology.

Commentary by psychiatrist of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital Alexander Myalik

A psychiatric examination for future drivers is necessary in order to examine all the functions of abstraction, understanding, level of knowledge, and generalization processes.

The patient is asked questions from the school curriculum. If he does not answer them, then the question arises about the state of general mental health. And there are two problems here - it could be mental retardation or problems with learning literacy. Mental retardation is an intellectual disability, and learning disabilities are a diagnosis.

If a person does not answer the questions asked, when the level of knowledge and general awareness is low, then the question arises about the need to study the IQ level (IQ). The test takes place in specialized institutions, with people who have undergone special training. A whole commission of psychiatrists talks with the patient. It is assessed how he behaves and how he possesses the acquired skills. The nearest specialized psychiatric organization is in Baranovichi. The decision about suitability or unsuitability is made there.

A special test is done there. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn - this is mild mental retardation, in which driving a vehicle is contraindicated, or these are problems with learning and literacy, which are not a contraindication to obtaining a driver's license.

I didn’t ask the young man any strange questions. There were the usual questions from the school curriculum: on the multiplication table, on geography (what country we live in, what city is the capital, what regions are in our country and who we border with). There can be no options there.

There may be options, relatively speaking, when explaining the meaning of a proverb. It can be explained in different ways, but the meaning will be the same. In this way, abstraction processes are analyzed. The number of questions is individual. It all depends on how the person responds.

I don’t know why the parents of the named patient were alarmed. I didn’t even have time to answer anything specifically when they began to conflict and didn’t even listen to what they were told. They asked to be present, but in fact they even interfered with the process.

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